EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
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enhance SPR ING 2 019 C O R P O R AT E S O L U T I O N S The industry leaders at Miami Dade College’s Center for Corporate Solutions have the skills and business experience to provide companies of all sizes with a complete range of high-quality corporate training solutions. Our subject-matter experts will work closely with your organization to help improve performance and productivity. WE OFFER: • Customized, on-site seminars and workshops • Comprehensive needs assessments HIALEAH • Industry-recognized certifications 1780 W. 49th St. / Room 2402 • Subject-matter experts and industry leaders Hialeah, FL 33012 / 305-237-8780 • Live, online and blended instructional models • Flexible schedules www.mdc.edu/ce/hialeah • Continuing Education Units (CEUs) • Certificates of completion Business and Workforce Training 3 Child Care Training 5 Health Care 10 Language Center 10 Technology Institute 11 Test Preparation 12 Recreation and Leisure 13 Registration Information and Form 15 CLASS LOCATIONS Unless otherwise noted, classes meet at MDC Hialeah Campus (address above). REGISTER EARLY! Great classes are often cancelled due to insuf- ficient enrollment. We recommend registering at least two days before the start of the class. Contact us today to register for your class! Fees are subject to change without notice. Center for Corporate Solutions (CCS) 305-237-2297 / email: ccs@mdc.edu www.mdc.edu/corporate
BUSINESS AND WORKFORCE TRAINING ACCOUNTING, Certified Bookkeeper Test Preparation: Adjustments and Error Correction Certified Bookkeeper Test Preparation: Payroll BOOKKEEPING Learn to calculate and record adjusting entries for accrued and deferred revenue and expenses. The course focuses on how to carry out basic payroll functions. Students will understand basic AND OFFICE This course prepares students for one of the subject areas of the Certified Bookkeeper Exam reporting of wages and taxes on federal forms, make journal entries for payroll distribution, SKILLS from the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB). related expenses, liabilities and remittance of employer taxes. This course prepares the student $259 | 24 Hours for one of the subject areas of the Certified Certified Bookkeeper Test Preparation: Bookkeeper Exam from the American Institute of 11773 3/23 – 5/4 Sa 8 a.m. – Noon Series Pricing Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB). This class groups all the individual sections $259 | 24 Hours Certified Bookkeeper Test Preparation: covered in the Bookkeeping Certification Exam 11776 2/3 – 3/17 Su 8 a.m. – Noon Depreciation offered by the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB). This is a discounted class Learn the necessary depreciation techniques to cover all sections of the Certified Bookkeeper used in bookkeeping: straight line, units of production and decline balances. This course BUSINESS Test Preparation. prepares the student for one of the subject $975 | 96 Hours areas of the Certified Bookkeeper exam from the 11772 2/3 – 5/5 Su 8 a.m. – Noon American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers 3/1 – 4/5 F 6 – 10 p.m. (AIPB). 3/23 – 5/4 Sa 8 a.m. – Noon $259 | 24 Hours ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND 11774 3/24 – 5/5 Su 8 a.m. – Noon SMALL BUSINESS Certified Bookkeeper Exam Preparation: Beginning Bookkeeping Certified Bookkeeper Test Preparation: Cómo Crear su Negocio Learn how to record journal entries for financial Inventory and Internal Controls Aprenda cómo determinar la oportunidad adec- transactions and events. This course will make uada para abrir su negocio, establecer su nego- Learn to record inventory purchases and sales, it easy to learn double-entry bookkeeping and cio, desarrollar un plan de negocios, obtener determine cost of goods sold and ending understand key issues for financial and account- financiación y a mercadear para obtener clientes. inventory under the perpetual and periodic ing professions. This course prepares students methods. This course prepares students for one $110 | 12 Horas for one of the subject areas of the Certified of the subject areas of the Certified Bookkeeper 14637 4/4 – 4/25 Th 6 – 9 p.m. Bookkeeper Exam from the American Institute of Exam from the American Institute of Professional Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB). Bookkeepers (AIPB). $259 | 24 Hours $259 | 24 Hours M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes) 11768 2/2 – 3/16 Sa 8 a.m. – Noon 11775 3/1 – 4/5 F 6 – 10 p.m. W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves) F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday (Domingo) The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the state of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction. WW W.MDC.EDU/ CE/ HIA LEA H | 305 - 237- 8780 | M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E | HI A L EA H C A M P U S 3
BUSINESS AND WORKFORCE TRAINING Decoración Interiores: Intensivo 2 Avance en su formación como diseñador de interiores profundizando en los métodos y técni- cas de decoración de interiores. Enriquezca lo aprendido en el aula al visitar lugares de interés de la profesión. El precio de este curso incluye el costo de materiales. $399 | 42 Horas 14612 1/16 – 4/17 W 6 – 9 p.m. Decoración Interiores: Intensivo 3 Continúe profundizando sus conocimientos en métodos y técnicas de la decoración de interi- ores. Conozca de las reglas básicas en el manejo del espacio, la utilización de elementos tales como lámparas, alfombras y obras decorativas y presentación de proyectos y decoración ambi- ental. El precio de este curso incluye el costo de materiales. $399 | 42 Horas 14613 1/17 – 4/18 Th 6 – 9 p.m. Dibujo Técnico para Espacios Interiores El estudiante aprenderá por medio de herra- mientas de dibujo el concepto