Luis A. FLORES - UC Davis Psychology

Página creada Paloma Garibay
                           Address: 1615 H Street, Davis CA, 95616 (USA)
                            530-908-4529 (USA) / 51-984729456 (Peru)


Andean Archaeology, Hunter-Gatherers, Origin of Complex Societies, Theory of Cooperation, GIS,
Landscape Archaeology, Archaeometry, Geoarchaeology


2018-     PhD student of Anthropology at University of California, Davis, USA.
2012-13   Master in Prehistoric Archaeology. Faculty of Geography and History. Department of Prehistory.
          Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
2010      Master culminated in Andean Archaeology. Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional
          Mayor de San Marcos.
2006      Bachelor of Archaeology. Academic School of Archaeology, Faculty of Social Sciences,
          Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2006).


2017       Director, International Research Center of Chavin de Huantar, Ministry of Culture, Peru.
2017       Adjunct Professor. Peruvian University of Art ORVAL, Peru.
2016       Director, Research Project El Pacifico, a Formative site in Lima, Peru. District Municipality of
           Los Olivos, Peru.
2016       Adjunct Professor. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Grade School of Social
           Sciences, Master of Andean Archaeology.
2016       Adjunct Professor. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Faculty of Social Sciences,
           Professional School of Archaeology.
2015       Instructor of course Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to Archeology. Museum
           of Archaeology and Anthropology of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru.
2014-15    Adjunct Professor. Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Faculty of Humanities,
           Professional School of Archaeology and Anthropology.

2008      Director, Research Project of Archaeological Excavations in 2009 Pukara, Puno - Peru.
          Approved by RDN Nº 1474 – INC.
2008      Co-director, with Dr. Mark Aldenderfer (University of Arizona-Tucson), the research project
          “Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Sitios Arcaico-Formativo de la Cuenca de Ramis, Puno”.
          Approved by RDN Nº 891 – INC.
2007      Co-director, with Dr. Mark Aldenderfer, the research project “Prospección Arqueológica, con
          excavaciones restringidas, en la Cuenca del Ramis (parte baja del río Pucara y el río Ramis),
          Puno-Perú”. Approved by RDN Nº 870 – INC.


2018      The Institute of Social Science (ISS) Fall 2018 Dissertation Award to assist with the Summer
          2019 field school of UC Davis. $ 312.50
2018-19    UC Davis Provost's Fellowships in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences for first year of
          study during 2018-2019 academic year. $ 58,248
2008-9    International Collaborative Research Grant (ICRG) from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for An-
          thropological Research. Awarded in co-application with Dr. Elizabeth Klarich, for the project
          “Evaluating Early Urbanism at Pukara, Peru”.

2001      Fellowship of Instituto de Investigaciones Histórico Sociales, Faculty of Social Sciences,
          Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos for the “Determinación de Áreas Habitacionales
          en el Sector X de Caral, Supe” project as part of undergraduate course Pre-Professional
          Practice. $ 500


2017      Peruvian University of Art ORVAL
          Aereal Photography; Sociology; Environmental impact evaluation
2016      National University of San Marcos (UNMSM), Peru
          Landscape and Settlement Archaeology; Seminary: Society and Settlement Archaeology
2015      Instructor of Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology of UNMSM
          Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to Archeology
2014-15   National University Federico Villarreal (UNFV)
          Archaeological Theory I; Archaeological Theory II; Andean Archaeology I; Andean
          Archaeology IV; Archaeology of America I (South America).


