Página creada Antonio Bernabeu
                                  OFFICIAL DIGITAL MAGAZINE   OCTOBER 2020

                     GENO AURIEMMA
                       ON AND OFF THE COURT

                   Amadou Gallo Fall
                   A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN
                   FIBA AND the NBA

      giannis SFAIROPOULOS
      Pick & Roll Execution
      From general to individual
 rules vs. switching P & R defense
AdB Hoops Publisher
                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS
 Is a digital pubblication of the Alqueria del
                                                   Editorial                                   Referees
Basket, C/ Bomber Ramon Duart S/N 46013,           Three top people share the cover 5          The devil is in the details             42
                Valencia, Spain                    Giorgio Gandolfi                            Olegs Latisevs
              Giorgio Gandolfi                     coaches                                     Rules QUIZ                              48
               Editorial Office                    Pick & roll execution             6         Roberto Chiari
                                                   Giannis Sfairopoulos
     E-mail:                                                            Marketing, MANAGEMENT & Digital
          Art Director: Lisa Cavallini             Olympiacos Development team      14         Social media is a source        50
         The magazine is published                 practices                                   of entertainment and connection
             six times per year
                                                   Dimitris Tsaldaris                          Shahbaz Khan
  Valencia BC, Alqueria del Basket, and the
   Editor-in-Chief Giorgio Gandolfi are not        Various topics                              Alqueria News
responsible for the opinions expressed in the
          articles. All rights reserved
                                                   geno auriemma - Winning is       20         Basketball, More Active            54
 All information in this digital publication are   only part of a coach’s job                  than ever at L’Alqueria del Basket
 provided as news matter only and is not to        Interview by Giorgio Gandolfi
 be used to violate any local or national laws
                                                                                               Alqueria Events                         56
              Produced in Italy                    Video library
   Copyright 2020 by Alqueria del Basket,          Thumb set (Fifth part)           26         Alqueria SERVICES                       58
               Valencia, Spain
                                                   eCoach - NBA Coaches Association
 The articles received by the authors, by any                                                  Hoops for All - baskin
  means (e-mail, fax or by postage) will be        Last Second Out-of-Bounds        27         The baskin technique and tactic         60
  property of the above Publisher, and the         Winning Play 		                             Francesco Longhi
  authors will automatically granted to the
  Publisher the right to publication without
                                                   Claudio Cèsar Prieto
     asking any fee now or in the future           “DON’T GET SCREENED!”            28         Hoops for All
                                                   Pascal Meurs                                wheelchair basketball
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                               Systems of Play:                        64
We would like to thank for their collaboration     Mini Basketball                             Offense (First Part)
All the authors, who, with a great                 Explosive growth                 30
enthusiasm, shared with us their knowledge.                                                    Haj Bhania
Ms. Lisa Cavallini as Art Director, Mr. Carles
                                                   of Mini Basketball in Denmark
Orive, for the Spanish translation, Ms. Elisa      Thomas Johansen                             AROUND THE COURT
Michel for the English editing, Mr. Alberto                                                    The Basketball Africa League            68
Chilet, Media Director of the Valencia BC,         Strenght & Conditioning Coaches             Interview by Giorgio Gandolfi
for the help and collaboration. Thanks             From the quarantine to ACB title 36
to: UConn Ms. Anna Lebonte, Assistant              Luka Svilar
Director of Athletics Communications - WBB
for the collaboration and for the photos
of the interview of Geno Auriemma; Mr.
Roey Gladstone, Maccabi Tel Aviv Chief
Marketing Officer and Mr. Omer Geva for
the Giannis Sfairopoulos’ article photos;
for the photos of the Mr. Saeed Marine, the
Danish Basketball Federation, and the De
Danske Gymnastik og idrætsforeninger
for the Thomas Johansen’s article photos;
Mr. Shahbaz Khan for the photos of his
                                                                        36                           42                          50
article; British Wheelchair Basketball / SA         Strenght & Conditioning           Referees              Marketing, Management
Images for the Haj Bhania’s article photos;                Coaches            The devil is in the details           & Digital
Basketball Africa League for the Amadou              From the quarantine           Olegs Latisevs           Social media is a source
Gallo Fall’s article photos.                             to ACB title                                          of entertainment
                                                         Luka Svilar                                            and connection
                                                                                                                 Shahbaz Khan
Ford Focus Active
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Giorgio Gandolfi } Editor in Chief

            s you will notice, this cover is totally dif-   of Olympiacos and two championships with Maccabi
            ferent from the last six ones. We were          Tel Aviv, is among the elite of the European coaches,
            unsure as to which article’s author should      yet he remains a down to earth person, and he was
            have the cover, due to the importance of        extremely glad to share his knowledge with us in
            the three personalities, so we decided to       this article.
put all three on the cover together.
                                                            Finally, we found Luka Svilar’s article to be very in-
Coach Geno Auriemma is without a doubt the No.              teresting. Now with UNICS Kazan, he was the stren-
1 women’s basketball coach in the world: 11 NCAA            gth and conditioning coach of the Baskonia team
titles, two Olympic Games gold medals, and tens of          of Vitoria - Gasteiz, which won the 2020 Spanish
NCAA Women’s Basketball All-Americans are enou-             ACB title. He explains how he faced the problem of
gh to confirm this. As with all the great coaches, he       COVID-19 and its impact on individual players and
is not only a master of the X’s and O’s on the court,       team practices throughout lockdown, as well as du-
but also a leader and an example for his players off        ring the final phase of the championship, which saw
the court and in their education.                           Baskonia beat Barcelona.

Amadou Gallo Fall, born in Senegal, but raised and
educated in the US, is the mastermind behind the
growth and exposure of African basketball.
While working with the Dallas Mavericks
he created the SEED Academy in Se-
negal, the first student-athlete aca-
demy in Africa for 20 boys and 20
girls, where they practice both
basketball and academics. He
was then appointed Vice Pre-
sident & Managing Director of
NBA Africa, and was instru-
mental in creating the new
and unique Basketball Africa
League. This is a professional
league with teams from dif-
ferent African countries and
a partnership between FIBA
and the NBA whose season
was postponed due to CO-
VID-19; their debut season will
begin next year.

