Manual for Development in the Classroom L3 English Subarea

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Manual for Development in the Classroom L3 English Subarea
Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                 Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

 Manual for Development in the
     L3 English Subarea

                                                          Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras

                                                              con orientación en Educación

                                                                                            quinto grado

                                              CURRICULUM NACIONAL BASE CNB

                                                                                     Guatemala, 2013
Manual for Development in the Classroom L3 English Subarea
Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                      Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

                              Autoridades del Ministerio de Educación

                                 Cynthia Carolina Del Águila Mendizábal
                                         Ministra de Educación

                                 Olga Evelyn Amado Jacobo de Segura
                                  Viceministra Técnica de Educación

                                    Alfredo Gustavo García Archila
                                Viceministro Administrativo de Educación

                                   Gutberto Nicolás Leiva Álvarez
                           Viceministro de Educación Bilingüe Intercultural

                                       Eligio Sic Ixpancoc
                  Viceministro de Diseño y Verificación de la Calidad Educativa

                                            Mónica Flores Reyes
                                       Directora General de Currículo

                                      Verónica Mérida Arellano
                            Subdirectora de Diseño y Desarrollo Curricular

                                     Miriam Maribel Glinz Palencia
                                  Subdirectora de Evaluación Curricular

Elaborado por: Carlos Alfonso Alejos
Revisado por: Brenda Carolina Morales
              Rossana Patricia Zuleta Figueroa

Ministerio de Educación, 2013.
Dirección General de Currículo –DIGECUR–
6ª. Calle 1-36, zona 10, Edificio Valsari, quinto nivel, Guatemala, C.A. 01010

Se puede reproducir total o parcialmente siempre y cuando se cite al Ministerio de Educación —
MINEDUC—, como fuente de origen y que no sea con usos comerciales para transmitirlo.

Manual for Development in the Classroom L3 English Subarea
Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                   Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado


El Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala realiza importantes reformas en el sistema
educativo con la finalidad de mejorar la calidad de formación estudiantil a nivel
nacional. Entre estas reformas, se encuentra el Curriculum Nacional Base del
bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación.

Considerando que los docentes son actores importantes en el proceso de
aprendizaje-evaluación-enseñanza, en su calidad de mediadores del conocimiento, el
Ministerio de Educación se ha propuesto proveerles de las herramientas necesarias
para favorecer su incorporación al nuevo modelo educativo organizado en
competencias, el cual responde a las actuales necesidades del país.

El Manual para la Subárea de L3 English, constituye una guía para que los docentes
impartan en quinto grado del bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en
Educación, con la seguridad de que les servirá como un punto de apoyo para
impulsar el cambio, hacia un nuevo modelo de enseñanza que fomente el
aprendizaje significativo y el desarrollo de competencias en los estudiantes para que
logren desempeñarse eficientemente en el nivel de enseñanza superior y/o en el
campo laboral de su especialidad.

Manual for Development in the Classroom L3 English Subarea
Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                        Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado


Section I Introductory Part........................................................................................................... 6

   A New Curriculum and the Implications for School and Classroom Work ....................... 6

   Conceptual Scheme ....................................................................................................... 8

   The Organization of the Curriculum by Learning Areas ................................................ 10

   The Framework Competences and its Relationship to the Features of the Graduate
   Profile ........................................................................................................................... 10

   Basic Competences for Life.......................................................................................... 13

   The new role of the teacher in this trainer focusing by competences ............................ 14

Relationship between Planning, Assessment and Methodology in accordance with the
Curriculum Design .......................................................................................................................... 16

   Types of Planning ........................................................................................................ 17

Section II: Methodology .............................................................................................................. 21

   Example of Plan in regard to English Subarea ............................................................. 21

   What is a Competence? ............................................................................................... 24

   Formative Assessment Process ................................................................................... 27

   Learning-assessment-teaching Strategies .................................................................... 29

   Meaningful Learning ..................................................................................................... 30

   Methodology and Learning Strategies .......................................................................... 31

   Second Language Acquisition ...................................................................................... 32

   Communicative Approach…………………………………………………………………….33

   Total Physical Response, TPR ..................................................................................... 33

   Cooperative Learning………………………………………………………………………….34

       Some Cooperative Learning Activities ...................................................................... 35

Manual for Development in the Classroom L3 English Subarea
Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                        Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

Section III Assessment ............................................................................................................... 36

   Conceptualizing the Topic ........................................................................................ ….36

   Mind Map No. 3…………………………………………………………………………………38

   Elements of the Assessment Process……………………………………………………….39

   Criteria, Tasks, and Assessment Tools ........................................................................ 40

       Assessment Tasks.................................................................................................... 41
       Assessment Tools…………………………………………………………………………...42
   Evaluation Activities ..................................................................................................... 43

