MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services

Página creada Manuel Gacías
MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
© 2013 Bon Venture Services, LLC

                                    St. Paul Roman Catholic Church
                                           Clifton, New Jersey
MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER                                                                            MAY 9TH, 2021

                                                                         MASS SCHEDULE
                                                                ALL PARISHIONERS AND VISITORS TO
                                                                    ST. PAUL’S ARE WELCOME TO
                                                                 CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST LIVE
                                                               STREAMING ON FACEBOOK (St. Paul RC
                                                                         Church) INSTAGRAM
                                                                 (stpaulrcchurchnj) AND YOUTUBE


                                                                                 PARISH OFFICE
                                                             Pastor: Fr. Leonardo Jaramillo, Ph.D.
   For a Mother’s heart, faith and steadfast                 Address: 231 Second Street Clifton, NJ 07011
                                                             Office Hours : 9:00am to 3:00pm
 love were fashioned by the Angels and sent                  Closed for lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm
        from God above. God Bless our                        Phone: (973) 340-1300 ***Fax: (973) 340-2083
     Mothers….On Earth and in Heaven.                        Web site :
TODAY’S GOSPEL                                                           EL EVANGELIO DE HOY
Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father                              En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos:
loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my                               “Como el Padre me ama, así los amo yo.
love. If you keep my commandments, you                                   Permanezcan en mi amor. Si cumplen mis
will remain in my love, just as I have kept                              mandamientos, permanecen en mi amor; lo
my Father’s commandments and remain in                                   mismo que yo cumplo los mandamientos de mi
his love. “I have told you this so that my joy                           Padre y permanezco en su amor. Les he dicho
may be in you and your joy might be                                      esto para que mi alegría esté en ustedes y su
complete. This is my commandment: love                                   alegría sea plena. Éste es mi mandamiento: que
one another as I love you. No one has                                    se amen los unos a los otros como yo los he
greater love than this, to lay down one’s life                           amado. Nadie tiene amor más grande a sus
for one’s friends. You are my friends if you                             amigos que el que da la vida por ellos. Ustedes
do what I command you. I no longer call                                  son mis amigos, si hacen lo que yo les mando. Ya
you slaves, because a slave does not know                                no los llamo siervos, porque el siervo no sabe lo
what his master is doing. I have called you                              que hace su amo; a ustedes los llamo amigos,
friends, because I have told you everything I                            porque les he dado a conocer todo lo que le he
have heard from my Father. It was not you        John 15:9-17            oído a mi Padre. No son ustedes los que me han
who chose me, but I who chose you…….                                     elegido, soy yo quien los ha elegido….
and appointed you to go and bear fruit that
Visit our website at            “Year of St. Joseph”                                  May 9th, 2021
MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
     1. Must wear a face mask when entering the Church or the Chapel.
      Es obligatorio usar Máscara o tapabocas cada vez que usted entre a la Iglesia o a la Capilla.
     2. Temperatures will be taken on the forehead or hand with a Non-Contact infrared Body Thermometer.
      La temperatura será tomada al ingresar a la Iglesia o a la Capilla con un Termómetro sin contacto con el cuerpo.
     3. Must  : Baptisms
                   sanitize yourin English
                                       handsare    celebrated
                                               as you   enter theeveryChurch          BAUTISMO: Los Bautismos en Inglés se celebran el
                                                                             2ndor Chapel.
      Esof       the month
               obligatorio        at 1:00pmlasand
                               desinfectarse           2 al
                                                         nd  Sunday
                                                               entrar during          segundo      Sábado del mes a la 1:00pm y el segundo
                                                                        a la Iglesia o a la Capilla.
 Mass    at  9:00am
            An Usher will indicate where
                every    4
                                 11:00am.     Baptisms
                                               IFEyouAT     S .P
                                                            in  Spanish
                                                          may sit.
                           th Saturday of the month at 1:00pm and
                                                                   T AUL    are       Domingo
