INVESTIGACIÓN EN (JNIC2021 LIVE) - Manuel A. Serrano - Eduardo Fernández-Medina Cristina Alcaraz - Noemí de Castro - Guillermo Calvo - UCLM
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EDITORES: Manuel A. Serrano - Eduardo Fernández-Medina Cristina Alcaraz - Noemí de Castro - Guillermo Calvo Actas de las VI Jornadas Nacionales (JNIC2021 LIVE) INVESTIGACIÓN EN
Investigación en Ciberseguridad Actas de las VI Jornadas Nacionales ( JNIC2021 LIVE) Online 9-10 de junio de 2021 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Investigación en Ciberseguridad Actas de las VI Jornadas Nacionales ( JNIC2021 LIVE) Online 9-10 de junio de 2021 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Editores: Manuel A. Serrano, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Cristina Alcaraz Noemí de Castro Guillermo Calvo Cuenca, 2021
© de los textos e ilustraciones: sus autores © de la edición: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Edita: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Colección JORNADAS Y CONGRESOS n.º 34 © de los textos: sus autores. © de la edición: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. © de los textos e ilustraciones: sus autores © de la edición: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Edita: Ediciones Esta de la Universidad editorial esdemiembro Castilla-Lade Mancha la UNE, lo que garantiza la difusión y comercialización de sus publicaciones a nivel nacional e internacional Colección JORNADAS Edita: Ediciones de YlaCONGRESOS Universidad de n.º Castilla-La 34 Mancha. Colección JORNADAS Y CONGRESOS n.º 34 I.S.B.N.: 978-84-9044-463-4 Esta editorial es miembro de la UNE, lo que garantiza la difusión y comercialización de sus publi- caciones a nivel nacional e internacional. D.O.I.: Esta editorial es miembro de la UNE, lo que garantiza la difusión y I.S.B.N.: 978-84-9044-463-4 comercialización de sus publicaciones a nivel nacional e internacional D.O.I.: I.S.B.N.: Esta obra 978-84-9044-463-4 se encuentra bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. D.O.I.: Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta Esta obra se encuentra bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. obra no incluida en la licencia Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 solo puede ser realizada con la Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra no incluida autorización en expresa la licencia Creative de los CC Commons titulares, salvopuede BY 4.0 solo excepción prevista ser realizada con la por la ley. Puede autorización Vd. expresa de losacceder titulares, al texto completo de la licencia en este enlace: salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Puede Vd. acceder al texto completo de la licencia en este enlace: https:// Esta obra se encuentra bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Hecho en España (U.E.) – Made in Spain (E.U.) Hecho en España Cualquier forma de(U.E.) – Made indistribución, reproducción, Spain (E.U.)comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra no incluida en la licencia Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 solo puede ser realizada con la autorización expresa de los titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Puede Vd. acceder al texto completo de la licencia en este enlace: Hecho en España (U.E.) – Made in Spain (E.U.)
Bienvenida del Comité Organizador Tras la parada provocada por la pandemia en 2020, las VI Jornadas Nacionales de Investiga- ción en Ciberseguridad ( JNIC) vuelven el 9 y 10 de Junio del 2021 con energías renovadas, y por primera vez en su historia, en un formato 100% online. Esta edición de las JNIC es organizada por los grupos GSyA y Alarcos de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha en Ciudad Real, y con la activa colaboración del comité ejecutivo, de los presidentes de los distintos comités de programa y del Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad (INCIBE). Continúa de este modo la senda de consolidación de unas jornadas que se celebraron por primera vez en León en 2015 y le siguieron Granada, Madrid, San Sebastián y Cáceres, consecutivamente hasta 2019, y que, en condiciones normales se habrían celebrado en Ciudad Real en 2020. Estas jornadas se han convertido en un foro de encuentro de los actores más relevantes en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad en España. En ellas, no sólo se presentan algunos de los trabajos científicos punteros en las diversas áreas de ciberseguridad, sino que se presta especial atención a la formación e innovación educativa en materia de ciberseguridad, y también a la conexión con la industria, a través de propuestas de transferencia de tecnología. Tanto es así que, este año se presentan en el Programa de Transferencia algunas modificaciones sobre su funcionamiento y desarrollo que han sido diseñadas con la intención de mejorarlo y hacerlo más valioso para toda la comunidad investigadora en ciberseguridad. Además de lo anterior, en las JNIC estarán presentes excepcionales ponentes (Soledad Antelada, del Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Ramsés Gallego, de Micro Focus y Mónica Mateos, del Mando Conjunto de Ciberdefensa) mediante tres charlas invitadas y se desarrollarán dos mesas redondas. Éstas contarán con la participación de las organizaciones más relevantes en el panorama industrial, social y de emprendimiento en relación con la ciber- seguridad, analizando y debatiendo el papel que está tomando la ciberseguridad en distintos ámbitos relevantes. En esta edición de JNIC se han establecido tres modalidades de contribuciones de inves- tigación, los clásicos artículos largos de investigación original, los artículos cortos con investi- gación en un estado más preliminar, y resúmenes extendidos de publicaciones muy relevantes y de alto impacto en materia de ciberseguridad publicados entre los años 2019 y 2021. En el caso de contribuciones de formación e innovación educativa, y también de transferencias se han considerado solamente artículos largos. Se han recibido para su valoración un total de 86 7
