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Lista de publicaciones del Think Tank del PE Criterios de búsqueda a partir de los cuales se ha generado la lista : Ordenar Ordenar por fecha Autor "ROSSI Rachele" 33 Resultado(s) encontrado(s) Fecha de creación : 09-02-2022
CAP horizontal regulation: Financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy for 2023-2027 Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 21-12-2021 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Adopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave ayuda a la agricultura | ayuda financiera | control de gestión | desarrollo rural | FEADER | FEAGA | FEOGA | gasto agrícola | informe | política agrícola común | producción agrícola | propuesta (UE) Resumen As part of the preparation of the EU budget for 2021-2027, the European Commission put forward a new set of regulations to shape the future EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on 1 June 2018. The proposal for a regulation on the financing, management and monitoring of the CAP provides the legislative framework for adapting the financing, management and monitoring rules to a new CAP delivery model. This seeks to achieve more subsidiarity and simplification, with greater responsibility given to Member States, a shift from ensuring single transaction compliance to monitoring system performance in each Member State, and reduced 'red tape', among other things. Following their adoption in December 2021, the new CAP regulations will apply from 1 January 2023. Briefing EN CAP strategic plans Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 21-12-2021 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Adopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave agricultor | agricultura sostenible | ayuda a la agricultura | ayuda financiera | desarrollo rural | intercambio agrícola | política agrícola común | política en materia de cambio climático | propuesta (UE) | protección del medio ambiente | régimen de pago único | sector agrario | simplificación de las formalidades Resumen The Commission's legislative proposals on the future of the common agricultural policy (CAP) were published on 1 June 2018. They comprise three proposals: a regulation setting out rules on support for CAP strategic plans; a regulation on the single common market organisation (CMO) and a horizontal regulation on financing, managing and monitoring the CAP. The proposal for a regulation on CAP strategic plans introduces a new delivery model, described by the Commission as a fundamental shift in the CAP, involving a move from compliance towards results and performance. It includes a new distribution of responsibilities between the EU and Member States. A new planning process is proposed that will cover all the CAP measures, previously covered by different regulations and policy designs. Following its adoption in December 2021, the CAP strategic plans regulation will apply as of 1 January 2023. Fourth edition of a briefing originally drafted by James McEldowney and Patrick Kelly. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Briefing EN Financiación, gestión y seguimiento de la política agrícola de la Unión posterior a 2022 Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 17-11-2021 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Resumen En junio de 2018, la Comisión Europea propuso un paquete de reformas en el que se incorporaban normas relativas a los aspectos financieros de la política agrícola de la Unión. Tras largos debates sobre la reforma, está previsto que el texto finalmente acordado por los negociadores del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo en junio de 2021 se someta a votación en el Pleno durante el período parcial de sesiones de noviembre II. De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL Planificación estratégica en el marco de la política agrícola de la Unión posterior a 2022 Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 17-11-2021 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Resumen El 1 de junio de 2018, la Comisión Europea presentó tres propuestas legislativas sobre la política agrícola común (PAC) de la Unión. Entre ellas, se encontraba una propuesta sobre los planes estratégicos de la PAC con los que cada Estado miembro definirá las medidas de la PAC para lograr los objetivos establecidos. Tras largas negociaciones, está previsto que el texto final acordado por los negociadores del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo en junio de 2021 se someta a votación en el Pleno del período parcial de sesiones de noviembre. De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 1
