MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2020 - Comité Nacional ...

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MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2020 - Comité Nacional ...
                      MEMORIA DE
MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2020 - Comité Nacional ...
Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI


MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2020 - Comité Nacional ...
Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI




     D. Luis Manuel Tomas Balibrea - Ingeniero Industrial (hasta sept 2020)
     D. Luciano Azpiazu Canivell – Ingeniero Industrial (desde sept 2020)

      D. José Javier Medina Muñoz - Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación

    Secretario General
     D. José Antonio Galdón Ruiz - Ingeniero Técnico Industrial
     D. Rafael Monsalve - Ingeniero de Minas
     D. Francisco Javier González Matesanz - Ingeniero Técnico en Topografía
     D. David Sedano Abad - Ingeniero Técnico Aeronáutico
     Dª. María Nuño Valdés - Ingeniera de Telecomunicación
     Dª. Cristina de Bustos Tarragato – Ingeniera Aeronáutica (desde sept 2020)


    Presidente del IIE
     D. Carlos del Álamo – Ingeniero de Montes (hasta abril 2020)
     D. José Trigueros - Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (desde mayo 2020)
    Presidente del INGITE
     D. José Javier Medina Muñoz - Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación (hasta nov. 2020)
     D. José Antonio Galdón Ruiz – Ingeniero Técnico Industrial (hasta dic. 2020)


    Director General IIE
      D. Carlos Rodríguez Ugarte - Ingeniero de Telecomunicación
    Secretaria General INGITE
      Dª. Mª. Ángeles de Blas - Ingeniera Técnica Agrícola

           D. Ernesto Domínguez - Ingeniero Técnico de Obras Públicas

1.3 Ingenieros españoles en los ÓRGANOS EUROPEOS DE LA FEANI
           Dª María Nuño Valdés - Ingeniero de Telecomunicación

           D. David Sedano Abad - Ingeniero Técnico Aeronáutico (hasta sept.2020)
MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2020 - Comité Nacional ...
Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI

           D. José Mª Coronado Valcárcel (1980 -1983)
           D. José Medem Sanjuan (1993 – 1996)
           D. Rafael Fernández Aller (2012 – 2014)
           D. Miguel Jerez Juan 1970
           D. José Maza Selas (1984 – 1987)
           D. Vicente García Álvarez (1996 -1999)
           D. Rafael Fernández Aller (2010 – 2012)
           D. Miguel Jerez Juan -1978
           D. José Mª Coronado Valcárcel - 1980
           D. Lorenzo Madridejos Sarasola - 1983
           D. José Maza Selas - 1991
           D. Vicente García Álvarez - 1998
           D. José Mª Fluxá Ceva - 2003
           D. Avelino Suárez Alvarez - 2006
           D. Rafael Fernández Aller - 2015
           D. Miguel Jerez Juan
           D. Lorenzo Madridejos Sarasola
           D. José Mª Coronado Valcárcel (1978 – 1980)
           D. José Maza Selas (1980 – 1989)
           D. Vicente García Álvarez (1989 – 1998)
           D. José Mª Fluxá Ceva (1998 – 2003)
           D. Avelino Suárez Álvarez (2003 – 2006)
           D. José Antonio Molina Francés (2006 – 2008)
           D. Rafael Fernández Aller (2008 – 2009)
           D. Juan de Dios Alférez Cantos (2009 – 2012)
           D. Rafael Fdz Aller/D. Manuel de Oña (2012 - 2015)
           D. José Javier Medina Muñoz (2015 – 2018)
           D. Luis Manuel Tomas Balibrea (2018- 2020)
           D. Miguel Ángel Gómez Alamá (1983 – 1991)
           D. Jacinto Alonso Las Peñas (1991 – 1998)
           D. Luis Ayuso Llorente (1998 – 2003)
           D. José Antonio Molina Francés (2003 – 2006)
           D. Juan de Dios Alférez Cantos (2006 – 2009)
           D. Rafael Fernández Aller (2009 – 2012)
           D. José Javier Medina Muñoz (2012 – 2015)
           D. Luis Manuel Tomas Balibrea (2015 – 2018)
           D. Francisco Sanabria Celis (1980 – 1989)
           D. Juan de Dios Alférez Cantos (1989 – 1991)
           D. José Javier Medina Muñoz (1992 – 1999)
           Dª Raquel Esteban Pinto (1999 – 2003)
           D. Fernando García Robredo (2003 – 2005)
           D. Francisco Javier Moledo Froján (2005 – 2006)
           D. Juan Blanco Lino (2006 – 2006) (2009 – 2012)
           Dª Raquel Esteban Pinto (2006 – 2009)
           D. Juan de Dios Alférez Cantos (2009 – 2012)
           D. Rubén López-Pulido (2015 – 2018)
           D. José Mª Montes Villalón (1991 – 2003)
           D. Juan de Dios Alférez Cantos (2003 – 2006)
           D. Juan Blanco Lino (2006 – 2009)
           D. Pedro Bello Berlín (2009 – 2010)
           Dª Raquel Esteban Pinto (2010 – 2012)
           D. Juan Blanco Lino (2012 – 2015)
           Dª Raquel Esteban Pinto (2015 – 2018)
MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2020 - Comité Nacional ...
Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI


MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2020 - Comité Nacional ...
Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI


La FEANI (Federación Europea de Asociaciones Nacionales de Ingenieros), fue fundada en 1951, pocos
años después de acabar la Segunda Guerra Mundial por un grupo de ingenieros franceses y alemanes
que pensaban que, a través de la tecnología, su campo común de actividad sería posible crear vínculos
entre antiguos adversarios y facilitar el desarrollo próspero y pacífico de la sociedad europea. Asociaciones
de siete países europeos se unieron inmediatamente a esta iniciativa (Austria, Bélgica, Suiza, Alemania,
Francia, Italia y Luxemburgo). Poco después, se unieron otros países entre ellos España, y el nombre de
la organización cambiaría, en julio de 1956, a "Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales

En la actualidad, asociaciones de 33 países europeos están representadas en la FEANI, que reúnen a más
de 350 asociaciones nacionales de ingenieros, todas ellas reconocidas en sus países como representantes
de la profesión de la ingeniería a nivel nacional. A través de estas asociaciones nacionales, la FEANI
representa los intereses de aproximadamente 6 millones de ingenieros profesionales en Europa.

La FEANI es miembro fundador de la Federación Mundial de Organizaciones de Ingeniería (FMOI/WFEO)
y colabora con organizaciones que se ocupan de cuestiones de ingeniería y tecnología, y educación en

Los objetivos de FEANI son:

            Afirmar la identidad profesional de los ingenieros de Europa.
            Asegurar las cualificaciones profesionales de los ingenieros de los países miembros sean
             reconocidas en Europa y en todo el mundo
            Afirmar el estatus, el rol y la responsabilidad de los ingenieros en la sociedad,
             salvaguardando y promoviendo los intereses profesionales y facilitando su libre circulación
             dentro y fuera de Europa.

         Así como luchar por una voz única para la profesión de ingeniería de Europa, reconociendo al
         mismo tiempo su diversidad.

            En el desarrollo de una cooperación de trabajo con otras organizaciones internacionales
             interesadas en asuntos de ingeniería.
            En la representación de los ingenieros de Europa en organizaciones internacionales y otros
             órganos de toma de decisiones.

Desde 1978 España está representada en la FEANI por el Comité Nacional Español de la FEANI,
conformado por los dos Institutos de Ingeniería, IIE (Instituto de la Ingeniería de España) y el INGITE
(Instituto de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos de España). La misión fundamental del Comité Español es
representar a las ingenierías españolas integradas en los dos Institutos (IIE e INGITE) ante la FEANI,
siendo así el único interlocutor ante la Federación. Para el CNE es prioritario promover la movilidad y el
reconocimiento de nuestros ingenieros e ingenieros técnicos. Difundir en la sociedad europea el valor de
la ingeniería y la innovación tecnológica para un crecimiento sostenible. Promover la actividad,
participación, relación e intercambiar con otras organizaciones internacionales, etc.

MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2020 - Comité Nacional ...
Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI


Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI



    El CNE (Comité Nacional Español de la FEANI) es el órgano que representa a las ingenierías e
    ingenierías técnicas españolas, integradas en el IIE e INGITE, ante la FEANI, promoviendo y
    favoreciendo la integración y movilidad de los ingenieros e ingenieros técnicos/graduados españoles
    en Europa y en terceros países.

    El año 2020 ha sido un año atípico a nivel social, económico y laboral, etc., y como bien es sabido,
    motivado por la crisis sanitaria. Durante este año la falta de actividad en todos los sectores, a nivel
    nacional como internacional, también se ha hecho notar en el comité.

