The Messenger El Mensajero
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THE S T. L UK E’ S E P I SC O P AL CH MESSENGER U R CH ~ SA N LU C ··A EL MENSAJERO S IG L E SI A E P I S CO P A L The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 43 Issue 10 NOVEMBER 2012 NOVIEMBRE 2012 RECTOR’S CORNER trying, failing, returning and achieving are all part of thanksgiving to God. How would you like to never again This discipleship, this discipline, is counter cultural. have a Pledge Campaign at We may only think of giving at the end of the year, St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas? in December, and we may have an eye to our tax Stewardship is about thankfulness. liability when we do. What if we got no tax write- The Eucharistic celebration of each off for our charitable giving? What if our reason for Sunday is giving thanks to God for everything. We thanksgiving is something we explore every day, celebrate communion with God and with each every moment, in both pleasant and difficult times? other, “this sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving”, all What if God really is working out our salvation for year round because we are thankful, all year round. us, and we are the joyful recipients of free and innu- When you get a check for something, you can be merable graces? What if God’s love for us in Jesus thankful for it and show that thanks by tithing on it. Christ has already conquered sin and death, and Remember three Ts: Treasure, Time and Talent? A made us part of God’s kingdom, filled with joy and paycheck, windfall, a refund, a gift, an inheritance, love ourselves? That’s the teaching of the Church. a specially big return on your investments [not so I love the celebration of Thanksgiving Day with my common, that last one, these days!] can be the occa- family. For the first time in 31 years, we will not see sion to tithe our treasure. You can also sit down and any of our children or our parents or relatives at make sure you have time for your favorite team or Thanksgiving. So I want to have a fun time with all favorite TV show, and then you can make sure you of you who would like to come to the Wednesday have time to tithe to God in thanksgiving. You can evening meal at the Church this year, the evening earn a great deal because of your talents, your pro- before Thanksgiving. You are my family! Come to fession and your training and your skills and your the dinner, starting at 6:30 pm. Bring your favorite education, and you can tithe those skills to God in side(s), deserts and drinks. If you like to cook, sign thanksgiving. up in the Narthex: we can join up Wednesday Thanksgiving, the Church teaches, is all the time, morning and make the turkeys, stuffing, mashed every moment of every day. If you internalize potatoes and ham. Or you can cook a turkey at these teachings, the pledge campaign is irrelevant: home and bring it to the feast. after all, it is only a part of the year, during the time Are you up for that? Would that help you that EVERYBODY is asking for money. The teach- be thankful all the time? ings of the Church point out that stewardship of all Fr. Jaime Case, that we have and all that we are is a part of disciple- ship, that wonderful adventure of following the DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS way of Jesus Christ by discipline and planning and SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 . intentionality. We are not accidentally Christian: BE SURE TO ADJUST YOUR CLOCK We are not accidental disciples: We choose whether BACK 1 HOUR WHEN YOU GO TO BED we will be or not. The lifelong process of learning, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3!
2 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO RINCÓN DEL RECTOR ¿Qué tal si Dios realmente está obrando para salvar- nos, y que somos recipientes gratis de innumerables ¿Qué le pareciera si nunca más en el bienes? ¿Qué pasaría si Cristo ha conquistado el pe- futuro se pidiría dinero en la Iglesia cado y la muerte, y nos ha hecho parte del reino de St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas? Dios, llenos de gozo y amor nosotros mismos? Esta Mayordomía consiste en agradeci- es la enseñanza de la Iglesia. miento. La Eucaristía que celebramos Amo mucho celebrar el Día de Acción de Gracias cada domingo es un agradecimiento a Dios para to- (día de pavo). Por primera vez en 31 años no veré a do. Celebramos la comunión con Dios y unos con ningún familiar, hijo o padre o madre cuando cele- los otros, en este “sacrificio de alabanza y acción de bramos “Thanksgiving.” Entonces quiero tener un gracias” durante todo el año porque nos sentimos tiempo alegre con todos ustedes el día Miércoles, 21 agradecidos durante todo el año. de noviembre, para celebrar el Día de Acción de ¿Recuerda las tres Ts: Tesoro, Tiempo y Talento? Gracias. Es la noche antes de la fiesta. Ustedes son Cuando recibes un cheque, puedes sentirse agrade- mi familia. Vengan a cenar, a partir de a las 6:30 pm. cido y mostrar el agradecimiento por dar un diezmo Traigan sus vegetales, ensaladas, postres y bebidas de la cantidad a Dios. Un pago, un bono, una heren- favoritos para compartir. Yo invito a los que pueden cia, un ingreso de sus ahorros puede ser ocasión pa- para ayudarme a cocinar los pavos, jamón, papas y ra diezmar el tesoro. Puede usted sentarse para mi- relleno, miércoles en la mañana. ¿está usted dispues- rar el partido de tu equipo favorito, o un programa to? ¿Le haría más agradecido todo el tiempo? favorito en la tele, y usted puede dar tiempo a Dios Padre Jaime Case en agradecimiento. Puede usted ganar mucho por su talento, su entrenamiento, su habilidad, su educa- ción y usted puede diezmar sus talentos a Dios en CAMBIO DE HORAS ESTE DOMINGO agradecimiento. AJUSTEN SUS RELOJES ATRÁS UNA Agradecimiento, la Iglesia dice, es para todo el tiem- HORA CUANDO SE ACUESTA po y toda ocasión. Si usted acoge esta enseñanza en su corazón, la campaña para pedir dinero es irrele- SABADO, 3 DE NOVIEMBRE vante: Puesto que es solamente parte del año, una parte en que todo el mundo está pidiendo fondos. Las enseñanzas de la Iglesia indican que la mayor- TODOS LOS SANTOS/TODOS domía de todo lo que tenemos es parte del discipu- LOS DIFUNTOS lado, aquella aventura milagrosa de seguir el cami- Hemos puesto un libro de recuerdos en la Atrio de no de Cristo Jesús por disciplina, planificación e in- la iglesia donde inscribir los nombres de nuestros tención. No somos Cristianos por accidente: No so- queridos difuntos. Este libro será parte de la Misa mos discípulos por accidente: Hemos escogido se- domingo el 4 de noviembre. guir a Cristo. El proceso de aprender, ensayar, fraca- Domingo el 4 de noviembre se ubicará una mesa sar, volver, y lograr por toda la vida es parte del delante del altar para poner mementos de nuestros agradecimiento a Dios. seres queridos que se han vuelto al Señor. Pueden Este discipulado, esta disciplina, es contra-cultural. traer símbolos, poner velas, una foto, un dibujo o lo Podemos pensar en dar solamente al fin del año, con que sea propio para un recuerdo. Acompáñenos en un ojo sobre los impuestos. ¿Qué pasaría si lo consi- encender una vela. El Libro de Recuerdos será traído deramos todo el año? ¿Qué resultado daría si re- al altar con las ofrendas en la celebración de Todos flexionamos sobre la mayordomía cada día, cada los Santos. Padre Jaime Case momento, en tiempos de placer tanto que dificultad?
THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO 3 PROYECTO PARA LA VISIÓN discernir lo que Dios nos llama a ser y hacer como parroquia – para desarrollar una declaración de mi- DE LA PARROQUIA sión con metas especificas y estrategias para pro- Mientras que el proceso para des- veer la dirección y claridad para el futuro. arrollar nuevas declaraciones de Si usted no ha tenido la oportunidad de involucrar- visión y misión para St. Luke’s- se en cualquiera de los grupos pequeños, o asistir a San Lucas continua, sigo reunién- la Reunión Parroquial, póngase en contacto conmi- dome con miembros de varios go para dar me sus puntos de vista y preguntas. comités y grupos en la congrega- ción para recibir sus reflexiones Paula Franck sobre su experiencia de la parroquia y sus esperan- Facilitadora para el Plan Estratégico zas para el futuro. La Reunión de Toda la Parroquia el 30 de septiembre proveyó una oportunidad para recoger información de todos miembros de la con- COMIDA MEXICANA AUTENTICA gregación. Domingo, 11 de noviembre, 11:15 de la mañana Sin ninguna excepción, los grupos con que me he Miembros de San Lucas van a preparar recetas reunido han sido tan hospitalarios y listos para favoritas para su apetito. Este recogimiento de compartir sus experiencias. Los líderes involucra- fondos apoya la celebración de Nuestra Señora de dos en ministerios de la parroquia encuentran senti- Guadalupe en diciembre. Boletos en venta después do en su trabajo, y se sienten que sus esfuerzos son de las misas. Adultos, $10. Niños (menos que 12 afirmados y apreciados por la congregación. años) $5. ¡No pierdan esta comida riquísima! La mayoría de las respuestas de los comités y la Reunión Parroquial han sido consistentes en resal- CENA FESTIVAL DÍA DE ACCIÓN tar la vida comunitaria y el compañerismo con gran sentido de lealtad y compromiso uno al otro, y con DE GRACIAS la parroquia entera. “San Lucas es mi segunda familia Todos están invitados a una cena para la noche an- – un lugar donde me siento en casa.” Hay orgullo so- tes del Día de Acción de Gracias (Día de Pavos), bre la historia de la congregación y un sentido de miércoles 21 de noviembre 6:30 de la noche en el ánimo para el futuro. “San Lucas es un lugar con tre- Salón Parroquial. Se provee pavos, papas y relleno. mendo potencial para ministerio.” Inscríbanse para traer su comida favorita para com- Al mirar hacia el futuro, hay un deseo para crecer, partir. especialmente por alcanzar a familias más jóvenes RSVP: ¡Inscríbase! con niños, y continuar encontrando oportunidades Se requiere: para conectar entre los Anglos e Hispanos en la personas para cocinar los pavos a las 9 de la ma- congregación. “Nuestras oportunidades para el futuro ñana: ¡Inscríbase! consisten en expandir nuestra familia eclesial por atraer Ayuda para poner mesas, sillas y servir la comi- a familias con niños y jóvenes mientras que servimos da. ¡Inscríbase! nuestros feligreses y recibimos por nuestras puertas a Ayuda con la limpieza a las 7 de la noche. quienquiera que viene.” El deseo de crecer incluge ¡Inscríbase! también el imperativo de servir al necesitado y te- Vengan a disfrutar con la familia de su Iglesia. Es ner una presencia más visible en la comunidad más una fiesta en acción de gracias para las bendiciones allá de la iglesia. de la vida. Traigan comida enlatada para dejar con nuestro almacén. Sin embargo, St. Luke’s-San Lucas es una comuni- ¿Preguntas? Llame a la oficina. dad saludable, y este es un tiempo oportuno para
4 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO MINISTERIO PARA NIÑOS Ahora que comenzamos nuestro se- JÓVENES DE SAN LUCAS gundo año de Jugar Junto a Dios, vol- La fiesta para Halloween fue un gran éxito. Doce vemos al principio de las historias. jóvenes participaron en juegos, pizza, una piñata, Puede aparecerles raro a los adultos, disfraces y una película espantosa. ¡Ahora viene la pero es importante que los niños oi- fiesta Navideña! gan las historias que son fuentes de Noche de Jóvenes de San Lucas 30 de Noviembre nuestra para arraigarlas en sus men- de 6-9 de la noche: Fiesta Navideña. tes. Cada niño crece en entendimiento mientras ma- dura un año más, y logran mejor entendimiento de Vengan a preparar galletas, comerlas y tomar choco- las historias. Ya hemos notado el tiempo para res- late. Habrá juegos y una búsqueda de tesoro. Vamos ponder, el momento que nos imaginamos, que los a escoger nombres para el San Nicolás secreto. Si niños comenzaron ubicarse dentro de las historias. pierden el San Nicolás secreto, haz saber a uno de Vemos a los niños jugar con los materiales y obser- los líderes. No olviden de comer tu cena antes de vamos como escuchan y cuanto entienden. Durante venir, porque solo vamos a tener galletas. la hora de jugar, podemos como maestras clarificar o ¡Vamos también a darle a Adela Martínez una calu- guiar el niño en volverse a la historia. rosa bienvenida como nuestra líder voluntaria más Cuando los niños llegan, compartimos noticias. Can- nueva! tamos con alegría y a veces con percusión, que en Madre Vickie and Tatiana Sullivan que ellos deleitan. Cuando han llegados todos, nos ponemos quietos, bajamos las luces, encendemos NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE una vela e invitamos a los niños orar. Cantamos can- ciones que nos apacigüen, como “This is Holy Se celebrará la Fiesta de Guadalupe el 9 de diciem- Ground” y entonces comienza nuestra historia. Des- bre con música especial. Les invito traer comida pro- pues de la historia, los niños juegan con los materia- pia para compartir después de la misa. Debemos les de la historia, o hacen artes manuales, o trabajan prepara para el día con la figura y los adornos antes algo como respuesta a la historia. del día. Por favor, marquen sus calendarios. Tendremos un PRIMERA COMUNIÓN ensayo para la presentación Navideña 22 de diciem- bre, de 9-12. Después del ensayo tenemos nuestra Se celebra la graduación para la primera comunión Fiesta Navideña de 12 a 1:30. Todos los niños están el mismo domingo que la Fiesta de Nuestra Señor invitados a participar en la presentación. Vamos a de Guadalupe, 9 de Diciembre. combinar los niños de la mañana con los niños de la tarde, como hicimos el año pasado. La presentación LAS POSADAS Navideña se va a presentar domingo, 23 de diciem- El 16 de diciembre, a las 7 de la noche, con oración, bre a las 10:00. lecciones y canciones. Piensen en patrocinar una Gracias por confiarnos encargar sus niños a noso- fiesta en su casa para su vecindad, invitando a los tros. vecinos y parientes a gozar de la venida del Mesías. Ebie Mountford 360 903 2319 ijuba2@
THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO 5 ST. LUKE’S ~ SAN LUCAS various programs and ministry groups, financial stability, adequate staffing, ongoing building main- VISIONING PROJECT tenance and attracting new members. As the process towards developing However, St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a healthy com- new vision and mission statements munity, and this is an opportune time to discern for St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas continues, what is God calling the parish to be and to do – to I have been meeting with members develop a mission statement with specific goals of the various committees and groups in the con- and strategies to provide direction and clarity for gregation to get input about their experience of the the future. parish and their hopes for the future. The Parish If you have not had an opportunity to be involved Meeting on September 30 provided an opportunity in any of the small group discussions or to attend to gather information from all members of the con- the Parish Meeting, please be in touch with me if gregation. you have additional feedback or questions. Without exception, the groups I have met with have been welcoming and eager to share their ex- Paula Franck, Strategic Planning Facilitator periences of St. Luke’s. Those involved in parish ministries find meaning in their work and feel that their efforts are affirmed and appreciated by the congregation. Spiritual Development The overall responses from the committees as well SUNDAY SCHOOL as the Parish Meeting have been very consistent. As we go into our second year of This is a parish that highly values community and Godly Play we start the stories over fellowship with a great sense of loyalty and com- again. This may seem strange to mitment to one another and to the parish as a some adults but is important for the whole. children to hear these well planned “St. Luke’s is my second family – a place where I feel at core stories again. As each child is a year older they home.” There is pride in the history of congregation, will have a deeper understanding of the story. We and a feeling of excitement for the future. “St Luke’s have already noticed this in our response time, the is a place with tremendous potential for ministry.” time we wonder together about what was impor- In looking ahead, there is a desire to grow, espe- tant in the story and how we fit in the story. We cially with regard to reaching out to younger fami- watch the children play with the materials and joy- lies with children and continuing to find additional fully observe how well they have listened and how opportunities for more connection between the much they understand. At play time as teachers Anglo and Hispanic members of the congregation. observe, they may clarify something or guide a “Our future opportunities are to expand our church child back to the story. family by attracting young families and continuing to As the children arrive we greet and share a little serve our existing parishioners and opening our doors to news. We sing a few fun songs, sometimes with all who enter.” The desire for growth also encom- percussion instruments which they love. When we passes the imperative to increase outreach and feel everyone has arrived, we quiet ourselves, dim have a more visible presence in the wider commu- the lights, light a candle and invite the children to nity. pray. We sing a calm song such as, This is Holy Like most congregations, St. Luke’s faces chal- Ground, and then we begin our story. After, the lenges around the need for more volunteers for the children play with the story materials or do art and work as a response to the story.
6 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO Please mark your calendars. We will have sched- Through plenary addresses, creative work sessions, uled a Christmas pageant rehearsal on Saturday, and worship, this three-day conference we will ex- December 22 from 9 am to 12 pm. This will be plore questions such as: followed by a Christmas party from 12 pm to about • How can our Christian traditions of social jus- 1:30 pm. All children are welcome to be in the pag- tice and contemplation energize our communi- eant. We will combine the morning and afternoon ties as forces for positive change in the world children, as we did last year. The Christmas around us? pageant will be shared at the 10:00 am service on • What practices help us to discern where we are December 23. called to engage? • Where may we find sources of creativity and Thank you for trusting us with your precious children. resilience within our tradition? • How can we work in partnership with those of Ebie Mountford other faiths and no faith as we follow God’s call? 360 903 2319 ijuba2@ In the 21st century, people seek to cope and to cre- ate in a world that is shifting on its very founda- WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP tions. Economic inequity threatens to tear us apart Our next meeting is on Saturday, Nov. 3, at at the seams. The forces of globalization demand 10 AM - 12 noon. This month we will meet in the that we rethink what it means to be a community church as we will be using the stained glass win- and where our mutual responsibilities lie. It is a dows in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament as the time of classic crisis, forged of equal parts threat focus for our discussion. We will spend some time and opportunity. finding symbols, discovering their meaning and A Free will offering will be taken to defray the learning how these beautiful windows were made. $400 cost of the Broadcast! As always, we will have time for meditation, song and friendly conversation. All women, all ages are CONFERENCE SCHEDULE welcome. Friday, November 9 7-8:30 pm Welcome, Opening Address, Joan Chittister, OSB RADICAL CHRISTIAN LIFE Saturday, November 10 CONFERENCE 9-10:15 am Creative Work Session #1 St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas will host Trinity Institute’s 10:45 am-12:00pm Creative Work Session #2 42nd National Theological Conference, Radical Chris- tian Life: Equipping Ourselves for Social Change, on 12:00 pm Lunch (Not provided) Nov. 9-11. Full conference will be available via web- 1:30-3 pm Address & Interactive Forum cast at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church Joan Chittister, OSB ( 426 East Fourth Plain 3:30-4:45 pm Creative Work Session #3 Blvd, Vancouver, WA. (various leaders) Joan Chittister, OSB will return to Trinity Institute Sunday, November 11 for a conference that will offer tools for making the 11:15 am Eucharist & Ritual of vital connection between contemplation and social Commissioning action. She will be supported by workshop leaders Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, including theologians, spiritual directors, and activ- preacher ists. Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, author, teacher, and founder of the Center for Action and Contempla- tion, will preach at the conference Eucharist.
THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO 7 UPCOMING YOUTH CONFERENCES Worship Fall JYC: November 16-18, 2012 St. Mary's, Lakewood TAIZÉ Winter HYC: January 18-20, 2013 The Taizé service com- St. James, Kent bines readings, like the poem above from last month’s service, chant- ST. LUKE’S YOUTH like songs, silence, soft light and a unique chancel November meetings for Youth, 6-12 grade, are on display in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. Our Saturdays, November 10 and 24, from 6pm to 8pm. November theme is “Books”. Come and enjoy this Also, note that the Fall JYC is almost here. Please let unique service. Saturday, November 17 at 6:00 pm. Donna Greene know, as soon as possible, if you are Service Organizers: going to the JYC so she can setup transportation. Den Mark Wichar, Hanni Bureker and Melanie Kenoyer SAN LUCAS YOUTH AGES 9-13 The Halloween party was a great success. Twelve ALL SAINTS / ALL SOULS SUNDAY youth participated in games, pizza, a piñata, cos- We have placed a Remembrance Book in the church tumes and a scary movie. entry for all to write in the names of departed loved Our next San Lucas Youth Night: November 30 ones. On Sunday, November 4 The Book of Remem- Christmas Party – 6-9 pm in the Parish Hall brance, will be brought forward at the offertory when we celebrate All Saints Day. Also, we will set Come and have fun baking cookies, and eating them up a low table in front of the altar which we will with hot cocoa, Yum! There will be active games and decorate with the traditional and modern symbols a scavenger hunt. We are drawing names for secret of death from the European and American heritage. Santa, if you miss the drawing let one of your lead- Please join us in lighting a candle or putting a pic- ers know. Please remember to eat dinner before you ture or drawing up on the tables in front to include come as our cooking activity this time is cookies and your special remembered loved ones and those more cookies! whose lives you may have admired. We also welcome Adela Martinez as our newest Fr. Jaime Case youth leader! NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S October was a busy month for music- OF THE AMERICAS making at St. Luke’s. Pete Petersen on Nov 16, Friday, 6-9 pm we will have a Potluck clarinet and tenor sax was our special dinner and native craft night. There will be time for guest for the Saturday night Jazz Vespers drum, catching up with each other over a shared service on the 6th. He led a group of meal and a chance to learn about the significance of Gershwin songs and a set of jazz stan- various crafts. If you are a person of native heritage dards for autumn. Cantor Karyn Slanina please feel free to join this group at any time. Con- and drummer Don Lawry led the liturgy and two tact Mother Vickie Dogaru 360-600-8926 for more rousing African-American spirituals. We also heard information. the debut of “blondie,” our bass player’s new light- oak finished upright bass. The piano duet recital on Saturday the 13th raised close to a thousand dollars
8 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO for the general fund of the parish. The beautiful time, it was a sobering experience to enter an aban- reception in the Parish Hall was truly virtuosic. A doned sanctuary. I thought of the children’s song special word of thanks is due to Sandy Geer, that begins with the refrain: “I am the church, you Claudia Roseberry, and all the other volunteers that are the church, we are the church together.” A made the event a success. On the 20th, the St. Luke’s verse then states that “the church is not a building” Choir helped to celebrate tenor Jim Springer’s mar- but a community of believers. I hope that we can riage to Tara Harness. Jim and Tara selected the really focus in on our strategic planning and revised text we sang to Bach’s well-known Cantata move- mission statement so that the church of people at St. ment Jesu Joy. This text is our prayer for them, from Luke’s – San Lucas can continue to enjoy a wonder- the Hymnal 1982 #351: ful community and the blessings of a beautiful sanc- May the grace of Christ our Savior, tuary and parish facility for at least another 150 and the Father’s boundless love, with the Holy years and more. Spirit’s favor, rest upon them from above. Tim Nickel, Music Director Thus may they abide in union with each other and the Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, joys which earth cannot afford. LICENSED LAY WORSHIP November begins with the Festival of All Saints on PARTICIPANTS the 4th and ends with Christ the King Sunday on the Licenses are required for the following roles in the 25th. The month of December will be a busy one congregations of the Diocese of Olympia or St. again for our parish musicians. We will have our Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Any lay person who is or wants service of Lessons & Carols as the first part of the 10 to participate in one of the following roles is re- am Sunday morning service again on the first Sun- quired to attend the indicated 2-hour training ses- day of Advent this year, December 2nd. The evening sion, whether you are new participant, renewing an before will afford another opportunity for the larger expiring license or a current participant. Please note community to participate in the Jazz Vespers Ser- the training times: vice at 6 pm on December 1st. Our special guest will be vibraphonist Mike Horsfall, a member of Tall Eucharistic Visitors: these persons visit shut-ins Jazz and one of the busiest and most celebrated jazz and the sick to bring them the sacrament of com- musicians in the Northwest. Plan to attend and munion from the reserve that we keep in the tab- bring a neighbor or friend. ernacle. Training for Eucharistic Visitors will take place on Saturday November 17th, at 10:00 am. If Finally, the choir library received a large and useful you come just to learn, welcome. If you come to be infusion of sheet music this week. I was at a Lu- licensed, please note you will be expected to pur- theran Church recently that closed its doors over a chase for yourself a personal Book of Common year ago, abandoned its building, and sold it to an Prayer or Ministry to the Sick, which is an ex- outside group. I was invited to look through the cerpted from the BCP and includes supplemental music library gathering dust in the unused balcony material [prayers, canticles, psalms and readings and I found scores that will surely be a nice addition from the Bible]. to our choral library, including editions from the music publishers Oxford University Press, GIA, E. Eucharistic Ministers [aka, LEMs] serve the C. Schirmer, Augsburg, Morning Star, and Concor- elements, bread or wine, during the service of dia, among others. We will send an appropriate do- Holy Communion. Tuesday, November 20 at nation to the larger church as the final assets of that 10:00 am or Saturday, November 24 at parish are liquidated. The good news is that we will 10:00 am. have expanded choral resources of quality liturgical (continued next page) music for years to come at St. Luke’s. At the same
THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO 9 Lectors read in the service. Their training will be held jointly with the Eucharistic Ministers (see #2). Out Into The World Worship Leaders: [NEW] are trained to lead ser- WINTER HOSPITALITY OVERFLOW vices of Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. SEASON IS UPON US… Since we do not have such services at this time, we would need to explore whether we want to offer “And I will show you my faith by my works” James 2:18b services during the week or on Saturdays for these In 2003, Council for the Homeless and Share part- lay ministers to lead. Saturday, December 15th at nered with the Greater Vancouver Interfaith Asso- 10:00 am. ciation to create the Winter Hospitality Overflow At all of these training meetings, forms will be (WHO), a program committed to providing safe available for new and renewing lay ministers to shelter during the winter months to families and complete. individuals experiencing homelessness. Jesus’ par- able of the Good Samaritan inspired volunteers to look and care for their neighbor and to lend assis- 2013 LITURGICAL CALENDARS tance, regardless of their situation. Today WHO These calendars are full of information about the guests are offered not only a warm place to sleep, church year, feast days, seasonal colors, assigned but a hot shower, meal, and the welcome and lectionary readings and more. At a cost of $3.00 each warmth of a caring community working to address we can cover our costs. Find these calendars in the the most basic of human needs. Narthex and church office. In response to the local shelter needs, the organizers of the Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO) program LITURGY DESIGN TEAM will once again open its shelters on November 1 The liturgy design team has been writing our through March 31. The WHO program is a volun- “Prayers of the People”. If you would like to learn teer program that exists because citizens, like the more about liturgy or join the team, please come to a members of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, have stepped up meeting on Thursday, November 15, at 6:30 pm. to keep the shelters open. Once again St. Luke’s will be hosting the men’s shel- LOOKING AHEAD ter at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church during the week of Sunday, Sunday Jan. 27 through Saturday, Feb. 2. TO DECEMBER HIGHLIGHTS Sign-up sheets will be available in the next few Mark you calendars! weeks to give you a chance to be a part of this very • 12/01 Jazz Vespers important ministry. Watch for more information in • 12/02 Advent Lessons & Carols,10 am service the Messenger and in the Sunday Service Bulletin. • 12/09 Our Lady of Guadalupe, 1:00 pm service Remember as the weather turns cold and winter ar- • 12/15 Taizé, 6:00 pm rives we are given this opportunity to put our faith into action to help our brothers and sisters in Christ • 12/23 Christmas Pageant during 10 am service. with the welcome and warmth of a caring commu- • 12/24 Christmas Eve nity working to address the most basic of human • 4:00 pm Family Service needs. • 7:00 pm Spanish Christmas Eucharist • 10:30 PM Carols and Christmas music Blessings, Stephen Butler • 11:00 PM Choral Christmas Eucharist • 12/25 Christmas Day 10 AM service (only)
10 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO OUTREACH COMMITTEE THE LUNCH BUNCH The Outreach Committee [regular meeting, first Our next luncheon is on Tuesday, November 13 at Tuesday of the Month, 6:30 pm] will meet next on 12 noon. This month we will have a guest speaker, Tuesday , November 6 at 6:30 PM in the Children’s Dr. Crystal Little, Fred Meyer/OSU Community Chapel. We are looking for people to be involved in Pharmacy Resident, who will give an informative shaping the future of our congregation’s efforts to presentation on Medication Safety. She will also be “love our neighbor as ourselves.” Please join us! able to answer questions you may have about your Fr. Jaime Case medications or medication safety in general. Crystal works with Jill McClellen at the Fisher’s Landing Fred Meyer Pharmacy. As always, we have two GIFTS FOR LIFE sign-up sheets: one for attendees and one for lunch- I invite you to look inside the new Gifts For Life eon hosts. Please add your name if you are coming catalog located on the bulletin board outside the and if you can bring something to share for lunch. office. This catalog includes a variety of gifts that will help fight the effects of poverty and disease in communities around the globe. And for each gift THANKSGIVING EVE DINNER purchased, you will receive a gift card to personal- All parishioners are invited to Thanksgiving Eve ize and send to friends and loved ones. This is a dinner, November 21 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. program of Episcopal Relief and Development. We will provide the turkey, dressing, mashed pota- You can also visit the Gifts for Life online store at toes and green beans. Please sign-up if you can bring a dish to share such as a side, salad or dessert. We do need to know if you are able to come and the AFRICIAN HANDMADE ARTWORK number of people in your group. We will have a We offered handmade artwork from African Team sign-up sheet in the church entry soon. There will Ministries for sale on Sundays, October 7 and 14 also be sign-up sheets for Cooks/Preparers starting and raised $465 for their important ministry work. at 9am, to get the turkeys roasting and potatoes Thank you to all who purchased items to enjoy. boiling; for Set-ups/Servers, starting at 6pm and If you missed these Sundays and would like to lastly for Clean-Up crew to start at 7pm. purchase something, you can order online at their Come and join us for this evening of Thanksgiving, website, especially if you don't have family around. Join your church family here. As an expression of your thanksgiving for the blessings in your life, we are Community Life asking for donations of food for our Food Pantry when you come. If you have any questions, please contact the church AUTHENTIC MEXICAN LUNCHEON office. Sunday, November 11, at 11:15 am San Lucas members will be preparing their native FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE! recipes for our enjoyment. This is a fundraiser to There is no FNL in November. support their Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration in We will resume in December on December. Tickets now on sale after services. Friday, December 7 at 6:30 pm in Adults $10, Children (under 12) $5. Don’t miss this the home of Jim and Sharon yummy lunch. Mayhew. Please mark your calendars and add your name to the sign-up sheet
THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO 11 located by the kitchen door. Maps will also be avail- DELETIONS able closer to the date. CHO, Yoon (Moved away) We are now signing up hosts for 2013. If you are interested in hosting a FNL please contact Ginger HOLSTON, Kenneth (Deceased) and Brad Harris. MULLEN, Grant & Teresa (Moved to Canada) Samantha, Molly, Emily, Joseph COFFEE HOUR PETERSEN, Melody Thanks to our November Hosts for providing treats during Coffee Hour. Remember, Sunday treats can SMART, Mollie (Deceased) be as simple or fancy as you chose. Episcopalians love to eat and they never complain. SENIOR WARDEN’S COFFEE HOUR HOSTS FOR NOVEMBER: MESSAGE - Community Nov. 4 Goodletts Nov. 11 Clows Are we a community? We often refer to Nov. 18 Browns St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas as a community. I Nov. 25 Dennys and Surfaces did consult a dictionary, a “non-digital” Dec. 2 June Clarke version, for a definition of community. I found a simple definition of “a sharing or participation” that seemed to fit us as a community. We seem to be a community. On Sundays the majority of our Administrative & congregation gathers at the appropriate times to Financial worship, share and participate. We are called to participate or share at our church. DIRECTORY UPDATES Many of us, not a majority, gather at least once a month for a time to socialize. There are other ser- ADDS vice times which I often feel, that maybe we are not ESCUTIA, Ascencio L. & Elisa T. SNOW- the community I thought we were. I am sure most Jonathan and Isaiah of us have had the experience of attending an event BIRDS’ 530-922-9220 at church and finding very few people there to par- ALERT 2610 R St. #30 ticipate. These days there are so many other things Before you fly off Vancouver, WA 98663 to draw us away from community. to the south or other parts What is my point? The members of the congrega- PETERSON, Jon C. Jr unknown and tion have so much to be pleased about: 360-256-3310 notify the Post Faithful clergy that are there for us, lead us, guide Office to 3606 NE 126th Ave. us and organize us, Forward or Hold Vancouver, WA 98682 your mail; please A talented Music Director, who provides weekly give us a shout so songs of praise and concerts for us to attend we won’t mail and enjoy. CHANGES anything out that is A knowledgeable, experienced church office and less than First treasurers office staff, that help us with com- BROWNS, Greg and Kathleen Class mail to you. Remove home phone number, munication, keep us organized and financially This will save us now use cell phones. the cost of return accurate. Kathleen: (360) 241-3604 postage and lots of Ministry groups work so hard and often we Greg: (503) 860-7960 worry and doubts. never realize that they are doing their job so Thank You! well.