La Estrategia «De la Granja a la Mesa» de la Unión Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 13-10-2021 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Resumen El 20 de mayo de 2020, la Comisión Europea adoptó la Comunicación titulada «Estrategia “De la Granja a la Mesa” para un sistema alimentario justo, saludable y respetuoso con el medio ambiente». Tras un animado debate parlamentario en el que los diputados expresaron sus diferentes puntos de vista sobre cómo crear sistemas alimentarios sostenibles, está previsto que se someta a votación un informe de propia iniciativa de la comisión conjunta sobre la Estrategia en el Pleno del período parcial de sesiones de octubre II. De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL Modernisation of the European agricultural statistics system Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 03-06-2021 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave contabilidad económica agrícola | estadística agraria | estadística de la UE | estructura agraria | método estadístico | política agrícola común | producción agrícola | propuesta (UE) | recogida de datos | Sistema Europeo de Contabilidad Resumen The European agricultural statistics system (EASS) is undergoing a major transformation, aiming to improve data quality by taking a more systemic and efficient approach. The modernisation process began some years ago with an evaluation of existing agricultural statistics. To complete the process, in February 2021, the European Commission put forward two proposals on statistics: on inputs and outputs of agricultural activities and on regional economic accounts for agriculture. The European Parliament is currently examining these proposals. De un vistazo EN Taking the EU's 'farm to fork' strategy forward Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 25-05-2021 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Seguridad alimentaria Resumen The 'farm to fork' strategy is a roadmap to build a sustainable European Union (EU) food system, in line with the aims of the European Green Deal. Launched in May 2020, the strategy includes initiatives that are progressing at different speeds. The EU institutions are helping to shape the various elements of the strategy. De un vistazo EN CAP strategic plans: Issues and expectations for EU agriculture Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 12-05-2021 Autor MCELDOWNEY James | ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Resumen The European Commission's legislative proposals for the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP) were published in June 2018. Since then a number of significant developments have occurred in this policy area. These include the adoption of the European Green Deal and its associated initiatives of the 'farm to fork' strategy and the biodiversity strategy, and also the agreement on the 2021 2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF) alongside additional support of €7.5 billion for rural development from the Next Generation EU initiative as part of the recovery and resilience package. The European Parliament adopted its first-reading position on the Commission's proposals on 23 October 2020. This position constitutes the basis for negotiations between Council and Parliament, which started on 10 November 2020. In December 2020, the Commission adopted its recommendations to each Member State on the preparation of their CAP national strategic plans. Meanwhile, a number of observations and commentaries have been published on CAP reform. These have highlighted some of the key differences between the proposal adopted by the Commission and the positions adopted by the European Parliament and Council. A range of stakeholders and others have also expressed their views on the CAP reform. The main challenge for the future EU farm policy will be how to address environmental concerns while maintaining farm viability. The nature and scale of the issues facing EU agriculture also represent significant challenges for the strategic planning process along with the content and ambition of the new CAP strategic plans, including the governance framework for the new policy. The Portuguese Presidency of the Council has indicated that reaching an agreement on the CAP reform negotiations in spring 2021 is one of its main objectives. The outcome of the trilogue negotiations will determine the future direction of the EU's agricultural policy, including how the CAP will contribute towards the achievement of the targets contained within the European Green Deal. Much will depend on the design of the new CAP strategic plans, including the effectiveness and efficiency of the measures chosen and their subsequent implementation. Briefing EN 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 2
2021 International Year of Fruits and Vegetables Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 05-03-2021 Autor CAPRILE ANNA | ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Resumen The United Nations (UN) General Assembly launched the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV) on 15 December 2020. The IYFV is a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the important role of fruit and vegetables in food security and human health, as worldwide consumption levels remain low. Several European Union (EU) initiatives aim at boosting consumption of fruit and vegetables and strengthening sector operators. De un vistazo EN Transitional provisions for the CAP post 2020 Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 28-01-2021 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Adopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave ayuda a la agricultura | criterio de elegibilidad | Estado miembro UE | gasto agrícola | propuesta (UE) | reforma de la PAC Resumen On 31 October 2019, the European Commission adopted a legislative package aimed at ensuring the continuation of the current common agricultural policy (CAP) until the legislation on the post 2020 CAP is in force. The package includes a proposal for a CAP transitional regulation setting out a number of adjustments to current CAP regulations, concerning their applicability beyond 2020 with new financial allocations. This proposal introduces transitional provisions and amendments that are necessary to ensure the continuity of the CAP through a transitional period between policy cycles and to smooth the passage to the new policy framework envisaged by the post 2020 CAP proposals. It concerns all the basic acts which regulate how the CAP now works. