Página creada Sergio Ramis

         DE ROTARY
INTERNATIONAL 2019 | #Rotary19
BENVENUTI! ようこそ! 환영합니다!
Nos complace darte la bienvenida a la 110.ª
Convención anual de Rotary International que tendrá
lugar en la bella ciudad de Hamburgo (Alemania).
Te animo a aprovechar esta ocasión para hacer
nuevas amistades, obtener información sobre Rotary
y, sobre todo, divertirte mientras disfrutas cada
momento y encuentras inspiración. Asegúrate de que
entre esos momentos se incluyan encuentros con
Te agradecemos todo lo que has hecho para
Ser la inspiración.
Barry Rassin, presidente de RI
Junta Directiva de RI 2018‑2019

Descarga la aplicación para dispositivos móviles
Rotary Events para acceder a la información más
actualizada sobre la Convención. Podrás crear un
programa personalizado, descargar recursos de las
sesiones, ver mapas interactivos que te orientarán
en la Convención y recibir alertas sobre cambios
en el programa. La aplicación está disponible en
inglés en Apple Store y Google Play. Encuentra más
información en la página 66.

Servicio de wifi en Hamburg Messe
Red: Rotary_Guest
Contraseña: endpolionow

          ® y el logo de la Convención de Rotary International de 2019
son marcas registradas y propiedad intelectual de Rotary International.
Todos los derechos reservados.
La presente información estaba actualizada al momento de su impresión;
sin embargo, está sujeta a cambios.


Programa oficial de la Convención...................................................................... 2
Sesiones paralelas..................................................................................................................... 9
    Sesiones y capacidad de las salas........................................................... 9
    Transmisión en directo...................................................................................... 9
    Honolulu 2020............................................................................................................... 9
    Un vistazo al programa....................................................................................... 10
    Detalles y descripciones.................................................................................... 16
Eventos de la Comisión Organizadora Anfitriona............................ 37

Horario.................................................................................................................................................... 42
Apertura................................................................................................................................................ 42
Comida, diversión y espectáculos......................................................................... 42
Centro para redes sociales de Gente de acción..................................... 42
Estand del Futuro de Rotary........................................................................................ 45
Estand de promoción e inscripciones para la
 Convención de Honolulu 2020............................................................................ 45
Centro de Recursos de Rotary................................................................................... 45
Zona de realidad virtual..................................................................................................... 46

Funcionarios y comités
    Junta Directiva de RI 2018‑2019...........................................................                                                         48
    Junta Directiva de RI 2019‑2020..........................................................                                                          50
    Consejo de Fiduciarios de La Fundación
    Rotaria 2018-2019....................................................................................................                              52
    Consejo de Fiduciarios de La Fundación
    Rotaria 2019-2020...................................................................................................                               54
    Comité de la Convención 2019..................................................................                                                     56
    Comisión Organizadora Anfitriona 2019.....................................                                                                         57
    Comité de Promoción de la Convención 2019.......................                                                                                   58
    Comité de Credenciales 2019.....................................................................                                                   59
Información sobre la Oficina de la Convención................................... 60
Bebidas alcohólicas................................................................................................................. 60
Sala para miembros de la Sociedad Arch Klumph............................ 60
Cajeros automáticos............................................................................................................... 60
Vestimenta......................................................................................................................................... 60
Guardarropa y consigna de equipajes.............................................................. 60
Comentarios sobre la Convención....................................................................... 61
Asignación de asientos para la ceremonia de apertura ............. 61
Asientos para las sesiones generales................................................................. 61
Informes del secretario general y el tesorero......................................... 61
Alojamiento....................................................................................................................................... 62
Sala de la inspiración............................................................................................................ 62
Objetos perdidos......................................................................................................................... 62
Servicios para personas con movilidad reducida.............................. 62
Fotografías.......................................................................................................................................... 62
Normativa........................................................................................................................................... 63
   Código de conducta................................................................................................. 63
   Captación de fondos............................................................................................... 64
   Música y elementos visuales....................................................................... 64
   Fotografías y videos................................................................................................ 64
   Fumadores.......................................................................................................................... 64
Sala de oración y reflexión.............................................................................................. 64
Información sobre inscripciones.......................................................................... 65
     Distintivos de identificación....................................................................... 65
     Entradas para eventos......................................................................................... 65
Aplicación para dispositivos móviles Rotary Events................... 66
Seguridad............................................................................................................................................. 66
    Primeros auxilios y emergencias........................................................... 66
    Hospitales, clínicas, médicos y farmacias.................................. 67
Maceros.................................................................................................................................................. 69
Interpretación simultánea............................................................................................. 69
Discursos y videos..................................................................................................................... 69
Transporte.......................................................................................................................................... 69
Delegados votantes y procedimientos de votación.......................... 70
Agradecemos sinceramente a las siguientes
empresas y organizaciones por su apoyo a esta
convención. Su patrocinio nos ayuda a expandir
nuestra labor humanitaria en todo el mundo.

         CON EL APOYO DE



                            PROGRAMA OFICIAL DE LA CONVENCIÓN
                            A menos que se indique lo contrario, todas las actividades de
                            la Convención se llevarán a cabo en los distintos espacios del
                            Hamburg Messe. Encontrarás más información en la Guía
                            de transporte y en el mapa de la sede.
                            El ícono junto a una sesión general indica que se ofrecerá
                            interpretación simultánea al chino, inglés, francés, italiano,
                            japonés, coreano, portugués y español. Las sesiones
                            generales serán transmitidas en directo y podrán seguirse
                            en internet desde cualquier lugar del mundo.
                            Se prohíbe toda grabación audiovisual de estas sesiones por parte
                            de los asistentes. Se ruega apagar todo aparato electrónico durante
                            las sesiones generales, los almuerzos y las sesiones paralelas.
                            En la tercera parte (Información general), encontrarás
                            más información sobre la asignación de asientos para la
                            ceremonia de apertura y las sesiones generales.
                            El programa está sujeto a cambios.

                            Jueves 30 de mayo
                            Inscripción en la Convención
                            Hall A2
                            Hamburg Messe
                            Incluye las inscripciones para la reunión preconvención de
                            Rotaract, la reunión preconvención para funcionarios de
                            Intercambio de Jóvenes y el Simposio pro Paz de Rotary.

