GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District

Página creada Ivan Alcaras
GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District

     Education + Communication = A Better Nation
           Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
Volume 6, Issue 11                                    November 2021—April 2022

 GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year

GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
Education + Communication = A Better Nation
                 Covering the
               GARDEN GROVE
                  Coop                                               Kay Coop                                                           Net a Ma dison
562/493-3193 •
ADVERTISING SALES:                                                                                                            Netragrednik
CONTENT COORDINATOR: Barbra Longiny                                    It is always exciting for students      Thank you for your emails and
GRAPHIC DESIGNER/PRODUCTION: Emily Ung                              to begin a new school year, but this    comments and for continuing to
                                                                    year is different. After being out of   include School News among your
Kate Karp, Anna Zappia
SOCIAL MEDIA: Nancy Lueder                                          the classrooms it is a different kind   reading choices. In addition to the
Netragrednik by Neta Madison                                        of excitement being back in school.     issues being posted on the District
        @SchoolNewsRC                                               This is our sixth year publishing       website, we are always happy to email
                                                                    the GGUSD School News and we            you a pdf or link to share with friends
       SchoolNewsRollCall                                           look forward to continuing to bring     and relatives.
                                                                    you the news from the classrooms           Our next issue is May 11. 2022.
       SchoolNewsRollCall                 22 YEARS
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                                                          Orange County, CA’s first 4-year college.
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Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                                        November 2021—April 2022    3
GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
                GGUSD Invests in          El GGUSD invierte en nuevos              GGUSD Chú Trọng vào Các
                New Academic and          apoyos académicos y                      Hỗ Trợ Mới về Học Vấn và
                Social-Emotional          socioemocionales                         Cảm Xúc-Giao Tiếp Xã Hội
                Supports                       El año escolar 2021-2022 ha              Năm học 2021-2022 đã khởi đầu
                   The 2021-2022           tenido un gran inicio. ¡Las escuelas     rất tốt đẹp. Các trường của GGUSD
                school year is off to a    del GGUSD continúan siendo el            tiếp tục là nơi an toàn nhất để học
                great start. GGUSD         lugar más seguro para que los            sinh học tập và thăng tiến! Học sinh
Dr. Gabriela    schools continue to        alumnos aprendan y crezcan! Los          đang gặt hái nhiều lợi ích lớn lao qua
    Mafi        be the safest place        alumnos están obteniendo enormes         việc trở lại lớp học tại trường trọn
                for students to learn      beneficios al estar de regreso en el     năm ngày mỗi tuần. Chúng tôi rất
and grow! Students are gaining             salón de clases para la instrucción      hãnh diện về khả năng thích ứng của
tremendous benefits from being             en persona cinco días a la semana.       toàn thể học sinh và nhân viên học
back in the classroom for in-person        Estamos excepcionalmente                 khu, những người luôn chú trọng vào
instruction five days per week.            orgullosos de la capacidad de            thành tựu học vấn xuất sắc.
We are exceptionally proud of the          resiliencia de nuestros alumnos y            Chúng tôi biết đại dịch COVID-19 đã
resiliency of our students and staff       del personal que siguen enfocados        gây ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến các
who remain focused on academic             en la excelencia académica.              học sinh chúng ta. Đó là lý do chúng
excellence.                                    Sabemos que el COVID-19 afectó       tôi đang chú trọng vào việc tạo các cơ
    We know that COVID-19 took a           enormemente a nuestros alumnos y         hội mới cho các em để được học thêm
tremendous toll on our students and        es por eso que estamos invirtiendo       và trợ giúp trong việc học, cũng như
that is why we are investing in new        en nuevas oportunidades para el          có thêm nhiều nguồn và chương trình
opportunities for extended learning        aprendizaje extendido y el apoyo         hỗ trợ sức khỏe tinh thần và sự an vui
and academic support as well as new        académico, así como en nuevos            của học sinh tại các trường.
resources and programs to support          recursos y programas para apoyar             Nhờ có tiểu bang tài trợ, tất cả 67
student mental health and wellness         la salud mental y el bienestar de los    trường trong học khu đều đang khai
at every school.                           alumnos en cada escuela.                 triển theo cách riêng các chương trình
    With the support of state funding,         Con el apoyo de los fondos           dạy kèm vào trước hoặc sau giờ học
each of the district’s 67 schools is       estatales, cada una de las               để đáp ứng nhu cầu học tập và cảm
developing its own before or after         67 escuelas del Distrito está            xúc-giao tiếp của học sinh. Chương
school extended learning programs          desarrollando sus propios                trình học ngay tại trường này gồm có:
to meet the academic and social-           programas de aprendizaje extendido       dạy theo nhóm nhỏ về các nội dung
emotional needs of its students. The       antes o después del horario              học tập chính, dạy kèm từng em một,
in-person instruction may include          regular de clases para satisfacer        chú trọng luyện đọc, luyện viết hoặc
small group instruction on targeted        las necesidades académicas y             xây dựng kỹ năng toán học, tìm hiểu
academic content, one-on-one               socioemocionales de sus alumnos.         về cảm xúc-giao tiếp xã hội, du khảo,
tutoring, focused reading, writing or      La instrucción en persona puede          và nhiều chương trình khác. Những
math skill building, social-emotional      incluir instrucción en grupos            chương trình này sẽ hỗ trợ thêm cho
learning, field trips, and more. These     pequeños sobre contenido                 việc học và chắc chắn sẽ mang lại
programs will be an added layer of         académico específico, tutoría            nhiều lợi ích cho học sinh chúng ta.
academic support and will surely           individual, lectura enfocada,                Học khu chúng ta luôn tin tưởng
benefit our students.                      desarrollo de las habilidades            vào việc hỗ trợ toàn diện cho học sinh.
    In our district, we believe in         en escritura o matemáticas,              Chưa bao giờ trong lịch sử, nhu cầu hỗ
supporting the whole child. Never          aprendizaje socioemocional,              trợ cảm xúc-giao tiếp cho học sinh lại
in history has there been a more           excursiones escolares y más. Estos       cấp bách như hiện nay vì các em đã
pressing need for social-emotional         programas serán una capa adicional       phải chịu đựng nhiều thử thách do đại
support for children who have              de apoyo académico y seguramente         dịch toàn cầu gây ra. Để đạt được mục
endured the vast challenges created        beneficiarán a nuestros alumnos.         tiêu đó, chúng tôi đã tăng cường các
by a global pandemic. To that end,             En nuestro Distrito, creemos         nhóm chuyên viên tâm lý học đường,
we have expanded our team of               en apoyar al niño en su totalidad.       nhân viên xã hội, thực tập sinh và
school psychologists, social workers,      Nunca en la historia ha existido una     chuyên viên về sức khỏe tinh thần.
mental health interns and mental           necesidad más urgente de apoyo           Các chuyên viên này sẽ tư vấn trực
health specialists. These mental           socioemocional para los niños que        tiếp cho học sinh và hỗ trợ những vấn
health professionals provide direct        han resistido los enormes desafíos       đề khẩn thiết cho các trường học.