Bienvenida del Comité Organizador contribuciones organizadas en 26, 27 y 33 artículos largos, cortos y resúmenes ya publicados, de los que los respectivos comités de programa han aceptado 21, 19 y 27, respectivamente. En total se ha contado con una ratio de aceptación del 77%. Estas cifras indican una participación en las jornadas que continúa creciendo, y una madurez del sector español de la ciberseguridad que ya cuenta con un volumen importante de publicaciones de alto impacto. El formato online de esta edición de las jornadas nos ha motivado a organizar las jornadas de modo más compacto, distinguiendo por primera vez entre actividades plenarias (charlas invitadas, mesas redondas, sesión de formación e innovación educativa, sesión de transfe- rencia de tecnología, junto a inauguración y clausura) y sesiones paralelas de presentación de artículos científicos. En concreto, se han organizado 10 sesiones de presentación de artículos científicos en dos líneas paralelas, sobre las siguientes temáticas: detección de intrusos y gestión de anomalías (I y II), ciberataques e inteligencia de amenazas, análisis forense y cibercrimen, ciberseguridad industrial, inteligencia artificial y ciberseguridad, gobierno y riesgo, tecnologías emergentes y entrenamiento, criptografía, y finalmente privacidad. En esta edición de las jornadas se han organizado dos números especiales de revistas con elevado factor de impacto para que los artículos científicos mejor valorados por el comité de programa científico puedan enviar versiones extendidas de dichos artículos. Adicionalmente, se han otorgado premios al mejor artículo en cada una de las categorías. En el marco de las JNIC también hemos contado con la participación de la Red de Excelencia Nacional de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (RENIC), impulsando la ciberseguridad a través de la entrega de los premios al Mejor Trabajo Fin de Máster en Ciberseguridad y a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en Ciberseguridad. Tam- bién se ha querido acercar a los jóvenes talentos en ciberseguridad a las JNIC, a través de un CTF (Capture The Flag) organizado por la Universidad de Extremadura y patrocinado por Viewnext. Desde el equipo que hemos organizado las JNIC2021 queremos agradecer a todas aquellas personas y entidades que han hecho posible su celebración, comenzando por los autores de los distintos trabajos enviados y los asistentes a las jornadas, los tres ponentes invitados, las personas y organizaciones que han participado en las dos mesas redondas, los integrantes de los distintos comités de programa por sus interesantes comentarios en los procesos de revisión y por su colaboración durante las fases de discusión y debate interno, los presidentes de las sesiones, la Universidad de Extremadura por organizar el CTF y la empresa Viewnext por patrocinarlo, los técnicos del área TIC de la UCLM por el apoyo con la plataforma de comu- nicación, los voluntarios de la UCLM y al resto de organizaciones y entidades patrocinadoras, entre las que se encuentra la Escuela Superior de Informática, el Departamento de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información y el Instituto de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información, todos ellos de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, la red RENIC, las cátedras (Telefónica e Indra) y aulas (Avanttic y Alpinia) de la Escuela Superior de Informática, la empresa Cojali, y muy especialmente por su apoyo y contribución al propio INCIBE. Manuel A. Serrano, Eduardo Fernández-Medina Presidentes del Comité Organizador Cristina Alcaraz Presidenta del Comité de Programa Científico Noemí de Castro Presidenta del Comité de Programa de Formación e Innovación Educativa Guillermo Calvo Flores Presidente del Comité de Transferencia Tecnológica 8
Índice General Comité Ejecutivo.............................................................................................. 11 Comité Organizador........................................................................................ 12 Comité de Programa Científico....................................................................... 13 Comité de Programa de Formación e Innovación Educativa........................... 15 Comité de Transferencia Tecnológica............................................................... 17 Comunicaciones Sesión de Investigación A1: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías I 21 Sesión de Investigación A2: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías II 55 Sesión de Investigación A3: Ciberataques e inteligencia de amenazas............. 91 Sesión de Investigación A4: Análisis forense y cibercrimen............................. 107 Sesión de Investigación A5: Ciberseguridad industrial y aplicaciones.............. 133 Sesión de Investigación B1: Inteligencia Artificial en ciberseguridad............... 157 Sesión de Investigación B2: Gobierno y gestión de riesgos.............................. 187 Sesión de Investigación B3: Tecnologías emergentes y entrenamiento en ciberseguridad................................................................................................... 215 Sesión de Investigación B4: Criptografía.......................................................... 235 Sesión de Investigación B5: Privacidad............................................................. 263 Sesión de Transferencia Tecnológica................................................................ 291 Sesión de Formación e Innovación Educativa.................................................. 301 Premios RENIC.............................................................................................. 343 Patrocinadores................................................................................................. 349 9
Comité Ejecutivo Juan Díez González INCIBE Luis Javier García Villalba Universidad de Complutense de Madrid Eduardo Fernández-Medina Patón Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Guillermo Suárez-Tangil IMDEA Networks Institute Andrés Caro Lindo Universidad de Extremadura Pedro García Teodoro Universidad de Granada. Representante de red RENIC Noemí de Castro García Universidad de León Rafael María Estepa Alonso Universidad de Sevilla Pedro Peris López Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 11
