Fernando Maestu Maestú - Date of document: 05/11/2020 v 1.4.3 0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 - UCM-Facultad de Psicología
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Fernando Maestu Maestú Generated from: Editor CVN de FECYT Date of document: 05/11/2020 v 1.4.3 0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 This electronic file (PDF) has embedded CVN technology (CVN-XML). The CVN technology of this file allows you to export and import curricular data from and to any compatible data base. List of adapted databases available at: http://cvn.fecyt.es/
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Summary of CV This section describes briefly a summary of your career in science, academic and research; the main scientific and technological achievements and goals in your line of research in the medium -and long- term. It also includes other important aspects or peculiarities. Al finalizar la licenciatura en Psicología, el interés que le suscita las relaciones entre el cerebro y la cognición le lleva a comenzar los estudios de doctorado. Al mismo tiempo contacta con la Dra Pilar Martín Plasencia, quien le invita a participar en el Hospital de la Princesa en la investigación sobre memoria y lenguaje en pacientes con epilepsia. Simultáneamente, obtiene una beca del Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, lo que le permite finalizar las investigaciones de memoria en pacientes epilépticos y así obtener el grado de doctor en el mes de Julio del año 1997, alcanzando la máxima calificación de “apto cum laude por unanimidad”, directores Dr Rafael García de Sola y el Dr Tomás Ortiz. En el año 1999 realiza una estancia en la Universidad de Houston Texas, en el laboratorio del Dr Andrew Papanicolaou. Tras unos meses de intensísimo trabajo, se inicia la instalación en Madrid del equipo de magnetoencefalografía, donde adquiere la responsabilidad de subdirector. Recién llegado de EEUU surge la oportunidad de presentarse a una plaza de profesor asociado tipo II en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, a la que se incorpora de forma inmediata. En el año 2000, se presenta a una plaza de profesor asociado para formar parte del departamento de Psicología Básica II (procesos cognitivos) de la Facultad de Psicología de la UCM. Gracias a una afortunada carrera investigadora, en el año 2004 recibe la acreditación para Profesor Contratado Doctor y en el año 2005 la certificación de habilitación nacional para profesor titular de Psicología Básica. En el año 2007 consigue la plaza de profesor titular de universidad en el departamento de psicología Básica II (procesos cognitivos). En el año 2010 consigue la habilitación nacional para la plaza de catedrático de universidad y en el año 2017 obtiene la plaza de catedrático de Universidad en la UCM. También en el año 2010, surge la posibilidad de comenzar una apasionante aventura en el Centro de Tecnología Biomédica (CTB) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Con el profesor Francisco del Pozo, se consiguen unos fondos europeos para adquirir un nuevo sistema MEG. Por convenio, se crea el “Laboratorio de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Computacional (UCM-UPM)” y se nombra a Fernando Maestú como director del mismo hasta la actualidad. En el presente desarrolla como investigador una serie de líneas de investigación que giran, imperfectamente, en torno a la Neurociencia Cognitiva del envejecimiento, la neuropsicología y la Psicología de la memoria. En concreto su actual fascinación se centra en el estudio de los fenómenos del olvido, en la interdependencia de lo que se llaman “funciones ejecutivas” y la memoria. En el año 2015, es nombrado presidente de la Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología cargo que ostentó hasta el año 2017. Desde el año 2017 es profesor invitado en la UTH-USA llevando a cabo investigación con MEG. En estos años ha aprendido mucho de sus maestros, los de aquí y los de allí, mucho de sus pacientes con daño cerebral, pero mucho más de sus alumnos, algunos de ellos mucho más brillantes que él. Por ello, cumple su deber apoyando nuevas vocaciones científicas que ayuden a mejorar el desarrollo de esta maravillosa disciplina que es la Psicología En una búsqueda del conocimiento y con una convencida vocación docente (desde sus albores), pretende emular lo que Don Santiago (Ramón y Cajal) decía, y que se puede resumir en: 2
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 “Enseñar lo investigado e investigar para enseñar” 3
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 General quality indicators of scientific research This section describes briefly the main quality indicators of scientific production (periods of research activity, experience in supervising doctoral theses, total citations, articles in journals of the first quartile, H index...). It also includes other important aspects or peculiarities. v Promedio de citas por artículo: 17.7 (WOS) v Average Citation per year: 171.1 Artículos v Artículos en revistas internacionales = 174 (Q1-86;Q2-58;Q3-23;Q4-7) v Artículos en revistas nacionales = 62 v Capítulos de libro internacionales = 20 v Capítulos de libro nacionales = 20 v Libros = 5 Citas v WOS: 3441 v Scopus: 4072 v Research Gate: 5400 v Google scholar: 7149 Indice H =33 (WOS) Indice H= 34 (Scopus) Indice H= 44 (google Scholar) 4
