Transporte inteligente, ecológico e integrado - Juan Francisco Reyes Sánchez 29 Noviembre 2018 - CITAndalucia
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H2020 What is Horizon 2020? EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation € 79 billion from 2014 to 2020 Biggest multinational research programme in the world Covers the full innovation chain Funds research in all areas of science and innovation Excellent Science Competitive Industries Tackling global societal challenges
H2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovaton (2014-2020) Excellent Industrial Societal Science Leadership Challenges European Research ICT Health, demographic change and wellbeing Council (ERC) Nanotechnology Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritme and inland Future and Emerging Biotechnology water research and the bioeconomy; Technologies (FET) Advanced Materials Secure, clean and efcient energy; Marie Skłodowska-Curie actons on skills, training Advanced Manufacturing & Processing Smart, greenand Smart, green and integrated integrated Transport transport; and career development Space Climate acton, environment, resource European research efciency and raw materials infrastructures Access to Risk Finance Europe in a changing world-Inclusive, Innovaton in SMEs innovatve and refexive societes Secure Societess Protectng freedom and security of Europe and its citiens UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 3 (03/12/2018)
Transporte Inteligente, Ecológico e Integrado El objetvo es lograr un sistema europeo de transporte más efcai en el uso de los recursos, que sea respetuoso con el clima y el medio ambiente y funcione con seguridad y sin fsuras en benefcio de todos los ciudadanos, la economía y la sociedad. 4 áreas generales SOSTENIBILIDAD INTEGRACIÓN COMPETITIVIDAD INVESTIGACIÓN SOCIO-ECONÓMICA UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 4 (03/12/2018)
Documentos de infuencia en Transporte European Libro blanco Transport 1 de Decarboniiatons a review of the research transporte requirements 2011 Disseminaton, https//// _white_paper_en.htm Commercialiiaton and Adopton of Transport Research Outputs December 2015 3 https//// ag-summary-report-on-decarbonisaton-and-disseminato n-fnal-1-12-2011_en.pdf 2 Response of the Horiion 2020 Transport Transport Advisory Advisory Group Group May 2016 June 2014 https//// =groupDetail.groupDetailDoc&id=11019&no=1 UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 5 (03/12/2018)
Plataformas tecnológicas europeas Agendas estratégicas I+D… UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 6 (03/12/2018)
Transport within H2020 Budget allocaton 1.755 M€ Clean Sky 2 48,2% SESAR 2 585 M€ 240 M€ FCH 2 EMPIR 22,5 M€ Shif2Rail 450 M€ Green Vehicles 750 M€ 51,8% 400 M€ Vessel future Transport Work Programme 2.136 M€ UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 7 (03/12/2018)
PPPs Aportación Nombre Tipo Alcance Estado CE (M€) Construcción Adopción Consejo Clean Sky 2 JTI 1.711 aeronáutca mayo 2014 Gestón del Adopción Consejo SESAR JU 181 tráfco aéreo mayo 2014 European Vehículos Green Vehicles PPP 710 Firmado MoU ecológicos Initatve Transporte Adopción Consejo Shif2Rail JTI 410 ferroviario mayo 2014 Vessels for the Construcción de PPP 400? En preparación? Future buques TBD ¿JTI? Infraestructuras TBD En preparación? de transporte Nota: Cifras expresadas en condiciones económicas corrientes UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 8 (03/12/2018)
Executve Agencies UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 9 (03/12/2018)
Transport within H2020 Budget allocaton 1.755 M€ Clean Sky 2 SESAR 2 585 M€ 240 M€ FCH 2 EMPIR 22,5 M€ Shif2Rail 450 M€ Green Vehicles 750 M€ 400 M€ Vessel future Transport Work Programme 2.136 M€ UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 10 (03/12/2018)
Horizonte 2020 Transporte. Budget 2019 EUR 311 million (EUR 941 million in 2018-2020) 3 calls for proposals and 20 topics in 2019 1. Mobility for Growth (MG). 2. Automated Road Transport (ART) 3. Green Vehicles (GV) 2019 calls open from the September/December 2018 3 main types of actonss RIA, IA, CSA/EraNet + Other actonss Priies, SME Instrument, FTI, experts groups and procurements
