EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College

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EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
                                                                    SPRING 2019

An Opportunity
to Grow


PAGE 5                                                     INTERAMERICAN

                                                           ERSONAL ENRICHMENT
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
enhance      SPR ING 2 019
                                                       C O R P O R AT E S O L U T I O N S
                                                       The industry leaders at Miami Dade College’s Center
                                                       for Corporate Solutions have the skills and business
                                                       experience to provide companies of all sizes with a
                                                       complete range of high-quality corporate training solutions.
                                                       Our subject-matter experts will work closely with your
                                                       organization to help improve performance and productivity.

                                                       WE OFFER:
                                                       • Customized, on-site seminars and workshops
                                                       • Comprehensive needs assessment
                                                       • Industry-recognized certifications
    627 S.W. 27th Ave. / Room 3116                     • Subject-matter experts and industry leaders
    Miami, FL 33135 / 305-237-6273                     • Live, online and blended instructional models
                                                       • Flexible schedules
                                                       • Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
                                                       • Certificates of completion
Business and Workforce Training                    3

Child Care Training                                4

Language Center                                    6

Recreation and Leisure                             6

Technology Institute                               7

Test Preparation                                   7

Registration Information and Form             11

Unless otherwise noted, classes meet at
MDC InterAmerican Campus (address above).

Great classes are often cancelled due to insuf-
ficient enrollment. We recommend registering
at least two days before the start of the class.
Contact us today to register for your class!

Fees are subject to change without notice.

                                                                   Center for Corporate Solutions (CCS)
                                                                          305-237-2297 / email: ccs@mdc.edu
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College


QuickBooks Level 1
QuickBooks makes it easy to set up and recon-
cile general ledger accounts, create and print
invoices, and track your payables. Learn to
maintain your inventory, create estimates and
generate accounting reports.
$325 | 24 Hours
11446 1/18 – 2/22      F     6 – 10 p.m.

QuickBooks Level 2
Continue learning the features of QuickBooks.
Learn to pay sales taxes, create purchase orders
and manage bank account transactions.
$325 | 24 Hours
12760 3/1 – 4/5        F     6 – 10 p.m.

ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING &                                Payroll                                               PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL
OFFICE SKILLS                                            In this course, participants will learn about the     DEVELOPMENT
                                                         basic calculations required for the preparation of
  Teneduría de Libros 1 (Bookkeeping 1)                  payroll including required tax forms. Participants
                                                                                                                   Notary Public en Español
Este curso es una introducción al registro de las        will acquire an understanding of payroll essen-
transacciones financieras. Aprenda a analizar y          tials and applicable payroll compliance issues.       Este taller de tres horas es un requisito del Estado
registrar en los libros las operaciones contables,                                                             de la Florida para quienes aspiran a ser Notarios
                                                         $159 | 20 Hours                                       Públicos. La Constitución del Estado de la Florida
incluyendo los libros auxiliares de cuentas por
                                                         14119 2/2 – 3/9       Sa    9 a.m. – 1 p.m.           en su Artículo II, Sección 9, estipula que el aspi-
cobrar y cuentas por pagar, y la preparación de
estados financieros.                                     14121 3/16 – 4/13     Sa    9 a.m. – 1 p.m.           rante para poder ser designado como un Notario
                                                                                                               Público de la Florida, debe de ser capaz de leer,
$159 | 20 Horas                                                                                                escribir, y entender el idioma inglés. El aspirante
11440 1/16 – 2/13      W     6 – 10 p.m.                 TAX PREPARATION                                       debe ser mayor de 18 años, y ser residente legal
                                                                                                               en el Estado de la Florida. Si no es ciudadano de
  Teneduría de Libros 2 (Bookkeeping 2)                    Curso Intensivo en Preparación de                   los Estados Unidos de América, debe presentar
                                                         Impuestos - Individual                                una “Declaración de Domicilio” emitida por la
Eleve sus competencias en la teneduría de libros
                                                                                                               oficina del Secretario del Condado donde reside.
aprendiendo a registrar operaciones contables            Aprenda los fundamentos sobre el Impuesto
como la conciliación de las cuentas bancarias,           Individual Federal y capacítate para poder            $65 |   3 Horas
el cálculo de la depreciación, cuentas incobra-          elaborar: una declaración de Impuesto Individual      11444   1/30          W     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
bles, manejo de inventarios y preparación de las         Federal, anexos, estados, y hojas de trabajo para     12809   2/27          W     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
nóminas.                                                 preparar la declaración individual de pago de         13099   3/27          W     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
$159 | 20 Horas                                          impuesto, reembolso o pago impuesto, penali-
11441 2/20 – 3/20      W     6 – 10 p.m.                 dades y otros formularios relacionados.
                                                         $389 | 50 Horas                                       ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND
  Teneduría de Libros 3 (Bookkeeping 3)                  12759 1/15 – 2/26     TuTh 6:00 – 9:51 p.m.           SMALL BUSINESS
Profundice sus conocimientos y aumente sus
competencias con el propósito de adquirir los              Curso Intensivo de Preparación de                       Comience y Desarrolle su Propio Negocio
conocimientos requeridos para la compren-                Impuestos - Corporativo                               Adquiera los conocimientos necesarios para
sión de la contabilidad financiera. Aprenda la           Continúe tu preparación intensiva en                  iniciar y administrar un negocio. Aprenda, paso a
medición de inventarios, el flujo de efectivo,           Preparación de Impuestos individuales y de            paso, a elaborar un plan para un negocio exitoso,
arrendamientos, entre otros temas contables.             negocios. Aprenda sobre: otros tipos de impues-       estrategias de financiamiento y obtención de
$159 | 20 Horas                                          tos, prácticas de corporaciones “C” y “F”, méto-      recursos, a mercadear su negocio y a incre-
                                                         dos de depreciación, anexos K y K-1, distribución     mentar los clientes, y a manejar a su equipo de
14421 3/27 – 4/27      W     6 – 10 p.m.
                                                         de ganancias o pérdidas.                              trabajo.
                                                         $389 | 50 Horas                                       $125 | 9 Horas
                                                         11575 3/5 – 4/16      TuTh 6:00 – 9:51 p.m.           14423 4/3 – 4/17      W     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
  M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)
  W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)
  F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado)
  Su=Sunday (Domingo)

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the state of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                 WW W.M DC.EDU/ CE/ IAC              |   305 - 237- 6273      |     M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E   |   I N TERA M ERI C A N C A M P U S         3
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College

                                                                                                                   Prácticas Apropiadas para Niños de Edad
                                                                                                                 Entrenamiento para trabajadores de centros de
                                                                                                                 cuidado infantil especializados en programas
                                                                                                                 para el desarrollo de niños de 5 a 12 años de
                                                                                                                 edad. El libro está incluido.
                                                                                                                 $49 | 5 Horas
                                                                                                                 11487 4/24            W     7:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                 14690 2/27            W     7:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