12 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO So my point is, are you part of the community of WANT TO BE A VESTRY MEMBER? St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas? Being part of a community Serving on the Vestry takes effort, sharing and participation. Join in! The vestry is conducting the annual search for new Other comments: vestry members. Once elected, the term of each ves- Pledge Drive: Hopefully by now you have your try member is three (3) years. pledge card filled out and turned in. If you have Steps in becoming a candidate for vestry: questions about pledging, please do not hesitate 1. Decide that you want to run for and be on the to contact one of the vestry or Father Jaime. The vestry for 3 years. Ingathering Sunday is November 11th. 2. Review the eligibility requirements (below). Vestry Election in January. The vestry will need 3. Obtain a nomination form from the office or four new members in 2013. Talk to a vestry church entry, complete the form and return it to member about running for a position on the Ves- the parish office; give it to a vestry member, try. Please see the following article for warden, submit by snail mail or email to of- requirements and there are booklets available at church. 4. Attend the 2012 Annual meeting in order to re- VOTE. November 6th is the deadline to return your main on the ballot. marked ballot by mail for the US and Washington 5. Nominees will be required to submit a photo- State election. Hopefully you have paid attention graph, in either digital form or photo paper to and have or will vote. The results of this election the parish office. will have major consequences for our community. There is no guarantee that you will be elected to the So vote, vote! vestry, but if you are, you will be doing a great Metal is a viable source of income if there is a con- service to the church. tinual supply of metal. Thank you to those who Eligibility to serve as a member of have put metal in the box on the Parish Hall St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Vestry stage. Recently I had the brake discs changed on An adult (age 16 or older) member of St. Luke’s ~ my truck and kept the old ones to recycle. It all San Lucas parish and a Communicant in Good ads up. Funds raised though recycling metal go Standing (“faithful in corporate worship, unless into our general fund. If you have metal that you for good cause prevented, and have been faithful want taken away to be recycled, please contact in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the church office. the Kingdom of God”), who is a contributor of re- Our clothing closet needs serviceable used cord for the calendar year preceding their nomina- clothing, including coats and blankets. tion. Vestry members are expected to maintain the Our food pantry: Please continue your faithful giv- status as a Communicant in Good Standing, and ing. A few cans of food each Sunday helps to continue to contribute financially to the parish keep food available to those who have none. during their term of service, and able and willing Each week there are individuals and families that to attend monthly and special vestry meetings, an come to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas in search of food. annual retreat, and to work on vestry sub- Participate and share. committees and special projects. Peace, Russ Roseberry VESTRY SUMMARY: October 2012 SAYING GOODBYE: Yoon Cho has resigned from the 2013 PLEDGE DRIVE Vestry. She and her husband are moving to the San Jose Our In-Gathering is Sunday, November 11. Bring area. She promises to visit when she is back checking on you pledges or mail them in prior to this Sunday. her business. We will miss Yoon’s counsel and friendship, All will be blessed during services this Sunday. and wish her and Rob well in their new home.
THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO 13 STRATEGIC PLANNING: Paula Franck is collating the responses from her many group meetings. She will help the Vestry develop new Vision and Mission statements. TREASURER’S REPORT Those will be presented in January at the Annual Parish BUDGET SUMMARY Meeting. “Dollars and Sense” CROSS REPAIR: Our heavy brass processional cross is Percentages should to be at 66.6% of at least 80 years old. It is showing its age and needs re- budgeted revenue and expense. pairs. We may be able to borrow a cross from the diocese while ours is refurbished. Summary as of August 31, 2012 CLERGY RETREAT: Mother Vickie will be in Florida Total Budget Year to Date Percent from November 4 through 15. CREDO is an organization for the Year Actual of Total sponsored by the national church. Every Episcopal cler- Amounts Budget gyperson is invited to take part in at least CREDO well- Revenues $491,205 $416,617 85% ness retreat. Father John Allen did while he was with us. Expenses $491,205 $399,565 81% Now, it’s Mother Vickie’s turn. Net Income 0 $17,052 JUNIOR WARDEN’S REPORT: Aside from a small problem repositioning a thermostat sensor, all the long- Revenues: Actual revenues as of September are awaited heating-system and roofing work is complete. ahead of what would be expected, mostly due Part of our old pulpit has been re-purposed as an ele- to a one-time infusion of funds from former ment table in the chapel. More of its wood will be used restricted accounts. to create cabinets in the Children’s Chapel. Expenses: Overall expenses are over YTD budget Back-of-pew book racks are being extended to make projections by $4,581, due mostly to facility room for worship materials in both English and Spanish. maintenance costs and professional services. Members of the Hispanic congregation have been help- ing with trimming, raking, and other grounds work. Additional Comments: Be sure to review your third quarter statements to remind yourself of COAL TRAIN LETTER: A letter expressing the Vestry’s where you are in your contributions to-date com- concern over public safety and health impacts from additional coal trains moving through Vancouver will be pared to your original pledge. Please call the treas- sent to the appropriate state official. urer’s office if you have any questions. Thanks for your continued financial support of St. Luke’s/San CRAFTS UNLIMITED: Please help with the Crafts Unlimited Holiday Boutique. Setup is on Wednesday, Lucas. October 31 from 4 pm to about 6:30. Teardown is on Sat- urday, November 3, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer PLEDGE CARD: By the time you read this, you should have your 2013 pledge card. Please prayerfully consider RECYCLE INK CARTRIDGES increasing your pledge to help keep our parish operat- Bring your used ink cartridges and simply drop the ing, to continue and broaden existing ministries, and to start new ones as we discern our ongoing part of the cartridges into the "Cartridge World" box located in Lord’s work in Vancouver. the Parish Hall. We will turn them in for proceeds COLOR CARDS: We have received permission from the to St. Luke’s. Thanks! Sandy Geer. French firm that created our stained-glass windows to photograph them and make cards to sell Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to for profit. Sets will be out in a few weeks. (They will make beautiful Christmas submit an article for the December-January issue of cards.) the Messenger, please submit your written article on or before November 18 to the church office or Tom Amies, Clerk of the Vestry email it to Thank you!
