Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela

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Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
                 Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
                                May 22, 2022
                            22 de mayo, del 2022

 Congratulations                            ¡Felicidades a
   to our newly                             nuestros jovenes
 confirmed youth!                         recien confirmados!
  You've been sealed                      ¡Han sido sellados con
with the gift of the Holy                 don del Espíritu Santo!
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School ~ May 22, 2022
                                           A Parish staffed by Salvatorians since our foundation in 1925 .
                                       6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Main Number: 414- 442-7600
                                                    Website: ~ School FAX 442-0644
                              Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM, Misa 12 PM~ Weekday Masses: Tuesday,
                                        Thursday & Sat. 8:15 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Spanish
                                    Individual Reconciliation by appointment as well. Please contact Fr. Reed.

     Our Parish Mission Statement
“Mother of Good Counsel is a Catholic
community committed to the teachings of
Jesus Christ through Worship, Ministry,                                           May 22, 2022
Stewardship, and Outreach.”
                                                      Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [4]/Rv 21:10-14, 22-23/Jn
         Calendar for the week of May 22              Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b/Jn 15:26—16:4a
 Sunday, May 22
                                                      Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8/Jn 16:5-11
 10:00am Mass ~ Church
 11:00am K5 to Pre-Confirmation Faith                 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14/Jn 16:12-
             Formation Class                                   15
 11:30am Santo Rosario~ Iglesia                       Thursday: Acts 18:1-8/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4/ Jn 16:16-20 Ascension:
 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia                             Acts 1:1-11/ Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-
                                                               28; 10:19-23/Lk 24:46-53
 4:00pm     Confirmation Rehearsal                    Friday: Acts 18:9-18/ /Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7/Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts
 Monday, May 23                                                18:23-28/ Ps 47:2-3, 8-9, 10/Jn 16:23b-28
 7:00pm     Confirmations at MGC                      Next Sunday: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/ Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Eph 1:17-
 7:00pm     AA/Al-Anon Meeting                                 23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23/Lk 24:46-53
 Tuesday, May 24                                      Seventh Sunday of Easter: Acts 7:55-60/ Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9 [1a, 9a]/Rv
                                                               22:12-14, 16-17, 20/Jn 17:20-26
 8:15am     Mass ~ Church
 9:00am     Bible Study
 7:30pm AA Meeting ~ Paulik Hall
 Wednesday, May 25
 9:00am     Adoration ~ Chapel
 6:30pm     Individual Reconciliation~ Church                                        Sacristy Linens
 7:00pm     Misa en español ~ Iglesia
                                                                                     May 22: Mary Betzwieser
 Thursday, May 26
 8:15am     Mass ~ Church
 6:30pm     Addiction Prayer Group
 1:00pm     Adoration ~ Chapel
 Friday, May 27
 Saturday, May 28                                   Sunday, May 22              10:00AM      †               Bob Grothe
 8:15am     Mass ~ Church
 10:00am Mass ~ Church                                                                             Maria de Jesus Navarro y
                                                    Domingo, 22 de mayo         12:00PM
 5:00pm     Mass of Anticipation                                                             †        Simon Hernandez
 Sunday, May 29
 10:00am Mass ~ Church                              Tuesday, May 24             8:15AM       †               John July
 11:00am K5 to Pre-Confirmation Faith
                                                    Miércoles, 25 de mayo 7:00PM                       For MGC Parish
             Formation Class
 11:30am Santo Rosario~ Iglesia                     Thursday, May 26            8:15PM       †        Margaret C Novak
 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia
                                                    Saturday, May 28            8:15AM       †               Grace Ivy
             Lector Schedule                                                                             Ruth Plakut &
                                                    Saturday, May 28            5:00PM       †          Fr. Peter Plakut
May 28: Meg Bowen                                   Sunday, May 29              10:00AM      †
                                                                                                      Bernice McGregor &
                                                                                                        Jessie Brandis
May 29: Cornelius Amuhngwa                          Domingo, 29 de mayo         12:00PM      † Francisco Rodriguez Torres
        Kathy Denk
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela ~ 22 de mayo , 2022
                                    6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Numero de teléfono: 414- 442-7600
                                                Pagina de web: ~ Escuela FAX 442-0644
                           Misa de fin de semana: sábado 5:00 pm, domingo 10:00 am, domingo a las 12:00 pm en español
      Misas durante la semana: martes, jueves y sábado a las 8:15 AM en ingles y Miércoles a las 7:00 pm en español
 Confesión individual por cita también esta disponible, favor de comunicarse con el Padre Reed. Actualmente todas las misas
                 están siendo transmitidas por Facebook Live bajo el nombre Mother of Good Counsel Parish.

