OUR LADY OF THE SEAS CHRISTMAS 2020 - Our Lady of the Seas Catholic Parish
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CHRISTMAS 2020 And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 OUR LADY OF THE SEAS 48478 Highway 12, PO Box 399 Buxton, North Carolina 27920 252-995-6370 • www.ourladyoftheseas.org
OUR LADY OF THE SEAS BUXTON, NC V+J V+J V+J V+J Epiphanyofofthe Epiphany theLord Lord LaEpifania La Epifaniadel delSenor Senor January3,3,2021 January 2021 33Enero Enero2021 2021 SalesianSunday Salesian SundayReflection Reflection ReflexionesSalesianas Reflexiones Salesianas Todaywe Today weexperience experiencethe theinfant infantJesus Jesusbeing beingvisited visitedbyby Hoyescuchamos Hoy escuchamoslalanarración narracióndedelalavisita visitadedelos losReyes Reyes Magi,who Magi, whocarried carriednews newsofofGod’s God’spresence presenceininJesus Jesus MagosalalNiño Magos NiñoJesús. Jesús.De Deregreso regresoa asussustierras tierrasellos ellos backtototheir back theirforeign foreignlands. lands.St.St.Francis FrancisdedeSales Salesnotes: notes: llevarána alos llevarán lospueblos puebloslalabuena buenanueva nuevadedeque queDios Diossese hallapresente halla presenteenenJesús. Jesús.San SanFrancisco FranciscodedeSales Salesnos nosdice dice TheMagi The Magifromfromthe theEast Eastcame cametotofind findpleasure, pleasure,notnotinin lolosiguiente siguientealalrespecto: respecto: thecity the cityofofJerusalem, Jerusalem,butbutinina asmall smallcave cavewhere wheretheythey found God humanized in the Child lying found God humanized in the Child lying in a manger. in a manger. LosReyes Los ReyesMagos MagosdeldelEste Estenonoemprendieron emprendieronsusutravesía travesía Likethe Like theMagi, Magi,letletususcome comeclose closetotothe thedivine divinecrib criband and parairira adeleitarse para deleitarseenenlalaciudad ciudaddedeJerusalén; Jerusalén;ellos ellosiban iban listentotoour ourSavior SaviorasasHe Hespeaks speakstotous.us.Let Letususfollow follow en busca de la pequeña cueva donde encontraron en busca de la pequeña cueva donde encontraron a Dios a Dios listen encarnadoenenelelNiño encarnado Niñoque queyacía yacíaenenelelpesebre. pesebre. themany the manyinspirations inspirationsand andaffections affectionsthat thatarouse arouseusustoto Acerquémonosa alalapequeña Acerquémonos pequeñacunacunacomocomololohicieron hicieronloslos God’slove. God’s love. Reyes Magos, y escuchemos a nuestro Reyes Magos, y escuchemos a nuestro Salvador quien Salvador quien noshabla. nos habla.Dejémonos Dejémonosllevarllevarpor porlaslasinspiraciones inspiracionesy y Somepeople Some peoplethink thinkthat thata acertain certainart artisisneeded neededtoto afectosque afectos queelelamor amordedeDios Diosaviva avivaenennosotros. nosotros. growininholy grow holylove. love.There Thereisisnonoart arttotoloving lovingGod. God.We We need only to practice pleasing God in the simplicity ofof need only to practice pleasing God in the simplicity Haypersonas Hay personasque quecreen creenque quecrecer crecerenenelelamor amorsagrado sagrado ourheart, our heart,without withouttrouble troubleororanxiety. anxiety.Holy Holysimplicity simplicity requiereaprender requiere aprendera adominar dominarcierto ciertoarte. arte.Amar Amara aDios Dios leavesthe leaves theresult resultofofitsitsactions actionstotoDivine DivineProvidence. Providence. no requiere de ningún arte. Lo único no requiere de ningún arte. Lo único que debemosque debemos Thesingle The singleand andonly onlyaim aimofofsimplicity simplicityisisthe thepure purelove love practicaresescómo practicar cómocomplacer complacera aDiosDiosconconlalahumildad humildaddede ofofGod. God.Simplicity, Simplicity,contrary contrarytotodeceit, deceit,requires