Order of Mass For Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama's Pastoral Visit Holy Spirit Catholic Church Kinston, NC December 15, 2019 Third Sunday of Advent ...
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Order of Mass For Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama’s Pastoral Visit Holy Spirit Catholic Church Kinston, NC December 15, 2019 Third Sunday of Advent Pectoral Cross Crosier Zucchetto Episcopal Ring Mitre
Third Sunday of Advent December 15, 2019 Principal Celebrant: Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama Concelebrant: Rev. Miguel Arturo Cabra Entrance Hymn: O Come, Divine Messiah (Breaking Bread #50) Liturgy of the Word Primera Lectura Isaiah 35:1-6a,10 Lectura del libro del profeta Isaías Esto dice el Señor: / “Regocíjate, yermo sediento. / Que se alegre el desierto y se cubra de flores, / que florezca como un campo de lirios, / que se alegre y dé gritos de júbilo, / porque le será dada la gloria del Líbano, / el esplendor del Carmelo y del Sarón. / Ellos verán la gloria del Señor, / el esplendor de nuestro Dios. / Fortalezcan las manos cansadas, / afiancen las rodillas vacilantes. / Digan a los de corazón apocado: / ‘¡Animo! No teman. / He aquí que su Dios, / vengador y justiciero, / viene ya para salvarlos’./ Se iluminarán entonces los ojos de los ciegos, / y los oídos de los sordos se abrirán. / Saltará como un ciervo el cojo, / y la lengua del mudo cantará. / Volverán a casa los rescatados por el Señor, / vendrán a Sión con cánticos de júbilo, / coronados de perpetua alegría; / serán su escolta el gozo y la dicha, / porque la pena y la aflicción habrán terminado”. Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos, Señor. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 146 “Lord, come and save us.” Second Reading James 5:7-10 A reading from the Letter of Saint James Be patient, brothers and sisters, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. You too must be patient. Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another, that you may not be judged. Behold, the Judge is standing before the gates. Take as an example of hardship and patience, brothers and sisters, the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Evangelio Matthew 11:2-11 Del santo Evangelio según san Mateo En aquel tiempo, Juan se encontraba en la cárcel, y habiendo oído hablar de las obras de Cristo, le mandó preguntar por medio de dos discípulos: “¿Eres tú el que ha de venir o tenemos que esperar a otro?” Jesús les respondió” “Vayan a contar a Juan lo que están viendo y oyendo: los ciegos ven, los cojos andan, los leprosos quedan limpios de la lepra, los sordos oyen, los muertos resucitan y a los pobres se les anuncia el Evangelio. Dichoso aquel que no se sienta defraudado por mi”. Cuando se fueron los discípulos, Jesús se puso a hablar a la gente acerca de Juan: “¿Qué fueron ustedes a ver en el desierto? ¿Una caña sacudida por el viento? No. Pues entonces, ¿qué fueron a ver? ¿A un hombre lujosamente vestido? No, ya que los que visten con lujo habitan en los palacios; ¿A qué fueron, pues? ¿A ver a un profeta? Sí, yo se lo aseguro; y a uno que es todavía más que profeta. Porque de él está escrito: He aquí que yo envío a mi mensajero para que vaya delante de ti y te prepare el camino. Yo les aseguro que no ha surgido entre los hijos de una mujer ninguno más grande que Juan el Bautista. Sin embargo, el más pequeño en el Reino de los cielos, es todavía más grande que él”. Palabra del Señor Gloria a ti, Señor Jesús. Liturgy of the Eucharist Hymn for Presentation of the Gifts: Preparen el Camino (Flor y Canto #309) Communion Hymns: (1) Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come (Breaking Bread #502) Verses 1 and 3 in Spanish, verses 2 and 4 in English; refrain matches verses language (2) I Am the Bread of Life (Breaking Bread #327) (3) Tu Cuerpo y Sangre, Señor (Flor y Canto #585) Dismissal La Despedida V. The Lord be with you. V. El Señor esté con ustedes. R. And with your spirit. R. Y con tu espíritu. V. Blessed be the name of the Lord. V. Bendito sea el nombre del Señor. R. Now and for ever R. Ahora y por siempre. V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. V. Nuestro auxilio es el nombre del Señor. R. Who made heaven and earth. R. Que hizo el cielo y la tierra. V. May almighty God bless you, the Father, V. La bendición de Dios todopoderoso, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. R. Amen R. Amén Recessional Hymn: (1) Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (Breaking Bread #39) (2) Alegría (Flor y Canto #328)
Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama Sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Raleigh Born on November 28th, 1958 in Pasto, Colombia; earned degrees in Philosophy, Theology, and Canon Law (Church Law); worked as a professor for 11 years (as a lay person); moved to Atlanta in the early 1990s; ordained to the Priesthood on November 27th, 1993; ordained to the Episcopacy (made a Bishop, the Auxiliary Bishop of Atlanta) on September 27th, 2009; installed as the sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Raleigh on August 29th, 2017. Bishop Zarama’s motto is “God is love.” For his Coat of Arms, Bishop Zarama adopted a design to reflect his life and ministry as a priest. On a blue field is displayed an extra wide chevron of Gold (yellow). This device gives the illusion of two mountains; a gold one and a blue one. The gold mountain (the chevron) is charged with a scat- tering (semé) of red crosses to represent the bishop’s home city of Pasto, in southwestern Colom- bia, which is known as “The Theological City.” The lower mountain (part of the blue field) has a golden lion’s head to represent the Evangelist, Saint Mark, who is the titular patron of the parish in Clarksville, Georgia, on a mountain, where Bishop Zarama served as pastor. Above the chevron are a gold rose for Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, also known as “The Little Flower,” and a silver (white) lily for Saint Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus, who have served as Bishop Zarama’s particular patrons throughout his life as a priest and now as a bishop. The achievement is completed with the external ornaments, which are a gold episcopal processional cross that is placed in back of and which extends above and below the shield, and the pontifical hat, called a “galero,” with its six tassels, in three rows, on either side of the shield, all in green. A dioce- san bishop shows his commitment to the flock he shepherds by combining his personal coat of arms with that of the diocese, in a technique known as impaling. The shield is divided half along the pale, or central vertical line. The arms of the diocese appear on the dexter side—that is on the side of the shield to the viewer’s left, which would cover the right side (in Latin, dextera) of the person carrying the shield. The arms of the bishop are on the sinister side—the bearer’s left, the viewer’s right. Today’s reception after Mass is being catered and paid for by Holy Spirit. Parishioners who would like to make donations to help with its cost may do so at any time. There will be a box for that purpose in the atrium today. Helping with this reception instead of today’s second collection is totally acceptable. La recepción de hoy después de la Misa está siendo atendida y pagada por la parroquia. Los feligreses que deseen hacer donaciones para ayudar con su costo pueden hacerlo en cualquier momento. Habrá una caja para ese propósito en el atrio hoy. Hacer una donación para esta recepción en lugar de la segunda colecta de hoy es totalmente aceptable.
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