He served his apprenticeships as
assistant coach with Jonas Kazlau-
skas at CSKA Moscow, with Pini Ger-
shon and Panagiotis Giannakis at Olym-
piacos Piraeus and also with him at the
Greek national team, and briefly with Kevin
McHale at the Houston Rockets of the NBA. Now
Giannis Sfairopoulos, after two titles as head coach
                                                                                               ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 5
COACHES} Giannis Sfairopoulos } Maccabi Tel Aviv Head Coach

                            PICK & ROLL EXECUTION
                                               From general to individual
                                         rules vs. switching P & R defense

                                                   urrently, the P & R is one of the most com-
                                                   mon and popular ways to attack. Guards and
                                                   big men are great P & R executors, achieving
                                                   this through simple 2 on 2 sets. But because
                                                   of the different ways to defend the P & R, the
                                          entire team is actually involved on offense, after the
                                            initial P & R action. In modern basketball strategy,
                                              we use the P & R as the spark to start the fire
                                                on offense. We look to create an advantage
                                                  on offense which forces the defense to react
                                                   differently. There are also a lot of times that
                                                    we continue our set offense with a drive
                                                     and kick game. This is the reason why P &
                                                     R is so popular in our time, and most of the
                                                      teams are using it with a high percenta-
                                                       ge of success, as the action to attack on

                                                              BASIC RULES
                                                          FOR P & R EXECUTION
                                                     • BALL HANDLER
                                                     One of our basic rules to execute the P
                                                     & R is the SEPARATION. Any good P &
                                                      R starts with the ball handler getting
                                                      separation from his man. The guards’
                                                       role in any P & R situation is to get se-
                                                             paration, so that the screener can
                                                                come in either through live ball
                                                                   or off the dribble and set
                                                                    the screen. So, before the
                                                                      screen is set, we want
                                                                       to move the defense, by
                                                                       doing what we call “rip
                                                                       the ball through” or “rip
                                                                       the ball over,” that is,
                                                                       making a cross over step
                                                                      at the same moment.
                                                                     This way, we force the de-
                                                                   fender to react away from
                                                                 the side where the screen is
                                                              coming. Then the guard brings

                                    1                                        2                                              3

the ball back and we’ve got the separation from our
defender. The screen now is more impactful.

If the guard is in a live dribble situation, he has to try
to do the same thing, by knocking his defender off and
dribbling in the opposite direction from the screener.
He has to try to reject the screen and attack. If his de-
fender stops him, then the screener is setting the scre-
en and the guard gets the separation that is planned.

Setting good and legal screens is a big part of our em-
phasis. We want the screens to be set properly, crea-
ting an advantage to the player with the ball. One first
basic rule for the screener is to SPRINT TO SCREEN.
We want the screener to “head hunt” and set the scre-
en at the moment that the guard creates the separa-
tion. He has to make a stride stop, having his chest and
his sternum at the defenders’ shoulder. The angle of
the screen should be with the screeners back towards
the basket. This is because we don’t want the defen-
der to have space to go under.

The ball handler should come off of two dribbles, befo-
re making any decision. From there he can continue to
drive to the rim, to pull up, hitting the role man or kick
out to the shooters.
                                                              variety in our P & R offensive strategy. These concep-
• SCREENER                                                    ts are as follows:
According to the type of defense, we want our big guy         } Transition P & R: All early situations are harder to
to roll in deep, with a quick first step, or to stay at the       defend and can create immediate advantage. The-
high post area for a short roll pass. This flexibility of         se days when the speed of the game is very impor-
the Roll man gives us different perspective when exe-             tant, early P & R options in transition are readily
cuting our P & R offense.                                         welcomed.
                                                              } On the run P & R: The screener starts from low,
GENERAL P & R CONCEPTS                                            sprinting up to set the screen and then again to
In building our P & R offense, we have always sought              sprint inside to receive the ball. It is very helpful
to create different concepts that will produce a lot of           against aggressive P & R defenses to have a delay

                                                                                                        ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 7


                                                     screen to the screener down low, to take
                                                         the defender of the screener out of the
                                                           show. The delay screen should be set
                                                             either from a guard or the other big
                                     TWO TIME                 man.
                                                              } Multiple P & R: It’s also important
                                  ISRAELI LEAGUE              for our offense to have a continuous
                                    CHAMPION                  P & R movement, giving a flow to our
                                                              sets. With this concept we want to
                                                            have a Side to Middle P & R, or a Side
                                                           to other Side P & R, to spread the floor,
                                                        to have the proper distances and to force
                                                    defense to defend for a longer period and to
                                              a wider area.
                                          Here I would like to categorize the P & R options,
                                          according to the balance and configuration of the
                                          players on the court. So, we divide the P & R action
                                          into six different types:

                          7                              8                                        9

10                                          11                       12


• HIGH P & R
This is a simple 2 on 2 game on the top of the key, ha-
ving the other three players low, close to the baseline.
(diagr. 1).                                                He likes to spend
                                                            time with his
• STRAIGHT P & R                                                family
The screener comes straight in, right behind the defen-

der of the ball, and sets the screen directly or changes    Reading is one
                                                            of his pastimes
the angle at the last moment (diagr. 2).

A P & R option with three players behind the 3-point
line. It’s the most common P & R situation, having two
players behind the ball or on the view. (diagr. 3-4).

The last 3-4 years, a lot of coaches started adding the
Elbow P & R situation, more often than before, to their
offensive system. With this formation on the court we
create different angles, lanes and spacing for the of-
fense to attack (diagr. 5).                                                                            15

                                                                                   ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 9

                                    16                                     17                                   18

 • STEP UP P & R                                             • AND LAST BUT VERY IMPORTANT, SIDE P & R
 As an extension of the Elbow P & R situation, what’s        This takes place into the free throw line extended and
 more common these days is the “Step Up P & R” si-           sometimes even lower, having the other three players
 tuation. This is when the screener sets the ball screen     to the weak side. This formation gives the team con-
 to the elbow area giving a driving angle advantage to       tinuity and a motion option, moving the ball from one
 the player with the ball. Can be with or without a corner   side of the court to the other (diagr. 8).
 player (diagr. 6-7).
                                                             AGAINST SWITCHING P & R DEFENSE
                                                             During the last few years, the switching P & R defen-
                                                             se, started to be executed by a lot of teams. Many co-
                                                             aches have added the switching defense to their P &
                                                             R defensive philosophy. This is how they attempt to
                                                             stop the flow of the offense and the continuity that a
                                                             multiple P & R offense is providing. We’ve seen a lot
                                                             of instances of teams struggling against this particu-
                                                             lar defense and players that were going out of their
                                                             regular way of attacking the opponents. It’s true that
                                                             when the defending team turns the defense from re-
                                                             gular man-to-man to a switching defense, we have
                                                             to change the offensive approach of the game. We
                                                             should “read” the weakest parts of this defense and
                                                             attack them from there, because when the defense
                                                             switches the P & R, it immediately creates misma-
                                                             tches, inside and outside. That’s why the smarter re-
                                                             action of the offense should be to read exactly where
                                                             the advantage is and immediately attack it. Therefo-
                                                             re, our directions offensively against the P & R swi-
                                                             tching defense are:
                                                             } Attacking the outside mismatch
                                                             } Attacking the inside mismatch
 TWO TIMES                                                   } Continuing to execute the offensive plays, no mat-
                                                                 ter whether they switch the P & Rs or not.
                                                             ATTACKING THE OUTSIDE MISMATCH
 CHAMPION                                                    Teams that have versatile big men, who are good ath-
                                                             letes and can defend on ball against guards, have an
                                                             advantage in executing this defense. They put the best
                                                             X5 defender on the offensive big man, so after swi-