                                                                                                                   Entendimiento de la Práctica Apropiada
                                                                                                                 para el Desarrollo (UDAP)
                                                                                                                 Obtenga un resumen de las prácticas apropiadas
                                                                                                                 para el desarrollo y aprenda por qué es impor-
                                                                                                                 tante que los profesionales de cuidado de niños
                                                                                                                 aprendan estos conceptos. Este es uno de los
                                                                                                                 cursos que forman parte de la 45 horas manda-
                                                                                                                 torías del Departamento de Niños y Familias.
                                                                                                                 $49 |   5 Horas
                                                                                                                 11492   3/16          Sa    8:00 a.m. –   1:15 p.m.
                                                                                                                 11493   2/26          Tu    7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                 11494   4/23          Tu    7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.
REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY                                        Cuidado Infantil en un Centro                        14422   3/25          M     7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.
                                                        Primer curso para trabajadores en centros de             14691   1/29          Tu    7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.
  Preparación para la Licencia de Bienes                cuidado infantil. El requisito de las 45 horas
Raíces - Libro Incluido                                 consiste de este curso de 30 horas introducto-
Prepárese mediante este curso de 63 horas para          rias, un curso de 10 horas de especialidad que           CHILD CARE IN-SERVICE & CEUs
tomar el examen de bienes raíces del Estado de          también están incluido en este horario de clases
la Florida, examen requerido para la obtención          (Infantes-Párvulos, Preescolares, Niños de Edad
                                                                                                                   Conociendo el ADD, el ADHD y el Autismo
de la respectiva licencia que te permitirá trabajar     Escolar, ó Niños con Necesidades Especiales) y
                                                        un curso de cinco horas sobre el desarrollo del          En este curso el estudiante participará en una
en la venta de bienes raíces. El curso se imparte                                                                exploración profundizada acerca del ADHD, ADD,
en el idioma español y el exámen final es igual-        lenguaje. Libro se distribuye en clase. El costo
                                                        del libro está incluido en el precio de la clase.        y el Autismo y sus efectos en la sociedad. Se
mente en español. El libro de texto está incluido                                                                cubrirá la definición, características, prevalen-
en el precio de este curso: Principios, Prácticas y     $199    | 30 Horas                                       cia, causas, evaluaciones y tratamiento de cada
Ley de Bienes Raíces en Florida (Spanish PPL).          11479    1/12 – 3/9    Sa        8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.   condición.
$397 | 63 Horas                                         11482    1/14 – 1/28   MTuWThF   9 a.m. – Noon           $409 | 45 Horas
12460 2/12 – 3/30     TuThS       6 – 10 p.m.           11483    2/11 – 2/25   MTuWThF   9 a.m. – Noon           11468 2/2 – 4/13      Sa    1:30 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                        11484    3/11 – 3/22   MTuWThF   9 a.m. – Noon
                                                        14686    4/8 – 4/22    MTuWThF   9 a.m. – Noon
                                                                                                                   Florida Child Care Professional
CHILD CARE                                                Desarrollo del Lenguaje y la Enseñanza
                                                                                                                 Credential (FCCPCI)
                                                                                                                 Inicie su preparación para obtener su Florida
TRAINING                                                de la Lectoescritura (Early Literacy Training)
                                                        Este curso le proporcionará las herramientas
                                                                                                                 Child Care Professional Credential. Este programa
                                                                                                                 ha sido diseñado para ser impartido en español,
                                                        necesarias para aumentar y acelerar el desarrollo        se divide en dos cursos, es equivalente a un
CHILD CARE TRAINING                                     de sonidos, lenguaje, y literatura temprana en           asociado en educación infantil, y está basado y
                                                        niños. Descubre nuevas formas para ayudar a              es equivalente al programa del CDA Nacional.
  Prácticas Apropiadas para Niños con                   que los niños desarrollen habilidades básicas            Finaliza ambos cursos, los que constan de
Necesidades Especiales                                  esenciales.                                              120 horas, completa 480 horas de experiencia
Aprenda a trabajar con niños incapacitados. Este        $49 |   5 Horas                                          laboral y pasa la evaluación final para que el
curso le enseña técnicas para integrar a estos                                                                   Estado de Florida te otorgue el Florida Child Care
                                                        11488   3/30           Sa   8:00 a.m. –   1:15 p.m.
niños en sus respectivos programas educacio-                                                                     Professional Credential.
                                                        11489   3/27           W    7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.
nales. Requisito para la Credencial de Director.                                                                 $439 | 60 Horas
                                                        11490   4/25           Th   7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.
Libro se distribuye en clase. El costo del libro                                                                 11495 1/12 – 4/27     Sa    8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
está incluido en el precio de la clase.                 11491   3/4            M    7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.
                                                        14692   1/31           Th   7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.
$99 |   10 Horas                                                                                                   Florida Child Care Professional
12359   2/4 – 2/5     MTu     7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.                                                            Credential (FCCPCII)
                                                          Prácticas Apropiadas para Infantes y
12360   3/5 – 3/6     TuW     7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.                                                            Complete su preparación finalizando el segundo
14687   4/1 – 4/2     MTu     7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.                                                            curso del programa. Las 120 horas de estudio
                                                        Entrenamiento para trabajadores de centros de            junto a las 480 horas de prácticas apropiadas
14688   4/6 – 4/13    Sa      8:00 a.m. –   1:15 p.m.   cuidado infantil especializados en programas
14689   4/26 – 4/29   MF      7:45 a.m. –   1:00 p.m.                                                            en un centro licenciado de cuidado infantil o
                                                        para bebés y niños hasta los 3 años de edad. El          un centro en el hogar más la aprobación de la
                                                        libro está incluido.                                     evaluación final ayudará al estudiante a obtener
                                                        $49 |   5 Horas                                          el Florida Child Care Professional Credential.
                                                        11485   3/26           Tu   7:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.        Aprovar el curso de FCCPC I es un prerrequisito
                                                        11486   3/23           Sa   8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.        para tomar este curso.
                                                        15696   1/30           W    7:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.        $439 | 60 Horas
                                                                                                                 11496 1/12 – 4/27     Sa    8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