Comité Organizador Presidentes del Comité Organizador Eduardo Fernández-Medina Patón Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Manuel Ángel Serrano Martín Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Finanzas David García Rosado Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Luis Enrique Sánchez Crespo Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Actas Antonio Santos-Olmo Parra Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Difusión Julio Moreno García-Nieto Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha José Antonio Cruz Lemus Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha María A Moraga de la Rubia Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Webmaster Aurelio José Horneros Cano Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Logística y Organización Ignacio García-Rodriguez de Guzmán Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Ismael Caballero Muñoz-Reja Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Gregoria Romero Grande Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha Natalia Sanchez Pinilla Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha 12
Comité de Programa Científico Presidenta Cristina Alcaraz Tello Universidad de Málaga Miembros Aitana Alonso Nogueira INCIBE Marcos Arjona Fernández ElevenPaths Ana Ayerbe Fernández-Cuesta Tecnalia Marta Beltrán Pardo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Carlos Blanco Bueno Universidad de Cantabria Jorge Blasco Alís Royal Holloway, University of London Pino Caballero-Gil Universidad de La Laguna Andrés Caro Lindo Universidad de Extremadura Jordi Castellà Roca Universitat Rovira i Virgili José M. de Fuentes García-Romero de Tejada Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Jesús Esteban Díaz Verdejo Universidad de Granada Josep Lluis Ferrer Gomila Universitat de les Illes Balears Dario Fiore IMDEA Software Institute David García Rosado Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Pedro García Teodoro Universidad de Granada Luis Javier García Villalba Universidad Complutense de Madrid Iñaki Garitano Garitano Mondragon Unibertsitatea Félix Gómez Mármol Universidad de Murcia Lorena González Manzano Universidad Carlos III de Madrid María Isabel González Vasco Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I Julio César Hernández Castro University of Kent Luis Hernández Encinas CSIC Jorge López Hernández-Ardieta Banco Santander Javier López Muñoz Universidad de Málaga Rafael Martínez Gasca Universidad de Sevilla Gregorio Martínez Pérez Universidad de Murcia 13
David Megías Jiménez Universitat Oberta de Cataluña Luis Panizo Alonso Universidad de León Fernando Pérez González Universidad de Vigo Aljosa Pasic ATOS Ricardo J. Rodríguez Universidad de Zaragoza Fernando Román Muñoz Universidad Complutense de Madrid Luis Enrique Sánchez Crespo Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha José Soler Technical University of Denmark-DTU Miguel Soriano Ibáñez Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña Victor A. Villagrá González Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Urko Zurutuza Ortega Mondragon Unibertsitatea Lilian Adkinson Orellana Gradiant Juan Hernández Serrano Universitat Politécnica de Cataluña 14
Comité de Programa de Formación e Innovación Educativa Presidenta Noemí De Castro García Universidad de León Miembros Adriana Suárez Corona Universidad de León Raquel Poy Castro Universidad de León José Carlos Sancho Núñez Universidad de Extremadura Isaac Agudo Ruiz Universidad de Málaga Ana Isabel González-Tablas Ferreres Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Xavier Larriva Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco Universidad Complutense de Madrid Lorena González Manzano Universidad Carlos III de Madrid María Isabel González Vasco Universidad Rey Juan Carlos David García Rosado Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha Sara García Bécares INCIBE 15
Comité de Transferencia Tecnológica Presidente Guillermo Calvo Flores INCIBE Miembros José Luis González Sánchez COMPUTAEX Marcos Arjona Fernández ElevenPaths Victor Villagrá González Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Luis Enrique Sánchez Crespo Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha 17
Sesión de Investigación A1: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías I A Multi-agent Approach for Online Twitter Bot Detection Jefferson Viana Fonseca Abreu Célia Ghedini Ralha João José Costa Gondim Computer Science Departament Computer Science Departament Computer Science Departament University of Brası́lia University of Brası́lia University of Brası́lia Brası́lia, DF, Brazil Brası́lia, DF, Brazil Brası́lia, DF, Brazil Email: Email: Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-6609-5338 ORCID: 0000-0002-2983-2180 ORCID: 0000-0002-5873-7502 Abstract—Online social networks are tools that allow inter- of a Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) at action between human beings with a large number of users. the Brazilian national congress to investigate, among other Platforms like Twitter present the problem of social bots which issues, the use of bots to influence the results of the 2018 are controlled by automated agents potentially used for mali- elections [11]. cious activities. Thus, social bot detection is important to keep Among the most well-known OSN, it is possible to high- people safe from harmful effects. In this work, we approach the light Twitter. The relevance of this social media is so great, Twitter bot online detection problem with a multi-agent system that several notable people and heads of state adopt this (MAS). It is based on supervised classification with three platform as one of their main media. In the literature, several machine learning algorithms and a reduced set of features. The works have as one of their objectives the classification of MAS performance compared to the three algorithms applied bots on Twitter. In [12], bot classification approaches per- separately - Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and meating three different classes are identified: using machine Naı̈ve Bayes - presented similar results. Besides, interesting learning (ML) algorithms; based on graphs and emergent results