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Fernando Maestu Maestú Surname(s): Maestu Maestú Name: Fernando DNI: ResearcherID: 0000-0002-3195-0071 Date of birth: Gender: Male Nationality: Spain Country of birth: Spain City of birth: MADRID Contact address: AVENIDA DE SENECA Rest of contact address: AVENIDA DE SENECA Postcode: 28040 Contact country: Spain Contact city: MADRID Land line phone: Email: fmaestuu@ucm.es Personal web page: http://meg.ctb.upm.es/es/ Current professional situation Employing entity: Universidad Complutense de Type of entity: University Madrid Department: Psicología Professional category: Catedrático de Universidad Start date: 03/2017 Type of contract: Civil servant Dedication regime: Full time Primary (UNESCO code): 610601 - Brain function Secondary (UNESCO code): 610606 - Memory processes Tertiary (UNESCO code): 610803 - Senescente Performed tasks: Docentes e investigadoras. Actividad docente en grado, máster y doctorado Actividad Investigadora como director del Laboratorio de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Computacional, laboratorio mixto entre la UCM y la UPM. Director de proyectos de investigación de convocatorias nacionales e internacionales. Identify key words: Electrophysiology; Ageing (biology); Neurophysiology; Cognitive neuroscience; Memory; Neurophysiology; Experimental neuropsychology; Neuropsychology; Neuroimage; Eeg/ evoke potencials; Cognitive proceedings Previous positions and activities Employing entity Professional category Start date 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid Titular de Universidad 15/03/2007 2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid Profesor asociado 01/10/2000 3 Universidad Camilo José Cela Profesor adjunto 01/10/2000 4 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Profesor Asociado 01/01/2000 5
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Employing entity Professional category Start date 5 Universidad Complutense de Madrid Becario de Investigación 1996 1 Employing entity: Universidad Complutense de Type of entity: University Madrid Professional category: Titular de Universidad Start-End date: 15/03/2007 - 20/03/2017 Duration: 10 years - 5 days 2 Employing entity: Universidad Complutense de Type of entity: University Madrid Professional category: Profesor asociado Start-End date: 01/10/2000 - 15/03/2007 Duration: 7 years - 2 months 3 Employing entity: Universidad Camilo José Cela Type of entity: University Professional category: Profesor adjunto Start-End date: 01/10/2000 - 30/09/2004 Duration: 4 years 4 Employing entity: Universidad Autónoma de Type of entity: University Madrid Professional category: Profesor Asociado Start-End date: 01/01/2000 - 30/09/2000 Duration: 9 months Type of contract: Temporary employment contract 5 Employing entity: Universidad Complutense de Type of entity: University Madrid Professional category: Becario de Investigación Start-End date: 1996 - 1999 Duration: 3 years Type of contract: Temporary employment contract 6
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Education University education 1st and 2nd cycle studies and pre-Bologna degrees University degree: Doctorate Name of qualification: Licenciado en Psicología Área Psicología Experimental Degree awarding entity: Universidad Complutense Type of entity: University de Madrid Date of qualification: 12/06/1992 Doctorates Doctorate programme: Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Psicología Clínica y Psicobiología Degree awarding entity: Universidad Complutense Type of entity: University de Madrid Date of degree: 10/07/1997 Language skills Language Listening skills Reading skills S poken interaction Speaking skills Writing skills English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Spanish C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 Teaching experience Experience supervising doctoral thesis and/or final year projects 1 Project title: Self awarenees in patients with acquired brain injury: clinical intervention and its impact on patient´s clinical independence Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Camilo José Cela Type of entity: University Student: Maria Dolores Villalobos Tornero Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2020 Quality recognition: Yes 2 Project title: Alteraciones en la conectividad funcional en el autismo: Un estudio mediante magnetoencefalografía Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Teodoro Pascual 7
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2019 3 Project title: Cognitive and neural mechanisms of episodic memory reactivation: from consol-idation to retrieval. Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Bernard Staresina Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Maria del Carmen Martín Buro Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2019 Quality recognition: Yes 4 Project title: Brain networks in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment: characterizing the predementia stages using magnetoencephalography. Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: David López Sanz Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2018 Quality recognition: Yes 5 Project title: Características cognitivas y neurofisiológicas en ancianos sanos con factores de riesgo genético de enfermedad de alzheimer Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Inmaculada Rodriguez Rojo Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2018 Quality recognition: Yes 6 Project title: Deterioro cognitivo subjetivo como marcador preclínico fiable en enfermedad de alzheimer Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Marina Avila Villanueva Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2018 7 Project title: Dinámicas neurales de los procesos proactivos y reactivos en el cambio de tarea Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Francisco Barcelo Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Gemma Díaz Blancat Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2018 8 Project title: Brain mgnetic activity profiles of Young binge drinkers Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Angeles Correas Marín Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2017 8
