Frederick News - October 1, 2021 - CCSD 46

Página creada Ezequiel Gonzallez
Frederick News - October 1, 2021 - CCSD 46
Frederick News – October 1, 2021

Please make sure your child is bringing a mask to school each day, and please make sure they
have a spare mask with them as well in case the first one breaks or gets dirty. Your help with this
is greatly appreciated.

School Physicals
All 6th graders must have an up to date school physical and proof of immunization to be in school.
This year the deadline was extended from the first day of school until October 15th, but we still
have a number of students who do not have all of the necessary documentation completed. We
have started notifying families, but please make sure this is taken care of before the October 15th
deadline or your child will not be allowed to attend school until that is completed. If you have any
questions, please contact the school office at 847-543-5300.

Important Dates
OCT 13 – LATE START 10:05 AM

Por favor, asegúrese de que su hijo lleve una máscara a la escuela cada día, y por favor,
asegúrese de que tengan una máscara de reemplazo con ellos también en caso de que la
primera se rompa o se ensucie. Apreciamos su ayuda con este asunto

Exámenes físicos para la escuela.
Todos los estudiantes de 6º grado deben tener un examen físico reciente para entregar en la
escuela y una prueba de vacunación para poder asistir a la escuela. Este año la fecha límite de
entrega se extendió del primer día de clases hasta el 15 de octubre, pero todavía tenemos unos
cuantos estudiantes que no tienen toda la documentación necesaria. Hemos comenzado a
notificar a las familias, pero por favor, asegúrense de completar estos requisitos antes de la
fecha límite del 15 de octubre o no podremos permitir la entrada a la escuela de su hijo. Si tienen
preguntas, por favor comuníquese con la oficina de la escuela al 847-543-5300.

Fechas importantes
OCT 8 - NO HAY CLASES Día de Capacitación de maestros
OCT 11 - NO HAY CLASES – Feriado legal
Frederick News - October 1, 2021 - CCSD 46
Student Council
Students - Are you interested in making a difference for your school and
community? If so, come Run for STUDENT COUNCIL!!
There will be two informational meetings.


You must have a ride to school and you must have a ride home promptly at 3:55.
Do not come to both meetings!!
Just pick whichever time works better for you.


The meeting will be in the Media Center (Library)

A message regarding TikTok
At Frederick, our students are at an age where many of them are using, or
starting to use, social media apps to communicate with each other. This also
opens them up to many outside influences. One app that some of our students
are familiar with is called TikTok. On this platform, users post videos to share
with others. TikTok, is often known to also set up "challenges" for their followers.
Unfortunately, we're finding so far this school year that some of those challenges
are asking their followers to do things that hurt their schools and/or peers and
Please know that the latest TikTok challenge (for the month of October - yes,
unfortunately, there are others set up for the rest of the year) is for a student to
slap a teacher and run away while filming the altercation so it can be
uploaded for others to view. Please know that if a student participates in this
activity that there will be strict school consequences enacted. Further, know that
it would be within the rights of our school and the teacher involved to contact the
police to report the action.
We hope you will take a moment to talk with your child(ren) about this challenge
and help them understand the seriousness of taking part in an activity such as
this. As you know, in District 46 we encourage safe and positive actions around
our school. We hope to continue to facilitate a great building atmosphere where
we all feel safe to teach and learn, but we need everyone’s' help and focus to
make that happen.

Other Notes
   • Frederick School is currently scheduled for Chromebook exchanges to
      take place on October 13th and 14th. More information can be found in the
      attached documents and more specific information will be coming out next
   • Picture Makeups / Retakes will be taken on October 14th.
Frederick News - October 1, 2021 - CCSD 46
Frederick School Physical Education

As a P.E. staff we would like to make you aware of expectations, curriculum, events and procedures
during the school year in P.E. Please read over the following information and if you have any questions or
concerns, feel free to contact us.

Class Attire - Appropriate clothing for physical activity and gym shoes. The only shoes acceptable for
P.E. are athletic gym shoes which tie. Students will be asked to sit out of class and given a “0” for the day
if they do not have on appropriate footwear. This is for your child’s safety. Other safety precautions are
minimal or no jewelry and no food of any kind, including gum and candy.

Student Expectations - Students are expected to come to the gym prepared for class, with shoes tied
securely and ready to participate. Upon entering the gym they will place any other class materials (books,
backpacks) against the wall and begin walking laps around the gym until all classes have arrived. During
P.E. class, students are expected to actively participate, listen to instructions, stay on task, and
demonstrate appropriate behavior. Inappropriate language, swearing, put-downs and bullying will not be
tolerated at any time. If a student chooses to behave in an unsafe manner, they will sit out of the activity
and be given a “0” for the day. Students should not bring anything electronic or valuable to class.
Teachers will not hold or be responsible for anything lost or stolen.