                                                                                                   durante las Misas de 9:00am y 11:00am. En
                                                                                                  celebramos     los Bautismos el cuarto Sábado del
           Un ujier le indicará donde se puede usted sentarse.
 4th 5.Sunday      at    1:00pm        (Spanish    Mass).      Parents      and
          Capacity in Church: 150 people / Capacity in the Chapel is 20 people.
                                                                                      mes   a  la  1:00pm    y el cuarto Domingo a la 1:00pm dentro
 Godparents         are     required      to   attend      one     Baptismal          de la Eucaristía. Es un requísito que Padres y Padrinos
      La capacidad de la Iglesia: 150 personas / La Capacidad en la Capilla: 20 personas.
 Preparation Class, if Godparents are not registered                                  asistan a una clase de Preparación Bautismal antes de
     6. Six feet social distance between each person.                                 celebrar este Sacramento, si los Padrinos no están
 parishioners in St. Paul Church, they must bring a sponsor
      Entre personas se conservará 6 pies de distancia social.                       registrados como miembros de la Parroquia de San Pablo,
 Letter   from their parish. First requirement is that the
     7. First
 parents     must Come,bring First
                                 an Serve
                                      original birth certificate when                 deben traer una carta en la que indique que ellos asisten a
 meeting with the Pastor or oDeacon
         El  ingreso    a  la Iglesia   a la Capilla   será por aorden
                                                 to schedule               de llegada.Misa o son miembros activos de otra Parroquia. Los
 For 8.more
          Receive      Eucharistplease
                 information,         in handlook
                                                at Communion
                                                      in the website time. at         padres deben traer el certificado original de nacimiento
      Se recibirá la Eucaristía en la mano.                                                                    del niño(a) a la primera cita con el Sacerdote o Diácono.
     9.   Use    of  restroom      only  in  an emergency
 RECONCILIATION: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is                                   CONFESIONES: El Sacramento de la Reconciliación o
      El uso del baño solo en caso de emergencia.                                    Confesión es celebrado todos los sábados de 4:15pm hasta
 celebrated every Saturday from 4:15pm to 5:00pm in the
     10.    Live-stream        of Masses    (Facebook,
 Church. Personal appointments may be made by              Instagram      and         las 5:00pm en la Iglesia. Si desea una cita personal con el
         La   Santa    Misa
 contacting the parish office. será  transmitida   en  vivo.                          Sacerdote, por favor llamar a la oficina.
     11. Baptisms—only 20 people and Child being baptized will                        Mbe   permitted
                                                                                         ATRIMONIO     : El Sacramento del Matrimonio es celebrado
 MARRIAGE: The Sacrament of Matrimony is celebrated                                   de   Miércoles     a Viernes de 1:00pm hasta las 5:00pm;
      Bautismos, sólo 20 personas por cada niño es permitido
 Wednesday to Friday from 1:00pm to 5:00pm, Saturday                                  Sábados de 1:00pm a las 3:00pm y Domingos de 3:30pm a
 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and Sunday from 3:30pm to
 5:00pm.                                               PERPETUAL ELECTRICAL CANDLE
             We must be contacted one year prior to the date
                                                                                      5:00pm. Los documentos que deben traer son: Certificado
   The 2021                              If meeting
                                            you would      likethe
                                                                 to Pastor
                                                                     purchase         original    de Bautismo,     Primeraone Comunión
                                                                                                                               or in honory of Confirmación.
 of the wedding. In your initial                       with                   or a candle    in memory     of a loved                            your family
   Mass Book                             member,    that    stays  lit in  the  ChapelLas  parejas
                                                                                         for  two    de
                                                                                                           please deben
                                                                                                                              the      a
                                                                                                                                            Office     con un
 Deacon, couples must bring the following documents:                                  año   de   anterioridad.    Para    mayor    información,     por favor
     is now
                                         1300. The donation is $200. Kindly fill out the form below and return it to the Parish Office
             Baptismal, First Communion, and Confirmation
                                         231 Second Street, Clifton with yourponerse   donation.en contacto con el Pastor en la Oficina Parroquial.