                                                  See continued • Page 5

GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
Superintendent • From Page 4
  counseling, to students and         creados por una pandemia mundial. Por eso,            Ngoài việc hỗ trợ cho học sinh,
  crisis support to schools.          hemos ampliado nuestro equipo de psicólogos       cuộc vận động Chọn Sự Lành Mạnh
     In addition to providing         escolares, trabajadores sociales, pasantes de     bắt đầu từ năm 2019 của học khu sẽ
  support to students, our            salud mental y especialistas en salud mental.     tiếp tục cung cấp các nguồn hỗ trợ
  Choose Wellness campaign            Estos profesionales de la salud mental            sự an vui của học sinh, nhân viên và
  launched in 2019 will continue      brindan consejería directa a los alumnos y        gia đình. Trong Tuần Lễ tu nghiệp
  to provide wellness resources       apoyo a las escuelas en caso de crisis.           sư phạm cho giáo viên hàng năm,
  to students, staff and families.        Además de brindar apoyo a los alumnos,        chúng tôi đã tăng gấp ba lần danh
  During our annual Super Week        nuestra campaña de Elige el Bienestar             sách các buổi hội thảo về sức khoẻ
  of professional development         lanzada en 2019 continuará brindando              tinh thần, bao gồm: giảm căng thẳng,
  courses, we tripled our menu of     recursos de bienestar a los alumnos, el           tỉnh niệm, các lớp đối phó với hiện
  mental health workshop options,     personal y a las familias. Durante nuestra        tượng tổn thương tâm lý, nhận thức
  including stress reduction,         Super Week (Súper Semana) anual de                về sức khoẻ tâm thần, khả năng thích
  mindfulness, trauma informed        cursos de desarrollo profesional, triplicamos     ứng và ngăn ngừa nạn tự tử. Hơn 700
  classroom practices, mental         nuestro menú de opciones de talleres sobre        nhân viên đã tham dự những khóa
  health awareness, resiliency        la salud mental, incluyendo la reducción          đào tạo này. Chúng tôi tiếp tục hoạch
  and suicide prevention. More        del estrés, la atención plena, las prácticas      định những lớp hội thảo trên mạng
  than 700 employees attended         informativas en el salón de clases sobre el       về sự an vui cho các gia đình trong
  these trainings. We continue        trauma, la concientización sobre la salud         suốt năm. Cho đến nay, chúng tôi đã
  to plan wellness webinars for       mental, la resiliencia y la prevención del        tổ chức một buổi hội thảo trên mạng
  families throughout the year.       suicidio. Más de 700 empleados asistieron a       về Ngăn Ngừa Nạn Tự Tử, và trong
  Already, we have hosted a           estas capacitaciones. Seguimos planificando       tương lai sẽ có thêm nhiều buổi hội
  webinar on Suicide Prevention       seminarios web de bienestar para las              thảo về các đề tài như chăm sóc bản
  and have additional webinars        familias durante todo el año escolar. Ya          thân, giảm căng thẳng, uy hiếp trên
  planned for the future on topics    hemos organizado un seminario web sobre la        mạng, và nhiều đề tài khác.
  like self-care, stress reduction,   Prevención del Suicidio y tenemos seminarios          Mặc dù tình trạng về COVID-19
  cyberbullying, and more.            web adicionales planificados para el futuro       và tỷ lệ chích ngừa đã có nhiều tiến
     While COVID-19 conditions        sobre temas como el cuidado personal, la          triển ở California, chúng tôi vẫn luôn
  and vaccination rates have          reducción del estrés, el acoso cibernético y      cam kết tuân theo các quy định về
  improved in California, we          más.                                              sức khoẻ và an toàn nhằm hạn chế
  remain committed to following           Aunque las condiciones del COVID-19 y         việc lây lan COVID-19 trong trường
  numerous health and safety          los índices de vacunación han mejorado en         một cách hiệu quả. Các quy định bao
  protocols that are effectively      California, mantenemos nuestro compromiso         gồm việc đeo khẩu trang, rửa tay
  curbing the spread of COVID-19      de seguir numerosos protocolos de salud y         thường xuyên, lau chùi và khử trùng
  on campus. Protocols include        seguridad que están frenando efectivamente        kỹ lưỡng, đồng thời tuân thủ nghiêm
  mask requirements, frequent         la propagación del COVID-19 en los planteles      ngặt các quy định của quận hạt và
  hand washing, rigorous              escolares. Los protocolos incluyen requisitos     tiểu bang về việc cô lập, cách ly, và
  cleaning and disinfecting and       del uso de las mascarillas, el lavado frecuente   truy tìm các trường hợp tiếp xúc
  strict adherence to state and       de las manos, limpieza y desinfección             nhiều với người nhiễm bệnh. Ngoài
  county requirements regarding       rigurosa y cumplimiento estricto de los           ra, bắt đầu từ giữa tháng 10, tất cả
  isolation, quarantine and contact   requisitos estatales y del condado con            nhân viên học khu nào chưa chích
  tracing. Additionally, beginning    respecto al aislamiento, cuarentena y dar         ngừa đều phải xét nghiệm COVID-19
  in mid-October, all unvaccinated    seguimiento a los contactos. Además, a partir     hàng tuần.
  district employees will adhere to   de mediados de octubre, todos los empleados           Chúng tôi luôn cảm kích các học
  weekly COVID-19 testing.            del Distrito que no están vacunados se            sinh, nhân viên và gia đình trong học
     We remain grateful to our        adherirán a las pruebas de COVID-19               khu đã hợp tác với chúng tôi trong
  wonderful students, staff and       semanales.                                        việc gìn giữ môi trường học an toàn,
  families who work with us to            Seguimos agradecidos con nuestros             là nơi học sinh có thể chú tâm vào
  foster safe school environments     maravillosos alumnos, personal y familias         việc đạt được các mục tiêu cá nhân và
  where students can focus on         que trabajan con nosotros para fomentar           học vấn. Đó là Đường Hướng Garden
  achieving their academic and        entornos escolares seguros donde los              Grove!
  personal goals. That’s the          alumnos pueden concentrarse en lograr sus
  Garden Grove Way.                   metas académicas y personales. Esa es A la
                                      Manera de Garden Grove.

Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                 November 2021—April 2022   5
GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District

                     Lan Quoc                  Walter                 Teri                   Bob                    Dina L.
                    Nguyen, Esq.              Muneton                Rocco                  Harden                Nguyen, Esq.
                      President             Vice President           Member                 Member                  Member

Board of Education Values                                                                                             and other organizations
Community Feedback                                                                                                    across the country
        As a Board of Education,                                                                                      stop violence before
    we share a commitment to                                                                                          it occurs. We want to
    welcoming feedback and                                                                                            encourage anyone who
    input from our families.                                                                                          sees something out of the
    Our families are valuable                                                                                         ordinary or suspicious to
    partners as we work together                                                                                      use the hotline – whether
    to support both the academic                                                                                      the suspicious activity
    and social-emotional needs                                                                                        occurs at school, while
    of ALL students. We want                                                                                          students are coming or
    to remind GGUSD families                                                                                          going from school, or out
    that we have many avenues                                                                                         in the community. WeTip
    they can use to communicate                                                                                       takes calls on a wide
    with us, including our email                                                                                      variety of safety issues
    addresses which are available                                                                                     like abuse, bullying,
    at                                                                                          cyberbullying, drug use,
    board/members                                                                                                     guns, theft, violence,
        As parents, we know                                                                                           suicide, and more.
    that getting your questions                                                                                       You can call WeTip at
    answered in a timely manner                                                                                       1-800-782-7463.
    is important. The district’s                                                                                          Finally, as part of
    Communication Guidelines                                                                                          our  district’s Strategic
    were created to help families                                                                                     Plan,  The Garden
    know who to contact when                                                                                          Grove   Way, the district
    they have questions or                                                                                            administers    an annual
    concerns. Most questions and        GGUSD’s   Board  of Education  is delighted that GGUSD  schools welcomed      survey.  In September
                                        all students back for in-person instruction for the 2021-2022 school year.    and October, students
    concerns are addressed and
    resolved at the school level.                                                                                     in third through twelfth
                                          La Mesa Directiva de Educación del GGUSD, se complace en darles la          grade participated in the
    To view the Communication               bienvenida a todos los alumnos del GGUSD a recibir la instrucción
    Guidelines document, visit                                                                                        survey and families were
                                                        en persona para el año escolar 2021-2022.                                                                                           provided the option to
    communicating-with-ggusd                  Hội Đồng Giáo Dục GGUSD hân hoan chào đón toàn thể học                  take the parent survey
    There, you will also find the                 sinh trở lại học ở trường trong niên học 2021-2022.                 via scantron or through
    district’s online Suggestion                                                                                      an online version. That
    Box where parents can ask a question, provide a suggestion                 data  will be compiled   in  the weeks  ahead and the district
    or idea and request a follow-up call or email.                             will provide  a report  to  the Board  on  what we are doing
        We realize that sometimes families and students wish to                well, where   we can  improve    and how   we can continue to
    remain anonymous when reporting safety-related issues.                     support   the needs  of all  students.
    For several years, the district has partnered with WeTip, an                  Thank you to our families for staying engaged in your
    anonymous hotline that is staffed by trained professionals                 child’s education and for sharing your questions and ideas
    24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year.                  as we  work  together to continue to improve the high quality
    The organization is credited for helping school districts                  education   GGUSD    provides for ALL students.

GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
La Mesa Directiva de Educación valora                                    Hội Đồng Giáo Dục Đề Cao Ý
los comentarios de la comunidad                                          Kiến Đóng Góp của Cộng Đồng
     Como Mesa Directiva de Educación, compartimos el                        Với tư cách là Hội Đồng Giáo Dục, chúng tôi cam kết
  compromiso de recibir comentarios y aportes de nuestras                 đón nhận tất cả ý kiến ​​đóng góp của các gia đình trong
  familias. Nuestras familias son nuestros socios valiosos mientras       học khu. Quý vị chính là những người đồng hành quý
  trabajamos juntos para apoyar las necesidades académicas y              báu của chúng tôi trong việc hợp tác để hỗ trợ nhu cầu
  socioemocionales de TODOS los alumnos. Queremos recordarles             học vấn và cảm xúc-giao tiếp của TẤT CẢ học sinh. Lưu
  a las familias del GGUSD que tenemos varios medios que pueden           ý với quý vị rằng học khu có nhiều cách để quý vị có
  usar para comunicarse con nosotros, incluyendo nuestras                 thể liên lạc với chúng tôi, bao gồm địa chỉ email của
  direcciones de correo electrónico que están disponibles en              chúng tôi ở trang mạng:                                      members
     Como padres de familia, sabemos que es importante obtener               Cũng là phụ huynh, chúng tôi hiểu rằng việc giải đáp
  respuestas a sus preguntas de manera oportuna. Las Guías de             kịp thời những thắc mắc của quý vị là điều rất quan
  Comunicación del Distrito se crearon para ayudar a las familias         trọng. Học khu đã soạn thảo bản Hướng Dẫn Liên Lạc để
  a saber con quién comunicarse cuando tienen preguntas o                 giúp các gia đình biết phải liên lạc với ai khi có thắc mắc
  inquietudes. La mayoría de las preguntas e inquietudes se               hay quan tâm. Hầu hết các vấn đề này đều có thể được
  abordan y resuelven a nivel escolar. Para ver el documento de           đưa ra và giải quyết ở cấp trường học. Để xem tài liệu
  las Guías de Comunicación, visite         Hướng Dẫn Liên Lạc, mời quý vị vào trang
  communication-guidelines Allí, usted también encontrará el    
  Buzón de Sugerencias en línea del Distrito donde los padres de          guidelines Trang này cũng có Hộp Thư Góp Ý để quý vị
  familia pueden hacer una pregunta, proporcionar una sugerencia          có thể đặt câu hỏi, nêu đề nghị hoặc ý kiến và yêu cầu
  o idea y solicitar una llamada o un correo electrónico para dar         được trả lời qua điện thoại hay email.
  seguimiento.                                                               Chúng tôi nhận thấy đôi khi nhiều học sinh và gia
     Sabemos que a veces las familias y los alumnos desean                đình không muốn nêu danh tính khi báo cáo các vấn
  mantener el anonimato cuando reportan problemas relacionados            đề về an nguy. Trong vài năm qua, học khu đã cộng tác
  con la seguridad. Durante varios años, el Distrito se ha                với đường dây thường trực không cần nêu danh tính
  asociado con WeTip, una línea directa anónima que cuenta con            WeTip do các chuyên viên có kinh nghiệm điều hành 24
  profesionales capacitados las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la    giờ/ngày, 7 ngày/tuần, 365 ngày/năm. Tổ chức này đã
  semana, los 365 días del año. Se le acredita a la organización el       trợ giúp rất nhiều cho các học khu và các tổ chức khác
  mérito de ayudar a los distritos escolares y otras organizaciones       trên toàn quốc trong việc ngăn chặn các trường hợp
  de todo el país a detener la violencia antes de que ocurra.             bạo hành trước khi xảy ra. Chúng tôi khuyến khích tất
  Queremos alentar a cualquier persona que vea algo fuera de              cả mọi người hãy gọi đường dây thường trực này khi
  lo común o sospechoso a usar la línea directa, ya sea que la            thấy những sự việc bất thường hay đáng nghi—cho dù
  actividad sospechosa ocurra en la escuela, mientras los alumnos         những hành động khả nghi đó xảy ra ở trường, trên
  van o vienen de la escuela o en la comunidad. WeTip recibe              đường học sinh đi học hay trong cộng đồng. Quý vị có
  llamadas sobre una amplia variedad de problemas de seguridad            thể gọi cho WeTip ở số 1-800-782-7463 để báo về các vấn
  como abuso, bullying (acoso), acoso cibernético, uso de drogas,         đề như ngược đãi, uy hiếp, uy hiếp trên mạng, sử dụng
  armas, robo, violencia, suicidio y más. Usted puede llamar a            ma tuý, súng, trộm cắp, tự tử và các vấn đề khác.
  WeTip al 1-800-782-7463.                                                   Cuối cùng, trong nỗ lực thực thi Sách Lược Toàn
     Finalmente, como parte del Plan Estratégico de nuestro               Diện của học khu, Đường Hướng Garden Grove, học khu
  Distrito, A la Manera de Garden Grove, el Distrito administra una       thực hiện một cuộc thăm dò hàng năm. Vào tháng 9 và
  encuesta anual. En septiembre y octubre, los alumnos de tercero         tháng 10, học sinh từ lớp 3 đến lớp 12 đã tham gia cuộc
  al doceavo grado participaron en la encuesta y se les brindó a las      thăm dò này. Các gia đình có thể điền bản thăm dò trên
  familias la opción de tomar la encuesta para padres de familia          mạng hay điền trên giấy ‘scantron’. Chúng tôi sẽ tổng
  por medio de un formulario Scantron o por medio de una versión          hợp các dữ liệu trong vài tuần tới và tường trình cho
  en línea. Esa información se recopilará en las próximas semanas         Hội Đồng Giáo Dục về những hoạt động hiệu quả của học
  y el Distrito proporcionará un informe a la Mesa Directiva sobre        khu, những việc cần cải tiến cũng như các phương cách
  lo que estamos haciendo bien, dónde podemos mejorar y cómo              nhằm tiếp tục hỗ trợ nhu cầu của tất cả học sinh.
  podemos seguir apoyando las necesidades de todos los alumnos.              Trân trọng cảm ơn quý phụ huynh đã luôn đồng
     Muchas gracias a nuestras familias por seguir participando           hành với con em trong việc học, cũng như chia sẻ
  en la educación de sus hijos y por compartir sus preguntas e            những thắc mắc và ý kiến trong khi cùng hợp tác với
  ideas mientras trabajamos juntos para continuar mejorando la            học khu để liên tục cải tiến nền giáo dục phẩm chất cao
  educación de alta calidad que el GGUSD brinda a TODOS los               mà GGUSD mang lại cho TẤT CẢ học sinh.

Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                        November 2021—April 2022   7
GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
MemorialCare Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach
                         Identifying Prediabetes in Children Prevents Lifelong Issues
                       Diabetes is a chronic medical condition          Warning signs of prediabetes may include:
                    in which sugar or glucose levels build up in        • Increased thirst		            • Frequent urination
                    the bloodstream. The hormone insulin helps          • Increased hunger		            • Rapid weight loss
                    move glucose from blood into cells, where it’s      • Low energy levels		           • Blurry vision
                    used for energy.                                    If a child has these warning signs, they should be
                       With Type 2 diabetes, cells don’t respond     evaluated by a doctor right away. If a child is diagnosed
                    well to insulin, and in later stages of the      with prediabetes, it’s important that the whole family
                    disease, the body may not produce enough         makes healthy lifestyle changes to help support and
   Rebecca A.
  Hicks, M.D.,      insulin. According to the American Diabetes      prevent their child from getting Type 2 diabetes.
 medical director,  Association, the COVID-19 pandemic                  The Endocrine & Diabetes Center at MemorialCare
 Endocrine and      exacerbated risk factors for diabetes in         Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach offers
Diabetes Center, children due to limited physical activity and       programs designed to diagnose, treat and manage
 MemorialCare       sedentary behaviors.                             childhood conditions, such as diabetes. The team works
Miller Children’s &
Women’s Hospital       Most children diagnosed with Type 2           with families to get a child’s blood sugar levels back
   Long Beach       diabetes have prediabetes first. Prediabetes     to a safe range and help them stay at a healthy weight.
                    means that blood sugar is higher than it         Learn more at
  should be, but not high enough to be diabetes. Most of the
  time, the child will not have any symptoms. Prediabetes is
  a warning sign that a child is at risk for Type 2 diabetes.

