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UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS VICERRECTORADO DE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN, MOVILIDAD Y COOPERACIÓN CONVOCATORIA 2017 Proyecto SMILE Proyecto de cooperación al desarrollo para estudiantes de ingeniería Descripción Proyecto SMILE UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS - PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (COREA) Acuerdo La PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (PNU) a través de su Consortium of Innovation Center for Engineering Education, está enfocada hacia los servicios de aprendizaje en ingeniería que educa estudiantes responsables y globales que puedan ofrecer soluciones apropiadas y sostenibles a problemas endémicos a los que se enfrentan comunidades en desarrollo en varias partes del mundo. Desde 2009, PNU ha desarrollado proyectos de aprendizaje en ingeniería en países en vías de desarrollo, tal como el denominado Proyecto Smile y la Estación de la Creatividad. El propósito del Proyecto Smile es educar a los participantes, estudiantes y profesores, en competencias tales como aplicación de tecnología, habilidades interpersonales, pensamiento sintético, habilidades de comunicación y capacidad de auto-gestión, en un contexto internacional. La metodología empleada es la denominada Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos, donde los participantes deben encontrar un problema a resolver y definir la solución útil a nivel local. La PNU y la UBU firmaron en 2016 un Memorandum de Cooperación, que sirve como marco de referencia para actividades académicas y de investigación conjuntas, tal como el Proyecto Smile. En Marzo de 2017 se ha dado trámite a un acuerdo específico de incorporación de la UBU al Proyecto SMILE de la PNU. Este acuerdo define las condiciones la incorporación de la UBU al Proyecto Smile, un proyecto bajo la dirección y responsabilidad de la PNU. Este acuerdo entrará en vigor el 1 de enero 2017 por un período de 36 meses (treinta y seis meses), y terminará el 31 de diciembre del año 2020. Responsables Científicos Para la realización de las actuaciones , los responsable académicos (en adelante los “Responsables Científicos”) son: - Por la PNU: Dr. Youngbong Seo - Por la UBU: Dr. Eduardo. Montero García Los Responsables Científicos tendrán la misión de asegurar el seguimiento técnico, coordinación y control de la evolución del trabajo establecido por el convenio Plan de Trabajo Anual Al comienzo de cada año, la PNU, a través de su Consortium of Innovation Center for Engineering Education, decidirá la celebración de las actuaciones anuales del Proyecto Smile. La PNU informará a la UBU de las fechas y localidades de las actuaciones del Proyecto Smile, para decidir de mutuo acuerdo las condiciones de participación de la UBU. La participación de la UBU estará sujeta, en cada evento, a la disponibilidad de presupuesto para su realización. La PNU, a través de su Consortium of Innovation Center for Engineering Education, decidirá el programa de cada actuación Proyecto Smile, que incluirá el pan de trabajo de la participación de los estudiantes y profesores de ingeniería de la UBU. Al menos, el plan de trabajo definirá cuántos estudiantes y profesores de la UBU participarán, así como cualquier otro requisito. Corresponde a la UBU la selección de los estudiantes y profesores de ingeniería que participarán en cada actuación del Proyecto Smile. La comunicación al responsable de la PNU de las personas seleccionadas se realizará con antelación suficiente como para tener el plan de trabajo definitivo a tiempo. Los estudiantes y profesores participantes deberán aceptar de antemano las reglas y condiciones de desarrollo de la actuación Proyecto Smile definidas por la PNU como entidad organizadora. Para cada evento, la UBU elaborará una memoria de actuación previa a la celebración del evento, tanto para gestión
interna de la UBU como para la PNU Los eventos del Proyecto SMILE tienen una duración estándar de 8 días útiles para la realización del proyecto, que equivalen a 60 horas de trabajo de estudiantes y profesores. En las páginas siguientes se describen los objetivos del proyecto SMILE y se mencionan las ediciones anteriores del mismo.
Project BEE BEE stands for Beyond Engineering Education. Project BEE is accomplished by the participation of Engineering Service 'Wa nnabee' , the aspir ing students for the service. Project BEE is education project for engineering students, and ‘outreach’ means volunteering activities include aiding and supporting the local communities. The symbols signifies ‘an inventive idea (bulb)’ and ‘a warm hearted mind (heart)’. ● Another meaning of BEE (1) A ‘bee’ is a social event where people get together for a competition or to do something such as service. (2) Positive Mind: A bee has a relatively large body, compared to its wings. Unlike other animals, the bee does not think that it cannot fly. Therefore, it can fly because it believes that it can. (3) Plan BEE: Plan BEE is the optimal technology for the neglected 90% and the next best thing to Plan A. ● Engineering characteristics of a bee-hive A bee builds own hive with hexagonal combs, which is nearly circular in shape at the same time, the house can be built without any spacing. Thus it has the least amount of waste. Project BEE is built on the basis of engineering member’s creative ideas beyond the preconceived and typical engineering education.