2018   Flores, Luis. Producción de lugares monumentales tempranos en la cuenca del Titicaca
       (Production of early monumental sites in the Titicaca basin). Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de
       Antropologia y Pensamiento Latinoamericano – Series Especiales, 6 (1) : 84-102.
2017   Flores, Luis. El Pacifico: early architecture and landscape during the Formative period of the
       Central Andes. Antiquity 91 (357): 1-6.
2017   Flores, Luis and François Cuynet. Cuando el mito se vuelve piedra: memorias alrededor de estelas
       Pukara en el norte del Titicaca (When the myth turns to stone: memories around stela Pukara in
       the north of Titicaca). Chungara 49 (1): 35-48.
2014   Flores, Luis. El surgimiento del paisaje monumentalizado de la cuenca del lago Titicaca, Andes
       Centro-Sur (The emergence of the monumentalized landscape of the Lake Titicaca basin, Andes
       Center-South). Revista Complutum, 25(1): 47-71.
2012   Flores, Luis, C. Cornejo y D. Cáceda. The Archaeology of Northern Puno: Late Sites in Sandia
       and Carabaya, Peru. En Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology–III, edited by Alexei Vranich,
       Elizabet Klarich, y Charles Stanish. Memoirs of The Museum of Anthropology, The University of
       Michigan, Number 51.
2011   Flores, Luis; F. Cuynet, F. y M. Aldenderfer. El hallazgo de una estela al interior de una qocha,
       Azángaro, Cuenca Norte del Titicaca (The discovery of a stela inside a qocha, Azángaro, North
       Basin of Titicaca). Ñawpa Pacha 31 (2): 141-151. IAS, Berkeley, USA.
2011   Aldenderfer, M. y Luis Flores. Reflexiones para avanzar en los estudios del período Arcaico en los
       Andes Centro-Sur (Reflections to advance studies of the Archaic period in the South-Central
       Andes). Chungará, 43, 1: 533-553.
2010   Craig, N. M. Aldenderfer, C. Rigsby, P. Baker, Luis Flores. Geologic Constraints on Rain-Fed
       Qocha Reservoir Agricultural Infrastructure, Northern Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru. Journal of
       Archaeological Science 38: 2897-2907.
2010   Craig, Nathan, R. J. Speakman, R. Popelka-Filcoff, M. Aldenderfer, Luis Flores, V.M. Brown, M.
       Glascock, C. Stanish. Macusani obsidian from southern Peru: A characterization of its elemental
       composition with a demonstration of its ancient use. Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 569-

2018   Flores, Luis (ed.). Monumentos, Lugares, Ancestros. Paisajes Andinos y Lejanos (Monuments,
       Places, Ancestors. Andean and distant landscapes). Editorial Avqui, Lima.
2012   Flores, Luís y Henry Tantaleán (editors). Arqueología de la Cuenca del Titicaca, Perú (Archeology
       of the Titicaca Basin, Peru). IFEA and Cotsen - UCLA.

2018    Flores, Luis. Arqueologías del paisaje andino (Archeology of the Andean landscape). In Luis Flores
        (ed.), Monumentos, Ancestros, Tiempo. Paisajes Andinos y Lejanos. Editorial Avqui, Lima. Pp. 17-
2018    Flores, Luis. En la casa de los abuelos: produccion de lugares monumentales en la cuenca del
        Titicaca (In the grandparents' house: production of monumental sites in the Titicaca basin). In Luis
        Flores (ed.), Monumentos, Ancestros, Tiempo. Paisajes Andinos y Lejanos. Editorial Avqui, Lima.
        Pp. 95-120.
2017    Flores, Luis A. Un estado de la cuestión del Período Arcaico de la cuenca del lago Titicaca y
        alrededores, Andes Centro-Sur (A state of the art of the Archaic Period of the basin of Lake Titicaca
        and surroundings, Andes Center-South). In Rafael Vega-Centeno (ed.), Para Repensar el Antiguo
        Perú. Aportes desde la Arqueología. IEP-PUCP.
2012    Flores Blanco, L; N. Craig y M. Aldenderfer. Las qochas y su relación con sitios tempranos en el
        Ramis, norte de la cuenca del Titicaca (The qochas and their relationship with early sites in the
        Ramis, north of the Titicaca basin). In L. Flores y H. Tantaleán (editores), Arqueología de la Cuenca
        del Titicaca, Perú. IFEA y Cotsen - UCLA. Pp. 225-242.
2012    Henry Tantaleán y Luis Flores. Una introducción a la arqueología en la cuenca del Titicaca (An
        introduction to archeology in the Titicaca basin). In L. Flores y H. Tantaleán (editors), Arqueología
        de la Cuenca del Titicaca, Perú. IFEA and Cotsen - UCLA. Pp. 19-26.
2010    Klarich, E. y Luis Flores. Continuidad e Innovación de la Cerámica Pukara: 3000 Años de
        Producción Alfarera en la Cuenca Norte del Titicaca (Continuity and Innovation of Pukara Ceramics:
        3000 Years of Pottery Production in the North Basin of Titicaca). In Jesús Ruiz (Ed.) Toro, torito de
        Pucará. MINCETUR. Pp. 23-33.