14 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO Facility ANNUAL BRING AND BUY The Annual "Bring and Buy" Sale will take place af- THURSDAY CREW ter the 10:00 am service, Sunday, December 9th. A Gift of Time and Talent Start looking around your home for White Elephant- type items and then bring them to church the pre- Every Thursday morning a group of parishioners ceding two weeks or day of sale. Donated items can gather to share in the care of our buildings and be left on the stage behind the curtain. Proceeds go grounds as well as enjoy fellowship. The average to supporting our Thursday Crew with needed tools Thursday morning currently has eleven parishioners and equipment. showing up to contribute four hours toward the needs of the week. Many of the activities are routine Questions? Please call Pat McHargue, 695-9492. such as Jim Kimura’s directing grounds care and weekly cleaning the parking lot with Pam Gunn and Kathy Scarborough assistance; Jane Melhuish seeing that the kitchen linens are washed and maintenance Around the Diocese needs in the kitchen are addressed; and, Carl ANNUAL DIOCESAN CONVENTION McHargue maintaining the pews & kneelers in addi- The 2012 Convention is scheduled for Friday- tion to his assisting with mowing the lawns. Other Saturday, November 9-10, 2012, at the Hilton Seattle activities vary as the needs arise – as exemplified by Airport & Conference Center, SeaTac. Check out the this summer’s stripping of the parking lot by Cheryl resolutions that will be presented at Becker, Carol Hiltz, and Chris Mountford. Jim Our Delegates to convention are: Jim and Kathy Gal- Chamberlain and Lew Hampton have been busy fab- laher and Dena and Kelly Cassidy. Let them know ricating enlarged pew book racks while Jim Boyd, what your thoughts are! Pete Melhuish and Bob Hiltz have built the St. Fran- cis and Guadalupe niches, the cross stand and a base for the Chapel credence table. John Mathieu has as- sumed the role of maintaining our heating systems. He also recently installed the video conference cen- ter equipment with Jamie Mathieu’s assistance. Ja- mie is not only very active in the Thursday Crew but her role as Junior Warden has her on call to coordi- nate and assist with many projects related to build- ing and grounds activities. There is never a lack of things that need to be ad- CAMP HUSTON dressed, whether it’s replacing light bulbs, painting Visit our website: for more walls, sweeping sidewalks, yard work, fixing plumb- information or to register for these programs: ing issues or assisting other ministries in meeting November 22 – 25 Thanksgiving Family Camp special needs. If you have the desire, please consider joining the Thursday Crew – no special skills neces- December 7 – 11 Holiday Quilters sary. Sam (Samantha) Borkovic, Assistant Director Thanks to the crew and others who have assisted Huston Camp and Conference Center 360.793.0441 throughout the year. Over 2400 hours have been We’re going Green! Join our electronic mailing list donated in the last 12 months helping to provide a and stay current with all things Camp. Simply up- well maintained facility for worship, community ser- date your information online, at vice and fellowship. Bob Hiltz
THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO 15 PROGRAM OFFERINGS AT valuable from your cars and LOCK the doors! This includes when you are parked in the church park- ST. PLACID PRIORY IN LACEY ing lot, day or night! Maybe you have been thinking of doing some spiri- tuality work. If you are looking for a one day event or maybe a longer program, the St. Placid Priory in PSALMFEST: CELEBRATING Lacey have a number of offerings for November ADVENT THROUGH THE PSALMS and December. For further information on these and The public is invited to a free worship event, Psalm- other programs, please visit their website, fest: Celebrating Advent through the Psalms, Saturday, December 1, 9 a.m. to noon at One day events: St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 5607 NE Gher Rd., Vancouver WA 98665. Through singing, worship, Saturday, November 10 Expressive Prayer workshops and short presentations this event will Saturday, November 17 Healing Touch for the bring the psalms alive for worship as well as for an Seriously Ill/ End of Life Care individual’s devotional and prayer. More informa- Long-term events: tion available at (click the button Tending the Fire is a 9 month bimonthly program on the left hand side). To register, contact of- on spirituality and prayer, beginning Sept. 11, 2012 or 360-892-7160. and going until May 28, 2013. For all programs, register by prior Friday “BEYOND COAL” INVITES YOU For more information please visit our website “Beyond Coal’ worked for and has achieved coal ter- To register call The Priory minal environmental impact "scoping" hearing for Spirituality Center at 360-438-2595 or email Vancouver and all Southwest Washington and pre- hearing workshop. I urge attendance. Both sessions are held at Gaiser Hall, Clark College. Around Town • • No Coal Workshop: Wed., November 28, 7pm, * EIS Public Scoping Hearing: Wednesday, December 12, 4-7 pm, “GOD IN THE BOX” Interfaith Evening Discussion Den Mark Wichar 360-694-3703 Congregation Kol Ami is hosting an evening to share our views of God, Sunday, November 4 from NORTHWEST SENIOR THEATER 7-9 pm. Temple Kol Ami is located at 7800 NE 119th St., Vancouver, WA 98662. For directions or "CELEBRATE" questions call 360-896-8088. 2012 Holiday Gala at Alpenrose Dairy Opera House 6149 SW Shattuck Rd., Portland OR REPORT FROM OUR 2:00 pm on Wed, Nov. 14 thru Sat, Nov. 17 NEIGHBORHOOD POLICE OFFICER In the Shumway Neighbors November newsletter, Contact Betty for Information: 503-227-2003 Corporal Drue Russell, West Precinct District 1 Neighborhood Police Officer reports that in our dis- trict, there was an increase of prowls, when cars are entered and items of value are stolen, from Septem- ber 1 to October 12. Please remember to remove all
