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UNIVERSIDAD DE PANAMA CENTRO REGIONAL UNIVERSITARIO DE BOCAS DEL TORO DESCRIPCIÓN DE CURSO DATOS GENERALES • Course: INGLES CONVERSACIONAL PARA TURISMO – ING 518ª • Subject Code: 14392 • Instructor: Yorlenis Blake DESCRIPCION DEL CURSO El programa de la asignatura Ingles Conversacional 518b Turismo Geográfico Ecológico comprende temas que se complementan entre sí, y que resumen conocimientos teóricos-prácticos que el estudiante y egresado universitario debe conocer para desarrollarse en el campo laboral. La metodología para utilizar en el curso es eminentemente práctica, haciendo énfasis en la exposición dialogada. Se van a evaluar todas las fases para una obtención y presentación formal de lo antes expuesto a los estudiantes. De allí que la evaluación puede ser de carácter diagnostica, sumativa, y formativa. OBJETIVOS GENERALES: • Comprender una secuencia de términos relacionados al turismo. • Fortalecer el nivel lingüístico estructural y funcional. • Usar el lenguaje en contextos interactivo y situacional EVALUACION Asistencia y puntualidad 5% Talleres y Oral presentations 30% Project 30% Final Test 35% TOTAL 100%
Bienvenida Este programa promueve el aprendizaje del inglés como medio de comunicación a nivel mundial, ya que el conocimiento del inglés se hace imperativo para cualquier persona que cuente con un grado de educación en todos los niveles de la vida humana. De allí que su enseñanza en forma práctica, actualizada y pertinente lo hace imperativo para la vida moderna. Este curso está dirigido a todos los estudiantes de la carrera de Turismo y es parte del eje central troncal, asignaturas básicas, que contribuyen con la formación integral del educando y constituyen el sello que distingue a todo egresado de nuestra primera casa de estudios. Los docentes del Departamento te ofreceremos el apoyo necesario para que curses con éxito este módulo de aprendizaje, debes tener presente que también cuentas con el apoyo de tus compañeros, ya que todos están en un proceso de instrumentación pedagógica y dependerá de usted el logro de sus propios aprendizajes.
Cronograma del Semestre PROFESSOR: YORLENIS BLAKE CAREER: TOURISM SUBJECT: ENGLISH 518 A DATES TOPICS ACTIVITIES EVALUATION /CONTENT Topic No.1 – Compound Nouns 9 Abril Workshops 1 y 2 Formativa Topic No.2 – Action Verbs Desarrollar los talleres 1 y 2 del modulo (subir a classroom) 30 Abril PARTIAL #1 Topics 1 y 2 (Google forms) Sumativa Glossary 1 14 Mayo Topic No.3 – Adverbs Workshops 3 y 4 Formativa Topic No.4 – Opinion Expressions Desarrollar los talleres 3 y 4 del modulo (subir a Classroom) 28 Mayo PARTIAL # 2 Topics 3 y 4 (Google forms) Sumativa Glossary 2 28 MAYO Topic No.5 – Simple Past Workshops 5 y 6 Formativa Topic No.6 – Irregular Verbs Desarrollar las actividades del taller 5 y 6(subir al Classroom) 11 JUNIO Topics 5 y 6 Sumativa PARTIAL # 3 Glossary 3 02 JULIO Topic No.7 – Modal Verbs Workshops 7 y 8 (subir al Classroom) Formativa Topic No.8 – Relative Pronouns Desarrollar las actividades del taller 5 y 6 (subir al Classroom) 16 JULIO Oral Presentation Presentacion oral Reading (Subir video al Classroom) Sumativa 19-31 DE JULIO Final Proyect FECHA DEL Entrega de portafolio digital SEMESTRAL QUE Todos los workshops corregidos del Semestre.(subir ASIGNE LA al Classroom) COORDINACIÓN 19-31 DE JULIO Semestral Todos los temas del semestre Sumativa
Compound Nouns ¿Qué es exactamenete eso de compound nouns? A ver: siempre nos han dicho que la forma de describir a un sustantivo es a través del uso de adjetivos. Por ejemplo, decimos a black cat, a wild animal, an expensive watch, etc. Pues bien, los compound nouns son mucho más comunes de lo que pensamos, y pueden incluso cambiar el sentido de la frase. No es lo mismo decir a historic teacher (un profesor famoso) que a history teacher (un profesor de historia). Características de los Compound Nouns o Sustantivos Compuestos 1. Siempre van delante del sustantivo: • Orange juice (jugo de naranja) • Love story (historia de amor) 2. Siempre van en singular. • Incorrecto: Oranges juice. • Correcto: Orange juices. 3. No solo se puede utilizar un sustantivo como adjetivo sino dos, tres, cuatro… • College soccer team coach (Entrenador del equipo de fútbol de la universidad) ¿Cómo se Forman los Compound Nouns en el Inglés? Conoce sus Usos 1. Como ya hemos mencionado anteriormente, podemos usar un sustantivo delante de otro para darle valor adjetival. • The military service (el servicio militar), an adult group (un grupo de adultos), economy class (clase económica), etc.
