News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News

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News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
¡Felíz Día de la Madre!
                      Noticiero Bilingüe

                                                                 news                     Thursday, May 6, 2021

V. 81 No. 18		   P.O. BOX 50599, CICERO, IL 60804   (708) 656-6400 FAX (708) 656-2433		         ESTABLISHED 1940
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
Page 2-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, May 6, 2021

                                                                         Return to Summer Events
                                                          By: Ashmar Mandou

                                                          The City announced the
                                                         return of summer cultural
                                                         events as part of its “Open
                                                         Chicago” initiative that
                                                         kicked off a few weeks ago.
                                                         Summer cultural events
                                                         for Chicago residents and
                                                         visitors alike will include a
                                                         variety of activities. Music
                                                         lovers will get a chance to
                                                         experience “Chicago In
                                                         Tune,” a new citywide
                                                         festival        celebrating
                                                         Chicago’s diverse and
                                                         legendary music scene and
                                                         the 2021 Year of Chicago
                                                         Music, as well as concerts
                                                         at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion
         At long last some kind of normalcy will
return to Chicago this summer as the Department of                                                                        return. During this Year     from May 21 – June 5
Cultural Affairs and Special Events, Choose Chicago,                                                                      of Chicago Music, our              •Chicago Latino
and Chicago’s vibrant cultural community announced                                                                        “Chicago In Tune” festival   Theater Alliance – Sola
                                                                                                                          will emerge as a joyous      en la pandemia está
several beloved summer festivals will take place
                                                                                                                          month-long celebration       cañón at Joe’s on
across neighborhoods. Whether you are a foodie, a                                                                         of Chicago’s amazing         Weed Street on June 19
dancing machine, a lover of public art spaces, or a                                                                       music scene. Our Chicago          •Goodman Theatre
theatre buff, there will be something for everyone                                                                        Presents and Chicago         – School Girls; Or, The
to enjoy this summer as part of the City’s “Open                                                                          Band Roster programs         African Mean Girls
Chicago” initiative. To learn more, check out our                                                                         will animate our entire      Play reopening in August  
latest edition this week.                                                                                                 city with music, theater,            •Court Theatre
                                                                                                                          and dance. The arts may      –      Othello      from
                                                                                                                          have suffered greatly, but   July 8 – August 8
    Por fin, algún tipo de normalidad regresará a                                                                         the arts will also bring              •Southport Art
Chicago este verano, ya que el Departamento de                                                                            us back into the public      Fair on July 10 & 11
Asuntos Culturales y Eventos Especiales, Choose                                                                           realm.” City residents          •Smart Museum of Art
Chicago y la vibrante comunidad cultural de Chicago                                                                       can expect many exciting     – Toward Common Cause:
anunciaron que varios queridos festivales de verano                                                                       summer events and            Art, Social Change, and
se llevarán a cabo en los vecindarios. Si eres un                                                                         cultural activities across   the MacArthur Fellows
entusiasta de la comida, una máquina de baile, un                                                                         Chicagoland — including      Program at 40 on view
amante de los espacios de arte público o un aficionado                                                                    Open Parks and Open          July 15 – December 19
al teatro, habrá algo para que todos disfruten este                                                                       Streets events announced       •Hyde Park Jazz Festival
verano como parte de la iniciativa “Open Chicago”                                                                         last week, new Millennium    on September 25 & 26
de la Ciudad. Para obtener más información, consulte                                                                      Park and other DCASE           •Lyric Opera of Chicago
nuestra última edición de esta semana.                                                                                    programming including:       2021/22 season including
                                                                                                                            •The return of Chicago     opening night featuring
Ashmar Mandou                                                                                                             Symphony        Orchestra    an all-new production
Managing Editor                                          featuring the 2021 season       arts     landscape        has    concerts at Symphony         of Verdi’s Macbeth on
Lawndale News                                            of Grant Park Music             been devastated by the           Center including “Fanfare”   September              17  
708-656-6400                                             Festival. Fans of dance         pandemic. We all must            opening on May 27              •Broadway In Chicago
Ext. 127                                                 will enjoy performances         do our part to support the          •Pivot Arts Festival:     – Six at the Broadway
                                                         in Millennium Park              recovery of this vital sector,   Reimagining Utopia – A       Playhouse at Water Tower
                                                         by American Ballet              which is so necessary to our     Performance Tour: Live,      Place running October 5,
                                                         Theatre presented by            economy and our sense of         Multi-Arts Experience        2021 – January 30, 2022  
                                                         the Auditorium Theatre,         belonging,” said DCASE
                                                         Dance for Life presented        Commissioner            Mark
                                                         by Chicago Dancers              Kelly. “I am also excited
                                                         United, and partake in          to know that the arts will
                                                         neighborhood-based              be on the leading edge of
                                                         Chicago SummerDance             the city’s reopening as our
                                                         lessons and live music. All     music clubs, theaters, and
                                                         summer events will adhere       festivals come back to life
                                                         to the latest public health     and energize Chicago.
                                                         and safety guidelines.          There is so much to be
                                                                  “Chicago’s             excited about as the arts
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, May 6, 2021-Page 3

Regresan los Eventos de Verano                                                                   HASTA LAS PERSONAS
 Por: Ashmar Mandou              Todos debemos hacer             incluye:
                                 nuestra parte y apoyar el       •El regreso de los conciertos
          Ls ciudad anunció
el regreso de los eventos
culturales de verano como
                                 recuperamiento de este vital
                                 sector, tan necesario para
                                 nuestra economía y nuestro
                                                                 de la Orquesta Sinfónica
                                                                 de Chicago en Symphony
                                                                 Center,          incluyendo
                                                                                                 MAS FUERTES
                                                                 “Fanfare” que se inicia el
parte de su iniciativa
“Chicago Abierto” que se
inició hace unas cuantas
                                 sentido de pertenencia”, dijo
                                 el Comisionado de DCASE
                                 Mark Kelly. “También
                                                                 27 de mayo.
                                                                 •Festival de Artes Pivotal:
                                                                                                 NECESITAN AYUDA.
semanas. Los eventos             estoy emocionado de saber       Reinventando la Utopía
culturales de verano para        que las artes estarán a la      –Gira de Actuación:
los residentes de Chicago y      vanguardia de la cuerda         Experiencia Viva, Multi-
                                 de la ciudad a medida que       Arte, del 21 de mayo al 5
visitantes por igual incluirán                                   de junio
una variedad de actividades.     nuestros clubes de música,      •Alianza de Teatro Latino
Los amantes de la música         teatros y festivales vuelven    de Chicago – Sola en la
tendrán la oportunidad de        a la vida y energizan           pandemia está cañón en
experimentar “Chicago In         Chicago. Hay tanto por lo       Joe’s en Week Street el 19
Tune” nuevo festival de          que entusiasmarse con el        de junio
la ciudad celebrando la          regreso de las artes. Durante   •Godman Theatre – School
escena musical legendaria        este Año de Música de           Girls; o, The African Mean
y diversa de Chicago y el        Chicago, nuestro festival       Girls Play reabre en agosto
Año de Música de Chicago         “Chicago In Tune” surgirá       •Court Theatre – Othello,
2021, así como conciertos        como una alegre celebración     del 8 de julio al 8 de agosto
en el Jay Pritzker Pavilion      de un mes de la increíble       •Feria de Arte de Southport
que presentan la temporada       escena musical de Chicago.      el 10 y 11 de julio
2021       de      Festivales    Los programas Our Chicago       •Smart Museum of Art –
Musicales de Grant Park.         Presents y Chicago Band         Hacia la Causa Social: Arte,
Los aficionados del baile        Roster animarán a la ciudad     Cambio Social y MacArthur
disfrutarán actuaciones          entera con música, teatro       Fellows Program at 40
en el Millennium Park de         y baile. Los artes pueden       del 15 de julio al 19 de
American Ballet Theatre por      haber sufrido mucho,            diciembre
el Teatro Auditorio, Dance       pero las artes también nos      •Festival de Jazz de
                                 traerán de vuelta al ámbito     Hyde Park el 25 Y 26 de
for Life, presentado por                                         septiembre
Chicago Dancers United y         público”. Los residentes de     •Temporada de la Opera
participe en las lecciones de    la ciudad pueden esperar        Lírica de Chicago 2021/22
Baile de Verano de Chicago       muchos grandes eventos y        incluyendo la noche de
y la música en vivo. Todos       actividades culturales este     apertura en toda la nueva
los eventos de Chicago se        verano en todo Chicago          producción de Macbeth de        En el Banco de Alimentos de Chicago
adhieren a las más extrictas     – incluyendo los eventos        Verdi, el 17 de septiembre.
guías de seguridad y salud       Parques Abiertos y Calles       •Broadway en Chicago – Six      proporcionamos alimentos y esperanza a
pública.                         Abiertas anunciados la          at the Broadway Playhouse
          “El panorama           semana pasada, el nuevo         en Water Tower Place, del 5     nuestros vecinos más necesitados. Porque
artístico de Chicago ha sido     Parque Millennium y otra        de octubre del 2021 al 20 de
devastado por la pandemia.       programación DCASE,             enero del 2022.                 incluso los más fuertes a veces necesitan