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Quality recognition: Yes 9 Project title: Evaluación de la hipótesis del conectoma mediante pruebas neuropsicológicas Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Beatriz López Hernandez Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2015 10 Project title: Perfiles Biomagnéticos de la actividad cerebral en reposo en las fases preclínica y prodrómica de la enfermedad de Alzheimer: Influencia del allelo APOE-e4 y de la acumulación de B-amyloide Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Pablo Cuesta Prieto Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2015 Quality recognition: Yes 11 Project title: Quejas subjetivas de memoria en el envejecimiento y en adultos jóvenes: variables implicadas. Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Mercedes Montenegro Peña Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad (premio extraordinario) Date of reading: 2015 12 Project title: La influencia de las funciones ejecutivas en los procesos de memoria en el trastorno esquizofrénico paranoide y bipolar. Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Eduardo García Laredo Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2015 13 Project title: Alteraciones cognitivas, conectividad functional y personalidad en el drogodependiente Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Iria Arbaiza Diaz del Río Obtained qualification: Apto Date of reading: 2014 14 Project title: Profiles of Brain Magnetic Activity in normal agind and mild cognitive impairment during resting state and the performance of the paradigm IDICS Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Maria Eugenia Lopez Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad (premio extraordinario) Date of reading: 2014 Quality recognition: Yes 15 Project title: The cognitive control of emotional distraction in working memory: from behavior to functional connectivity Type of project: Doctoral thesis 9
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Javier García Pacios Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad (premio Extraordinario) Date of reading: 2014 Quality recognition: Yes 16 Project title: Brain Oscillations Underlying Memory Retention and Forgetting, in the Presence and Absence of Interference, in Mild Cognitive Impairment Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Nazareth Castellanos Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Sara Aurtenetxe Vicandi Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2013 Quality recognition: Yes 17 Project title: Asignación del Papel Temático y comprensión de oraciones con extracción de sujeto y objeto en español. Un estudio sobre las demandas de procesamiento a nivel cognitivo y neurofisiológico Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Ramon Lopez Higes Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: David Del Río Grande Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2009 18 Project title: Interference modulation of brain magnetic patterns during a memory task in normal aging Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Elena Solesio Jofre de Villegas Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2009 Quality recognition: Yes 19 Project title: Memoria y Funciones ejecutivas en el evejecimiento normal y patológico Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Raquel Yubero Pancorbo Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2008 20 Project title: Desarrollo y dinámica de los procesos de control ejecutivo Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Javier Gonzalez Marqués Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Almudena Capilla Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2007 Quality recognition: Yes 10
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 21 Project title: Redes córtico-límbicas en el proceso de codificación de la memoria operativa: evidencias desde la Magnetoencefalografía Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Pablo Campo Martínez-Lage Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2005 22 Project title: Caracterización neuropsicológica y magnetoencefalográfica de la esclerosis múltiple Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Javier Gonzalez Marqués Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Santiago Fernández Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2004 23 Project title: La localización cerebral del lenguaje en bilingües árabe-español tempranos y tardíos Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Javier Gonzalez Marqués Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Firash Al-Hamouri Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2004 24 Project title: Perfil neuropsicológico y neuromagnético del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad en la infancia Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Javier Gonzalez Marqués Entity: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Type of entity: University Student: Dulce Romero Obtained qualification: Cum laude Unanimidad Date of reading: 2004 Healthcare experience Healthcare experience in EU entities 1 Relevant results: Evaluación Neuropsicológica Entity: Hospital Ruber Internacional Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Start-End date: 1997 - 1999 2 Relevant results: Evaluación neuropsicológica Entity: Hospital de la Princesa de Madrid Affiliation entity: Hospital de la Princesa de Madrid Start-End date: 1992 - 1999 11
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Scientific and technological experience Scientific or technological activities R&D projects funded through competitive calls of public or private entities 1 Name of the project: Intelligent digital tools for screening of brain connectivity and dementia risk estimation in people affected by mild cognitive impairment. (AI-Mind) Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: European Union archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Scientific coordinator Entity where project took place: Universidad Type of entity: University Complutense de Madrid City of entity: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Ira Harelsdsen; fernando Maestu Maestu Nº of researchers: 38 Type of participation: Co-ordinator Name of the programme: SC1-BHC-06-2020 Code according to the funding entity: 964220 Start-End date: 01/03/2021 - 01/04/2026 Duration: 5 years - 60 months Total amount: 13.997.322,33 € Sub-project amount: 1.139.946,22 € 2 Name of the project: EMBRACE Entity where project took place: Unión Europea City of entity: Madrid, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Silvia Cpmani; Lucia Vaquero; fernando Maestu Unturbe Nº of researchers: 20 Start-End date: 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2023 Total amount: 1.230.000 € 3 Name of the project: VirtualBrainCloud Entity where project took place: Unión Europea City of entity: Multiples de Europa, Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Petra Ritter; Fernando Maestú UNturbe Nº of researchers: 64 Start-End date: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022 Total amount: 15.000.000 € 4 Name of the project: FORAGEKID Type of project: Precompetitive development Geographical area: European Union Entity where project took place: MSCA Unión Europea City of entity: Madrid, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Beatriz Gil Gomez de Liaño; Fernando Maestu UNturbe Nº of researchers: 2 Name of the programme: Marie Slodowska Curie Actions Start-End date: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021 Total amount: 168.000 € 12