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Briefing EN Disposiciones transitorias de la PAC para 2021 y 2022 Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 10-12-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave ayuda a la agricultura | desarrollo rural | gasto de la UE | marco financiero plurianual | organización común de mercado | pagos directos de la Unión | presupuesto de la UE | renta del agricultor | régimen de pago único Resumen Las largas negociaciones sobre el presupuesto y la política agrícola de la UE después de 2020 indujeron a la Comisión Europea a presentar normas en 2019 para garantizar la continuidad de la ayuda de la UE a los agricultores y las zonas rurales. Está previsto que, durante el período parcial de sesiones de diciembre, el Parlamento Europeo debata y vote sobre estas normas transitorias, que prolongan la actual política agrícola de la UE hasta que entre en vigor el nuevo marco de la política agrícola común (es decir, hasta finales de 2022). De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL Understanding farm structure Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 09-11-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave estadística de la UE | estructura agraria | localización de la producción | política agrícola | política agrícola común | producción agrícola | recogida de datos | utilización de las tierras Resumen Farm structure refers to the composition and organisation of an agricultural productive unit, typically for growing crops and rearing farm animals. Farm structure data allow analysis of the functioning of farms and their responses to events and agricultural policies. While basic statistics are key for capturing the essentials of the EU farming sector, understanding the various elements of farm structure implies more thorough analysis of the data. De un vistazo EN 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 3
Financial management of the future CAP Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 14-10-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Adopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Presupuesto Palabra clave cooperación agrícola | gasto agrícola | gasto presupuestario | marco financiero plurianual | organización común de mercado | política agrícola | política de estructuración agraria | presupuesto de la UE | reforma de la PAC Resumen In the context of the future EU multiannual budget, the European Commission put forward a proposal on the financing, management and monitoring of EU farm policy on 1 June 2018, as part of a CAP reform package of three legislative proposals. Since then, discussions have highlighted the need to maintain at least the current level of agricultural expenditure, as well as to simplify the procedures while adapting them to the future CAP delivery model. The CAP proposals are scheduled for debate and vote during the October II plenary session. De un vistazo EN European Union food system Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 10-09-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Coronavirus | Seguridad alimentaria Palabra clave cadena de suministro | enfermedad por coronavirus | epidemia | independencia alimentaria | industria agroalimentaria | política de producción agrícola | seguridad alimentaria Resumen The European Union (EU) food system is a complex and integrated structure of sectors whose governance is ensured by various EU sectoral policies. Its strengths and weaknesses became evident during the coronavirus crisis: food supplies were assured but the pandemic also revealed where action is needed to avoid disruptions threatening food supply. The recent launch of the EU 'Farm to Fork' strategy provides a first attempt at a common EU food policy, outlining the way forward for all food-related sectors. It aims to bring sustainability to the heart of each step of the food chain and constitutes a framework for any further plans. This Briefing sets out the progress to date towards an EU food system and the issues posed by the current coronavirus crisis. The table at the end of the text explores a range of ongoing or potential initiatives for a sustainable EU food system in the future. Briefing EN 'Farm to Fork' strategy: Striving for healthy and sustainable food Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 17-06-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Medio ambiente | Pesca | Planificación prospectiva | Protección de los consumidores | Salud pública | Seguridad alimentaria Palabra clave agricultura sostenible | desarrollo sostenible | industria agroalimentaria | producto alimenticio Resumen Launched on 20 May 2020, the 'Farm to Fork' strategy put forward the EU’s ambition for making its food system a model of sustainability at all