                                                                                                 ayuda alimentaria, y cuando eso suceda,
                                                                                                 estaremos listos para ayudarle desde el
                                  HAVE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY                                      primer momento, sin condiciones

                        LET US HELP
                                    BENEFITS BEEN DENIED?                                        y en español.

         THE LAW OFFICE OF STEVEN COURSEY                                                           Encuentra tu despensa más cercana.
  1718 S. ASHLAND AVENUE, 2ND FLOOR. CHICAGO, IL 60608                                                       (773) 247-3663
     ESPAÑOL         312-563-1001                                              HABLAMOS
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
Page 4-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, May 6, 2021

May is Foster Parent Appreciation Month
     May is Foster Parent        positive changes necessary       mothers and their babies
Appreciation Month in            to reunite with their children   and LGBTQI (lesbian,
Illinois, a time to thank the    while foster families step up    gay, bisexual, transgender,
thousands of foster families     and provide homes where          questioning, intersex) youth.
across the state who are         the children are protected,      To learn more about some
providing temporary safe         nurtured and loved. Today,       of the youth in need of a
havens to youth and urge         there are just over 21,000       foster family, visit the Heart
other residents to become        youth living in foster care      Gallery of Illinois at https://
licensed foster families.        in the state: 8,200 are          o rg / h e a r t g a l l e r y o f i l / .
Youth are placed in the          living with foster families,     Organizations wishing to
temporary care of the Illinois   11,300 with relatives and        schedule a virtual or in-
Department of Children and       1,200 in group homes and         person presentation to learn
Family Services (DCFS)           institutions.     Currently,     about waiting children,
by local courts when it          foster homes are needed for      how to become licensed
is determined that their         sibling groups, adolescents,     and the adoption process
families cannot safely care      African American and Latino      may contact the DCFS
for them. DCFS works             youth, children with special     Communications Office at
with the family to make the      medical needs, teenage           312-814-6847.

 Mayo es el Mes de Aprecio a los Padres de Crianza                                                             los niños son protegidos,
                                                                                                               alimentados y queridos.
                                                                                                               Hoy en día, hay más de
                                                                                                                                              hermanitos, adolescentes,
                                                                                                                                              afroamericanos y latinos,
                                                                                                                                              niños con necesidades
                                                                                                                                                                            Gallery of Illinois en https://
                                                                                                                                                                            org/heartgalleryofil/. Las
         Mayo es el Mes          otros residentes a que se        determina que sus familias                   21,000 jóvenes viviendo        especiales,         madres    organizacioanes que deseen
 de Aprecio a los Padres         conviertan en familias de        no los puede cuidar sin                      en cuidado de crianza en       adolescentes y sus bebés y    programar una presentación
 de Crianza en Illinois,         crianzas licenciadas. Los        peligro. DCFS trabaja con                    el estado: 8,200 viven con     jóvenes LGBTQI (lesbianas,    virtual o en persona para
                                                                                                                                                                            más información sobre
 momento para agradecer          jóvenes son colocados bajo       la familia para hacer los                    familias de crianza. 11,300    homosexuales, bisexuales,     niños que esperan, como
 a las miles de familias         el cuidado temporal del          cambios positivos necesarios                 con parientes y 1,200 en       transgénero, cuestionables,   obtener una licencia y el
 de crianza en el estado         Departamento de Servicios        para reunirlos con sus                       hogares e instituciones        intersexo). Para más          proceso de adopción, puede
 que están brindando un          Infantiles y Familiares de       hijos mientras las familias                  de grupo. Actualmente se       información sobre jóvenes     comunicarse con la Oficina
 hogar temporal a los            Illinois (DCFS) por las          de crianza se ofrecen y                      necesitan hogares de crianza   que necesiten una familia     de Comunicaciones de DCFS
 jóvenes y exhortan a            cortes locales, cuando se        proveen hogares donde                        para grupos de jóvenes         de crianza visite Heart       en 312-814-6847.
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, May 6, 2021-Page 5

                      The Odyssey Project
     The Odyssey Project,
an initiative of Illinois
Humanities       and     an
affiliate of the Clemente
Course in the Humanities,
is a free college-credit
granting humanities-based
program for income-
eligible adults who have
limited to no access to a
college education. Over
75 percent of Odyssey                                                                                     Summer Day Camp
                                                                                                          June 28 to August 6
students are women and
over 90 percent are people
of color. More than 80
percent self-identify as                                                                           Late Summer Camps & Sports Camps
heads of households. The
median age of students in     our changing world.          site has a site coordinator                      August 9 to 29
the Odyssey Project is 39     Participating    students    and a unique set of courses
years old. Through reading,   have the opportunity to      and instructors. Their          Important dates:

discussing and writing        earn up to 11 credits from   Southwest Side site is a                                                                                                             Register online at
                                                                                           • Programs go live for viewing: May 3
about ideas and texts in      University of Illinois at    Spanish-language program        • Online registration begins: May 10 & May 11                                         
Literature, Philosophy, Art   Chicago (UIC) that are       – El Proyecto Odisea – and      • In-person registration begins: May 14                                                          Financial assistance is available for
History, and U.S. History     transferrable to UIC or      remains the only Spanish-                                                                                                        eligible Chicago residents. Learn more at
in seminars facilitated       other accredited degree      language program on the         Please visit                                                                           
by local college and          programs. This is a very     national Clemente Course                                                             Help send a kid to camp!
university      professors,   real option for Odyssey      roster. For more information,   for information and specific details.                                                            Donate to the camp scholarship fund at
students and faculty in the   graduates, as nearly 40      please contact Rebecca
Odyssey Project commit        percent have gone on to      Amato, Director of Teaching                    For more information about your Chicago Park District
                                                                                                          visit or
                                                                                                                                                                  City of Chicago Lori E. Lightfoot, Mayor
                                                                                                                                                                  Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          STAY CONNECTED.

to engaging with one          complete degrees ranging     and Learning, at rebecca.                      call 312.742.7529 or 312.747.2001 (TTY)                 Chicago Park District, Michael P. Kelly, General Superintendent & CEO

another and to developing     from Associates Degrees
a critical response to        to Masters Degrees. Each     or 312-374-1550.

