ANX-PR/CL/001-01 LEARNING GUIDE - Grado en Ingeniería ...

Página creada Daria Garibay
                                                            E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                   LEARNING ACTIVITIES                      Caminos, Canales y Puertos

              LEARNING GUIDE


43000330 - Materials Under Extreme In-service Conditions

                   DEGREE PROGRAMME

  04AF - Master Universitario En Ingenieria De Materiales

                ACADEMIC YEAR & SEMESTER

                  2021/22 - Semester 2
                                                                                     ANX-PR/CL/001-01                                                    E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                                       COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                                                     LEARNING GUIDE                                                      Caminos, Canales y
                                       LEARNING ACTIVITIES


Learning guide

1. Description...............................................................................................................................................................1
2. Faculty.....................................................................................................................................................................1
3. Prior knowledge recommended to take the subject..................................................................................................2
4. Skills and learning outcomes ...................................................................................................................................3
5. Brief description of the subject and syllabus.............................................................................................................5
6. Schedule..................................................................................................................................................................9
7. Activities and assessment criteria...........................................................................................................................11
8. Teaching resources.................................................................................................................................................13
9. Other information....................................................................................................................................................15
                                                            ANX-PR/CL/001-01                         E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                          COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                            LEARNING GUIDE                           Caminos, Canales y
                          LEARNING ACTIVITIES

1. Description

1.1. Subject details

  Name of the subject                   43000330 - Materials Under Extreme In-Service Conditions
  No of credits                         3 ECTS
  Type                                  Optional
  Academic year ot the
                                        First year
  Semester of tuition                   Semester 2
  Tuition period                        February-June
  Tuition languages                     English
  Degree programme                      04AF - Master Universitario en Ingenieria de Materiales
                                        04 - Escuela Tecnica Superior De Ingenieros De Caminos, Canales Y
  Academic year                         2021-22

2. Faculty

2.1. Faculty members with subject teaching role

  Name and surname                      Office/Room             Email                         Tutoring hours *
                                                                                              Tu - 13:00 - 19:00
                                                                                              Make an
  Jose Ygnacio Pastor Caño              ETSI Caminos                appointment
                                                                                              request by e-mail:
                                                                                              Tu - 12:00 - 14:00
                                                                                              W - 12:00 - 14:00
                                                                                              Th - 12:00 - 14:00
  Elena Maria Tejado Garrido                                                                  Make an
                                        ETSI Caminos  
  (Subject coordinator)                                                                       appointment

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                                                              LEARNING GUIDE                                       Caminos, Canales y
                            LEARNING ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                            request by e-mail:

* The tutoring schedule is indicative and subject to possible changes. Please check tutoring times with the faculty
member in charge.

2.2. Research assistants

   Name and surname                           Email                                           Faculty member in charge
   Orellana Barrasa, Jaime                                     Pastor Caño, Jose Ygnacio
   Tarancón Román, Sandra                                     Pastor Caño, Jose Ygnacio

2.3. External faculty

   Name and surname                           Email                                           Institution
   Teresa Palacios García                                     ETSI de Minas y Energía

3. Prior knowledge recommended to take the subject

3.1. Recommended (passed) subjects

- Tecnicas De Analisis Y Ensayo Mecanico

- Seleccion De Materiales

3.2. Other recommended learning outcomes

- Structure of the matter

- Physics and chemistry

- Materials Science and Engineering

- Manufacturing technologies

- Ceramic Materials

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                                                             ANX-PR/CL/001-01                        E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
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                                                             LEARNING GUIDE                          Caminos, Canales y
                           LEARNING ACTIVITIES

4. Skills and learning outcomes *

4.1. Skills to be learned

CB10 - Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un
modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo

CB6 - Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo
y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación

CB7 - Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas
en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su
área de estudio

CB9 - Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones ¿y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las
sustentan¿ a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades

CE 1 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar los fundamentos científicos del comportamiento físico y químico de los
materiales para saber relacionar causalmente sus propiedades fundamentales físicas y químicas con su
comportamiento y el de los productos con ellos realizados.

CE 2 - Saber diseñar, modelizar, evaluar, seleccionar, fabricar y utilizar materiales con propiedades específicas
(mecánicas, funcionales y/o biológicas) para satisfacer una aplicación dada, en función de las restricciones de
tiempo y recursos.

CE 3 - Saber planificar, explotar y gestionar técnica y económicamente la selección, fabricación, procesado,
utilización, reciclado reutilización y eliminación de materiales, de forma respetuosa con el medio ambiente, de
conformidad con la legislación nacional e internacional, y promoviendo el desarrollo sostenible y el bienestar de la

CE 4 - Conocer, comprender, identificar y saber determinar la composición y estructura de los diversos tipos de
materiales, conociendo y siendo capaz de aplicar y utilizar las técnicas y los equipos experimentales de
caracterización y análisis micro y macroestructural, mecánico, eléctrico, magnético y óptico de los materiales.

