ANX-PR/CL/001-01 LEARNING GUIDE - Grado en Ingeniería ...

Página creada Mateo González
                                                                          E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                                 LEARNING ACTIVITIES                      Caminos, Canales y Puertos

                            LEARNING GUIDE


43000314 - Structural Characterization Of Materials I: Microscopy And Diffractometry

                                 DEGREE PROGRAMME

                04AF - Master Universitario En Ingenieria De Materiales

                              ACADEMIC YEAR & SEMESTER

                                2021/22 - Semester 1
                                                                                     ANX-PR/CL/001-01                                                    E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                                       COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                                                     LEARNING GUIDE                                                      Caminos, Canales y
                                       LEARNING ACTIVITIES


Learning guide

1. Description...............................................................................................................................................................1
2. Faculty.....................................................................................................................................................................1
3. Prior knowledge recommended to take the subject..................................................................................................2
4. Skills and learning outcomes ...................................................................................................................................3
5. Brief description of the subject and syllabus.............................................................................................................5
6. Schedule..................................................................................................................................................................7
7. Activities and assessment criteria...........................................................................................................................10
8. Teaching resources.................................................................................................................................................12
9. Other information....................................................................................................................................................13
                                                            ANX-PR/CL/001-01                                    E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                          COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                            LEARNING GUIDE                                      Caminos, Canales y
                          LEARNING ACTIVITIES

1. Description

1.1. Subject details

                                        43000314 - Structural Characterization Of Materials I: Microscopy And
  Name of the subject
  No of credits                         5 ECTS
  Type                                  Compulsory
  Academic year ot the
                                        First year
  Semester of tuition                   Semester 1
  Tuition period                        September-January
  Tuition languages                     English
  Degree programme                      04AF - Master Universitario en Ingenieria de Materiales
                                        04 - Escuela Tecnica Superior De Ingenieros De Caminos, Canales Y
  Academic year                         2021-22

2. Faculty

2.1. Faculty members with subject teaching role

  Name and surname                      Office/Room            Email                                    Tutoring hours *
                                                                                                        M - 11:00 - 12:00
  Marta Clement Lorenzo
                                        B-307                             Appointments by
  (Subject coordinator)
                                                                                                        W - 11:00 - 12:00
  Jimena Olivares Roza                  B-307                           Appointments by

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                                                              ANX-PR/CL/001-01                                    E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                          COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                              LEARNING GUIDE                                      Caminos, Canales y
                          LEARNING ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                          M - 12:00 - 13:00
   Jesus Sangrador Garcia                B-308                            Appointments by

* The tutoring schedule is indicative and subject to possible changes. Please check tutoring times with the faculty
member in charge.

2.3. External faculty

   Name and surname                           Email                                       Institution
   Luisa Ruiz Gonzalez                                       UCM

3. Prior knowledge recommended to take the subject

3.1. Recommended (passed) subjects

The subject - recommended (passed), are not defined.

3.2. Other recommended learning outcomes

- Structure of materials: Crystallography

- Mechanical properties of Materials

- Quantum Physics

- Electricity and Magnetism

- Instrumentation

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                                                             ANX-PR/CL/001-01                            E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                           COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                             LEARNING GUIDE                              Caminos, Canales y
                           LEARNING ACTIVITIES

4. Skills and learning outcomes *

4.1. Skills to be learned

CB10 - Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un
modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo

CB6 - Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo
y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación

CB7 - Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas
en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su
área de estudio

CB9 - Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones ¿y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las
sustentan¿ a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades

CE 1 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar los fundamentos científicos del comportamiento físico y químico de los
materiales para saber relacionar causalmente sus propiedades fundamentales físicas y químicas con su
comportamiento y el de los productos con ellos realizados.

CE 4 - Conocer, comprender, identificar y saber determinar la composición y estructura de los diversos tipos de
materiales, conociendo y siendo capaz de aplicar y utilizar las técnicas y los equipos experimentales de
caracterización y análisis micro y macroestructural, mecánico, eléctrico, magnético y óptico de los materiales.