y la aplicación de patrones específicos como parte del proceso de diseño de interiores. $155 | 12 Horas CERTIFICATES 14863 3/1 – 3/22 F 6 – 9 p.m. Organización de Eventos: Estructura y Logística AND CAREERS Aprenda a diseñar un espacio, a crear un telón de fondo y a establecer una mesa y otros con- Introducción a la Organización de ceptos visuales para sus eventos. Los estudiantes trabajarán en la creación de ramos, boutonnières PERSONAL AND Eventos y otros arreglos para ceremonias, además de las técnicas de embalaje, transporte, montaje, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Obtenga los conocimientos básicos para iniciar un negocio que ofrecerá el servicio de organi- desmontaje y cierre de un evento. Prerrequisito: zación de eventos. Aprenda a usar los recur- Organización de Bodas y Eventos. sos disponibles para publicar y promover sus $220 | 20 Horas negocios de manera sistemática. Prepárese para 14356 3/27 – 4/24 W 5 – 10 p.m. El Arte de la Fotografía y la Composición diseñar y elaborar los contratos entre los clientes Aprenda las 11 normas de la fotocomposición y los proveedores de eventos. y los elementos esenciales de la fotografía $220 | 20 Horas artística. Conozca el manejo de la luz cómo len- guaje, el prisma de Newton, la proporción áurea, 14353 1/16 – 2/13 W 5 – 9 p.m. INTERIOR DESIGN y su significado inconsciente. $159 | 12 Horas Organización de Bodas y Eventos 14864 4/2 – 4/23 Tu 6 – 9 p.m. Aprenda a establecer tarifas y paquetes para Decoración Interiores: Intensivo 1 bodas y otros eventos, a estructurar una agenda, Inicie y avance rápidamente en la decoración de a diseñar formas y plantillas para organizar el tra- interiores tanto en el ámbito laboral como en Producción Fotográfica bajo tanto con suplidores como con los clientes. su propio entorno. Aprenda las técnicas básicas Aprenda los conceptos y características prácticas En los proyectos grupales adquiera los cono- para la elaboración y presentación profesional de la producción fotográfica, manejando la cimientos para negociar propuestas, la inspec- de proyectos. Prepárese para iniciar, construir y técnica de adecuación de ambientes, el lenguaje ción de localidades, y el diseño y seguimiento fortalecer las relaciones con el cliente y mejore de los detalles y las técnicas de montaje y des- del cronograma. Prerrequisito: Introducción a la sus técnicas efectivas de comunicación profe- montaje de equipos fotográficos. Organización de Eventos. sional. Estudie el color y su aplicación, instrúyase $159 | 12 Horas $220 | 20 Horas sobre el manejo de herramientas de trabajo, y 14865 4/4 – 4/25 Th 6 – 9 p.m. 14354 2/20 – 3/20 W 5 – 9 p.m. sobre el diseño y uso de materiales, accesorios y elementos arquitectónicos. Recorra y conozca las diferentes tendencias y estilos durante las visitas a almacenes y galerías. El precio de este curso incluye el costo de los materiales. $319 | 30 Horas M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes) 14611 1/15 – 3/19 Tu 6 – 9 p.m. W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves) F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday (Domingo) 4 enhance | SPRING 2019 | CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
WORKFORCE TRAINING . CHILD CARE TRAINING Notary Public en Español Intensive Income Tax Preparation Program Florida Child Care Professional La clase está diseñada para preparar a los - Individual Credential (FCCPCI) (6.0 CEUs) alumnos en cómo obtener el sello de notario Learn the fundamentals of preparing individual Este curso es el primero de dos cursos diseñados público en el estado de la Florida. Los estudi- income taxes and the opportunities to enhance para que el estudiante obtenga la equivalencia antes aprenderán las leyes y deberes que aplican your income. Put to practice the lessons learned al asociado en educación infantil. El curso está con respecto a poderes y limitaciones, requisitos in this new interactive class. basado y es equivalente al programa del Child y procedimientos para llenar los formularios, $389 | 50 Hours Development Associate (CDA). Cuando los estudi- tarifas requeridas, juramentación, y ética. Es 11778 1/29 – 4/23 Tu 6:00 – 9:50 p.m. antes completen las 120 horas de clase (incluye importante que los estudiantes puedan leer y tareas, exámenes y caja de recursos) 480 horas entender el inglés. de experiencia laboral y su evaluación final el $65 | 3 Horas Estado de la Florida le otorgará el Certificado Profesional del Cuidado Infantil de la Florida. 11779 1/25 F 6 – 9 p.m. 11780 3/22 F 6 – 9 p.m. CHILD CARE $439 | 60 Horas TRAINING 11781 4/26 F 6 – 9 p.m. 14783 1/12 – 4/13 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Florida Child Care Professional Signing Agent en Español Credential (FCCPCII) (6.0 CEUs) Prepárese para ejercer las funciones de notario CHILD CARE IN-SERVICE & CEUS Complete su preparación finalizando el segundo móvil o signing agent. Usualmente las insti- curso del programa. Las 120 horas de estudio tuciones de préstamo requieren de los servicios Curso de Preparación para el Child junto a las 480 horas de prácticas apropiadas de un notario móvil o signing agent para efectuar Development Associate (CDA) Nacional en un centro licenciado de cuidado infantil o cierres de hipotecas. Para tomar este curso se (4.5 CEUs) un centro en el hogar, más la aprobación de la requiere ser notario público. Aclaración: los sign- evaluación final, ayudará al estudiante a obtener Prepárese para obtener su credencial del el Florida Child Care Professional Credential. ing agents son distintos a los title agents. Asociado en Educación Infantil (CDA). Para Prerrequisito FCCPC I. $95 | 3 Horas registrarse y recibir este curso debe haber completado previamente las 120 horas de entre- $439 | 60 Horas 15336 5/3 F 6 – 9 p.m. namiento en cuidado infantil 14784 1/12 – 4/13 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. $469 | 45 Horas 14790 1/28 – 4/29 M 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. Manejo del Comportamiento (4.5 CEUs) REAL ESTATE En este curso tendrá la oportunidad de analizar Familia, Escuela y Comunidad (4.5 CEUs) las causas posibles de los problemas de com- INDUSTRY portamiento en los niños de edad preescolar. Aprenda, como cuidador de infantes, a rela- Conozca las estrategias para manejar los prob- cionarse con las familias que integran nuestra lemas del comportamiento de manera efectiva comunidad actual. Prepárese a interactuar de y sensible y cuáles son los comportamientos Preparación para la Licencia de Bienes manera correcta con familias de diferentes apropiados. El costo del libro no está incluido en Raíces culturas y razas. el precio de la clase. Este es el curso de 63 horas que el estado requi- $409 | 45 Horas $409 | 45 Horas ere para obtener la licencia para vender bienes 13044 1/22 – 4/16 Tu 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. 14788 2/2 – 4/6 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. raíces. Los conceptos se dictan en español, y el examen final de la clase será en español. Libro incluido: Principios, Prácticas y Ley de Bienes Raíces en Florida (Spanish PPL). $397 | 63 Horas 12884 1/26 – 5/4 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. TAX PREPARATION Income Tax Preparation Series Learn both individual and business tax prepa- ration in this series and receive up to a 15% discount for both classes. Includes: Intensive Income Tax Preparation Program—Individual (50 Hours) and Intensive Income Tax Preparation Program-Business (50 Hours). $659 | 100 Hours 12883 1/29 – 4/25 TuTh 6:00 – 9:50 p.m. Intensive Income Tax Preparation Program - Business Continue this new interactive approach as you focus on business and corporate returns. $389 | 50 Hours 11777 1/31 – 4/25 Th 6:00 – 9:50 p.m. The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the state of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction. WW W.MDC.EDU/ CE/ HIA LEA H | 305 - 237- 8780 | M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E | HI A L EA H C A M P U S 5
CHILD CARE TRAINING Operación de un Centro Infantil Cuidado Infantil en un Centro Prácticas Apropiadas para Infantes y (Credencial de Director) (4.5 CEUs) Primer curso para trabajadores en centros de Párvulos El Estado de la Florida requiere que se complete cuidado infantil. El requisito de las 45 horas Entrenamiento para trabajadores de centros de este curso aprobado por el Departamento de consta de 30 horas introductorias, un curso cuidado infantil especializados en programas Niños y Familias para otorgarles el nivel 1 de de 10 horas de especialidad que también está para bebés y niños hasta los 3 años de edad. El Credencial de Director del Estado de la Florida. incluido en este horario de clases (infantes-pár- libro está incluido. Este curso dirigido a administradores de centros vulos, preescolares, niños de edad escolar, o $49 | 5 Horas infantiles le permitirá a mejorar su rol de líder y niños con necesidades especiales) y un curso de cinco horas sobre el desarrollo del lenguaje. El 11669 2/8 – 2/11 MF 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. de implementación de programas de educación temprana, abordando en el mismo, temas de libro se distribuye en clase. El costo del libro está 11670 4/29 – 4/30 MTu 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. estudio tales como: liderazgo organizativo, incluido en el precio de la clase. 12964 3/10 Su 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. administración de programas, asuntos legales y $199 | 30 Horas financieros. Prácticas Apropiadas para Niños de Edad 11658 1/23 – 2/5 MTuWThF 1 – 4 p.m. $389 | 45 Horas 11659 1/26 – 3/2 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Preescolar 13808 1/23 – 4/17 W 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. 11660 2/11 – 2/27 MTuWTh 6 – 9 p.m. Entrenamiento para trabajadores de centros de 11661 3/12 – 3/25 MTuWThF 1 – 4 p.m. cuidado infantil especializados en programas Taller para Matrícula Electrónica adecuados para niños de 3 a 5 años de edad. El 11662 3/16 – 4/13 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. libro está incluido. Familiarícese con la página web del estado y 11663 4/8 – 4/23 MTuWTh 6 – 9 p.m. aprenda a crear sus cuentas de correo eléc- $49 | 5 Horas tronico y su archivo personal en el sistema de 11671 3/5 – 3/6 TuW 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Departamento de Niños y Familias. Desarrollo del Lenguaje y la Enseñanza 11672 4/28 Su 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. de la Lectoescritura (Early Literacy Training) $19 | 2 Horas 11673 3/28 – 3/29 ThF 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Este curso le proporcionará las herramientas 14054 1/22 Tu 1 – 3 p.m. necesarias para aumentar y acelerar el desarrollo 14055 1/25 F 6 – 8 p.m. de sonidos, lenguaje, y literatura temprana en Entendimiento de La Práctica Apropiada 14056 2/8 F 6 – 8 p.m. niños. Descubra nuevas formas para ayudar a para el Desarrollo (UDAP) 14057 3/11 M 1 – 3 p.m. que los niños desarrollen habilidades básicas Obtenga un resumen de las práctica apropiadas 14059 3/15 F 6 – 8 p.m. esenciales. para el desarrollo y aprenda por qué es impor- 14060 4/5 F 6 – 8 p.m. $49 | 5 Horas tante que los profesionales de cuidado de niños 11664 2/12 – 2/13 TuW 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. aprendan estos conceptos. Este es uno de los cursos que forman parte de la 45 horas manda- 11665 3/7 – 3/11 MTh 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. torías del Departamento de Niños y Familias CHILD CARE TRAINING 11666 4/14 Su 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. $49 | 5 Horas 11667 4/1 – 4/2 MTu 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Prácticas Apropiadas para Niños con 11786 2/6 – 2/7 WTh 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. 