Trees outside the forest: The "Dehesas" of Vilches and Arquillos
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Trees outside the forest: The “Dehesas” of Vilches and Arquillos (Andalusia, South Spain) a aLes paysages de l’arbre hors forêt: multi-valorisation dans le cadre d’un développement local durable en Europe du Sud. Paniza Cabrera, Antonia1 and Jiménez Olivencia, Yolanda2 1 Área de Geografía Física, Departamento de Antropología Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Jaén 2 Instituto de Desarrollo Regional. Universidad de Granada.,
Introduction • Trees outside the forest – FAO define by default in terms of the forest, as follows: trees growing outside the forest and not belonging to the category of forests, forest lands, or other wooded land. – Trees outside forests are located on "other land", such as agricultural land, built-up areas such as settlements and infrastructure. – Trees play a constant or occasional but always specific role in livestock production systems • The dehesas. – Agrosilvopastoral systems are characterised by the dispersion or individual or grouped trees associated with animal grazing and cultivated areas. – The trees are Mediterranean evergreen cork or holm oaks
MATERIAL AND METHOD • Land cover classes were separated firstly in cultivated and non-cultivates areas. • In the uncultivated areas we differentiated between: – Shrubs – Pastures – Forest – Dehesa with Shrubs and pastures – Dehesa with pastures – Cultivated dehesa
80 70 70 60 53 50 1956 40 30 2007 16 14 20 8 12 8 10 3 6 10 0 Cultivated Dehesa Dehesa Pasture Pine Shrubs dehesa with with with pine Uses that have not changed shrubs pasture Uses that have changed and pasture
New coverages in the cultivated dehesa that have changed 1956-2007 Almond trees Cereal 0% 1% 0% 7% Dehesa with shrubs and 10% pasture 31% Dehesa with pasture Shrubs 0% Olive trees 51% Pasture Pine
New coverages in the dehesa with shrubs and pasture that have 0% changed. 1956-2007 0% 0% 5% Almond trees 0% Cereal Cultivated dehesa Dehesa with pasture Shrubs Shrubs and Pine 51% 40% Olive trees Pine 4%
Conclusion •Decrease of dehesa: • Forest repopulations. • Olive groves
Conclusion • Changes in the dehesa structure: – Reduction of the cultivated dehesa – Increase in the denseness of bushes and trees
Conclusion • Reasons for the increase in the denseness of bushes and trees: – Abandonmed of the exploitation. – Hunting activities
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