CE 5 - Ser capaz de entender, aprender, actualizar autónomamente y aplicar nuevos conocimientos, modelos y
técnicas experimentales y numéricas en relación con la composición y estructura de los materiales, su
caracterización física y química, sus procesos de fabricación, su utilización y aplicación científica y tecnológica, y
su reciclado, reutilización y eliminación.

CG1 - Uso de la lengua inglesa para comunicar conocimientos, ideas y argumentos de manera clara, rigurosa y

CG3 - Creatividad para pensar o resolver de forma nueva y original situaciones o problemas en el ámbito de la
ciencia, la ingeniería y la tecnología.

CG5 - Gestión de la información que permita buscar, seleccionar y analizar con habilidad y eficacia la información
más relevante procedente de diversas fuentes analógicas y digitales

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                                                             ANX-PR/CL/001-01                            E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                           COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                             LEARNING GUIDE                              Caminos, Canales y
                           LEARNING ACTIVITIES

4.2. Learning outcomes

RA8 - RD.3:Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones (y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las
sustentan) a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades;

RA36 - Capacity for interpreting scientific results

RA38 - Conocer y saber manejar los conceptos que definen la estructura de los materiales cristalinos y amorfos,
de los materiales metálicos, cerámicos, polímeros y biológicos y sus principios de organización.

RA79 - Ser capaz de elegir la técnica de caracterización de la estructura de los materiales más adecuada a los
problemas planteados

RA76 - Saber redactar informes técnicos

RA5 - RD0. Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el
desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación

RA58 - Utilizar con soltura la comunicación oral y escrita en lengua española e inglesa.

RA40 - Conocer y saber utilizar las técnicas experimentales más avanzadas para determinar la estructura de los
materiales desde su nivel atómico al macroscópico. Saber aplicarlas para controlar y cambiar la conformación de
los materiales.

RA80 - Saber interpretar las medidas obtenidas de tecnicas de caracterización estructural de los materiales

RA23 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar las bases de la ciencia y del método científico

RA18 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar los fundamentos científicos del comportamiento de los materiales y la
interrelación entre su estructura, propiedades, procesado y aplicaciones

RA2 - Saber comunicar conocimientos, procedimientos, resultados o técnicas relacionadas con el comportamiento
y el uso de materiales

RA32 - Conocer, comprender y saber aplicar los fundamentos científicos del comportamiento de los materiales

RA1 - Ser capaz de aprender y actualizar autónomamente nuevos conocimientos y técnicas

RA43 - Utilizar con soltura la comunicación oral y escrita en lengua española e inglesa

* The Learning Guides should reflect the Skills and Learning Outcomes in the same way as indicated in the Degree
Verification Memory. For this reason, they have not been translated into English and appear in Spanish.

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                                                            ANX-PR/CL/001-01                            E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                          COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                            LEARNING GUIDE                              Caminos, Canales y
                          LEARNING ACTIVITIES

5. Brief description of the subject and syllabus

5.1. Brief description of the subject

This course aims at the advanced understanding of the operation principles of various characterization techniques,
based on microscopies (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy
electron, atomic froce microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy) and diffractometries (X-ray diffraction, electron

The course addresses the basics of the techniques, the underlying physics, the instrumental aspects, the practical
use and the benefits and problems related to their application in materials science and microelectronics.

Combined with practical work at microscopes and diffractometers, the student will be able to process and interpret
images and data. Completion of this course will give the participant a working knowledge on how microscopy
techniques are applied in materials research and development. At the end of the course, it is expected that the
student can apply the appropriate technique to a given material to be characterized and that he/she is able to
interpret data and to extract valuable information.