tching the P & R, the X5 defends on ball. One very easy       A lot of teams are using
reaction of the offense against this move is to execute       the “triple switch” op-
the P & R with the 4-position player, if the X4 is not so     tion to cover the insi-
good a defender as the X5 (diagr. 9).                         de mismatch with a
                                                              bigger player (diagr.
                                                                                              TWO TIMES
An alternative option should be to run, after the first P &   18). In that situa-            EUROLEAGUE
R with 5, a second P & R with the weakest defender on
the team (even if this player could be a guard) (diag. 10).
                                                              tion our reaction
                                                              has two directions.
                                                                                            FINALIST WITH
                                                              First, to find the of-         OLYMPIACOS
On our team, when we attack the outside mismatch,             fensive player who is
we also organize the formation of the players so that         at the side of the triple
they’re away from the ball. Some coaches like the trian-      switch, and attack during
gle and one (diagr. 11), and some others the one – four       that small period that they
formation (diagr. 12). We like to have both options, so
the ball handler would have different options to attack
the big man 1 on 1.

In both situations, while the ball handler is starting to
attack the big men, we can have the other players set-
ting screens away from the ball (for example, flair scre-
ens), to gain advantage for a good shot (diagr. 13-14).

Another reaction of the defense to the player who is
attacking the outside mismatch, is the run and jump to
him, to try to get the ball out of his hands, helping the
big man who is defending the guard (diagr. 15). In that
option, the ball handler should be ready to make the ri-
ght pass and the easy pass, to move the ball and to put
the defense under a running close out situation (diagr.
16) until the moment that the offensive team finds the
open player to execute.

Another option of our offense against the switching P
& R defense is to attack with the big man from inside.
After the defense switches the P & R, we want our big
man to dive deep into the paint, seal the guard and get
the ball to finish easy under the rim (diagr. 17).

                                    19                                    20                                        21

                                                                                               ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 11

switch the match ups (diagr. 19). And second, to keep       player they trap (baseline, strong side, top of the key)
the second, bigger defender (who most of the times          and then to organize how we have to attack against
is X4) at the strong side, in order not to be able to get   the low post trap (diagr. 21).
involved in the triple switch situation (diagr. 20).
                                                            CONTINUING TO EXECUTE THE OFFENSIVE PLAYS
Some other teams like to trap the inside mismatch.          In that situation, we have some offenses that we
In that option, our reaction is to know from which          know from before and we’ll continue to run, even if

the defense switches the P & Rs against us. These of-
                                                   fenses are mainly motion offenses, with a lot of pas-
                                                   ses and cuts and movement in general, that against
                                                   the switching P & R defense, keeps the flow of the
                                                   game. In these particular offenses, we are mainly
                                                   trying to find the weak side players to have a close
                                                   out offensive option and a drive and kick game.
Career                                             These are the ideas that we have for our offensive
                                                   game against switching P & R defense. We are trying to
       1997-2005                 2009-2010         be smart, to read and attack the weak parts of this de-
Paok Assistant & Interim    Greek National Team    fense. We have organized the ways and the directions
                                                   to attack, so all the players should be on the same page,
         Coach                   Assistant         knowing what they have to do at every moment of the
      2001-2004                  2011-2012         game. Of course, it’s obvious that we want the players
                                                   to bring their individual talents and skills to bear in each
 Greek National Team       CSKA Moscow Assistant   game. Their personalities and correct decisions are so
      Assistant                                    important for the success of our offense. Their creativi-
                                                   ty and the imaginativeness that they bring to the game
      2005-2008               Houston Rockets      are always welcome as they give us the necessary in-
 Olympiacos Assistant            Assistant         gredients for that extra push so vital to our game.
        2006                     2012-2014
 Cleveland Cavaliers        Panionios Head Coach
      2008-2011            Olympiacos Head Coach
   Kolossos Rhodes
     Head Coach                2018-Present
                              Maccabi Tel Aviv           #sfairopoulos
                                                                                          ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 13

                           Weekly cycle and how we implement a new play

                                                     s you all know, time is running during a se-
                                                     ason and it's very important how you utili-
                                                     ze time to schedule your weekly cycle, add
                                                     new things such as a new play or a defense
                                                     and maximize your team’s potential. Be-
                                        low, I will analyze how we are planning a weekly cycle
                                        of practices and how we implement a new play that
                                        we want to use in our next game. ,     Bear in mind that
                                        the period is the second half of the first round and our
                                         team plays one game per week.

                                                 Our week starts on Monday morning with
                                                   weightlifting and individual workouts.
                                                      Our players are separated into groups
                                                          of big men and guards using two
                                                              baskets and in the first part of
                                                                the practice they are wor-
                                                                  king on fundamentals 1
                                                                    vs. 0. We use the se-
                                                                     cond part to work 1
                                                                      vs. 0 (still in the same
                                                                       groups) on our exi-
                                                                       sting play options or
                                                                       to introduce a new
                                                                       play by working dif-
                                                                       ferent options of the
                                                                       basic execution of
                                                                       the play. Generally, all
                                                                       of our individual wor-
                                                                       kouts are based on
                                                                       dribble, drive, finish
                                                                       situations as much
                                                                       as on read/react and
                                                                       spacing drills. We fi-
                                                                       nish the practice with
                                                                       spot shooting, coun-
                                                                       ting the makes and
                                                                       free throws. Practice
                                                                       is going to last for 1
                                                                       hour and 15 minutes
                                                                       at most.