4        enhance              |     SPRING 2019         |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
MDC’s Cybersecurity
Center of the Americas
Preps Trainees for Fast-Growing Profession
Cyberattacks are a growing area of concern across every        Utilizing the new Cyberbit Range, a hyper-realistic simu-
industry in the United States. But there’s a problem: the      lation platform capable of mimicking different network
country does not have enough qualified cybersecurity           attack scenarios, trainees – including students enrolled
workers to meet industry demands.                              in the Associate in Science in Network Security and the
                                                               Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree
Miami Dade College wants to change that. At the Col-           programs – receive an immersive education that merges
lege’s new Cybersecurity Center for the Americas, stu-         classroom instruction with hands-on action. The center
dents and working professionals can receive the training       offers training, certification and assessment for commer-
they need to identify cyberattacks, upgrade an existing        cial and public sector organizations.
cybersecurity network and fill one of the thousands of
open cybersecurity jobs in South Florida and the United
States. Trainees at all experience levels work in a security   Sixty-six percent of U.S. employers do not have enough
operation center environment, known as an SOC, where           cybersecurity professionals to combat potential threats,
they are tasked with blocking cyberattacks.                    according to the nonprofit Center for Cyber Safety and
                                                               Education. The center reports the cybersecurity work-
“One wrong move is all it takes to turn a cybersecurity        force will be short by 1.8 million employees by 2022,
incident into a full-on disaster,” said Jorge Ortega, direc-   establishing that training programs such as MDC’s are
tor of the Cybersecurity Center of the Americas. “MDC’s        necessary to fill that projected workforce gap.
cybersecurity program brings theory, practice, technical
expertise and managerial competency together to pro-
duce confident graduates with in-demand skills.”

EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College

                                                                                                                NEW! Intensive English 1
                                                                                                                Some knowledge of English is recommended.
                                                                                                                You will build on your basic knowledge, and
                                                                                                                improve your ability to speak and understand
                                                                                                                simple sentences in spoken and written English.
                                                                                                                You will understand structures for simple
                                                                                                                present, present continuous, and simple past
                                                                                                                tenses in affirmative, negative, and interrogative
                                                                                                                $199 | 56 Hours
                                                                                                                15287 1/14 – 2/27      MTuWTh        7:00 – 9:15 p.m.
                                                                                                                15289 3/4 – 4/16       MTuWTh        7:00 – 9:10 p.m.

                                                                                                                NEW! Intensive English 2
                                                                                                                Learn to carry on simple conversations and read
                                                                                                                and write using more complex structures. You
                                                                                                                will learn to use past continuous and future
                                                                                                                tenses, as well as adjectives and adverbs.
                                                                                                                $199 | 56 Hours
                                                                                                                15290 1/14 – 2/27      MTuWTh        7:00 – 9:15 p.m.
                                                                                                                15291 3/4 – 4/16       MTuWTh        7:00 – 9:10 p.m.