                            Recepción de bienvenida de la reunión preconvención
                            para funcionarios de Intercambio de Jóvenes
                            Vestíbulo del salón Chicago
                            Hall A4, tercer piso
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Viernes 31 de mayo
                            Inscripción en la Convención
                            Hall A2
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Reunión preconvención para funcionarios de
                            Intercambio de Jóvenes
                            Salones B700, B400, B401, B402
                            Hamburg Messe

                            2 | Jueves 30 de mayo, viernes 31 de mayo

                                                                  PROGRAMA DE LA CONVENCIÓN
Simposio pro Paz de Rotary
Salones B703, B200, B201, B202, B300
Hamburg Messe

Reunión preconvención de Rotaract
Hall B5 y Salones A100, A101, A102, A103
Hamburg Messe

Banquete para funcionarios de Intercambio de Jóvenes
(evento de Rotary con entrada)
Emporio Great Hall
Dammtorwall 15
20355 Hamburgo

Sábado 1 de junio
Hamburgo en marcha: recorrido en bicicleta
(evento de la COA con entrada)
Inicio del recorrido en Frascatiplatz de Hamburgo (Bergedorf )
21029 Hamburgo (Bergedorf )

Hamburgo en marcha: caminata de 3 km
(evento de la COA con entrada)
Inicio de la caminata en el ayuntamiento de Hamburgo
20095 Hamburgo

Inscripción en la Convención
Hall A2
Hamburg Messe

Servicio ecuménico
Iglesia de San Miguel
Englische Planke 1
20459 Hamburgo

Casa de la Amistad
Halls A3, A4
Hamburg Messe

Simposio pro Paz de Rotary
Salones B703, B200, B201, B202, B300
Hamburg Messe

                      Viernes 31 de mayo, sábado 1 de junio | 3

                            Reunión preconvención para funcionarios de
                            Intercambio de Jóvenes
                            Salones B700, B400, B401, B402
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Reunión preconvención de Rotaract
                            Hall B5 y Salones A100, A101, A102, A103
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Apertura de la Casa de la Amistad
                            Hall A3
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Encuentro con los expresidentes de Rotary International
                            Salón Chicago
                            Hall A4, tercer piso
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Orientación para quienes asisten a la Convención
                            por primera vez
                            Hall B7, salón B703
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Reunión de maceros voluntarios
                            Hall B4, salón B403
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Una velada en Hamburgo: recepción de bienvenida
                            (evento de la COA con entrada)
                            Cámara de Comercio de Hamburgo
                            Adolphsplatz 1
                            20457 Hamburgo

                            Domingo 2 de junio
                            Inscripción en la Convención
                            Hall A2
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Casa de la Amistad
                            Halls A3, A4
                            Hamburg Messe

                            4 | Sábado 1 de junio, domingo 2 de junio

                                                                         PROGRAMA DE LA CONVENCIÓN
Sesión general de apertura: primera sesión
Disfruta cada momento
Hall B6
Hamburg Messe
Bienvenido a Hamburgo. ¡Inspírate para disfrutar cada
momento en nuestra Convención Internacional! Aprende
cómo nuestros cinco valores fundamentales nos guiarán
durante la semana. Desde los comentarios iniciales de
los líderes locales y de Rotary hasta los impresionantes
espectáculos, la familia de Rotary está lista para celebrar en
Hamburgo y disfrutar esta experiencia única en la vida.

Recepción para exbecarios de Rotary
Grosser Ballsaal
Grand Elysée Hotel
Rothenbaumchaussee 10
20148 Hamburgo

Sesión general de apertura: segunda sesión
Disfruta cada momento
Hall B6
Hamburg Messe
Bienvenido a Hamburgo. ¡Inspírate para disfrutar cada momento
en nuestra Convención Internacional! Aprende cómo nuestros
cinco valores fundamentales nos guiarán durante la semana. Desde
los comentarios iniciales de los líderes locales y de Rotary hasta los
impresionantes espectáculos, la familia de Rotary está lista para
celebrar en Hamburgo y disfrutar esta experiencia única en la vida.

Hamburgo artística: fusión de ballet moderno y
música clásica
(evento de la COA con entrada)
Laeiszhalle Hamburg
20355 Hamburgo

Lunes 3 de junio
Inscripción en la Convención
Hall A2
Hamburg Messe

Casa de la Amistad
Halls A3, A4
Hamburg Messe

                          Domingo 2 de junio, lunes 3 de junio | 5

                            Segunda sesión general: liderazgo e integridad
                            Hall B6
                            Hamburg Messe
                            Los rotarios incorporamos el liderazgo y la integridad en todo
                            lo que hacemos. Hoy escucharemos a expertos en ambos temas.
                            Hablarán sobre lo importantes que son el liderazgo y la integridad
                            para construir un mundo más pacífico. Ayudar a los rotarios a
                            desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo e integridad personal no es
                            solo un pilar del pasado de Rotary, es la clave para nuestro futuro.

                            Almuerzo del presidente
                            (evento de Rotary con entrada)
                            Hall B5, Hamburg Messe

                            Sesiones paralelas
                            Distintos lugares dentro de Hamburg Messe

                            Foro del legado de La Fundación Rotaria
                            (evento con invitación)
                            Salón B703, Hamburg Messe

                            17:30 y 20:30
                            Música en la Filarmónica del Elba
                            (evento de la COA con entrada)
                            Filarmónica del Elba
                            Platz der Deutschen Einheit
                            20457 Hamburgo

                            Concierto de órgano en la iglesia St. Michaelis
                            (evento de la COA con entrada)
                            Hauptkirche St. Michaelis
                            Englische Planke 1
                            20459 Hamburgo

                            Martes 4 de junio
                            Inscripción en la Convención
                            Hall A2
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Casa de la Amistad
                            Halls A3, A4
                            Hamburg Messe

                            6 | Lunes 3 de junio, martes 4 de junio

                                                                 PROGRAMA DE LA CONVENCIÓN
Tercera sesión general: servicio
Hall B6
Hamburg Messe
Servir a nuestras comunidades es lo que mejor hace Rotary.
Desde la erradicación de la polio hasta los proyectos locales,
los programas juveniles y todas las labores de bien que
realiza La Fundación Rotaria en todo el mundo, echaremos
un vistazo a la amplia gama de iniciativas de servicio que
aborda Rotary. Además, nos anticiparemos al futuro del
servicio. Explora lo que verdaderamente significa ser "Gente
de acción" y hacer el bien en el mundo.

Almuerzo del presidente electo
(evento de Rotary con entrada)
Hall B5, Hamburg Messe

Sesiones paralelas
Distintos lugares dentro de Hamburg Messe

Sesión de trabajo: elección de funcionarios
Hall B6
Hamburg Messe
Los líderes de Rotary llevarán a cabo la elección de
funcionarios y te informarán acerca de las últimas
novedades ocurridas en nuestra organización.