                                                                              Domingo, 22 de may 2022
            Horario de la oficina                                                    12:00PM

    Lunes a Jueves de 8:00am-2:30pm
        Viernes 8:00am-12:00pm
                                                             Por: El eterno descanso de
                                                             Maria De Jesus
         Equipo Pastoral: Número de
                                                             Navarro y Simon
         teléfono: 414-442-7600
Pastor: Padre Reed Mungovan, SDS
414 331 9687 celular o extensión 125
para mensajes únicamente
                                                                  Las lecturas de la semana del
Director de Formación:                                                  22 de mayo, 2022
Mariza y Robert……………..414-899-1811
                                                       Domingo: Hch 15, 1-2. 22-29/Sal 66, 2-3. 5. 6. 8 [4]/Ap 21, 10-14. 22-
Personal docente de la Escuela                                 23/Jn 14, 23-29
                                                       Lunes: Hch 16, 11-15/Sal 148, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 y 9/Jn 15, 26—16, 4
Directora: Rachel Johnston……..ext.119
                                                       Martes: Hch 16, 22-34/Sal 137, 1-2. 2-3. 7-8/Jn 16, 5-11

                                                       Miércoles: Hch 17, 15-16. 22—18, 1/Sal 148, 1-2. 11-12. 13. 14/Jn 16,
                                                       Jueves: Hch 18, 1-8/Sal 97, 1. 2-3. 3-4/ Jn 16, 16-20 Ascensión: Hch 1,
  Nuestra Misión como Parroquia                                 1-11/ Sal 46, 2-3. 6-7. 8-9 [6]/Ef 1, 17-23 o Heb 9, 24-28; 10,
Madre del Buen Consejo es una comunidad                         19-23/Lc 24, 46-53
católica comprometida a las enseñanzas de              Viernes: Hch 18, 9-18/Sal 46, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7/Jn 16, 20-23
 Cristo Jesús a través de los ministerios de           Sábado: Hch 18, 23-28/ Sal 46, 2-3. 8-9. 10/Jn 16, 23-28
  eucaristía, oración, apoyo económico y
                ayuda social.                          Domingo siguiente: Ascensión: Hch 1, 1-11/ Sal 46, 2-3. 6-7. 8-9 [6]/
                                                               Ef 1, 17-23 o Heb 9, 24-28; 10, 19-23/Lc 24, 46-53
                                                       7º Domingo de Pascua: Hch 7, 55-60/Sal 96, 1-2. 6-7. 9 [1. 9]/ Ap 22,
                                                               12-14. 16-17. 20/Jn 17, 20-26
   Requisitos para la misa y fiesta de
 La quinceañera y su familia necesitan ser
 miembros de nuestra Iglesia por lo menos un               Estamos orgullosos y agradecidos con los Soldados y
 año.                                                      Veteranos de nuestra parroquia. Especialmente con
                                                           estos dos valientes, Junior León (Marine) hijo de
               La quinceañera necesita estar
                                                           Laura Rodríguez, y Nelson Xavier Nuñez (National
               involucrada en un servicio en
               la misa por lo menos medio
                                                           Guard) hijo de Maria González Nuñez (Conchita).
               año y pertenecer a nuestro                  Tengamos a estos jóvenes y sus familias en
               programa de educación                       nuestras oraciones. ¡ Que Dios los bendiga!
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
From the Desk of Father Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S.
 Dear Friends in Christ,

 This weekend we celebrate the Sixth Sunday of Easter. Next Sunday we will celebrate the Ascension of our Lord.