Before afternoon practice, there is our first video
session that includes the feedback from our
previous game. At the beginning of the after-
noon practice, we introduce in 5 vs 0, the
new play, by emphasizing what we want                    HE PLAYED
and what will be our response in any de-
fense. After stretching, we use teams of
                                                        IN DIV. I AND II
3 vs. 0 with three balls and two coaches                    TEAMS
and we are working on the play, running
different scenarios (all three players have to            IN GREECE
score). This will take up 10 minutes before we
move into conditioning and the main structure                                                                          3
of practice that includes 1 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2 pick & roll
defense, shell drills and a part of 5 vs. 5 half-court,
running the new play. Practice is going to last 1 hour
and 30 minutes (diagr. 1, 2, 3, 4).

Moving on to Tuesday, we start the practice with 3
vs. 0 full court with one ball, running different options
of the play. That will take eight minutes of the time.
After stretching, we stay on half-court working on 4
vs. 0 options of the play, focusing on game-like speed,
strong passes and setting screens with the right an-
gle. This will take eight to 10 minutes before we move
into 5 vs. 0 from half to full court, asking the same key
points from the players as off 4 vs. 0. We then move                                                                   4

                                                                                                  ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 15
on to the practice that includes transition and condi-
tioning drills based on our identity and how we want
to play on both ends. We use competitive shooting
drills to slow down the pace and then we move on 4
vs. 4 and 5 vs. 5 drills working on our defense. We fi-
nish the practice, working on our offense 5 vs. 5 from
half to full court, focusing on the new play and its key
points but also on the pace, because for us pace mat-
ters. The scheduled time for the practice is 1 hour and
45 minutes (diagr. 5, 6, 7, 8).

On Wednesday morning, we have our second
morning practice that includes weightlifting and
basketball drills. The team is working individually in
groups of big men and guards, parts of our plays are
in two baskets. We finish the practice with spot sho-
oting and free throws. The practice will last 1 hour
and 15 minutes.

In the afternoon practice, we start working pairs 2
vs. 0 (one guard, one big man) with one ball for each      options of our plays or we go with the 3 vs. 0 (three
pair. While the team is warming up, we execute on          balls + two coaches) working with high intensity.
the lines and the angles of the play that we added.        When we finish that part, we focus on the scouting
After stretching, we continue with about 10 minu-          of the opponent by working on their plays and how
tes of 4 vs. 0 drills (half-court) focusing on different   we want to defend them. We go 5 vs. 5 from half to

                                                                                       HE ALSO
                                                                                     PLAYED IN A1
                                                                                    TEAMS IN ITALY

                                  5                                      6

                                  7                                      8                                    9

10                  11                                         12

     full court, working on the scouting on half court and
     our transition on full court. After we are done with
     the defense, we continue with competitive shooting
     drills before our time-out. Our rule is that losers run.
     We finish our practice by working on our offense or
     by playing scrimmage for two to eight minutes. The
     total time will be 1 hour and 30 minutes (diagr. 9, 10,
     11, 12).

     On Thursday, we have our second video session fo-
     cused on the team characteristics of the opponent.
     That will take us about 30 minutes. We then move
     to practice and we start by working individually in
     two groups of big men and guards, separating them
     using two baskets and working on options of the
     play that we added. After stretching, the practice is
     focused on the defensive scouting and our offensive
     adjustments. We emphasize the pace and the inten-
     sity as much as the details of the execution of our
     offense. The total time of the practice is 1 hour and
     45 minutes.

                                          ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 17

    OLYMPIACOS B TEAM WEEKLY SCHEDULE                                                                 TIDBITS
     Day 1 - Monday                                 Day 4 - Thursday                                  He studying
                                                                                                       for a Minor
     9:30 - 10:45 Morning Practice                  17:50 - 18:20 Video Session,
                                                                                                     Degree in Sports
     18:00 - 18:25 Previous Game Feedback           opponent team’s characteristics                   Management
     18:30 - 20:00                                  18:30 - 20:15 Practice

     Demo new play/drill 3 vs. 0 + two                                                               His hobbies are
                                                    Day 5 - Friday
     coaches                                                                                          reading and
                                                    17:50 - 18:20 Video Session                      watching movies
     Day 2 - Tuesday                                Opposing Players
     18:00 - 19:45                                  18:30 - 19:45 Practice
     3 vs. 0 full court with different options
                                                    Day 6 - Saturday
     Day 3 - Wednesday                              17:00 Game
     9:30 - 10:45 Practice
                                                    Day 7 - Sunday
     18:30 - 20:00 2 vs. 0, warm up + basic
                                                    Game Analysis
     execution of the play/ 4 vs. 0 play’s diffe-
                                                    Evaluation of the new play
     rent options

                                                           On Friday, we have the third video session that is fo-
                                                           cused on the opponent players’ personnel. Generally,
                                                           on Friday we keep the pace low because we want our
                                                           players to be fresh for Saturday’s game. Our practice
                                                           starts by walking through the opponent’s plays and
                                                           concluding with how we are going to defend them.
                                                           After stretching, we work on 5 vs. 0 for 15 minutes on
                                                           our plays and offensive out of bounds. The next part
                                                           of the practice is focused on special situations and
                                                           after time-outs that we will use, or we might use in
                                                           the game. We finish with competitive shooting drills
                                                           and we are ready to go for the game. Scheduled time
                                                           for the practice is 1 hour and 15 minutes.

                                                           On Saturday, our game is at 17:00 (5pm), so we don’t
                                                           have time for a morning shoot-around. On Sunday, we
                                                           do our game analysis and we also evaluate the effi-
                                                           ciency of our plays, including the execution and effi-
                                                           ciency of the newly added play, by keeping stats of
                                                           every play and action that we had in the game. We
                                                           finish our game week by preparing the video feedback
                                                           that is going to be shown and discussed with our
                                                           players before Monday afternoon practice.
       2018 - Present                2019 – Present
    Olympiacos Piraeus             Olympiacos Piraeus
     Academy Director              Development Team
     & Head Coach U 18                 Head Coach                 @dim_tsaldaris


                    ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 19
VARIOUS TOPICS } Geno Auriemma } University of connecticut Women's Head Coach

It’s special developing
players on and off
the court

                                     uigi “Geno” Auriemma is
                                     the winningest coach in
                                     the history of women’s
     11                              college basketball - yet
                                     he does not like the term
    NCAA                    “women’s basketball,” because he
                            says that he coaches “basketball
CHAMPIONSHIPS               players.”
 WITH UCONN                 His road to fame began in the vil-
                           lage of Montella, in the province
                          of Avellino, located in the region of
                        Campania, Italy, where he was born in
                      1954. At the age of seven, his parents,
                  Donato and Marcella emigrated to the USA,
             and they settled in Norristown, Pennsylvania.
        Being an Italian, as a boy in Montella, he played soccer,
        a sport virtually unknown in the US at that time. As a
        result, when he arrived in the US, he started playing
        baseball, and then basketball, which soon became his
        great passion. Following his experience as a coach at
        the high school level, he began his college coaching
        career as an assistant at St. Joseph’s University, and
        then at the University of Virginia, from which he made
                                             ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 21
VARIOUS TOPICS } Winning is only part of a coach’s job

    OLYMPIC                    the big leap to head            for every minute of practice so they can be on for all
GOLD MEDALS AS                  coach at the Univer-
                                sity of Connecticut
                                                               40 minutes of a game.”