    Durante el año 2020 sólo se han celebrado 2 reuniones ordinarias, en las siguientes fechas:

                        23 de febrero               27 de septiembre

    Tras la dimisión del presidente del Comité, Sr. Tomas Balibrea, en el mes de septiembre, se produjo
    la elección de nuevo presidente del CNE, siendo elegido el Sr. Azpiazu Canivell. Desde finales del
    mes de septiembre, ostenta la presidencia.

    En la reunión del mes de septiembre, además de la elección del presidente del CNE, se eligió
    también como vocal a Dª Cristina de Busto que ocupará la vacante de D. Rubén López Pulido. Así
    mismo, en esta misma reunión, se llegaron a los acuerdos que luego serían traslados a la Asamblea
    General de la FEANI, que tendría lugar días más tarde, así como la reunión del NM Forum.

    En estas reuniones se consensuan las líneas de acción, para posteriormente ser trasladadas a los
    diferentes Comités de la FEANI, Ex. Board, EMC, NM Forum y Países del Sur.


       El Consejo Rector está formado por los presidentes de los dos Institutos de Ingeniería e
       Ingeniería Técnica (IIE e INGITE), y es informado por el presidente del CNE. Para que haya una
       paridad de ambos institutos, se acordó que a las reuniones asistieran el presidente y
       vicepresidente del Comité.

       Durante el año 2020 se han celebrado tres reuniones, en las siguientes fechas:
       10 de febrero, 20 de octubre y 26 de noviembre, donde se plantearon los siguientes temas:

              Presupuesto del Comité para el año 2021
              Plan de Acción para el año 2021
              Asamblea General de la FEANI.

Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI


   El Comité de Acreditación, dependiente del Comité Nacional, tiene encomendadas cuatro misiones

        Actualizar la EEED – European Engineering Education Database- Relación de universidades
         y escuelas técnicas españolas reconocidas por la FEANI.

        Informar al E.M.C sobre la estructura de la educación en ingeniería y el estándar de las
         Escuelas y/o programas individuales

        Verificar y mejorar la convergencia de las bases de datos de ENAEE y LA FEANI, después
         de haber detectado la falta de datos del INDEX histórico.

        Revisar y examinar los expedientes de solicitud de la acreditación de Eur. Ing. recibidos,
         para posteriormente, una vez aprobados por el Comité Español, enviar al E.M.C., para su
         aprobación definitiva, si proceden.

   El Comité Español se vincula con el E.M.C (European Monitoring Committee) encargado de
   coordinar los comités de control nacionales de los 33 países miembros y establecerles las normas
   y funcionamiento.

                                              Gráfico - IIE

                                              154                              160





              11                                                  11

              AE    AG     CA    DE    ICAI   IN    MI     MO     NA    TE                  EUR. ING'S

Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI

Durante el año 2020, el Comité de Acreditación ha celebrado varias sesiones de trabajo en las
que se han estudiado los expedientes de solicitud de la acreditación de Eur. Ings., habiéndose
aceptado un total de 31 de los que 16 han correspondido al IIE y 15 al INGITE.

Hoy todas las solicitudes se gestionan de forma electrónica, un proceso mucho más rápido y
económico. Así mismo, en estas sesiones de trabajo se han examinado y evaluado programas
de Grados y Másteres habilitantes de ingeniería, siguiendo con las normas establecidas por el
E.M.C. Igualmente, en estudio se está la incorporación de los restantes títulos, siendo la
prioridad actual la de que se encuentren los títulos habilitantes para el ejercicio de las
profesiones de ingenierías e ingenierías técnicas.

                                       Gráfico - INGITE






                     181   186                                168
                                       86                94
                                 15                                        9
                   . AE . AG . FO   .  . IN . MI . NA  .  .TE . TO
                                  ICAI                O.P
        EUR. ING'S 181 186 15      86 2094 286 94 168 353       9

Actualmente, se sigue trabajando en el INDEX histórico, al haber detectado la falta de antiguos
programas pre-bolonia, así como completar datos que faltaban.

Hasta el día 01 diciembre de 2020, el número de Eur. Ing´s en Europa ascendía a 34.145,
ocupando España el segundo lugar con 3.997, después del Reino Unido y seguida por Alemania.

En reiteradas ocasiones, el Comité Español de Acreditación ha sido felicitado por el buen trabajo
por el EMC.

Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI


Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI



    El pasado 9 de octubre se celebró la Asamblea General de la FEANI la que tuvo lugar de forma
    virtual como consecuencia de los efectos y limitaciones de la pandemia. Inicialmente, estaba
    programada para celebrarse en Berlín, pero fue suspendido el lugar y la metodología de todos los
    puntos, intervenciones y actividades, para adaptar la participación y votaciones por
    videoconferencia. Asistieron en representación de España finalmente, el vicepresidente D. José
    Javier Medina Muñoz, y Dª María Nuño, miembro del Comité y tesorera del Ex. Board.

    Entre otros temas de interés, se presentó la Memoria de actividad, se debatieron y aprobaron los
    presupuestos para el año 2020 así como gastos producidos en el periodo 2019. Fue elegido nuevo
    presidente de la FEANI el alemán Ralph Appel, sucesor del hasta ahora presidente, el portugués
    José Vieira, quien ha completado los dos mandatos preceptivos en el puesto. Se aprobaron
    asimismo las correspondientes renovaciones de cargos en el ExBoard (G. Cardinale, P. Coughlan,
    A. Jouanjus y D. Petras); Nuevo presidente del NMF H. Treier, y nuevos miembros en el EMC (T.
    Dogan, K. Sunderland y A. Taylor).

    Se aprobó la entrada como nuevos miembros de Hungría y Angola y la vuelta de la organización
    ENAEE. Se informó del desarrollo del Engineering Europe, Advisory Group. En el resumen de
    resultados se indicó la cifra de ingresos de 562k€ y se espera equilibrar a fin de año con los gastos
    (reducidos por efecto de la reducción de actividades por la pandemia).

    Asimismo, se comentaron las actividades de los grupos de trabajo:

     STEM, sobre tendencia de perfiles profesionales: sugiere la solicitud de un proyecto europeo que
    sirva de base para las acciones a emprender en perfiles innovadores
     SDGs, Grupo de Digitalización, para analizar desde el punto de vista de la Ingeniería la
    transformación digital.
     E4E, Ingenieros para la Ingeniería, cuya solicitud de proyecto, inicialmente prevista en 55k€ no
    ha fructificado de momento en las instituciones europeas.

    Se organizó in situ una serie de mesas de trabajo, para tratar los temas de mayor inquietud e
    implicación abiertos a debate por todos los asistentes para analizar las próximas prioridades a
    acometer por los órganos y grupos de trabajo de la FEANI. El Sr. Medina participó en la mesa del
    Grupo de STEM, como miembro integrante de dicho grupo.

    La próxima asamblea, se desdoblará en una sesión del Executive Board a celebrar en Berlín el 18
    junio de 2021, así como el NMForum, conforme a los requisitos que implica la nueva normativa
    fiscal de Bélgica, donde se encuentra sede social de la FEANI, y en octubre de 2021, se celebrará
    de forma telemática.

Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI


  El día 9 de octubre y coincidiendo con la Asamblea General de la FEANI, en la sesión de la mañana,
  se celebró la primera reunión anual del NMFORUM de forma digital, con más de 50 participantes
  para debatir e informar del desarrollo de las actividades de los países miembros de la FEANI. Como
  en sesiones anteriores, se informó de las reuniones de los tres Grupos Regionales de la FEANI,
  Norte, Centro y Sur, celebradas con anterioridad e igualmente se analizaron los topics de los grupos
  de trabajo STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas) y SDG (Objetivos de Desarrollo
  Sostenible) y el proyecto E4E. A esta reunión asistieron D. José Javier Medina Muñoz y Dª. Cristina
  de Bustos.

  La reunión que estaba programada para el mes de abril fue cancelada, pero se solicitó, desde FEANI,
  a los miembros nacionales un informe sobre la situación por la que estaba pasando cada país a cuenta
  de la crisis sanitaria la COVID 19, se adjunta a esta memoria.


   Dª. María Nuño Valdés es tesorera del Comité Ejecutivo – Ex. Board, desde el año 2019, habiendo
   sido elegida en la Asamblea General de Reikiavik – Islandia.

   Durante el año 2020 se han celebrado un total de 4 reuniones, en las que se han tratado los
   siguientes temas

   Asuntos financieros:

      2020 se cerró con una ganancia, equilibrando la pérdida del ejercicio 2019.
      Elaboración del presupuesto 2021, que se presentó y fue aprobado en la Asamblea General
       del 09/10/2020.