  Operación de un Centro Infantil
(Credencial de Director)                              LANGUAGE                                                  NEW! Intensive English 3
                                                                                                                Learn to express yourself well by using a variety
El Estado de la Florida requiere que se complete
este curso aprobado por el Departamento de
                                                      CENTER                                                    of verb tenses and phrasal verbs. You will
                                                                                                                understand and use the present and past perfect
Niños y Familias para otorgarles el nivel 1 de                                                                  tenses.
Credencial de Director del Estado de la Florida.      ENGLISH PROGRAM                                           $199 | 56 Hours
Este curso dirigido a administradores de centros
                                                                                                                15292 1/14 – 2/27      MTuWTh        7:00 – 9:15 p.m.
infantiles le permitirá a mejorar su rol de líder y   NEW! English Conversation - 1
de implementación de programas de educación                                                                     15293 3/4 – 4/16       MTuWTh        7:00 – 9:10 p.m.
temprana, abordando en el mismo, temas de             Beginning class to develop basic communication
estudio tales como: liderazgo organizativo,           skills through theme-based grammar exercises              NEW! Intensive English 4
administración de programas, asuntos legales y        and role-play interaction in class.
                                                                                                                Review structures from previous levels and learn
financieros.                                          $179 | 42 Hours                                           more sophisticated structures such as passive
$389 | 45 Horas                                       15282 1/26 – 5/4         Sa    9 a.m. – Noon              voice, embedded questions, tag questions,
14714 2/2 – 4/13       Sa    1:30 – 6:30 p.m.                                                                   reported speech, and modals.
                                                      NEW! English Conversation 2                               $199 | 56 Hours
  Taller para Matrícula Electrónica                   Intermediate class to develop basic commu-                15295 1/14 – 2/27      MTuWTh        7:00 – 9:15 p.m.
Este curso está diseñado para que personas que        nication skills through theme-based grammar               15297 3/4 – 4/16       MTuWTh        7:00 – 9:10 p.m.
trabajan con niños se familiaricen con la página      exercises and role-play interaction in class.
web del estado, para que aprendan cómo crear          $179 | 42 Hours
sus propias cuentas de correo electrónico y su        15283 1/26 – 5/4         Sa    9 a.m. – Noon
archivo personal en el sistema de DCF.
$19 |   2 Horas                                       NEW! English Conversation 3                               RECREATION AND
                             1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
                             12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
                                                      High-Intermediate class to develop basic com-
                                                      munication skills through theme-based grammar
14155   2/21           Th    12:30 – 2:30 p.m.        exercises and role-play interaction in class.
14156   1/24           Th    12:30 – 2:30 p.m.        $179 | 42 Hours
                                                                                                                PAINTING AND DRAWING
14694   4/18           Th    12:30 – 2:30 p.m.        15285 1/26 – 5/4         Sa    9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
                                                                                                                Painting with Acrylics
PARENTING AND FAMILY                                  NEW! English Conversation 4                               In this course you will learn to take your acrylic
COURSES                                               An advanced class to develop basic commu-                 work to the next level. Get professional guidance
                                                      nication skills through theme-based grammar               to improve your skills in acrylic painting.
                                                      exercises and role-play interaction in class.
  Curso de Educación y Estabilización                                                                           $130    | 18 Hours
                                                      $179 | 42 Hours
Familiar (CODP)                                                                                                 11497    1/12 – 3/2    Sa   1–   4 p.m.
                                                      15286 1/26 – 5/4         Sa      9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.   11498    1/14 – 3/4    M    1–   4 p.m.
Seminario de 4 horas diseñado para padres de
niños menores de edad que se están divor-                                                                       11499    1/22 – 2/26   Tu   1–   4 p.m.
ciando. Los padres aprenderán formas efectivas                                                                  11502    3/5 – 4/9     Tu   1–   4 p.m.
para ayudar a sus hijos a que se ajusten al                                                                     11500    3/9 – 4/13    Sa   1–   4 p.m.
                                                                                                                11501    3/11 – 4/15   M    1–   4 p.m.
$41 |   4 Horas                                           M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)
11503   3/22           F     5:30 –   9:30 p.m.           W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)
11504   4/26           F     5:30 –   9:30 p.m.           F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado)
13832   1/25           F     5:30 –   9:30 p.m.           Su=Sunday (Domingo)
14713   2/22           F     5:30 –   9:30 p.m.