requiresthat that nuestrocorazón, nuestro corazón,sinsindificultades dificultadesniniansiedad. ansiedad.LaLahumildad humildad ourinterior our interiorself selfand andour ourexterior exterioractions actionsbebeinin sagrada encomienda los resultados de sus actos a alala sagrada encomienda los resultados de sus actos conformitywith conformity withoneoneanother. another. DivinaProvidencia. Divina Providencia.ElElúnico únicopropósito propósitodedelalahumildad humildadeses amara aDios amar Diosplenamente. plenamente.AAdiferencia diferenciadeldelengaño, engaño,ser ser WeWeare arecalled calledtotolabor laborfaithfully faithfullyininthetheexercise exerciseofof humildesignifica humilde significaque quenuestro nuestroyoyointerior interiordebe debeserser divinelove, divine love,without withoutshame, shame,sadnesssadnessororanxiety. anxiety. congruentecon congruente conlaslasobras obrasquequellevamos llevamosa acabo caboenenelel Embarked then, in the exercise Embarked then, in the exercise of our daily tasks, of our daily tasks, exterior. exterior. carriedalong carried alongbybythe thewind windofofour oursimple simpleandandloving loving confidenceininGod, confidence God,we weshall shallmake makethe thegreatest greatest Todoshemos Todos hemossido sidollamados llamadosa atrabajar trabajarfielmente fielmenteenenelel progress.Without progress. Withoutstirringstirringfrom fromour ourplace placethen, then,wewe ejerciciodel ejercicio delamor amordivino divinosinsinvergüenza, vergüenza,sinsintristeza tristezanini shalldraw shall drawnearer nearerand andnearer nearertotohome, home,asasdodothose those ansiedad. Embárquense en el cumplimiento dedesus ansiedad. Embárquense en el cumplimiento sustareas tareas diarias,y ydéjense diarias, déjenseguiar guiarporporelelviento vientodedesusuhumilde humildey y who sail the high seas with favorable who sail the high seas with favorable winds. Every winds. Every amorosaconfianza amorosa confianzaenenDios Diospara paraque queasíasípuedan puedan eventand event andvariety varietyofofaccident accidentthat thatmay mayhappen happenwillwillbebe progresarinmensamente. progresar inmensamente.Entonces,Entonces,y ysinsinnecesidad necesidaddede received calmly and peacefully. received calmly and peacefully. Even though our Even though our tambalearsededeununlado tambalearse ladoa aotro, otro,poco pocoa apoco pocoseseirán irán journeythrough journey throughlife lifeisisfull fullofofdangers, dangers,letletususbebe acercando al hogar, como ocurre a quienes navegan enen acercando al hogar, como ocurre a quienes navegan confidentininfollowing confident followingthe theStarStarofofBethlehem, Bethlehem,who who altamarcon altamar convientos vientosfavorables. favorables.De Deesta estamanera manera desirestotofillfillususwith desires withHis Hislove. love.InInthis thisway, way,we’ll we’llbebelike like cualquierevento, cualquier evento,cualquier cualquieraccidente accidenteque quepueda puedallegar llegara a theMagi the Magiwho whoconfidently confidentlyfollowedfollowedthe theStar Starofof ocurrir será recibido con calma y en paz. Aún cuando lala ocurrir será recibido con calma y en paz. Aún cuando Bethlehem,Who Bethlehem, Wholeads leadsusustotoeternal eternalglory. glory. travesíapor travesía porlalavida vidaestá estállena llenadedepeligros peligrosdebemos debemos llenarnosdedeconfianza llenarnos confianzay yaventurarnos aventurarnosa aseguirseguirlalaEstrella Estrella POPE’SINTENTION POPE’S INTENTIONFOR FORJANUARY JANUARY dedeBelén Belénparaparaquequeésta éstanos noscolme colmeconconSuSuamor.amor. HumanFraternity Human Fraternity Entoncesseremos Entonces seremoscomo comolos losReyes ReyesMagos Magosque quearmados armados Maythe May theLord Lordgive giveususthe thegrace gracetotolive liveininfull full de confianza fueron tras la Estrella de Belén, de confianza fueron tras la Estrella de Belén, Quien nos Quien nos fellowship with our brothers and sisters fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other of other guiarárumbo guiará rumboa alalagloria gloriaeterna. eterna. religions,praying religions, prayingfor forone oneanother, opentotoall.all. another,open