Velada de hospitalidad anfitriona en Hamburgo
(evento de la COA con entrada)

Una noche para recordar en el museo
(evento con invitación)
Museo de Historia de Hamburgo
Holstenwall 24
20355 Hamburgo

Noche de excelencia en Schuppen 52
(evento con invitación)
Schuppen 52
Australiastrasse 52
20457 Hamburgo

                                         Martes 4 de junio | 7
Miércoles 5 de junio

                            Inscripción en la Convención
                            Hall A2
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Casa de la Amistad
                            Halls A3, A4
                            Hamburg Messe

                            Cuarta sesión general: diversidad y compañerismo
                            Hall B6
                            Hamburg Messe
                            Rotary une a personas de diferentes comunidades para
                            alcanzar un objetivo común. Inspírate escuchando a los
                            oradores que analizan el valor del compañerismo y la
                            diversidad. Interactúa con rotarios de todo el mundo y
                            amplía tus redes sociales, profesionales y de servicio.
                            Cuando nos conectamos con otros, podemos alcanzar lo

                            Almuerzo “Celebremos a los clubes rotarios”
                            (evento de Rotary con entrada)
                            Hall B5, Hamburg Messe

                            Sesiones paralelas
                            Distintos lugares dentro de Hamburg Messe

                            Ceremonia de clausura
                            Hall B6
                            Hamburg Messe
                            Reflexiona sobre tus experiencias. Escucha a los líderes
                            rotarios y celebra todo lo que hemos logrado con un
                            espectáculo impresionante. Disfruta cada momento en
                            Hamburgo y llévalos contigo durante el nuevo año rotario.

                            8 | Miércoles 5 de junio
Todas las sesiones paralelas tendrán lugar en el Hamburg Messe.

                                                                        SESIONES PARALELAS
En ellas, tendrás la oportunidad de aprender de expertos en
diferentes campos. Los disertantes y panelistas son rotarios,
rotaractianos, exbecarios de Rotary y oradores invitados.
El programa cuenta con la presencia de oradores de todo el
mundo y gira en torno a los siguientes temas:
Y      I nvolucramiento de líderes jóvenes: cómo atraer
        a las nuevas generaciones a Rotary, cómo involucrar a
        los exbecarios y cómo conseguir la participación de los
        jóvenes en los proyectos
 L      Habilidades de liderazgo: sugerencias para el
         desarrollo del liderazgo tanto en Rotary como en nuestras
         comunidades y en el quehacer profesional
 P       Promoción de Rotary: cómo mejorar la imagen pública
          y elevar el perfil de los clubes en nuestras comunidades
 S   Servicio y proyectos: historias sobre proyectos llevados
      a cabo con éxito, estrategias para subvenciones globales y
      recomendaciones para emprender proyectos eficaces y sostenibles
M     Fortalecimiento de la membresía: ideas para promover
       la innovación y la diversidad en los clubes, así como para
       mejorar las técnicas de captación y conservación de socios
La mayoría de las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en inglés. Las sesiones
indicadas con el ícono ofrecerán interpretación simultánea
a algunos idiomas. Para obtener más información, consulta las
páginas 16 a 36 y la aplicación para dispositivos móviles.

Sesiones y capacidad de las salones
La asistencia es por orden de llegada. Habrá varias pantallas
ubicadas en todo el Hamburg Messe que mostrarán el número
de asientos disponibles en cada salón donde se realice una
sesión paralela. Hacemos todo lo posible para evaluar el interés
y calcular la asistencia a cada sesión. Nos disculpamos de
antemano si se agotan las entradas para la sesión que prefieres.
Para garantizar la seguridad de los participantes, debemos
cumplir las normas respecto a la capacidad de los locales.
Procura sentarte en uno de los asientos disponibles, ya que
no se permite permanecer de pie ni sentarse en los pasillos.

Transmisión en directo
Las sesiones indicadas con el ícono serán transmitidas en
directo a una audiencia externa y grabadas para su uso en el futuro.

Honolulu 2020
Si estás interesado en dirigir una sesión paralela el próximo
año durante la Convención de Honolulu, consulta la solicitud
de propuestas que estará disponible en
en agosto y septiembre o solicita información enviando un
mensaje a


                      Y – Involucramiento de líderes jóvenes
                       L – Habilidades de liderazgo
                       P   – Promoción de Rotary        S   – Servicio y proyectos
                      M    – Fortalecimiento de la membresía

                     LUNES 3 DE JUNIO
                     13:00-14:00                            HALL    SALÓN TEMA
                           Boost Your Rotary Meetings       A1      A102       L M

                     Cultivating Positivity to Be an
                                                            B3      B300       L     P
                     Inspirational Rotarian
                     Increase Rotary’s Impact
                     and Reach Through Rotary               B4      B401       S     P
                     Community Corps
                     Rotary Business School:
                                                            B4      B403       L

                       All About New Generations            B7      B702       Y
                     Service Exchange
                     13:00-14:30                            HALL    SALÓN TEMA
                     Lights, Smartphone, Action:
                                                            A1      A101       P M
                     Telling Rotary’s Story on the Go

                       Unarmed Civilian Protection
                     Meets Sustainability (English and A1           A104      M S

                          Cómo promover la membresía A4             Chicago   M
                     en Rotary: ideas novedosas
                     Achieving Lasting Impact From
                                                            B2      B201       P     S
                     WASH Programs and Projects
                     Rotary-Barcamp: Think-Tank for
                                                            B4      B400      M
                     the Whole Rotary Family
                     13:30-14:30                            HALL    SALÓN TEMA
                     Global Grant: Smartphone
                                                            A1      A100       S
                     Teledermatology Service
                     What Happened at the 2019
                                                            B4      B402       L
                     Change Management: Creating
                                                            B7      B700       L M
                     21st-Century Rotary Clubs
                     13:30-15:00                            HALL    SALÓN TEMA
                     Bidding on a Future Convention         A1      A103       P     L

                     Rotarian Values: Outdated or
                                                            B2      B200       L M

14:00-15:00                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
Rotaractors’ Next Steps            B7     B701      Y

                                                                 SESIONES PARALELAS
14:30-15:30                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
     Meet Rotary’s People of       A1     A102      Y
Action: Young Innovators