   Improvement Plan for a Better Learning ....................................................................... 44

Bibliografía ....................................................................................................................................... 49

e-Grafía ............................................................................................................................................ 49

   Links of Websites for your consult: ............................................................................... 51

Manual for Development in the Classroom L3 English Subarea
Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

Section I Introductory Part

A New Curriculum and the Implications for School and
Classroom Work
The Curricular Transformation process and the educational guidelines expressed in "The
New Curriculum" (Ministerio de Educación, proposes strategies to
achieve the following objectives related to the Guatemalan education system renewal:

   1. To promote civic education to ensure experiences in educational establishments
      that enables a culture of peace based on the values of respect, responsibility,
      solidarity and honesty, consistent with democracy, the rule of law, human rights
      and foremost with organic participation of the educational community and civil
   2. To develop multicultural education and intercultural approaches for all
      Guatemalans; recognizes and develops the ethnic richness, linguistic and cultural
   3. To promote respect and the various cultural and ethnic identities in the context of
   4. To strengthen the participation of girls and women in the educational system in the
      context of equitable gender relations.
   5. To promote an education with excellence and appropriate to the progress of
      Science and Technology.
   6. To Link formal education with the productive system and the labor market. To
      reconcile with the requirements of environmental awareness, and to propose the
      principles of personal and sustainable community development, viable in the
      present and in the future.
   7. To improve the educational processes based on learning how to do, learning how
      to know and how to think, learning how to be, learning to live together and learning
      to undertake.

As can be seen, these orientations constitute issues that direct the educational system;
which focus in a new reality that should counteract the present deficit in educational

Purpose No. 7 refers to the intention to develop competencies in students. Let’s review
some ideas before remembering its definition and implications:

Manual for Development in the Classroom L3 English Subarea
Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

                                          It is centered in the human being;
                                          It is organized by competences, axes and areas;
                                          It considers the type of society and human to be
                                          It reflects and redirects many of the practices of
   The new curriculum:                     teaching and research,
                                          It determines, based on the needs of the sociocultural
                                           context and the interests of students, the selection of
                                           competences to be developed, and
                                          It calls to the selection, design, implementation and
                                           evaluation of learning activities and the most
                                           appropriate ways in which they will be evaluated.

Table 1

The competences aim to develop in a person: social, technological and self-critical skills
that will allow him to:

               Use tools
              interactively                                          Interact in
          (Examples: Language,                                   heterogeneous groups
            technology, Art)

                                    Act autonomously

                                                      Figure 1

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

The area competences include the capabilities, skills and attitudes that students must
achieve; focus on the development of learning based on declaratory, procedural and
attitudinal contents and establishes a relationship between the cognitive and sociocultural
Literally the CNB defines competence as:

               The ability or capability that a person has developed to face and
                  solve every day problems and generate new knowledge.

Conceptual Scheme
As it is proposed in the “Manual para la subárea de Elaboración y Gestión de Proyectos
Educativos del 4o grado de bachillerato en CC y LL con orientación en Educación”, the
Educational Reform and curriculum transformation must arrive to better learning, teaching
and assessment activities for students to achieve significant learning, as shown in the
following map:

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                    Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

                           The Educational Reform in Guatemala

                                                   Starts with


                                                Which originates

                                              A new paradigm

                                                 Designs the


               Generic             Axe’s                         Areas’               Grade’s

                                               Should be evident

                                         Performance Indicators

                                                   To direct the

                                                  Teaching                         Assessment
                 Learning                         Activities                        Activities

                         achieve                  achieve              achieve

                                         Significant Learning

Figure 2

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

The Organization of the Curriculum by Learning Areas
This new organization of the curriculum reflects a new way of articulation of the Sciences,
Arts and diverse disciplines.

The Areas:
           integrate the discipline and the essence of wisdom and knowledge
            generated from context;
           are developed and oriented to meet the needs, demands and aspirations of
            students, integrating knowledge of the discipline with the knowledge of the
           are organized following a global and inclusive approach to knowledge,
            oriented towards contextualization, meaningful and functional learning;

This organization —more flexible and adaptable to each context— enable the student to:
 • consider problems, gather and process information, interpret the different spheres of
 the cultural, social and natural.
 • argue, discuss, negotiate and agree on solutions to problems;
 • master different types of methodologies;
 • explore different experiences relating to the creation and growing of body development;
 • experience basic forms of relationships with peers and respecting differences.

The Framework Competences and its Relationship to the
Features of the Graduate Profile

In the following table you can analyze the correspondence between the 15 framework
competences, and the 21 traits of the graduate from 5th profile which are founded in the
bachillerato en CC y LL con orientación en Educación CNB.