for online bot detection with the MAS prototype sug- approaches; and one which encompasses techniques that do gested that 88.19% of bots detected were correctly labeled. not fit into the other two categories. All the works listed in The results indicate that the approach used is feasible and [12] were studied along with more recent publications. In promising for the real-time bot detection problem. [13] there is the conception of a reduced set of features that allows the detection of bots with quality comparable to one Keywords—Bot detection, Social bots, Twitter, Agents, Multi- of the works that are state of the art Twitter bot detection Agent System, MAS. [14]. Despite the thorough review of the literature, no work was identified involving the detection of bots using an 1. Introduction approach based on intelligent agents (hereinafter treated only by agents). This fact represents an interesting research Online social networks (OSN) are tools designed to opportunity because the use of this approach can be very facilitate interaction between human beings. Due to a large useful in this field of application. Agents are entities ca- number of OSN users, it is natural that some individuals pable of performing activities in an automated, persistent might be willing to carry out malicious actions seeking manner, and having the ability to adapt to different contexts to gain undue advantage, the weakest link in information [15]. These are desirable attributes when it is envisaged to security [1], [2]. Social bots (hereinafter referred to only as enhance the detection of bots for Twitter. bots), OSN profiles that impersonate human beings through Thus, the main objective of this work is to develop a automated interactions [3], are one of the methods used to multi-agent system (MAS) capable of autonomously de- carry out these abuses. These bots can be grouped into bot- tect bots on Twitter. The MAS design phase uses Tropos nets acting in a coordinated manner, enabling more powerful methodology. The MAS applies a supervised classification and harmful attacks [4]. approach with three ML algorithms using and a reduced set Bots can be used for malicious tasks such as: sharing of features (presented previously in [13]). The contributions spam [5], [6], [7], [8], vectors for phishing [3], [9] or spread of this work includes: of news [10]. This issue is very current in the Brazilian scenario after the 2018 elections, where there was a great • a bot classifier using a MAS approach that combines prominence in electoral campaigns linked to the internet, three ML algorithms presenting good performance where OSN provided a favorable scenario for the use of with the average of AUC equal to 0.9856 and stan- bots. The suspicion of the use of this device during the dard deviation of 0.0199; and electoral period, and after it, culminated in the establishment • proof of concept with the MAS capturing and clas- 33
Sesión de Investigación A1: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías I sifying users provided by an online stream of tweets must be characterized according to six essential aspects: ob- where 88.19% of bots detected were correctly la- servable, deterministic, episodic, static, discrete, and multi- beled. agent. For an adequate definition of the task environment of the This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents rational agent, [15] defined PEAS (Performance measure, the preliminary concepts that are needed to fully understand Environment, Actuators, and Sensors). In the MAS design our work, Section 3 contains the works that were found in pre-project phase, the aspects of performance measurement, the literature and are most related to this research, Section environment, perceptions, and actions for each agent should 4 explains the methodology followed, Section 5 shows the be specified as detailed as possible. The performance mea- results achieved and discusses them, Section 6 are presented sure is not fixed for all agent tasks, it is defined by the the final considerations and the future work. designer and must be able to assess the agent’s behavior in a specific environment. For each sequence of perceptions 2. Preliminaries of the rational agent, the designer must select an action that will maximize the defined performance measure, given In this section, some concepts applied in the work are the evidence provided by the sequence of perceptions and presented, including intelligent agents and MAS design. any internal knowledge of the agent or received from other agents. 2.1. Intelligent Agents In this work, we applied the modeling methodology called Tropos to design agent oriented software systems. According to [16] computational intelligence is the area According to [19], Tropos is based on two key ideas. First, of study that deals with the development of intelligent the notion of agent and all related mentalistic notions (for agents. [15] defines an agent as an entity that acts, but a instance goals and plans) are used in all phases of soft- computational agent is expected to do more like: operate ware development, from early analysis down to the actual under autonomous control, perceive its environment, persist implementation. Second, Tropos covers also the very early for an extended period, adapt to changes, and be able to phases of requirements analysis, thus allowing for a deeper create and achieve goals. As all computer programs are understanding of the environment where the software must developed to process something, we can differentiate an operate, and of the kind of interactions that should occur agent by the ability to perceive its environment with its between software and human agents. The development of a sensors and act on it using its actuators. project using Tropos is divided into five phases: initial re- According to [17], [18], a MAS is composed of a set quirements, late requirements, architectural design, detailed of agents capable of interacting with the environment and design, and implementation. For the initial modeling phases, with each other, cooperatively or competitively, in pursuit of the language i* (iStar) is adopted, which has a focus on achieving one or more individual or