16 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO NOVEMBER PRAYER REQUESTS 2012 CYCLE OF PRAYER Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East Congregations, Ministries & Institutions Congregations, Ministries & Institutions Nov. 4 Komo Kulshan Cluster: Christ Church, Nov. 4 St. Matthew’s Church, Anacortes; St. James, Sedro Wooley; St. Zababdeh, West Bank Paul, Mt. Vernon Nov. 11 Komo Kulshan Cluster: La Iglesia Nov. 11 Penman Clinic, Zababdeh, West Bank Episcopal de la Resureccíon, Nov. 18 The Church of the Good Shepherd, Mt. Vernon; Celebration Lutheran, Salt, Jordan Anacortes Nov. 18 St. Paul, Bellingham; Emmanuel, East- Nov. 25 Holy Land Institute for the Deaf, sound; St. David, Friday Harbor Salt, Jordan Nov. 25 Christ Church, Blaine; St. Stephen Episcopal, Oak Harbor; Grace Church, Lopez Island For those celebrating their birthday. 2 - Maddy Surface 9 - Clair Ross 18 - Matthew Brothers 22 - Cecilia Gomez 3 - Barbara Tilford 9 - Jonathan Prado-Aguilar 20 - Orin Swanson 26 - Justine Hanrahan 3 - Kate McCarthy 9 - Melissa Prado-Aguilar 20 - Lorrie Barber 27 - Cindy Schlatter 3 - Yoon Cho 10 - Jane Melhuish 20 - Leslie Wells 28 - Alan Trinidad-Estrada 5 - Polly Tomer-White 11 - Stefani Cabello Ramirez 20 - John Mathieu 29 - Nancy Denny 8 - Harry Gamble 12 - Thelma O’Donnell 20 - Galilea Triana 29 - Shelly Briggs 8 - Susan Dale 14 - Ange Bunnel-Hernandez 21 - Maria Bunnell 8 - Marco Taque 17 - Ginger Harris 22 - Cheryl Becker For those serving in the armed forces, support organizations and on missions at home and abroad. Daniel Able Paul Bradley Ben Farber Alan Kenoyer Brandon Rolando Barba Robert Cole Matthew Garver Bryan Reeves William Berger Brian Cooper Randy Gibson Thomas Sherman Chaplain Bob Blessing Shane Denny Chris Jones Jennifer Whitehouse For those being remember on the anniversary of their death. 1 - Ann Cox 9 - Doree Keller 17 - Marion Gooding 23 - Maxine Records 27 - Mary Gates 2 - Nancy W. Bell 11 - John C. Richards 17 - Odin Jones 24 - Cora Bennett 28 - Jean Holston 5 - Elvira Garlisch 12 - Sylvia Deal 18 - Richard Ellis 25 - Paul Gooch 6 - Dorothy Gamble 12 - Fred Williams 18 - Fritz Dahl 25 - Dora M. Hauck 7 - Ruth Hoff 13 - Nancy Myers 19 - Nancy Bell 25 - George A. Abel, Jr, 8 - Shirley Wienecke 15 - Anna Alma Amies 19 - Leta Mae Downs 27 - Helen Collier
THE NOVEMBER 2012 MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO 17 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Regular Sunday Schedule 1 2 3 Food Outreach Food Outreach 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9-4 Crafts 9:00 Adult Discussion 9-7 Crafts 8:00 Thursday Crew Unlimited 9:45 Nursery Care Unlimited 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 Helping Hands 10:00 Women’s 10:00 Choral Eucharist 5:00 Spanish Spirituality 11:15 Coffee Hour 1st Communion 12:45 Guardería de niños FALL BACK 12:45 Clases para niños 1 HOUR AT 1:00 Santa Misa BEDTIME 4 ALL SAINTS 5 6 7 8 9 10 SUNDAY Office Food Outreach Food Outreach Food Outreach Food Outreach DAYLIGHT SAVINGS Closed 10:00 Holy 8:00 Thursday Crew 9:00 Diocesan ENDS VOTE! Communion 11:00 Diocesan Convention 10:00 Helping Hands REGULAR SUNDAY 2:00 Staff Meeting Convention 9-5 Radical 6:30 Outreach SCHEDULE Committee 6:30 Handbells Christian Life 7:30 Adult Choir 5:00 Spanish 10:30 Memorial for 11:30 Adult Forum 7:00 San 1st Communion Betty Plank 2:00 San Lucas Youth Lucas Music Practice 7:00 Radical 6:00 St. Luke’s Christian Life Youth 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IN-GATHERING Office Food Outreach Food Outreach Food Outreach Food Outreach JYC SUNDAY Closed 10:00 Holy 8:00 Thursday Crew 24th Pentecost 12:00 The Communion 10-12 Eucharistic 10:00 Helping Hands REGULAR SUNDAY Lunch Bunch 2:00 Staff Meeting Visitors Training SCHEDULE 11:15 Radical Christian Life 6:30 Vestry 5:00 Spanish 11:15 Mexican 1st Communion 7:00 San Luncheon 6:30 Handbells 6:30 Liturgy Design Lucas Music 6-9 IPOA 6:00 Taizé 11:30 Adult Forum Practice 7:30 Adult Choir Committee JYC Begins 2:00 San Lucas Youth 18 19 20 21 22 Buildings Closed 23 24 25th Pentecost Office Food Outreach Food Outreach REGULAR SUNDAY Open THANKSGIVING Office Closed 10-12 LEMS/ 10:00 Holy 10-12 LEMS/ SCHEDULE Lectors Training Communion Food Lectors Training 6:30 2:00 Staff Meeting 11:30 Adult Forum Outreach 2:00 San Lucas Youth Evangelism Committee 6:30 Thanksgiving MESSENGER Eve Dinner 7:00 San DEADLINE Lucas Music No Choir Rehearsals Practice 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dec. 1 Last Pentecost Food Outreach Food Outreach Food Outreach Food Outreach Christ the King Office 10:00 Women’s 10:00 Holy 8:00 Thursday Crew Spirituality REGULAR SUNDAY Closed Communion 10:00 Helping Hands 5:00 Spanish SCHEDULE 6:30 Pastoral 1st Communion 2:00 Staff Meeting Care 6:30 Handbells 11:30 9-13 Youth Class 6:00 San Lucas 7:00 San 7:30 Adult Choir 11:30 Adult Forum Youth Group 6:00 Jazz Vespers Lucas Music 2:00 San Lucas Youth Practice Church Office Hours: 9 am-12 pm & 1 pm-5 pm Tuesday - Friday Closed Wednesdays for Staff Meeting, 2-3:30 pm. If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office, 360-696-0181.
The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Non-Profit 18 THE MESSENGER ·· EL MENSAJERO U.S. Postage Paid Vancouver, WA Permit No. 804 Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663 Request delivery by dates: November 1 - 3 Return Service Requested St. LukeÊs Episcopal Church (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal Email: Twitter: Facebook: The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Vickie Dogaru, Associate Rector The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy Senior Warden: Russ Roseberry The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy Junior Warden: Jamie Mathieu VESTRY MEMBERS: Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Dena Cassidy, June Clarke, Chess Getsinger, Treasurer Emeritus Felix Gimenez, Don Lawry, Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Jim Schlatter and Lee Wilson Tim Nickel, Music Director Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator Chancellor: F. James Mayhew
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