No.12 RESEARCH PAPERS - Students' & Teachers' Voices - CIEX

Página creada Javier Morales
No.12 RESEARCH PAPERS - Students' & Teachers' Voices - CIEX
CIEX Journal   Año 6   No. 12   Abril - Septiembre 2021


                                          RESEARCH PAPERS
                                         Students’ & Teachers’ Voices

                                       VALUES AND CULTURE
                                      Personal Development and Growth

No.12 RESEARCH PAPERS - Students' & Teachers' Voices - CIEX
Directora General
                                     Mtra. Norma Francisca Murga Tapia

                                    Dra. María del Carmen Castillo Salazar

                                             Coordinador Editorial
                                      Mtro. Hugo Enrique Mayo Castrejón

                                               Equipo Editorial
                      LLI. Iris Obdulia Tomás Martínez   Dra. María Elena de la Llata López
           Secretaría de Educación Guerrero, México      Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México

                   LLI. Walter René Andraca González     LLI. Cesar Omar Olguin Mendoza
     Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros - Plantel Puebla,     Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros - Plantel Chilpancingo
                                             México      1, México

                                        LLI. Tomás Brito Maldonado
                        Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros - Plantel Chilpancingo 2, México

                                            Comité de Arbitraje

                    Dr. Carlos Alfredo Pazos Romero      Mtra. Lillian Araceli Ruiz Córdoba
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México        Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México

                 Dr. Jorge Antonio Aguilar Rodríguez     Dr. Patrick John Coleman
          Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México        Universidad Lincoln, Nueva Zelanda

                  Dr. José Alejandro Fernández Díaz      Dr. Pedro Mayoral Valdivia
      Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla,         Universidad de Colima, México

                 Mtra. Norma Francisca Murga Tapia       Mtra. Verónica Lezama de Jesús
Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros - Plantel Puebla, México   Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México

                                         Dr. Celso Pérez Carranza
                            Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México

                                      Diseñador Editorial y de Portada
                                       MCT. Gerardo Heredia Cenobio

CIEX Journ@l, Año 6 No. 12. (2021), abril - septiembre 2021, es una publicación bianual editada por CIEX S.C.
Calle Pedro Ascencio 12, Col. Centro, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, México. C. P. 39000, Tel. 7474947973, journal., Editor responsable: Dra. María del Carmen Castillo Salazar, Reserva
de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2016-081814195600-203, ISSN: 2395-9517, otorgado por el Instituto
Nacional de Derechos de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número: Coordinación
Editorial de CIEX S.C, Mtro. Hugo Enrique Mayo Castrejón, Calle Pedro Ascencio, 12, Col. Centro, Chilpancingo,
Guerrero, México. C. P. 39000. Fecha de última modificación: Abril, 2021.

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No.12 RESEARCH PAPERS - Students' & Teachers' Voices - CIEX

 Artículos de
No.12 RESEARCH PAPERS - Students' & Teachers' Voices - CIEX
CIEX Journ@l

Activities and Didactic Materials to
Implement when Teaching English
  to a Sightless Child in a Public
   Primary School: a case study
Actividades y Materiales Didácticos para Implementar al Enseñar Inglés
  a un Niño con Discapacidad Visual en una Escuela Primaria Pública:
                          un caso de estudio
            Recibido: Marzo 27, 2021                            Aceptado: Abril 30, 2021

      Lic. Jeeny Elena Candela Diaz – - Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros


The topic that was selected in this thesis is important because teachers around Mexico can face
a similar situation in their classrooms, and with the results of this study they can implement
activities and didactic materials to sightless students because it is a really big challenge for
teacher giving classes in this particular situation. The principal purpose of this research is to help
teachers and give them the resources or ideas that they can apply for sightless students´ learning.
This research is based on the qualitative approach since the observations, thoughts, ideas, and
arguments of the participants are fully analyzed. This research was a case study since a specific
case of a sightless child was analyzed. According to the results, when an English teacher has a
sightless student in a class, it is recommended to adapt the activities and materials to promote
the student’s English learning and participation; the favorite activities of this student are oral,
listening, and reading activities; some examples are dialogues related to situations in real life,
gap-filling activities, and oral activities to exchange personal information.


English teaching, sightless child, language learning, activities, didactic material.