collective objectives. the intentional (why?), social (who?) and strategic (how?) The agents of a MAS can play several roles to achieve dimensions of the software [20]. their objectives, either through the independent execution of actions, adapting to changes in the environment, and 3. Related Work interacting with other agents. A MAS project needs the modeling phase to define the behavior and reasoning of each Considering the Twiter bot detection works available in agent, the definition of a communication and interaction the literature, we present some recent ones that achieved protocol for the group of agents, as well as which tools interesting results comparable to our proposal. In Table 1 will be used in the implementation of the system. the related work comparison is presented. According to [15], a rational agent needs to perform In [14] the idea of classifiers with only one class trained actions seeking to achieve the best possible result using the with data from legitimate users is explored obtaining a tool set of available information. Acting rationally is an action capable of detecting any type of bot. To demonstrate this the- that may involve the treatment of uncertainties, logical in- sis several ML algorithms were investigated: the Bayesian ferences, and reflexes. Agents can be classified according to networks, J48, RF, Adaboost, bagging, k-nearest neighbors. their performance in the environment through their behavior The authors identified the most used multiclass algorithms in at various levels of complexity, from the simplest to the the literature review performed by them include the logistic most complex including simple reactive agent, model-based regression, multilayer perceptron, Naı̈ve Bayes (NB), and reactive agent, objective based agent, utility based agent, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The tested class algorithms learning agent. All types of agents can be extended using were bagging-TPMiner, bagging-random miner, one-class ML techniques. k-means with randomly-projected features algorithm, one- class SVM, and NB. The classifiers were trained and tested 2.2. MAS Design offline with the public datasets of [23], [24]. As a result, there is a consistent classification of bots of different types An essential element in the design of MAS is the correct without needing any prior information, with an AUC of 0.89. characterization of the environment in which agents are In [4] a classifier is developed to detect retweeting bots. inserted. According to [15], [17], [18] the environment The method consisted of taking all the retweets during a time 34
Sesión de Investigación A1: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías I TABLE 1. R ELATED WORK C OMPARISON Application Reference ML algorithm Method Domain Rodrı́guez-Ruiz et al. BN, J48, RF, Adaboost, Bagging, KNN, LR, MLP, general offline supervised classification (2020) [14] NB, SVM, BTPM, BRM, OCKRA, ocSVM Mazza et al. (2019) [4] LSTM retweet botnets online unsupervised classification Begenilmis & Uskudarli election RF, LR, SVM offline supervised classification (2018) [21] campaign offline supervised classification, Varol et al. (2017) [22] RF general with online data window to analyze the retweets pattern for each account for bot detection on Twitter. during the period. A data visualization technique, called ReTweet-Tweet, was developed, which found four patterns 4. Methodology of retweets, one for human users and three for bots. When conceiving the classifier Retweet-Buster (RTBust) the unsu- As presented in Section 1, the objective of this work is to pervised algorithm Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) was develop a MAS that performs the detection of bots for Twit- applied. With 12 features, a F1-score = 0.87 was obtained ter automatically. In the MAS design, we used the Tropos better than those in [22], [25], [26]. methodology. The choice of this methodology is motivated In [21] an organized behavior classifier is built in Twitter. mainly by the fact that it covers several different phases of The period chosen here is the 2016 American elections, as the MAS project, which allows a greater understanding of it is believed that there was a high volume of propaganda the system and a more refined set of requirements. In this spread and fake news using OSN. Three different classifiers section, the development stages performed during the work were trained and tested offline: RF, LR and SVM. The will be reported. algorithms classified the accounts as organized or organic, political or non-political, pro Trump or pro Hillary. The RF 4.1. Design Model algorithm performed better than the others with an average accuracy and F1-score greater than 95% in each category. In the pre-project phase of the MAS design, we define The source code and the datasets used are available in a the PEAS (see Section 2.2). In this work, the environment public repository at GitHub. The main contribution of this that the MAS will interact is Twitter. It consists of a work is the design of a basic model for the classification of microblog where users post short messages (hereinafter re- organized behavior on Twitter. ferred to as tweets) in their respective profiles [28]. Accord- In [22] a report is made about the classifier bot or ing to [29], the tweets are up to 280 text characters long and not (called today as botometer). The bots classification is may contain references to other profiles by typing @ and the done using Random Forest (RF), where more than a thou- username to be mentioned. Other multimedia elements are sand different Twiter account attributes are used to perform also possible, such as videos, images, surveys, geolocation, the classification. A dataset containing only bots obtained among others [30]. Thus, the environment shared by agents through a honeypot [27] and a dataset manually annotated in the MAS can be defined as: by the researchers are used. Both datasets are then mixed to build the dataset used in the article that is available to the • partially observable: impossible to view the com- community. The authors also maintain a web tool that can plete set of all tweets; classify any profile on Twitter in real-time. The