EPIPHANY OF THE LORD JANUARY 3, 2021 COVID COVIDPROTOCOLS PROTOCOLS Seating: 6ft6ft Seating: separation separation (families (familiesmay maysit sit together) together) seating every other seating every other pew.pew. ● ●WEAR WEAR A MASK- A MASK- REQUIRED. REQUIRED. Our pastor Our is Fr. pastor Fred is Fr. Smuda, Fred O.S.F.S. Smuda, O.S.F.S. ● ●Sanitizer is inisthe Sanitizer Narthex in the andand Narthex Transepts; Transepts;please useuse please TheThe Sacrament of Reconciliation is available before or or before entering before enteringyour pew. your pew. Sacrament of Reconciliation is available before ● ●TheThe BodyBodyof Christ is received of Christ in the is received hand in the during hand during after Mass, or by appointment with Fr. Fred after Mass, or by appointment with Fr. Fred Eucharistic celebration. Eucharistic celebration. ToTo seesee thethe Live-Stream Mass- Live-Stream ourladyoftheseas.org Mass- ourladyoftheseas.org ● ●Please, no shaking Please, no shaking hands during hands thethe during SignSign of Peace. of Peace. Archives of recorded Archives Masses of recorded Massesareare found on on found thethe ● ●Offertory Baskets 1st & 2nd Collection Offertory Baskets 1st & 2nd Collection are are in in “Live-Stream Mass” “Live-Stream page Mass” page Narthex Narthex before & after before Mass. & after WeWe Mass. appreciate appreciateyouryour MASS MASS SCHEDULE SCHEDULE generosity generosity during thisthis during challenging time. challenging time. ● ●JanJan 2- 2-Vigil of of Vigil Epiphany Epiphanyof of OurOurLord - - Lord ● ●NoNoChoir Choirat this time. at this YouYou time. are are encouraged encouraged to bring to bring 5:30pm 5:30pm your own worship aids, prayers or text your own worship aids, prayers or text . We . We havehave ● ●JanJan 3- 3-Epiphany Epiphany of of Our Lord Our Lord- 9am - 9am Mass parts Mass andand parts today’s readings today’s in Narthex. readings in Narthex. live-streaming ● ●Please be respectful Please be respectful of Social Distancing, of Social Distancing,especially especially live-streaming (bilingual if our Spanish community is present) during Communion, during Communion, as well as entering as well andand as entering exiting exiting (bilingual if our Spanish community is present) thethe Church. Church. ● ●Weekday WeekdayMasses TBD Masses TBD ● ●WeWe are are so very so veryHappy Happyto Celebrate to Celebrate thetheEucharist Eucharist ● ●Rosary Every Rosary Tuesday Every 8:30am Tuesday 8:30am Together! Together! The Readings The forfor Readings thethe Feast of of Feast thethe Holy Family Holy Family begin on page 750 in RECEIVING SACRAMENTS RECEIVING SACRAMENTSATAT HOME HOME begin on page 750 in Glory & Praise: Glory & Praise: OROR BYBY APPOINTMENT ATAT APPOINTMENT CHURCH CHURCH Please let Father Please Fred let Father know Fred knowif you would if you likelike would to receive thethe to receive 1st1st Reading ~ Isaiah Reading 60:1-6 ~ Isaiah 60:1-6 Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Anointing Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Anointing of the of the 2nd Reading ~ Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-65-6 Sick.Sick. He Hewould wouldappreciate thethe appreciate opportunity to visit opportunity andand to visit offer offer 2nd Reading ~ Ephesians 3:2-3a, his his services. Or, if you would like a Eucharistic Minister services. Or, if you would like a Eucharistic Minister to to The Gospel The of of Gospel thethe Lord - M-atthew Lord 2:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 visitvisit youyouat home at home during an illness during an illnessor while self-quarantining, or while self-quarantining, please call call please Father Fred Father at (252) Fred at (252) 995-6613. 