El tema que fue elegido en esta es tesis es importante porque los maestros alrededor de México
pueden tener una situación similar en sus salones de clases, y con la ayuda de esta tesis, ellos
pueden implementar materiales didácticos y actividades a sus estudiantes porque es un reto
muy grande para los maestros tratar de dar clases en esta situación en particular. El principal
propósito de esta investigación es el ayudar a maestros y darles algunos recursos o ideas que ellos
pueden aplicar en el aprendizaje de los alumnos con discapacidad visual. Esta investigación está
basada en el método cualitativo ya que las observaciones, pensamientos, ideas y argumentos
de los participantes fueron completamente analizados. Esta investigación fue un estudio de caso

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No.12 RESEARCH PAPERS - Students' & Teachers' Voices - CIEX
CIEX Journ@l
de un estudiante con discapacidad visual. De acuerdo con los resultados, cuando un maestro
tiene un alumno con discapacidad visual en una clase, se recomienda adaptar las actividades y
los materiales para promover su aprendizaje y su participación; las actividades favoritas de este
estudiante son: las actividades orales, auditivas y de lectura, algunos ejemplos son: diálogos
relacionados a situaciones de la vida real, actividades de complementación y actividades orales
de intercambio de información personal.


Enseñanza de inglés, estudiante con discapacidad visual, aprendizaje de lenguas, actividades,
material didáctico.

In Elementary schools, the special education for sightless children has been an issue for many
years. When teachers use the word “special” they refer to the children that do not possess the
same characteristics than the rest of the standard students in a school. In some public schools,
it is not usual to see sightless children, but in some schools are not trained for this kind of
responsibility, and for them, it seems to be a difficult challenge to teach English to a sightless
child without the tools that teachers need. The support that these children receive at school and
at home have a great influence in their world as they discover their possibilities and their skills, if
they have the appropriate support, they will be able to elaborate a positive self-image essential
for their integration at school and in the society.

In public primary schools, it is difficult to teach English to students with different necessities. This
process becomes more complicated when there is a sightless child in the classroom since these
children learn in a different manner from the rest of the students. The necessities of these students
seem to be different when applying didactic materials to foster the language ability. Teachers
in public primary schools have a lot of difficulties when teaching them. That is why the design
of special didactic materials for sightless students becomes especially important in the field of
language teaching. Teachers need to improve their classes by using special didactic materials
with these students because, in these cases, they need to prepare an interactive and interesting
class for reaching the objective of every class, and in this manner, all the students can be able to
learn English.

The sightless child of this case study studies the elementary school, the period that the children
pass in elementary school are 6 years. The elementary school is the second level of the basic
education in Mexico, and it is where the children develop their writing and reading to communicate
and develop their mathematical skills. They learn how to hang out with other children, explore,
and understand the world and how to develop as people (, 2020).

Learners who are blind or visually impaired will require essential adaptations so the role of the
teacher is to decide the adaptations the student may need (Teaching Students with Visual
Impairments, 2020).

In Public elementary schools in Mexico sightless students are supported by La Unidad de Servicios
de Apoyo a la Educacion Regular (USAER): USAER is an operational technical instance of Special
Education, it provides guidance, advice, and support, in co-responsibility with teachers and
managers as well as advice parents. The support services are oriented to the development of
inclusive schools and classrooms by emphasizing the reduction or elimination of barriers to learn
and participate that are generated in context. Attention is offered during regular or full-time
school hours (, 2020).

72                                                                      Artículos de Investigación
CIEX Journ@l
Students with special needs demand a lot of adaptations in the learning process and in the
study atmosphere because they certainly face obstacles which will allow to feel inclusive and
comfortable to participate in the study process (Information guide for International students,

There are a lot of advantages that the students with disabilities can have if they are registered in
general-education education classrooms, such as: more instructional time, less absences, better
post-secondary outcomes, and no negative impact on the academic achievement, moreover
students can feel included in the classrooms; those students can be more sociable with other
people and learn how to relate and feel comfortable (Mader, 2017).

The elementary school, where this research was done, has the USAER program, so the pupils with
special needs can have a special class for them, and besides that, they can practice with their
classmates in the regular class.

Authors as E. Sampaio in their article “Le langage chez les enfants aveugles” (1991), show the
fact that the sightless child, without other deficits associated, has normal intelligence and with
a hearing aid intact, has always made psychologists and linguistics assume that language
development features would not offer sensitive differences between sightless and sighted
children. Sightless children have no special difficulties in speech development. In this research,
the sightless child is a kid that does not present other disabilities, only the visual disability.

In this study some teaching activities and materials will be implemented with a sightless student.
Based on Cooper (1999) a teaching activity is a procedure performed in a classroom to facilitate
knowledge to the students while for Gomez (2001) a teaching activity consists of a sequence of
actions aimed at the construction of knowledge, the development of skills, and the formation of

According to Chavez (2017) there are many reasons to use teaching resources in the classroom.
The most significant is motivation because it helps to capture the attention of students more
easily and this is improved through the element of surprise which produces a diversity of positive
stimuli by students.