 certificate. For more information, please look in the
                                                                                      UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: El Sacramento de la Unción
 website at www.stpaulcnj.orgSi desea una vela eléctrica en memoria de un ser querido o en honor de su familia que permanecerá
                                                                                      de los enfermos es celebrado durante la Misa de 5:00pm el
                                         encendida en la Capilla durante dos años, por favor póngase en contacto con la Oficina Parroquia
 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: The sacrament of the sick is                                  día Sábado.    Si llene
                                                                                                        ustedeldesea      ser ungido   durante    esta Misa
   THE MASS                              (973)340-1300. La donación es de $200.             Por favor             siguiente   formulario   y devuélvalo  a lao
 celebrated during the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday. If you                                en   otra   ocasión   por    favor    póngase    en   contacto   con  la
                                         Oficina Parroquial con su donación. La oficina está ubicada en el 231 Second Street, Clifton.
 wish to be anointed during the 5:00pm Mass, or if you                                Oficina Parroquial.
 prefer other arrangements, please contact the parish                                   Phone:En caso de una persona enferma, por favor déjele
 office.                                                                              saber a nuestra Parroquia, si usted o un miembro de su familia
Donation:  In cases of illness, please notify us if youCheck      or a family
                                                                         #            desean recibir laPayable
                                                                                                           Santa Comunión
                                                                                                                    to St. Paulen  su Church
                                                                                                                                R.C.  casa. El Párroco visita
In Memory    would
                of: like to receive Holy Communion at home.                           a los enfermos dos veces al mes. Por favor, notifique a la Oficina
 The Pastor visits the sick twice a month. PleaseDEDICATION        notify the ORDER   de la Parroquia al 973-340-1300.
 Parish Office at 973-340-1300.                                                       EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA: El Programa de Formación
In an effort to accommodate everyone’s request, there is a limit of four lines of engraving, each with 20 characters per line.
Please   completeEand  DUCATION            The with
                                       : form
                             return this           Religious       Education
                                                        your donation                 Religiosa
                                                                           to either the           ofrece
                                                                                          Parish office     la formación
                                                                                                         or place              tanto
                                                                                                                    it in the Mass      religiosa
                                                                                                                                    collection       como la
 Program      provides       religious    formation      and sacramental              preparación     a   los  Sacramentos        para   niños   y  niñas  de
Para   satisfacer    la solicitud   de todos,  hay un límite     de cuatro líneas de grabación. Por favor llene y devuelva este formulario con su
donación    a la for   children
                  Oficina           of ouro parish
                             Parroquial             in Grades
                                             colóquelo             1 through
                                                         en la cesta                  nuestra     Parroquia    en
                                                                       de la colecta que se usa en cada Santa Misa. los   grados   1º  al 11º.   Para  mayor
 11. For more information contact our Parish Office.                                  información contacte nuestra oficina Parroquial.
                                                                                      RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA): Es
                                                                                      un proceso de formación litúrgico y espiritual para
 process of Liturgical and Spiritual formation for those
                                                                                      aquellos que buscan recibir los Sacramento del Bautismo,
 seeking to receive the sacraments of Baptism,
                                                                                      Confirmación y Eucaristía. Para mayor información por
 Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information contact
                                                                                      favor, ponerse en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial.
 our Parish Office.