stages of the food value chain. Ahead of the desired engagement of institutions, stakeholders and citizens in a broad debate, the strategy is already high on the agri-food community’s agenda. De un vistazo EN Coronavirus crisis support for EU farmers Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 28-04-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Coronavirus Palabra clave ayuda a la agricultura | enfermedad por coronavirus | epidemia | sector agrario | situación de la agricultura Resumen EU farmers are among the few key workers who have not seen a dramatic change in their daily routines since the coronavirus crisis began. They are still farming to supply EU citizens with food. Some public health protection measures have however affected farming activities and sales badly. While the EU has taken a number of measures to mitigate this impact, the possibility of further measures is high on the agricultural policy agenda. De un vistazo EN 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 4
Protecting the EU agri-food supply chain in the face of COVID-19 Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 02-04-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Coronavirus Palabra clave cadena de suministro | enfermedad por coronavirus | epidemia | estudio de impacto | industria agroalimentaria | seguridad alimentaria Resumen In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, EU countries' governments have taken a host of measures, including reintroducing border controls and setting limits to free movement of people within their territory, in an attempt to stem the spread of the disease. These measures have had a pronounced impact on the EU agri-food supply chain. The EU food system is a complex web of inter-related sectors that ensure both the sustenance of EU consumers and the achievement of food security, one of the EU Treaty's objectives. This system relies on about 10 million farms, several hundred thousand food and beverage processing companies, thousands of businesses manufacturing agricultural inputs or handling packaging, transport, storage and distribution, as well as wholesalers, markets and other retailers. When the functioning of any one sector of the food chain is hindered, the whole chain can be disrupted. For instance, as highlighted by sectoral stakeholders and then addressed by EU-level measures, recent national restrictions have contributed to problems such as blocked transport routes, long queues at border checks for commodity transport, and shortages of seasonal farm workers who can no longer move freely from one Member State to another. Specific schemes have been set up at EU level as a lifeline to farms and companies from the agri-food sectors that have been the hardest hit and are in greatest need of support. The European Parliament voted the first emergency measures to combat COVID-19 at an extraordinary plenary meeting on 26 March. Members of the Parliament's Agricultural and Rural Development Committee have put forward proposals on further measures. There has also been an overhaul of EU farm policy rules as a first step to address the emergency at EU level. How these rules will evolve further depends on the concerted efforts of all parties concerned: stakeholders, the EU and national policy-makers. Unified action at EU level is also required to complete the legislative process for the adoption of the 2021-2027 long-term EU budget and future EU farm policy, discussion of which has slowed down due to the crisis. Briefing EN Multimedia Protecting the EU agri-food supply chain in the face of COVID-19 Desertification and agriculture Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 10-02-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Medio ambiente Palabra clave cambio climático | desertización | política agrícola | política agrícola común | política de producción agrícola | producción agrícola Resumen Desertification is a land degradation process that occurs in drylands. It affects the land's capacity to supply ecosystem services, such as producing food or hosting biodiversity, to mention the most well known ones. Its drivers are related to both human activity and the climate, and depend on the specific context. More than 1 billion people in some 100 countries face some level of risk related to the effects of desertification. Climate change can further increase the risk of desertification for those regions of the world that may change into drylands for climatic reasons. Desertification is reversible, but that requires proper indicators to send out alerts about the potential risk of desertification while there is still time and scope for remedial action. However, issues related to the availability and comparability of data across various regions of the world pose big challenges when it comes to measuring and monitoring desertification processes. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the UN sustainable development goals provide a global framework for assessing desertification. The 2018 World Atlas of Desertification introduced the concept of 'convergence of evidence' to identify areas where multiple pressures cause land change processes relevant to land degradation, of which desertification is a striking example. Desertification involves many environmental and socio- economic aspects. It has many causes and triggers many consequences. A major cause is unsustainable agriculture, a major consequence is the threat to food production. To fully comprehend this two-way relationship requires to understand how agriculture affects land quality, what risks land degradation poses for agricultural production and to what extent a change in agricultural practices can reverse the trend. Cropland expansion and intensification of agriculture are among the drivers of land degradation processes that can lead to desertification. Yet, agriculture itself can provide solutions to land degradation. Almost half of the EU Member States have declared that part of their territory is affected by desertification, yet there is no EU-level strategy to tackle this problem. EU agricultural policy can have an impact on the elements and drivers of desertification, for example, by promoting sustainable agriculture in the awareness that protecting farmland productivity is of interest to the public and farmers alike. Briefing EN Multimedia Desertification and agriculture EU trade and transport of live animals Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 07-02-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica Palabra clave animal vivo | intercambios extra-UE | intercambios intra-UE | legislación veterinaria | producto de origen animal | protección de los animales | Reglamento CE | transporte de animales Resumen Every year, millions of live animals are transported within and outside European Union (EU) territory for trade purposes. EU legislation regulates the protection of animals during transport, but reports of breaches of the rules and accidents raise doubts on the transport of live animals and have rekindled the debate on the need to improve the current legislation. De un vistazo EN 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 5
'From Farm to Fork' strategy on sustainable food Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 20-01-2020 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Planificación prospectiva Palabra clave agricultura sostenible | ayuda a la agricultura | estrategia de la UE | industria agroalimentaria | iniciativa de la UE | política agrícola común | protección del medio ambiente Resumen The 'Farm to Fork' strategy is one of the initiatives announced in President Ursula von der Leyen's political guidelines for the new Commission, as part of the European Green Deal. It aims at creating a sustainable food value chain through legislative and non legislative actions to be presented in spring 2020. De un vistazo EN Irrigation in EU agriculture Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 13-12-2019 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica Palabra clave acción de la UE | agua | consumo de agua | cultivo de regadío | irrigación | modelo agrario europeo | producción vegetal | sequía Resumen Irrigation is the provision of water to help crops grow when rainfall is not sufficient. While new farming methods and technologies allow some types of crops to be grown without soil, a certain amount of water is needed to grow any kind of crop. In today's economy, agriculture is one of the sectors that consumes the most water resources. Irrigation is the major cause of water consumption in agriculture. It contributes to increasing crop productivity, but it is also a threat to the preservation of water resources. Therefore, the issue of water scarcity requires careful reflection on the trade-off between higher agricultural productivity and the deterioration of water resources. A number of elements determine the amount of irrigation water used in agriculture, from the types of crop and cropping method to the characteristics of the soil and the irrigation technique, to name just a few. Therefore, agriculture itself provides opportunities for better water management and water savings, through both traditional farm practices and new farming technologies. Irrigation has been a feature of European agriculture for thousands of years. Not surprisingly, the majority of irrigated agricultural areas are in the EU’s southern regions, in particular in Spain and Italy. However, there are areas equipped for irrigation elsewhere, especially in the Netherlands. Over 40 % of the EU's water use is on agriculture, and most of the freshwater abstraction is for agricultural use in countries like Greece, Spain, and Cyprus. Prolonged periods of drought in many parts of the Union, the effects of climate change and pollution, as well as competition over use add further pressure on EU waters. Ensuring food security in view of climate change requires improvement in water-management capacity, including making users (farmers) more responsible. In recent times, the environmental performance of sectoral policies, such as in the area of agriculture, is increasingly scrutinised by citizens, stakeholders, and policy- makers. Various EU policy initiatives have been launched to address the challenge of sustainable water use in agriculture, including a more integrated approach to water management, water re-use, research and innovation, and more environmental ambition in the agricultural policy. Better policy coordination between EU policies and actions is seen as key to achieving the sustainable safeguarding of EU waters. Briefing EN Multimedia Irrigation in EU agriculture