6        enhance             |    SPRING 2019         |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College

                                                         TECHNOLOGY                                             TEST
  Arreglos Florales
Aprenda, diseñe y disfutre de hacer diseños
                                                         INSTITUTE                                              PREPARATION
florares y emprenda su propio negocio. Aprenda
a trabajar con diferentes tipos de flores, a
armonizar los colores y texturas y a disponerlos
                                                         COMPUTER PROGRAMMING                                   TOEFL EXAM PREPARATION
en sus más diversas formas y estilos: redondos,
oblongos, alargados, estilos libres, simétricos y        Full Stack Web Development                             Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT
asimétricos. Capacítese en técnicas básicas de           This course includes the complete series for Web       Students will prepare to meet the challenge of
administración para emprender y gestionar su             Development (Front-End and Back-End). Students         the new TOEFL iBT which involves an integrated
nuevo negocio.                                           will be immersed in the basics of programming,         approach to reading, listening, speaking, and
$112 | 15 Horas                                          wire-framing, HTML, CCS, JavaScript, responsive        writing tasks specific to an academic context.
13124 2/2 – 3/9       Sa    9 a.m. – Noon
                                                         website design and fundamentals. Students              Included in the necessary skill sets are note
                                                         will be able to combine skills in HTML, CSS and        taking and the synthesizing, paraphrasing, and
                                                         JavaScript and integrate them into a single proj-      summarizing of spoken and written information.
  Arreglos Florales para Bodas                           ect. Students will also be able to create effective    $175 | 28 Hours
Aprenda a laborar sofisticados arreglos florales         app user interfaces with HTML form elements and
                                                                                                                12811 2/5 – 3/19      TuTh 7:00 – 9:10 p.m.
para bodas. Cree y diseñe centros de mesa,               make them come alive using JavaScript. Students
bouquets y corsages con las más actualizadas             will develop web apps and a complete website
técnicas.                                                including database access, PHP, AJAX Advance
                                                         JavaScript, objects oriented coding, and API’s.        CITIZENSHIP EXAM
$143 | 15 Horas                                                                                                 PREPARATION
                                                         This course is offered in collaboration with 4Geeks
12763 3/16 – 4/13     Sa    9 a.m. – Noon                Academy and consists of a blended format that
                                                         includes a combination of 108 hours of face-to-        Citizenship
Introduction to Floral Design                            face instruction and 124 hours of online training      Improve your English language skills and prepare
This hands-on course will train students on              through a digital platform.                            to become an American citizen. Through listen-
making round and oblong centerpieces, freestyle          $3405 | 232 Hours                                      ing, speaking, reading and writing exercises, you
designs, and symmetrical and asymmetrical                14030 1/23 – 5/3  MWF 6 – 9 p.m.                       will learn the skills and information necessary
arrangements. In addition, the class covers care                                                                to succeed in the naturalization interview and
and handling techniques, color application and                                                                  citizenship exam.
coordination, and flower design marketing tech-          COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN                                  $79 | 15 Hours
niques. Students will be given a list of materials
during their first class.                                                                                       11463 2/2 – 3/9       Sa   9 a.m. – Noon
                                                         Revit MEP
$112 | 15 Hours
                                                         Learn the concepts and principles of creating 3D
13189 2/2 – 3/9       Sa    9 a.m. – Noon                parametric models of the MEP system from engi-         COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAM
                                                         neering design through construction documen-           PREPARATION
Wedding Arrangements                                     tation using the powerful tools of Autodesk Revit.
Learn to make sophisticated flower arrangements          Students will be introduced to the software’s              Serie de GED - Niveles 1 y 2
for weddings. Create and design centerpieces,            user interface and the basic HVAC, electrical,
                                                         and piping/plumbing components that make the           Inscríbase en ambos niveles a la vez, y ahorre
bride and bridesmaids’ bouquets and corsages                                                                    dinero. Estudiará matemáticas, gramática,
with your newly learned skills.                          Autodesk Revit software a powerful and flexible
                                                         engineering modeling tool. This course will also       literatura, estudios sociales, ciencia y más para
$143 | 15 Hours                                                                                                 aprobar el examen y obtener su GED. El instruc-
                                                         familiarize students with the tools required to cre-
12762 3/16 – 4/13     Sa    9 a.m. – Noon                ate, document and print the parametric model.          tor proveerá información sobre libros el primer
                                                         The examples and practices are designed to take        día de clase.
                                                         the students through the basics of a full MEP          $219 | 56 Horas
MUSIC PROGRAMS                                           project from linking in an architectural model to      11467 1/30 – 4/24     MW   7:00 – 9:20 p.m.
                                                         construction documents.
Guitar Adult Group                                       $735 | 42 Hours
Play the guitar and learn the basic chord patterns       14715 2/25 – 4/10      MW    6:00 – 7:15 p.m.
and rhythm techniques to apply to different
music styles in this friendly and relaxing group
class. Course topics include picking techniques,
guitar tuning and learning to play two songs.
$153 | 18 Hours
11552 1/26 – 3/9      Sa    1 – 4 p.m.
11553 3/16 – 4/27     Sa    1 – 4 p.m.