                      CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR                                                     IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN
                         NEWLY BAPTIZED:                                                         GETTING MARRIED IN OUR
                   Hudson Daniel Driscoll, Logan Rocco                                           CHURCH PLEASE CONTACT
                    Fuschetto and Luca Angelo Parisi                                                 OUR PARISH OFFICE.
   Visit our website at                           “Year of St. Joseph                                              May 9th, 2021
MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
Memorials This Weekend 8th, 9th
                                                              The Sanctuary Lamp will be lit in

SATURDAY, May 8, 2021
                                                               Memory of... Rose  21:33-43
                                                               Donated by Barbara Flowers
8:00am: James Archer, Colleen Van Dorn, Leonard            Host and Wine is offered in
Mihalik, Juan Rodriguez, Ana Julia Manquillo                 Memory of… St. Paul Parishioners
5:00pm: All Living and Deceased Mothers                      The Candles on the Main Altar are in
7:00pm: Todas las Madres Vivas y Difuntos                     Memory of ... St. Paul Parishioners
SUNDAY, May 9, 2021                      Mother’s Day         The Flowers on the Main Altar are
Sixth Sunday of Easter                                          in Memory of ... St. Paul Parishioners
7:00am: All Living and Deceased Mothers                      The Blue Candle on Mary’s Altar will be
9:00am: All Living and Deceased Mothers                         lit in Memory of … St. Paul Parishioners
11:00am: All Living and Deceased Mothers                     The flowers on Mary’s Altar are
1:00pm: Todas las Madres Vivas y Difuntos                     in Memory of … St. Paul Parishioners
MONDAY, May 10, 2021                        (In Chapel)       Please notify an usher if the Mass you are attending is in
Saint Damien de Veuster, Priest                               memory of a friend of family member, and you will like to
8:00am: Isabel Cristina Vera (6th Month), Leonor            bring the Gifts to the Altar in the Offertory Procession.
Reyes (6th Month), Teresa Gutierrez (6th Month)
TUESDAY, May 11, 2021                  (In Chapel)                         READINGS FOR THIS WEEK
8:00am: Maria Amparo Hernandez (6th Month)                  Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Psalm 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and
                                                             9b; John 15:26—16:4a
WEDNESDAY, May 12, 2021                      (In Chapel)     Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Psalm 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8;
Saints Nereus and Archilleus, Martyrs; Saint Pancreas,       13ab, 21; John 16:5-11
Martyr                                                       Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Psalm 148:1-2, 11-12,
8:00am: Jose Daniel Cardona (1st Ann)                       13, 14; John 16:12-15
7:00pm: Luis Colan Grados (1st Ann)                         Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; Ephesians
THURSDAY, May 13, 2021                      (In Chapel)      1:17-23; Mark 16:15-20
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord                       Friday: Acts 18:1-8; Psalm 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; John
Our Lady of Fatima                                           16:16-20
8:00am: Souls of Purgatory                                  Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Psalm 47:2-3, 8-9, 10; John
7:00pm: Edwin Sanchez                                       16:23b-28
                                                             Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Psalm 103:1-2, 11-12,
FRIDAY, May 14, 2021                        (In Chapel)      19-20; 1 John 4:11-16; John 17:11b-19
Saint Matthias, Apostle
8:00am: Clariza Bernal (1st Ann)                                         GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING:
SATURDAY, May 15, 2021                                                COLLECTION FOR MAY 2nd, 2021
Saint Isidore                                                Regular Collection              $ 9,140.00
8:00am: James Archer, JoEllen Kenney Illeny                Holy Father—Peter’s Pence       $   310.00
5:00pm: Leonor Reyes (6th Month), Evelyn Hensgen           Holy Communion                  $   300.00
(1st Ann), Nicholas & Josephine Marzouka (15th Ann)         Mother of Perpetual Help Novena $    67.00
7:00pm: Otoniel Rodas, Elvia Acosta de Rodas
                                                             Total                           $ 9,817.00
SUNDAY, May 16, 2021
                                                                   FIRST COLLECTION MASS BREAKDOWN:
Seventh Sunday of Easter
                                                          8:00pm $ 322.00 7:00pm $ 228.00 7:00am $ 500.00
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
7:00am: James Archer, Juana Silva, Theresa Rosa        9:00am $ 2,047.00 11:00am $ 2,244.00 1:00pm $ 3,799.00
9:00am: Rosalba Boba, Judith Urban                                    May Envelope Schedule
11:00am: Margaret Reilly, William Dandorf (6th Ann)
                                                              5/09 Weekly          5/23 Weekly
1:00pm: Clariza Bernal (1er Aniversario), Luis Colan
                                                              5/13 Ascension       5/23 Maintenance and Repairs
Grados (1er Aniversario), Jose Daniel Cardona (6to Mes),     5/16 Weekly          5/30 Weekly
Samuel Sanchez (6to Mes), Isabel C. Vera (6to Mes),
Maria Amparo Hernandez (6to Mes), Samuel Dueñas Thank you for your loving kindness and generosity to
Contreras, Teresa Gutiérrez (6to Mes), Rosalba Mejía our home, St. Paul Church. May God Bless you always.
Zapata, Marleny Gutiérrez Mejía, Gladys Gutiérrez de Gracias por su generosidad con nuestro hogar, nuestra
Otalora, Edwin Sanchez, Tomas Soto                      parroquia de San Pablo. Que Dios los bendiga siempre.
                                                                                                Rev. Leonardo Jaramillo
  Visit our website at           “Year of St. Joseph                                May 9th, 2021
MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
                             “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