Horizonte 2020 Transporte. WP 2018-2020 FOCUS AREAS 1.Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future 2.Digitsing and transforming European industry and services Baterías (Horizonte 2020 2018-2020) 200 Million EUR Single Stage & Two Stage Two-stage: Mobility for Grow call only, (except the Aviaton's Internatonal cooperaton fagship) Single-stage: Green Vehicles & Automated Road Transport UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 12 (03/12/2018)
Horizonte 2020, ¿quién puede partcipar? Requisitos Con carácter generals Mínimo 3 entdades de diferentes Estados Miembros (EM) o Estados Asociados (EA). Las tres entdades deben ser independientes Abierto a terceros países respetando las condiciones mínimas de partcipación (salvo excepciones) Duración del proyecto, presupuesto y número de socioss a decidir por el consorcio Benefciarios Puede partcipar cualquier entdad jurídica que cumpla con los requisitos establecidos en las Reglas de Partcipación y en los Programas de Trabajo Tipo de fnanciación Con carácter generals Subvenciones (100%//71% CD + 21% CI) Instrumentos de fnanciación: RIA, IA, CSA, SME instrument, FTI, PPI, PCP, Premios… Generalidades instrumentos Generalidades instrumentos RIA IA CSA PCP PPI SMEinst Prizes RIA IA CSA PCP PPI SMEinst Prizes 100 % 70 % 100 % 90 % 35 % 70/100 % EUR 100 % 70 % 100 % 90 % 35 % 70/100 % EUR
Evaluación Contnuidad: Novedades: • Criterios Excelencia, • Evaluación en 2 etapas (sólo para Implementación, Impacto algunos tópicos) • Notas entre 0 – 1 por criterio • Criterio “Impacto” peso de 1,1 para (0 = sin cubrir, 1 = excelente) las Acciones de Innovación (IAs) e • Se pueden usar medios puntos Instrumento PYME Umbrales de evaluación (max. 10 pages) OUTCOME: GO/NO GO
Evaluación Contnuidad: Novedades: • Criterios Excelencia, • Evaluación en 2 etapas (sólo para Implementación, Impacto algunos tópicos) • Notas entre 0 – 1 por criterio • Criterio “Impacto” peso de 1,1 para (0 = sin cubrir, 1 = excelente) las Acciones de Innovación (IAs) e • Se pueden usar medios puntos Instrumento PYME Umbrales de evaluación (max. 10 pages) OUTCOME: GO/NO GO
Horizonte 2020 Transporte. Mobility for Growth Overall objectves: 1. Low-carbon & Reconcile sustainability and sustainable transport compettveness Ensure better and safer mobility for all 4. Accountng for Mobility 2. Safe, integrated & resilient transport people Address socio-economic for system aspects and provide evidence Growth for policy-making Blue 3. Global leadership & Growth compettveness
1. Low-carbon and sustainable transport Total EU contributon: EUR 81 m / 2019 Topic Budget Deadline LC-MG-1-1- Advancements in aerodynamics and innovatve propulsion systems 11 16 Jan 2019 (First Stage) 2019 (RIA) for quieter and greener aircrafs 12 Sep 2019 (Second Stage) LC-MG-1-6- Aviaton operatons impact on climate change (InCo fagship) 10 24 Apr 2019 2019 (RIA) LC-MG-1-7- Future propulsion and integratons towards a hybrid//electric aircraf 11 24 Apr 2019 2019 (RIA) (InCo fagship) LC-MG-1-8- Retroft Solutons and Next Generaton Propulsion for Waterborne 8 16 Jan 2019 (First Stage) 2019 (IA) Transport 12 Sep 2019 (Second Stage) LC-MG-1-9- Upgrading transport infrastructure in order to monitor noise and 7 16 Jan 2019 (First Stage) 2019 (RIA) emissions 12 Sep 2019 (Second Stage) LC-MG-1- Logistcs solutons that deal with requirements of the 'on demand 10 16 Jan 2019 (First Stage) 10-2019 economy' and for shared-connected and low-emission logistcs 12 Sep 2019 (Second Stage) (RIA) operatons LC-MG-1- Structuring R&I towards iero emission waterborne transport 1 26 April 2019 11-2019 (RIA)
2. Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems Total EU contributon: EUR 67 Mio in 2019 Topic Budget Deadline MG-2-6-2019 Moving freight by Waters Sustainable Infrastructure and 30 16 Jan 2019 (First Stage) (RIA) Innovatve Vessels 12 Sep 2019 (Second Stage) MG-2-7-2019- Safety in an evolving road mobility environment 8 16 Jan 2019 (First Stage) (RIA) 12 Sep 2019 (Second Stage) MG-2-8-2019 Innovatve applicatons of drones for ensuring safety in 11 16 Jan 2019 (First Stage) (RIA) transport 12 Sep 2019 (Second Stage) MG-2-9-2019 InCo Flagship on Integrated multmodal, low-emission freight 14 16 Jan 2019 (First Stage) (RIA) transport systems and logistcs 12 Sep 2019 (Second Stage)