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Applicant's contribution: Supervisor en la Universidad Complutense 5 Name of the project: Study of the anatomo-functional connectome of AD-relatives:an early intervention on cognition and lifestyles (CONNECT-AD). Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Miniterio de Type of entity: State agency economía y competitividad City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Ramón López-Higes; Miguel Angel Fernández; Jaime García Code according to the funding entity: RTI2018-098762-B-C31 Start-End date: 2019 - 2021 Total amount: 157.300 € 6 Name of the project: Desarrollo de perfiles neurofisiológicos y Neurocognitivos en sujetos con alto riesgo de desarrollo de demencia – población Arequipa Entity where project took place: Gobierno de Perú City of entity: Arequipa, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Roxana Castillo; fernando Maestu Unturbe Nº of researchers: 12 Start-End date: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020 Total amount: 103.000 € 7 Name of the project: Connectomics of Brain Aging and Dementia Entity where project took place: National Institute of Health USA City of entity: PIttsburgh-Madrid, Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): James Becker; Fernando Maestú UNturbe Nº of researchers: 9 Start-End date: 31/05/2018 - 31/05/2020 Total amount: 6.000.000 € 8 Name of the project: Connectomics of Brain Aging and Dementia. Human Connectome Project Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: Non EU International archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Scientific coordinator Entity where project took place: National Institute of Health City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): James Becker; Fernando Maestú Start-End date: 2016 - 2020 Total amount: 6.000.000 € 9 Name of the project: Red de excelencia nacional: Aplicaciones clínicas de la neuroimagen funcional Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Cales Soriano; Manueal Carreiras; Fernando Cadaveira; Alfonso Barros Loscertales; Andrés Catena; Mercedes Atienza Code according to the funding entity: PSI2016-81881-REDT Start-End date: 2017 - 2019 13
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Total amount: 20.000 € 10 Name of the project: Características cognitivas y neurofisiologicas de personas con alto riesgo para el desarrollo de demencia: una aproximación multidimensional Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: dirección general de investigación científica City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Ramón López-Higes; Alberto Marcos Dolado; David López Sanz; Pablo Cuesta; Maria Eugenia López Code according to the funding entity: PSI2015-68793-C3-1-R Start-End date: 2016 - 2018 Total amount: 150.000 € 11 Name of the project: BIOFIND Entity where project took place: Joint Programming of Neurodegenerative diseases (European Union) City of entity: Cambridge, Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Laura Hughes; Fernando Maestú Unturbe Nº of researchers: 18 Start-End date: 2016 - 2017 Total amount: 50.000 € 12 Name of the project: Detección de indicadores conductuales y neurofisiológicos tempranos de riesgo para el inicio en el consumo de alcohol y cannabis de adolescentes menores Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Ministerio de sanidad, servicios sociales e igualdad (Plan Nacional de Drogas) City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Angeles Correas; Luis Miguel García-Moreno; Fernando Maestú Code according to the funding entity: 2014I035 Start-End date: 2015 - 2017 Total amount: 173.638 € 13 Name of the project: Emotional Reasoning in Persecutory Delusions: Process Interventions and Neurological Basis Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (proyectos Explora ciencia) City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Carmen Valiente; Carmelo Vazquez; Fernando Maestú Code according to the funding entity: PSI2014-61744-EXP Start-End date: 2015 - 2016 14 Name of the project: Del autismo a la esquizofrenia. Estudio del sustrato neurofisiológico subyacente a la disfunción cerebral en la Esquizofrenia y los Trastornos del Espectro Autista mediante magnetoencefalografía Geographical area: National 14
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Fundación Alicia Koplowitz City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú Start-End date: 2014 - 2015 Total amount: 50.000 € 15 Name of the project: Entendiendo las quejas de memoria en el envejecimiento: una aproximación desde la genética, la neuropsicología y la conectividad anatomo-funcional Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Nuria Paúl Lapedriza; Pablo Cuesta Code according to the funding entity: PSI2012-38375-C03-01 Start-End date: 2013 - 2015 Total amount: 110.000 € 16 Name of the project: Evaluación del daño cerebral en jóvenes consumidores de alcohol (binge drinking): un estudio mediante MEG, EEG y DTi Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Ministerio de Sanidad, política social e igualdad. PLan Nacional de Drogas City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Luis Miguel Garcia-Moreno Name of the programme: Plan Nacional de Drogas Code according to the funding entity: 2010I051 Start-End date: 2011 - 2013 Total amount: 96.000 € 17 Name of the project: executive functions impairment in MCI patients: multidisciplinary study for the early diagnosis of AD Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Ministerio de Type of entity: Centro Publico Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Nuria Paul Lapedriza; Pablo Campo Code according to the funding entity: PSI2009-14415-C03-01 Start-End date: 2010 - 2013 Total amount: 180.000 € 18 Name of the project: Red Temática de Neurociencia Cognitiva – Acción Complementaria Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Ministerio de Type of entity: publica Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación 15