The Cause You Care About           B3     B300      P M

   Engaged Members: Strategies     B7     B702      M
for Success
14:30-16:00                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
Strategies for Advancing Women
                                   B4     B401      M L
in Rotary Leadership
Revitalizing Communities in
                                   B4     B403      S
Partnership With Habitat
15:00-16:00                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
Paul Harris Society: Rotary’s Fast-
                                    B2    B201      P M
Growing Donor Group
15:00-16:30                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
Girls’ Education: A Game Changer
                                 A1       A100      S
to Improving Communities

      Reproducción y ampliación
de las mejores prácticas en        A4     Chicago   S
proyectos de Rotary
The Impact of Rotary Values in
                                   B4     B400      L
Leadership Roles
15:30-16:30                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
  A New Perspective on Rotaract: A1       A104      Y
Engaging Refugee Youth
Rotary 2: Rotary for the 21st
                                   B7     B701      M Y
15:30-17:00                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
How to Initiate and Manage
                                   A1     A103      S
Microfinance Projects
Best Practices for Meaningful
                                   B2     B200      S
Rotary Friendship Exchanges

You Can Stop Human Trafficking     B7     B700      S

16:00-17:00                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
     Become a Social Media         A1     A102      P M
Storytelling Pro
How Far We’ve Come in Doubling
                                   B2     B202      Y
Transform! How to Lead Clubs and
                                 B3       B300      M
Districts to Be Irresistible

Elevating Your Polio Momentum      B4     B402      S   L

                     13:00-14:00                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA

                     The Inside Story: How to Get Your
                                                       B2        B201   P
                     Project in The Rotarian

                     The State of Membership              B2     B202   M

                     Rotary Business School:
                                                          B4     B403   L
                     Innovative Ideas
                     How Rotary Youth Exchange Can
                                                          B7     B700   Y P
                     Benefit Your Club

                          Desarrollo de mejores
                     proyectos a través de                B7     B703   S
                     relaciones de colaboración
                     13:00-14:30                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                     Success Stories of WASH in
                                                          A1     A101   S

                          The Future of Rotary            A1     A102   P M

                     Women’s Leadership Skills:
                                                          B4     B400   L
                     Strengthening Our Rotary Legacy
                     How Intercountry Committees
                                                          B7     B701   S
                     Can Facilitate Global Grants
                     13:30-14:30                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                     Effective Inter-Generational
                                                          A1     A103   Y   S
                     Interact: Inspiring Our Future
                                                          B2     B200   Y

                     Strong Projects Strengthen Clubs     B4     B401   S

                       What Makes a Club Attractive       B7     B702   M

                     13:30-15:00                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                     Embrace Flexibility to Increase
                                                          A1     A100   M

                        Education and Avoiding
                     Intercultural Conflict Using Rotarian A1    A104   P   L
                     Ethics (English and German)
                     14:00-15:00                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                     Organizing a VTT Medical
                                                          B3     B300   S
                     Mission: All You Need to Know
                     14:30-15:30                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                     One Rotary Brand                     B2     B202   P

                     Developing Your Membership:
                                                          B4     B402   M Y
                     Bringing Rotaract Into Rotary
                     Rotary and Toastmasters: Where
                                                          B7     B700   L M
                     Leaders Are Made

                          Involucra a los socios para     B7     B703   M L
                     crecer (en portugués)

15:00-16:00                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
RYLA Elevated: Creating New
                                   A1     A101   Y

                                                              SESIONES PARALELAS
Generations of Servant Leaders
Data Protection and Privacy for
                                   A1     A103   M
Rotary Clubs and Districts
Your Rotary Story: Your Secret
                                   B7     B701   P
15:00-16:30                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
     Rotary’s Impact on the United
Nations Sustainable Development A1        A102   S
Goals (English and French)

  Innovation Is No Coincidence!
Design With Design Thinking        B2     B201   L
Rotary and Dictatorship: What We
                                 B4       B401   L M
Can Learn From History

   Let’s Increase Financial        B7     B702   S
Integrity Around the World!
15:30-17:00                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
End Polio Now!                     A1     A100   S

  Strategies for Advancing
Women in Rotary Leadership         A1     A104   M L
(2nd seating)

Creating a Peacebuilding Society   B3     B300   P   S

Method Helps You Successfully B4          B400   S   L
Launch Projects
16:00-17:00                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
Change Management: Creating
21st Century Rotary Clubs          B2     B202   L M
(2nd seating)
Meet Rotary’s People of Action:
                                   B4     B403   Y
Young Innovators (2nd seating)
Unconscious Bias: Awareness
                                   B7     B700   L
and Action

    Rotaract en la actualidad:
un modelo sostenible de            B7     B703   Y M
membresía en Rotary
16:30-17:30                        HALL   SALÓN TEMA
District Governors-elect and Club
                                  B7      B701   M
Presidents-elect Networking

                     13:00-14:00                       HALL   SALÓN TEMA

                     How Rotary Youth Exchange Can
                                                       A1     A100   Y P
                     Benefit Your Club (2nd seating)
                     “Parlons-Nous”: Rotaract France’s
                                                       A1     A101   Y   S
                     Peacebuilding Project

                       Getting Creative With Online    A1     A104   L
                     Menstrual Hygiene: Manage
                                                       B2     B200   S
                     It Well
                     Rotary Business School:
                                                       B4     B403   L
                     Communicating Effectively

                       Insights From HR: Retention     B7     B702   M
                     Through “Psychological Contracts”
                     13:00-14:30                       HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                          Rotary’s Role in Migration   A1     A102   S
                     and Integration
                     Rotarians Spark Peace Within
                                                       B4     B400   S
                     Their Communities
                     Service Above Selfie: Social Media
                                                        B7    B700   P M
                     in the Rotary Family

                          De emblemática a
                     innovadora: estudio de la         B7     B703   M
                     experiencia en el club
                     13:30-14:30                       HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                     Your Legacy, Rotary’s Promise     B2     B201   M

                     Grow Rotary by Involving Rotary
                                                       B3     B300   Y P
                     Youth Exchange Alumni

                     What Do Your Dues Do for You?     B4     B402   M

                     Guidelines and Principles for
                                                       B7     B701   P
                     Media Content
                     13:30-15:00                       HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                     Getting Your Story Covered
                                                       A1     A103   P
                     in the News
                     14:00-15:00                       HALL   SALÓN TEMA
                     Engaging Rotary Foundation
                                                       B4     B401   Y

14:30-15:30                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
Embracing Generational Diversity

                                                                SESIONES PARALELAS
                                 B2         B200   M Y
to Benefit Rotary’s Future
Developing Body, Mind, and Spirit
                                  B2        B202   L
Through Tai Chi Chih