2. También podemos unir dos palabras (sustantivo+ adjetivo, adjetivo + sustantivo o sustantivo + participio) por medio de un guión y juntos pueden formar un adjetivo. Por ejemplo: o Sugar-free apple juice (Jugo de manzana sin azúcar). o Long-distance relationship. (Relación a distancia). 3. Los compound nouns son incluso considerados sustantivos compuestos pues el adjetivo y el sustantivo forman una sola palabra: o Businessman (hombre de negocios). o Heartbreaker (rompecorazones) ¿Puedo usar un adjetivo para calificar a un compound nouns? ¡La respuesta es sí! Es posible anteponer adjetivos a un adjetivo sustantivado que modifique a su vez a un sustantivo. Veamos: • A delicious home-made cake. (Una torta casera deliciosa)
Compound Nouns A compound nouns is made up of two or more words use together as a single noun. Example:
Types of Compound Nouns 1. Open 2. Hyphenated 3. Closed or solid Compound nouns have a space These compound These do not between the words nouns connect have space or but whe the are two or more hyphen between read together they words with one or more hyphens words. form a new meaning. (-)between them. Example: Example: Example: • Six-pack • Bedroom • Police officer • five-year-old • notebook • Full moon • son-in-law. • Superman • Ice cream
Verbs Los verbos son palabras que indican acciones, existencia (ser/estar), posesión (tener) o ánimo. En inglés, usamos la preposición “to” para formar el infinitivo, por ejemplo: “to talk” (hablar), “to eat” (comer), “to change” (cambiar), etc. Los verbos son la parte de la oración más complicada. Hay muchos tipos de verbos. El verbo puede indicar la acción principal (el verbo principal). Un verbo auxiliar añade detalle a la acción o ayuda el verbo principal (también se llaman “verbos complementarios”). Los verbos modales añaden modalidad (posibilidad, capacidad, permiso, prohibición, obligación, etc.). Los verbos transitivos conectan un sujeto con un objeto. Otros verbos sólo necesitan un sujeto (verbos intransitivos). Hay verbos que están compuestos de más de una palabra (verbos preposicionales y verbos frasales). Los verbos pueden ser activos o pasivos.
Actions Verbs Example Action verbs, also called dynamic verbs, express an action whether it be physical or mental. An action verb explains what the subject of the sentence is doing or has done. Action verbs can be in different tenses, present, past, or future. They can also use as an auxiliary.
EXAMPLE 1) a secretary or administrative assistant working exclusively for one particular person personal assistant 1 2) a goods and services tax ______________________________ 2 Classwork 3) the activity of keeping good relationships between an Lea las definiciones y escribe el compound 3 organization and the general public _____________________ nouns correspondiente de la lista. 4) the most important office of an organization / company 4 _______________________________ 5) a room where the people who control a company or 5 organization meet _______________________________ 6) a large building for storing things before they are sold, 6 used, or sent out ___________________________________ 7) a person in charge of a meeting or organization 7 (synonym for president) _____________________________ 8) a person who owns shares in a company 8 ________________________________ 9) a person whose job is selling things in a shop or 9 directly to costumers _______________________________ 1 10) the materials such as paper and pens that are needed 0 in offices ___________________________________ 1 11) a company or shop that makes travel arrangements for 1 people ___________________________________ 1 12) a journey taken for business 2 purposes ___________________________________ 1 13) a small plastic card that can be used as a method of 3 payment ___________________________________ 1 14) the department that deals with finding and managing 4 employees ___________________________________ 1 15) the group of people that work in a company 5 … ___________________________________ 1 16) a time or day by which something must be 6 done ___________________________________ 1 17) information about reactions to a product (…) which is 7 used as a basis for improvement ______________________ 1 18) a person who you work with _____________________ 8 1 19) in, from, or to other countries / relating to a foreign 9 country ___________________________________ 2 20) an official document that allows you to travel to foreign 0 countries ___________________________________ 2 21) the best and most expensive seats on a plane or in a 1 train ___________________________________ 2 2 22) to suggest a lot of ideas for a future activity very 2 quickly ___________________________________ 3 23) a page of information on the Internet _______________ 2 4 24) money that is borrowed from a bank _______________ 2 25) a computer that is small enough to be carried around 5 easily and is flat when closed _______________________
• Escribe el compound nouns correspondiente uniendo cada cada columna • Escriba que tipo de compound nouns es cada uno. personal ● ● room value -added ● ● seas public ● ● card head ● ● assistant board ● ● supplies ware ● ● loan chair ● ● storm share ● ● line sales ● ● house office ● ● port travel ● ● tax business ● ● holder credit ● ● site human ● ● worker work ● ● relations dead ● ● class feed ● ● force co- ● ● trip over ● ● office pass ● ● resources first ● ● back brain ● ● agency web ● ● top bank ● ● man lap● ● person