                                            2801 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806
                                      800-MEMORIAL (636-6742) •

GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
Parent To Parent
                Talking to a Trusted Confidant                     Learning to Communicate
                     Q. Our 12-year-old daughter has only               Q. My brother’s wife is always making excuses for their
                  been in school for a few and she’s already         kids. When they start to talk on whatever the topic is, she
                  freaking out about things. We want her to          completes their sentences and basically they have grown
                  have a good year but it seems everything we        to look to her to speak for them. When I take them out by
                  say is met with an eye roll. What can her dad      myself, they can barely explain things or answer questions
                  and I do to help her calm down and let her         about the topic at hand. How can I help her to realize that
                  know we are here for her without adding to         they need to learn how to speak for themselves?
   Jodie Lynn     her stress?                                           A. As parents we want to protect our kids from making
                     A. Stress is running high among students        poor choices, maybe because we’ve made a similar one and
  this school year and is exacerbated for kids of all ages by        know what the results could potentially turn out to be.
  the return of in-person classes. From wearing masks to             Unfortunately, they need to be able to make mistakes so
  having to put up with the impact of bullies once again, from       that they too can learn from them; it’s how everyone learns
  dealing with peer pressure to working on social skills, etc.       best in building life skills. If we talk for them and make
  Finding an adult for your daughter to talk to that she feels       excuses for them, not only will they become dependent on us
  comfortable doing so with, a trusted confidant, might be           but they will not be able to communicate well and make wise
  extremely helpful. It’s important to let her choose her own        decisions. If you can talk to your sister-in-law about it without
  person, within reason. If and when she chooses to do this,         causing friction, do so in a way that helps her understand that
  try not to worry about what the discussions are about and          her current protection of them is enabling their dependency
  don’t ask her a bunch of questions. If anything concerns           on her or talk to your brother first.. If neither one can see your
  the adult individual that she is sharing with, that person         point, don’t push the issue. Just do the best you can with the
  will most likely come to you. Just be there for her when she       kids when you have them by encouraging them to think and
  does want to talk without any judging or trying to fix her         speak on their own. Sooner or later they’ll ask her to stop.
  problem (unless she asks you to, which is hard for us to do
  as parents). If she knows that you’re there to listen, she       Jodie Lynn is an award winning, internationally syndicated family/
                                                                   health and education columnist and best selling author.
  may end up coming to you more frequently.              

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Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                           November 2021—April 2022    9
GGUSD Students Celebrate the Start of a New School Year - Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District
Ask Dr. Shari
Child Care Provider                                                                Good for the Mind & Great for the Heart
Garden Grove                                                                              The way we choose to spend our time
                                                                                      and the activities in which we engage help
                             Ages: New Born-5 years old                               form our value system. With a wide array of
                             6am-6pm, Monday-Friday                                   possibilities and opportunities, volunteering
                             Meals provided                                           is a positive and vastly beneficial way of
                             (parents provide snacks & fruits)                        helping young people develop a strong sense
                                                                     Dr. Shari        of self.
                                  CALL ME TODAY!                    Sweetnam              Volunteering offers benefits spanning
                                  Yessika Magdaleno                                   from the intellectual and spiritual to the
          CHILDCARE               714-971-8004                     educational and professional. As young people give of
License #304300161
                                                                   themselves and their time, they can learn about being
                                                                   selfless. In a busy world of “pursuit of personal happiness,”
                                                                   too often the intrinsic values of empathy and giving are the
                                                                   lessons that are overlooked. Helping others via a structured
                                                                   volunteer program is a positive and safe way to develop
                                                                   oneself in this regard.
                                                                       Additional Benefits of Volunteerism:
                                                                       • Learning: Acquiring a new trade or skill can help teens
                                                                          see the world in a bigger picture and be inspired to
                                                                          continue to expand intellectually.
                                                                       • Networking: Volunteering brings people of like minds,
                                                                          interests and values together. This will inevitably lead
                                                                          to positive interaction and healthy relationships.
                                             for Learantion            • Building the Résumé: Engaging in service to others
                                             Remote ing                   and taking the initiative to learn new trades or skills
                                              In Persoannd                is a brilliant way to expand your portfolio. This is
                                                                          especially beneficial for students and young professionals.
                                                                       • Personal Growth: As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best
                                                                          way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service
                                                                          of others.” Teens who experience growth at an early
                                                                          age are likely to continue cultivating positive behavior
                                                                          and friendships.

                                                                 Motivational Speaker, Founder of The Brainpower Programs for Schools,
                                                                 Author, Consultant, Radio Host contact:,
                                                       , twitter: DrShariS, Youtube: Dr. ShariS,
                                                                 LinkedIN: Dr. Shari Sweetnam

Alamitos Intermediate School
                                 12381 Dale St., Garden Grove, CA 92841 • 714/663-6101 •

                Welcome Back Condors                                      with learning recovery where needed and we look forward
                     Teachers and staff cheered and held up               to seeing that growth. This year is off to a great start and
                  signs welcoming Alamitos Intermediate                   we are looking forward to achieving great success this year
                  students as they returned to in-person                  because Condors Fly With School Pride!
                  instruction to
                  begin the 2021-
                  2022 school year.
 Louie Gomez      Smiles were seen
    Principal     on all of their
                  faces as they
  took advantage of the photo
  opportunities with their friends
  and families! It was wonderful to
  start this year with a celebration.
  These last few months have been
  very difficult for our students, so
  here at Alamitos we are focusing
  on the social emotional well-
  being of all of our students as
  well as and continuing to focus
  on high academic achievements
  and preparing them for the
  future. Our tremendous staff is
  working hard to assist students
                                       Alamitos Intermediate student leaders provided a warm welcome to begin the 2021-2022 school year.

                                               Allen Elementary School
                                16200 Bushard St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 • 714/663-6228 •

                New Resources for Outdoor Learning                        students and our school climate. The most rewarding part
                     This August, Allen Elementary was                    of our return to in-person learning has been to watch the
                  excited to welcome our students back for                smiles of our students as they learn and play together.
                  in-person learning and to
                  showcase a plethora of new
                  equipment and resources
                  for outdoor learning
  Dr. Andrew      opportunities. The new
   Heughins       equipment includes a shaded
    Principal     learning area, a playground
                  structure, and benches in the
  lunch area. We are also looking forward to
  the completion of additional projects in the
  near future, including an outdoor shaded
  learning structure in the kindergarten area,
  permanent umbrellas for the lunch tables,
  and an updated outdoor sound system for
  celebrations such as our Halloween parade
  and Lunar New Year festival.
      In addition to creating new, expanded
  outdoor learning areas, these resources are
  an important asset in promoting Goal 2 of
  the GGUSD Strategic Plan, which includes
  the socio-emotional well-being of our
                                                            Allen students utilize the school’s new shade structure for outdoor learning.

Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                               November 2021—April 2022    11
Anthony Elementary School
                                   15320 Pickford St., Westminster, CA 92683 • 714/663-6104 •

               Supporting Student Wellness                                  were also eager to enter the new Friendship Room, where
                  Students at Anthony Elementary School                     students can go at recess to play board games, puzzles and
               are overjoyed to be back in school. On                       do art with their friends. At Anthony Elementary, we are
               the first day of school, teachers and staff                  making sure that the social and emotional wellbeing of
               members greeted each and every student                       students is a priority. Teachers are also ensuring student
               as they arrived. Even with masks on, it                      learning comes first. At Anthony School, we have every
               was clear that everyone was all smiles!                      teacher doing targeted intervention to provide extra
               Students were excited to see new playground                  instruction for those students needing learning support.
Tyleen Perez
  Principal    equipment, new swings, and a bright and                      The extra attention and help is just what our students
               colorfully painted playground. Students                      need. At Anthony School, everyone agrees, it is wonderful
                                                                            to be back for in-person instruction!

                 Anthony Elementary students enjoy the school’s new playground equipment and newly-painted playground.

                                                 Barker Elementary School
                                  12565 Springdale St., Garden Grove, CA 92845 • 714/663-6164 •

                Back to School Barbecue                                     of a sixth-grade shirt, yearbook and end-of-year party.
                   Barker Elementary School began the                       While at the barbecue, one dad commented that it was a
               school year with a “Welcome Back to School                   “great feeling to be outside, enjoying others’ company, and
               Barbecue.” Our sixth-grade class hosted our                  sharing a reasonable priced meal with family and friends.”
               annual welcome back barbecue at the end of                   Our PTA and sixth grade parents worked to get all of the
               the second week of school. It was estimated                  food items donated, and many volunteers came together to
               that we had 150 to 200 families join us for                  cook, clean, and serve all of our families. This is a yearly
               some outside fun and food. Funds raised                      event that we all look forward to. It is a great time to see
Wayne Kelley
  Principal    at the barbecue will be used to support our                  familiar faces, get reacquainted, and start the school year
               sixth-grade class by funding the purchase                    off right, together as a school community.

                            Barker Elementary School families enjoy reconnecting at a Back to School Barbecue.

Bell Intermediate School
                                   12345 Springdale St., Garden Grove, CA 92845 • 714/663-6466 •

                 High Performing                                                         educational innovation and a dedicated school
                      In April 2021, State                                               community can keep students engaged and
                   Superintendent of                                                     learning through a critical stage in their K–12
                   Public Instruction Tony                                               journey.” In addition, Bell Intermediate was
                   Thurmond announced                                                    also recognized among the 2021 California
                   that Bell Intermediate is                                             Distinguished Schools in March. Bell was
                   one of 31 high-performing                                             among only 11 schools in Orange County and
                                                                                         just over 100 across the state to receive the
Stephanie Bartlett middle schools in the
     Principal     2021 California Schools                                               prestigious recognition. Schools are awarded
                   to Watch program. Bell                                                for achieving exceptional student performance
   Intermediate completed a rigorous                                                     or closing the achievement gap. Lastly, Bell
   application process during the               Bell Intermediate School was named for the second consecutive year was named
   COVID-19 school closure period to earn         a 2021 California School to Watch      an official No Place for Hate School by the
   this re-designation. Tony Thurmond           for its systems that support students’ Anti-Defamation League for our commitment
   complimented the schools stating,               academic and personal success         to fostering a positive school culture focused
   “Congratulations to these schools for                                                 on respect and kindness during the 2020-2021
   building systems that support all students in believing                school  year, and   we will continue to foster a supportive
   in themselves, discovering their individual interests,                 community     that  appreciates individuals’ differences. We
   and working toward their academic, life, and career                    are  extremely   proud  of our teachers  and students who
   goals. These schools are outstanding examples of how                   make   our  school  extraordinarily  special!

                                                Bolsa Grande High School
                              9401 Westminster Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92844 • 714/663-6424 •

                 Distance Learning Success Story                            offer music classes that can help students gain experience
                     Even though distance learning was                      in music production that would open up a pathway into
                 extremely difficult for our music students,                the music industry. Bolsa staff goes the extra mile to help
                 it provided an avenue for students to utilize              students achieve their dreams!
                 their musical
                 talents in different
                 ways. Wilson Le,
 Tracy Conway    a senior in the
    Principal    department, used his
                 composition, audio
  engineering, video editing, and
  music production skills to help
  make virtual performances for the
  band, choir, and orchestra. Mrs.
  McCullough, the choir director, was
  so impressed with Wilson’s work
  ethic and ability that she decided
  to ask her brother, Brent Kutzle
  who is in the band OneRepublic
  and a GGUSD alumni, if he would
  be willing to take Wilson on as an
  audio engineering intern. After
  a successful interview, Wilson
  Le was granted the internship.
  Because of this experience, our              Bolsa Grande student Wilson Le had an opportunity to intern for the band OneRepublic
  school is looking into more ways to                because of the music production skills he gained and utilized in high school.

Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                                  November 2021—April 2022   13
Brookhurst Elementary School
                             9821 William Dalton Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841 • 714/663-6556 •

                Healthy Choices                                            to supporting student’s physical health, Brookhurst
                    Healthy students are better learners.                  Elementary School provides a high quality academic
                That’s why Brookhurst Elementary School                    experience for all learners. This year, we will be providing
                is excited to partner with the Fresh Fruit                 new extended learning opportunities and resources
                and Vegetable Program (FFVP) to promote                    to promote students’ mental health and well-being. At
                health and wellness. A local produce vendor                Brookhurst, we believe in supporting the whole child.
                delivers fresh fruit
Dianna Rangel and vegetables
   Principal    on Tuesdays,
                Wednesdays, and
 Thursdays at recess. The goal
 of FFVP is to make a positive
 difference in children’s diets to
 impact their present and future
 health. The program is created
 to give students healthier food
 choices, expand the variety of
 fruits and vegetables that students
 experience while increasing the
 healthy food students consume. A
 team of nutrition professions have
 developed nutrition education
 materials that will be distributed
 on a quarterly basis. In addition                         Students enjoy trying new fruits and vegetables at recess.