                COMMUNITY PRAYERS                                          joy—a joy which is unsurpassing, exalted, and unfading (2
                                                                           Peter  1:3, 8).Jewish history it was traditional for Jews John
                                                                           the Baptist was preaching repentance for the coming of
THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY                                              Jesus' commands are not hard or burdensome for those
may they be strengthened by knowing                                        God's reign. His baptism may have been related to the
                                                                           who know his love and mercy. The Lord fills us with his
that Jesus Christ is with them always                                      purifying washings of the Essenes at Qumran near the
especially; Yousses Kallini, Douglas Aquino,
                                                                           Spirit and transforms our hearts to be like his heart. Paul
Kevin Aquino, Laura Montana, Matthew                                       the Apostle reminds us that "God's love has been poured
                                                                           was God's anointed one. John answered that his baptism
Mulick, Andrew Mulick, Jeremy Brubaker,                                    into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been
Matthew Valderama, Joseph Puskas II, Samantha Eromenok, Brian              was only a preparation for "one mightier" who would
Eromenok, Erin Kidd, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Joseph Belfi, Fernando
                                                                           given  to us" (Romans 5:5). Jesus gave his disciples a new
                                                                           aptize with "the Holy Spirit and fire" (v 16). Although
Rodriguez, Juan Perdomo, Anais Calderon, Christopher Calderon,             commandment
                                                                           Jesus had no need  - a ofnew   way of love
                                                                                                       repentance,        and fruitful
                                                                                                                    he entered            service
                                                                                                                                  the murky
Stephen Prandy, Lorenzo Urbano, Joseph Domicolo, Jake Castro, Marci        which
                                                                           waters where the people had been baptized, thereby to
                                                                                   is  empowered      by  his Holy  Spirit.  We    are called
Mann, Christopher & Matthew Molino, Carlos & Patricio Archila, Steven
Green, Jose Carrero, Javier Cruz, William Fernandez, Rudy Ruiz, Wesley     love  and
                                                                           uniting      servewith
                                                                                    himself    others
                                                                                                   sinfuljust  as Jesus
                                                                                                           humanity.   Thehas   lovedof us
                                                                                                                            baptism         with
Delgado, Christopher Ashey, Andy Cuba, Stewart Frias Garcia, Frank         heartfelt   compassion,     kindness,  and   mercy.
                                                                           was another "epiphany," or manifestation of the divine Jesus   proved
“Ben” Robinson, Darren Orta and William Fernandez. May they be             his love forWhile
                                                                                         us byJesus
                                                                                                laying   down   his life
comforted by our continual prayers for their safety. Let us pray to
                                                                           presence.                   was  praying,  thefor us, even
                                                                                                                           Spirit       to death
the Lord.
                                                                           upon him, and God's voice was heard confirming Jesustoashis
                                                                                the   cross. Our     love  for  God    is a  response
                                                                           the "beloved love for(v.22).
                                                                                           Son"   us through    the gift
                                                                                                         On Calvary,      of would
                                                                                                                      Jesus  his Son,  the Lord
              PRAYERS FOR THE SICK                                         Jesus Christ.
For those who suffer in mind, body or spirit, may the
                                                                           How do we prove our love for God and grow in the
healing power of Jesus come upon them and bring them
comfort and peace. We pray for the sick of our parish
                                                                           knowledge and depth of his unfathomable love? The same
community: Raymond Cramer, Ida Marotta, Henry Murphy,                      way Jesus did—by embracing the way of the cross each
Arlene Murphy, Mary McCullum, John Carnemolla, Emma                        and every day. What is the cross in my life? When my
Bracigliano, Sal Mule, April Stearns, Louis Moccia, Elizabeth              will crosses with God's will, then his will must be done. If
Robinson, Frank Robinson, Anthony Cinderella, John Wines,                  we accept God's way of love, truth, and wisdom, then we
Doctors and Nurses, Supermarket employees and pharmacists,                 will discover the joy and freedom of loving, serving, and
Ramon Martinez, Nancy Martinez, Julio Cesar Melo, Angela
Angulo, Ruben Diaz, Nelly Pricila Soliz, Marco Rosa, Lucia Ruiz,           laying down our lives for others, just as Jesus freely laid
Frank Collier, Doris Casillas, Roman Mañalec,          Stephen             down his life for each and every one of us. For Reflection:
Pandolfi, Ivonne Lozano, Clara Rojas, Trinidad Del Carpio,                 Do you know the joy of being united with the Lord Jesus in
Michael Navarro, Jose Alberto Almonte, Jane Clark, Marie                   a bond of unbreakable love and peace?
Imparato, Joshua Cruz, Tatiana Gonzalez, Gabriel Santana, Rosa
Berta Morales, Marcel Brito, Kathy Consedin and Marlene                    Prayer: "Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and make
Grace                                                                      me fruitful in your love, mercy, kindness, and compassion.
For those who have died, may they, through the mercy of                    May there be nothing in my life which keeps me from your
God, rest in the fullness of peace. We pray for: Wilson                    love and joy."
Delgado, Katherine O’Brien, Dennis Boccadoro, Rosa Maribel
Valentin, Gladys Norma Thuollier, Joseph Francis Nee,                      CATHOLIC HUMOR
Maryann Bollettino, Francesco Giordano, Elizabeth Lyons,
Guillermina Navarrete, Anthony Mele, Maritza Contin, Maria
De Jesus, Maria Llaque, Sonia Magaly Lopez, Edwin Sanchez,
Tomas Soto, James Archer, Colleen Van Dorn, Leonard Mihalik,
Roberto Gonzalez, Theresa Rose, JoEllen Kenney Illeny and
Juana Silva

