Lunes veintidos de febrero 2021 - LI: to learn to speak about different activities and how to express an opinion using 'me gusta'

Página creada Humberto Calderon
Lunes veintidos de febrero 2021 - LI: to learn to speak about different activities and how to express an opinion using 'me gusta'
Lunes veintidos de febrero

LI: to learn to speak about different
activities and how to express an
opinion using ‘me gusta’
Lunes veintidos de febrero 2021 - LI: to learn to speak about different activities and how to express an opinion using 'me gusta'
1.   Chateo por internet      a)   I dance
Match the     2.   Mando mensajes           b)   I chat online
Spanish to    3.   Bailo                    c)   I do sport
the English   4.   Escucho música           d)   I send messages
              5.   Juego con el ordenador   e)   I go out with my friends
              6.   Voy de compras           f)   I listen to music
              7.   Salgo con mis amigos     g)   I play on my computer
              8.   Hago deporte             h)   I go shopping
Lunes veintidos de febrero 2021 - LI: to learn to speak about different activities and how to express an opinion using 'me gusta'
Vocabulary – copy this list (it’s in the right
1.   Chateo por internet      1.   I chat online
2.   Mando mensajes           2.   I send messages
3.   Bailo                    3.   I dance
4.   Escucho música           4.   I listen to music
5.   Juego con el ordenador   5.   I play on my computer
6.   Voy de compras           6.   I go shopping
7.   Salgo con mis amigos     7.   I go out with my friends
8.   Hago deporte             8.   I do sport
Lunes veintidos de febrero 2021 - LI: to learn to speak about different activities and how to express an opinion using 'me gusta'
Verbs – copy this
Spanish verb endings change to show who the
verb refers to e.g.
¿Escuchas música? = do you listen to music?
Escucho música = I listen to music
Irregular verbs (doing words) – copy this
Some verbs in Spanish are irregular. They do not behave in the same
way as regular verbs and you just have to memorise them: -
e.g. hacer (to do)
(yo) hago = I do
(tú) haces = you do
Salir (to go out)
(yo) salgo = I go out
(tú) sales = you go out
Ir = to go
(yo) voy = I go
(tú) vas = you go
Answer the following questions in Spanish – I
 have done the first 2 for you as an example
1. ¿Sales con amigos? (do you go   1. Salgo con amigos (I go out with
   out with friends?)                 friends)
2. ¿Mandas mensajes? (do you       2. Mando mensajes (I send
   send messages)                     messages)
3. ¿Escuchas música?
4. ¿Bailas?
5. ¿Chateas por internet?
6. ¿Juegas con el ordenador?
7. ¿Vas de compras?
8. ¿Haces deporte?
Write a text about what you do in your free
           time (see example below)
En mi tiempo libre chateo por internet y mando mensajes = in my free
time I chat online and send messages.

*En mi tiempo libre = in my free time
*y = and
                    ¿Qué te gusta?
                   (What do you like)
1.   Me gusta               1.   I like
2.   Me interesa            2.   I am interested in
3.   Me encanta             3.   I love
4.   No me gusta            4.   I don’t like
5.   Odio                   5.   I hate
James Blonde – answer
the following questions
about James Blonde

1. How old is James Blonde?
2. What does James Blonde do in
   his free time? (He names 2
3. What does James Blonde like?
4. What does James Blonde hate?
Pria Fredericks – answer
the questions about
Pria Fredericks
1.   How old is Pria Fredericks?
2.   What does Pria do in her free time? (She
     mentions 3 things)
3.   What does Pria love?
4.   What does Pria hate?
1.   Ir de compras     1.   Going shopping
Vocabulary –
               2.   Mirar pinturas    2.   Looking at paintings
copy           3.   Sacar fotos       3.   Taking photos
               4.   Tomar el sol      4.   Sunbathing
               5.   Ver partidos de   5.   Watching football
                    fútbol                 matches
               6.   Ver películas     6.   Watching films
               7.   Le gusta mucho    7.   He / she really likes
               8.   Le encanta        8.   He / she loves
Se puede / se pueden
The verb forms se puede and se pueden mean ‘you can’. They are
followed by another verb in the infinitive.

Use se puede when referring to one thing and se pueden when
referring to more than one.

e.g. se puede comprar carne en una carnicería (you can buy meat in a
Se pueden comprar libros en una librería (you can buy books in a
CDs                           una pastelería
For each item
                    comida (food)                 un supermercado
in the first box,   joyas                         una zapatería
write a             libros                        una joyería
sentence            pan                           una panadería
saying where it     pasteles                      una tienda de música
can be bought,      zapatos                       una librería
                    e.g. se puede comprar carne
choosing a          en una carnicería
shop from the
second box
1) What does Pepita hate?
2) Where did she go last
3) What does she say you can
   buy there?
4) What did she buy?
5) What is Pepita going to do
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