   Asuntos estratégicos:

      EUR ING 2.0: la renovación del EUR ING que se producirá cada 5 años, uno de los requisitos
       obligatorio para la renovación será pasar una prueba DPC, Desarrollo Profesional Continuo.
       El nuevo EUR.ING 2.0 se implementará a partir del año 2022.
      PROYECTO E4E (Ingenieros de Europa): Se acordó que para el año 2022 se haga una
       tercera presentación y para ellos se contrató un coordinador que será quien se ocupe del
       nuevo proyecto.
      La IV edición del Día Europea de Ingenieros probablemente se organice junto con la AEPI y
       ECIT en Bruselas en octubre de 2021, para ello se comenzó a preparar a finales del año

   Grupos de trabajo:

      FEANI STEM WG: su presidenta actual, va a entregar la tarea a un sucesor - existe una
       fuerte vinculación con la UE STEM Plataforma de los cuales es miembro de FEANI
      ODS contribuyó a las Jornadas de la Sociedad Civil del CESE. FEANI es miembro del Comité
       de Enlace del CESE.
      FEANI Secretaría Central organizará, al menos una vez al año, un día completo digitales
       sesión de entrenamiento para NMS/CMN para que sean familiarizados con el plan estratégico
       de FEANI, la estructura, las finanzas, temas operativos y modus operandi. Esto es necesario
       en vista de la rotación de personal dentro de esta los NM: capacitación estará abierta al
       personal administrativo, así como a los directores nacionales, Secretarios Generales y/o

Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI


   D. David Sedano Abad, ha sido miembro del EMC desde 2014 hasta septiembre de 2020, habiendo
   finalizado su mandato de 6 años, tiempo máximo permitido. Durante este periodo, ha asistido a
   todas las reuniones.

   Considerando la situación sanitaria con el COVID-19, se sustituyeron todas las reuniones
   presenciales por digitales. En el mes de junio se celebró una reunión extraordinaria, para hacer
   frente a un mayor número de solicitudes de EUR ING y avanzar en los nuevos proyectos del EMC.

   En el año 2020 se han celebrado un total de 4 reuniones.

                                23 de abril              8 de septiembre
                                 4 de junio              2 de diciembre

   En estas sesiones de trabajo se han tratado en los siguientes temas, entre

           El nuevo concepto del Eur. Ing. 2.0
           EEED – Base de Datos de la Educación de Ingeniería Europea
                o Actualización de la EEED
                o Actualización automática de programas de ingeniería por remoto
                o Mejoras en la EEED por las deficiencias que actualmente tiene.
           Proyecto E4E.
           FEANI-ENAEE
           Proyecto CALOHEE


  El día 8 de julio se celebró la reunión vía telemática de los Países del Sur, con la participación de
  Chipre, España, Francia, Malta y Portugal además el Secretario General de la FEANI, Dirk Bochar.
  Bulgaria, Grecia, Italia, Kazajistán, Macedonia, Rumania y Serbia, no asistieron.

  El Sr. Loureiro subrayó la importancia que tiene este Grupo de los Países de Sur dentro de la FEANI
  por lo que lamentó la falta de participación del resto de los países, especialmente y más en este
  difícil período por el que está pasando, los ingenieros tienen un papel fundamental que

  Después de las exposiciones de los problemas que cada país se ha enfrentado cara a la crisis
  sanitaria, se acordó que las Asociaciones Nacionales y FEANI tendrán un importante papel que
  desempeñar en el futuro, tanto a nivel nacional como europeo. Hay un debate importante sobre
  cómo estar bien preparado para las próximas crisis y dónde invertir en forma prioritaria. Los
  ingenieros pueden ser de ayuda en este trabajo preparatorio. De hecho, los ingenieros serán
                   importantes en la preparación de decisiones políticas y su implementación. Esto
                    viene a reafirmar las conclusiones de la reunión del Grupo de los Países de Sur
                                   del año pasado en Nicosia, complementado con las conclusiones
                                    de la presentación en español.