Estabilidad de la ayuda a la renta para los agricultores de la Unión después de 2020 Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 10-12-2019 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Adopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave pagos directos de la Unión | presupuesto de la UE | renta del agricultor Resumen Cada año, millones de agricultores de toda Europa se benefician de la ayuda a la renta para los agricultores de la Unión. La base jurídica existente para esta ayuda cubre el período 2014-2020. Los retrasos en el proceso de negociación tanto sobre el presupuesto de la Unión como sobre la política agrícola para 2021 2027 requieren la adopción de disposiciones transitorias para garantizar la continuación de las normas actuales. Se prevé que el Parlamento Europeo someta a votación una propuesta de la Comisión sobre estas cuestiones durante su periodo parcial de sesiones de diciembre. De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL Understanding farmer income Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 11-04-2019 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Asuntos financieros y bancarios Palabra clave política agrícola común | productividad agrícola | renta de la explotación agraria | renta del agricultor Resumen Farmer income is a key element in EU agricultural policy, aiming at ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community and helping farmers face the risks inherent to their business. Measurement relies on two EU wide data sources. Understanding what agricultural receipts these data measure, and how, is key to evaluating farm policy in EU Member States and important in light of the proposed performance based policy framework. De un vistazo EN 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 6
The EU fruit and vegetable sector: Main features, challenges and prospects Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 11-03-2019 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave ayuda a la agricultura | difusión de la información de la UE | etiquetado | fruto | horticultura | intercambios extra-UE | legumbre | norma de comercialización | organización común de mercado | pagos directos de la Unión | programa operativo | resumen Resumen Fruit and vegetables accounted for approximately 14 % of the total value of the EU's agricultural production in 2018. This is a fundamental sector for many EU Member States, especially those where it is particularly well developed, such as in the Mediterranean region and in some northern and eastern European countries. Moreover, all EU Member States produce at least a few types of fruit and vegetables. Apples and tomatoes are the main products of the richly diversified produce of the EU's fruit and vegetable farms. Mostly small-sized with relatively high labour input, these farms earn incomes ranging from average (for fruit specialists) to very high (for horticulture specialists, including also flower and ornamental plant production). EU trade in fruit and vegetables is characterised by the predominance of internal over external flows, where the EU is traditionally a net importer. To strengthen the resilience of both the fruit and vegetable sector and its operators, and to boost the consumption of their produce, the EU has in place a comprehensive support system, especially through the regulatory framework for the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products. Rules on producer organisations and their operational programmes, crisis management and marketing standards, help the functioning of the sector, with additional support from the EU school fruit and vegetables scheme, as well as from the EU promotion and quality policies, income support and rural development measures, valid for all agricultural sectors. Recently passed EU legislation has already brought in important adjustments for the fruit and vegetable sector and no further major policy changes are currently anticipated. It will be its capacity to overcome its structural vulnerability and weak organisation, adopt innovation and respond to consumer needs that will shape its future. Briefing EN Ensuring continuity of support for EU farmers in 2019 and 2020 Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 09-01-2019 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave ayuda a la agricultura | desarrollo rural | pagos directos de la Unión Resumen Every year, more than 6 million EU farms receive income support from direct payments (DP), a key element of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that represents more than 70 % of total CAP expenditure. Rural development measures also support farming activities and contribute to enhancing people's livelihoods in rural areas, which represent a large share of EU territory. To ensure continuity of EU support and guarantee a smooth continuation of the CAP's implementation, the European Commission proposes to modify certain rules on DP and rural development, through the timely adoption of a regulation that should apply from 1 March 2019. De un vistazo EN Estadísticas integradas sobre explotaciones agrícolas Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 27-06-2018 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Adopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave estadística agraria | estadística de