   Make Your Next Conference         B7     B702   S
or Event a Success
14:30-16:00                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
The Power of Fellowships and
                                     A1     A100   M S
Rotarian Action Groups
An African Success Story:
                                     A1     A101   S
How Partnerships Save Lives

   Helping Traumatized Refugees      A1     A104   L   S
in Germany (German)
Foundation Friends: Life Skills for
                                    B4      B403   S
Kids, for a Better World (German)
15:00-16:00                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
     Helping Young People Join       A1     A102   S Y
the Workforce (French)
USAID Grants The Rotary
Foundation $1M — Learn More!
                              B201                 P

Equipping the Next Generation of
                                     B7     B700   Y
End Polio Now Fundraising
                                     B7     B701   S
Toward the Finish
15:00-16:30                          HALL   SALÓN TEMA
They Said What?! Build
Understanding and Goodwill           B3     B300   L
Through Dialogue
Five Steps to Activating Your
                                     B4     B400   P M
People of Action Story

      Comunicación ejecutiva:
mejores prácticas para los líderes   B7     B703   L
de clubes


                     En las páginas siguientes, se resumen casi 100 sesiones
                     paralelas programadas para el lunes y martes, de 13:00 a
                     17:00, y el miércoles, de 13:00 a 16:30. Puedes consultar
                     una referencia rápida sobre temas, horarios y lugares en el
                     programa, que figura en las páginas 10-15. En la aplicación
                     de la Convención para dispositivos móviles, encontrarás
                     información sobre los oradores y podrás descargar
                     folletos, calificar sesiones, compartir fotos y continuar
                     conversaciones. En la página 66 se explica cómo descargar la
                     Las sesiones aparecen en orden alfabético.
                     Achieving Lasting Impact From WASH Programs and
                     Monday, 3 June, 13:00-14:30, Hall B2, Room B201
                     (en inglés)
                     Too often Rotary WASH projects fail because of a narrow
                     focus on equipment, with little understanding of long-
                     term implications. Join this session to discuss the four
                     building blocks of a sustainable, effective program:
                     selecting appropriate technology, building local capacity,
                     ensuring long-term financial sustainability, and monitoring
                     and evaluation.
                       All About New Generations Service Exchange
                     Monday, 3 June, 13:00-14:00, Hall B7, Room B702
                     (en inglés con interpretación al japonés y coreano)
                     New Generations Service Exchange programs are
                     a great way for young adults to experience vocational and
                     humanitarian service abroad and learn the importance of
                     cultural competency. Discover more about these programs,
                     understand the organizational structure, and recognize
                     the lasting connections that exchanges can create between
                     young people and the Rotary family.
                     An African Success Story: How Partnerships Save Lives
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 14:30-16:00, Hall A1, Room A101 (en
                     This project focuses on reducing deaths and improving
                     the health of women and children in northern Ethiopia
                     through a global grant, a vocational training team, and the
                     construction of a health center. Discover how partnerships
                     can save lives when we develop trusting relationships,
                     conduct community needs assessments, and make
                     connections with local groups and government agencies.

A New Perspective on Rotaract: Engaging
Refugee Youth

                                                                    SESIONES PARALELAS
Monday, 3 June, 15:30-16:30, Hall A1, Room A104
(Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation
in Chinese and German)
There are more than 25 million refugees worldwide, over
50 percent of whom are under the age of 30. Refugee youth
know better than anyone else the challenges they are facing,
and have the capacity to produce an abundance of creative
solutions. Learn how Rotary and Rotaract can serve as
a platform for global citizens to take action in refugee
communities, leading to greater engagement and youth
participation in the Rotary family.
     Become a Social Media Storytelling Pro
Monday, 3 June, 16:00-17:00, Hall A1, Room A102
(Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in
French and German)
Every story needs an audience. Who are you talking to?
What are they interested in? Where are you sharing your
story? We’ll help you discover your audience, set goals, and
create the right content for the right channel. You will be a
storytelling pro in no time!
Best Practices for Meaningful Rotary Friendship
Monday, 3 June, 15:30-17:00, Hall B2, Room B200
(Presented in English)
Rotary Friendship Exchanges provide valuable experiences
to Rotarians around the world. District 2400, in southern
Sweden, has participated in more than 50 friendship
exchanges. In this session, you’ll learn tips for bringing
similar success to your district.
Bidding on a Future Convention
Monday, 3 June, 13:30-15:00, Hall A1, Room A103
(Presented in English)
Have you ever wondered about the bidding process for the
Rotary International Convention? This session will discuss
the timeline for upcoming conventions, from 2026 to 2029.
Learn the criteria for convention sites, as well as the processes
for submitting a bid, evaluation, and decision making.
     Boost Your Rotary Meetings
Monday, 3 June, 13:00-14:00, Hall A1, Room A102
(Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in
French and German)
Every Rotary meeting can be improved, even the best ones.
Trying new things can renew your club’s energy. Consider
the types of meetings, the logistics of your meeting space,
your leadership, and your participants. Learn from our

examples and case studies to boost engagement in your
                     Rotary meetings and inspire others to do the same.

                           Comunicación ejecutiva: mejores prácticas para
                     los líderes de clubes
                     Miércoles 5 de junio, de 15:00 a 16:30, hall B, salón B703
                     (en inglés con interpretación simultánea al francés, italiano,
                     alemán, portugués y español)
                     Para alcanzar tu máximo potencial como líder, debes ser un
                     comunicador excepcional. Asiste a esta sesión para conocer
                     cuáles son las 10 mejores prácticas de comunicación que
                     pueden ayudarte a ser un gran líder no solo en Rotary, sino
                     también en tu trabajo y en tu familia.
                     Change Management: Creating 21st-Century
                     Rotary Clubs
                     Monday, 3 June, 13:30-14:30, Hall B7, Room B700
                     (Presented in English)
                     Tuesday, 4 June, 16:00-17:00, Hall B2, Room B202
                     (Presented in English)
                     We know we need to change if we want the Rotary
                     experience to live up to 21st-century expectations. So why
                     are Rotary clubs so reluctant to change? In this breakout
                     session, participants will discover the reasons people resist
                     change. They also will explore ways to implement new ideas
                     that will reduce potential conflict and motivate members to
                     embrace change.
                           Rotaract en la actualidad: un modelo sostenible
                     de membresía en Rotary
                     Martes 4 de junio, de 16:00 a 17:00, hall B7, salón B703
                     (en inglés con interpretación simultánea al francés, italiano,
                     alemán, portugués y español)
                     Descubre la visión de una mayor integración entre Rotaract
                     y Rotary. En tiempos en los que la edad representa un desafío
                     importante en Rotary, Rotaract aporta un enfoque renovador
                     e innovador para la capacitación y el servicio. Ven a conocer
                     algunas de las experiencias, impulsadas por las nuevas
                     iniciativas de membresía en Gran Bretaña e Irlanda, que
                     están diseñadas para preparar a los jóvenes líderes de Rotary
                     para la mitad del siglo XXI.
                     Creating a Peacebuilding Society
                     Tuesday, 4 June, 15:30-17:00, Hall B3, Room B300
                     (Presented in English)
                     We can all help create peacebuilding communities. Learn
                     from experts about converting negative and destructive
                     mindsets into positive and constructive attitudes. We will
                     discuss realistic and practical solutions in an interactive
                     workshop, which will include an inspiring audiovisual case
                     study. Become one of our people of action for peace.