The general objective of this study is to propose some activities and didactic materials to
implement in English classes for teaching a sightless child and the specific objectives are the
following: to identify the most appropriate English methods and approaches that teachers could
apply for teaching English to a sightless child, to identify the most suitable didactic materials
that teachers can apply with a sightless student and to explore the elements to modify didactic
materials used with regular students to be applied to a sightless student.

This study was based on the qualitative approach since the observations, thoughts, ideas,
arguments of the participants are analyzed, moreover it was focused on the perceptions of a
sightless child, so this research was a case study. Based on Willig, C. (2019) case study often
involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing “the case history” of a single
participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group).

The subjects who participated in this research are a sightless child, his parents, the English teacher,
The USAER teacher, and the researcher of this study. The child is 10 years old, he is a boy, he has
always been in this primary school, he was in fifth grade, he likes English very much. The English
teacher, she has been a teacher for 10 years, she is interested in helping children with disabilities,

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CIEX Journ@l
the USAER teacher has a BA in Special Education and she helps students with different capacities.

The research was developed in a Public Primary School called Damian Carmona, located in
Chilpancingo, Guerrero, in the southern part of Mexico.

The interviewing technique consist of gathering data through asking questions. Based on Abawi
(2013) the researcher can collect information through interviews applied to people and responses
can be recorded, filmed or a combination of methods. There are four types of interviews, structured
interview, semi-structured interview, in-depth interview, focused group discussion. The interviews
used in this study were semi -structures interviews because they are content open-ended
questions and closed ended questions.

A second data collection technique was the observing technique which is used mostly in
qualitative research. It involves overt and covert observation of individual or group behavior in a
specific situation. Observation is particularly useful in those cases where collected information
using survey methods is not sufficient or falls short of reflecting the full nature of a given trend.
The type of observation is non-participant because the researcher did not get involved in the
activities or participated during the observation class (Consulting & Research 2018).

Data collection allows researchers to collect information that might be interesting and useful about
study projects (Abawi,2013). Three interview guides were used as data collection instruments,
one for the child’s parents, a second interview for the child, and the third for the students fifth
grade teacher and the USAER teacher.

All the students have the same opportunities of learning and to go to school, no matter if they are
children with special needs, they can study in public schools because nowadays the incorporation
of these students in public schools has support in current learning theories. Of course, it is a
challenge, but it is probably that these students can be joined with the rest of the students and
learn with them.

One of the limitations that the teacher has is the big number of students in the classroom from 30
to 35 students. There are a lot of students, so it is difficult for the sightless child listen to the class
and pay attention to the classroom because with that number of students the silence is difficult,
so the child cannot get concentrated in the class because the noise is something that affects
him and do not let him get concentrated.

Secondly, a big limitation is that the teachers in charge are not prepared for this kind of situation.
The “Secretaría de Educación Pública” teachers need to be prepared to face this type of situations
in their classrooms.

This research may be a support for the teachers who can be in this situation in a public school
because this study provides teachers some ideas that may help them to create activities and
materials for sightless students to reach the objective of any English teacher to achieve students’
language learning.

After the instruments were applied to the student, his parents, and his teachers, the results were
analyzed, and the following conclusions were gathered.
     ◊ Teachers need to implement new activities and some didactic materials for this student,
        but the teacher must consider the need to prepare activities for the sightless child and
        for the rest of the class, too.