        Framework Competences                                                Graduate Profile

       1. Promotes and practices values in 1. Practices ethical, moral and spiritual
          general: democracy, the culture      values according to their culture.
          of peace and respect for
          universal human rights, the
          specifics for the Peoples,
          Guatemalan social groups and
          for the world.
       2. Acts with assertiveness,         2. Exercises human rights and values that
          confidence, trust, freedom,        promote democracy, acting with social
          responsibility, industriousness    responsibility and adherence to the law.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                 Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

    Framework Competences                                                Graduate Profile

       and honesty.
                                                       3. Practices autonomy and improves
                                                          his/her performance.
   3. Uses logical, reflexive, critical,               4. Uses logical reasoning in problem
      proactive and creative thinking, in                 solving and in the activities done in the
      building knowledge and solving                        environments in which he/she operates.
      everyday problems.
   4. Communicates in two or more                      5. Communicates orally and in writing in
      national languages, one or more                     their mother tongue, a second language
      foreign and other forms of                          and a foreign language.
   5. Applies wisdom, technology and                   6. Applies ability to search and analyze
      knowledge of the arts and                           information from various sources.
      sciences of his/her own culture
      and other cultures, focused on                   7. Uses ICT within his/her grasp, that
      personal development, family,                       allow the incorporation of the social,
      community, social and national.                     cultural, economic and political.

                                                       8. Applies the progress of Science and
                                                          Technology from the different cultures to
                                                          develop the spirit of inquiry, creativity
                                                          and critical thinking.
   6. Critically uses knowledge of                     9. Understands national and local
      historical processes from the                       educational reality in the context of
      diversity of the Peoples of the                     globalization
      country and the world, to                        10. Comprises the socioeconomic and
      understand the present and build                    cultural context of his/her community.
      the future.
   7. Uses dialogue and various forms                  11. Develops negotiation skills to achieve
      of communication and                                financial goals for the benefit of
      negotiation, as a way of                            institutions.
      prevention, resolution and                       12. Demonstrates ability to organize and
      transformation of conflicts,                        lead working groups.
      respecting cultural differences
      and opinions.
   8. Respects, understands and                        13. Practices the intercultural as wealth and
      promotes culture and worldview                      recognition of the national identity.
      of the Garifuna, Ladino, Mayan                   14. Manifests attitude of respect, fairness
      and Xinka Peoples and other                         and justice to the individual and group
      Peoples of the World.                               differences in gender, culture, language,
                                                          religion and other.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

          Framework Competences                                              Graduate Profile

       9. Contributes to sustainable                          15. Participates in the promotion and
          development of nature, society                          development of the Four Cultures in
          and cultures of the country and                         Guatemala.
          the world.
      10. Respects and practices                              16. Promotes and takes responsibility for
          regulations of individual and                           his/her health and environment care.
          collective health, social and
          environmental security, from
          his/her own worldview, national
          and international regulations.
      11. Exercises and promotes                                  Exercises human rights and values
          democratic and participatory                            that promote democracy, acting with
          leadership as well as contributes                       social responsibility and adherence to
          to the decision making freely and                       the law. (Same trait profile located in
          responsibly.                                            No. 2)
      12. Values, practices, creates and                      17. Promotes recognition of different art
          promotes art and other cultural                         forms.
          creations from Garifuna, Ladino,
          Mayan and Xinka Peoples and
          other Peoples of the world.
      13. Expresses abilities, attitudes,                     18. Elaborates technical documents
          skills and habits for lifelong                          according to his/her training.
          learning which could also be                        19. Assume an attitude of commitment to
          applied to different scopes of life.                    design and implement projects.
      14. Practices and encourages                                Promotes and takes responsibility for
          physical activity, recreation,                          health and environment care.(Same
          sports, in different areas, and                         trait profile located in No. 16)
          uses time appropriately.                                Practices autonomy to form, evaluate
                                                                  and improve his/her performance by
                                                                  his/her own. (Same trait profile located
                                                                  in No. 3)
      15. Lives and promotes unity in                         20. Appreciates the potential of others,
          diversity and equitable social                          taking it as an element in the practice
          organization based on plural                            of teamwork, recognizes and values
          development.                                            the different skills that each person
                                                              21. Demonstrates opened attitude to the
                                                                  transformation of education with
                                                                  pertinence to Guatemalan
                                                                  sociocultural reality.
Table 2

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                      Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

Every change in education will be implemented in the classroom. Therefore, the most
important agents are the students and teachers. From mutual interaction emerge true
educational renovations. The Ministry of Education responds with curriculum changes to
the change requirements of the current time and society, and follows the great guidelines
issued by the Educational Reform as a key part of the Peace Agreements.
The curriculum expresses the proposal of the State of Guatemala to contribute to the
building of a pluricultural, multiethnic and multilingual society. In this regard, it has
developed a number of approaches, that could be used in order to enable teachers to
guide their work process and to comply with the purposes and goals of the country.