la UE | política agrícola común Resumen Conforme evolucionan las políticas de la Unión y se van adaptando a circunstancias cambiantes, las estadísticas europeas han de irse modificando para satisfacer las necesidades de información de los usuarios de manera eficiente. Las nuevas tecnologías pueden ayudar a combinar e integrar diferentes fuentes de datos sin suponer una carga demasiado grande sobre los productores de datos. Las estadísticas sobre explotaciones agrícolas constituyen la columna vertebral del sistema de estadísticas agrícolas de la UE. Para aumentar su velocidad de respuesta a las nuevas necesidades de datos, la Comisión presentó un nuevo enfoque basado en un marco integrado, flexible y modular. El Parlamento y el Consejo llegaron a un acuerdo negociado sobre la propuesta, que está previsto se someta a votación en el Parlamento en primera lectura durante el Pleno de julio. De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 7
The future of the EU's sheep and goat sector Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 30-04-2018 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Planificación prospectiva Palabra clave ayuda a la agricultura | biodiversidad | caprino | cría de ganado | desarrollo rural | enfermedad animal | importación (UE) | organización común de mercado | ovino | pagos directos de la Unión | país tercero | producto cárnico | promoción del comercio Resumen Sheep and goat sector production constitutes just a small share of the output of the EU livestock sector as a whole, but this farming activity's importance is much broader in terms of its social and economic contribution to remote rural areas, not to mention the environmental contribution it makes through the provision of public goods such as landscape and biodiversity conservation. Economic and structural difficulties do not help the sector's growth and this means that the EU is not self-sufficient but relies on imports to top up supply to its market for sheep and goats. The sector's traditional and emerging needs and the need for policy measures to address them are at the core of an own-initiative report due to be voted during the May I plenary session. De un vistazo EN The sugar sector in the EU Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 18-04-2018 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica Palabra clave abastecimiento | análisis económico | azúcar | azúcar de remolacha | comercio internacional | consumo final | cuota de producción | Estado miembro UE | fluctuación de precios | industria azucarera | país tercero Resumen The EU's sugar sector provides a source of income for many farmers and sugar manufacturers. The EU is the world's top producer of sugar beet and one of the main sugar manufacturers' and consumers' markets. The EU sugar market had been one of the most heavily regulated markets in the agri-food sector for 50 years, until the quota regime ended on 30 September 2017, thereby introducing a new scenario for this segment of the economy. De un vistazo EN The EU's beekeeping sector Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 24-10-2017 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural | Planificación prospectiva Palabra clave apicultura | ayuda a la agricultura | control de la calidad de los productos agrícolas | enfermedad animal | estadística agraria | inspección de alimentos | investigación agronómica | miel | restricción de la competencia | régimen de financiación de la UE | situación de la agricultura | vigilancia a la importación Resumen Every year, the EU's 600 000 beekeepers and their 16 million beehives produce 200 000 tonnes of honey. This is not however sufficient to cover demand on the EU market, and the shortfall is made up by imports, above all from China. Threats to bee health and market competition make the economic viability of apiculture a critical matter. EU policies aim therefore to address these issues and promote beekeeping, an activity that is of vital importance to the environment. De un vistazo EN 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 8
El sector del aceite de oliva y la aceituna en la Unión: Características, retos y perspectivas principales Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 14-09-2017 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave aceite de oliva | aceituna | análisis económico | cooperativa agrícola | denominación de origen | Estado miembro UE | estadística económica | marca de calidad | mercado único | oleicultura | organización común de mercado | producción agrícola | producto agrícola | reforma de la PAC Resumen Desde las grandes plantaciones intensivas de olivos a los pequeños olivares tradicionales, junto a otros muy antiguos e incluso olivos monumentales, entre los que algunos alcanzan los 2 500 o 3 000 años de antigüedad, todos son característicos del paisaje de la cuenca mediterránea, así como de su herencia cultural y de sus tradiciones culinarias. Los productos elaborados a partir de la aceituna constituyen elementos fundamentales en la economía agrícola de los países meridionales de la Unión, con cerca de cinco millones de hectáreas de plantaciones y un rendimiento superior a 7 000 millones de euros al año. Aunque el precio de la aceituna y del aceite de oliva ha aumentado en los últimos años, los ingresos de las explotaciones particulares