measure of • non-deterministic: it is not possible to determine the the accuracy of implementation is given by the Area under contents of the tweet in advance; the ROC Curve (AUC) with a score of 0.95. Authors realized • episodic: tweets can be treated loosely connected in that user metadata and tweet content are the most important episodes; attributes to find out if the account is a bot or not. Also, it is • dynamic: new tweets may appear at any time; shown that accounts controlled by software can be grouped • continuous: tweets may appear in a continuous spec- according to their intentions or modus operandi. trum of values; and In a previous work [13], a set of five features is defined • multi-agent: more than one agent can perceive and and four classifiers - RF, SVM, NB, and one class SVM act in the environment. (ocSVM) - were implemented to use this reduced set of Three types of agents were defined in the MAS. The features. The performance of the algorithms is compared to first type is the collector which is responsible for identifying the state-of-the-art bot detection work presented in [14]. The the profiles that are making tweets according to a pre- classifiers were trained and tested offline with the public established domain, saving the respective data in a moni- datasets of [23], [24]. The accuracy of the classifier was toring database. As soon as data is identified, the collector considered homogeneous with an average of 0.8549 and forwards it to the classifying agents. In turn, the classifiers 0.1889 of standard deviation. Also, all multiclass classifiers perform the classification of the profiles and send the results achieved AUC greater than 0.9, indicating a practical benefit to the referee. The training of the classifiers is carried 35
Sesión de Investigación A1: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías I TABLE 2. PEAS FOR THE THREE AGENTS : COLLECTOR , CLASSIFIER AND REFEREE . Agent Type Performance Measure Actuators Sensors Monitor tweets according to key-words, Collect information about tweets, Verifies the existence of new tweets Colletor Number of collected tweets Record information in database, in the tweet flow chosen Send data to classifiers. Receive tweet data from collectors, Verifies the existence of new data from Classifier Number of executed classifications Extract the necessary features, tweets collected by collectors Classify the user who posted the tweet. Count votes and decide Verifies the existence of new Referee Number of accounts classified as bots about the classification. classification from classifier agents Figure 1. Late requirements diagram. out offline, making its use faster during the execution of The first type of agent is the collector with the reactive the system. Each classifying agent is implemented with a reasoning model. This is the simplest type of reasoning different ML algorithm, so they can classify the same profile without a sophisticated strategy but the choice of action into different classes. The choice of the approach using that will be performed is based on the perception-action supervised ML algorithms was based on [12], where it was mapping. This reasoning model was chosen because the possible to glimpse the most widely used algorithms for the activity to be performed is trivial since the agent is respon- Twiter bot application domain. sible for accessing Twitter to collect tweets based on a set The referee agent is responsible for making the final of pre-defined keywords and passing the tweet data to the classification of the profile, according to the results of the classifying agents. classifying agents through a simple majority vote. In other The classifier agent is defined as a learning agent. This words, the referee joins the decisions resulting in a group agent is responsible for receiving data from the collector learning approach and records these decisions in a comma- agent, applying a feature selection routine, and performing a separated values (csv) file. The experiment is only inter- data classification using a ML algorithm. This classification rupted by the researchers’ decision. The PEAS of the three will be the agent’s vote to assist the referee’s decision. In agent types is available in Table 2. Since the environment is the first MAS implementation, three classifying agents were common to all agents, it is not included in the PEAS table. built using one of the three most common algorithms in this During the MAS design project, four different models application domain: RF, SVM, and NB. The same classifiers were built referring to development phases. The models previously used in [13] intending to allow comparison with designed include the initial requirements, late requirements, the MAS results. architectural design, and detailed design. Due to the adop- Finally, the referee is an objective-oriented agent. Such tion of the Tropos [19] methodology, the models were built agents consider, among the universe of actions to be taken, using the language i* (iStar) [20]. To build the models, which is the best one to achieve their objectives. The ref- the online tool piStar implemented by [31] was used. Fig- eree is responsible for counting the classifier agents’ votes ure 1 illustrates the late requirements diagram for the MAS referring to a Twitter profile. The referee’s decision will project, showing the relationships between actors, agents, allow reporting the profile to Twitter and monitor whether tasks, resources, and objectives. the profile has been banned. 4.2. Agent Reasoning Model 4.3. Architecture Three types of intelligent agents were defined for the The MAS architecture is based on the reactive agent MAS. Each type has different properties and reasoning model that is horizontally layered as presented in [32]. The models. The reasoning model of each agent was chosen ac- architecture layers connect directly the sensors (input) and cording to the actions that they would perform as presented the actuators (output). There are three layers and m possible in the PEAS definition of Table 2. actions suggested by each layer resulting in m3 possible 36