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Carles Escera mIco; Fernando Cadaveira; Fernando Maestú Code according to the funding entity: PSI2008-00968-E/PSIC Start-End date: 2009 - 2012 19 Name of the project: Cambios en la conectividad cerebral producidos por la recuperación espontánea en pacientes con daño cerebral sobrevenido Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Fundación MAPFRE medicina City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Nuria Paúl Lapedriza Start-End date: 2010 - 2010 Total amount: 15.000 € 20 Name of the project: Estudio de la reorganización de la conectividad cerebral como efecto de la rehabilitación integral en pacientes con daño cerebral Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Ministerio de Type of entity: State agency Sanidad y Consumo IMSERSO City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Nuria Paul Lapedriza Code according to the funding entity: 7/2008 Start-End date: 2009 - 2010 Total amount: 48.000 € 21 Name of the project: Programa de actividades de ingeniería biomédica (MADR.IB) Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: Regional archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Scientific coordinator Entity where project took place: Comunidad de Type of entity: Public Research Body Madrid: programa de actividades I+D City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Francisco Del POzo Guerrero; Fernando Maestú; Jose María Gaztelu Code according to the funding entity: S-SAL-0312-2006 Start-End date: 2006 - 2010 Total amount: 873.756 € 22 Name of the project: Estudio paramétrico y multidisciplinar de los factores de olvido en el envejecimiento normal Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION Y CIENCIA City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Javier Gonzalez Marques; Pablo Campo; Nuria Paul Lapedriza Code according to the funding entity: SEJ2006-07560/PSIC 16
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Start-End date: 2006 - 2009 Total amount: 90.000 € 23 Name of the project: Atención visual y envellecimiento: correlatos psicofisiológicos e conductuais dos procesos de detección automática, de captura involuntaria e de detección coluntaria. Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: Regional archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Consellerería de innovación, industria y comercio (Xunta de Galicia) City of entity: Santiago de Compostela, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Elena Amenedo Losada; Paula Pazo; Fernando Maestú Code according to the funding entity: PGIDIT05PXIC2110PN Start-End date: 2005 - 2008 Total amount: 18.800 € 24 Name of the project: Estudio de las estrategias de categorización: descripción de los patrones de representación espacio-temporal Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Ministerio de Type of entity: State agency Ciencia y Tecnología City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Nuria Paúl Lapedrza; Santiago Fernández Code according to the funding entity: BSO2003-06974 Start-End date: 2004 - 2006 Total amount: 72.000 € 25 Name of the project: Evaluación del riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad de Alzheimer, en personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo leve: un estudio mediante magnetoencefalografía Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomás Ortiz; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Code according to the funding entity: PI031665 Start-End date: 2004 - 2006 Total amount: 52.000 € 26 Name of the project: Cambios de la actividad cerebral en las estructuras implicadas en la memoria y en el envejecimiento normal Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Fundación MAPFRE Medicina City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Fernando Maestú; Nuria Paúl Lapedriza Start-End date: 2005 - 2005 Total amount: 9.000 € 17
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 27 Name of the project: Estudio de las relaciones entre disfunción ejecutiva y las actividades de la Vida Diaria en los trastornos por déficit de atención e hiperactividad en la infancia Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: Regional archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Comunidad de Castilla La Mancha City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Dulce Romero Ayuso; Javier Gonzalez Marqués; Fernando Maestú Start-End date: 2005 - 2005 28 Name of the project: Características funcionales diferenciales entre los subtipos del trastorno por deficit de atención con hiperactividad: el papel del desarrollo de la sustancia blanca. Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: Regional archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Comunidad de Type of entity: Public Research Body Madrid City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Javier Gonzalez Marqués; Sara Fernandez-Guinea; Fernando Maestú Code according to the funding entity: HSE/85-04 Start-End date: 2004 - 2005 29 Name of the project: El BASC como instrumento para la detección de conductas perturbadoras en el aula: el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH). Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Ministerio de Type of entity: State agency Ciencia y Tecnología City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Javier Gonzalez Marques; Sara Fernandez-Guinea; Fernando Maestú Code according to the funding entity: BSO2002/03658 Start-End date: 2002 - 2005 30 Name of the project: Evaluación de la eficacia de la magnetoencefalografía en el diagnóstico precoz de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer Entity where project took place: Instituto de Salud Type of entity: Public Research Body Carlos III City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomas Ortiz; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Start-End date: 2003 - 2004 Total amount: 90.000 € 31 Name of the project: Estudio de los cambios neurofuncionales tras el proceso de rehabilitación neuropsicológica en pacientes con TCE Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Obra Social de Caja de Madrid City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Juan Manuel Muñoz Cépedes; Nuria Paúl Lapedriza; Fernando Maestú Start-End date: 2002 - 2004 Total amount: 51.000 € 18