CG1 - Uso de la lengua inglesa para comunicar conocimientos, ideas y argumentos de manera clara, rigurosa y

CG3 - Creatividad para pensar o resolver de forma nueva y original situaciones o problemas en el ámbito de la
ciencia, la ingeniería y la tecnología.

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                                                             ANX-PR/CL/001-01                      E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
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                                                             LEARNING GUIDE                        Caminos, Canales y
                           LEARNING ACTIVITIES

CG4 - Organización y planificación para determinar eficazmente los fines, metas, objetivos y prioridades de la
tarea a desempeñar y organizar las actividades, los plazos y los recursos necesarios, controlando los procesos

CG5 - Gestión de la información que permita buscar, seleccionar y analizar con habilidad y eficacia la información
más relevante procedente de diversas fuentes analógicas y digitales

CG7 - Trabajo en contextos internacionales, siendo capaces de reconocer las diferencias económicas,
organizativas y sociales entre países según su entorno, saber integrar la diversidad cultural en el ámbito del
desarrollo de proyectos de ciencia e ingeniería así como conocer las diferentes respuestas dadas a los problemas
humanos y sociales en diferentes lugares del planeta.

4.2. Learning outcomes

RA73 - Integrar creativamente los conocimientos adquiridos en el resto de materias

RA32 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar los fundamentos científicos del comportamiento de los materiales

RA53 - Ser creativo, ejecutando el trabajo con responsabilidad y respeto a los demás.

RA18 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar los fundamentos científicos del comportamiento de los materiales y la
interrelación entre su estructura, propiedades, procesado y aplicaciones

RA36 - Capacity for interpreting scientific results

RA74 - Saber planificar y llevar a cabo alguna de las competencias aprendidas en el resto de materias
(fabricación, procesado, diseño, durabilidad, reciclado o gestión de materiales)

RA45 - -Ejecutar el trabajo con responsabilidad y respeto a los demás.

RA60 - Saber adaptarse a nuevas situaciones, ejecutando el trabajo con responsabilidad y respeto a los demás

RA6 - RD.1: Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de
problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos multidisciplinares de su área de trabajo.

RA62 - Ejecutar el trabajo con responsabilidad professional, ética y respeto a los demás y al medioambiente

RA83 - RA31 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar los fundamentos científicos del comportamiento de los
materiales y la interrelación entre su estructura, propiedades, procesado y aplicaciones.

RA9 - RD.4:Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de
un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo

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                                                           ANX-PR/CL/001-01                           E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                         COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                           LEARNING GUIDE                             Caminos, Canales y
                         LEARNING ACTIVITIES

RA23 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar las bases de la ciencia y del método científico

RA87 - Ser capaz de extraer resultados y conclusiones de artículos científicos con pensamiento crítico.

RA1 - Ser capaz de aprender y actualizar autónomamente nuevos conocimientos y técnicas

RA22 - Adquirir y desarrollar capacidades para innovar, desarrollar y producir nuevos materiales, y fabricar, por
métodos alternativos, materiales convencionales necesarios para ser más competitivos o para resolver problemas
sociales y ambientales

RA65 - Conocer y comprender los procesos de selección y diseño de las distintas familias de materiales, sabiendo
entender de forma integradora los aspectos comunes de las tecnologías utilizadas.

RA66 - Conocer y comprender los procesos tecnológicos, las distintas técnicas de fabricación y transformación de
los materiales

RA89 - Conocimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y su relación con las tecnologías

RA88 - Conocimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

* The Learning Guides should reflect the Skills and Learning Outcomes in the same way as indicated in the Degree
Verification Memory. For this reason, they have not been translated into English and appear in Spanish.

5. Brief description of the subject and syllabus

5.1. Brief description of the subject

Course description

Structural materials play an essential role in many applications, from airplane fuselage to car chassis to computer
and cell phone cases. Advanced applications often call for materials that are stronger and lighter, as illustrated by
the current development in carbon composites and nickel-base alloys.

Furthermore, materials often operate in harsh environments and they need to maintain their high performance in
those environments. Turbine blades in jet engines, for instance, operate close to their melting point in an oxidative
environment; structural and cladding materials in nuclear reactors are subjected to radiation and corrosion.
Besides, limits on materials behavior are among the greatest technical obstacles to improving the safety and
economic performance of nuclear energy systems. Next-generation fast fission reactors and future fusion devices
will need to overcome even more severe materials challenges, including high atomic displacement rates together

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                          LEARNING ACTIVITIES

with proton/helium production in the fast neutron spectrum. The need to develop materials that can perform well in
these severe operating environments is a major challenge for materials science and requires a fundamental
understanding of material response under extreme conditions of radiation flux, temperature, and stress.