995-6613. MASS MASSCARDS - M CARDS - ASS INTENTIONS MASS INTENTIONS To To request a Mass request cardcard a Mass or prayer intention or prayer for for intention Masses, Masses, WEBSITE WEBSITENEWS NEWSYOU YOUCAN CANUSE USE Please Please ourladyoftheseas.org visitvisit ourladyoftheseas.org for fthe latest or the information latest information contact Terri contact Mohnal Terri at eat Mohnal vents@ourladyoftheseas.org , and events@ourladyoftheseas.org , and within ourour within Parish community. Parish community. WhileWhileyouyou are are on the website, on the website, specify the date for the Mass. Donations will be accepted. specify the date for the Mass. Donations will be accepted. please pleaseconsider consider making making a monetary a monetary contribution contribution to to Stay connected! Stay connected! thethe Parish. Parish. WeW know e knowthisthis is aischallenging a challenging timetimefor for everyone, everyone, “Like" andand follow ourour Facebook andand hope youyou hope are are ableable to assist. Go Go to assist. to the “GIVE” to the “GIVE” tab tab on on “Like" follow Facebook page, thethe home home page and follow the instructions. Simply click the page and follow the instructions. Simply click on on the page, “Donate” “Donate” button andand button follow thethe follow easyeasy instructions. instructions. “Our Lady “Our of the Lady Seas of the Catholic Seas Catholic Your check Your checkto Our Lady to Our of the Lady SeasSeas of the cancanbe mailed be mailed to: to: Parish” Parish” P.O.P.O. BoxBox 399,399, Buxton, Buxton,NCNC 27920. 27920. SACRAMENTAL SACRAMENTAL FAITH FAITHFORMATION FORMATION TRIBUTE PAVERS FOR THE TRIBUTE PAVERS FOR THE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WALKWAY First Communion- First Communion- Monday, Monday, January 4, 2021 January 4, 2021 WALKWAY 5:00pm to 6:00pm- Hall (weekly) WeWe arearenownow working working on on installation of of installation 5:00pm to 6:00pm- Hall (weekly) Growing in Faith- Monday, January 4, 2021 pavers. pavers.If you areare If you interested in purchasing interested in purchasing Growing in Faith- Monday, January 4, 2021 3:30pm to 4:45pm- Hall (bi-weekly) a paver, the forms are located in the Narthex a paver, the forms are located in the Narthex and and on on ourour 3:30pm to 4:45pm- Hall (bi-weekly) Confirmation Confirmation Class- Sundays, Class- Sundays, 2:00pm 2:00pmto 3:30pm- to 3:30pm- Hall Hall website. The pavers are $75.00 each, and make website. The pavers are $75.00 each, and make a great a great January 3, 2021 January 3, 2021 memorial memorialtribute or gift. tribute When or gift. Whenyouyoupurchase purchasea paver youyou a paver If your child If your hashas child received thethe received Sacrament of First Sacrament Communion of First Communion alsoalso receive an electronic rendition of the paver. receive an electronic rendition of the paver. PleasePlease andandis not already is not registered already for for registered thethe Growing Growingin Faith Class, in Faith Class, contact Terri contact Mohnal Terri at events@ourladyoftheseas.org Mohnal at events@ourladyoftheseas.org if if please contact please Claudia contact Hennessey Claudia Hennessey252-995-6662 252-995-6662 or Gibbs or Gibbs youyou areare interested. interested. Bricker Bricker717-826-8324. 717-826-8324.