Basic Competences for Life
The report of the educator Antonio Bolivar (USAID-REAULA, 3013) provides the following
clarification to the basic life skills: "... determine those skills and learning that all individuals
need for personal fulfillment and development throughout life and for the exercise of active
citizenship and that are necessary for social and labor integration”.

This type of competences are already defined in the CNB of bachillerato en CC y LL con
orientación en Educación, as follows:

          It refers to a set of capabilities (knowledge, skills and attitudes) necessary
         and essential for personal fulfillment and social integration in order to have
                               personal wellbeing and social welfare

In order to be considered as a basic competence for life:

    •   it should serve to achieve value results at a social and individual level;
    •   it should be instrumentally relevant to satisfy demands from different contexts and
        necessary for all people,
    •   it goes beyond academic competences even though, they have to be worked as
        starting point.

Bolívar continues stating that competences for life are part of a conception of learning
throughout life (lifelong learning), a characteristic of the information and knowledge
society; they are considered "... necessary to function in life and continue learning
throughout it. It shares a common international language as the benchmark for defining the
learning of students, such as international assessments (PISA type). Finally, they want to
respond to citizen demands foreseeable in the XXI century, in a society in flux and,
therefore, prepared to successfully face the challenges ahead." (p. 15)

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

The life skills are part of generic skills, along with specific skills of curriculum area and
professional discipline. Learning and the development of life skills involve new roles of
teachers and students.
The basic competences for life (life skills), such as the ones already emphasized in the
CNB for this career, must "... contribute to achieve personal, social and economic welfare"
and are the following:

   1. To Preserve the natural environment and the individual and collective health.
   2. To Communicate in a multicultural and multilingual way.
   3. To Apply logical and mathematical thinking.
   4. To Use technology productively.
   5. To Interact and cooperate with a group of people.
   6. To Act with values in a citizen environment.
   7. Specialization.
   8. To apply principles learned into practice in specific and everyday contexts.
   9. To act with autonomy and personal initiative.
   10. To Learn to learn.

The new role of the teacher in this trainer focusing by
In another proposal generated by REAULA Project (2013) the role of teachers in a
curriculum organized by competences (skills) is characterized most clearly, let’s review the
implications in four areas of work:

   a) With                       b) In the                      c) With                         d) With the
      Students                      Educational                    Himself                         Community

Let’s examine more closely the first two areas:

       With Students                                                 In the Educational Performance

   •   To help them to be conscious of                          •    To plan and design strategies for
       their own mental processes and                                learning-teaching-assessment,
       strategies used in learning.                                  taking into account the needs and
   •   To encourage autonomy, curiosity                              differences of students.
       and self-learning.                                       •    To orient and facilitate the learning
   •   To support students to learn.                                 process.
   •   To promote research oriented to the                      •    To infer the interests of students as

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

       With Students                                                 In the Educational Performance

       improvement of their environment.                             well as individual differences and
   •   To carry out self-assessment and                              contexts of each one to motivate
       peer assessment processes                                     learning.
   •   To develop students' positive                            •    To optimize available resources.
       attitudes, values and improvement                        •    To create learning situations for
       of self-esteem.                                               students to activate their abilities,
   •   To encourage dialogue.                                        skills and knowledge to deal with a
   •   To motivate the review,                                       new situation in which they do not
       reprocessing and re-                                          know the answer.
       conceptualization of learning.                           •    To evaluates throughout the
   •   To allow students to identify their                           educational process, with the
       learning pace and improve it.                                 intention of correcting errors in time.
   •   To accompany the student, being                          •    To search and prepare materials to
       close and being interested in the                             use with students, considering the
       particular situation of each one.                             context and previous knowledge.
   •   To facilitate the means, strategies,                     •    To establish a favorable
       resources, giving the opportunity to                          environment to learning.
       students to select them by their own                     •    To develop local concretion of the
       using clear criteria.                                         Curriculum Nacional Base.
   •   To provide leadership to the student                     •    To use different educational
       throughout the educational process,                           technologies.
       making him responsible for his own

And now the other two areas of teaching:

       With himself                                                        With the community

   •   To show research attitude and                            •    To make the links between school
       continuous updating.                                          and community.
   •   To use technology.                                       •    To involve parents or responsible
   •   Constantly is creative and                                    persons in their children's learning.
       innovative.                                              •    To manage with the community to
   •   To show inclination.                                          make improvements to the school.
   •   To be aware of your strengths and                        •    To participate in community
       weaknesses.                                                   activities.
   •   To build a responsible citizenship                       •    To lead and guide the community
       through ethical attitudes of fairness,                        change.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

          identity and personal improvement
          in a multiethnic and multilingual
   •      Act with autonomy and personal
          initiative in educative activities.
   •      Use communication skills to interact
          assertively, facilitate learning and
          develop skills in students
Table 3

Relationship between Planning, Assessment and
Methodology in accordance with the Curriculum Design

Already mentioned in the Manual corresponding to 4th bachillerato, it is expressed the
need for a consistent relationship between planning, and evaluation methodology.

