Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
Last Mile Logistics
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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
Índice Contents

      01                      04
      Resumen ejecutivo       Superficies
      Executive Summary   4   Accommodation   14

      02                      05
      Localización            Planos
      Location            6   Floorplans      19

      03                      06
      El Proyecto             Condiciones
      The Project         8   Terms           20

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
01                             Resumen ejecutivo
                               Executive Summary

      Superficie de Parcela                    Superficie Construída                Módulos desde                Certificación Medioambiental
            Site Area                              Area Schedule                      Units from                  Environmental Certification

       14.627 m2                                 9.441 m2                           2.281 m2               BREEAM Very Good

                              Disponibilidad                           Inquilinos                    Ubicación
                                Availability                            Tenants                       Location

                              Q4 2022                                    1-4                        Last Mile

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Distancias Distances
                                                                                                                                                                  A-42                                                 •   Estación de Metro y Renfe Villaverde Alto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Villaverde Alto Metro and Renfe station: 600 m.

                                                                                                                                                                                   M-40                                •   Centro de Getafe

                               Localización                                                                                                                                                                            •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Centre of Getafe: 4 km - 9 min

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Centro de Madrid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Centre of Madrid: 11 km - 20 min

                               Location                                                                        A-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •   Aeropuerto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Airport: 25 km - 25 min
                                                                                                                                                                   P.I. El Gato
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Conexiones Connections
                                                                                                                                                                                  P.I. Villaverde                          A-42
Plataforma logística de última generación situada en
Villaverde, ubicación prime dentro de la 1ª corona de Madrid.                                                                                         El Activo                                                            M-40
                                                                                                                                                      The Asset
A tan sólo 11 km del centro de Madrid y a 20 minutos                                                                               A-2                                                                                     Av. Andalucía
de cualquier punto de la ciudad, Villaverde es uno de
los enclaves más demandados por los operadores de                                                                                                                                                                          M-45
e-commerce y distribución capilar.                                                                 Madrid                                                                                                                  A-4
Acceso directo a las principales vías de la capital a través de

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Av. de Andalucía
las autovías A-42, M-40, M-45 /A-4 y Av. de Andalucía.                              M-40
A 25 minutos del aeropuerto, 600 metros de la estación de
metro y tren de Villaverde Alto y a 150 metros de paradas de
autobuses con líneas directas a Madrid.
                                                                         Alcorcón                            M-45

State-of-the-art logistics development located in Villaverde, a prime                                  Villaverde      Vallecas
                                                                         A-5     Leganés
logistics location within Madrid’s first ring.

Located just 11 km from Madrid with access to the entire city within                                                              A-3
a 20-minute drive time, Villaverde is a sought-after location for last                            Getafe
mile e-commerce and distribution operators.                                                                     M-50

Direct access via key highways including the A-42, M-40, M-45/A-4                          A-42
and Av. de Andalucía.                                                                                  A-4

25 minutes from the airport, 600m from Villaverde Alto metro &
train station and 150m from bus stops with direct lines to Madrid.                                                                                                                         M-45

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
Logística de Última Milla en 1ª
      corona de Madrid que ofrece gran
      flexibilidad de espacios.

      Last Mile Logistics within Madrid´s
      1st ring offering flexible warehouse

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
Instalación PC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Rociadores automáticos ESFR.
                                                                                                                                                             Cubierta tipo Deck                                                                   • Riesgo Medio Nivel 5 tipo B

                                El Proyecto                                                                                                                  • Exutorios en cubierta con
                                                                                                                                                               sensores de viento y lluvia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FP System
                                                                                                                                                             • Instalación de placas solares en                                                   • ESFR Automatic Sprinklers
                                The Project                                                                                                                    cubierta                                                                           • Medium Risk 5 type B

                                                                                                                                                             Deck Roof
                                                                                                                                                             • Roof vents with wind and rain
Características Principales                                                                                                                                  • Rooftop PV installation                                                         Iluminación
Main Characteristics                                                                                                                                                                              Altura libre:                                • Iluminación Led con sistema de control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 en función de la luz ambiente
                                                                                                                                                                                                  11 metros                                    • Iluminación natural con panel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 policarbonato en fachada
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Clear Height
                                                                                                                                                                                                  11 meters                                    Light System
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Led lighting with control system based on
                                                                                                                                                         Oficinas                                                                                ambient light
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Natural lighting with polycarbonate panel
   Altura Libre de Almacenamiento     Solera de hormigón con sobrecarga           PCI para Riesgo Medio 5 tipo B         Playas de maniobra de 31,5 m    • Oficinas equipadas con A/C                                                            on facade
            Mínima de 11 m               de 5T/m² y puntual de 6T/m²                     según normativa                                                   frío-calor, falsos techos, suelos
                                                                                                                                                           técnicos y aseos
       Minimun Clear Height of 11 m   Concrete slab with dead loads of 5T/m²   Medium Risk 5 Type B FP System in line     Manoeuvering yard of 31.5 m
                                          and occasional loads of 6T/m²                  with regulations                                                Offices
                                                                                                                                                         • Fully equipped offices with A/C                                                                              • 16 Muelles ( 4 x módulo)
                                                                                                                                                           hot-cold, false ceilings, raised                                                                             • 4 Rampas de Acceso
                                                                                                                                                           access floors and toilets                                                                                    • Protecciones y guías para muelles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Loading docks / Access
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Solera de hormigón con resistencia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5 T/m² y 6 T/m² carga puntual                       • 16 Loading Docks (4 per unit)
           16 Muelles de Carga                4 Rampas de Acceso                      Instalación Fotovoltaica          Certificación Breeam Very Good                                                                                                                  • 4 Access Ramps
         12 Trailers / 4 Combi Dock                                                                                                                                                                               Slabs                                                 • Guards and guides for loading docks
            16 Loading Docks                     4 Access Ramps                       Rooftop PV Installation           BREEAM Very Good Environmental                                                            • Concrete slab with maximum dead load
         12 Trailers / 4 Combi Dock                                                                                              Certification                                                                      of 5T/m² and ocasional loads of 6T/m²

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
Proyecto Lógistico Clase A con
       altos estándares técnicos y
       criterios de ESG.