 UNITED STATES                 in 1985.                        Which coaches have had the greatest influence on
                                                               your coaching style, and why?
                               And since that time,
  HEAD COACH                  UConn and its coach              “I think the coach Buddy Gardler at Bishop Kenrick
                            have become legends,               High School, was obviously a huge influence. He
                          winning 11 NCAA wom-                 coached a really old school, tough way of playing,
                        en’s titles, as well as three          focus on the fundamentals. I played for him and he
                    Olympic Gold medals with                   gave me the first opportunity to coach when I was in
               Auriemma led USA teams, and two                 college, so everything kind of started there.“
FIBA World Championships Gold Medals with the USA
Senior Women’s National teams.                                 How would you describe your style of play on of-
                                                               fense and defense?
Mr. Auriemma, in an article you were described as              “Ball movement is really important on offense, mak-
“controversial, confrontational and driven.” Could             ing sure we’re always looking for the next pass to
you kindly go deeper into these traits of your per-            have the best shot available. We spend a lot of time
sonality? And how does your personality exhibit it-            working on defense, especially man-to-man. Every-
self on the court, in practice and in the game?                one wants to score, but you need to be really solid
“I’m Italian, I have roots in Philly, so I think I just have   defensively to win consistently.”
a gritty, outspoken mentality. I’m going to be really
honest with you about what you’re doing right and              When you recruit players what are the most im-
wrong. I expect the best out of my players and staff           portant non-technical aspects of their personali-
ties that you are looking for in order for them to
        become part of the UConn team?
        “I think body language is huge. How they react to a
        good play, a bad play, their team winning or losing.
        How they treat their teammates, coaches and op-
        ponents. I want them to be as happy for their team-
        mate making a great play as they
        are for themselves.”

        Focusing instead on basketball
        skills, which features are you            He has been
        looking for the most in a recruit?       married to his
        “I like kids who love basketball.       wife Kathy since
        You can tell who’s staying in the             1978
        gym and putting in extra work.

        The ones that want to learn more            He owns a
        and keep developing when they            restaurant Café
        get to college.”                           Aura and he
                                                 produces pasta
        Once you told in an interview-          sauces and wines
        er that you were praying to lose

        a game finally, because it could        He played soccer
        help the team. Would you please         in Italy and then
        explain this concept?                     baseball and
                                                basketball in the
                                                  United States

                                                 basketball team
                                                  NY Knicks of
                                                     the ‘70s


                                             ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 23
VARIOUS TOPICS } Winning is only part of a coach’s job
[laughs] “That must’ve been the 2016-17 season.           from your players?
We had just come off our fourth straight national         “I don’t think any competitor wants to lose. That’s
championship, Stewie [Breanna Stewart] left college       never the goal. So I personally always want to win
as one of the best collegiate players ever, along with    and to do it while playing the best basketball we can.”
Mo [Moriah Jefferson] and [Morgan] Tuck as the top
three picks in the WNBA draft. So the last couple         How do you motivate your players in practice and
years, we hadn’t had a lot of adversity, it was easy.     in a game?
And I felt like the team we had that year, they were      “I think it’s important to know your players and as
young and had relied on the three that just graduat-      time has gone on, it’s gotten harder to figure out
ed, so a loss would help them kind of wake up and         how hard to be on certain players. Kids want to come
                   learn what was needed to keep          to practice and they want to go at their pace, But I
                        competing at the highest lev-     think the expectation is that you’re going at my pace.
                          el. And we just kept win-       You’re here to be coached and to learn, so you need
                            ning that year, we got up     to bring the right attitude and work ethic every day.”
      8                       to 111 straight wins be-
                               fore losing in the Final   In the 2016, at the Indianapolis Final Four press
  NAISMITH                      Four.”                    conference you said that while looking at the game
                                                          video you also take note of the body language of
WOMEN’S COACH                  What does “the burn-       the players on the bench. How do you react if you
 OF THE YEAR                   ing desire to win,”
                               mean for you and do
                                                          detect a wrong attitude or poor body language? “I
                                                          think a lot of it starts in practice. It’s just like basket-
   AWARDS                     you require the same        ball - once you get into the game, you’re not learning
                                                          anything new, you’re doing what you practiced. So
                                                          making sure you’re high fiving your teammates, tell-
                                                          ing them when they made a good play, picking them
                                                          up when they’re down. It’s a team sport, so it’s im-
                                                          portant to be a good teammate.”

                                                          There are some past players, both superstars and
                                                          reserves to whom you are particularly tied? What
                                                          are the reasons for those strong connections? In
                                                          general, how are your relationships with players
                                                          once they leave Uconn?
                                                          “Well at UConn I’ve had the opportunity to coach
                                                          some really, really special players. And then with
                                                          U.S. Basketball, I got to coach some of them again,
                                                          Dee [Diana Taurasi], Sue [Bird], Tina [Charles], Stew-
                                                          ie [Breanna Stewart], Maya [Moore]. I think there’s
                                                          a lot of respect both ways that I’m going to expect
                                                          them to put in their hardest effort every single day,
                                                          and they’re going to expect the same out of me.“
                                                          Have you ever been contacted by a men’s team, ei-
                                                          ther college or NBA to coach? If so, why did you de-
                                                          cide to refuse their offers?
                                                          “I have, and I just didn’t feel like the timing or oppor-
                                                          tunity was right. I think I would enjoy doing it, but for
                                                          me, it’d be like starting over as a coach. And I think
                                                          there’s an idea that coaching men is the pinnacle for
                                                          a coach, but I’ve been able to coach some of the best
                                                          players and teams in the world.”