Sesión de Investigación A1: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías I interactions. The three layers are divided by well-defined occur using communication protocols standardized by the activities and each has homogeneous agents. The activities Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) [34]. include tweets capture, the tweets’ authors classification, The communication between the collector and the classi- and arbitration. In other words, the architecture is horizon- fier agents occurs through the FIPA Agent Communication talized distributed into competency modules. Note that the Language (ACL) with an interaction protocol called sub- architecture is naturally prepared to accommodate the online scribe [35]. In this protocol, the agent’s subscribers perform detection, since it establishes a direct pipeline for processing a subscription to an agent publisher, and after that, all and classifying tweets as they are captured by the agents. subscribers receive notifications sent by the publisher. The One of the facts that support the architecture choice is role of subscribers while the collecting agent acts as a the high fault tolerance inherent in the model, failures that publisher. We believe this interaction protocol implements can occur at any of the levels. As the MAS aims to deal with the desired behavior for communication between classifiers a dynamic environment this property is interesting. Besides, and the collector, through a simple message exchange using the layered scheme is a good choice when we have several the FIPA inform performative. agents with different capabilities interacting in the same For training and testing the MAS, the dataset used is environment. Adversity faced in this architectural model is provided by [23]. It is composed of several files in the csv the bottleneck introduced by the communication between format containing information related to user profiles and MAS and the environment since there are unique points tweets. Each file is flagged with the type of profile produced of communication for both input and output. However, the by the present data. The types of profiles used in this work positive points mentioned compensating for this negative are the same as those of [13], including: characteristic for the time being. Also, the proposed archi- tecture does not have many layers, which helps to soften the • Social spambots#1 (Social1) which includes ac- bottleneck. In Figure 2 we present a diagram of the proposed counts that retweeted the candidate for mayor of MAS architecture. It is possible to visualize the agent types Rome in the 2014 Italian elections, where one of and how they interact with each other. the candidates hired a marketing company that used 991 bots to run the campaign. • Genuine accounts which the 3, 474 accounts were 4.4. Implementation classified as legitimate using the following method: a simple question was asked in natural language for After the artifacts described, the implementation of profiles chosen at random in the OSN, after this step the MAS was carried out. We used the language Python, the responses were analyzed by human beings to version 3 and the framework for agent-oriented development define whether the account is legitimate. called Python Agent DEvelopment framework (PADE) • Traditional spambots#1 (Traditional) is the same developed by [33]. The source code is open source and dataset provided by [24], which contains information is available in a public repository of the research group on 1, 000 bots that have posted with malicious links. at GitLab ( jeffersonabreu-twitterbotdetection). The three proposed The classification algorithms used are the same as agents were developed and the interactions between them those of [13], trained with 90% of the dataset Genuine Figure 2. The MAS horizontally layered architecture. 37
Sesión de Investigación A1: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías I accounts combined with 90% of social spambots#1 xor TABLE 3. ACCURACY, AUC, RECALL AND E F1- SCORE FOR Traditional spambots #1, serialized with the help of the CLASSIFIERS ( ALONE AND COMBINED IN MAS), ACCORDING TO TRAIN / TEST DATASET. pickle [36], [37] library. The serialization is important to avoid training the three classifiers every time the MAS is ML algorithm/ Accuracy AUC Recall F1-score executed. The features set adopted here is the same as Dataset [13], it includes the amount of tweets (statuses count), RF/Social1 0,9821 0,9758 0,9636 0,9737 RF/Traditional 0,9933 0,9999 0,9850 0,9902 number of followers (f ollowers count), number of friends SVM/Social1 0,8281 0,9382 0,6186 0,6421 (f riends count), number of likes given by the account SVM/Traditional 0,9821 0,9978 0,9778 0,9744 (f avorites count), and number of lists that the account NB/Social1 0,5000 0,9011 0,6710 0,4980 is included (listed count). NB/Traditional 0,8438 0,9937 0,8994 0,8145 MAS/Social1 0,9795 0,9716 0,9587 0,9682 MAS/Traditional 0,9840 0,9996 0,9776 0,9756 5. Experiments and Results Two different tests were carried out during the develop- method. Since we have fewer examples for each type of ment of this research. The first one intended to measure bot than examples of legitimate accounts in the dataset, the performance of the MAS developed, using the same we faced a class imbalance problem. Therefore, choosing methodology as [13] and comparing the two works. The AUC as a performance measure is appropriate [14], [42]. second experiment is a proof of concept involving the use The MAS achieved the second-best performance among the of the MAS to perform the Twitter bot detection on an other algorithms with an average AUC of 0.9856 (standard online stream of tweets. Both tests are better discussed in deviation of 0.0199) only behind the RF results with 0.9878 the following subsections. (standard deviation of 0.0170). Figure 3 contains the results presented in Table 4, where for each classifier the first 5.1. MAS Performance two bars represent the AUC values obtained using the two datasets (i.e., Social1 and Traditional) and the third bar To validate the proposed solution, the MAS performance contains the average value. The standard deviation is also was compared with the three algorithms executed separately shown in the first two bars. as