3. Global Leadership & Compettveness Focus on: Vehicle//vessel design and manufacturing and life-cycle approaches Rapid integraton of ICT and IoT Human component of CAT technologies DEADLINE (Total EU contribution: EUR 44 Mio in 2018)
4. Accountng for the people Total EU contributon: EUR 13 Mio in 2019 Topic Budget Deadline MG-4-1-2019 An inclusive digitally interconnected transport system meetng 7 24 Apr 2019 (RIA) citiens' needs MG-4-6-2019 Supportng Joint Actons on sustainable urban accessibility and 6 24 Apr 2019 (ERA-NET- connectvity Cofund)
Blue Growth Total EU contributon: EUR 8 Mio in 2019 ’Blue Growth’ topics’ in 2019 aiming at: Explore several possible scenarios for the wide scale adopton of diferent emission control technologies Topic Budget Deadline MG-BG-02- Ship emission control scenarios, marine environmental impact 8 24 Apr 2019 2019 (RIA) and mitgaton
Automated Road Transport Total EU contributon: EUR 38 Mio in 2019 Topic Budget Deadline DT-ART-03- Human centred design for the new driver role in highly 8 24 Apr 2019 2019 (RIA) automated vehicles DT-ART-04- Developing and testng shared, connected and cooperatve 30 24 Apr 2019 2019 (IA) automated vehicle feets in urban areas for the mobility of all
Green Vehicles Total EU contributon: EUR 78 Mio in 2019 Topic Budget Deadline LC-GV-03- User centric charging infrastructure 31 24 Apr 2019 2019 (IA) LC-GV-04- Low-emissions propulsion for long-distance trucks and 21 24 Apr 2019 2019 (IA) coaches LC-GV-01- InCo fagship on “Urban mobility and sustainable 18 24 Apr 2019 2019 (IA) electrifcaton in large urban areas in developing and emerging economies”
Colaboración internacional UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 24 (03/12/2018)
Internatonal Cooperaton Global challenges call for global solutons Emissions, polluton, climate impact Oil dependency, energy efciency Transport safety and security Standardisaton of services, products and procedures … Local issues beneft from exchange of best practces Trafc congeston Land use planning Behavioural issues …
Internatonal Cooperaton
Transport WP2018-2020 Internatonal Cooperaton Flagships and Targeted countries Area Topic Title Targeted opening Aviaton Internatonal Cooperaton Flagship – Safer and Greener in a Smaller World MG - Low-carbon and LC-MG-1-6- Aviaton operatons impact on climate change China (bilateral) for sub-topics C sustainable transport 2019 and D LC-MG-1-7- Future propulsion and integraton – Towards a Canada and Japan 2019 hybrid//electric aircraf Integrated multmodal freight transport systems and (the last mile) logistcs MG - Safe, integrated and MG-2-9- Integrated multmodal, low-emission freight transport Canada, China, Japan, Latn resilient transport systems 2019 systems and logistcs America and the US * Proposals should foresee twinning with projects funded by US DOT
Internatonal Cooperaton Transport WP2018-2020 Flagships and Targeted countries Area Topic Title Targeted opening MG - Low-carbon and LC-MG-1-9-2019 Upgrading transport infrastructure in order to monitor noise and US sustainable transport emissions LC-MG-1-10-2019 Logistcs solutons that deal with requirements of the 'on demand economy' and for shared-connected and low-emission logistcs operatons MG - Safe, integrated MG-2-7-2019 Safety in an evolving road mobility environment and resilient transport systems Any Third Blue Growth MG-BG-02-2019 Ship emission control scenarios, marine environmental impact and Countries mitgaton Proposals should foresee twinning with projects funded by US DOT
Transport WP2018-2020 Internatonal Cooperaton Flagships and Targeted countries Area Topic Title Targeted opening EU-US Road vehicle automaton and safety Automated road DT-ART-03- Human centred design for the new driver role in highly transport 2019 automated vehicles DT-ART-04- Developing and testng shared, connected and 2019 cooperatve automated vehicle feets in urban areas for the mobility of all Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and the US * Proposals should foresee twinning with projects funded by US DOT Clean urban transport in medium/mega sized cites in developing and emerging economies Green vehicles LC-GV-01- InCo fagship on "Urban mobility and sustainable Africa, Asia (e.g. China, India) and Latn 2019 electrifcaton in large urban areas in developing and America (CELAC) emerging economies