11668 5/1 – 5/2 WTh 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Necesidades Especiales 11787 2/28 – 3/4 MTh 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. 12977 3/3 Su 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Aprenda a trabajar con niños incapacitados. Este 11788 4/27 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. curso le enseña técnicas para integrar a estos 11790 3/26 – 3/27 TuW 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. niños en sus respectivos programas educacio- 11791 4/24 – 4/25 WTh 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. nales. Requisito para la Credencial de Director. 12963 3/9 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Libro se distribuye en clase. El costo del libro está incluido en el precio de la clase. $99 | 10 Horas CREATIVE CURRICULUM 11657 3/31 – 4/7 Su 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. PRESCHOOL Creative Curriculum Preschool: Literacy (4.5 CEUs) Learn the importance of having a solid literary program imbedded with available age-appro- priate objectives. Discuss and learn literary objectives, age-appropriate goals and literary interests. $499 | 45 Hours 14771 1/26 – 3/30 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 6 enhance | SPRING 2019 | CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
MDC’s Cybersecurity Center of the Americas Preps Trainees for Fast-Growing Profession Cyberattacks are a growing area of concern across every Utilizing the new Cyberbit Range, a hyper-realistic simu- industry in the United States. But there’s a problem: the lation platform capable of mimicking different network country does not have enough qualified cybersecurity attack scenarios, trainees – including students enrolled workers to meet industry demands. in the Associate in Science in Network Security and the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree Miami Dade College wants to change that. At the Col- programs – receive an immersive education that merges lege’s new Cybersecurity Center for the Americas, stu- classroom instruction with hands-on action. The center dents and working professionals can receive the training offers training, certification and assessment for commer- they need to identify cyberattacks, upgrade an existing cial and public sector organizations. cybersecurity network and fill one of the thousands of open cybersecurity jobs in South Florida and the United States. Trainees at all experience levels work in a security Sixty-six percent of U.S. employers do not have enough operation center environment, known as an SOC, where cybersecurity professionals to combat potential threats, they are tasked with blocking cyberattacks. according to the nonprofit Center for Cyber Safety and Education. The center reports the cybersecurity work- “One wrong move is all it takes to turn a cybersecurity force will be short by 1.8 million employees by 2022, incident into a full-on disaster,” said Jorge Ortega, direc- establishing that training programs such as MDC’s are tor of the Cybersecurity Center of the Americas. “MDC’s necessary to fill that projected workforce gap. cybersecurity program brings theory, practice, technical expertise and managerial competency together to pro- duce confident graduates with in-demand skills.” 7
MDC Adult Education Program Helps Students Achieve More The path to earning a college degree doesn’t always begin right after high school. Just ask Leandro Dorta Duque, an electrical engineering and computer science major at Cornell University, who arrived in the United States from Cuba five years ago with limited English skills, no SAT scores and a dream to become an engineer. “I came to the U.S when I was 20 and was undocumented for a year,” said Duque, who because of his legal status was not eligible to enroll in college and pay in-state tuition. On the advice of a friend, he decided to enroll in non-credit English courses through Adult Education at Miami Dade College while he waited for his residency. It was there that Duque met Ana Maria Guadayol, an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) professor and advisor at MDC, Kendall Campus, who helped him lay the foundation for his future. “The mission of our ESOL program is to help non-native English speakers learn the language so they can either get into college or back into the workforce,” Guadayol said. “Together, we figure out what path they’re going to take and I map out the steps to help guide them.” Duque’s path included learning English while studying for the SATs, getting a scholarship to attend the MDC Honors College, and earning an Associate in Arts in Computer Engineering. Then he successfully transferred to a baccalaureate program at Cornell University – all within three years. “I always had engineering on my mind but was lost when it came to the process of how to pursue it,” Duque said. “I had no idea how anything worked in the U.S., so it’s thanks to the people who guided me that I’m at Cornell now.” But his journey isn’t over yet. Duque plans to pursue a master’s in engineering at Cornell next year. “My ultimate goal is to one day create my own company related to medical devices,” he said. 9