Actions Verbs Indications: Subraye todos los actions verbs que encuentre en la lectura Look for the local tourist information center In many cities around the world, even in the small ones, you can find a tourist information center. Usually, they are at the airport, bus or train station, or ports. Depending on how you arrive, take a look at these four places. If you can’t find one there, often there is one in the city center or near the most touristy areas such as parks, the main church or main square, the most popular beach, and so on. Once you find the tourist information center, here are the most important things you should do: • Ask for a map in order to help you move around; • Ask them to show you where your accommodation is on the map so you know how to get back home; • Ask them to show you where the main local attractions are as well advice for what you shouldn’t miss; • Ask about the hours are for the attractions. For example, some museums close on Mondays and some other touristic attractions are only open on weekends. This kind of information is really important in order to set your daily itinerary; • Find out how much activities cost to avoid spending money on transportation to get there only to give up because you find out the attraction is too expensive; • How do I get those points with public transportation? Where to take them? How much? Can I pay on the bus or need to have some special pass? Hours of operation? • Ask if there are any activities or sightseeing on the outskirts of town which are worth a day trip.
Glossary #1 Indications: Escriba una oración con cada palabra,tomando en cuenta su definición. 1. Accommodation capacity: The measure of accommodation stock at a defined destination. 2. Accreditation: A procedure to establish if a tourism business meets certain standards of management and operation. 3. Adventure tour: a tour designed around an adventurous activity such as rafting or hiking 4. Adventure tourism: A form of tourism in natural areas that incorporates an element of risk, higher levels of physical exertion, and the need for specialised skills. 5. Agent: one who acts or has the power to act as the representative of another. Most frequently in travel anyone other than a principal, such as a retail travel agent, receiving agent, ticket agent, local operator 6. Airline classes of service: variety of terms used to express a particular type of aircraft cabin service. Classes vary with types of compartments, seating comfort, and amenities, with variation between domestic and international flights, and denoted by a fare code on the ticket. 7. All-inclusive: A form of package holiday where the majority of services offered at the destination are included in the price paid prior to departure (e.g. refreshments, excursions, amenities, gratuities, etc). 8. Alternative tourism: In essence, tourism activities or development that are viewed as non- traditional. It is often defined in opposition to large-scale mass tourism to represent small-scale sustainable tourism developments. AT is also presented as an 'ideal type', that is, an improved model of tourism development that redresses the ills of traditional, mass tourism. 9. American plan: type of rate that includes the price of the hotel room, breakfast, lunch and dinner. AP is the common abbreviation. See also room rates. 10. Attraction: a natural or man-made facility, location, or activity which offers items of specific interest to tourists. 11. Backpacker: A visitor, for the purpose of a holiday or special event, who stays in a backpackers lodge/hostel. 12. Bed and breakfast: (B & B) overnight accommodations usually in a private home or boarding house, with a full American-style or continental breakfast included in the rate, often without private bath facilities 13. Biological diversity (biodiversity): The variety of life forms and genes they contain, and the ecosystems they form. Biodiversity is usually considered at four levels; genetic diversity, species diversity, community diversity, and ecosystem diversity.
14. Block: a number of rooms, seats, or space reserved in advance, usually by wholesalers, tour operators, or receptive operators who intend to sell them as components of tour packages. 15. Booking form: a document which tour purchasers must complete which gives the operator full particulars about who is buying the tour. It states exactly what is being purchased, ( including options) and must be signed as acknowledgment that the liability clause has been read and understood. 16. Business travel: Travel for a purpose and to a destination determined by a business, and where all costs are met by that business. 17. Charter: to hire the exclusive use of any aircraft, motorcoach, or other vehicle 18. City guide: a person who has a speciality of guiding in the city only. 19. Commission: the percentage of a selling price paid to a retailer by a supplier. In the travel industry, travel agents receive commissions for selling tour packages or other services. 20. Conditions: the section or clause of a transportation/tour contract which specifies what is not included and which may spell out the circumstances under which the contract many be invalidated.
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