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 32 Name of the project: La enfermedad de Alzheimer y la pérdida de memoria en personas y pacientes que se encuentran asociados en las asociaciones de familiares de enfermos de Alzheimer de Madrid Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Obra Social de Caja de Madrid/ (AFAL) City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomás Ortiz; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Start-End date: 2002 - 2002 Total amount: 47.479 € 33 Name of the project: Estudio anotomofuncional de las áreas corticales del lenguaje mediante Resonancia Magnética Funciona Entity where project took place: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS). City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Rafaél Garcia de Sola; Juan Alvarez-Linera; Fernando Maestú Start-End date: 1997 - 1999 34 Name of the project: Valoración clínica pre y post cirugía cerebral del paciente epiléptico fármaco-resistente: Una perspectiva desde los potenciales evocados de larga latencia y la neuropsicología Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomás Ortiz; Rafaél García de Sola; Fernando Maestú Code according to the funding entity: 96/0011-00 Start-End date: 1996 - 1999 35 Name of the project: Estudio de la reorganización de la conectividad cerebral tras rehabilitación neuropsicológica en pacientes con traumatismos cráneo-encefálicos Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National archaeological digs, etc) Entity where project took place: Fundación MAPFRE Medicina City of entity: MADRID, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Nuria Paúl Lapedriza; Fernando Maestú Start date: 2009 Total amount: 15.000 € R&D non-competitive contracts, agreements or projects with public or private entities 1 Name of the project: Souvenir II MEG sub-study Alz.1.C/E Type of project: Industrial research Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Philipe Scheltens; Cees Stam; Fernando Maestú Start date: 2011 Duration: 1 year Total amount: 10.000 € 2 Name of the project: Estudio del procesamiento cerebral en pacientes con esquizofrenia paranoide mediante magnetoencefalografía Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain 19
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Juan José López-Ibor; Tomas Ortiz; María Inés López-Ibor; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Start date: 2005 Duration: 3 years Total amount: 100.000 € 3 Name of the project: Efectos de la estimulación magnética transcraneal de los campos magnéticos en pacientes con tinitus Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Joaquin Poch; Tomas Ortiz; Fernando Maestú Start date: 2004 Duration: 2 years Total amount: 120.000 € 4 Name of the project: Estudio del procesamiento auditivo en enfermos de Alzheimer mediante magnetoencefalografía Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomás Ortiz; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Start date: 2004 Duration: 2 years Total amount: 60.000 € 5 Name of the project: Evaluación del daño neurocognitivo tras by-pass cardiopulmonar: hallazgos con imagen funcional cerebral mediante magnetoencefalografía Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomás Ortiz; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Participating entity/entities: Carburos Metálicos, S.A. Start date: 2004 Duration: 2 years Total amount: 48.000 € 6 Name of the project: Datos magnetoencefalográficos como nuevo método de enseñanza pedagógica de la actividad cerebral: repercusión en la docencia y en la investigación Type of project: Demonstration, pilot projects, conceptual formulations and design of processes and services Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomás Ortiz; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Start date: 2003 Duration: 2 years Total amount: 60.000 € 7 Name of the project: Hallazgos neuromagnéticos en las distintas fases de un trastorno bipolar Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Juan José López-Ibor; Tomás Ortiz; María Ines López-Ibor; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Start date: 2003 Duration: 3 years Total amount: 42.000 € 20
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 8 Name of the project: Epilepsia fármaco-rresistente Type of project: Basic research (including archaeological digs, etc) Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Alberto Fernández; Tomás Ortiz; Fernando Maestú Start date: 2002 Duration: 1 year Total amount: 18.000 € 9 Name of the project: Estudio neurofuncional mediante MEG (magnetoencefalografía) en personas con pérdida de memoria Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Alberto Fernández; Tomás Ortiz; Fernando Maestú Funding entity or bodies: Fundación Pérez Modrego Type of entity: Foundation Start date: 2002 Duration: 3 years Total amount: 36.000 € 10 Name of the project: Estudio Magnetoencefalográfico de la Esclerosis Múltiple Degree of contribution: Researcher City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomás Ortiz; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú; Santiago Fernández Start date: 2001 Duration: 2 years Total amount: 39.600 € 11 Name of the project: S.O.S Alzheimer Type of project: Basic research (including Entity where project took place: FUNDACION archaeological digs, etc) TELEFONICA Degree of contribution: Researcher Entity where project took place: FUNDACION TELEFONICA City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Tomás Ortiz; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú Start date: 1996 Duration: 3 years Results Industrial and intellectual property 1 Title registered industrial property: HERMES Nº of application: M-008846/2014 Country of inscription: Spain, Community of Madrid Date of register: 2012 2 Title registered industrial property: Sistema y procedimiento de detección de nanopartículas magnéticas mediante Magnetoencefalografía TIPO DE PARTICIPACIÓN: Co- Nº of application: P200901528 Country of inscription: Spain 21