On the contrary, there are other materials whose field of application is that of extremely low temperatures, since
only there they exhibit such interesting properties as superconductivity.

This course will review basic concepts, which underpin how the material behaves under extreme thermal and
mechanical conditions as well as high-energy irradiations. The emphasis is made on qualitative description,
providing basic science background, and avoiding unnecessary mathematical formalism. Engineering materials that
can withstand hush environments and new materials with unique compositions/microstructures will be surveyed.

Course topics

The course will be roughly divided into three sections, as indicated on the Course Syllabus:

    1. Refractory ceramic materials
    2. Composites for extreme in-service applications
    3. Materials for low-temperature applications, i.e. Superconductors

5.2. Syllabus


  1.1. Refractory materials

     1.1.1. Introduction to refractory ceramic science

     1.1.2. Feedstock for refractory ceramic materials production

     1.1.3. Main properties of refractory ceramic materials

     1.1.4. Fabrication processes of refractory ceramic materials

  1.2. Main refractory ceramic materials

     1.2.1. Classifications of refractory ceramic materials

     1.2.2. Refractory lining

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  1.3. Refractory ceramic materials today

    1.3.1. Main uses of refractory ceramic materials

    1.3.2. Refractory ceramic materials for metals obtaining and metals recycling

    1.3.3. Refractory ceramic materials for cement and lime production

    1.3.4. Refractory ceramic materials for energy production

  1.4. Advanced refractory materials


  2.1. Composites basics

    2.1.1. Introduction

    2.1.2. CMCs for nuclear energy applications

    2.1.3. CMCs for aerospace applications

  2.2. Ultra-high temperature ceramic-based composites

    2.2.1. Introduction

    2.2.2. Fabrication processes for UHTCs

    2.2.3. Main properties of UHTCs

    2.2.4. Protection against oxidation

  2.3. Thermal barrier materials

    2.3.1. Thermal conductivity of high-temperature materials

    2.3.2. Current thermal barrier materials

    2.3.3. Future directions for alternative TBC materials


  3.1. Superconductor materials I

    3.1.1. Introduction: history and conductivity in metals and alloys

    3.1.2. Phenomenological models of superconductivity

    3.1.3. Properties of SC materials

    3.1.4. Classification of SC materials

  3.2. Superconductor materials II

    3.2.1. High temperature superconductors

    3.2.2. Processing of SC: bulk and tapes

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    3.2.3. Applications of SC

    3.2.4. Recent advances in SC production

  3.3. Superconductor materials III:

    3.3.1. Laboratory practice on the Meissner Effect in SC materials

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                                     LEARNING ACTIVITIES

6. Schedule

6.1. Subject schedule*
 Week       Face-to-face classroom activities       Face-to-face laboratory activities               Distant / On-line                Assessment activities

        Presentation of the subject, introduction
  1      Duration: 02:00

        Refractory ceramic materials 1
  2      Duration: 02:00

        Refractory ceramic materials 2
  3      Duration: 02:00

        Refractory ceramic materials 3
  4      Duration: 02:00

        Refractory ceramic materials 4
  5      Duration: 02:00

        Advanced Refractory Materials 1
  6      Duration: 02:00

        Advanced Refractory Materials 2
  7      Duration: 02:00

                                                                                                                         Partial examination 1
                                                                                                                         Online test
  8                                                                                                                      Continuous assessment
                                                                                                                         Duration: 02:00

        Composites for extreme in-service
        applications 1
         Duration: 02:00

        Composites for extreme in-service
        applications 2
         Duration: 02:00

        Composites for extreme in-service
        applications 3
         Duration: 02:00

        Materials for low-temperature
        applications, Superconductors 1
         Duration: 02:00

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                                                                              LEARNING GUIDE                             Caminos, Canales y
                                   LEARNING ACTIVITIES

       Materials for low-temperature
       applications, Superconductors 2
        Duration: 02:00

                                            Materials for low-temperature
                                            applications, Superconductors 3
                                             Duration: 02:00
                                             Laboratory assignments

                                                                                                     Partial examination 2
                                                                                                     Online test
  16                                                                                                 Continuous assessment
                                                                                                     Duration: 02:00

                                                                                                     Final regular examination
                                                                                                     Online test
  17                                                                                                 Final examination
                                                                                                     Not Presential
                                                                                                     Duration: 02:00

Depending on the programme study plan, total values will be calculated according to the ECTS credit unit as 26/27
hours of student face-to-face contact and independent study time.

* The schedule is based on an a priori planning of the subject; it might be modified during the academic year,
especially considering the COVID19 evolution.