       Class A Development to High
       Technical and ESG Standards.

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
04                   Superficies

                                                                                                 Nave para un Único Inquilino
                                                                                                 Single Warehouse
Implantación para Único Inquilino
Layout for Single Tenant                                                                         9.441 m2

        Parcela                Nave         Oficinas     Sup. Total Construida      Muelles
        Site Area            Warehouse      Offices            Total GLA         Loading Docks
       14.627 m²              8.455 m²       986 m²            9.441 m²               16

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
Implantación para Multi-Inquilino
Layout for Multi-Tenant

       PARCELA                                            SUPERFICIES                                      Módulo 1   Módulo 2   Módulo 3   Módulo 4
       SITE AREA                                         Accommodation                                     Unit 1     Unit 2     Unit 3     Unit 4
                      Módulo          Nave      Oficinas           Sup. Total Construida      Muelles      2.281 m2   2.449 m2   2.449 m2   2.262 m2
                       Unit         Warehouse   Offices                  Total GLA         Loading Docks
                          1         2.100 m²    181 m²                   2.281 m²               4
                          2         2.137 m²    312 m²                   2.449 m²               4
       14.627 m²          3         2.137 m²    312 m²                   2.449 m²               4
                          4         2.081 m²    181m²                    2.262 m²               4
                      TOTAL         8.455 m²    986 m²                   9.441 m²               16

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Villaverde Last Mile Logistics - Proequity
05   Plano

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06               Condiciones

       Renta Mensual          Costes de Inquilino

       Quoting Monthly Rent   Tenant Costs

       5,75 €/m2              Por determinar
                              To be determined

                                                        Disponibilidad   Juan Ramón Ramírez
                                                                         Senior Analyst | I&L
                                                                                                                Eloy García
                                                                                                                Consultor | I&L
       Fianza legal

       Rent Deposit
                              Garantías Adicionales

                              Additional Guarantees
                                                        Availability     +34 638 37 90 71                       +34 659 91 55 74

                                                        Q4 2022
       2 mensualidades        Aval Bancario a definir
       2 months               Bank Guarantee (TBD)                            Más información en nuestra web         Más información en nuestra web
                                                                              More information in our website        More information in our website

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Nota al documento

El contenido del presente documento es estrictamente confidencial y se expone con finalidad meramente informativa, entendiéndose que no será mostrado, leído, revelado, reproducido, copiado, alterado,
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COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL SPAIN, S.L. (en adelante, “Colliers International” o “el Asesor”), no garantiza ni responde de ninguna de las proyecciones presentadas en este análisis. Las previsiones están sujetas a
incertidumbre y variación y, por tanto, no representan los resultados que realmente se pueden lograr. Se deberán llevar a cabo investigaciones y evaluaciones propias y las decisiones se basarán únicamente en
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The contents of the present document are strictly confidential and are offered herein purely for information purposes, and shall therefore not be shown, read, disclosed, reproduced, copied, altered, transformed or distributed,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Reservados todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual. Este documento no podrá reproducirse, transmitirse ni divulgarse, total o parcialmente, sin la autorización expresa de ProEquity Servicios Inmobiliarios,
This Document has been prepared by Colliers International on the basis of the information supplied by the Company in relation to the Process. The information gathered has not been independently verified, audited, or
been subject to a technical or legal verification by Colliers International. In this sense, the Advisor does not accept responsibility or obligation in relation to the accuracy or completeness of such information, nor makes any     S.L.
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Under no circumstances shall it be understood that this Document contains any kind of representation, warranty or undertaking, either express or implied, regarding the characteristics or performance of, or return on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        La información contenida en el presente dossier de comercialización está realizada de buena fe y se proporciona solamente como una guía general, no constituyendo parte alguna de un contrato. No se admite
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The foregoing is acknowledged and accepted by the recipients purely by the fact of receiving this Document.
The Company, its employees, managers and directors, Colliers International or any other external advisor who advises the Company in relation to the Process shall by no means be responsible for any cost or expense incurred           All intellectual property rights reserved. This Report may not be reproduced, transmitted or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the express authorization of ProEquity Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L. In addition, any modification,
in the preparation of valuations or studies, or for any other cost or expense incurred in relation to the Process.                                                                                                                      both in its presentation and in its content, must also be expressly authorized. This dossier is not intended to include all the information that a potential investor needs for the study of the operation but we believe it will be
Content prepared by COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL SPAIN, S.L. (hereinafter “Colliers International) is copyright protected, pursuant to the contents of Royal Legislative Decree 1 of 12 April 1996, which approved the consolidated           sufficient for the realization of an initial offer.
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Un proyecto de:


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