   •      If you are clear where you are aiming for, then you know the profile of the student
          you wish to train; plan, select and apply appropriate methodology, assess student
          development considering what you have taught and how you taught as well as the
          individual needs of your students and learning styles.
   •      You should assess only what you have taught.
   •      The students will not answer something they have not learned.

The sequence between profile, planning, methodology and assessment cannot be
cracked, broken, omitted, ignored, dispersed or separated.

In the graph shown below, please observe how that planning, methodology and
assessment are interrelated and rotate around the CNB.

 From CNB of Bachillerato en CC y LL con orientación en Educación:


                    Figure 3

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

Planning: It is a technical tool for making educational decisions that allows teacher to
organize the elements that guide learning. Planning refers to all actions that allows
organizing and developing step-by-step learning process for the student, which includes
the following:

• What will the student learn and what will we teach?
• How will the student learn and how are we going to facilitate it?
• When or at what time he/she will learn and how we're going to convey it?
• By what methods, techniques or strategies will the student learn and will we teach it to
  him/her in order to achieve the meaningful learning?
• How will you verify and demonstrate what the student has learned and how will you
  assess yourself or provide with feedback for your teaching process?

    The student learns, but the teacher must constantly make self-assess based on
     what the student has learned to provide feedback about his/her performance.

Methodology: These are teaching methods that allow to develop activities based on
performance indicators, to guide student learning, which must be included in the planning

Assessment: According to CNB, assessment criteria are statements that have as
main function, to guide teachers towards the aspects to be taken into account at the end of
the type and level of learning achieved by students in each of the stages of the process
education according to the competences set out in the curriculum. From this point of view
it might be said they function as regulators of the learning strategies-teaching-assessment.

It is the process by which the teacher verifies whether the competences, as specified in
the performance indicators, were met or not.

Types of Planning
Here are five types of school planning contrasted on their strengths and limitations:

             1. Units                                               2. Learning Blocks

           3. Projects                       4. Generator Themes                        5. Interest Centers

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                          Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

                         Methodology                               Strengths                           Limitations
                      The teacher builds                    Allows to organize                    Time
                      learning units                        the curriculum in                     Organization.
                      adapting learning                     learning units
                      to the                                which facilitate the

                      characteristics of                    sequence.
                      the subarea. Each
                      learning unit,
                      considers the
                      The teacher                    Provides key elements                   Do not allow to
                      organizes the                  to educational                          approach contents
                      work over a period             planning.                               seen in the previous
                      of time.                       Allows elaborating                      block, making difficult
                      According to the               learning guides,                        the reinforcement to
                      CNB, contents are              scheduling training                     students who have not
                      the means for the              activities and                          mastered the material
                      development of                 organizing education                    covered before.
                      skills or                      according to the
                      competences. The               principles of diversity

                      set of                         and respect for
                      technological,                 fundamental human
                      cultural, and                  rights.
                      knowledge that
                      constitute the
                      means that
                      promote the
                      development of
                      the students.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                                   Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

                                  Methodology                               Strengths                           Limitations
                               The teacher plans                Allows arranging the                  Lack of equity in the
                               taking into                      work environment.                     teamwork.
                               account a                        Strengthens                           Individual monitoring
                               problem, through                 teamwork.                             to students.
                               a project which is
                               a tool or a way to

                               seek information
                               or to collect,
                               create, and
                               analyze a data set
                               and background to
                               obtain expected
                               The teacher                      Promotes the                          If there is no mastery
                               identifies                       integration of                        of content originates
                               generator themes                 knowledge.                            lack of organization,
                               through a                                                              lack of progress on
                               research that is                                                       planned contents.
                               called thematic
                               research (Freire,
                               1975). Identifies
                               themes as well as
Generator Theme

                               planning and
                               appropriation of
                               the content that
                               will be studied.
                               Makes the choice
                               and definition of
                               themes around
                               which turn the
                               dialogue between
                               knowledge and
                               the student's

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

                                    Methodology                               Strengths                           Limitations
                                 The teacher                           Starts from                      Materials (it is
 Interest Centers

                                 makes decisions                       student's                        necessary to have a
                                 that guide the                        prrevious                        variety of materials)
                                 process, based on                     knowledge.                       Time for reading and
                                 a topic of interest                                                    research.
                                 to students.                                                           Organization.