OUR LADY OF THE SEAS BUXTON, NC BLESSING YOUR 28th ANNUAL ISLAND-WIDE HOME ON THE FOOD DRIVE IN PROGRESS The annual island-wide food drive to stock the shelves of EPIPHANY WITH the Hatteras Island Food Pantry in Buxton is currently CHALK underway and will run beyond December 31. Residents The ancient Christian and visitors are encouraged to participate in this drive as tradition of marking contributions of both food and money are needed to help doorways with blessed chalk members of our island community get through the on the Feast of the Epiphany winter. When considering what to donate, think "complete meals". For example, pair up spaghetti sauce will carry new meaning for many Catholics in 2021. with the pasta, peanut butter with the jelly, non-fat dry Following a year that saw families shaken by the milk and sugar with cereal. Coronavirus pandemic, the traditional home Items in highest demand are tea bags, sugar blessing will serve as a special symbol of hope and a (small bags), coffee, powdered coffee creamer, visible reminder of faith. “Chalking the door” is cooking oil, pasta sauce (not tomato sauce), a sign and symbol of asking God’s blessing upon canned veggies especially mixed veggies, spinach, collards, peas, creamed corn, carrots, and beets those who live, work, or visit throughout the (not green beans), canned fruit (not applesauce), coming year. It takes place on the liturgical feast and cereals. marking the visitation of the Magi to the Christ Child and Non-perishable food items should be unopened and not the revelation that Jesus is the son of God. It involves past their "use by" dates. If the dates have come and taking simple chalk, blessed by Fr. Fred, and gone, please do not donate the items because the food scrawling doorways with symbolic numbers and may not be safe to eat. The following are this year's letters – this year, “20+C+M+B+21.” Bring a small collection points where food donations can be dropped container into Church and take Holy Water from the off: 1. Frisco Market/Rod and Gun in Frisco Baptismal Font to Bless Your Door after you “chalk it”. (daily 6am - 9pm) We have blessed chalk in the Narthex for you to take 2. Our Lady of the Seas Catholic Parish Social home. This is a great time to get the family together! I f Hall in Buxton (24-hr. drop-off box on porch you do not want to use chalk, you can take a strip of paper of social hall, not the church) 0+C+M+B+21 and tape it over the inside with the 2 3. Outer Beaches Realty in Hatteras, Avon, and main entrance of your home. Waves (daily 9am - 5pm) The numbers represent the current year and the letters 4. Surf-or-Sound Realty in Avon (daily 9am- 5pm) stand for the first letters of the traditional names of the 5. Midgett Realty in Hatteras, Avon, and magi: Caspar (sometimes spelled “Kaspar”), Melchior and Rodanthe (daily 9am - 5pm) Balthazar. The letters are also an abbreviation for “Christus 6. Sun Realty in Avon and Salvo (daily 9am - Mansionem Benedicat,” Latin for “May Christ bless this 5pm) dwelling.” Participants typically read passages from the 7. United Bank - formerly Crescom - in Buxton New Testament and may sing Epiphany hymns. We mark (daily 9am - 5pm) our doors with chalk as a sign that we have invited If you do not have time to shop, then please consider God’s presence and blessing into our homes. making a monetary donation. It's tax deductible, and 100% goes to assist island residents. Checks can be written to United Methodist Men and mailed to them at Pray: Lord God of heaven and earth, you revealed PO Box 1591, Buxton, NC 27920. Please contact food your only begotten Son to every nation by the drive organizer, Linda Browning, at (252) 995-3662 if you guidance of a star. Bless this house and all who live need more information. here and all who visit. May we be blessed with health, Thank you to M&M kindness of heart, gentleness and the keeping of your (Martha & Mary law. Fill us with the light of Christ, that our love for Ministries) each other may go out to all. We ask this through The Poinsettias for the Altar Christ our Lord. Amen. this Christmas Season are Beautiful!
EPIPHANY OF THE LORD JANUARY 3, 2021 We celebrate the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church and the Holy Father’s Proclamation i n “Patris Corde” t hat, from December 8, 2020 through December 8, 2021, is the “Year of St. Joseph”.
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