Cultivating Positivity to Be an Inspirational Rotarian
Monday, 3 June, 13:00-14:00, Hall B3, Room B300
(Presented in English)

                                                                      SESIONES PARALELAS
Do you know about the energy within our human system that
makes us thrive? In this interactive and reflective workshop,
you will understand the value of positivity, including positive
qualities and strengths, and learn how to harness it for a happy
and fulfilling personal and work life. Cultivate your positivity to
become more inspirational and unleash your leadership capacity.
Data Protection and Privacy for Rotary Clubs and Districts
Tuesday, 4 June, 15:00-16:00, Hall A1, Room A103
(Presented in English)
As club and district leaders, you have access to a lot of
personal data. How is “personal data” defined, and what
are your responsibilities for protecting it? Join us for
this discussion, and leave with guidance for building data
protection practices in your clubs and districts.
      Desarrollo de mejores proyectos a través de
relaciones de colaboración
Martes 4 de junio, de 13:00 a 14:00, hall B, salón B703
(en inglés con interpretación simultánea al francés, italiano,
alemán, portugués y español)
Aprende de los presentadores y los demás asistentes, y
averigua cómo las relaciones de colaboración pueden
mejorar los proyectos. Participa en debates y actividades
interactivas para descubrir cómo asociarte con otras
organizaciones, colaborar en el desarrollo de proyectos
sólidos y mantener y promover estas relaciones.
Developing Body, Mind, and Spirit Through
Tai Chi Chih
Wednesday, 5 June, 14:30-15:30, Hall B2, Room B202
(Presented in English)
Move it or lose it! We hear those words, but many of us do not
heed the warning. Tai chi chih is a simple form of exercise
that inspires peace and wellness through movement.
Come try some basic techniques, learn how to promote
better health through movement in your Rotary club and
community, and enjoy these simple moments for a lifetime.
Developing Your Membership: Bringing Rotaract Into
Tuesday, 4 June, 14:30-15:30, Hall B4, Room B402
(Presented in English)
Bringing Rotaractors into Rotary benefits everyone involved.
Join this session to learn 10 strategic methods your club can
use in its recruitment plan. You will turn membership leads
into members, and members into club leaders.

District Governors-elect and Club Presidents-elect

                     Tuesday, 4 June, 16:30-17:30, Hall B7, Room B701
                     (Presented in English)
                     Join President-elect Mark Daniel Maloney to learn
                     more about his theme and priorities for 2019-20, and the
                     upcoming convention in Honolulu!
                       Education and Avoiding Intercultural Conflict Using
                     Rotarian Ethics
                     Tuesday, 4 June, 13:30-15:00, Hall A1, Room A104
                     (Presented in German and English with simultaneous
                     interpretation in Chinese, English, and German)
                     Conflict seems to be increasing around the world. Using
                     examples of everyday Rotarian life, this session will
                     demonstrate how to identify and solve ethical dilemmas
                     using The Four-Way Test. Explore how to foster friendly
                     communication and interaction in and between Rotary clubs.
                     Effective Inter-Generational Collaboration
                     Tuesday, 4 June, 13:30-14:30, Hall A1, Room A103
                     (Presented in English)
                     Rotary provides opportunities for all people at any age to
                     connect. Yet we often find ourselves segmented by our age
                     groups. Let’s explore ways Interact, Rotaract, and Rotary
                     clubs come together through meaningful mentorship
                     programs and collaborative service projects.
                     Elevating Your Polio Momentum
                     Monday, 3 June, 16:00-17:00, Hall B4, Room B402
                     (Presented in English)
                     If you’re looking to elevate your momentum in the fight
                     against polio, this interactive session is for you. Join us as
                     we explain how to create a “bottom-up district polio action
                     plan,” which includes awareness campaigns, advocacy,
                     fundraising, and hands-on work.
                     Embrace Flexibility to Increase Membership
                     Tuesday, 4 June, 13:30-15:00, Hall A1, Room A100
                     (Presented in English)
                     The Rotary Club of Sakai Phoenix, Osaka, Japan, has been
                     described as fun, dynamic, energetic, generous, member-
                     centric, and inspirational. We have strengthened our
                     membership base, enhanced our public image, and created
                     many service activities. Come learn our secret to success,
                     and transform your club!

Embracing Generational Diversity to Benefit Rotary’s
Wednesday, 5 June, 14:30-15:30, Hall B2, Room B200

                                                                 SESIONES PARALELAS
(Presented in English)
Millennials (people ages 24-38) will make up half the
workforce by 2022, with Generation Z not far behind. Learn
about the cultures of creative and high-tech workplaces,
apply these lessons to multigenerational organizations,
and discover communication practices that will support
sustainability in your business. Let’s embrace these
characteristics to bring long-term benefits to Rotary.
End Polio Now!
Tuesday, 4 June, 15:30-17:00, Hall A1, Room A100
(Presented in English)
To end polio, Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio
Eradication Initiative must immunize hundreds of millions
of children, multiple times per year, with the support of
hundreds of thousands of frontline health care workers.
Hear from Rotary members and external experts about the
progress we’re making in the global effort to eradicate polio,
the steps the partnership is taking to achieve a polio-free
world, and what you can do to help.
End Polio Now Fundraising Toward the Finish
Wednesday, 5 June, 15:00-16:00, Hall B7, Room B701
(Presented in English)
Rotary has committed to raise $50 million each year for polio
eradication through 2020. Does your club need fundraising
inspiration? Learn from your fellow Rotarians about their most
successful End Polio Now fundraising project, and get tips for
implementing your own efforts to support polio eradication.
     Involucra a los socios para crecer
Martes 4 de junio, de 14:30 a 15:30, hall B7, salón B703
(en portugués con interpretación simultánea al inglés,
francés, italiano, alemán y español)
Para que los clubes crezcan, es necesaria la participación de
los socios en actividades que los hagan sentirse valorados.
Súmate a esta charla sobre las estrategias de captación,
involucramiento y conservación de socios que han dado
resultado en nuestro club. Descubre cómo podrías adaptar
estas ideas y ponerlas en práctica en tu propio club.
   Engaged Members: Strategies for Success
Monday, 3 June, 14:30-15:30, Hall B7, Room B702
(Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation
in Japanese and Korean)
Need tips for engaging members? Drawing from best
practices around Rotary, members of the RI Membership
Committee will share examples and the latest resources.
In a fun-filled 30-second spotlight round, attendees will
share their own engagement strategies for success.
Engaging Rotary Foundation Alumni
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 14:00-15:00, Hall B4, Room B401