                                                          Looking back on a long and successful coaching
career, which are your greatest satisfactions and
                                                      “I think seeing players develop on and off the court.
                                                      I think that’s something that’s what’s special about
                                                      being a college coach, you set them up for the rest
                                                      of their lives. So getting the best out of them on and
                                                      off the court over four years and then seeing them
                                                      take those skills and become successful after they
                                                      leave UConn is really something special.“
Career                                                Are there any outstanding regrets?
                                                      “Maybe little things here and there, but I’ve been
       1978 - 1979               1981 - 1985          pretty fortunate to have a lot of great moments,
St. Joseph’s University     University of Virginia    more than bad ones.”
    Assistant Coach           Assistant Coach
     1979 - 1981               1985 - Present    
 Bishop Kenrick H.S.      University of Connecticut
     Head Coach              Women’s Head Coach   

                                                                                         ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 25

     erry Stotts, the head coach of the Portland Trail
     Blazers since 2012, teaches another solution
     from the several which can be generated out of
the “Thumb Set”: the “One Chest Wheel.”

“Always start in a box set, with two big men at the
corners of the free-throw lane, the two perimeter
players down in the lane, and the point guard in the
middle of the court. This set gives us the chance to
begin the play on either side of the court. The point
guard starts to dribble to one side of the court, and
this is the signal to begin the play. We have the big
man on the ball side to screen down for the wing,
then we run a first flare, followed by a turn out. Next,
we run a second flare and a second turn out to give
one of our best outside shooters the chance to get
free, receive the ball and shoot.”

eCoach is the official technical video company of the
NBA Coaches Association (NBCA, www.nbacoaches.
com). Several NBA head and assistant coaches share their drills and plays. There are different sections of
the library, from children, to youth, to pro level. You can obtain more information about the company and
its services by going to


     yle Lowry was the inbounder, Marc Gasol made
     a first screen for Fred VanVleet, who is one of
     the Raptors’ best three-point shooters, and
who dragged two defenders. Gasol, after a screen
for Pascal Siakam, dragged another defender who
was a potential threat in the lane. Having all three
of the potential receivers guarded, Kyle Lowry
saw that OG Anunoby was incredibly alone on the
opposite corner of the court and made a cross court
pass to him. He received the ball and made the
winning shot. On the Boston Celtics’ side, perhaps
the only unfortunate defensive detail was confusion
in the peripheral vision at the moment when the
visual contact was broken (when a single member
disconnected), resulting in a short circuit in the
Celtics’ team defense.

Claudio César Prieto                                   the staff of the Michael Jordan Brand Classic in
Argentine professional coach who also holds            Barcelona. He has coached Catalan teams, has
Spanish citizenship, he has attended many clinics      the FIBA and top Spanish and Argentine coaching
and been the guest of teams worldwide, including       licenses, and is an expert in video analysis.
the San Antonio Spurs of the NBA. Prieto was on

                                                                                        ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 27

          hen guarding the ball in a pick-and-roll            defenders involved, etc.
          situation, priority no. 1 is not to get screened.   In the video I break down some of the ins-and-outs
          Whenever the screen can hit and hold you            by one of the best PNR defenders in the EuroLeague.
on the shoulder, this will result in a 2-on-1 situation       Some of these crucial fundamentals are discussed
in favour of the offense. Additionally, it is important       and highlighted: hip to shoulder to pass the screen,
to keep pressure on the ball as much as possible and          when to use a spin move to go under, when to cross
limit the vision and decision making of the playmaker.        your legs…
In order to avoid getting screened, the best ball
defenders at the highest level seem to soar lightly
over the floor. In this video I highlight Facundo
Campazzo (Real Madrid) who moves like an
Argentinian dancer over and under the screens. Unlike
the old-school textbooks, the best defenders are not
too low on their legs and move on the balls of their
Whether to go OVER or UNDER a pick is a decision
that depends on several factors: personnel scouting,
exact location on the court, floor balance (spacing)
of the opponent, previous action and timing by both

Pascal Meurs is currently the head coach of Sparta Bertrange (Luxemburg). Recently, he worked for six
months as the head coach of EuroProBasket International Academy for professional players in Valencia,
Spain. He has experience as a head coach at the highest level in Belgium, The Netherlands and France.
Pascal is an expert in advanced basketball analytics and a skilled speaker at coaching clinics. He also runs a
coaching website and newsletter:

                    ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 29
MINI BASKETBALL } Thomas Johansen } Danish Basketball Federation Head of Development

                  BASKETBALL IN DENMARK
                                        TREMENDOUS STRIDES
                                        IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS

                                                              WE HAVE
                                                         A MINI BASKETBALL
                                                          WITH THE ITALIAN

          he Danish Basketball Federation is one       that work with basketball. Our biggest and most
          of the smaller Federations in Europe, in a   important strategic goal is to have a higher volume
          country where football and handball dom-     of basketball players.
          inate the landscape. Yet, we have made       So how do we implement this strategy? We needed
          tremendous strides during the last five      to look at all aspects of our Federation and, in spe-
years and have gone from 11,000 members to over        cific, at all aspects of the U12 mini category, which
15,000 during this period. In acknowledgment of        is where we have focused our efforts.
this, we were named the Sports Federation of the       } We looked at all organizations around us that have
Year in Denmark in 2018. The biggest reason for this       the same goals as we do, for healthy collabora-
has been a very sharp strategic focus and positive         tions.
collaborations with clubs and other organizations      } We changed our tournament format for the young-
                                                           est players.
                                                       } We changed the rules for the youngest players.
                                                       } We implemented a new children’s referee educa-
                                                           tion program.
                                                       } We are implementing basketball concepts for the
                                                           U7 and U5 categories.
                                                       } We are encouraging clubs to focus on volume rath-
                                                           er than talent identification and elite projects.

                                                       VOLUME INSTEAD OF SELECTION
                                                       For our Federation to be successful in implementing
                                                       a strategy, we are, in the end, at the mercy of the
                                                       clubs. They are the ones who will essentially be do-
                                                       ing most of the work, with the children, in schools,
                                                       in practice, and with the volunteers executing the
                                                       strategies of the Federation. One of the reasons
                                                       that Denmark has had an explosive growth in bas-
                                                       ketball, is because many of our clubs have agreed
                                                       that it is better to focus on volume. The best exam-
                                                       ple of this, is that the biggest club in Denmark with
                                                       over 1,000 members has no elite men’s or women’s
                                                       team. Also, no money goes from the youth depart-
                                                       ment to the senior department. This offers huge
                                                       opportunities to hire good coaches for the youth
                                                       teams and to create a solid environment for the
                                                       youth department. This is a path that we can see
                                                       more clubs starting to follow. For many years our
                                                       biggest clubs had just under 500 members, but now
                                                       we have two clubs with around 1,000 members and
                                                       a few others right behind with around 650 mem-
                                                       bers. Bigger clubs have more energy and are more
                                                       likely to have continuous stability.