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 Date of register: 30/06/2011 Scientific and technological activities Scientific production 1 H index: 33 Date of application: 2020 Fuente de Indice H: WOS 2 H index: 44 Date of application: 2020 Fuente de Indice H: GOOGLE SCHOLAR 3 H index: 34 Date of application: 2020 Fuente de Indice H: SCOPUS Publications, scientific and technical documents 1 Javier Pacios; Jose María Caperos; David del Río; Fernando Maestú. Share Emotional distraction in working memory: Bayesian-based evidence of the equivalent effect of positive and neutral interference.Cognition and Emotion. 3, pp. 1 - 9. 04/11/2020. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 2 Federico Ramirez-Toraño; Ricardo Bruña; Jaisalmer de Frutos; Inmaculada Rodriguez-Rojo; Silvia Marcos de pedro; Marisa Delgado; Nuria Gomez-Ruiz; Ana Barabash; Alberto Marcos; Ramon López-Higes; Fernando Maestú. Functional Connectivity Hypersynchronization in Relatives of Alzheimer's Disease Patients: An Early E/I Balance Dysfunction?. Cerebral Cortex. 27 - bhaa286, 02/11/2020. Available on-line at: . Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 3 Jaisalmer de frutos-lucas; Pablo cuesta; Federico Ramírez-Toraño; Alberto Nebreda; Esther Cuadrado-soto; Africa Pérez-Suarez; David López-Sanz; Ricardo Bruña; Silvia Marcos-de pedro; Maria L Delgado-losada; Ana María López-Sobaler; Inmaculada Rodriguez-Rojo; Simon M Laws; Alberto Marcos; Ramon López-Higes; Belinda M Brown; Fernando Maestú. Age and APOE genotype affect the relationship between objectively measured physical activity and power in the alpha band, a marker of brain disease. Alzheimers Research and Therapy. 12 - 1, pp. 113. 22/09/2020. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 4 Jaisalmer de Frutos Lucas; Natalie Frost; Kirk I Erickson; Juan M Serrano; Fernando Maestu; Simon M Laws; Belinda M Brown. Does APOE genotype moderate the relationship between physical activity, brain health and dementia risk? A systematic review.Ageing research reviews. pp. 101173. 19/09/2020. ISSN 1872-9649 DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2020.101173 PMID: 32961338 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 5 María Eugenia López; Agustín Turrero; Pablo Cuesta; Inmaculada Concepción Rodríguez Rojo; Ana Barabash; Alberto Marcos; Fernando Maestú; Alberto Fernández. A multivariate model of time to conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease.GeroScience. (Switzerland): 04/09/2020. ISSN 2509-2723 22
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 DOI: 10.1007/s11357-020-00260-7 PMID: 32886293 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 6 Angeles Correas; Pablo Cuesta; Burke Q Rosen; Fernando Maestu; Ksenija Marinkovic. Compensatory neuroadaptation to binge drinking: Human evidence for allostasis.Addiction biology. pp. e12960. 04/09/2020. ISSN 1369-1600 DOI: 10.1111/adb.12960 PMID: 32885571 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 7 Fernando Maestú; Alberto Fernández. Role of Magnetoencephalography in the Early Stages of Alzheimer Disease.Neuroimaging clinics of North America. 30 - 2, pp. 217 - 227. 05/2020. ISSN 1557-9867 DOI: 10.1016/j.nic.2020.01.003 PMID: 32336408 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 8 Jaisalmer de Frutos Lucas; Pablo Cuesta; David López Sanz; África Peral Suárez; Esther Cuadrado Soto; Federico Ramírez Toraño; Belinda M Brown; Juan M Serrano; Simon M Laws; Inmaculada C Rodríguez Rojo; Juan Verdejo Román; Ricardo Bruña; Maria L Delgado Losada; Ana Barabash; Ana M López Sobaler; Ramón López Higes; Alberto Marcos; Fernando Maestú. The relationship between physical activity, apolipoprotein E ε4 carriage, and brain health.Alzheimer's research & therapy. 12 - 1, pp. 48. 24/04/2020. ISSN 1758-9193 DOI: 10.1186/s13195-020-00608-3 PMID: 32331531 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 9 Elizabeth Shumbayawonda; David López Sanz; Ricardo Bruña; Noelia Serrano; Alberto Fernández; Fernando Maestú; Daniel Abasolo. Complexity changes in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: An MEG study of subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment.Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 131 - 2, pp. 437 - 445. 02/2020. ISSN 1872-8952 DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2019.11.023 PMID: 31884374 Type of production: Scientific paper 10 Noelia Serrano; David López-Sanz; Ricardo Bruña; Pilar Garcés; Inmaculada Rodriguez-Rojo; Alberto Marcos; David Prada; Fernando Maestú. INternational Journal of Neural Systems. Spatiotemporal Oscillatory Patterns During Working Memory Maintenance in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Subjective Cognitive Decline. 30 - 1, pp. 1950019. 16/01/2020. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 11 Claudio Babiloni; Katarzyna Blinowska; Laura Bonanni; Andrej Cichocki; Willem De Haan; Claudio Del Percio; Bruno Dubois; Javier Escudero; Alberto Fernández; Giovanni Frisoni; Bahar Guntekin; Mihaly Hajos; Harald Hampel; Emmanuel Ifeachor; Kerry Kilborn; Sanjeev Kumar; Kristinn Johnsen; Magnus Johannsson; Jaeseung Jeong; Fiona LeBeau; Roberta Lizio; Fernando Lopes da Silva; Fernando Maestú; William J McGeown; Ian McKeith; Davide Vito Moretti; Flavio Nobili; John Olichney; Marco Onofrj; Jorge J Palop; Michael Rowan; Fabrizio Stocchi; Zbigniew M Struzik; Heikki Tanila; Stefan Teipel; John Paul Taylor; Marco Weiergräber; Gorsev Yener; Tracy Young Pearse; Wilhelmus H Drinkenburg; Fiona Randall. What electrophysiology tells us about Alzheimer's disease: a window into the synchronization and connectivity of brain neurons.Neurobiology of aging. 85, pp. 58 - 73. 01/2020. ISSN 1558-1497 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2019.09.008 PMID: 31739167 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 23