PE Exemptions - If a student must sit out of PE for illness, injury or other medical reasons, they need to
have a dated note stating the reason for non-participation. A note from a parent/guardian is good for two
days. A doctor’s note will be required if a student needs to sit out three or more days.

Grades - Students can earn up to five points per day based on the following categories:
       Effort and Quality of Work
       Cooperation and Sportsmanship
       Practicing safe behavior
       Being prepared for class

Fitness Testing - We will administer a fitness test to each student up to four times per year. Grades will
not be given based on the results of these tests. The purpose of the tests are to help each student set a
goal for improvement and provide information to them about their current fitness levels. Testing will
include the PACER (Cardiovascular Endurance), Sit and Reach (Flexibility), Curl-Up Test (Muscular
Endurance), and Push-Up Test (Muscular Strength).

Major Sport Units
Base Running Games (Kickball, Softball, Matball) Football / Flickerball Soccer
Basketball Team Handball Floor Hockey Volleyball Badminton Pickleball
Team building and other activities will be incorporated within the sport units.

P.E. Staff   Jodi Ade -                        Jim Geske -
             Jodi Greissinger -        Matt Will -
Frederick News - October 1, 2021 - CCSD 46
Educación Física de la Escuela Frederick
Como parte del personal de Educación Física nos gustaría informarles sobre las expectativas, el plan de
estudios, los eventos y los procedimientos de Educación Física durante el año escolar. Por favor, lean la
siguiente información y si tienen alguna pregunta o inquietud, no duden en ponerse en contacto con

Vestimenta de clase - Ropa apropiada para la actividad física y zapatos de gimnasia. Los únicos zapatos
aceptables para Educación Física son los zapatos deportivos con cordones. No se les permitirá a los
estudiantes participar en la clase y recibirán una calificación de "0" ese día si no tienen el calzado
apropiado. Esto es para la seguridad de su hijo. Otras precauciones de seguridad son usar muy pocos
artículos de joyas, o mejor aún, no usar joyería durante la clase y se prohíben los alimentos de cualquier
tipo, incluyendo chicles y caramelos.

Expectativas de los estudiantes - Se espera que los estudiantes lleguen al gimnasio preparados para la
clase, con los zapatos atados firmemente y listos para participar. Al entrar en el gimnasio colocarán
cualquier otro material de clase (libros, mochilas) contra la pared y comenzarán a dar vueltas alrededor
del gimnasio hasta que todas las clases hayan llegado. Durante la clase de educación física, se espera
que los estudiantes participen activamente, escuchen las instrucciones, se mantengan en la tarea y
demuestren un comportamiento apropiado. No se tolerará en ningún momento lenguaje inapropiado,
malas palabras, insultos e intimidación. Si un estudiante elige comportarse de manera insegura, no le
permitiremos que realice la actividad y recibirá una calificación de "0" por ese día. Los estudiantes no
deben llevar artículos electrónicos o valiosos a la clase. Los maestros no se harán responsables de
artículos perdidos o robados.

Exenciones de Educación Física - Si un estudiante no puede hacer educación física por enfermedad,
lesión u otras razones médicas, necesitan entregar una nota con fecha del día que indique la razón por la
que no puede participar. Una nota de un padre/tutor es válida por dos días. Se requerirá una nota del
médico si un estudiante no puede realizar actividades de educación física por más de tres días.

Calificaciones - Los estudiantes pueden recibir hasta cinco puntos cada día en base a las siguientes
         Esfuerzo y calidad del trabajo
         Cooperación y espíritu deportivo
         Practicar comportamiento seguro
         Estar preparado para la clase

Pruebas de aptitud física - Los estudiantes deberán realizar una prueba de aptitud física hasta cuatro
veces por año. Las calificaciones no se basarán en los resultados de estas pruebas. El propósito de las
pruebas es ayudar a cada estudiante a establecer una meta para mejorar y proporcionarles información
sobre sus niveles actuales de aptitud física. Las pruebas que realizarán son: PACER (resistencia
cardiovascular), "Sit and Reach'' (flexibilidad), "Curl-Up Test" (resistencia muscular) y "Push-Up Test"
(fuerza muscular).

Unidades deportivas principales

Juegos de carreras de base (Kickball, Softball, Matball) Football / Flickerball Fútbol
Baloncesto Equipo de balonmano Hockey sobre el piso Voleibol                  Bádminton Pickleball
Dentro de las unidades deportivas también incorporaremos actividades de integración de equipo y otras
actividades deportivas.