 Age       Gender      2014     2015     2016     2017      2018     2019       Diff.     Diff. %       Diff. %
                                                                              ’18 -’19   ’14 -’19      ’14 -’19
0-12       Girls        1.039    1.066    1.152    1.447     1.661    1.751     90        5,42           68,5
0-12       Boys         1.948    2.432    2.677    3.009     3.292    3.368     76        2,31           72,9
0-12       Total        2.987    3.498    3.829    4.456     4.953    5.119    166        3,35           71,4

                                                                                            ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 31
MINI BASKETBALL } Explosive Growth of Mini Basketball in Denmark
   In 2014, an organization called “Børnebasketfonden”,
   “The Children’s Basketball Foundation,” was founded
   in Denmark. In collaboration with the Federation, the
   organization works exclusively on recruiting U12 play-
   ers through school partnerships. The idea is to bring
   organized sport to the children, so they can experience
   A classic concept would be sending a coach to teach
   basketball to a class of 25 pupils for a six-week pe-
   riod. Afterwards, the school gets 25 basketballs they
   can keep. For this there is a fixed price. The timing for
   these school activities was perfect as there was a new
   school law being introduced, that required schools to
   open up and collaborate with local clubs, cultural in-
   stitutions etc. This made it easy for us to implement
   our concepts regarding basketball as the schools were
   looking for partnerships. There are a few strategic
   points that we stress when cooperating with schools.
   } We work with schools that have a basketball
       club nearby, so if they like the game the children
       have a place to play.
   } We push cooperation in areas/cities where the
       sports attendance in the U12 category is low. Co-
       penhagen is a good example of this.
   } In areas with lots of children who are not active
       in sports, we will also open our own U12 clubs.
   The FIBA “Youth Development Fund,” as well as “Her
   World, Her Rules” have been key factors in our being
   able to reach out and disseminate high quality con-
   cepts that have made a big impact for us. This contin-
   uing collaboration with FIBA is especially important for
   a smaller federation like ours, as their contributions
   have a deep impact, as reflected in our member num-
   bers year after year.
   Another organization we reached out to is DGI Bas-
                 ketball. DGI is a large sports organization
                       in Denmark that focuses on am-
                           ateur sport. Together we now
                             work to develop our education       PARTNERSHIP WITH THE ITALIAN
                               system, and to intensify our      BASKETBALL FEDERATION
    “VOLUME                     focus on the youngest play-      About five years ago, FIBA visited the Danish Basket-
                                 ers. They are also a big fac-   ball Federation. Our Board Member and Chairman of
   INSTEAD OF                    tor in helping clubs setting    the Coaches Committee, Mads Christensen, had a
                                 up clinics and camps, and       conversation with FIBA representatives, and asked
SELECTION” IS OUR                more importantly, they          who in the world works most intensely and progres-
    GUIDELINE                   have expanded the number
                               of consultants who can visit
                                                                 sively with youth basketball. The answer was Maur-
                                                                 izio Cremonini and the Italian Basketball Federation.
                              and advise our clubs. And, 98      After that meeting, I contacted Maurizio with the in-
                            % of the Federation’s member         tention of establishing a partnership that would help
                        clubs are also members of DGI.           us educate and change the way our coaches work

with mini basketball players. This ongoing partner-          has also inspired us to work on programs for the U7
ship has proven to be a fantastic educational tool for       and U5 children, with an Italian development focus.
us. Over the years we have sent about 60 coaches
to Italy and we have had Maurizio and his staff in           CHANGES IN OUR MINI BASKETBALL RULES
Denmark three times to do clinics. The first clinic had      To make sure that players enjoy basketball and
over 70 participants, which is still a record for a clinic   come to embrace the game, we needed to encour-
in Denmark.                                                  age some changes in the way that players are treat-
The Danish Basketball Federation has also bought and         ed. This has been a big challenge, especially for the
translated the “Italian Mini Basketball Book” and uses       coaches, to change their level of ambition for the
it for courses and clinics. The Italian partnership and      youngest players, but we really feel like it is going in
friendship is still a big factor in how we are changing      the right direction. Some of the rules that we have
the way we work with our mini basketball groups. It          for the game are:
                                                                                                  ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 33
MINI BASKETBALL } Explosive growth of the Mini Basketball in Denmark

                                               in the mini basketball category as well. We have
} All players must play the same amount of time. If
                                               changed that, so now all mini basketball tourna-
  players are to love the sport, we must give them
  the opportunity to play.                     ments with 3-4 teams are played once every 5-6
} No scores are shown. We have eliminated the  weeks. This way we make it easier for the parents
                                               who don’t have to drive every weekend, but only
  running score during games, so that focus can be
                                               once every 5-6 weeks.
  on the development of skills and not on the out-
  come of the game.                            We also created a platform during the tournaments
                                               for coaches and referees to network. We believe that
} An extra point is given if you are 10 players or
                                               a positive network is one way of keeping volunteers
  more in the higher level. This is to emphasize the
                                               in the sport.
  importance of focusing on recruiting, rather than
  winning.                                     The tournament structure also gives coaches a
} Commenting negatively on players can give a  chance to work with their players during practice
                                               for a longer time before having to focus on playing
  coach a technical foul. This rule is to stress that
  we want coaches to focus on their own playersa game. We used to experience situations where
  and on developing their skills.              coaches were more focused on the game next week-
                                               end, instead of the long-term development of their
CHANGING THE TOURNAMENT STRUCTURE              players. The longer periods between games offers
For many years we had a traditional tournament an opportunity to focus on development, rather than
structure where we played home and away games, winning.
                                                                                                     He lived in
                                                                                                    Tanzania for
                                                                                                   nine years and
                                                                                                    speaks fluent

                                                                                                   For two years
                                                                                                   he worked as
                                                                                                   a professional
                                                                                                      coach in

                                                                                                      He runs
                                                                                                     projects in
                                                                                                   basketball and
                                                                                                  handball camps