                                                                                                                    REGISTER EARLY!
                                                                                                                    Great classes are often cancelled
                                                            M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)                    due to insufficient enrollment. We
                                                            W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)            recommend registering at least two
                                                            F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado)                 days before the start of the class.
                                                            Su=Sunday (Domingo)                                     Register for your class today!

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the state of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                WW W.M DC.EDU/ CE/ IAC               |    305 - 237- 6273       |    M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E    |   I N TERA M ERI C A N C A M P U S       7
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
MDC Adult Education
Program Helps Students
Achieve More
The path to earning a college degree doesn’t always begin
right after high school. Just ask Leandro Dorta Duque,
an electrical engineering and computer science major at
Cornell University, who arrived in the United States from
Cuba five years ago with limited English skills, no SAT scores
and a dream to become an engineer.

“I came to the U.S when I was 20 and was undocumented
for a year,” said Duque, who because of his legal status was
not eligible to enroll in college and pay in-state tuition. On
the advice of a friend, he decided to enroll in non-credit
English courses through Adult Education at Miami Dade
College while he waited for his residency.

It was there that Duque met Ana Maria Guadayol, an
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) professor
and advisor at MDC, Kendall Campus, who helped him lay
the foundation for his future. “The mission of our ESOL
program is to help non-native English speakers learn the
language so they can either get into college or back into the
workforce,” Guadayol said. “Together, we figure out what
path they’re going to take and I map out the steps to help
guide them.”

Duque’s path included learning English while studying for
the SATs, getting a scholarship to attend the MDC Honors
College, and earning an Associate in Arts in Computer
Engineering. Then he successfully transferred to a
baccalaureate program at Cornell University – all within
three years.

“I always had engineering on my mind but was lost when
it came to the process of how to pursue it,” Duque said. “I
had no idea how anything worked in the U.S., so it’s thanks
to the people who guided me that I’m at Cornell now.”

But his journey isn’t over yet. Duque plans to pursue a
master’s in engineering at Cornell next year. “My ultimate
goal is to one day create my own company related to
medical devices,” he said.

EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
S P R I N G 2 019 F E A T U R E

Scholarship Program for
Child Care Educators Expands
For anyone interested in a career in the child care indus-     credentials and courses for program administrators, MDC
try, there is big news. The Children’s Trust, a dedicated      also offers a wide range of continuing education courses
revenue source to support local children and families, has     taught in Spanish for child care workers.
expanded its scholarship program and allocated $1 million
for the 2018-19 school year toward education and profes-       MDC Continuing Education Professor Fabiola Lozano said
sional development foreducators studying early childhood.      that there has been a lot of demand for the Spanish-lan-
                                                               guage child care training courses she teaches. “It’s a great
It’s been more than 10 years since an initiative was estab-    opportunity for people who are immigrants because these
lished in partnership with Miami Dade College to improve       classes can help make their dreams come true,” she said.
educators’ qualifications. Previously, only about one-third
of the day care centers and pre-schools in Miami-Dade          “We know that early-childhood educators improve their
County qualified to access these funds for their personnel.    interactions with children when they have more support
Now that’s changed. In Fall 2018, the quality-improve-         and credentials. It’s all based on research,” said Dasiely
ment initiative shifted to a new model and expanded so         Cruz, director of the Early Learning Career Center at The
that educators studying early childhood from all licensed      Children’s Forum. “We have more work to do, but this is a
facilities in Miami-Dade County – about 1,700 in all – can     great first step.”
participate.                                                   The scholarships for early childhood educators in Miami-
“The Children’s Trust has always supported scholarships for    Dade County are intended to improve knowledge, skills,
teacher education and training,” said Rachel Spector, senior   classroom practices and ultimately the quality of care
program manager at The Children’s Trust. “This expansion       offered to children. For more information, email cemain@
is an intentional approach to help professionalize the ear-    mdc.edu with your name, facility name, email, phone
ly-learning workforce. We wanted to offer more support.”       number or call 305-237-0651.

The Children’s Forum manages the Early Learning Career
Center, which helps teachers and aides plan and exe-
cute their career goals. Scholarship recipients can use
the money toward conferences, child care credentials
and renewals, credit classes, document translation for
foreign-trained professionals, and continuing education
requirements. In addition to college credits, state-required

REGISTRATION FORM |                                                 SP RI N G 2019                                      INTERAMERICAN
                                                                                                                           627 S.W. 27th Ave.
  PAYMENT METHODS                                                                                                             Room 3116
                                                                                                                            Miami, FL 33135
  In Person       Visit the campus. Pay by check, cash, money order, or credit card.                                         305-237-6273
		                Cash payments are accepted only at the Bursars office during office hours.

          Mail	Enclose a check or money order payable to Miami Dade College.
                  Mail it with the completed form to the campus location (see address to the right).

          Web     Log on to www.mdc.edu/ce/iac. Pay with credit card or e-check.

                  Questions? Call 305-237-6273.

  PERSONAL INFORMATION                                                                          Please type or clearly print the requested information.

MDC Student #

LAST NAME                                               FIRST NAME                               MIDDLE                   (FORMER NAME)

Gender:     M     F     Date of Birth:   ___________   / ___________ / ___________


CITY                                                    STATE                        ZIP CODE

EVENING PHONE #                                         DAY PHONE #                              E-MAIL ADDRESS

       CLASS NUMBER                               CLASS TITLE                                    START DATE / TIME                        FEES

                                                                                                          Total Fees Enclosed
Miami Dade College               Miami Dade College District Board of Trustees
              School of Continuing Education   Bernie Navarro, Chair • Jose K. Fuentes, Vice Chair                                                          Non-Profit
              and Professional Development     Susan Amat • Benjamín León III                                                                              Organization
                                                                                                                                                           U.S. Postage
              627 S.W. 27th Ave.               Rolando Montoya • Juan C. Zapata
              Miami, FL 33135                  Eduardo J. Padrón, President, Miami Dade College
                                                                                                                                                            Miami, FL
                                               Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution that does not discriminate            Permit No. 4268
                                               on the basis of sex, race, color, marital status, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s
                                               status, ethnicity, pregnancy, sexual orientation or genetic information. Contact the Office of Equal
                                               Opportunity Programs/ADA Coordinator/Title IX Coordinator at 305.237.2577 (Voice) or 711 (TTY).

Full-Stack Web Development
• 14 Weeks
• Part-time, convenient schedule
• Most affordable program in South Florida

Register now, space is limited!
For more information, please visit page 13.
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