                                                                                                      AVISO PARA LA REUNIÓN VIRTUAL DE INFORMACIÓN PÚBLICA

                                                                                           Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways, en coordinación con el Pueblo de Burnham, le invita a
                                                                                           participar en una reunión de información pública el 13 de mayo, 2021 para el Conector Multimodal Burnham. El
                                                                                           Estudio de Fase I fue iniciado para evaluar las condiciones existentes y diseño de un puente con niveles separados
                                                                                           para peatones y ciclistas sobre varias vías ferroviarias y Brainard Avenue. Este proyecto proporcionará acceso a la

                                                                                           Estación Hegewisch, el sendero Burnham Greenway Trail planeado en la Ciudad de Chicago y el sendero Burnham
                                                                                           Greenway Trail planeado en el Pueblo de Burnham.
                                                                                           Debido a los problemas de salud existentes y la dirección del Estado de Illinois relacionadas a COVID-19, esta reunión
                                                                                           de información pública se llevará a cabo virtualmente. El propósito de esta reunión es presentar el estudio, debutar

     in Literature, Philosophy,                                                            la alternativa propuesta de alineación y solicitar las opiniones del público. El equipo del proyecto proporcionará una
                                                                                           presentación en vivo y realizará una sesión de preguntas y respuestas. Habrá opciones para asistir virtualmente y por

     U.S. History, Art History,
                                                                                           teléfono. Se alienta al público a someter sus preguntas antes de la reunión.
                                                                                           Los materiales de la reunión, incluyendo una grabación de la presentación y las exhibiciones del proyecto, estarán

     and Writing.
                                                                                           disponibles para revisión pública en la página web del proyecto a partir del 14 de mayo, 2021.
                                                                                           Además de presentar el proyecto del Conector Multimodal Burnham, South Suburban Mayors and Managers
                                                                                           Association (SSMMA) también estará solicitando comentarios sobre los destinos locales que los residentes quieren

     Yes, free.
                                                                                           que sean incluidos en la futura señalización para ciclistas dentro del área. Durante la reunión virtual de información
                                                                                           pública, SSMMA proporcionará una demostración en vivo de cómo someter estos comentarios en línea.

                                                                                                                Fecha de la reunión virtual: 13 de mayo, 2021
                                                                                                                  Hora de la reunión virtual: 6 p.m. a 7 p.m.
     Offered by Illinois Humanities with                                                                  Página de inscripción:

     University of Illinois at Chicago.                                                                             URL del sitio web el proyecto:
                                                                                                                           Número de teléfono del proyecto: (708) 232-6591

     Read more and fill out an application:                                                                                Correo electrónico:
                                                                                                                        Dirección de correo para enviar comentarios:                                                                  Burnham Connector c/o Metro Strategies, 17 N. State Street, Suite 850, Chicago, IL 60602
                                                                                           El periodo de comentarios estará abierto hasta el 3 de junio, 2021 por medio de las opciones de contacto arriba.

     For more information: (312) 374-1550                                                  Se alienta a los participantes con acceso limitado a la red de internet a ver las copias físicas de los materiales de la
                                                                                           reunión que se encuentran en estos sitios designados comenzando el 14 de mayo, 2021:                                                                 • Ayuntamiento del Pueblo de Burnham – 14450 S. Manistee Avenue, Burnham IL 60633
                                                                                              • Oficina de la Concejal del Distrito 10 – 10500 S. Ewing Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617
                                                                                           La reunión en vivo se llevará a cabo en inglés. Una versión de la presentación traducida al español será
         THE                                                                               proporcionada dentro de 48 horas después de la reunión en vivo en el sitio web del proyecto:

                                                                                           En cumplimiento con la ley Americans with Disabilities Act y otras leyes federales y estatales, la reunión pública será
               PROJECT                                                                     accesible a personas con discapacidades. Si necesita alguna asistencia adicional, favor de contactar a Kyle Duff por
                                                                                           teléfono al (708) 232-6591 o correo electrónico en por lo menos cinco (5) días antes de
                                                                                           la reunión.
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
Page 6-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, May 6, 2021

                                                        Cleanup Week
                                                             The Town of Cicero
                                                        got together Saturday
                                                        May 1st to keep Cicero
                                                        beautiful. Since 2005 Town
                                                        Assessor Emo Cundari
                                                        organizes Cleanup day/
                                                        week with the support
                                                        of Town President Larry
                                                        Dominick. Many town
                                                        Employees and district 99
                                                        students gathered at the
                                                        public works department to
                                                        suit up and boot up. Groups
                                                        were formed and directed
         NOW                                            which side of the Town
       ENROLLING                                        each group was going to
                                                        help clean up. “This is       materials,” stated Assessor   very supportive helping
                                                        our annual clean up week      Cundari. “We would like       us out.” Right before the
      AHORA                                             what we are doing this
                                                        week is a week long effort
                                                                                      to thank everyone for
                                                                                      coming out,” said Town
                                                                                                                    groups began cleaning up
                                                                                                                    the town Chaplain Vargas
   MATRICULANDO                                         for residents to be able to   Chaplain Ismael Vargas.       said a prayer and cleanup
                                                        put out extra items in the    Assessor Cundari also         day began. “I want to thank
                                                        alley and then our public     sent a “special thanks to
                                                        works department will         President Larry Dominick      all of the volunteers who
                                                        come around and pick them     and his leadership in this    participated in this year’s
                                                        up,” said Town Assessor       effort always helping us      cleanup week campaign
                                                        Emo Cundari. Please keep      out and giving us all the     and especially the residents
                                                        in mind while cleaning        supplies and everything       who joined in to help
                                                        that, “you can throw out      that we need to able to get   cleanup trash and litter to
                                                        anything the only thing       this done. Also, our town     beautify the community,”
                                      Brighton Park     we don’t allow is building    board of trustees is always   Cundari added.

                                      Chicago Lawn
                                     North lawndale
                                                                   Semana de Limpieza en Cicero
                                                                                                                    a todos por venir”, dijo el
                                                                                                                    Capellán Ismael Vargas.
                                                                                                                    El Asesor Cundari envió
                                                                                                                    también un agradecimiento
                                                                                                                    especial al Presidente
                                                                                                                    Larry Dominick y a su
                In-Person & Virtual Services                                                                        liderazgo en este esfuerzo
                                                                                                                    por ayudarnos siempre
   OUR HIGH-QUALITY PROGRAMS IN HEAD START AND EARLY                                                                y darnos todos los útiles
       HEAD START OFFER FULL-DAY PROGRAMMING TO                                                                     que necesitamos para
       CHILDREN FROM AGES 6 WEEKS TO 5 YEARS OLD                                                                    poder hacer esto. Nuestra
                                                                                                                    junta de fideicomiso del
                                                                 El Municipio         nuestra semana de limpieza    municipios siempre ha sido
            Servicios Virtuales y En Persona            de Cicero se reunió el        anual y lo que hacemos esta   también de mucho apoyo
  NUESTROS PROGRAMAS DE ALTA CALIDAD PARA EDUCACIÓN     sábado, 1º de mayo para       semana es una semana de       para ayudarnos”. Poco
                                                        mantener a Cicero bello.      mucho esfuerzo para que       antes de que los grupos
                                                        Desde el 2005, el Asesor      los residentes puedan poner   comenzaran a limpiar el
     DIARIAMENTE PARA NIÑOS DE 6 SEMANAS DE EDAD        de Cicero, Emo Cundari,       en el callejón artículos      municipio, el Capellán
                   HASTA LOS 5 AÑOS                     organiza el día/semana de     extra que no necesiten y      Vargas dijo una oración
                                                        Limpieza, con el apoyo del    el departamento de obras      y comenzó la limpieza.
                                                        Presidente de Cicero, Larry   públicas vendrá y los         “Quiero agradecer a
              CALL TODAY / LLAMA HOY                    Dominick. Los empleados
                                                        y estudiantes del distrito
                                                                                      recogerá”, dio el Asesor
                                                                                      Emo Cundari. Por favor
                                                                                                                    todos los voluntarios que
                                                                                                                    participaron en la semana
                       773-521-1196                     99 ser reunieron en el
                                                        departamento de obras
                                                                                      recuerde mientras limpia
                                                                                      que, “puede tirar cualquier
                                                                                                                    de limpieza de este año
                                                                                                                    y especialmente a los
                                                        públicas para acicalar y      cosa, lo único queno puede    residentes que se unieron
                                                        arreglar. Se formaron los     tirar son materiales de       para ayudar a limpiar la
                                                        grupos y se les indicó que    construcción”, declaró        basura y a embellecer
                                                        lado del Municipio iban a     el Asesor         Cundari.    la comunidad”, agregó
                                                        ayudar a limpiar. “Esta es    “Quisiéramos agradecer        Cundari.
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
154314_RUSH_VaccineCampaign_Lawndale_10x10.5_SPANISH_wCrops.pdf   1   4/21/21   4:35 PM                     LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, May 6, 2021-Page 7