REFEREE EDUCATION                                         referee education protocol that emphasizes a more
If our youngest players are to enjoy the game, they       pedagogical approach to communication with the
need to understand what is going on, especially in the    players. The referee becomes more of a helper than a
first phases of game play. The initial encounter with a   referee. In real life terms, it means explaining to play-
referee must be positive. Therefore, we created a new     ers what they did wrong and how they can change it,
                                                          but with a smile and a helping hand. Our experience
                                                          is that players and parents really appreciate it when
Career                                                    referees are focused on giving the players a positive
                                                          take-away experience.
    2007 - 2008 Lemvig            2012 - 2014
     Basketball Club           Danish Basketball          THE BOTTOM LINE
   Head of Basketball             Federation              The strategy of the Danish Basketball Federation has
                                                          been a four-year plan that ends in 2021. The execution
       Operations             Development Officer         of the strategy has been very successful, but there
      2008 - 2012                2014 - Present           is still more work to be done. The increase in the vol-
                                                          ume of players has put more strain on the clubs and
   Various Clubs as            Danish Basketball          the Federation. The challenge going forward is: How do
Head Coach & Consultant            Federation             we handle the extra volume of players, and how do we
                              Head of Development         help the biggest clubs manage all their new players?
                                                                                               ALQUERIADELBASKET.COM 35
STRENGTH & CONDITIONING COACH } Luka Svilar } Unics Kazan Phys. Performance & Rehabil. Hea

                                       FROM QUARANTINE
                                           TO ACB TITLE
                                                     THE ANALYSIS OF BASKONIA’S
                                                         PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE
                                         During the month of March 2020 most of the Euro-
                                         pean sporting competitions were halted due to the
                                         pandemic of COVID-19. Everyone in Spain, from team
                                         administration to coaches and players, was bound to
                                         comply with the ensuing lockdown, and no one knew
                                         exactly its duration and possible outcomes. Howev-
                                         er, some teams believed that the championship of
                                         the 2019/2020 season would be played to comple-
                                          tion at some point. Baskonia was one of those teams
                                              whose coaching staff and players stayed in Spain,
                                                in Vitoria-Gasteiz, where every player received
                                           ,       basic equipment to work out at home. Three
                                                    months later, together with 11 other teams
                                                      from Liga ACB, Baskonia found itself in
                                                       Valencia for the Final Phase tournament,
                                                       played in two groups of six teams where
                                                         the two best representatives met in
                                                          the semifinals. On June 30th, Barcelo-
                                                           na and Baskonia played a great final
                                                             game, after which Baskonia’s cap-
                                                               tain, Tornike Shengelia, lifted the
                                                                 trophy high in the air and cel-
                                                                  ebrated with his teammates

                                                                          HE WON
                                                                      2019 - 2020 ACB
                                                                       SPANISH TITLE

     the fourth ACB title in the history of the franchise.      ment they needed in order to continue their rehabili-
     Success in team sport such as basketball comes from        tation with the team’s rehab coach.
     many factors including quality of players and their op-    This phase lasted for a month, after which the team,
     ponents, team cohesion, head coach communication           especially the head coach, decided to start daily online
     and tactical knowledge, as well as the type of compe-      video sessions, from Monday to Saturday, where each
     tition, the crowd and, of course, physical performance.    player would participate in complex strength and con-
     The latter is the factor which is the main focus of this   ditioning activities. In the last week or so, players (as
     article, and it is a retrospective analysis of the most    everyone else in Spain) were allowed to run outside in
     important components that had a positive impact on         the evening, so video sessions became focused main-
     the team’s physical readiness and performance.             ly on injury prehab, stability and strength work, while
                                                                conditioning was organized by individual running ses-
     1. DO WHAT YOU CAN - WORK DURING QUARANTINE                sions. Running outside was a very important activi-
     During the first week of the quarantine, the club made     ty prior to returning to court, as players were able to
     sure that each player received basic equipment to          experience once again the mechanical stress of run-
     work out at home - stationary bike, mat, foam roll-        ning, a key basic element that was missing during the
     er, a pair of heavy and light dumbbells, medicine ball,    home “cardio” sessions that were based on running-
     bumper plate and a basketball. At the beginning, as no     in-place and jumping jack exercises.
     one knew the exact duration of the lockdown, I had
     decided to provide players with individual programs.       2.RETURN TO TRAINING - BENEFITS OF SAFETY
     The goal was to stay somewhat active, minimizing the       REGULATIONS
     impact of detraining. Healthy players received extra       When the club got government approval to start
     prehab programs, and players who recently had minor        training again, very clear protocols were established
     issues, such as plantar fasciitis or knee tendinopathy,    in order to provide safety for all players and staff
     got an individual rehab protocol. Players who had suf-     members. The safety regulations stated that play-
     fered major injuries were provided with extra equip-       ers needed to start with individual training sessions

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followed by team practice without contact. The third      team started training with contact, scrimmage games
stage allowed team practice with contact. All these       were easily organized with 5 + 3 players on each team
regulations were perfect progressions in terms of         allowing for frequent substitutions. Again, these were
factors such as training volume, training intensity,      brilliant conditions to be able to work under for com-
movement complexity etc. For a strength and condi-        petitive endurance together with improving offensive
tioning coach, it was basically the perfect scenario to   and defensive strategies organized by the head coach.
gradually and safely build stability, strength, power,
specific and competitive endurance.                       4. SHORTER TRAINING SESSIONS -
                                                          FROM LIFTING WEIGHTS TO TEAM WORK
3. BIG TEAM - ADVANTAGE IN SCRIMMAGE GAMES                Greater volume of work and longer training sessions
Another big advantage that Baskonia had was a long        are often needed to build good stamina. However, a
roster with 16 players. This definitely decreased the     great volume of work, especially after longer periods
risk of overloading certain players during team prac-     of accumulated higher loads can lead to overload,
tices, especially those who needed a bit more time        increased soreness and fatigue. This is the thin line
to get back on track with specific intensity. Once the    between the adaptation for greater physical perfor-

mance and increased injury risk, especially to soft tis-   and team (second and third phase) training, while du-
sues. This preparatory period after the quarantine was     ration was short, 20-30 minutes.
not the same as one in regular pre-season, as a ‘to be
or not to be’ competition followed, and lasted for only    5. FIRST TWO GAMES -
two weeks. Missing players for some games due to           PERFECT DISTRIBUTION OF PLAYING TIME
overload-type injury would have been a major prob-         The group phase of the tournament was organized in
lem. Therefore, Baskonia’s weeks and practices were        a way that each team played five games every second
generally organized in moderate volume which was           day. I honestly didn’t worry about physical perfor-
enough stimuli for positive adaptations and physical       mance in the first three games, as I believed that all
improvements coupled with moderate to minor injury         of our players were capable of maintaining high per-
risk. Of course, there were ‘shock’ days of greater vol-   formance even by playing an average of 35 minutes.
ume but in general, intensity was a more important         However, my main concern was the last two games,
variable, and accumulated days of very high volume         as accumulated fatigue would definitely have taken
were generally avoided. Strength and power training        its toll on players who played an average of more than
was always organized prior to individual (first phase)     30 minutes. Team performance in the first two games

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