Smile Project Let the local people smile based on the technical support on site is the purpose of ‘Smile Project’. Participants with engineering major have considered the local issues and discussed the possible solutions. ● Process of Smile Project 2016 ● History of Smile Project Every year, Pusan National University has successfully performed a Smile project, in collaboration with foreign universities as follows:
Year Service Area Partner Univ. 2012 Madura Island, Indonesia EEPIS 2013 Bromo, Indonesia EEPIS 2014 Malang, Indonesia EEPIS 2015 El Jadida, Morocco ENSA 2016 Tangier, Morocco ENSA * EEPIS: Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, Indonesia ENSA: Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées, Chouaib Doukkali University, Morocco Pusan National University 3
Smile Project 2015 2 Countries 21 Students 4 Products 8 Professors & Staffs Smile Project 2016 7 Jul. ~ 17 Jul. 2016 ●Tangier ●El Jadida Smile Project 2015 20 Jan. ~ 30 Jan. 2015 4 BEE STORY in Smile Project 2016
Smile Project 2016 Countries 3 Students 20 Products 4 Professors & Staffs 8 Pusan National University 5
About Project BEE Engineering Service Design Project ● Design Project based on Engineering Service Learning Consortium of Innovation Center for Engineering Education in PNU (Pusan national university) comprises 14 universities in the southeastern region of Korea. PNU has been focused on engineering service learning which educates globally responsible students who can offer sustainable and appropriate solutions to the endemic problems faced by developing communities worldwide. Since 2009, we have had an engineering service learning project in Indonesia. ‘Creativity Station’, the creative convergence design education which involves engineering services based on different majors, was designed for undergraduate students from 14 universities in southeastern Korea, PENS, PNB, Tel-U in Indonesia and UTM in Malaysia. Let the local people smile based on the technical support on site is the purpose of ‘Smile Project’. Participants with engineering major have considered the local issues and discussed the possible solutions from PNU and ENSA Together. PENS with PNU develop the global internship program which name is ‘BEE Internship’. They prepare the design education curriculum and educated participants of Indonesia and Korea by themselves. ● Contents of the Project 'Make the best teams' is aimed at making the best teams which can serve as the foundation of the whole project. A lot of things are taken into account before we separate the participants into teams. For optimal team organization, we consider many aspects including students' majors, talents and even personality types. In 'Look at problems from different viewpoint', we train students to be able to look at problems from different perspectives through various learning processes, including creative invention method, design and academic writing. They will learn by experience how to approach a problem differently, rather than be merely taught how to come up with a pre-determined solution to each given problem. 6 BEE STORY in Smile Project 2016
In 'Solve local problems', we help solve the problems local residents are facing. The process includes 'deriving a new idea', 'product design', 'purchasing materials', 'making a product', 'writing product description' and 'installing products'. 'Be one with the local community' is focused on effective communication. To cooperate with the local community in an organic way, it is absolutely necessary to let the locals know who you are and why you are there in the community. Lastly, 'Organize ideas and share them' helps the students evaluate their own products, organize and share ideas so that follow- up projects of the kind can continue in the future. Pusan National University 7
About Project BEE Design Process Until now, many people were thought that engineering is difficult and boring because of general prejudice. But, actually engineering is easy and fun in many case. Our world is already engineered, so we can see the engineering aspect in everywhere and every time. Perhaps it’s just that we’ve never noticed. Then, how can we recognize the real taste of engineering? We can use the design process in this Recipe for Engineer. The basic design process from finding local issues to installing products should have to follow the mission flow chart in following figure. Some materials may not be available on the market against expectations. In this case, the students in charge of the purchase need to find the alternatives in a short time. The team which has failed the buy all materials can go back to product design only one time. They can show the owner the product description written in the local language. When the installation is complete, they should check for operation and stability of the product. If anything goes awry, don't delay remedial action. Correct the trouble spots immediately as they appear to prevent future problems. After they carried out all missions, every team made their own items for engineering service and installed successfully. A team, before starting the installation, should discuss the site and concrete ways of installation with the manager. Users' convenience should be considered as the top priority in the installation process. Students should have to get the permission first from the owner of the house before installation. ● Design Guidebook of Smile Project 2015 & 2016 8 BEE STORY in Smile Project 2016
Professors with engineering majors followed and monitored their team every time and everywhere, and checked all missions of each stage and advised when needed. We gave also to students opportunities to look back on the past activities and focus on themselves. Self- reflection note should cover various aspects including ability to utilize one's own skills and resources, cooperative spirits, communicative skills, self-management, analytic thinking, global capabilities and etc. To systemize the learning process and its effects, we made the design process for engineering service learning. When organizing a project, we could design it that merely following the program protocol leads to the desired educational goals. We made the student guidebook and distributed it to the students. Through surveys done before and after the project, we could prove the effectiveness of the design process.
● 6 Jobs of Design Project Pusan National University 9
About Project BEE Engineering Mapping ● enable the local issue, the design process and the solution to map at the certain location. The updated information for service learning can be shared and utilized by the student, university, company, NGO and government. You should have to upload the one photo with description where you take a picture for the local issue. If you want to update the information, you can update the issue no matter the location. ● Detailed Information Firstly, take a picture for the local issue or useful information and upload the reduced photo with description. Then you can see the red icon on the google map with mapping information. After discuss with solution for the issue and update the intermediate result, you can see the yellow icon on the google map with progress of project. In case the final solution is developed or project is completed, the yellow icon change to green icon. * The original site was developed by PENS of Indonesia and modified by PICEE of Korea. 10 BEE STORY in Smile Project 2016
Mapping Process • Take a picture in every mission from issue to final product. • Reduce a photo size with horizontal pixel 800 using the resize app. • Access the map site with approval of location information sharing. • Login using the given ID & password. • Upload photo by ‘Add issue’ or ‘Add solution’. 12 BEE STORY in Smile Project 2016 Pusan National University 11
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