                   GOSPEL REFLECTION
 Jesus tells his disciples that he is united with his
 Father in heaven in a perfect bond of mutual love,
 honor, and joy in one another. Their love is
 inseparable and unbreakable. That is why the Son
 delights in obeying the eternal Father who loves him
 with infinite love. The Father and Son invite all to
 join in their eternal bond of love and friendship. How
 can we enter into that unbreakable bond of love and
 friendship? Jesus, the Word of God who became flesh
 for us, shows us the way—keep my word, keep my
 commandments. If you abide in my word you will
 know my love and that love will fill you with immense
 joy—a joy which is unsurpassing, exalted, and
   Visit our website at                       “Year of St. Joseph                                            May 9th, 2021
MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
                               SOLEMNIDAD DE LA ASCENSIÓN DEL SEÑOR
                         Forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, He ascended into Heaven.
                           Cuarenta días después de que Jesús resucitó de entre los muertos,
                                                   ascendió al cielo.
                                     During all the weekend Masses in Church
                                       Durante todo el fin de semana en la Iglesia
                                              Saturday, May 15th, 2021
                                      5:00pm (English) and 7:00pm (Spanish)
                                                Sunday, May 16th, 2021
                          7:00am, 9:00am 11:00am (English) and 1:00pm Mass (Spanish)

                                HAPPY 20th DIACONATE ANNIVERSARY
                                    DEACON HECTOR CASILLAS
                        As you celebrate your 20th Anniversay, may the Lord continue to
                        bless you for your devoted service as Deacon and for the many ways
                        you serve our community of St. Paul’s.
                                   Thank you and Congratulations Deacon Hector.
                        Al celebrar su vigésimo Aniversario que el Señor continúe bendiciendo a
                        nuestro diacono por su devoción al servicio del diaconado y por las
                        diferentes maneras en que sirve a nuestra comunidad de San Pablo.
                                         Gracias y felicitaciones Diacono Héctor!

                           Lord, grant all Mothers the patience and wisdom to raise their
                           family to walk in your path. Put your loving hands on them and
                           let your presence be known from day to day. Nourish them so
                           they may nourish those under their care. Motherhood is a
                           special gift, Lord, and we humbly ask that you fill each of them
                           with strength and understanding. May they guide their children
                           to live each day in the light of your love. Pour forth your
                           blessings, Lord, upon all Mothers and grant them everlasting joy
                           today and always. Amen.

Señor, concédele a todas las Madres la paciencia y la sabiduría para criar a su familia y
caminar en tu camino. Pon tus manos amorosas sobre ellas y deja que tu presencia sea
conocida día a día. Nutrirlas para que puedan nutrir a los que están bajo su cuidado. La
maternidad es un don especial. Señor humildemente pedimos que llenes a cada una de ellas
de fuerza y comprensión. Que ellas puedan guiar a sus hijos a vivir cada día en la luz de Tu
amor. Derrama tu bendición Señor sobre todas las Madres y concédeles felicidad hoy y
siempre. Amén.

MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
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MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services MOTHERS GOD BLESS - St. Paul Roman Catholic Church Clifton, New Jersey - Bon Venture Services
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