2016.   Tosso, Walter; Luis Flores y Marco Valderrama. Las Shicras en la Emergencia de la Complejidad
        Arcaica. Revista Histórica, tomo XLVII: 269-287. Órgano de la Academia Nacional de la Historia,
2015    Flores, Luis. 2015. Tras los pasos de Wendell C. Bennet en la cuenca del lago Titicaca. Arqueología
        y Sociedad, 29: 153-173.
2014.   Flores Blanco, Luis. Brindando con vino: ¿Quiénes eran los participantes de la mesa ibera? Revista
        Arqueoweb, 15: 56-67.
2012.   Flores, Luis y D. Cáceda. 2012. El arte rupestre de Carabaya, Puno: una propuesta de secuencia
        pictórica. En Investigaciones Sociales 28: 367-377. Journal of Instituto de Investigaciones Histórico
        Sociales de la UNMSM.
2012.   Flores, Luis; C. Cornejo y D. Cáceda. Arqueología de los periodos Altiplano e Inca en Sandia y
        Carabaya, al norte de la cuenca del Titicaca – Perú. Arqueología y Sociedad, 25: 185-214. UNMSM,

2012.   Flores, Luis; C. Cornejo y D. Cáceda. The Archaeology of Northern Puno: Late Sites in Sandia and
        Carabaya, Peru. In Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology–III, editado por Alexei Vranich, Elizabet
        Klarich, y Charles Stanish. Memoirs of The Museum of Anthropology, The University of Michigan,
        Number 51.
2009.   Flores, Luis. Prácticas Mortuorias de la Sociedad Chancay en el Sector de Caral, Valle de Supe.
        In P. Van Dalen y J. Bernabé (eds.), Kullpi: Investigaciones culturales en la provincia de Huaral y
        el Norte Chico, Año 4, N° 4, Lima.
2007.   Flores, Luis. Un granero doméstico: tecnología de almacenamiento perteneciente a la cultura
        Chancay en Caral, valle de Supe. In Van Dalen (ed.), revista Kullpi: Investigaciones culturales en
        la provincia de Huaral y el Norte Chico, Año 3, N° 3, Lima.

In edition:
•   Flores, Luis and Mark Aldenderfer
               Paisajes cambiantes en el Ramis durante los periodos Arcaico y Formativo (8000 a.C.-500
               d.C.), cuenca norte del lago Titicaca, Peru. BAR International Series. In edition.

2016          Coordinator of the Symposium "Archeology of Monumental Landscapes and Social Memory",
              during the III National Congress of Archeology, Peru.
2009          Symposium Coordinator “The Archaic Period in the South Central Andes: Traditions cultures
              and technological innovations”. In the 53rd International Congress of Americanists, Mexico City
              DF, July 2009.

•   56° International Congress of Americanists, Salamanca, Spain, July 2015.
•   IX Meeting of Archaeological Theory of South America (TAAS), Ecuador. June 2018.
•   II National Congress of Archeology of Peru, Lima, 2015.
•   VIII Meeting of Archaeological Theory of South America (TAAS), La Paz - Bolivia. May 2014.
•   II Latin American Archeometry Congress. Scientific methodologies applied to the study of cultural
    assets. October 19 - 21, 2009. Lima - Peru.
•   53° International Congress of Americanists, Mexico City D.F., July 2009.
•   The 73rd Annual Meeting of the SAA in Vancouver, Canada, Marzo 2008.