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 12 Isabel Suárez Méndez; Sandra Doval; Stefan Walter; Natalia Pasquín; Raquel Bernabé; Ernesto Castillo Gallo; Myriam Valdés; Fernando Maestú; David López Sanz; Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas. Functional Connectivity Disruption in Frail Older Adults Without Global Cognitive Deficits.Frontiers in medicine. 7, pp. 322. (Switzerland): 2020. ISSN 2296-858X DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2020.00322 PMID: 32733905 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 13 Sandra Pusil; María Eugenia López; Pablo Cuesta; Ricardo Bruña; Ernesto Pereda; Fernando Maestú. Hypersynchronization in mild cognitive impairment: the 'X' model.Brain : a journal of neurology. 142 - 12, pp. 3936 - 3950. 01/12/2019. ISSN 1460-2156 DOI: 10.1093/brain/awz320 PMID: 31633176 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 14 Laura E Hughes; Richard N Henson; Ernesto Pereda; Ricardo Bruña; David López Sanz; Andrew J Quinn; Mark W Woolrich; Anna C Nobre; James B Rowe; Fernando Maestú. Biomagnetic biomarkers for dementia: A pilot multicentre study with a recommended methodological framework for magnetoencephalography.Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 11, pp. 450 - 462. 12/2019. ISSN 2352-8729 DOI: 10.1016/j.dadm.2019.04.009 PMID: 31431918 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 15 Javier García Alba; Federico Ramírez Toraño; Susanna Esteba Castillo; Ricardo Bruña; Fernando Moldenhauer; Ramón Novell; Verónica Romero Medina; Fernando Maestú; Alberto Fernández. Neuropsychological and neurophysiological characterization of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease in Down syndrome.Neurobiology of aging. 84, pp. 70 - 79. 12/2019. ISSN 1558-1497 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2019.07.017 PMID: 31518951 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 16 David López Sanz; Ricardo Bruña; María Luisa Delgado Losada; Ramón López Higes; Alberto Marcos Dolado; Fernando Maestú; Stefan Walter. Electrophysiological brain signatures for the classification of subjective cognitive decline: towards an individual detection in the preclinical stages of dementia.Alzheimer's research & therapy. 11 - 1, pp. 49. 01/06/2019. ISSN 1758-9193 DOI: 10.1186/s13195-019-0502-3 PMID: 31151467 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 17 Carlos Platero; María Eugenia López; María Del Carmen Tobar; Miguel Yus; Fernando Maestu. Discriminating Alzheimer's disease progression using a new hippocampal marker from T1-weighted MRI: The local surface roughness.Human brain mapping. 40 - 5, pp. 1666 - 1676. 01/04/2019. ISSN 1097-0193 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24478 PMID: 30451343 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 18 A Correas; E López Caneda; L Beaton; S Rodríguez Holguín; L M García Moreno; L F Antón Toro; F Cadaveira; F Maestú; K Marinkovic. Decreased event-related theta power and phase-synchrony in young binge drinkers during target detection: An anatomically-constrained MEG approach.Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). 33 - 3, pp. 335 - 346. 03/2019. ISSN 1461-7285 DOI: 10.1177/0269881118805498 PMID: 30355025 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 24
0621b15b227fd2794dbaf5b513ac1272 19 María Eugenia López; Sandra Pusil; Ernesto Pereda; Fernando Maestú; Francisco Barceló. Dynamic low frequency EEG phase synchronization patterns during proactive control of task switching.NeuroImage. 186, pp. 70 - 82. 01/02/2019. ISSN 1095-9572 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.10.068 PMID: 30394328 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 20 Sandra Pusil; Stavros I Dimitriadis; María Eugenia López; Ernesto Pereda; Fernando Maestú. Aberrant MEG multi-frequency phase temporal synchronization predicts conversion from mild cognitive impairment-to-Alzheimer's disease.NeuroImage. Clinical. 24, pp. 101972. 2019. ISSN 2213-1582 DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101972 PMID: 31522127 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 21 Fabiana Novellino; María Eugenia López; Maria Grazia Vaccaro; Yus Miguel; María Luisa Delgado; Fernando Maestu. Association Between Hippocampus, Thalamus, and Caudate in Mild Cognitive Impairment APOEε4 Carriers: A Structural Covariance MRI Study.Frontiers in neurology. 10, pp. 1303. (Switzerland): 2019. ISSN 1664-2295 DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01303 PMID: 31920926 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 22 Fernando Maestú; Pablo Cuesta; Omar Hasan; Alberto Fernandéz; Michael Funke; Paul E Schulz. Corrigendum: The Importance of the Validation of M/EEG With Current Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease.Frontiers in human neuroscience. 13, pp. 81. (Switzerland): 2019. ISSN 1662-5161 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00081 PMID: 30894809 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 23 David López Sanz; Ricardo Bruña; Jaisalmer de Frutos Lucas; Fernando Maestú. Magnetoencephalography applied to the study of Alzheimer's disease.Progress in molecular biology and translational science. 165, pp. 25 - 61. 2019. ISSN 1878-0814 DOI: 10.1016/bs.pmbts.2019.04.007 PMID: 31481165 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 24 Stavros I Dimitriadis; María Eugenia López; Fernando Maestu; Ernesto Pereda. Modeling the Switching Behavior of Functional Connectivity Microstates (FCμstates) as a Novel Biomarker for Mild Cognitive Impairment.Frontiers in neuroscience. 13, pp. 542. (Switzerland): 2019. ISSN 1662-4548 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00542 PMID: 31244592 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 25 Ricardo Bruña; Fernando Maestú; Ernesto Pereda. Phase locking value revisited: teaching new tricks to an old dog.Journal of neural engineering. 15 - 5, pp. 056011. 10/2018. ISSN 1741-2552 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/aacfe4 PMID: 29952757 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal 26 Jaisalmer de Frutos Lucas; David López Sanz; Pilar Zuluaga; Inmaculada Concepcion Rodríguez Rojo; Raúl Luna; María Eugenia López; María Luisa Delgado Losada; Alberto Marcos; Ana Barabash; Ramón López Higes; Fernando Maestú; Alberto Fernández. Physical activity effects on the individual alpha peak frequency of older 25
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