previously presented in [13]. In Table 3 we present the comparison of the scores for the three algorithms - RF, TABLE 4. C OMPARISON BETWEEN AUC OBTAINED FOR MAS AND SVM, and NB - using the Social1 and Traditional datasets. THE CLASSIFIERS ALONE AS IN [13]. As in [13] the implementation of the ML algorithms are pro- vided by [38]. Note that, the MAS presented the second-best Técnica de AM Social1 Traditional Average Standard Deviation performance among the other algorithms with an accuracy of RF 0,9758 0,9999 0,9878 0,0170 0.9795 in the dataset Social1 and 0.9840 in the Traditional SVM 0,9382 0,9978 0,9680 0,0421 dataset, only behind the RF results with 0.9821 and 0.9933 NB 0,9011 0,9937 0,9474 0,0654 with Social1 and Traditional datasets, respectively. MAS 0,9716 0,9996 0,9856 0,0199 According to [39], [40], the recall (also known as sensi- tivity) is the ratio between the correctly classified examples (true-positive - TP) and the incorrectly classified examples (false-negative - FN). In other words, is the proportion of true-positive cases that are correctly predicted. As we can see the recall score from the MAS is considerably high (it is only lower than the RF) in both datasets. This measure indi- cates that the MAS maintains the high sensitivity achieved by our best ML classifier. According to [41], F1-score represents the harmonic average between precision and recall. The value of the F1- score is a number between zero and one, where values closer to one indicate high classification performance. Over again, our MAS keeps the good score achieved by our experiment performed at [13], which is a good indicator that the solution proposed applies to the task of classifying Twitter bots. The Figure 3. Parallel of the AUCs obteined for MAS and [13] results related to the AUC score are better explained below. In Table 4 there is a comparison between the AUC of the Considering the presented experiments, the MAS results classifiers executed separately and combined in the MAS. are very close to the best algorithm that is RF meaning For the calculus of the AUC, the probability of the MAS the approach can be used for classification with satisfac- was measured considering the average of the probabilities of tory performance. We might consider that the method on the algorithms. This procedure is the same used in [38] for which the vote is taken is not complementary. Also, the the calculus of the probability for the Adaboost ensemble RF algorithm presents better results considering the datasets 38
Sesión de Investigación A1: Detección de intrusiones y gestión de anomalías I used, but we cannot guarantee it will perform better with the users classified as bots by our method were correctly any dataset. The ensemble methods in ML produce optimal labeled, using the same methodology as [27] to validate predictive models, as pointed out in the literature and the their results. This preliminary test, although quite simple, MAS approach, can provide an ideal framework for the im- showed that the proposed methodology is on the right track plementation of such methods. In this work, we provided the and applies to real-time data. MAS proof of concept with three different ML algorithms and a simple decision process based on voting. However, 6. Conclusion other solutions can enhance the results of ensemble methods especially considering online tweet bot detection. The main objective of extending the work in [13] by de- veloping a MAS capable of autonomously detecting Twitter 5.2. Online Twitter Bot Detection bots was successfully achieved. The average AUC of 0.9856 An important attribute for a bot classifier is execution and standard deviation equal to 0.0199 shows that MAS is in near real time, thus becoming a detector. In [9] there useful for labeling bots on Twitter. The approach applyed is a demonstration that the detection of bots from Twit- in the MAS developement allows exploring ML classifiers ter allows very simple bots to continue working on the by replacing, removing or adding algorithms. platform. Therefore, it is necessary to have tools that help The MAS architecture naturally accommodated online the discovery of bots as close as possible to real time. A detection as it uses a direct pipeline for processing and very slow tool can detect bots when they have already been classifying tweets captured by agents. When tested on a excluded or have already caused damage. Thus, harmful bots PoC with an online tweet stream it behaved well with an can be discovered earlier by minimizing the damage caused indication of good throughput and accuracy of detection. by them. During the literature review it was noticeable Nevertheless, more robust tests should be executed to eval- that most articles do not perform the detection of bots in uate the classification of data using online streams. real time. In this way, a proof of concept (PoC) of the In future work, we intend to improve agents’ reason- execution of the MAS was also carried out using real-time ing capacity, especially the referee agent. This can be en- data collected from the Twitter API. The main objective of hanced by making more rational decisions about the use this PoC was to assess the MAS approach feaseability for of classification votes from the agents. Another idea would real time detection. be to transform the referee into a coordinator agent that The methodology was simple and used the MAS set up could perform a pre-classification by sending profiles with with the three ML classifiers (RF, SVM, and NB) trained certain characteristics to specialized classifiers saving com- with the dataset Social1 combined with the dataset genuine putational resources. Furthermore, we intend to carry out a accounts (both provided by [23]), the same used in part more robust validation of online bot detection, since this is of the first test. This dataset choice was done intending to a very important feature for the adoption of the MAS as a discover the most sophisticated bots, as argued in [13], [23]. real-time Twitter bot detector. The stream of tweets was retrieved looking for the keyword “vacina” which is the Portuguese word that means vaccine. 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