Table 4

As a teacher you can choose the most suitable way for your students group, their
academic needs and for life, in an educational context and the particular characteristics of
your school.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

Section II: Methodology
Example of Plan in regard to English Subarea
To build a plan, first it is necessary to consider the greatest purposes and goals of
the national education as they are presented in the Curriculum Nacional Base.
This is called the national concretion. Also it is important to check out the
framework competences that are related to the English subarea. For planning it is
important to consider the Educational Reform axes and the curriculum axes that
give orientation to the educational process.

After checking these general principles, the teacher looks over the regional needs,
and characteristics of surroundings. After this, he/she is ready to include the local
concretion that means all the problems and needs are found in the closer
surroundings, community and school.

With all this and taking in account the information found in the Proyecto Educativo
Institucional, PEI, the teacher can start the annual plan and from there the unit
plan. Finally he or she is ready to write the weekly or daily plan.

Let’s See an Example

The fourth framework competence of the Curriculum Nacional Base says:

                    “Is able to communicate in two or more national
                    languages, one or more foreign languages and
                    other ways of languages.”

The seventh competence says:

                        “Uses dialogue and various forms of
                        communication and negotiation, as a way of
                        prevention, resolution and transformation of
                        conflicts, respecting cultural differences and

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                     Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

The thirteenth competence:

               “ Expresses abilities, attitudes, skills and habits
“Uses                                                                                               dialogue
               for lifelong learning in different scopes of life.”
  and                                                                                                    the
    of                                                                                              forms of

The English subarea is related to the first Educational Reform axe:

                                   “Unity into diversity.”

And to the curriculum axe:

                         “Multiculturality and interculturality.”

With this in mind, the weekly plan can start. In this manual a format is presented
as a guide or suggestion. This one is not meant to be used exclusively because the
teacher may create his own format. The most important factor is to include these
elements in the format that will be chosen.

First Step: Select a Competence
Selecting a competence will help teacher to address it in what he/she is going to

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                                                         Subárea curricular de L3 English quinto grado

Name of teacher:                Career and grade:                                     School:                         Address:
     Carlos Alejos              Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras                           Instituto de Capacitación         Poptún, Petén

                                con orientación en Educación, 5th grade

Competence: 1. Generates conversations    Performance indicator: 1.3. Expresses         Teaching materials: Whiteboard, markers,
to exchange specific information          wants, doubts, uncertainty and needs          flashcards, sheets of craft paper.
about learning and his/her                using learned material orally and
environments topics orally and            written.
Challenge: How to express wants, doubts, uncertainty and          Previous knowledge: Express ideas and thoughts in present
needs.                                                            tense.

Previous organizers or cognitive bridges: Present a dialog using                     New learning: The use of would, wish, may, sure.
would like, may be, not sure, among others

Learning integration:                                                                Learning assess:
Write ten sentences of his/her own experience about his/her                          When they present their sentences to the class
wants, doubts, needs and uncertainties. Share them with a
partner and then they will select one sentence by each
Comments for upcoming week:



Table 5

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

What is a Competence?


The competence is “a cluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and
skills that enables a person to act effectively in a job or situation.

Competence indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enables someone to
act in a wide variety of situations. Because each level of responsibility has its own
requirements, competence can occur in any period of a person's life or at any stage
of his or her career”.

The competences are placed in the curricular grid of the CNB, and have been
constructed by a specialized team. The only thing the teacher has to do is to
prioritize them, and not necessarily use them in the order they appear.

Even the competences seem to be similar, the teacher must be conscious of
increasing the difficulty level accordingly to the grade. For example if in fourth
grade the student was engaged in conversations, now in fifth grade the
competence says: generate conversations. There is a little difference, but now the
teacher can think in deeper and larger conversations where he/she issues them.

                                                       I see the difference! In fourth grade the
                                                       competence was “engages in
                                                       conversations…” but now in fifth it is
                                                       “generates conversations…”


Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

Second Step
Set the performance indicator(s). The performance indicator “refers to the means
by which an objective can be judged to have been achieved or not achieved.
Indicators are therefore tied to goals and objectives and serve simply as
‘yardsticks’ by which to measure the degree of success in goal achievement…”

They visibly show the range in which a competence has been achieved. The
importance of performance indicator is such that again will be used for constructing
the assessment tool.

                                    To Achieve the Competence # 1

   Achieve performance                          Achieve performace                            Achieve performance
   indicator 1.1.                               indicator 1.2.                                indicator 1.3.