HEALTH CARE . LANGUAGE CENTER HEALTH CARE Coffee and Conversation - Beginners Develop English language fluency by participat- ESL Fundamentals This course is designed to offer low-beginning ing in group and individual conversation guided students of English the basic vocabulary and by the instructor. Role-play, guided conversa- language needed to communicate in life skills CPR FOR HEALTH CARE tion, and vocabulary development activities will situations. During this class, students will be PROVIDERS improve your oral communication skills. encouraged to participate in a variety of inter- $135 | 28 Hours active exercises and activities, such as active speaking, comprehension skills, small-group and CPR-BLS for Health Care Providers 13354 3/2 – 4/13 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. full-class practice, and grammar structures. The Basic Life Support course is designed $199 | 56 Hours to teach the skills of CPR (cardiopulmonary Coffee and Conversation - Intermediate resuscitation) for victims of all ages, including 14918 1/14 – 4/14 MW 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Bring a cup of coffee (or tea) and join us for an ventilation with a barrier device, a bag-mask early morning hour of conversation. Improve 15867 1/12 – 4/27 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. device and oxygen; use of an automated external your English speaking skills as you make defibrillator (AED); and relief of foreign-body air- new friends. You will develop vocabulary and Intensive English 1 way obstruction (FBAO). This course is intended practice pronunciation and listening skills in a Some knowledge of English is recommended. for participants who provide health care to relaxed atmosphere. Topics will include family, You will build on your basic knowledge, and patients in a wide variety of settings, inside and work, the community, current events, and lots improve your ability to speak and understand outside of a hospital. The course is also designed more. For intermediate students. simple sentences in spoken and written English. for anyone who is required to take a health care $135 | 28 Hours You will understand structures for simple provider course for employment. 14695 2/1 – 4/5 F 9 a.m. – Noon present, present continuous, and simple past $89 | 6 Hours tenses in affirmative, negative, and interrogative 11654 2/10 Su 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. sentences. English Conversation 1 13378 4/14 Su 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. $245 | 70 Hours Beginning class to develop basic communication skills through theme-based grammar exercises 12953 1/12 – 4/27 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. CPR-BLS for Health Care Providers and role-play interaction in class. $299 | 84 Hours (Recertification) $179 | 42 Hours 12962 1/14 – 4/14 MW 6:00 – 9:15 p.m. This course is designed to teach the skills of 12958 1/26 – 4/13 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) for victims Intensive English 2 of all ages, including ventilation with a barrier $199 | 56 Hours device, a bag-mask device and oxygen, use of 11645 1/22 – 3/21 TuTh 6 – 9 p.m. Learn to carry on simple conversations and read an automated external defibrillator (AED) and and write using more complex structures. You relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (FBAO). will learn to use past continuous and future English Conversation 2 tenses, as well as adjectives and adverbs. This course is for people who wish to renew their Intermediate class to develop basic commu- $245 | 70 Hours current BLS certification. It is recommended that nication skills through theme-based grammar students renew their BLS card every 2 years. 12955 1/12 – 4/27 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. exercises and role-play interaction in class. $69 | 4 Hours $299 | 84 Hours $179 | 42 Hours 12384 4/14 Su 8 a.m. – Noon 11642 1/14 – 4/14 MW 6:00 – 9:15 p.m. 12959 1/26 – 4/13 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 13382 2/10 Su 8 a.m. – Noon $199 | 56 Hours Intensive English 3 11646 1/22 – 3/21 TuTh 6 – 9 p.m. Primeros Auxilios con RCP Learn to express yourself well by using a variety El objetivo de esta clase es proporcionar el of verb tenses and phrasal verbs. You will conocimiento de primeros auxilios y reanimación English Conversation 3 understand and use the present and past perfect cardiopulmonar adulta e infantil. El curso incluye High-Intermediate class to develop basic com- tenses. materiales de referencia, metodologías educacio- munication skills through theme-based grammar $245 | 70 Hours nales y una descripción grabada en vídeo de la exercises and role-play interaction in class. información cognoscitiva. 12957 1/12 – 4/27 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. $179 | 42 Hours $89 | 8 Horas $299 | 84 Hours 14009 1/26 – 4/13 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 11655 2/24 Su 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 11643 1/14 – 4/14 MW 6:00 – 9:15 p.m. $199 | 56 Hours 11656 3/17 Su 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 12874 1/22 – 3/21 TuTh 6 – 9 p.m. 12875 1/27 Su 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Intensive English 4 Accelerated English Conversation: Review structures from previous levels and learn more sophisticated structures such as the pas- Advanced sive voice, embedded questions, tag questions, This course is designed to teach advanced level reported speech and modals. LANGUAGE English conversation at an accelerated pace for those students who desire a faster rate of $245 | 70 Hours CENTER instruction. Instruction is delivered through a combination of textbook lessons, audio material, 13340 $299 1/12 – 4/27 | 84 Hours Sa 8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. and ongoing interactive conversational sessions. 11644 1/14 – 4/14 MW 6:00 – 9:15 p.m. $179 | 42 Hours ENGLISH PROGRAM 15847 1/26 – 4/13 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Intensive English 5 In this advanced level course you will continue Accent Reduction - Beginners ESL Placement Exam to develop your English language skills through Improve your pronunciation by practicing the All students must take a free placement exam speaking, listening, reading, and writing activi- phonetic patterns of American English. before they register for English classes. ties. Additional vocabulary will be introduced. $139 | 28 Hours For information contact us at 305-237-8619 $299 | 84 Hours 12873 1/26 – 3/16 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Todos los estudiantes deben de tomar una 13342 1/14 – 4/14 MW 6:00 – 9:15 p.m. prueba de nivelación gratis antes de registrarse para las clases de inglés. Para más información llámenos al 305-237-8619 10 enhance | SPRING 2019 | CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