                     (Presented in English)
                     Each year, Rotary Foundation programs offer students and
                     young professionals life-changing educational opportunities.
                     Participants become deeply familiar with Rotary during
                     their experiences, but alumni are often overlooked as a
                     source of new members. In this session, three former Rotary
                     Scholars will share their Rotary journeys, along with ideas
                     for recruiting service-oriented alumni.
                     Equipping the Next Generation of Leaders
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 15:00-16:00, Hall B7, Room B700
                     (Presented in English)
                     Rotary has a proud history of equipping the next generation
                     of leaders — and in today’s world, the stakes have never been
                     higher. Research indicates significant mental health and
                     resilience challenges in young people. Now is the time for
                     clubs to understand what’s influencing the next generation
                     and prepare them for leadership. Whether in our clubs and
                     districts or in the community at large, building the capacity,
                     character, and tenacity of future leaders is vital.
                     Five Steps to Activating Your People of Action Story
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 15:00-16:30, Hall B4, Room B400
                     (Presented in English)
                     Your club has a great People of Action story to tell. How
                     can you share it? This session explains five easy steps you
                     can take to show new audiences how you are making an
                     impact in your community. Gain expert knowledge as you
                     learn how to tell a powerful story, how to take pictures that
                     show you in action, and how to use your stories and images
                     effectively through social media, print, broadcast, and other
                     communication channels.
                     Foundation Friends: Life Skills for Kids, for
                     a Better World
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 14:30-16:00, Hall B4, Room B403
                     (Presented in German)
                     Foundation Freunde (“Friends”) is an international early-
                     childhood education program created by Rotary clubs
                     20 years ago. The program focuses on the development and
                     advancement of children’s life skills, and helps them find
                     solutions without violence. Learn more about Friends, and
                     find out how it is working in Germany and Austria.

De emblemática a innovadora: estudio
de la experiencia en el club

                                                                  SESIONES PARALELAS
Miércoles 5 de junio, de 13:00 a 14:30, hall B7, salón B703
(en inglés con interpretación simultánea al francés, italiano,
alemán, portugués y español)
Asiste a esta sesión para entender y definir mejor tu club,
ya sea este tradicional o revolucionario. En esta sesión
interactiva, identificarás y celebrarás las fortalezas de tu
club y determinarás cómo y por qué puede ser conveniente
evolucionar en el entorno social cambiante de hoy.
  Getting Creative With Online Learning
Wednesday, 5 June, 13:00-14:00, Hall A1, Room A104
(Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in
Chinese and German)
This session will guide you through Rotary’s Learning
Center and help you get the most out of it. Check out the
new features, and find out how other districts are using this
resource to keep their members informed. Come explore
virtual badges, certificates, reporting, and so much more.
Getting Your Story Covered in the News
Wednesday, 5 June, 13:30-15:00, Hall A1, Room A103
(Presented in English)
What makes a story newsworthy? How do you know which
journalists and publications will best suit your story? In
this session, you will learn best practices for approaching
the media, cultivating relationships with journalists, and
conveying your messages during interviews.
Girls’ Education: A Game Changer to Improving
Monday, 3 June, 15:00-16:30, Hall A1, Room A100
(Presented in English)
The societal cost of not educating girls is estimated to be
$30 trillion. What can Rotary do on a large scale to have
a significant, sustainable impact through the education of
the girl child? A panel of experts from across the globe will
examine the cost of not educating girls, tap the knowledge base
of successful interventions, and explore how to scale up model
projects. Join us to learn how you can take effective action.
Global Grant: Smartphone Teledermatology Service
Monday, 3 June, 13:30-14:30, Hall A1, Room A100
(Presented in English)
Named as a noteworthy global grant by The Rotary
Foundation, the Smartphone Teledermatology Service uses
cutting-edge technology to deliver specialized dermatology
services to remote communities. Learn the process behind
our success, and see a demonstration online.

Grow Rotary by Involving Rotary Youth Exchange Alumni
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 13:30-14:30, Hall B3, Room B300

                     (Presented in English)
                     Rotary Youth Exchange helps students develop leadership
                     skills in their schools and communities. This program
                     attracts younger generations to Rotary, enhances our
                     public image, and increases awareness of Rotary in our
                     communities. Learn best practices to involve Youth
                     Exchange alumni in your club and grow your membership.
                     Guidelines and Principles for Media Content
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 13:30-14:30, Hall B7, Room B701
                     (Presented in English)
                     Every print and online communication conveys a worldview.
                     How do we ensure that our publications are consistent with the
                     principles that guide Rotarians, including The Four-Way Test?
                     In this idea exchange, learn how to set publicity goals and
                     principles, and to develop control mechanisms for Rotary
                       Helping Traumatized Refugees in Germany
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 14:30-16:00, Hall A1, Room A104
                     (Presented in German with simultaneous interpretation in
                     Chinese and English)
                     Refugees who are traumatized by war often lack access to
                     quality psychological care. This lack of treatment can lead to
                     more serious mental health issues and hurt refugees’ chances
                     of integrating into society. In this session, you will learn about
                     the complexity of trauma and the consequences of non-
                     treatment. We will also discuss intercultural competencies and
                     explore how refugees’ lives and prospects can be improved.
                          Helping Young People Join the Workforce
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 15:00-16:00, Hall A1, Room A102
                     (Presented in French with simultaneous interpretation in
                     English and German)
                     Rotary’s network of business leaders has been helping young
                     people enter the workforce and learn professional codes of
                     conduct. Become inspired by this unique program, which
                     benefits young people by connecting them with leaders in
                     the labor market — and which benefits Rotary by connecting
                     clubs with younger leaders.
                     How Far We’ve Come in Doubling Rotaract
                     Monday, 3 June, 16:00-17:00, Hall B2, Room B202
                     (Presented in English)
                     This Rotary year, RI President Barry Rassin set a bold goal
                     to double the size of Rotaract. Rotary clubs around the
                     world joined in to sponsor Rotaract clubs, many for the
                     first time. Learn how first-time Rotary club sponsors made
                     connections with young professionals, and take home tips to
                     start a new Rotaract club in your community.