74                                                                        Artículos de Investigación
CIEX Journ@l
    ◊   It is recommended, that the teacher investigates about appropriate didactic activities
        and materials for sightless students.
    ◊   Some activities that teachers can apply when they have a sightless student in the English
        class are oral activities and reading activities because, in this way, the student catches
        vocabulary and key words that can help him to understand the class.
    ◊   In addition, teachers can apply listening activities which are important because the
        sense of hearing is an important tool for the student´s learning because he listens to and
        understands the topics that the teacher explains.
    ◊   Some other activities that teachers can apply are dialogues related to situations in real
        life, gap-filling activities, and oral activities to exchange personal information.
    ◊   The useful approaches to teach this sightless child are the situational language teaching
        and the communicative language teaching because they helped the student to interact
        with the teacher and his classmates, since their sense of hearing is very developed, more
        than the other senses, so these teaching approaches allow teachers to develop activities
        to help sightless students to learn English.
    ◊   In this case, the teacher needs to adapt the materials of the English class for the student
        using mainly oral activities to teach the vocabulary in general. The listening part is
        especially important in this case because a sightless student learns better by listening.
    ◊   In didactic materials teachers can apply flashcards, worksheets, role plays, songs, and
        music; these materials help teachers to interact with these students and help them to
        learn. In the case of worksheets, the student told the answers to the teacher and this last
        one wrote the answers in the worksheets. In the case of worksheets, the student told the
        answers to the teacher and this last one wrote the answers in the worksheets.
    ◊   If a teacher in a public school has a sightless student in his or her group, the teacher
        needs to investigate information about the best ways to teach to a sightless student with
        the objective of making English learning easier, so the things that teachers can do are to
        prepare oral activities that include the student and his classmates.
    ◊   Other suggestion is modifying the activities in a way in which the student can participate
        in an easy way. Based on this research, sightless students like oral activities. If the teachers
        do this, they have two benefits, the first one is students’ learning and the second one is
        the inclusion of the sightless student in the activities applied to all students of a group.

                            Some implemented activities in this study

                                       Activity #1: Greetings

Objective: The child will identify how to greet people at different times of the day
Materials: Flashcards of greetings.
Allocated time: 20 minutes
    1. The teacher will identify with the student the greetings in Spanish, and then in English.
    2. Then, the teacher will ask them to the student in Spanish and the student will try to say
       them in English.
    3. The student will say to the teacher how he can greet people at different times of the day.

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                                    Activity #2: The pronouns

Objective: The student will learn the personal pronouns in English.
Materials: A song about the pronouns, a worksheet of the pronouns
Allocated time: 30 minutes
    1. The teacher will play the song and the student is going to listen to it, the necessary times.
    2. Then, the teacher will repeat the pronouns to the student in English and Spanish, the
       times that are necessary again.
    3. The teacher will ask the pronouns to the student one by one.
    4. Finally, the teacher and the student will do the worksheet about the pronouns.

                                      Activity #3: Verb to Be

Objective: The student will learn to use the verb to be and how to connect it with the pronouns.
Allocated hour: 30 minutes
    1. The teacher will explain to the student the verb to be.
    2. The student will repeat the different verbs to be in present tense.
    3. The student will try to remember the verbs when the teacher asks him in English and

                                  Activity #4: Family members

Objective: The students will learn how to say the members of his own family.
Materials: A family tree, flashcards of the family
Allocated time: 30 minutes
    1. The teachers will ask the student for the members of his family.
    2. When the student says the members of his family in Spanish, the teacher will say them in
    3. The student will identify his own family and will learn to say simple sentences for example:
       She is my mother; He is my father.
    4. Finally, the teacher will ask the student the vocabulary in general.

Some English activities done by the student.

76                                                                   Artículos de Investigación
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Abawi, K. (2013). Data collection instruments (questionnaire & interview).

Cooper, J. (1999). Estrategias de enseñanza, Guía para una mejor enseñanza, México:Limusa
    Noriega Editors.

Chávez, C. (2017). Uso de recursos y materiales didácticos para la enseñanza de inglés como
    lengua extranjera. Pueblo Continente, 28, 1, 261-289 from

Consulting research (2018).

Information guide for international students. (2013). Students with special needs. Retrieved
     February 15, 2020, from:

Mader, J. (2017). The Atlantic. Retrieved February 8, 2020 from: https://www.theatlantic.

Sampaio E. (1991). Le langage chez les enfants aveugles. Actualites Psychiatriques n°3.LPE. Paris.

Teaching students with visual impairments. (2020). Adaptations. Retrieved February 18, 2020

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CIEX Journ@l
Willig, C. (2001). Introducing qualitative research in psychology. Buckingham: Open University
      press, page 73.

Gobierno de Mexico (2020). Subsecretaría de Educación Básica. Retrieved February 19, 2020,

Gobierno de México. (2020). Educación Primaria. Retrieved February 20, 2020, from: https://

Gobierno de México (2020). Educación Especial. Retrieved February 15, 2020 from: https://www2.

78                                                                 Artículos de Investigación
                                                “IGNACIO MANUEL ALTAMIRANO”
                                                       CALLS TO PUBLISH IN
                                           ITS TWELVETH ISSUE OF THE CIEX JOURNAL
                                                   (ELECTRONIC AND PRINTED)
                                       “INNOVATION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT”
                                         (INTERNATIONAL AND REFEREED NOW ALSO IN

This call is addressed to: Professors – Researchers, undergraduate and graduate students from
the BA in English Letters and Masters in Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics at CIEX and any
researcher and scholar who wish to publish research articles, research essays, or thesis results,
all related to the main topic of the Journal: Language, Culture and Teaching. The sections of the
Journal are:
   a) Students’ & teachers’ voices: National and international research articles.
   b) Updating Language Teaching Professionals: CIEX Symposiums Proceedings.
   c) Personal Development and Growth: Moral Values and Culture.

