Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc

Página creada Jaime Monich
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
Show must go on!
Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020

Alien Island Pitch

In the shade of light Pitch

                      supported by:   in collaboration with:
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
Mixie Araya

            Diego Breit
            Glaciar Films

            María José Díaz
            Galgo Story Telling

             Rodrigo Díaz
             Brisa Films

             Carola Fuentes
             Director and producer
             La Ventana Cine

            Francisco Greene

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
Ignacio Hernández
             Para Amanda Films

            Francisco Hervé
            Juntos Films

             Ignacia Merino
             Dos Be Producciones

             Isabel Reyes
             Dos Be Producciones

             Joséphine Schroeder
             Pequén Producciones

            Cristóbal Valenzuela

            Paola Castillo
            Executive director

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
A la sombra de la luz
In the shade of light
Directors: Ignacia Merino, Isabel Reyes
Producer: María José Díaz
2020-2021 | 70 min | 4K | Chile | Galgo Story
Telling - Dos Be Producciones

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
En Chile hay un pequeño pueblo desde
donde se transmite casi toda la energía del
país. Rodeado por cuatro termoeléctricas y
la subestación más importante
—irónicamente— viven en la oscuridad. Un
retrato del absurdo contado entre luces y

In Chile there is a village where the most of
the energy of the country is transmitted
from. It is surrounded by four power plants
and the most important electric substation,
but –ironically– it’s people live in the dark.
This is an absurd story told through light
and darkness.

Ignacia Merino |
Isabel Reyes |
María José Díaz |

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
Isla Alien
Alien island
Director: Cristóbal Valenzuela
Producer: Diego Breit
2020 | 80 min | 4K | Chile | Glaciar Films

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
Ernesto abandonó su trabajo y se instaló en
un bosque de Chiloé. Donde empezó a
comunicarse por radio con unos personajes
que decían vivir en la “Isla Friendship”
asociados con una raza alienígena. Una
historia donde la mentira y la verdad se cruzan
creando un mito insular que no ha dejado de

In 1983, Ernesto abandoned his work and
settled in a forest in Chiloé. He began to
communicate on the radio with characters
who said they lived on the "Friendship Island"
associated with an alien race. A story where
lies and truth intersect creating a complex
island myth that has not stopped growing.

Contact: Diego Breit |
Cristóbal Valenzuela |

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
Asteroide 2518
Director: Amanda Rutllant
Producer: Ignacio Hernández
2021 | 70 min | 4K | Chile | Para Amanda Films

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
Una cineasta se obsesiona con un asteroide
que lleva su apellido y con la historia perdida
de su bisabuelo, un científico chileno
pionero de la astronomía mundial que en los
años ‘50 soñó construir el observatorio más
grande del hemisferio sur y dejar su legado
esparcido en el desierto de Atacama.

A filmmaker becomes obsessed with an
asteroid that bears her name and with the
lost history of her great-grandfather, a
Chilean scientist and world astronomy
pioneer who in the 1950s dreamed of
building the largest observatory in the
southern hemisphere and leaving his legacy
scattered in the Atacama Desert.

Contact: Ignacio Hernández

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Show must go on! Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020 - Alien Island Pitch - Chiledoc
Bloques erráticos
Directors: Thomas Woodroffe
Producer: Joaquín Echeverría, Rodrigo Díaz,
Pascual Mena, Jérôme Blesson
2022 | 90 min | 4K | Chile – Francia | Brisa Films
– La Belle Affaire Productions

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Atraído por el reciente descubrimiento de
una antigua y deteriorada película
etnográfica sobre Tierra del Fuego, un el
joven director busca una forma de

Drawn by the recent discovery of an old and
deteriorated ethnographic film about Tierra
del Fuego, a young director searches for a
way to reconstruct it.

Contact: Rodrigo Díaz |

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Custodio, el tigre del Este
Custodio, the Eastern tiger
Director: Jorge Acevedo
Producer: Mixie Araya, Jorge Acevedo
2020 | 80 min | 4K | Chile | Yareta

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Custodio, joven arriero, quien compone
singulares rancheras sobre su vida como
vaquero en la cordillera de Los Andes, está
decidido a llegar con su música a México y
tocar con los Tigres del Norte, su banda
favorita y más influyente en su estilo musical,
pese a las dificultades que se avecinan por la
brutal sequía que amenaza su forma de vida.

Custodio, a young muleteer, who composes
unique rancheras about his life as a cowboy
in the Andes, is determined to bring his music
to Mexico and play with the Tigres del Norte,
his favorite band and most influential in his
musical style, despite the difficulties that lie
ahead due to the brutal drought that
threatens his way of life.

Mixie Araya |

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
El otro
The other one
Director: Francisco Bermejo
Producer: Francisco Hervé
2020 | 75 min | HD | Chile | Juntos Films

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Dos almas atormentadas conviven dentro de
    un solo cuerpo.
∙   Primer Premio Cine Chileno del Futuro,
    Categoría Primer Corte, FICValdivia 2018
∙   Primer Premio Cine Chileno del Futuro,
    Categoría Post-producción, FICValdivia 2019

    Two tormented souls sharing their lives inside
    the same body.
∙   First Prize Chilean Cinema of the Future,
    First Cut Category, FICValdivia 2018
∙   First Prize Chilean Cinema of the Future,
    Post-Production Category, FICValdivia 2019

Francisco Hervé |

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Gaucho americano
Director: Nicolás Molina
Producer: Joséphine Schroeder
2019 | 75 min | 4K | Chile | Pequen Producciones

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Joaquín y Víctor, gauchos de la Patagonia,
son contratados como arrieros en un rancho
de Estados Unidos. Tendrán que proteger su
piño de miles de ovejas de los depredadores,
en una tierra ajena que creen poder

Joaquín and Víctor, Patagonian gauchos,
are hired as sheepherders at a ranch in the
United States. They will herd their flock, in
a foreign land they think they can handle.

Contact: Joséphine Schroeder

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
La vida sigue
Life goes on
Directors: Paula Leonvendagar,
Andrés Eyzaguirre, José Domingo Rivera
Producers: Francisco Greene,
Daniel Rebolledo
2022 | 9 x 10 min | 4K | Chile

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
¿Cómo nos relacionamos los chilenos con
la muerte?
La vida sigue explora desde distintos
territorios cómo los chilenos nos
relacionamos con la propia muerte, así como
con la muerte de los otros, nuestros seres
queridos, nuestros difuntos.

How do Chileans relate to death?
Life goes on explores, from different
territories from Chile, how people relate to
their own death, as well as the death of
others, our loved ones, our deceased.

Contact: Francisco Greene

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Rompiendo el ladrillo
Breaking the brick
Directors: Carola Fuentes, Rafael Valdeavellano
Producers: Carola Fuentes, Rafael Valdeavellano
2020 | 75 min | 4K | Chile | La Ventana Cine

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
Tras medio siglo viviendo bajo el modelo
económico neoliberal instaurado por los
Chicago Boys en Chile, una multitud
hastiada se alza a lo largo de todo el país
exigiendo transformaciones económicas y
sociales. El despertar de un pueblo y la
muerte de un modelo económico y social.

After half a century living under the
neoliberal economic model established by
the Chicago Boys in Chile, a jaded crowd
rises throughout the country demanding
economic and social transformation. The
awakening of the Chilean citizens and the
death of an economic and social model.

Contact: Carola Fuentes

Chilean delegation at Hot Docs 2020
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