     Concerned about                                                                      ¿Preocupado acerca
     the vaccine?                                                                         de la vacuna?
     We’re here to help.                                                                  Estamos para ayudarte.
     Worries about the vaccine are understandable. Get information                        Preocupaciones sobre la vacuna son comprensibles. Obtén
     and advice straight from the experts at                       información y consejo directamente de los expertos en
     Getting vaccinated will help prevent you from getting sick and              Vacunarte te ayudará a prevenir que te
     potentially spreading COVID-19 to family members, especially                         enfermes o que potencialmente difundas el COVID-19 a tus
     ones who are at higher risk. We are all in this together. We                         familiares, sobre todo a los de alto riesgo. Estamos todos juntos en
     encourage you to learn more before you make your decision.                           esto. Te animamos a que conozcas más antes de tomar tu decisión.

     Get the facts at                                                                     Conoce los hechos en                                                      
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
Page 8-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, May 6, 2021


       “He crecido enormemente a nivel
       profesional y esto tiene mucho que
       ver con Northeastern. Northeastern ha
       impulsado mi vida personal y profesional
       a un nuevo nivel”.
       Gracias al costo accesible y las becas que cubren el costo de estudios universitarios
       y la residencia dentro de la Universidad, Julio E. Arreola, quien se gradúa en
       finanzas este año, pudo calcular qué le convenía y decidió que Northeastern
       Illinois University era la mejor inversión para su educación y su futuro. Como el
       primer estudiante universitario de su familia, Julio no solo quiso ir a la universidad
       para iniciar su carrera profesional, también quiso ser un buen ejemplo para sus
       hermanos. Mientras estudiaba en Northeastern, Julio pudo adquirir experiencia en
       pasantías que obtuvo con varias empresas. Y por ello antes de graduarse, recibió
       una oferta de trabajo de un grupo internacional de servicios financieros.

       Conozca más detalles sobre Julio en

    Institución que Sirve a los Hispanos (HSI) • 70+ especializaciones • 4 Ubicaciones en Chicago • Becas Disponibles
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, May 6, 2021-Page 9

 Advocates Demand Federal Relief Money on Mental Health, Not Police                                                    Los Defensores Exigen Dinero
    The Collaborative for    that the city use a portion                                                               de Ayuda Federal para la Salud
Community Wellness,
Alderman Byron Sigcho,
                             of that $1.8 billion dollars
                             for Treatment Not Trauma                                                                  Mental, no Para la Policía
and Black Lives Matter       by fully funding the non-
activists held a press       police crisis response pilot                                                                        La Colaborativa para Bienestar Comunitario,
conference on Tuesday to     based out of the public                                                                   el Concejal Byron Sigcho y activistas de Black Lives
demand the Mayor spend       mental health clinics as                                                                  Matter sostuvieron una conferencia de prensa el
federal relief money on      well restore the public                                                                   martes para pedir a la Alcaldesa que gaste el dinero
mental health not police.    mental health clinics that                                                                de ayuda federal en salud mental, no en la policía.
Activists are calling for    were closed.” Ms. Miller                                                                  Los activistas están pidiendo que el dinero del Plan de
American Rescue Plan         added that “what happened                                                                 Rescate Estadounidense sea para aumentar los fondos
money to go towards          with the last federal relief                                                              para un programa de crisis de salud mental, no para
increasing funding for a     money cannot happen                                                                       la policía y el restablecimiento de clínicas de salud
non-police mental health     again. The Mayor putting                                                                  mental. De acuerdo a Cheryl Miller, organizadora
crisis response program      most of the COVID                                                                         de Southside Together Organizing for Power y la
and the re-establishing      relief money towards                                                                      Colaborativa para Bienestar Comunitario: “la ciudad
of mental health clinics.    police is negligent and a                                                                 debe proactivamente proveer acceso al apoyo de
According to Cheryl          deliberate starvation of                                                                  salud mental informado sobre el trauma, tanto en
Miller, an organizer         our communities from                                                                      clínicas públicas como en una respuesta móvil no
with Southside Together      needed resources.” A                                                                      policial. Chicago está preparado para recibir $ 1.8
Organizing for Power         small pilot of Treatment                                                                  mil millones de dólares del dinero federal del Plan
and the Collaborative for    Not Trauma, a non-police                                                                  de Rescate Estadounidense. Estamos pidiendo que la
Community Wellness:          mental health crisis                                                                      ciudad utilice una porción de esos $1.8 mil millones
“the City must proactively   program, was approved                                                                     de dólares para Tratamiento no Trauma patrocinando
provide access to trauma-    in the most recent City                                                                   de lleno la respuesta piloto en crisis, no policíaca,
informed mental health       budget. The Collaborative      Department; allocation of    health clinics. In the last   basado en clínicas de salud mental, así como restaurar
support, both in public      for Community Wellness is      at least $25 million from    round of federal COVID        las clínicas de salud mental que fueron cerradas”.
clinics and a non-police     calling for: expansion of      the American Rescue Plan     relief, the CARES Act,        Ms. Miller agregó que “lo que ocurrió con el último
mobile response. Chicago     the crisis response system     as a down payment on fully   the Mayor spent two-          dinero de ayuda federal no puede volver a ocurrir.
is poised to receive $1.8    to be based out of the 5       funding a comprehensive      thirds of the money,          Que la alcaldesa haya puesto la mayoría de dinero de
billion dollars of federal   CDPH mental health clinics     city-wide Treatment Not      $281M on the Chicago          ayuda del COVID en la policía es una negligencia y
American Rescue Plan         operating independent          Trauma program; and re-      Police Department and         una deliberada privación de los recursos necesarios
money. We are demanding      of the Chicago Police          establishing public mental   $68M went unspent.                                                  Pase a la página 10

             JUNTOS SÍ

    Porque ya tenemos un plan para frenar la propagación
    del COVID y otras variantes del virus.
                                                                                                                             SÍ PODEMOS
    Pero es importante seguir usando mascarillas bien ajustadas
    que nos cubran la nariz y la boca, mantener una distancia
    de al menos 6 pies de otras personas y evitar multitudes.
    Y cuando sea nuestro turno, vamos a ponernos la vacuna.

    Infórmate en
News Felíz Día de la Madre! - Noticiero Bilingüe - Lawndale News
Page 10-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, May 6, 2021

Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Extends                                                                                                El Concilio del Caucus Latino                            El Proyecto
Scholarship Application Deadline                                                                                                          de la Ciudad de Chicago Extiende                         Odyssey
   In March, the Chicago
City Council Latino                                                                                                                       la Fecha Límite para la                                            El      Proyecto
Caucus        Foundation
(CLCF) opened its annual
Foundation’s scholarship
                                                                                                                                          Solicitud de Becas                                       Odyssey, iniciativa de
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Illinois Humanities y un
                                                                                                                                                                                                   afiliado del Curso Clemente
application period for the                                                                                                                         En marzo, la Fundación del Concilio del         en Humanidades, es un
2021-2022 academic year.                                                                                                                  Caucus Latino de la Ciudad de Chicago (CLCF) abrió       programa gratuito basado
The Foundation will award                                                                                                                 su período de solicitud de becas de la Fundación         en humanidades que otorga
25 scholarships of $5,000                                                                                                                 para el año académico del 2021-2022. La Fundación        créditos universitarios
each to qualified students                                                                                                                otorgará 25 becas d $5,000 cada una a estudiantes        para adultos con ingresos
from across Chicago.                                                                                                                      calificados de Chicago. Los solicitantes pueden          elegibles que tienen acceso
Students can apply online                                                                                                                 hacer su solicitud en línea en la red del Caucus         limitado o ningún acceso a
via the Caucus’ website                                                                                                                   en La          la educación universitaria.
at www.ccclatinocaucus.                                                                                                                   fecha límite fue extendida para enviar la solicitud      Más del 75 por ciento de
org/clcf-scholarship. The                                                                                                                 para el viernes, 14 de mayo del 2021 a las 11:59         estudiantes de Odyssey
deadline has now been                                                                                                                     p.m. La Fundación ha provisto $440,000 en becas          son mujeres y más del 90
extended to submit the                                                                                                                    a 88 estudiantes desde el 2016. Los miembros del         por ciento son personas
application by Friday, May                                                                                                                Caucus, incluyendo la Secretaria de la Ciudad Anna       de color. Más del 80 por
14, 2021 at 11:59pm. The                                                                                                                  Valencia – miembro ex-oficio, se comprometieron          ciento se identifican como
Foundation has provided      including the City Clerk                                    their signature annual                           a esfuerzos de recaudación vía su gala anual que se      jefes de familia. La edad
$440,000 in scholarships     Anna Valencia – ex-officio                                  gala which has become a                          ha convertido en un evento repleto de estrellas a lo     media de los estudiantes
to 88 students since         member, all commit to                                       star-studded event over the                      largo de los años.                                       en el Proyecto Odyssey,
2016. Caucus members,        fundraising efforts via                                     years.                                                                                                    es de 39 años. A través
                                                                                                                                                                                                   de la lectura, los debates
                                                                                                                                                                                                   y la escritura sobre Ideas
                                                                                                                                                                                                   y Textos en Literatura,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Filosofía, Historia del
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Arte e Historia de E.U., en
                                                                                                                                                                                                   seminarios presentados por
                                                                                                                                                                                                   profesores de colegios y
                                                                                                                                                                                                   universidades locales, los
                                                                                                                                                                                                   estudiantes y la facultad
                                                                                                                                                                                                   en el Proyecto Odyssey,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   se comprometen unos con
                                                                                                                                                                                                   otros a desarrollar una
                                                                                                                                                                                                   respuesta crítica a nuestro
                                    Kevin Ware could help you save even                                                                                                                            cambiante mundo. Los
                                    more on car insurance.                                                                                                                                         estudiantes participantes
                                                                                                                                                                                                   tienen la oportunidad de
                                    Kevin Ware could help you save even                                                                                                                            ganar hasta 11 créditos
                                    Get a free quote and see how much
                                    more on car insurance.
                                    you could save.                                                                                     Los Defensores Exigen Dinero                               de la Universidad de
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Illinois en Chicago (UIC)
                                    Get a free
                                     Kevin     quote
                                            Ware     andhelp
                                                  could  seeyou
                                                                 mucheven                                                               de Ayuda Federal             Viene de la Página 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                   transferibles a UIC u otros
                                    you could
                                     more      save.
                                           on car insurance.                                                                                                                                       programas de estudio.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Esta es una opción muy
                                      Get a free quote and see how much                                                                                                                            real para los graduados de
                                      you could save.                                                                                                                                              Odyssey, ya que cerca del
                                                                                                                                                                                                   40 por ciento han pasado a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   completar estudios que van
                                    773-582-8888 |
                                                                                                                                       a nuestras comunidades”.      por lo menos $25 millones     desde Grados Asociados a
                                    Chicago, IL 60652
                                                                                                                                       Un pequeño piloto de          del Plan de Rescate           Maestrías Asociadas. Cada
                                    ¡Hablamos Español!
                                                                                                                                       tratamiento No Trauma,        Estadounidense como un        sitio tiene un coordinador
                                     773-582-8888 |
                                     Chicago, IL 60652                                                                                 un programa para crisis de    pago inicial de fondos        y un juego único de cursos
                                     ¡Hablamos Español!                                                                                salud mental no policíaco     total para un programa        e instructores. Su sitio del
                                                                                                                                       fue aprobado en el más                                      Sector Sudoeste es un
                                                                                                                                                                     integral de Tratamiento NO
                                      773-582-8888 |
                                                                                                                                       reciente presupuesto de la                                  programa en español – El
                                      Chicago, IL 60652                                          "Scan to call now “                                                 Trauma; y restablecer las     Proyecto Odisea – y sigue
                                    Some discounts, coverages, payment plans, and features are not available in all states, in all
                                          companies, or in all Español!
                                                                                                                                       Ciudad. La Colaborativa       clínicas de salud mental.
                                    GEICO                      situations. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government
                                    Employees Insurance Company, Washington, DC 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
                                                                                                                                       para Bienestar Comunitario                                  siendo el único programa
                                    subsidiary. © 2020 GEICO
                                                                                                                                                                     En la última ronda de ayuda   en español en la nómina del
                                                                                                                                       pide la expansión del
                                    Some discounts, coverages, payment plans, and features are not available in all states, in all
                                    GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government            sistema de respuesta a        federal para el COVID, el     Curso Clemente. Para más
                                    Employees Insurance Company, Washington, DC 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
                                    subsidiary. © 2020 GEICO
                                                                                                                                       crisis que se basará en las   Acta CARES, la Alcaldesa      información, comunicarse
                                                                                                                                       5 clínicas de salud mental    gastó dos terceras partes     con Rebecca Amato,
                                      Some discounts, coverages, payment plans, and features are not available in all states, in all
                                                                                                                                       del CDPH que operan           del dinero, $281M en el       Directora de Enseñanza
                                                                                                                                                                     Departamento de Policía       y Aprendizaje en rebecca.
                                      GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government
                                      Employees Insurance Company, Washington, DC 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
                                      subsidiary. © 2020 GEICO                                                                         independientemente del
                                                                                                                                       Departamento de Policía       de Chicago y $68M se o
                                                                                                                                       de Chicago; la ubicación de   quedaron sin gastar.          312-374-1550.
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, May 6, 2021-Page 11

Castro Spearheads Measure to Provide Housing,                                               Castro Encabeza Medida para Dar Vivienda y
Support to Those with Mental Illnesses                                                      Apoyo a Personas con Enfermedades Mentales
                                                                                                     Para apoyar y         servicios de apoyo sean     tratamientos. La HB
                                                                                            proteger a la gente con        institucionalizadas     o   449 fue aprobada por
                                                                                            graves      enfermedades       mueran, proporcionándoles   el Comportamiento del
                                                                                            mentales y trastornos por      vivienda        asequible   Senado y el Comité de
                                                                                            uso de sustancias y prevenir   mediante el uso de un       Salud Mental y pasa ahora
                                                                                            la institucionalización        subsidio de alquiler de     al Senado para mayor
                                                                                            innecesaria, la Senadora       puentes y el acceso a       consideración.
                                                                                            Estatal Cristina Castro
                                                                                            introdujo una medida
                                                                                            para ayudar a la gente a
                                                                                            obtener vivienda asequible
                                                                                            y acceso a servicios de
                                                                                            apoyo de recuperación.
                                                                                            “Necesitamos retirarnos de
                                                                                            un sistema que criminaliza
                                                                                            a la gente con desórdenes
                                                                                            de salud mental y abuso de
                                                                                            substancias y enfocarnos
                                                                                            en hacer una prioridad
                                                                                            de un tratamiento y
   To support and protect     with mental health and        use disorder lack affordable    apoyo compasivo para
people with serious           substance use disorders       housing, causing increased      quienes luchan contra
mental      illness    and    and instead focus on          institutionalization,           estas condiciones”, dijo
substance use disorders       prioritizing compassionate    incarceration or risk of        Castro. “Esta legislación
and prevent unnecessary       treatment and support for     death from an overdose.         ayudaría a quienes luchan
institutionalization, State   those struggling with these   The measure would create        por levantarse a través
Senator Cristina Castro       conditions,” Castro said.     the Housing is Recovery         de vivienda y recursos
has introduced a measure      “This legislation would       Pilot Program to prevent        accesibles”. Miles de
to help people obtain         help those struggling get     people with a serious           personas con graves
affordable housing and        back on their feet through    mental illness or people        enfermedades de salud
access to recovery support    accessible housing and        who are at high risk of         mental o uso de substancias
services. “We need to         resources.” Thousands         overdose due to lack of         carecen de vivienda
move away from a system       of people with a serious      support services from being     asequible, aumentando
that criminalizes people      mental illness or substance   institutionalized or dying      la institucionalización,
                                                            by enabling affordable          encarcelación o el riesgo de
                                                            housing through the use         muerte por una sobredosis.
                                                            of a bridge rental subsidy      La medida que crearía la
                                                            and providing access to         vivienda es un Programa
                                                            treatments. HB 449 passed       Piloto de Recuperación
                                                            the Senate Behavioral and       para prevenir que la gente
                                                            Mental Health committee         con graves enfermedades
                                                            and now moves to the            mentales o que están
                                                            Senate floor for further        en riesgo de sobredosis
                                                            consideration.                  debido a la falta de