 Figure 4

In order to achieve a competence there are more than one performance indicator.
Each performance indicator belongs to a specific competence. They can’t be used
for any other competence.

Third Step
Select content. The content is a way to achieve the competences. The contents
are a group of scientific, technological, and cultural knowledge that become means
to promote the integral development of the students. (Ministerio de Educación,

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

2010) These contents are classified in three: Declarative, procedural and attitudinal

Fourth Step
Follow these steps to achieve the significant learning:

   1.   Challenge
   2.   Previous knowledge
   3.   Previous organizers or cognitive bridges
   4.   New learning
   5.   Learning integration
   6.   Learning assess (Ministerio de Educación-DIGECUR-, 2012).

For each step, think about educational activities that will be helpful to get the
significant learning. These activities are designed or displayed by the teacher
during the class to achieve the significant learning.

Some characteristics of these activities are:

   •    Contextualized to the students’ experiences/environment.
   •    Let the students participate.
   •    Contribute to interact with other students in class.
   •    Make them to share their experience and knowledge.
   •    Have individual and team work.

Fifth Step
Now you can think which materials you will use for developing your whole class.
These materials should be interesting and simple. There is no need to be
complicated or expensive. Think about materials you have in your community, not
only for the facility to get them but when the students see them out of the class
they can remember what they have learned at school.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado


Let each student to create, handle or use these materials, this experience will
make a difference in their learning process. In the picture above each student
created his own paper bag puppet.

The assessment will be considered in the next section.

Formative Assessment Process
“The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide
ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by
students to improve their learning.”

Years ago teachers were concern only to give a final score. But now we look for
helping our students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and to recognize
the areas they need to work on.

With the formative assessment process teachers may redirect their teaching
focusing on areas of more difficulty for their students.
When using formative assessment, we are generally recording the development of
a competence and it is a way to verify the student’s progress. For example, when
you ask your students to draw a concept map to see how much they have

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

understood a topic or to write a couple of sentences to measure their
comprehension of a reading.


  Or simply you may ask your students to use their thumb to demonstrate if they
                          have understood the topic.

A clear illustration is presented in the Wide Word Developed at the Harvard
Graduate School of Education website. “Imagine a basketball coach working with
his team during a practice session. He might begin by asking the team to
concentrate on a few particular skills or plays. As the players scrimmage, he
studies their moves, measuring them against his standards of skillful basketball
playing. He usually pays particular attention to the strategies and skills he asked
the players to concentrate on at the start of practice. He analyzes the problems
when the team falls short and, as the team plays, tells them how they can improve
their performance. Occasionally, he stops the practice session to bring the team
together to provide more sustained feedback and to give the players new tasks,
based on his assessment of their performance”.
In other words, teachers and students are involved in this process for taking
evidences and making adjustments in their educational process.

   1.   A continuous process.
   2.   Flexible.
   3.   Participative.
   4.   Provides feedback.
   5.   Generates improvement for future situations.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                          Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

    6. Modifies the subsequent educational process.
    7. Provides a faithful record to give a final result.

With this process, we can make emphasis on the strengths and positive
characteristics of students and determine the weaknesses and needs of students
with the purpose of giving the respective reinforcement. Also this assessment will
allow consider the different learning styles, language capacities and cultural
experiences of students. (USAID Reforma Educativa en el aula, 2006)

“The formative assessment focuses in the right purpose of assessment which is to
help a lot of students that in other way would be labeled with low possibilities for

“Recent reviews of more than 4,000 research investigations show clearly that when
this process is well implemented in the classroom, it can essentially double the
speed of student learning”

One example for formative assessment is the KWL chart, where students write
what they know, what they want to know and what they learned; this will be written
at the end of the class. (

Name:                                                                 Date:


What I know?                            What I want to know?                      What I learned?

Table 6

Learning-assessment-teaching Strategies
Strategies are procedures used by teachers to achieve the significant learning.
Here there are some suggestions (Ministerio de Educación, 2013):

    • Promote activities where students are the principal actors.
    • Let students to have participation and interaction in these activities.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

   • Set the furniture in the classroom in different ways, have eye contact with all
     your students and among they each other.
   • Let students participate in the classroom decoration and materials
   • Promote collaborative work team.
   • Invite parents, and people from the community to participate in classroom
   • Include all the different groups of class, may be of gender, culture, language,
     religion and other.
   • Take into consideration all the information of PEI, about needs or problems
     of surroundings.
   • Include cultural activities.
   • Take into account current curricular model; write educational planning in
     regard to the CNB.
   • Ensure to develop competences and not to teach by contents.
   • Use the assessment as feedback tool and for redirecting your teaching

Meaningful Learning
When making planning for the whole school year, think about what students are
going to learn. “Good teachers want their students to learn something important or
significant, rather than something relatively insignificant. This leads to a question
that is key to the whole teaching enterprise: What are the ways in which learning
can be significant?”