1) To learn the fundamentals of the main techniques

2) To become familiar with instrumentation and experimental set-ups

3) To learn how to analyze experimental data

4) To be able to select the most appropriate characterization technique

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                                                             ANX-PR/CL/001-01                            E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                          COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                             LEARNING GUIDE                              Caminos, Canales y
                          LEARNING ACTIVITIES

5.2. Syllabus

1. Introduction

2. Optical Microscopy

3. Profilometry

4. Scanning tunneling microscopy

5. Atomic force microscopy

6. X-ray diffraction

7. Electron diffraction

8. Transmission electron microscopy

9. Scanning electron microscopy

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                                                                                   ANX-PR/CL/001-01                                            E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                                     COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                                                   LEARNING GUIDE                                              Caminos, Canales y
                                     LEARNING ACTIVITIES

6. Schedule

6.1. Subject schedule*
 Week       Face-to-face classroom activities        Face-to-face laboratory activities               Distant / On-line                Assessment activities

        Introduction to te course. Timetable,
        student groups, assessment and topics.
         Duration: 03:00

        Optical microscopy
         Duration: 01:30
         Duration: 01:30

        Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)                                                                                Multiple choice exam 1 (OM-PR)
         Duration: 02:45                                                                                                  Online test
         Lecture                                                                                                          Continuous assessment
                                                                                                                          Duration: 00:15

                                                                                                                          Deliverable 1: Profilometry and Light
                                                                                                                          Individual work
                                                                                                                          Continuous assessment
                                                                                                                          Not Presential
                                                                                                                          Duration: 00:00

        Scanning tunnel microscopy                                                                                        Multiple choice exam 2 (SEM)
         Duration: 01:20                                                                                                  Online test
  4      Lecture                                                                                                          Continuous assessment
                                                                                                                          Duration: 00:15

        Atomic force microscopy                                                                                           Multiple choice exam 3 (STM)
         Duration: 01:20                                                                                                  Online test
         Lecture                                                                                                          Continuous assessment
                                                                                                                          Duration: 00:15
                                                                                                                           Deliverable 2: AFM and STM
                                                                                                                          Individual work
                                                                                                                          Continuous assessment
                                                                                                                          Not Presential
                                                                                                                          Duration: 00:00

                                                 Laboratory Session G1-G6
  6                                               Duration: 03:00
                                                  Laboratory assignments

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                                                                                 ANX-PR/CL/001-01                              E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
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                                                                                 LEARNING GUIDE                                Caminos, Canales y
                                 LEARNING ACTIVITIES

                                              Laboratory Session G1-G6
  7                                            Duration: 03:00
                                               Laboratory assignments

                                              Laboratory Session G1-G6
  8                                            Duration: 03:00
                                               Laboratory assignments

       Oral Presentations                                                                                 Multiple choice exam 4 (AFM)
        Duration: 01:00                                                                                   Online test
        Cooperative activities                                                                            Continuous assessment
       X-Ray Diffraction                                                                                  Duration: 00:15
  9     Duration: 02:00
        Lecture                                                                                           Deliverable 3: AFM data handling
                                                                                                          Individual work
                                                                                                          Continuous assessment
                                                                                                          Not Presential
                                                                                                          Duration: 00:00

       Oral Presentations                                                                                 Multiple choice exam 5 (Lab activity)
        Duration: 01:00                                                                                   Online test
        Cooperative activities                                                                            Continuous assessment
  10                                                                                                      Presential
       X-Ray Diffraction                                                                                  Duration: 00:15
        Duration: 02:00

       Oral Presentations                     X-Ray Diffraction. Visit to UCM facilities                  Multiple choice exam 6 (XRD-I)
        Duration: 01:00                       (morning session)                                           Online test
        Cooperative activities                 Duration: 04:00                                            Continuous assessment
  11                                           Laboratory assignments                                     Presential
       X-Ray Diffraction                                                                                  Duration: 00:15
        Duration: 02:00

       Oral Presentations                     X-Ray Diffraction. Data handling                            Multiple choice exam 7 (XRD-II)
        Duration: 01:00                        Duration: 03:00                                            Online test
        Cooperative activities                 Laboratory assignments                                     Continuous assessment
                                                                                                          Duration: 00:15
                                                                                                          Deliverable 4: XRD data handling
                                                                                                          Individual work
                                                                                                          Continuous assessment
                                                                                                          Not Presential
                                                                                                          Duration: 00:00

       Transmission electron microscopy and                                                                Oral presentation
       related techniques                                                                                 Individual presentation
        Duration: 02:00                                                                                   Continuous assessment
        Lecture                                                                                           Not Presential
                                                                                                          Duration: 00:00
       Oral Presentations
        Duration: 01:00
        Cooperative activities