 Father Francis Fernandez writes in his series, In Conversation with God,
          “During this forty-day period between Easter and the Ascension of Our Lord, the Church asks us to keep our eyes on
          Heaven, our final dwelling place, to which Our Lord is calling us. This invitation becomes more pressing as we
          approach the day on which Jesus went up to the right hand of His Father.
          Our Lord had promised His disciples that in a little while He would be with them forever. Yet a little while, and the
          world will see me no more, but you will see me. Our Lord has kept His promise in this period when He stays close to
          His loved ones. But this presence will not end when He goes up with His glorious body to His Father, because, by
          His Passion and Death He has prepared for us a place in His Father’s house, where there are many mansions. I will
          come again, He tells them, and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”
 O my Jesus, help me to trust in Your promise that You desire to be with me always. Amen.

 We continue to live-stream all our masses on They are then placed on our website:

 We have raised over $210,670 for our Love One Another Campaign. Please help us to reach our goal of $355,000.

 I appreciate you very much,
 Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
 Holy Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us.

                           Desde el escritorio del Padre Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S.
  Queridos Amigos en Cristo,

  Hoy celebramos el Sexto Domingo de la Resurrección. El próximo domingo, celebramos la Ascensión de nuestro Señor

  El Padre Francisco Fernández escribe en su libro Hablar con Dios,
         “En estos cuarenta días que median entre la Pascua y la Ascensión del Señor, la Iglesia nos invita a tener los
         ojos puestos en el Cielo, nuestra Patria definitiva, a la que el Señor nos llama. Esta invitación se hace más
         apremiante cuando se acerca el día en que Jesús sube a la derecha del Padre.
         El Señor había prometido a sus discípulos que después de un poco de tiempo estaría con ellos para siempre.
         Todavía un poco y el mundo ya no me verá, pero vosotros me veréis... El Señor ha cumplido su promesa en
         estos días en que permanece junto a los suyos, pero esta presencia no se terminará cuando suba con su
         Cuerpo glorioso al Padre, pues con su Pasión y Muerte nos ha preparado un lugar en la casa del Padre,
         donde hay muchas moradas. De nuevo vendré -les dice- y os llevaré junto a mí para que donde yo estoy
         estéis también vosotros.”
         O Jesús, ayúdame a confiar en Tu promesa que Tu quieres estar con nosotros siempre. Amen.
  Estamos transmitiendo las Misas por y están en nuestra página web:

  Tenemos más de $210,670 para nuestra Campaña Ámense Uno al Otro. Por favor, ayúdanos a cumplir nuestra meta de

  Les aprecio mucho,
  Padre Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
  Santa María, Madre del Buen Consejo, ruega por nosotros.