Personal de P.E. Jodi Ade -                          Jim Geske -
                Jodi Greissinger -           Matt Will -
Frederick News - October 1, 2021 - CCSD 46
Frederick School
Community Consolidated School District 46
595 Frederick Road                                                  (847)543-5300 FAX (847)548-7768
Grayslake, IL 60030                                                  CCSD 46 Website:

Eric K. Detweiler, Principal                                   James Goschy, Assistant Principal

September 2021

Dear Parents & Guardians,

One of our top priorities at Frederick School is to create a learning community in which everyone feels
safe, supported, and valued. We believe that learning happens best when all members of our
community feel safe, and our students have a network of supportive peers and staff members that value
them as an individual.

Beginning last school year, we had several students approach Frederick staff with the intent to start a
club for students who are questioning or consider themselves part of the LGBTQ+ spectrum and those
who consider themselves to be allies. The goal was to create a safe and supportive environment
facilitated by school staff in which students felt free to express themselves and talk about a variety of
subjects among others who may feel different, and for these students to see that there are others who
consider themselves to be allies and want to express support and non-judgment towards their peers.

We have had similar requests from students this school year, and we are ready to move forward by
introducing the Frederick Alliance Club. Starting in October, this club will meet every other week on
Thursdays during lunch and recess periods to give students an opportunity to communicate with others
in a supportive environment. Separate meetings will occur for 5th and 6th graders and these meetings
will be facilitated by Mrs. Sue Murrow, a social worker at Frederick School.

The main purposes of the Frederick Alliance Club are as follows:

   ● To support students who are on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, or who are questioning whether they
     are, with a place where they feel comfortable and welcome.
   ● To give allies an opportunity to support their classmates.
   ● To provide a safe place where these students can meet to talk about a variety of subjects in a
     setting facilitated by school staff.
   ● The purpose of the group is not to encourage or promote any particular ideas or to speak
     negatively about any perspectives/ideologies.

Please be aware that before students are able to attend the club, we want all families to review the
Alliance Club’s purpose, general information, and norms/guidelines. We will also need parents of any
interested students to complete and submit a permission form before students will be able to
participate. All of this information is included within this link. Permission forms should be submitted
to Mrs. Murrow directly and can be emailed to her at

           CCSD 46 Mission: Empowering learners, creating equity, cultivating community.
Frederick School
Community Consolidated School District 46
595 Frederick Road                                                 (847)543-5300 FAX (847)548-7768
Grayslake, IL 60030                                                 CCSD 46 Website:

Eric K. Detweiler, Principal                                   James Goschy, Assistant Principal

We are requiring parent permission because it is our hope for all students that the people they should
be able to trust and go to first about anything should be their parents. We also want parents to be aware
of the goals and focus of these meetings. The school will not be promoting any particular ideas nor will
we be speaking negatively or critically about any perspectives or ideologies. We truly hope to facilitate
an environment in which all students can express themselves openly without fear or judgment or

The diversity and inclusion policy of Community Consolidated School District 46 is designed to create
a welcoming environment for all students, and we are hopeful that this club allows the attendees to feel
supported and valued within our school, and helps them see that they are not alone as there are others
who may be feeling similar or are willing to support them. In the coming days, we will mention this
club on school announcements and provide information to students on how they may sign up. We
wanted to make sure all families had a chance to receive this information in advance of it being shared
with the students.

If you decide to allow your child to participate, Mrs. Murrow will reach out to students directly to
inform them of meeting dates and the location within our building. If you have any further questions
about this club, please feel free to reach out to the Frederick School administrators or Mrs. Murrow
directly (by phone at 847-543-5697 or by email at


Eric Detweiler                                       James Goschy
Principal                                            Assistant Principal

             CCSD 46 Mission: Empowering learners, creating equity, cultivating community.
Frederick Spiritwear School Store is Open!

Check out some new options and early Spring we’ll
            be launching even more!