                                              Laboratory Session: Visit to TEM                            Multiple choice exam 8 (TEM)
                                              facilities at UCM                                           Online test
  14                                           Duration: 04:00                                            Continuous assessment
                                               Laboratory assignments                                     Presential
                                                                                                          Duration: 00:15

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                                                            ANX-PR/CL/001-01                                          E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                         COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                            LEARNING GUIDE                                            Caminos, Canales y
                         LEARNING ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                  Continuos assessment exam
                                                                                                  Written test
  15                                                                                              Continuous assessment
                                                                                                  Duration: 02:00

                                                                                                  Final exam will consist in a multiple
                                                                                                  choice test dealing with all the
                                                                                                  theoretical subjects tackled during the
                                                                                                  course. 60% 4 Deliverables: 20% Oral
  16                                                                                              presentation: 20%
                                                                                                  Written test
                                                                                                  Final examination
                                                                                                  Duration: 02:00


Depending on the programme study plan, total values will be calculated according to the ECTS credit unit as 26/27
hours of student face-to-face contact and independent study time.

* The schedule is based on an a priori planning of the subject; it might be modified during the academic year,
especially considering the COVID19 evolution.

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                                                                         ANX-PR/CL/001-01                               E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                                  COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                                         LEARNING GUIDE                                 Caminos, Canales y
                                  LEARNING ACTIVITIES

7. Activities and assessment criteria

7.1. Assessment activities

7.1.1. Continuous assessment

 Week   Description                              Modality       Type              Duration      Weight                   Evaluated skills

                                                                                                                         CE 5
 3      Multiple choice exam 1 (OM-PR)           Online test    Face-to-face      00:15         1.88%         4 / 10
                                                                                                                         CE 4

                                                                                                                         CE 5
        Deliverable 1: Profilometry and          Individual                                                              CE 4
 3                                                              No Presential     00:00         3%            4 / 10
        Light Microscopy                         work                                                                    CB7
                                                                                                                         CE 1

                                                                                                                         CE 4
 4      Multiple choice exam 2 (SEM)             Online test    Face-to-face      00:15         1.88%         4 / 10     CE 1
                                                                                                                         CE 5

 5      Multiple choice exam 3 (STM)             Online test    Face-to-face      00:15         1.88%         4 / 10

                    Deliverable 2: AFM and       Individual                                                              CE 1
 5                                                              No Presential     00:00         3%             / 10
        STM                                      work                                                                    CE 5
                                                                                                                         CE 4

 9      Multiple choice exam 4 (AFM)             Online test    Face-to-face      00:15         1.88%         4 / 10

                                                                                                                         CE 5
 9      Deliverable 3: AFM data handling                        No Presential     00:00         3%             / 10      CE 4
                                                                                                                         CE 1

                                                                                                                         CE 5
        Multiple choice exam 5 (Lab
 10                                              Online test    Face-to-face      00:15         1.87%         4 / 10     CE 4
                                                                                                                         CE 1

 11     Multiple choice exam 6 (XRD-I)           Online test    Face-to-face      00:15         1.87%         4 / 10

 12     Multiple choice exam 7 (XRD-II)          Online test    Face-to-face      00:15         1.87%         4 / 10

 12     Deliverable 4: XRD data handling                        No Presential     00:00         6%             / 10

 13                 Oral presentation                           No Presential     00:00         20%            / 10

                                                                                                                         CE 1
 14     Multiple choice exam 8 (TEM)             Online test    Face-to-face      00:15         1.87%         4 / 10     CE 5
                                                                                                                         CE 4

                                                                                                                         CE 5
 15     Continuos assessment exam                Written test   Face-to-face      02:00         50%           4 / 10
                                                                                                                         CE 4

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                                                                                  ANX-PR/CL/001-01                                  E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                                         COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                                                  LEARNING GUIDE                                    Caminos, Canales y
                                         LEARNING ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                                                     CE 1

7.1.2. Final examination

 Week      Description                                 Modality          Type                   Duration      Weight                 Evaluated skills