                                                    Bryant Arts Academy
                                8371 Orangewood Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92841 • 714/663-6451 •

                Growling with Pride
                     Bryant Arts Academy
                 is a place where students
                 love to learn. Our teachers
                 and staff work diligently to
                 make students feel welcome
                 and supported in and out
Tanya De Leon of the classroom. This year
   Principal     we are hosting tile painting
                 nights to create a Tile Wall
 celebrating our learning community.
 We are so excited to welcome students
 back to our beautiful campus to learn
 in person. Bryant students benefit from
 schoolwide integrated AVID study skills
 and Positive Behavior Interventions and
 Supports (PBIS). We have many wonderful
 opportunities for students to get involved
 with learning during the school day as well
 as a variety of after school programs. A few
 programs that Bryant Bears can participate
 in are Student Leadership, Mariachis, Little
 Kids Rock, and a vibrant calendar of PTA
                                                              Bryant families enjoyed the recent Family Art Night which provided them
 sponsored family activities.
                                                                  an opportunity to create art together for the school’s Tile Wall.

Carrillo Elementary School
                                   15270 Bushard St., Westminster, CA 92683 • 714/663-6230 •

                 Launching PBIS                                             and loved. The students at Carrillo will be given both
                    We are extremely pleased to have all                    exceptional educational opportunities and time to build
                 students back on campus for in-person and                  impactful relationships with their peers and teachers. We
                 full-day instruction. Both students and staff              look forward to a wonderful year!
                 were excited to return
                 to Carrillo Elementary
                 to build new and
 Mark Vosper     existing bonds and
   Principal     relationships. We
                 knew it would take
 teamwork and a mindset of, “We’re
 all in this together!” to accomplish
 the challenge set before us as
 we transitioned back to what we
 remembered and longed for as
 educators and students. We are
 excited to announce that Carrillo
 will be implementing Positive
 Behavioral Interventions and
 Supports, or PBIS, this year to help
 our students transition back to a
 sense of normalcy. We have created a
 consistent message to all students on
 our campus that they are welcomed                     Carrillo teachers inform all students of campus-wide expectations and
                                                                    how to help foster a positive school culture and climate.

                                   Carver Early Childhood Education Center
                                   11150 Santa Rosalia St., Stanton, CA 90680 • 714/663-6437 •

                 Great Start for Preschool
                      Families, staff, and students
                   at the Early Childhood
                   Education Center (ECEC) at
                   Carver, Heritage, and Skylark
                   are all excited for the 2021-
                   22 school year and all of the
   Brian Ball      excitement and hope it brings!
    Principal      In our first month and a half of
                   school, our students have been
  very busy adjusting to the academic rigors
  of preschool, such as learning their colors,
  numbers, letters, and learning to be a student
  in a classroom. Being back in-person has also
  allowed us to continue our focus on “the whole
  child” as we continue to support our students
  in their social-emotional development that
  is so vital for our preschoolers. Additionally,
  our first in-person Back to School Night in
  two years was an amazing success, and now,
  with the support of our wonderful families,
  we are turning our attention to continuing to
  develop our first ever Carver Parent Teacher
  Association (PTA)!
                                                                       Preschool friends take a water break at recess at Carver ECEC!

Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                                 November 2021—April 2022   15
Clinton Corner Family Campus
                                   13581 Clinton St., Garden Grove, CA 92843 • 714/663-6298 •

                Early Learning Excellence                                  to harvest some pumpkins to put in each classroom and the
                   We are excited to have our 3 and 4                      students could not be more excited! We look forward to a
                year old students on campus for in-person                  great year of excellence with our early learners.
                Teachers held
                Zoom meetings
                with their
Emma Druitt     students prior to
  Principal     the first day to
                help acclimate
them to new faces and
routines. The students have
adjusted and are thriving!
The State Preschool staff is
working hard and focusing
on the social emotional well-
being of all students. We
have also started a garden
at Clinton Corner Family
Campus after receiving a
grant and the students love
helping and learning about
gardening, insects, life-cycles,
and more. We have been able                 Students enjoy the school’s new garden which produced pumpkins for each classroom.

                                               Clinton Elementary School
                                  13641 Clinton St., Garden Grove, CA 92843 • 714/663-6146 •

                After-School Enrichment                                    can be successful on the open market. The after-school
                   Clinton Elementary is excited to be                     program culminates with a visit to the Ford Design studio
                back to live instruction and to rekindle                   in Irvine for a chance to see the employees in action and to
                our past enrichment activities that made                   listen to local leaders in sports, entertainment, and fashion
                us successful. One of those successful                     talk about the mindset necessary to chase their dreams.
                was our
Jason Shabet    years long
   Principal    relationship
                with the OC
 GRIP Program. This year
 we were chosen by the GRIP
 team to participate in an
 after-school enrichment
 with the Ford Motor
 Company. Through this
 program, students are able
 to work with representatives
 from Ford to learn how cars,
 trucks, and SUV’s go from
 a concept to production. In
 addition, they learn valuable
 skills on how vehicles are
                                          Clinton Elementary School students are excited about the school’s partnership with OC GRIP
 marketed and priced so they                    comprised of local law enforcement members who help support student success.

Cook Elementary School
                                 9802 Woodbury Rd., Garden Grove, CA 92844 • 714/663-6251 •

                 Welcome Back
                    As the new principal of
                 Cook Elementary School,
                 I’m excited to welcome our
                 students back to school for
                 the 2021-22 school year! We
                 were thrilled to have our
Sherry Sanborn incoming TK and Kindergarten
   Principal     families to join us for a TK/
                 Kindergarten Meet & Greet to
 share about all of the excellent programs we
 offer at Cook Elementary School to ensure
 our students thrive academically and socio-
 emotionally. These programs include our
 new PBIS program, the use of GATE icons
 for depth and complexity, and our PEERS
 Program to support students socially. We also
 shared health and safety procedures that we
 implement to ensure all students and staff
 stay safe and healthy. The Cook staff and I
 are dedicated to creating a positive school
 climate and ensuring all of our students stay
 safe, thrive, and have a successful school
 year!                                                        Kindergarten Teacher, Tammy Dang, welcomes her new kindergarten student
                                                                  and his family during our TK/Kindergarten Meet & Greet in August.

                                               Crosby Elementary School
                                   12181 West St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 • 714/663-6346 •

                 Mural Spreads Positivity
                       Volunteers from Orange County
                   United Way and Mr. Cooper Lending
                   Services teamed up with Operation
                   Clean Slate in early August to paint the
                   handball walls at Crosby Elementary.
                   Their goal was to give Crosby’s outdoor
    Kristine       activity area inspirational murals while
   Levenson        also encouraging school pride. Based
    Principal      in Orange County, Operation Clean
                   Slate has dedicated itself to bringing a
  little bit of color to campuses across the Southland.
  It started as a solution to graffiti and vandalism,
  but it quickly grew into a way to promote positive
  behavior on school campuses. They have partnered
  with more than 25,000 volunteers and produced over
  1,000 murals at more than 800 schools throughout
  Southern California and in six other countries. The
  murals breathe new life into our school and make
  everyone feel welcome. Crosby families, students,
  and staff all comment on how our playground looks
  more happy and cheerful. We are grateful for our
  community partnerships that focus on lifting up our
  students and their environment.
                                                               Crosby students are inspired by the positive murals on the school’s handball court.

Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                               November 2021—April 2022     17
Doig Intermediate School
                                    12752 Trask Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92843 • 714/663-6241 •

                Giving Back                                                 giving back by participating in community service. Doig
                     Doig Intermediate is excited to welcome                Intermediate hopes to continue to develop students such as
                 Beyond Athletics of Orange County to our                   Denis Prado who not only are equipped with the skills to be
                 school. Denis Prado, an alumni of Doig                     successful for themselves, but who are also committed to
                 Intermediate is giving back by offering                    help foster success for the community that they grew up in
                 organized sports to students after school.                 and still reside in today.
                 The focus of
  Loan Wu        Beyond Athletics
   Principal     is to help
                 educate students
 in six pillars of character,
 which include responsibility,
 respect, fairness, care,
 trustworthiness, and
 citizenships. Students learn,
 implement, and demonstrate
 their understanding of the
 pillars while participating
 in sports such as football,
 volleyball, and basketball. Each
 season students will be taught
 the importance of maintaining
 good academics, citizenship,
 and the importance of                         Doig alumni Denis Prado helps coordinate an after-school organized sports program
                                                                           with a focus on character education.

                                           Eisenhower Elementary School
                                  13221 Lilly St., Garden Grove, CA 92843 • 714/663-6401 •

                Eisenhower Teaching Garden
                    Eisenhower Elementary School
                 students have begun exploring
                 our teaching garden. Our
                 garden is a natural conduit for
                 incorporating science standards
                 into daily conversations, an
Beth Cusimano effective technique for engaging
   Principal     student collaboration toward a
                 common goal, and also a means to
 further social emotional learning. Additionally,
 caring for their own bed of plants creates a
 feeling of ownership and accountability for
     Each class has their own raised bed and with
 the help of our teachers, students will begin
 making decisions on what they will plant. They
 will begin learning how to prepare soil, plant
 seeds, fertilize, water, and care for their flowers
 and vegetables, through content aligned to
 grade-level standards. Most recently, we have
 been observing the monarch butterfly cycle in
 our two butterfly gardens, which is enjoyable for
 all age levels.
                                                                   Students engage in outdoor learning with the school’s teaching garden.

Enders Elementary School
                                  12302 Springdale St., Garden Grove, CA 92845 • 714/663-6205 •

                 Flourishing Scholars                                       plants and look forward to harvesting them soon! Also, we
                    The new school year is off to a great                   had new playground equipment installed for our primary
                 start with some very exciting back to school               students. The children are really enjoying playing on the
                 projects. Our garden beds in our Enders                    new play structure. Our students love the newly added
                 Garden were completely cleared out after                   shade structure, where they eat their lunches and where
                 being so overgrown during the pandemic.                    we now hold our outdoor Awards Assemblies. Last, we
                 We weeded them, cleared out areas for new                  welcomed the new school year by adding new murals to
                 planting, and laid a fresh bed of soil down.               create a colorful and welcoming school vibe!
Michelle Askew
   Principal     We are in the process of planting seeds and

                        Students enjoy the school’s new murals that foster a warm and welcoming school environment.

                                                  Evans Elementary School
                                    12281 Nelson St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 • 714/663-6558 •

                 After-School Enrichment                                    Rembrandts Art group is providing fun drawing classes for
                      After school is becoming a busy time at               Evans’ Eagles artists. We’re happy and grateful to have our
                  Evans Elementary School. We are so happy                  students back on campus! We’re also thankful that Evans
                  and excited to have our Evans Eagles back on              has the staff and resources to provide our students with
                  campus full time! In order to help students               quality and enriching after school programs.
                  make up for missed time
                  at school last year, we
Adam Bernstein have been providing both
    Principal     before and after school
                  classes to give students
  extra support. Currently, third grade
  teachers Anna Kimble and Frances
  McGah and fourth grade teacher
  Danielle Rosas are teaching intervention
  and enrichment classes both in the
  morning and after school. During these
  classes the teachers are helping their
  students strengthen reading and math
  skills. Participating students also get to
  do fun art activities with their teachers.
  Likewise, second grade teacher Marcie
  Dormaier is teaching an after school
  art class for first through sixth grade
  students. Additionally, the Young                           Students enjoy being back on campus for in-person instruction.

Covering the Garden Grove Unified School District                                                                 November 2021—April 2022   19
Excelsior Elementary School
                             10421 Woodbury Rd., Garden Grove, CA 92843 • 714/663-6106 •

               Successful Students
                     Excelsior was excited
                 to welcome back all of
                 our students for full day
                 instruction for the 2021-
                 2022 school year. To start
Sarah Mershon the year off right, our focus
    Principal    is rebounding to higher
                 levels in both academics and
  personal skills and our staff is united to
  help all students be successful!
      Our students were excited to be back
  in class with their teachers and peers as
  well. They are excited to be acknowledged
  for their hard work as we continue our
  implementation of the PBIS (Positive
  Behavioral Interventions & Supports)
  system at Excelsior. Students earn Super
  Kid Tickets each week and through
  donations from our community we are
  able to provide activities and prizes that
  recognize their accomplishments. Excelsior
  is a great place to learn and grow!                                Students earn fun prizes through the school’s PBIS program.

                                              Faylane Elementary School
                                  11731 Morrie Ln., Garden Grove, CA 92840 • 714/663-6253 •

               Extra Support
                   Faylane students
               are beginning the
               school year strong.
               Scholars returned
               ready and eager to
               learn during engaging
 Mike Ingalls  in-person instruction
   Principal   five days per week.
               To provide additional
 support, Faylane is hosting 25
 percent of our first through sixth
 grade students in our after-school
 Bridge program. For 90 minutes,
 three days per week, more than
 20 teachers and support staff
 work with 100 students to improve
 reading fluency. Students start
 with a snack, a little bit of math,
 and technology. Though distance
 learning presented some challenges,
 we are rebounding and students are
 growing leaps and bounds already
                                                                Students engage in targeted support and instruction designed
 during the 2021-2022 school year.
                                                                       to help all students achieve academic success.

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