dependen del tamaño del olivar y de los niveles de productividad, siendo los costes unitarios de producción en los sistemas tradicionales claramente superiores (y, por tanto, menos rentables) que en los sistemas de cultivo intensivo y de regadío. Los países productores de la Unión alcanzan entre el 70 y el 75 % de la producción mundial de aceite de oliva y más de un tercio de la producción de aceitunas de mesa. La legislación de la Unión busca mantener y reforzar este liderazgo con un marco normativo en ámbitos que abarcan desde las ayudas a los productores hasta las iniciativas de promoción, y desde las normas de sanidad vegetal hasta las normas de calidad y comercialización. Las previsiones económicas apuntan hacia un aumento de la producción (sobre todo en España) y de la demanda procedente de países no productores, lo que reforzará la posición de liderazgo de la Unión en el mercado de exportaciones. La Unión es miembro del Consejo Oleícola Internacional, cuyo último Convenio por el que se establecen las normas de organización del mercado oleícola internacional está en proceso de ser aprobado por las instituciones de la Unión. Briefing ES, EL, EN, IT The sheep and goat sector in the EU: Main features, challenges and prospects Tipo de publicación Briefing Fecha 31-08-2017 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave ayuda a la agricultura | bovino | caprino | carne caprina | carne ovina | cría de ganado | desarrollo rural | enfermedad animal | Estado miembro UE | estadística de la UE | legislación veterinaria | ovino | política agrícola común | queso de cabra | queso de oveja Resumen Sheep and goats grazing on meadows in the countryside are part of the landscape and cultural heritage of many European countries. They are a source of employment in disadvantaged agricultural areas and the high-quality traditional products they yield are broadly recognised as the result of a sustainable and multifunctional form of agriculture that contributes to preserving the environment and social cohesion in rural areas. Yet, the EU sheep and goat sector has been experiencing economic and structural difficulties in recent decades, mainly involving a consistent decrease in livestock numbers, following outbreaks of contagious diseases and policy changes in public funding schemes. With a population of about 98 million animals and a production that accounts for a small share of the total EU livestock output, the sheep and goat sector does not ensure self-sufficiency. That is why the EU is among the world's main importers of sheep and goats, mainly from New Zealand and Australia. Moreover, as sheep and goat farming is among the less remunerative agricultural activities, it does not encourage investments or new entrants from younger generations of farmers. Several EU-level policy instruments are available for providing support to this sector in its capacity to deliver both food and public goods, such as landscape and biodiversity conservation. However, considering its low profitability and the fact that production is mostly located in less favoured areas, EU stakeholders are recommending the inclusion of specific policy measures in the framework of current discussions on the Common Agricultural Policy post-2020, as well as the adoption of communication and promotion measures to strengthen the position of the sector in respect of EU consumers' choices. Briefing EN New approach for integrated farm statistics Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 05-04-2017 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave estadística agraria | estructura agraria | política agrícola Resumen European agricultural statistics represent a complex system of data describing the numerous facets of agriculture. They provide detailed knowledge allowing the taking of informed decisions and the shaping and evaluation of agricultural policies based on hard evidence. Farm structure statistics are the backbone of this system. The European Commission proposes a new approach for integrated farm statistics to create a more coherent, flexible and interlinked system of agricultural statistics. De un vistazo EN 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 9
Las mujeres y su papel en las zonas rurales Tipo de publicación De un vistazo Fecha 29-03-2017 Autor ROSSI Rachele Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural Palabra clave agricultora | desarrollo rural | igualdad de género | igualdad de trato | integración social | mercado laboral | región rural Resumen Las numerosas funciones que desempeñan las mujeres en las comunidades rurales contribuyen a mantener unas zonas rurales dinámicas y unas explotaciones agrarias viables. Sin embargo, a pesar de su contribución tan esencial, las mujeres de las zonas rurales siguen enfrentándose a numerosos retos, como las dificultades a la hora de acceder al mercado laboral, la falta de servicios públicos adecuados y una escasa presencia en los órganos de toma de decisiones. El Parlamento Europeo tiene previsto someter a votación un informe de propia iniciativa sobre estas cuestiones en el periodo parcial de sesiones que se celebrará a comienzos de abril. De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL 09-02-2022 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE 10
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