How Intercountry Committees Can Facilitate
Global Grants
Tuesday, 4 June, 13:00-14:30, Hall B7, Room B701

                                                                  SESIONES PARALELAS
(Presented in English)
Intercountry committees (ICCs) connect Rotarians around
the world, promote peace, and facilitate global grants.
Our panelists will share their experiences to help you better
understand the role of ICCs in clubs and inspire you to make
your own connections.
How Rotary Youth Exchange Can Benefit Your Club
Tuesday, 4 June, 13:00-14:00, Hall B7, Room B700
(Presented in English)
Wednesday, 5 June, 13:00-14:00, Hall A1, Room A100
(Presented in English)
While the benefits of Rotary Youth Exchange are evident
from alumni success stories, the program’s role in building
the family of Rotary, boosting member engagement,
and developing peace and understanding is not always
clear. Come learn about Youth Exchange as a service
opportunity, and explore how your club can benefit
from this transformational program.
How the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method Helps You
Successfully Launch Projects
Tuesday, 4 June, 15:30-17:00, Hall B4, Room B400
(Presented in English)
The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method is a playful approach
that helps shape the launch of new projects. Discover this
tool, which brings together a comprehensive picture of
projects and the parties involved, engages participants, and
produces actionable ideas.
      Cómo promover la membresía en Rotary:
ideas novedosas
Lunes 3 de junio, de 13:00 a 14:30, hall A4, tercer piso,
salón Chicago
(en inglés con interpretación simultánea al francés, italiano,
alemán, portugués y español)
Para impulsar la labor de Rotary, es necesario que
destaquemos nuestros valores y objetivos a fin de aumentar
la membresía. En esta sesión, aprenderás las mejores
prácticas para atraer a "Gente de acción", especialmente
entre las generaciones más jóvenes. Líderes rotarios de
club, distrito y el ámbito internacional compartirán sus

How to Initiate and Manage Microfinance Projects
                     Monday, 3 June, 15:30-17:00, Hall A1, Room A103

                     (Presented in English)
                     Want to know more about microfinance? Learn about the
                     resources that help host and sponsor clubs establish and
                     manage microfinance projects within their local or global
                     communities, including the Microfinance Guide Book
                     developed by the Rotarian Action Group for Microfinance
                     and Community Development (RAGM). Our experts are
                     here to answer your questions and provide support.
                     Increase Rotary’s Impact and Reach Through Rotary
                     Community Corps
                     Monday, 3 June, 13:00-14:00, Hall B4, Room B401
                     (Presented in English)
                     Rotary Community Corps (RCCs) are our non-Rotarian
                     partners in service. Under the sponsorship of Rotary clubs,
                     they plan, conduct, and support service projects to improve
                     their communities. RCCs are a great way to enhance
                     Rotary’s impact and reach around the world. Attend this
                     session to learn how to establish RCCs and maximize the
                     benefits of this partnership.
                        Innovation Is No Coincidence! Design With Design
                     Tuesday, 4 June, 15:00-16:30, Hall B2, Room B201
                     (Presented in German with simultaneous interpretation
                     in Chinese and English)
                     Want to learn about design thinking — an approach to
                     solving complex problems and generating creative ideas?
                     Join this interactive session and experience a new form of
                     work culture based on empathy and playful experimentation.
                       Insights From HR: Retention Through
                     “Psychological Contracts”
                     Wednesday, 5 June, 13:00-14:00, Hall B7, Room B702
                     (Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in
                     Japanese and Korean)
                     Retaining club members can be a challenge. At what point
                     does it become more difficult for members to leave than
                     to stay? This session will draw on lessons learned from
                     employee retention and engagement to explore strategies for
                     creating “psychological contracts” with members.
                     Interact: Inspiring Our Future Rotarians
                     Tuesday, 4 June, 13:30-14:30, Hall B2, Room B200
                     (Presented in English)
                     Interact clubs are a prime source of action and leadership
                     — and we can all work together to create positive change in
                     the world. Inspire your Rotary club to start or strengthen
                     an Interact club, and tap into the incredible potential
                     of our youth.

Let’s Increase Financial Integrity Around the World!
Tuesday, 4 June, 15:00-16:30, Hall B7, Room B702

                                                                 SESIONES PARALELAS
(Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in
Japanese and Korean)
Rotary’s Second Object calls for high ethical standards
in business and professions. Learn how corruption and
unethical business practices create extreme poverty.
Be inspired to use the 2nd Object and The Four-Way Test
to combat poverty. Help to develop practical tools to promote
better ethics worldwide.
Lights, Smartphone, Action: Telling Rotary’s Story
on the Go
Monday, 3 June, 13:00-14:30, Hall A1, Room A101
(Presented in English)
If an image speaks a thousand words, a video can convey
a million. What better way to show Rotary’s people of action
than through video? Bring your smartphone or tablet and
learn how to quickly shoot and edit great videos. We’ll review
the different types of video you can create, what kinds of
shots to capture, how to use the iMovie app to create an
edited production, and other tips, tricks, and tools you can
use to help your video shine.
  Make Your Next Conference or Event a Success
Wednesday, 5 June, 14:30-15:30, Hall B7, Room B702
(Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in
Japanese and Korean)
A great conference depends on the right team, a comfortable
venue, good programs and speakers, expense control, and
more. Add the right marketing program to your conference,
and pack the house. Develop your SMART goals (specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound), and let’s get
every seat filled.
     Meet Rotary’s People of Action: Young Innovators
Monday, 3 June, 14:30-15:30, Hall A1, Room A102
(Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in
French and German)
Tuesday, 4 June, 16:00-17:00, Hall B4, Room B403
(Presented in English)
Be inspired by several of the Rotarians and Rotaractors
honored as People of Action: Young Innovators during
Rotary Day at the United Nations in Nairobi, Kenya. These
young leaders, all under age 35, have been recognized for
their commitment to solving problems with measurable
and lasting results, helping to connect local issues with
global concerns.

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