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Page 12-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, May 6, 2021

                                                          Umbrella Art Contest at North Riverside Park Mall


                                             JUST ONE
                                             away from

               Celebrando Más de 20 Años                   North Riverside Park Mall      parasols will be hung           the decorated parasol to the
           de Servicio a la Comunidad en Ventas           announced its first ever        around the mall throughout      Customer Service Center
              y Compras de Bienes y Raíces                “Art is in the Air” Umbrella    the month of June. To enter     by May 31, 2021.
                                                          Art Project, taking place       the Umbrella Art Contest:       •The parasols will be hung
                                                          now through June 30,            •Shoppers can pick up a         throughout the mall, which
                                  ¡Felíz Día de la        2021. The mall is seeking
                                                          creative individuals of all
                                                          ages to participate in the
                                                                                          white, paper parasol at the
                                                                                          mall’s Customer Service
                                                                                          Center anytime during the
                                                                                                                          will be open for voting June
                                                                                                                          1-30, 2021.

                                                                                                                          For more information about
                                                          unique event to decorate        month of May.                   North Riverside Park Mall,
                                                          white, paper parasols for       •Shoppers will decorate         its stores, hours and events
                                                          a chance to win a mall gift     the parasol at home using       – including the winners of
                                      SERGIO MORENO GRI   card. Guests will be asked      paint, markers or anything      the Umbrella Art Project and
                                                          to pick-up, decorate and        creative to enhance the
                                             BROKER       return the parasols between     appearance of the parasol.
                                                                                                                          Contest – please visit: www.

                                  5704 W. CERMAK RD.      May 1-31 and then the           •Shoppers will bring back       com.

                                   CICERO, IL 60804       Concurso de Arte de Paraguas en North Riverside Park Mall

                                                                    North Riverside       se colgarán alrededor del       aparicencia de la sombrilla.
                                                          Park Mall anunció su primer     centro durante todo el mes      •Los          compradores
                                                          Proyecto Arte de Paraguas       de junio. Para participar       regresarán la sombrilla
                                                          “Arte en el Aire” que tendrá    en el Concurso de Arte de       decorada al Centro de
                                                          lugar de ahora al 30 de junio   Paraguas:                       Servicio al Cliente antes del
                                                          del 2021. El centro comercial                                   31 de mayo del 2021.
                                                                                          •Los compradores pueden         •Las sombrillas serán
                                                          busca personas de todas         recoger una sombrilla           colgadas dentro del centro,
                                                          las edades que participen       blanca, de papel en el          que estará abierto para
                                                          en este evento único para       Centro de Servicio al Cliente   votación.
                                                          decorar sombrillas de papel     del centro, en cualquier           Para más información
                                                          blancas con la oportunidad      momento, durante el mes         sobre North Riverside Park
                                                          de ganar una tarjeta de         de mayo.                        Mall, sus tiendas, horarios
                                                          regalo del centro. Se pedirá    •Los           compradores      y eventos – incluyendo a
                                                          a los asistentes que escojan,   decorarán la sombrilla en       los ganadores del Proyecto
                                                          decoren y regresen las          casa utilizando pintura,        Arte de Paraguas y el
                                                          sombrillas entre el 1 y el      marcadores o cualquier          Concurso – visite www.
                                                          31 de mayo y las sombrillas     cosa creativa para mejorar la
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, May 6, 2021-Page 13