The guidelines to write and present the proposals are described below:

1. Title: in English and in Spanish.

2. Summary (in English and in Spanish, 150 words), containing the following aspects:
   a) Introduction: This section describes the context where the research was carried out, reason
      why the topic was selected, importance of the study, reason why the research was carried out.
   b) Purpose: Here the writer states and explains the research objectives, intentions, questions or
   c) Research method: In this part, the author mentions and justifies the research method that
      was selected, describes briefly the subjects, the context and the research procedures, as well
      as the instruments that were used for the data and information collection.
   d) Product: Here, the writer presents the main findings, the degree to which the research
      objectives were reached and the answers to the research questions.
   e) Conclusion: This section suggests the importance of the findings, considering the contribution
      to the theory, the research area and professional practice and suggest practical uses as well
      as possible applications for further research.

3. Body of the article:
Key words. - Five, in English and in Spanish.
   a) Introduction: Present the research topic area, studied theme, and the research study,
      mentioning if it is: descriptive, explanatory, evaluative, correlational, interpretative,
      ethnographic, etc. Also, emphasize the research problem or topic.
   b) Literature review: Present the main terms, concepts, and theoretical claims or principles,
      models, etc. analyzing and discussing the ideas presented by the main authors who have
      studied the topics related to the research or study presented.
   c) Research methodology: Describe the research approach: qualitative, quantitative or mixed.
   d) Describe the research method: case study, longitudinal research, transversal research,
      experimental research, cuasi-experimental research, etc. Describe the data type (describe
      and justify the data base, or universe, or sample, etc.) Characterize the subjects (describe the
      participants in the research). Context (describe the geographic and the institutional context
where the research was carried out). Instruments (describe the research instruments used to
     collect information and data). Data analysis methods (describe and justify the quantitative,
     qualitative or mixed methods).
  e) Main findings. Synthesize, present, interpret and argue the most significant results found.
  f) Main limitations of the study (related to the geographical or institutional context or knowledge
     area where the conclusions or suggestions could be applicable).
  g) Main applications and impact of the research. Describe the main benefits of the research
     and the possible applications of the proposal.
  h) Conclusions. Describe the main conclusions generated from the answers to the research

Topics for the articles:
  1. Learning and teaching processes.
  2. Professional competencies development.
  3. Teaching methodology based on constructivist principles.
  4. Alternative language learning theories.
  5. Curriculum design: design of language programs or language courses.
  6. Design, selection and adaptation of language teaching materials.
  7. Language learning evaluation.
  8. Language and culture.
  9. Research and professional development.
  10. Educational technology in languages.

  • Title using Arial font, size14
  • Text using Arial font, size 12
  • Margins: top 2.5, bottom 2.5, left 2.5, right 2.5.
  • Spaces: 1.5
  • No indented paragraphs

Length of the articles:
  • 8 to 12 pages containing text (from 3000 to 5000 words approximately)
  • 1-2 pages containing references (using the American Psychological Association APA format)

Languages: The articles can be written in English, French, German, or Spanish.

The editorial process includes a review by a strict pair of “blind” reviewers and the use of Plagscan
software to verify that ethical standards are respected and that there is no plagiarism in any of the

Please upload the articles on the CIEX JOURNAL WEBSITE:

Deadline to send the proposals: July 15th, 2021.

Editor: Ma. del Carmen Castillo Salazar Ph.D. -
El Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros
                    “Ignacio Manuel Altamirano”
A los aspirantes interesados en cursar la Licenciatura en Letras Inglesas o la Maestría en la
Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés y Lingüística Aplicada a participar en el Concurso de Selección
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  »   Realizar el registro en las fechas establecidas en esta Convocatoria.
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      hora señalados, mediante previa cita.
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      con un promedio mínimo de ocho (8.0) o su equivalente
      y entregarlo con la demás documentación solicitada
      el día y en el lugar establecidos, de acuerdo con los
      términos señalados en la institución.
  »   En caso de ser seleccionado en la Maestría en la
      Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés y Lingüística Aplicada,
      contar con Título de Licenciatura, Cédula Profesional,
      Carta de motivos, Certificación TOEFL (500 puntos

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