                                                                            Calling all current middle school boys! Bring
                    Good Steward Weekly Report                              yourself and a friend Monday, June 13 to
                                                                            Wednesday, June 15 to St Lawrence Seminary
     Week 45             Weekly              YTD          Budgeted          High School in Mt Calvary, WI for three days of
                                                                            field Olympics, games, team building, and
Envelopes              $1,335           $196,451         $206,612           prayer. You’re sure to have a blast living in our
Offertory              $476.82          $24,835          $12,785            dorms, eating lots of food, and making new
                                                                            friends! Cost is $50 and includes
Totals                                  $221,286         $219,397           housing and food. Transportation
Balance                                                  $1,889             is available from select cities
                                                                            throughout the state. Register at:
Capital Improvements   $364             $5,079                    
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
         DE LA SEMANA (Live the Liturgy)                                   FOR THE WEEK
         Todos quieren experimentar la paz. Cuando                   Everyone wants to experience peace. When we
buscamos que el mundo nos proporcione esto, podemos        look to the world to provide this for us, we can easily get
decepcionarnos fácilmente. Asociamos la paz con la         disappointed. We associate peace with an absence of
ausencia de guerra y conflicto, buenas relaciones entre    war and conflict, good relationships between neighbors
vecinos y compañeros de trabajo, el logro del éxito e      and coworkers, the achievement of success and even
incluso la ausencia de ruido. Si bien todos estos son      the absence of noise! While all of these are worthy
esfuerzos valiosos, perseguirlos exclusivamente como       endeavors, pursuing them exclusively as a path to
un camino para experimentar la paz nos prepara para el     experiencing peace sets us up for failure. When we look
fracaso. Cuando buscamos la paz fuera de nosotros
                                                           for peace outside of ourselves, it will never be found.
mismos, nunca la encontraremos. La paz verdadera y
                                                           True and lasting peace is something that comes from
duradera es algo que viene de adentro y no algo que
                                                           within and not something we can produce on our own or
podamos producir por nuestra cuenta o recibir de otros.
La paz se descubre cuando experimentamos una plenitud      receive from others. Peace is discovered when we
y armonía internas. Nace de un sentido de conexión con     experience an inner wholeness and harmony. It is born
un Dios que es mayor y más grande que nosotros, regalá-    of a sense of connectedness with a God who is larger
ndonos su presencia. Es la única paz ofrecida por Cristo   and greater than ourselves, gifting us with His presence.
Resucitado que puede calmar nuestro corazón y calmar       It is the only the peace offered by the Risen Christ that
nuestros miedos. Independientemente del grado de tumul-    can settle our hearts and calm our fears. Regardless
to que nos rodea, esta sensación de plenitud que Jesús     of the degree of turmoil around us, this sense of
nos da ancla nuestros barcos y evita que nos hundamos.     completeness that Jesus gives anchors our boats and
                                                           prevents us from sinking.

                 Santa Rita de Casia                                         St. Rita of Cascia
                     22 de mayo                                                    May 22

        Santa Rita de Casia (1381 - 1457) tuvo la                  St. Rita of Cascia (1381 – 1457) had the
oportunidad de vivir su vida como esposa, madre,           opportunity to live her life as a wife, mother, widow,
viuda y, finalmente, miembro de una comunidad              and eventually, member of a religious community.
religiosa. Santa Rita, nacida en el centro de Italia,      Born in central Italy, St. Rita felt the calling to
sintió el llamado a convertirse en monja, pero fue         become a nun, but was pressured at a young age
presionada a casarse a una edad temprana. Duran-           into marriage. During her 18-year marriage to a
te su matrimonio de 18 años con un hombre cruel,           cruel man, she raised two sons. When her
crió a dos hijos. Cuando su esposo fue asesinado           husband was killed in a brawl and her sons died,
en una pelea y sus hijos murieron, Santa Rita decid-       St. Rita decided to go back to her first love and
ió volver a su primer amor e intentó unirse a las          attempted to join the Augustinian nuns in Cascia.
monjas agustinas de Casia. Su condición de viuda           Her status as a widow caused some complications
le ocasionó algunas complicaciones a su ingreso,           to her entering, but she eventually succeeded in
pero finalmente logró profesar los votos. A lo largo       professing vows. Throughout her lifetime, St. Rita
de su vida, Santa Rita de Cascia fue conocida por          of Cascia was known for her prayerfulness and
su oración y caridad. También experimentó estig-           charity. She also experienced stigmata on her
mas en la frente, meditó con frecuencia en la pasión       forehead, meditated frequently on Christ’s passion,
de Cristo y cuidó de las monjas de su comunidad            and cared for the nuns of her religious community
religiosa y de la comunidad laica que acudía a ella        and those in the lay community who came to her
en busca de consejo.                                       for counsel.