2013        Researcher in pre-ceramic site El Paraíso, Chillon valley. Ministry of Culture, Peru.
2011-12     Field Manager of the Research Project in Huaca Huantille. Municipality of Magdalena del Mar
            - Ministry of Culture.
2006-07     Field Manager Huaca Alta sector, archaeological site El Áspero. Proyecto Especial
            Arqueológico Caral, Supe, dirigido por la Dra. Ruth Shady Solís.
2005-06     Field Manager of Huaca Alta sector in the archaeological site Aspero. Directed by Dra. Ruth
            Shady Solís.
2002-04     Head Sector I in the archaeological site Caral. Proyecto Especial Arqueológico Caral-Supe,
            Directed by Dra. Ruth Shady Solís.

2010       Director of Analysis lithic archaeological assessment projects PERU LNG Company.
2008       Lithic Analysis Manager Material Research Project “Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Sitios
           Arcaico-Formativo de la Cuenca de Ramis, Puno”.
2007       Lithic Analysis Manager Material Research Project “Prospección Arqueológica, con
           excavaciones restringidas, en la Cuenca del Ramis (parte baja del río Pucara y el río Ramis),

2017       Editor of the Chavin Research Journal of CIICR - Ministry of Culture. Edition 2018.
2011       Advisor of journal Arqueología y Sociedad. Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology of the
           Cultural Center of the University of San Marcos.
2012       Editor, with Henry Tantaleán del libro Arqueología de la Cuenca del Titicaca, Perú. Instituto
           Francés de Estudios Andinos y Cotsen Institute of Archaeology - UCLA. Funded by INTERSUR.
2011       Guest editor of journal Chungará, vol.43, special Issue. El Arcaico en los Andes Sur Centrales:
           Tradiciones e innovaciones culturales.

Peer-Review Journals
“Chungara”, “Ñawpa Pacha” and “Arqueologia y Sociedad”.
Project Supervisor:
2014       Archaeologist supervising the Public Investment Project: Valorization and Preservation of the
           archaeological site Las Shicras, district of Aucallama, Huaral, Lima. Regional Government of
2012       Archeologist supervisor of the Public Investment Project: El Paraíso Valorization Project. Culture
2008       Project evaluator to the 2011 Regular Contest of the National Fund for Scientific and
           Technological Development (FONDECYT) of the Government of Chile.

2011-12    Archaeologist of the District Municipality of Magdalena del Mar, Lima.
2010-11 Archaeologist of the Department of Archeology of the Ministry of Culture, Peru.
- Training in Archeology and Related Topics
2010    Training in photogrammetry.
2008    Training in Digital Mapping of archaeological excavations (photomapping) from a Geographic
        Information System (GIS). Dictated by Dr. Nathan Craig. May July.
2007    Basic ArcGIS Course 9.1. IT Center UNMSM. May, 16 hours.
2007    Basic course in ArcView 3.2. IT Center UNMSM. January, 16 hours.
2005    Training in Leica ERDAS IMAGINE v. 8.7 (for satellite images). From 04 to 06 May. Certificates
        TELEMATICA. 12 hours.
-    Languages
SPANISH (Native) / ENGLISH (Advanced)

    •   Member of the SAA (Society for American Archaeology). 2007-
    •   Member of the WAC (World Archaeology Congress). 2007-2008.
    •   National Registry of Archaeologists (Ministerio de Cultura de Perú): BF-0712.
    •   Permanent Member of the Association of Archaeologists of Peru (COARPE): No. 040675.
    •   Researcher Affiliated with the International Research Center of Chavin, Peru. 2017 –
    •   Researcher Affiliated to CONCYTEC, Peru.


-   Dr. Randy Haas. Departament of Anthropology, University of California, Davis - USA. Email:
-   Dr. Mark Aldenderfer. Departament of Anthropology, University of California, Merced - USA. Email:
-   Dr. Charles Stanish. Departament of Anthropology, University of South of Florida - USA. Email:
-   Dr. Marisa Ruiz-Galvez. Department of Prehistory, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Email:

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