Let’s see an example of meaningful learning applied in the classroom.

Initial Phase (Ministerio de Educación-DIGECUR-, 2012)
The purpose of this phase is to explore previous knowledge. The teacher presents
situations to call the attention of the students; it makes students to develop critical
thinking, and oral production. They explain what they know applying vocabulary for
example about holidays. The teacher assesses during the development of the
activity and takes into account observations to improve the teaching and learning
process. The students give their ideas applying a brainstorm technique.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

Intermediate Phase
In this phase the students work in pairs to identify holydays, analyzing pictures.
They match and identify pictures of holidays in worksheets. They listen to stories
about the holidays, and write down new vocabulary, to exchange information with a
partner. It is important to develop critical thinking with these activities and motivate
them to express their ideas with fluency.

Final Phase
In this phase the students explain what they understood, the main idea of the story.
In pairs they explain what they understood about the holiday chosen from
American culture. They elaborate a conclusion and apply the use of a dictionary.
Identify differences and similarities, with their own culture. Exchange information in
pairs and with the rest of the group. The teacher asks questions to assess how
much they have learned today. As homework they investigate about holidays of
their own culture and identify differences from the American culture.

Methodology and Learning Strategies
“A teaching methodology is essentially the way in which a teacher chooses to
explain or teach material to students so they can learn the material.”
( As it is
known there are many methodologies that the teacher can use in his class. The
philosophy and preferences of a teacher will directly affect in the methods he or
she chooses. Sometimes the teacher can include the use of lecturing, discussion
activities by group, among others.

One common teaching methodology “is often referred to as lecturing or explaining.
This is essentially an approach to education that regards the teacher as an expert
on a subject, and he or she provides information to students who are expected to
absorb and understand the material” (
methodology.htm#slideshow). As we know this methodology is centered in
teacher’s action.

Actually we are focused on the importance of student in educational process.
When we ask them to work by groups, or let them to participate or expose their
opinions they become active participants in this process and they are taking
responsibility in what they are learning. Some times “students take on the role of
teacher to instruct other students in the class. Small group discussions, for
example, are often followed by larger group discussions in which each group
presents what they learned or discussed to the rest of the class. Similarly,
individual students may be charged with researching a particular subject and then

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

teaching that material to the other students in the class”

It is important to consider the way how we learn our native language, because this
determines the way how we can learn a second language.

Second Language Acquisition

There are several theories that try to explain how humans acquire language and in
agreement to these we can use different methods.

“Our understanding of the processes of second language learning has changed
considerably in the last 30 years and CLT is partly a response to these changes in
understanding. Earlier views of language learning focused primarily on the mastery
of grammatical competence. Language learning was viewed as a process of
mechanical habit formation”

 “Communicative Language Teaching can be understood as a set of principles
about the goals of language teaching, how learners learn a language, the kinds of
classroom activities that best facilitate learning, and the roles of teachers and
learners in the classroom”



Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

Communicative Approach
The purpose of Communicative Language Teaching is to develop communicative

These methods should be included in the Communicative Learning Teaching

Total Physical Response, TPR
“Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method built around the
coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical
(motor) activity.” (

One much known TPR activity is Simon Says, you can go “beyond the simple,
Simon says touch your nose and try more complex commands? Say you are
teaching your students how to give directions. Clear up a space in the classroom,
one of your students can easily maneuver around. Your commands could be
directions: Simon says turn right, Simon says go straight ahead. Create a mini
neighborhood! Place a flashcard or picture on each of your students’ desks: a
bank, a pharmacy, a shopping center, etc. Arrange the desks so they create
streets. Students take turns giving each other directions to and from locations in
their neighborhood.” (

                                                                      Simon says
                                                                      rise up your

Specially remember that TPR may become communicative and meaningful if you
focus on personalizing language and adapt it to students’ interests.

Manual para el desarrollo en el aula del CNB de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras con orientación en Educación
                         Subárea curricular Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés, quinto grado

Cooperative Learning

“Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each
with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to
improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible
not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus
creating an atmosphere of achievement”

The cooperative groups are formed by three to five students who are connected by
a common purpose to complete the task and to include every group member.


Some basic principles of cooperative learning are:

   1. Positive Interdependence: We could say it is the heart of cooperative
      learning as it fosters a commitment to success since each student’s efforts
      benefits not only him but the whole group. Cooperation cannot take place
      without interdependence.

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