                                                                     God has called to Himself the
                                                                     following Parishioner:
                                                                              John July
                                                                     Let us pray as a community of
                                                                     faith that he may experience the
                                                                     joy and peace of eternal life.
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
Happy Birthday
          (May 22nd to 28th)

 Ramiro Jaramillo Jr      David Brunow
     William Klug       Kathryn Flanigan-
 Kathleen M Sovey              Cave
  Alonso Banuelos       Sean Harrington
    Carol Degele      Carolina Lopez-Alavez
   Lindsay Enters      Deborah McNaghton
   Margaret Marz         Karen L Murphy
     Hunter Roll          Daniel Rowan
Emely Alvarez-Cuellar     James Rude
    Jaylin Daniels        Grace Spella
    Margie Glaser           Mary Bova
 Elizabeth Gleesing      Kayla M. Miller
    Davis Rowan          Harrison Taylor
   Emma L Dudek           Lucy Williams
   Joanne Hagen           Kristen Zettel
   Robert Konzal
    Susan Ratka
     Brian Cortes
    Karol Nowak
Richard Swearingen
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
Mother of Good Counsel School is seeking a number of positions to fill for the
               2022-23 school year. We pride ourselves in providing 96 years of academic
               excellence in Catholic education. We believe in educating children's mind, body
               and spirit. We are looking for compassionate and dedicated individuals to join our
               MGC community.

              If you are interested in joining us, please contact Principal Rachel Johnston at
(414) 442-7600 extension 119. Resumes and letters of recommendation can be sent to, or mailed directly to the school:

                     Mother of Good Counsel School (Attn: Rachel Johnston)
                                      3001 N. 68th Street
                                     Milwaukee, WI. 53210

The following positions are currently seeking applicants. Bilingual preferred, but not required.
Familiarity with faith based education is strongly recommended.

   • Part-time K5 aide: A high school diploma required and willingness to attend training for
   CPR, head trauma, as well as submission fingerprinting and background check.

   • Extended Care Program: part-time positions open for summer months as well as during
   the school year. A high school diploma is required and willingness to attend training for CPR,
   trauma, as well as submission fingerprinting and background check.

   • Middle School Math teacher (grades 6-8): A bachelor’s degree and teaching certification
   required as well as background check. We are looking for quality educators who have experi-
   ence working in an urban environment. A working knowledge of Google and Standards Based
   grading is ideal. Middle school teachers must possess excellent and effective communication
   skills and willingness to collaborate to provide a meaningful faith based education.

   • Substitute teachers: MGC is looking for substitute teachers to support staff on sick days,
   personal days, and professional development days. Looking for a candidate who has sharp
   and efficient classroom management skills, the ability to effectively implement lesson plans or
   classroom activities, and who have some experience working with various age groups. A
   bachelor’s degree, teaching degree or a substitute teaching certification required.

   • Part-time Spanish teacher: MGC is seeking a part-time Spanish teacher to service
   grades 1-8th grade. Qualified candidates will have experience working with various age
   groups, strong knowledge of content and culture, as well as competent classroom manage-
   ment skills. A bachelor’s degree, or teaching certification/license required.

   •   Part-time Art teacher: A qualified and knowledgeable art teacher is needed for grades K5
   -8th grade. Ideal candidates will have experience working with varying age groups, familiarity
   with faith based education, and excellent communication skills to work collaboratively with the
   greater school community. A bachelor’s degree, or teaching certification/license required.