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                                LEARNING ACTIVITIES

7. Activities and assessment criteria

7.1. Assessment activities

7.1.1. Continuous assessment

 Week   Description                        Modality       Type              Duration      Weight              Evaluated skills

                                                                                                              CE 3
                                                                                                              CE 2
 8      Partial examination 1              Online test    Face-to-face      02:00         50%      5 / 10     CB10
                                                                                                              CE 4
                                                                                                              CE 1

                                                                                                              CE 3
                                                                                                              CE 2
 16     Partial examination 2              Online test    Face-to-face      02:00         50%      5 / 10     CB10
                                                                                                              CE 4
                                                                                                              CE 1

7.1.2. Final examination

 Week   Description                        Modality       Type              Duration      Weight              Evaluated skills

                                                                                                              CE 3
                                                                                                              CE 2
 17     Final regular examination          Online test    No Presential     02:00         100%     5 / 10     CB10
                                                                                                              CE 4

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                                   LEARNING ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                                  CE 1

7.1.3. Referred (re-sit) examination

 Description                          Modality          Type               Duration        Weight                Evaluated skills

                                                                                                                 CE 3
                                                                                                                 CE 2
 Final extraordinary examination      Online test       Face-to-face       02:00           100%        5 / 10    CB10
                                                                                                                 CE 4
                                                                                                                 CE 1

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                           LEARNING ACTIVITIES

7.2. Assessment criteria

1.- Attendance and active participation to more than 70% of the classes
2.- Completion of two written tests regarding the theoretical contents of the Subject. This tests will be an individual
written test (obtaining more than 50% of the maximum grade of each test). This tests will mean 100% of the total
grade of the Subject (obtaining more than 50% of the maximum grade of each test)

3.- Proposition of exam-like questions. Each student will propose at least two questions per topic/session. This will
add up to 0.5 points to the final grade, only if the Subject is already passed ( total grade higher than 5 over 10).

8. Teaching resources

8.1. Teaching resources for the subject

  Name                                          Type                       Notes
  Moodle                                        Web resource               Moodle platform
  Lecture notes                                 Bibliography               Lecture Notes available on Moodle
                                                                           Students are encouraged to suggest their
  Questions Bank                                Web resource
                                                                           own Exam Questions in a Moodle database.
                                                                           Specialized scientific and technical articles on
  Specialized papers                            Bibliography               the topics covered by the Subject will be
                                                                           provided to students via Moodle
  Materials Under Extreme Conditions,
  Vincenzo Schettino and Roberto Bini,          Bibliography
  Imperial College Press, winter 2012
  Materiales refractarios y cerámicos,
  L.F. Verdeja et al. Editorial Síntesis        Bibliography
  Revestimientos refractarios en
  hornos industriales, R. Inoriza.              Bibliography
  Cadem (2007)

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 Refractarios monolíticos, C. Baudín
 et al. Sociedad Española de                  Bibliography
 Cerámica y Vidrio           Web resource
                                              Web resource
 Ceramic Matrix Composites by
 Chawla K.K. (2019) In: Composite             Bibliography
 Materials. Springer, Cham.
 Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics:
 Materials for Extreme Environment
 Applications. Editor(s): William G.
 Fahrenholtz, Eric J. Wuchina,William
 E. Lee, Yanchun Zhou, 2014,
 Fundamental aspects of and Failure
 modes in High-Temperature
 composites (NASA), Christos D.               Bibliography
 Chamis and Carol A. Ginty, Lewis
 Research Center Cleveland, Ohio
 Advances in oxidation and ablation
 resistance of high and ultra high
 temperature ceramics modified or
                                              Bibliography               Journal article
 coated carbon/carbon composites,
 Journal of the European Ceramic
 Society 38 (2018) 1?28
                                                                          For the coverage of basic superconductivity;
 Introduction to Superconductivity                                       it is a classic text and covers most completely
 (Second Edition) by Michael Tinkham                                     the topics in the course concerning basic
 Solid State Physics by Ashcroft and                                     Useful chapters in standard Solid State
 Mermin                                                                  textbooks:

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                                                                         Journal Article, i.e. the famous paper that
 Bardeen J, Cooper LN, Schrieffer JR.
                                                                         established the "BCS" theory of
 Theory of superconductivity. Phys            Bibliography
                                                                         superconductivity and earned the authors a
 Rev 1957; 108(5):1175-1204
                                                                         Nobel Prize
                                                                         Good explanations of superconductivity and
                                                                         the latest news about room temperature website                  Web resource
                                                                         superconductors and other advances in the

9. Other information

9.1. Other information about the subject

Although not formally included in the Course Syllabus, this subject will introduce students to national and
international policies related to the 2030 Agenda and its 17 accompanying Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
in a transversal manner, with special attention on the following SDGs:

1. Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all

2. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

4. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all

6. Develop resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and encourage innovation

7. Reduce inequalities between and within countries.

9. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

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                                   10. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects.

                                   Teaching and evaluation activities within the subject will be moved online ff necessary for health reasons,

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                                   2S_2021-22                              Master Universitario En Ingenieria De Materiales

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