LANGUAGE CENTER . TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE ONLINE CONTINUING EDUCATION Our online courses are designed to address a wide range of training needs. Whether you are at home, at work or anywhere else, we have partnered with leading online training vendors to offer you a robust schedule of online classes in many categories. We invite you to visit our online portal to review the hundreds of classes we offer. 305-237-2543 . www.mdc.edu/ce/online BUSINESS · CHILD CARE TRAINING · HEALTH COURSES · TECHNOLOGY · INSURANCE · LANGUAGES REAL ESTATE · TEST PREP · PARENT EDUCATION AND FAMILY STABILIZATION · PERSONAL ENRICHMENT WRITING ACADEMY TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN Better Writing 1 Learn sentence structure and editing skills to INSTITUTE AutoCAD - Level 1 Learn basic commands to create two-dimen- write clear and effective letters and emails. sional objects. Use the menu system to draw, Explore descriptive expository. select views, change design elements, modify ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS attributes and add patterns and text. A textbook $159 | 21 Hours is required for this course. 13137 1/18 – 2/22 F 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. QuickBooks Level 1 $249 | 12 Hours QuickBooks makes it easy to set up and 12979 2/8 – 2/22 F 6 – 10 p.m. Better Writing 2 reconcile general ledger accounts; create and Recognize and correct common errors in written print invoices and track your payables. Learn to grammar and expression. maintain your inventory, create estimates and AutoCAD - Level 2 $159 | 21 Hours generate accounting reports. Learn to draw compound objects, use layers, $325 | 24 Hours change views and make selections. Use features 13341 3/15 – 4/26 F 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. which will save you time when editing your 11782 1/27 – 3/10 Su 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. design. (Textbook required) 13146 3/24 – 5/5 Su 1 – 5 p.m. $249 | 12 Hours 12980 3/1 – 3/15 F 6 – 10 p.m. QuickBooks Level 2 Continue learning the features of QuickBooks. Learn to pay sales taxes, create purchase orders AutoCAD - Level 3 and manage bank account transactions. Learn more layer drawing, editing and viewing $325 | 24 Hours commands to further expedite your designs. Maximize your work productivity in using hints, 12753 3/17 – 4/28 Su 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. tips and tricks. A textbook is required for this course. $249 | 12 Hours M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes) 12981 3/22 – 4/5 F 6 – 10 p.m. W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves) F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday (Domingo) The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the state of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction. WW W.MDC.EDU/ CE/ HIA LEA H | 305 - 237- 8780 | M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E | HI A L EA H C A M P U S 11
TECHNOLOGY INS TITUTE . TES T PREPARATION DIGITAL MARKETING Fotografía Digital Nivel 2 Microsoft Office Basic: Word, Excel and & GRAPHIC DESIGN Los estudiantes aprenderán a manejar elementos PowerPoint como luz, histograma, composición, uso de flash Learn the basics of Word, Excel and PowerPoint Adobe Photoshop – Basic (TTL, automático, manual, sincronización de including techniques to merge and import doc- alta velocidad), retratos, iluminación de estudio, uments with other MS Office modules. This new Develop basic knowledge of image production, version will encourage users to share data via the fotografía de viajes y paisajes. Se realizarán selection techniques, color models, layers, short- cloud for an easier and accessible experience. A trabajos de campo. cuts and tips. This introductory course will guide textbook is required for this course. you through Photoshop’s essentials: interface, $239 | 20 Horas navigation, selections, layers and channels. A 14622 2/23 – 3/23 Sa 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. $279 | 24 Hours textbook and a USB drive is required for this 14316 2/11 – 4/8 M 6 – 9 p.m. course. Fotografía Digital Nivel 3 $209 | 10 Hours Los estudiantes aprenderán fotografía peri- Microsoft PowerPoint Basic 13809 2/23 – 3/9 Sa 9:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. odística, reportaje gráfico, microfotografía, Enhance your professionalism through the art fotografía nocturna, pintura con luz, fotografía de of communication using effective presentation Adobe Photoshop – Intermediate producto, fotografía artística, poses esenciales, techniques. Topics covered include speech plan- trabajo con una o varias lámparas en exteriores, ning and preparation, audience analysis, using Take your Photoshop knowledge to the next level PowerPoint as a presentation aid, developing portafolios, y exposición. by learning tools and techniques for creating a persona, overcoming speaker anxiety and and retouching images. Learn how to use layers, $239 | 20 Horas delivery. image manipulation and effects. Students will 14623 3/30 – 5/4 Sa 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. have real world exercises in image production $109 | 6 Hours and retouching. Subjects such as color correc- 14322 4/1 – 4/8 M 6 – 9 p.m. Lightroom para Fotógrafos tion, photo-restoration, automation, ad produc- tion and web graphics will be covered. Textbook Los estudiantes aprenderán Lightroom como programa de organización de imágenes digitales Microsoft Word Basic and USB drive required. y trabajos de posproducción, su integración al Learn simple ways to create, edit, format, and $209 | 10 Hours procesamiento fotográfico, y los mecanismos print letters and documents. 