   •   Full time 4th grade teacher: MGC is seeking a highly qualified and dedicated teacher to
   provide a faith based education to students attending fourth grade. Ideal candidates will have
   some experience working in an urban setting, familiarity with faith based education, excellent
   communication skills, ability to work efficiently on a team, and a working knowledge of stand-
   ards based grading or willingness to learn. A bachelor’s degree and teaching license required
   for elementary level.
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
PASTORAL STAFF: MGC Main Number 414-442-7600
                                                               Pastor: Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
Please remember in your prayers:                                      414-331-9687 cell or ext. 125 for messages only
Anne Bauer, Bob Borowski, Valerie Bradford, Richard
Bowd, Laura Brzakala, Emily Collins, Harold Dallapiazza,    
Quirt Dallapiazza, Ron DeHarde, Arlyne Fleissner, Ellen        Deacon Andy Meuler..................................................x104
Fredricks, Scott Fredricks, Lisa Geraci, Maria Godinez,     
Ginny Hack, Mariza Konzal, Barbara Kass, Ed Kovochich,
Angel Malagon, Maria Dolores Malagon, Mark Nadolski,           Deacon Dean Collins.................................. 262-782-0535
Jose Navarro Jr, Lucy Navarro, Kris Nehrbass, Jack          
O’Dell, Leo Pallasch, Elaine Reidy, Joel Rivera, Gaby          Directors of Faith Formation: Mariza Cruz Konzal
Rodriguez, Jose Sanchez, Agnes Schilz, Annette                 & Robert Konzal…….……….…ext. 107 or 414-899-1811
Swanson,, Mary Uhlenkamp, Paul Willmering, John Winter,
Jeffrey Yockey, Barbara Zukowski,                           
                                                               Director of Music & Liturgy: Grace Majewski..........x103
If you know of someone who needs or would appreciate a visit
from Fr. Reed please call: 414-442-7600 ext. 102.
                                                               Director of Business Office :
                                                               Sandy De La Garza…............................................... x105
                                                               Finance Assistant: Kathy Mymudes………………...x117
               Military Prayer list                         
                                                               Director of Facilities: Adolfo Delgado……............. x168
  National Guard; Nelson Xavier Nunez, son of                  Administrative Assistant:
  Maria Gonzalez Nunez (Conchita)                              Gaby Rodriguez………………….……………….........x102
  Marine Luis Ornelas, son of Rosa Laura Reynoso            
  Ramirez                                                      SCHOOL STAFF
                                                               Principal: Rachel Johnston ……............................. x119
  Navy Petty Officer Kyle Walcheske, nephew of
  Cathy Walcheske
                                                               School Secretary: Barb Berthold …........................ x118
  Air Force; Louis Cruz, nephew of Robert & Mariza          
  Konzal                                                       Director of ECP: Mindy Kwiatkowski…………..….. x123
  Senior Chief Petty Officer U.S. Coast Guard               
  Kenneth Seefeld, grandson of Elaine Seefeld                  Cafeteria Director: Lisa Klug…………….…………...x122
  Marine Sergeant Dwain J. Burke, nephew of                    Trustees
  Brenda & Bob Beaumier                                        Karen Murphy & Dan Scholz
  Army Sergeant Major James Cook, son of Mary &                Pastoral Council Chairperson: Phil Koth..414-350-3745
  Michael Cook
                                                               St. Vincent DePaul: ……………….….414-442-7600 x155
  Air Force Sergeant Kurt Buckawiecki, grandson-
  in-law of Arthur Kreitzer                                    Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound
                                                               Mary Betzwieser………….…………….……414-313-0012
  Special Forces Army Sergeant Joshua Kohut, an
  MGC Graduate & son of Kathy Kohut                            Other Ministries:
  Army Warrant Officer Bradley Dompke, Godson                  Contact the Parish Office at 414-442-7600 x102 or the
  of Tony and Gail Dompke                                      School Office x118. For a more complete listing of our
                                                               ministries check our website at
  Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant David John
  Winter, son of Joan M. Winter and John F. Winter
                                                               We are streaming masses live on
  PFC Marine Stephen Thelaner, grandson of Dan &      (at https://
  Judith Scholz
                                                      ) or
  Please keep them and all people affected by war in           on our parish and school
  your Prayers and thoughts! Contact us in the Parish          website
  Office if you have any family members or friends
  who are currently serving and we will add their
  names to our prayer list.
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