       HOUSE FOR SALE                          HOUSES FOR SALE                              HOUSE FOR SALE                                   HOUSE FOR SALE                                   REAL ESTATE                               ASSUMED NAME
    IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF              by The Condominium Property Act,            IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK                 For information, JOHNSON, BLUMBERG                POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH                Notice is hereby given,
      COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS              765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If                   COUNTY, ILLINOIS                   & ASSOCIATES, LLC Plaintiff's Attorneys,          SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS
 COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHAN-               this property is a condominium unit      COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY                    230 W. Monroe Street, Suite #1125,                MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.                     pursuant to “An Act in re-
           CERY DIVISION                 which is part of a common interest                          DIVISION                     Chicago, IL, 60606 (312) 541-9710. Please         You will need a photo identification issued   lation to the use of an As-
                                                                                         U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL                 refer to file number 18-6680.                     by a government agency (driver's license,
   WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND               community, the purchaser of the
                                                                                  ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE OF CVF                  THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION                    passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into   sumed Business Name
    SOCIETY, FSB D/B/A CHRIS-            unit at the foreclosure sale other             III MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST II                One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,               our building and the foreclosure sale room    in the conduct or trans-
  TIANA TRUST NOT IN ITS INDI-           than a mortgagee shall pay the                                                                                                             in Cook County and the same identifica-
 VIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY              assessments required by The Con-
                                                                                                                                  Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE
                                                                                                                                  You can also visit The Judicial Sales             tion for sales held at other county venues    action of Business in the
    AS TRUSTEE FOR BANTAM                dominium Property Act, 765 ILCS               UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW AND                   Corporation at for a 7 day           where The Judicial Sales Corporation
                                                                                                                                                                                    conducts foreclosure sales.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  State,” as amended, that
      FUNDING TRUST 2018-1               605/18.5(g-1).                                  LEGATEES OF CARMELLA F.
                                                                                          STENDSON, EQUIVANTAGE
                                                                                                                                  status report of pending sales.
                                                                                                                                  JOHNSON, BLUMBERG & ASSOCIATES,
                                                                                                                                                                                          For information, D. KAUFMAN LAW         a certification was regis-
                 Plaintiff,              IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR                                                                                                                   LLC Plaintiff's Attorneys, 185 N. FRANK-
                    -v.-                 (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE                    INC., NEIGHBORHOOD LENDING                  LLC                                               LIN ST., 2ND FLOOR, Chicago, IL, 60606        tered by the undersigned
                                                                                   SERVICES, INC., ILLINOIS HOUSING               230 W. Monroe Street, Suite #1125                 (312) 993-0030.
                                                                                                                                                                                    THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  with the County Clerk of
                                                                                         DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY,                   Chicago IL, 60606
    HOWARD, SANDRA DILLON,               SION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER EN-                      SHARON ROSEBURR CARR,                    312-541-9710                                      One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chi-      Cook County.
                                                                                                                                                                                    cago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE
  PENTAGON FEDERAL CREDIT                TRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSES-                    CHARLES PIKE, ALICE WILSON                 E-Mail:           You can also visit The Judicial Sales Cor-    Registration      Number:
    UNION, STATE OF ILLINOIS,            SION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH                     SHEPARD, WILLIAM P. BUTCHER,                Attorney File No. 18-6680                         poration at for a 7 day sta-     Y21006782 on April 30,
     UNKNOWN OWNERS AND                  SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE IL-                 AS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE                  Attorney Code. 40342                              tus report of pending sales.
    NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS,                LINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLO-                    OF THE ESTATE OF CARMELLA F.                 Case Number: 2019CH06962                          D. KAUFMAN LAW LLC                            2021
                                                                                                                                                                                    185 N. FRANKLIN ST., 2ND FLOOR
      UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS                  SURE LAW.                                   STENDSON, UNKNOWN OWNERS
                                                                                       AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS
                                                                                                                                  TJSC#: 41-675
                                                                                                                                  NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection        Chicago IL, 60606                             Under the Assumed Busi-
               Defendants                You will need a photo identification                       Defendants                    Practices Act, you are advised that               312-993-0030                                  ness Name of LOPEZ
              18 CH 10251                issued by a government agency                           2019CH06962                      Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt       E-Mail:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TIRES with the business
    5006 WEST ADAMS STREET               (driver's license, passport, etc.) in               5710 W. ERIE STREET                  collector attempting to collect a debt and        Attorney Code. 64273
         CHICAGO, IL 60644               order to gain entry into our building                CHICAGO, IL 60644                   any information obtained will be used for         Case Number: 2019 CH 09108                    located at: 5436 W. 25TH
          NOTICE OF SALE                 and the foreclosure sale room in                      NOTICE OF SALE                     that purpose.                                     TJSC#: 41-635
                                                                                                                                                                                    NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ST, CICERO IL 60804.
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY                  Cook County and the same identifi-      PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
                                                                                 pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and
                                                                                                                                  Case # 2019CH06962
                                                                                                                                  I3168416                                          tion Practices Act, you are advised that      The true and real full
GIVEN that pursuant to a Judg-           cation for sales held at other county                                                                                                      Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt   name(s) and residence
                                                                                 Sale entered in the above cause on March
ment of Foreclosure and Sale en-         venues where The Judicial Sales                                                                                                            collector attempting to collect a debt and
tered in the above cause on Feb-         Corporation conducts foreclosure
                                                                                 8, 2021, an agent for The Judicial Sales
                                                                                                                                                                                    any information obtained will be used for     address of the owner(s)/
ruary 26, 2021, an agent for The         sales.
                                                                                 Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on June 3,                     REAL ESTATE                           that purpose.                                 partner(s) is:
                                                                                 2021, at The Judicial Sales Corporation,
Judicial Sales Corporation, will at      For information, The sales clerk,       One South Wacker Drive, CHICAGO, IL,
                                                                                                                                      IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK
                                                                                                                                                                                    Case # 2019 CH 09108
10:30 AM on May 27, 2021, at The         LOGS Legal Group LLP Plain-             60606, sell at a public sale to the highest
Judicial Sales Corporation, One          tiff's Attorneys, 2121 WAUKEGAN         bidder, as set forth below, the following                       COUNTY, ILLINOIS                                                                 Full Name
South Wacker Drive, CHICAGO, IL,         RD., SUITE 301, Bannockburn, IL,        described real estate:                            COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  JUAN SERRANO
60606, sell at a public sale to the      60015 (847) 291-1717 For informa-
                                                                                 Commonly known as 5710 W. ERIE
                                                                                 STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60644                            SEMPER FIDELIS LLC, AN ILLINOIS                                                             Complete Address
highest bidder, as set forth below,      tion call between the hours of 1pm      Property Index No. 16-08-210-025-0000                   LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY                                                                5436 W. 25TH ST.
the following described real estate:     - 3pm.. Please refer to file number                                                                          Plaintiff,
Commonly known as 5006 WEST              17-085098.
                                                                                 The real estate is improved with a single
                                                                                 family residence.                                                       -v.-                                                                     CICERO, IL 60804, USA
ADAMS STREET, CHICAGO, IL                THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPO-               The judgment amount was $48,702.46.               JAMES HOLLIDAY, CITY OF CHICAGO,                                                               PATRICIA SERRANO
60644                                    RATION                                  Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid                        STATE OF ILLINOIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Complete Address
                                                                                 by certified funds at the close of the sale
Property Index No. 16-16-204-037-        One South Wacker Drive, 24th
                                                                                 payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.                        2019 CH 09108                                                                  5436 W. 25TH ST.
0000                                     Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650           No third party checks will be accepted.                       5845 W. MIDWAY PK.                                                                 CICERO, IL 60804, USA
The real estate is improved with a       (312) 236-SALE                          The balance, including the Judicial                            CHICAGO, IL 60644
multi-family residence.                  You can also visit The Judicial         Sale fee for the Abandoned Residential                          NOTICE OF SALE
The      judgment        amount  was     Sales Corporation at                                                              PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
                                                                                 Property Municipality Relief Fund, which
                                                                                                                                  that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo-              53          HELP WANTED                     53      HELP WANTED
$157,982.04.                             for a 7 day status report of pend-      is calculated on residential real estate at
                                                                                 the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction       sure and Sale entered in the above cause
Sale terms: 25% down of the high-        ing sales.                                                                               on April 19, 2021, an agent for The Judi-
                                                                                 thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser
est bid by certified funds at the        LOGS Legal Group LLP                                                                     cial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM
                                                                                 not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or        on June 1, 2021, at The Judicial Sales
close of the sale payable to The Ju-     2121 WAUKEGAN RD., SUITE                wire transfer, is due within twenty-four         Corporation, One South Wacker Drive,
dicial Sales Corporation. No third       301                                     (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the          CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale
party checks will be accepted. The       Bannockburn IL, 60015                   mortgagee acquiring the residential real         to the highest bidder, as set forth below,

balance, including the Judicial Sale     847-291-1717                            estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale    the following described real estate:
                                                                                                                                          Commonly known as 5845 W. MID-
fee for the Abandoned Residential        E-Mail:              or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or       WAY PK., CHICAGO, IL 60644
Property Municipality Relief Fund,       Attorney File No. 17-085098             other lienor acquiring the residential real       Property Index No. 16-08-225-002-0000
                                                                                 estate whose rights in and to the residential    The real estate is improved with a multi-
which is calculated on residential       Attorney Code. 42168                                                                     family residence.
                                                                                 real estate arose prior to the sale. The
real estate at the rate of $1 for        Case Number: 18 CH 10251                subject property is subject to general           The judgment amount was $1,699,740.80.
each $1,000 or fraction thereof of       TJSC#: 41-269                           real estate taxes, special assessments,                   Sale terms: 10% down of the high-
the amount paid by the purchaser         NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt                                                          est bid by certified funds at the close of
                                                                                                                                                                                            BUSCAMOS TECNICO PARA
                                                                                 or special taxes levied against said real        the sale payable to The Judicial Sales
not to exceed $300, in certified         Collection Practices Act, you are       estate and is offered for sale without any       Corporation. No third party checks will
funds/or wire transfer, is due within    advised that Plaintiff's attorney is    representation as to quality or quantity of      be accepted. The balance, including the
twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall
be paid by the mortgagee acquiring
                                         deemed to be a debt collector at-
                                         tempting to collect a debt and any
                                                                                 title and without recourse to Plaintiff and
                                                                                 in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further
                                                                                                                                  Judicial Sale fee for the Abandoned Resi-
                                                                                                                                  dential Property Municipality Relief Fund,                 TEÑIR Y REPARAR DECKS
                                                                                                                                  which is calculated on residential real es-

                                                                                 subject to confirmation by the court.
the residential real estate pursuant
to its credit bid at the sale or by
                                         information obtained will be used
                                         for that purpose.
                                                                                 Upon payment in full of the amount bid,
                                                                                                                                  tate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or
                                                                                                                                  fraction thereof of the amount paid by the          Debe entender y hablar un poquito de Inglés
                                                                                 the purchaser will receive a Certificate         purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified

                                                                                                                                                                                                        LLAMAR AL
any mortgagee, judgment creditor,        Case # 18 CH 10251                      of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a     funds/or wire transfer, is due within twen-
or other lienor acquiring the resi-      I3167439                                deed to the real estate after confirmation       ty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by
dential real estate whose rights in                                              of the sale.                                     the mortgagee acquiring the residential
                                                                                                                                  real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the

and to the residential real estate                                               The property will NOT be open for inspection
                                                                                                                                  sale or by any mortgagee, judgment credi-
                                                                                 and plaintiff makes no representation as to
arose prior to the sale. The subject                                                                                              tor, or other lienor acquiring the residential
                                                                                 the condition of the property. Prospective       real estate whose rights in and to the resi-
property is subject to general real                                              bidders are admonished to check the court        dential real estate arose prior to the sale.
estate taxes, special assessments,                                               file to verify all information.                  The subject property is subject to general
or special taxes levied against said
real estate and is offered for sale          EN LA                               If this property is a condominium unit, the
                                                                                 purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure
                                                                                                                                  real estate taxes, special assessments,
                                                                                                                                  or special taxes levied against said real
                                                                                                                                  estate and is offered for sale without any

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SE PAGA
without any representation as to                                                 sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the      representation as to quality or quantity of
quality or quantity of title and with-
                                          COMUNIDAD                              assessments and the legal fees required
                                                                                 by The Condominium Property Act, 765
                                                                                                                                  title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in

out recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS                                                                                              “AS IS” condition. The sale is further sub-
                                                                                 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property    ject to confirmation by the court.
IS" condition. The sale is further
                                          COMPRE EN
                                                                                 is a condominium unit which is part of a                 Upon payment in full of the amount
subject to confirmation by the court.                                            common interest community, the purchaser         bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate
Upon payment in full of the amount                                                                                                of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a
                                                                                 of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than   deed to the real estate after confirmation
bid, the purchaser will receive a
                                                                                 a mortgagee shall pay the assessments            of the sale.
Certificate of Sale that will entitle                                            required by The Condominium Property                   The property will NOT be open for in-

                                                                                                                                                                                            • LAVADO DE VENTANAS
the purchaser to a deed to the real                                              Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).                     spection and plaintiff makes no represen-
                                                                                 IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR                         tation as to the condition of the property.
estate after confirmation of the
                                            LOCALES                              (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT                  Prospective bidders are admonished to

                                                                                                                                                                                           •LIMPIEZA DE CANALETAS
sale.                                                                            TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30
                                                                                                                                  check the court file to verify all information.
The property will NOT be open for                                                                                                       If this property is a condominium unit,
                                                                                 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF                  the purchaser of the unit at the foreclo-
inspection and plaintiff makes no                                                POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH                   sure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall

                                                                                                                                                                                              • LAVADO ELECTRICO
representation as to the condition                                               SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS               pay the assessments and the legal fees
of the property. Prospective bidders                                             MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.                        required by The Condominium Property
                                                                                 You will need a photo identification issued      Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If
are admonished to check the court                                                                                                 this property is a condominium unit which
                                                                                 by a government agency (driver's license,
file to verify all information.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Se Necesitan Trabajadores
                                                                                                                                  is part of a common interest community,
                                                                                 passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into      the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure
If this property is a condominium                                                our building and the foreclosure sale room       sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the
unit, the purchaser of the unit at
the foreclosure sale, other than a
                                                                                 in Cook County and the same identification
                                                                                 for sales held at other county venues where
                                                                                                                                  assessments required by The Condomini-
                                                                                                                                  um Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).             Debe entender y hablar un poquito de Inglés
                                                                                                                                                                                                LLAMAR AL 847-297-4492
mortgagee, shall pay the assess-                                                 The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts               IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HO-
                                                                                                                                  MEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT
ments and the legal fees required                                                foreclosure sales.                               TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30
                                                                                                                                  DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF
Page 14-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, May 6 2021

 APARTMENT FOR RENT        APARTMAND FOR RENT     53         HELP WANTED               53       HELP WANTED            53        HELP WANTED                     53        HELP WANTED

69th St / California
5 rms, 2 Bdrm, 2nd Fl., Owner                          NEED METAL POLISHING                                                                         SEEKING
Heated, off street parking, close to                         WORKERS                                                                               EMPLOYEES
hospital and transportation, $870
month + 1 1/2 month sec dep.                                      NECESITAMOS                                               To clean hotel rooms in Luxury
        O’BRIEN FAMILY REALTY                                    TRABAJADORES                                                      hotel Downtown.
                                                                                                                          NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY
               Agent Owned
                                                              DE PULIDO DE METALES                                                   847-630-3350

      2 Bed. Apt. Kitchen, living room.
                                                               847-677-7446                                            COMPAÑIA DE
          3030 S. Komensky Ave.                                                                                         COSTURA
                                                   53                                            HELP WANTED
             Chicago IL, 60623                               HELP WANTED               53
                                                                                                                                   NECESITA CORTADORES
             Call 773-679-5761                         SMITTY’S TREE SERVICE, INC.
                                                                                                                                  DE TELA CON EXPERIENCIA
                                                                                                                       Para el primer y segundo turno, tiempo completo para constureras y presores
                                                    We are looking for a MECHANIC that can work on engines,            empacadores y control de calidad para prendas de vestir como blazers,

         SE RENTAN APTS.
                                                  transmissions, brakes, electrical, forklifts, Hi-Reaches, welding,   jackets, camisas y pantalones. debe tener documentos legales para trabajar.
                                                     hydraulic work & various machines. We have a fleet of 30          El trabajo es tiempo completo todo el año y oportunidades de tiempo extra,
                                                         trucks & about 40 different pieces of equipment.              buen pago y ofrecemos seguro.
       APT. DE 2 REC. $890                             ALSO LOOKING FOR GROUNDSMEN, CLASS B OR C DRIVERS                    LLAME PRIMERO AL 773-545-0990
        Y DE 1 REC. $790                                                                                                    Y SI NO CONTESTAN LLAMAR AL
                                                  Employee needs to be self motivated and willing to work                            847-476-4999
ALFOMBRADO, CALEFACCION INCLUIDA,                     hard. CDLlicense is a plus but not mandatory..
LAVANDERIA & ALMACENAJE EN EL SOTANO.                                                                                          3500 N. Kostner Ave. Chicago,IL 60641
ESTACIONAMIENTO EN LA PARTE DE ATRAS.                              708-385-2814
           APTS. FOR RENT                                         12736 S. Ridgeway, Alsip, Il.
2 BEDROOM $890 AND 1 BEDROOM $790                 Please stop in and fill out an application/interview looking
CARPETING, HEATING INCLUDED, LAUNDRY                         to hire ASAP to the right candidate.
 LLAME/CALL 708-439-9253                            GERENTE DE ÁREA

                                                    Empresa de limpieza comercial por contrato con sede en
 53     HELP WANTED       53     HELP WANTED        Chicago durante sus 50 años está en busca de un
                                                    Gerente de Área con experiencia. Se prefiere bilingüe
                                                    español / inglés.

GENERAL LABORS WANTED                               Brindamos servicios sindicalizados y no sindicalizados a                        Compañía Solicita

                                                                                                                                  PINTORES Y
                                                    edificios de oficinas comerciales, museos, escuelas y
       FOR ASPHALT PAVING                           consultorios médicos, además de servicios especiales.
           SOUTHSIDE                                Llame al 312-726-7200 para obtener más información o

                                                        í              l   ó i
                                                             NOW HIRING
                                                         ROOFING COMPANY IN SUMMIT, IL
                                                                                                                          Con experiencia. Trabajo en suburbios de
                                                                                                                          Chicago. Debe tener su propio vehículo y
                                                                                                                                   herramientas básicas.
      708-423-9594 • 708-906-9192                      Is looking for helpers to work on roofs, and for siding
                                                               installers. We provide trucks and tools.
                                                                                                                             Llamar ùnicamente entre 9AM-5PM
                                                            ESTAMOS CONTRATANDO
   LOOKING FOR A LOCAL                                   ROOFING COMPANY IN SUMMIT, IL
                                                         Buscamos ayudantes para trabajar en techos e

                                                             instaladores de revestimientos (siding).
                                                       Nosotros proporcionamos camiones y herramientas.

      GOOD PAY

      CALL 909-354-9110
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