           Final exam will consist in a multiple
                                                                                                                                     CE 5
           choice test dealing with all the
           theoretical subjects tackled during
 16        the course. 60%                             Written test      Face-to-face           02:00         100%        5 / 10
                                                                                                                                     CE 4
           4 Deliverables: 20%
           Oral presentation: 20%
                                                                                                                                     CE 1

7.1.3. Referred (re-sit) examination

 Description                                Modality              Type                  Duration           Weight                   Evaluated skills

 Extraordinary exam will consist in a
 multiple choice test dealing with all
 the theoretical subjects tackled
                                            Written test          Face-to-face          02:00              100%        5 / 10
 during the course. 60% 4
 Deliverables: 20% Oral
 presentation: 20%

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                                                             ANX-PR/CL/001-01                            E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
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                                                             LEARNING GUIDE                              Caminos, Canales y
                           LEARNING ACTIVITIES

7.2. Assessment criteria

Continuous assessment:

Attendance to practical sessions (laboratory and simulation sessions) is mandatory. Non-attendance to a practical
session will be penalized with 0.5 points of the final mark.

Attendance to oral presentations is mandatory. Active participation in oral presentation (questions, remarks etc.)
will be rewarded with up to 1 extra point in the final mark.

8. Teaching resources

8.1. Teaching resources for the subject

  Name                                         Type                       Notes
                                               Web resource
  R. Haynes B.Met., Ph.D., C.Eng.,
  F.I.M., M.Inst.P. "Optical Microscopy        Bibliography
  of Materials", Springer (1984)
  P. Eaton and P. West "Atomic force
  microscopy", Oxford Press (2010)

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                                                              ANX-PR/CL/001-01                                E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                           COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                              LEARNING GUIDE                                  Caminos, Canales y
                           LEARNING ACTIVITIES
                                                Web resource
 B.D. Cullity, "Elements of X-ray
 B. K. Vainshtein, E. Feigl and J.A.
 Spink, "Structure Analysis by
 Electron Diffraction", Pergamon
 Press (1964)
 L. Reimer, H. Kohl, "Transmission
 Electron Microscopy: Physics of
 Image Formation" Springer Verlag
 L. Reimer, "Scanning electron
 microscopy: physics of image
 formation and microanalysis",
 Springer-Verlag (1985/1998).
 Research laboratories of GMME-                                            Clean room with several characterization
 UPM                                                                       techniques
 CAI X-ray diffraction                          Equipment                  X-Ray diffraction service at UCM
 Electron microscopy lab                        Equipment                  Electron microscopy seervice at UCM
 SRIB                                           Equipment                  Scanning reactive ion beam lab at CIEMAT

9. Other information

9.1. Other information about the subject

        This course invests a significant time and effort to demonstration activities. Several external laboratories will
        be visited to see and learn practical aspects of the different characterization techniques.
        The schedule is based on an a priori planning of the subject; it might be modified during the academic year,
        especially considering the COVID19 evolution. Both teaching and assessment activities may be turned into
        on-line activities if required by the health situation.
        Communication between students and lecturers will take place by email. The students are encouraged to
        send an email to the coordinator or any specific lecturer for any concern related to the module. As far as
        possible, the lecturers will answer with the least possible delay.

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1S_2021-22                                Master Universitario En Ingenieria De Materiales
                                                                                               ANX-PR/CL/001-01                             E.T.S. de Ingenieros de
                                                             COORDINATION PROCESS OF
                                                                                               LEARNING GUIDE                               Caminos, Canales y
                                                             LEARNING ACTIVITIES

                                          Tutorials will take place either face-to-face or through Skype if face-to-face activities are not allowed.
                                          On-line teaching (if necessary) will take place through Business Skype or Teams platforms.

                                   Sustainable Development Goals

                                          Although the topics tackled in the module do not directly address any specific SDG, students from different
                                          countries are encouraged to work together in groups, according to SDG-17. In addition, we also
                                          recommend them to choose topics for their oral presentations dealing with the characterization of materials
                                          that suffer some kind of degradation (climate changes, pollution, desertification) addressed by SDGs 13, 14
                                          and 15.

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                                   1S_2021-22                              Master Universitario En Ingenieria De Materiales

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