13810 3/16 – 3/30 Sa 9:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. para agilizar el flujo de trabajo. $109 | 6 Hours $195 | 10 Horas 14317 2/11 – 2/25 M 6 – 9 p.m. Adobe Photoshop – Advanced 14624 4/3 – 4/17 W 6:30 – 9:50 p.m. In our advanced level, students will learn how to work with masks and prepare materials to Photoshop para Fotógrafos integrate them with other Adobe programs. This course will cover restoration tools and tech- niques from capturing and scanning the original Introducción a Photoshop, herramientas y pal- etas, selecciones, efectos, montajes capas, her- TEST image, repairing flaws with cloning and healing tools, colorizing a black and white, and properly ramientas de texto, manipulación de imágenes, saturación, color, etc. PREPARATION printing a crisp photo. Textbook and USB drive $195 | 10 Horas required. 14625 4/24 – 5/8 W 6:30 – 9:50 p.m. GED en español $209 | 10 Hours Prepárese para obtener un diploma equivalente 13811 4/6 – 4/27 Sa 9:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Retocar y Restaurar con Photoshop al de la escuela secundaria. Usted aprenderá expresión escrita, estudios sociales, ciencias, arte Los estudiantes aprenderán el arte de retocar y literatura, matemáticas y técnicas de lectura. y restaurar fotografías con Adobe Photoshop. Originales impresos o digitales serán procesados $219 | 56 Horas Adobe Photoshop – Series mediante técnicas y herramientas de retoque y 12736 1/12 – 4/13 Sa 8:00 a.m. – 12:40 p.m. Adobe Photoshop CC is the most important restauración, que incluyen clonado, corrección y 12745 1/23 – 3/20 MW 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. industry application for creating and enhancing métodos de colorización. 12914 2/21 – 4/16 TuTh 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. photographs, web and mobile app designs. This is a discounted class to cover all sections $239 | 12 Horas of the Adobe Photoshop program. A textbook 14626 1/26 – 2/9 S 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. is requiered for this course. Textbook and USB CITIZENSHIP EXAM drive required. PREPARATION $539 | 30 Hours MICROSOFT OFFICE SUITE 13812 2/23 – 4/27 Sa 9:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Citizenship Microsoft Excel Basic Improve your English language skills and prepare Fotografía Digital Nivel 1 Learn to manipulate numerical information, to become an American citizen. Through listen- financial models and graphs using a digital ing, speaking, reading and writing exercises, you Los estudiantes aprenderán a manejar velocidad spreadsheet. Practice the basics of this applica- will learn the skills and information necessary de obturación, sensor, ISO, tipos de lentes y tion including the use of formulas, basic mathe- to succeed in the naturalization interview and usos, apertura y profundidad de campo, foco, matical functions and formatting. citizenship exam. medición de exposición, configuración y flujo de trabajo. Se realizarán trabajos de campo. $109 | 6 Hours $79 | 15 Hours $139 | 12 Horas 14319 3/4 – 3/11 M 6 – 9 p.m. 11648 1/23 – 3/20 F 6 – 9 p.m. 14621 1/12 – 2/9 Sa 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 11649 1/18 – 2/22 Sa 9 a.m. – Noon Microsoft Excel Intermediate Learn to import and export data. Practice creat- ing templates with multiple workbooks, naming ranges, customizing tool bars, auditing, sorting and using PivotTable. $109 | 6 Hours 14320 3/18 – 3/25 M 6 – 9 p.m. 12 enhance | SPRING 2019 | CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
TES T PREPARATION . RECREATION AND LEISURE COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAM PREPARATION FLORIDA TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAM (FTCE) RECREATION AND PERT Algebra Review FTCE General Knowledge All Inclusive LEISURE Take this course to review for the math portion Preparation of the PERT. Students will learn how to solve If you need to take all components of your FITNESS AND SPORTS quadratic equations, work with exponential Teacher Certification Exam, take this course! All rules, graph two variable linear equations, solve classes are taught so that you learn everything equations with radical expressions and also in one fell swoop! This class is perfect for those Capoeira – Introduction reduce, add, subtract, multiply and divide ratio- who need extra study tips and refreshers in the Learn the history, basic attack and defense nal expressions. General Knowledge Reading, Essay, Math, and movements of this Afro-Brazilian martial art. $113 | 18 Hours English. Ask about our high success rate. Combine elements of dance, acrobatics and $205 | 30 Hours music to obtain a full work out. 13283 1/11 – 2/15 F 6 – 9 p.m. $124 | 12 Hours 13284 3/1 – 4/5 F 6 – 9 p.m. 11719 2/9 – 4/6 Sa 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 14439 3/9 – 4/13 Sa 10 a.m. – Noon PERT Verbal Review FTCE: Professional Education Test Prep - PEd Increase your chances of attending college-level Review the actual practices of teaching school classes by obtaining a high score on the com- classes and how to impart knowledge and infor- puterized college placement test. This class mation to students. Book required. will review the reading comprehension skills $110 | 18 Hours assessed in the exam. 12880 3/1 – 4/5 F 6 – 9 p.m. $113 | 18 Hours 11647 3/2 – 4/6 Sa 9 a.m. – Noon TOEFL EXAM PREPARATION Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Students will prepare to meet the challenge of the new TOEFL iBT which involves an integrated approach to reading, listening, speaking and writing tasks specific to an academic context. Included in the necessary skill sets are note taking and the synthesizing, paraphrasing and summarizing of spoken and written information. $239 | 42 Hours 13285 1/18 – 4/5 F 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. GED program The GED Preparation Program is student-centered with classes designed to maximize achievement through excellence in teaching, individualized success plans, access to technology and flexible locations and schedules. Program participants must be 18 or older to take the test; however minors ages 16 and 17 can receive permission to test from their local school board. Program features include: • Blended classroom instruction and tutoring • Computer labs • Customized programs of study • Graduation ceremony • Guided assistance for degree and technical or vocational programs • GED Exam testing on all campuses For more information and the best preparation to pass the GED test, contact us at 305-237-0703 or at www.mdc.edu/GED. WW W.MDC.EDU/ CE/ HIA LEA H | 305 - 237- 8780 | M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E | HI A L EA H C A M P U S 13