         Visit the school store website at

                    Store is open until October 13th
Parents & Guardians,

In the coming days, the technology department will be deploying new Chromebooks to
all 4th-8th grade students in the district. This will be part of the continuing emphasis on
providing all students with a device as part of the district’s adopted 1:1 initiative.
Many of you may remember 3 years ago when this initiative was initially rolled out. This
3 year lease is now coming to an end and the current devices must be returned to the
leasing company by the end of this calendar year.
We are fortunate to have brand new Chromebooks that we are ready to issue to all
4th-8th grade students.
Please know that the swap will happen during the school day. Therefore we will ask that
your child bring the following items with them to school on the day of the Chromebook
        -Lenovo Chromebook
        -Chromebook Charger
        -Chromebook stylus

During the swap process, each of these items will be collected and inventoried.
Students will be given a receipt showing which items were turned in and/or if any item
was not turned in. As part of the district’s 1:1 initiative and as stated in the student
handbook, the following charges will be assessed to student accounts for any lost items.
Please note that a damaged or non-working stylus or charger will not incur a charge
provided they are returned to the tech department.

          ● Estimated costs for lost or theft items (subject to change)
               ○ Chromebook Replacement - $300.00
               ○ Power cord - $35.00
               ○ Lenovo Stylus - $25.00
          ● Estimated cost for damage
               ○ Damaged Screen - $100.00
               ○ Damaged Charger - $0 (must be returned)
               ○ Damaged Stylus - $0 (must be returned)

Additional reminders will be coming from your child’s classroom teacher and building
principal on specific dates for your child’s specific refresh.
Padres y tutores,

En los próximos días, el departamento de tecnología repartirá nuevos Chromebooks a
todos los estudiantes de 4º a 8º grado del distrito. Esto será parte del constante énfasis
en proporcionar a todos los estudiantes un dispositivo como parte de la iniciativa 1:1
adoptada por el distrito.
Muchos de ustedes pueden recordar hace 3 años, cuando esta iniciativa se puso en
marcha. Este contrato de alquiler de 3 años está llegando a su fin y los dispositivos
actuales deben ser devueltos a la empresa de arrendamiento a finales de este año.
Tenemos la suerte de tener nuevos Chromebooks que estamos listos para entregar a
todos los estudiantes de 4º a 8º grado.
Les recordamos que el intercambio se llevará a cabo durante el día escolar. Por lo
tanto, vamos a pedir que su hijo lleve los siguientes materiales a la escuela el día que
vamos a intercambiar el Chromebook.

          -   Chromebook Lenovo
          -   Cargador del Chromebook
          -   Lápiz óptico (stylus) del Chromebook

Durante el proceso de intercambio, cada uno de estos artículos será recogido e
inventariado. Los estudiantes recibirán un recibo que indique qué artículos fueron
entregados y/o si algún artículo no fue entregado. Como parte de la iniciativa 1:1 del
distrito y como se indica en el manual del estudiante, se cobrarán los siguientes cargos
en las cuentas de los estudiantes por cualquier artículo perdido. Recuerden que un
lápiz óptico o un cargador dañado o que no funcione no incurrirá en un cargo siempre
que se devuelva al departamento de tecnología.

          ● Costos estimados por la pérdida o robo de un material (sujeto a cambios)
              ○ Reemplazo del Chromebook - $300.00
              ○ Cargador - $35.00
              ○ Lápiz óptico (Stylus de Lenovo) - $25.00
          ● Costo estimado por daños
              ○ Pantalla dañada - $100.00
              ○ Cargador dañado - $0 (must be returned)
              ○ Lápiz óptico dañado - $0 (must be returned)

El maestro del salón de su hijo y el director de la escuela le enviarán recordatorios
adicionales en fechas específicas para realizar el intercambio de Chromebook de su
Hearing & Vision
Screening will be held
  At your school on
                          OCTOBER 22, 2021

                      (Date of your school’s screening)

  Children in Preschool, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third and Special
               Education will receive a Hearing Screening

Children in Preschool, Second, Eighth and Special Education will receive a
                            Vision Screening

Vision Screening is not a substitute for a complete eye
and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not
required to undergo a vision screening if an optometrist
or ophthalmologist completed and signed a report form
indicating that an examination has been administered
within the previous 12 months. If applicable, please
provide your school with a copy of your child’s eye
Evaluaciones de
       Audición y Visión
       Se llevarán a cabo
       En tu escuela el día
                            22 DE OCTUBRE, 2021
                      (Fecha de la examen de su escuela)

   Niños en preescolar, kinder, primero, segundo, tercero y educación
               especial recibirán un examen de audición

 Niños en preescolar, segundo, octavo y educación especial recibirán un
                          examen de la vista

El examen de la vista no sustituye la evaluación completa de
los ojos y la visión realizada por un oftalmólogo. No se
requiere que su hijo se someta a un examen de la vista si un
optometrista u oftalmólogo completó y firmó un formulario de
informe que indica que se ha administrado un examen dentro
de los 12 meses previos. Si corresponde, proporcione a su
escuela una copia del examen ocular de su hijo.
También puede leer