Transport within H2020 Budget allocaton 1.755 M€ Clean Sky 2 SESAR 2 585 M€ 240 M€ FCH 2 EMPIR 22,5 M€ Shif2Rail 450 M€ Green Vehicles 750 M€ 400 M€ Vessel future Transport Work Programme 2.136 M€ UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 30 (03/12/2018)
SESAR 2020 Programme EU Multannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 contributon 81M€ 81M€ 1.200 M€ 100 M€ 300M€ 1.181M€ SESAR JU PPP 31
Clean Sky – Responding to Societal Needs But New Fronters & Challenges EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: ACARE ACARE 50% 50% CO CO22 reducton reducton targeted: targeted: 2020 2020 2000 2020 75% 75% CO CO22 reducton reducton targeted: targeted: 2050 2050 ACARE ACARE SRIA SRIA 2050
EU Funding: ~1.8bn€ Clean Sky 2 Programme Set-up EU Funding: Private ~1.8bn€ Members: Private Members: ~2.2bn€ ~2.2bn€ Fast Fast Large Large Regional Regional Rotorcraf Rotorcraf Passenger Passenger Aircraf Aircraf Vehicle Leonardo Leonardo Aircraf Aircraf Helicopters Helicopters Airbus Leonardo Leonardo IADPs Airbus Aircraf Airbus Airbus Aircraf (TE) (DLR) Evaluator (TE) Center (DLR) Helicopters Helicopters Gesellschaf Fraunhofer Gesellschaf Technology Evaluator Aerospace Center Airframe Airframe ITD ITD Eco-Design Eco-Design Dassault Dassault –– EADS-CASA EADS-CASA –– Saab Saab German Aerospace Transport Air Transport Fraunhofer Piaggio Evektor –– Piaggio Technology Large Engines Engines ITD ITD German Systems Safran Safran –– Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce –– MTU Small Air MTU Evektor ITDs Small Systems Systems ITD ITD Thales Thales –– Liebherr Liebherr Building on Clean Sky, going further into integration at full aircraft level Not legally binding And developing new technology streams for the next generations of aircraft
CS2 Partcipaton < 40% of EU funding reserved for CS2 Leaders > 60% of EU funding open to competton via open calls: Up to 30% for Core Partners (becoming Members once selected) At least 30% for CfP (i.e. Partners as in CS) plus CfTs >1bn€ of EU funding in play, via calls Industry, SMEs, Academia, and Research Organiiatons eligible. Partcipaton possible via Clusters // Consorta or as sole applicant 800 - 1000 Partcipants across all ters of the industrial supply chain and “R&I Chain”, with large investment leverage efect
Current CfP Opportunity: CfP09
not legally binding
Shif2Rail ¿Qué es Shif2Rail ? UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 37 (03/12/2018)
Shif2Rail Tipo de partcipante Papel y responsabilidad Criterios de selección Presupuesto Miembros del Governing Board Founding Comprometdos con la totalidad del programa Adjudicación directa 40% Members (fnanciero y técnico) Socios a riesgo comprometdos Call Oct 2014 Associated con la totalidad del programa (fnanciero y técnico) H2020-S2RJU-2015-01 30% Members Representados en Gov. Board H2020-S2RJU-2016-01 Socios para proyectos Open calls Sin representación en Next 2019 30% Governing Board UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 38 (03/12/2018)
Shif2Rail Miembros Founding members Associated Members other than the Union https//// UNIÓN EUROPEA Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa 39 (03/12/2018)
ETNA 2020 SERVICES FOR STAKEHOLDERS ww w ps.n .tran et s po rt-n Single entry point web-based c tool to European transport R&I initatves and sources of public and private sector funding Factsheet on HORIZON 2020 programme available on the website E-training / Webinars Brokerage Events to fnd suitable partners applying in HORIZON 2020 calls for proposals
TOWARDS FP9: Programme Structure (work in progress) The key novelties under discussion for FP9 are: the mission- Thematic clusters approach to • Health enhance the • Resilience and Security impact of European • Digital and Industry R&I funding, and • Climate, Energy and Mobility a fully-fledged Transport • Food and natural resources Implemented via: European (i) regular calls for proposals, Innovation (ii) partnerships and (iii) missions. Council
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