CATEGORY HEADER S P R I N G 2 019 F E A T U R E Scholarship Program for Child Care Educators Expands For anyone interested in a career in the child care indus- credentials and courses for program administrators, MDC try, there is big news. The Children’s Trust, a dedicated also offers a wide range of continuing education courses revenue source to support local children and families, has taught in Spanish for child care workers. expanded its scholarship program and allocated $1 million for the 2018-19 school year toward education and profes- MDC Continuing Education Professor Fabiola Lozano said sional development foreducators studying early childhood. that there has been a lot of demand for the Spanish-lan- guage child care training courses she teaches. “It’s a great It’s been more than 10 years since an initiative was estab- opportunity for people who are immigrants because these lished in partnership with Miami Dade College to improve classes can help make their dreams come true,” she said. educators’ qualifications. Previously, only about one-third of the day care centers and pre-schools in Miami-Dade “We know that early-childhood educators improve their County qualified to access these funds for their personnel. interactions with children when they have more support Now that’s changed. In Fall 2018, the quality-improve- and credentials. It’s all based on research,” said Dasiely ment initiative shifted to a new model and expanded so Cruz, director of the Early Learning Career Center at The that educators studying early childhood from all licensed Children’s Forum. “We have more work to do, but this is a facilities in Miami-Dade County – about 1,700 in all – can great first step.” participate. The scholarships for early childhood educators in Miami- “The Children’s Trust has always supported scholarships for Dade County are intended to improve knowledge, skills, teacher education and training,” said Rachel Spector, senior classroom practices and ultimately the quality of care program manager at The Children’s Trust. “This expansion offered to children. For more information, email cemain@ is an intentional approach to help professionalize the ear- mdc.edu with your name, facility name, email, phone ly-learning workforce. We wanted to offer more support.” number or call 305-237-0651. The Children’s Forum manages the Early Learning Career Center, which helps teachers and aides plan and exe- cute their career goals. Scholarship recipients can use the money toward conferences, child care credentials and renewals, credit classes, document translation for foreign-trained professionals, and continuing education requirements. In addition to college credits, state-required 14 enhance | SPRING 2019 | CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
REGISTRATION FORM | SP RI N G 2019 HIALEAH 1780 W. 49th St PAYMENT METHODS Room 2402 Hialeah, FL 33012 In Person Visit the campus. Pay by check, cash, money order, or credit card. 305-237-8780 Cash payments are accepted only at the Bursars office during office hours. Mail Enclose a check or money order payable to Miami Dade College. Mail it with the completed form to the campus location (see address to the right). Web Log on to www.mdc.edu/ce/hialeah. Pay with credit card or e-check. Questions? Call 305-237-8780. PERSONAL INFORMATION Please type or clearly print the requested information. MDC Student # LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE (FORMER NAME) Gender: M F Date of Birth: ___________ / ___________ / ___________ STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE EVENING PHONE # DAY PHONE # E-MAIL ADDRESS CLASS SELECTION CLASS NUMBER CLASS TITLE START DATE / TIME FEES Total Fees Enclosed
Miami Dade College Miami Dade College District Board of Trustees School of Continuing Education Bernie Navarro, Chair • Jose K. Fuentes, Vice Chair Non-Profit and Professional Development Susan Amat • Benjamín León III Organization U.S. Postage 1780 W. 49th St Rolando Montoya • Juan C. Zapata PAID Hialeah, FL 33012 Eduardo J. Padrón, President, Miami Dade College Miami, FL Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution that does not discriminate Permit No. 4268 on the basis of sex, race, color, marital status, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, ethnicity, pregnancy, sexual orientation or genetic information. Contact the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA Coordinator/Title IX Coordinator at 305.237.2577 (Voice) or 711 (TTY). We offer non-credit courses for individuals who want to enrich their cultural experiences or improve their professional or occupational skills. • Child Care Training • Writing Improvement • Florida Child Care • Technology, Accounting Professional Credential & Office Skills (FCCPC) • Bookkeeping, Quickbooks • Intensive English Language • Tax Preparation • Oral Communication • Microsoft Office Programs Development • Certifications and CEUs - En español Register Now! 305-237-8780 www.mdc.edu/ce/hialeah
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