Memoria de Actividades del CNE de la FEANI



       PAIS             APROBADOS 2020   Nº EUR. INGs TOTAL    Δ%      POSICIÓN

    AT (AUSTRIA)              14                498            5,65      10º

    BE (BELGICA)              0                 327            0,00      15º

   BG (BULGARIA)              0                  51            0,00      23º

     CH (SUIZA)               2                 893            0,81       6º

    CH (CHIPRE)               4                  91            1,61      22º

CZ (REPUBLICA CHECA)          1                 127            0,40      20º

   DE (ALEMANIA)              11                2874           4,44       3º

  DK (DINAMARCA)              1                 360            0,40      13º

    EE (ESTONIA)              0                  45            0,00      24º

    ES (ESPAÑA)               25                3988          10,08       2º

   FI (FINLANDIA)             0                 701            0,00       7º

    FR (FRANCIA)              4                 2789           1,61       4º

 GB (GRAN BRETAÑA)           109               16411          43,95       1º

    GR (GRECIA)               13                500            5,24      11º

   HU (HUNGRIA)               0                 658            0,00       9º

    IE (IRLANDA)              4                 1371           1,61       5º

   IS (ISLANDIA)              0                  18            0,00      26º

     IT (ITALIA)              7                  12            2,82      28º

 LU (LUXEMBURGO)              0                  33            0,00      25º

    MT (MALTA)                0                 200            0,00      17º

   NL (HOLANDA)               1                 670            0,40       8º

   NO (NORUEGA)               3                 200            1,21      17º

   PO (POLONIA)               14                409            5,65      12º

   PT (PORTUGAL)              6                 139            2,42      19º

   RO (RUMANIA)               9                 262            3,63      16º

    SE (SUECIA)               3                 332            1,21      14º

   SI (ESLOVENIA)             1                 107            0,40      21º

   SK (ESLOVAKIA)             8                 149            3,23      18º

     RU (RUSIA)               0                  6             0,00      29º

    TR (TURKIA)               8                  15            3,23      27º

   UA (UCRANIA)               0                  1             0,00      30º

       TOTAL                 248               34237          100,00

                               FEANI Survey – COVID-19

                          1. Austria – Austrian National Committee for FEANI

The ANC consists of three-member organisations. These three organisations have closed their offices and
enable all employees to work remotely. We use tele- or videoconferences and e-mails to keep in contact
with our employees, members and customers. Events are forbidden till the end of June, large events till the
end of August. This means all our seminars, meetings and conferences in Q2/20 have to be cancelled.

FEANI should act as a point of communication among the members and provide information on the
European level (which is very well done by Mr. Dirk Bochar). The situation could also be used to promote
the role of engineering services and the engineers behind them, e.g. in areas like power supply, ICT,
medicine technology, and so on.

At the moment, we do not have an active role for engineers concerning the pandemic crises. Of course, we
will support our members with information about the current situation and maintain our services via our
website, newsletter and e-mails.

The kind of information such as guidance, statement, questionnaire, press release, will be provided by social
partners and employers. We do not have an official role concerning measures taken to overcome the crisis.

The situation differs highly relating to the area engineers are working in. Many companies enable their staff
to work remotely. Building sites were closed for three weeks and have been re-opened after Easter holidays,
but people have to respect strict measures, like social distancing, in order to ensure the workers’ safety.

Due to the stillstand in many areas, engineering activities also go down and have payment problems. It can
be hoped that governmental programs will help to limit the damages.

The government together with the social partners offer the possibility of short-time work and the government
provides a multi-billion Euro corona relief fund.

                                            2. Belgium – IE-NET

IE-NET is closed due the Corona crisis, so there is only one person – the Secretary General –who is still
working. The team (15 persons) is in a situation of unemployment. That means that the Secretary General
has to do everything alone.
Therefore, the priorities are not FEANI at this moment. The Secretary General has to look for opportunities
to survive as IE-NET and has to look for money. That is very urgent.

                           3. Croatia – HIS, Croatian Engineering Association

Our HIS building is out of use. We are afraid that the poster at the door: “OUT OF AVAILABILITY” will
stay there a long time, since the damages are heavy.

Below, this poor car in front of the window of our office in HIS. Other pictures are disturbing.

Also, the main activities of engineers in HIS – which are LLL, teaching etc. – are canceled with the official
rule: no more than two people in the same room - Covid 19.

Therefore, we will start to prepare distance learning. It would be interesting for FEANI also; maybe we can
start a project together on this topic.

We will keep up. You know this saying: what didn’t kill you makes you stronger!
These two attacks – the Coronavirus and Earthquake coming 30 years after the war – are to check if we,
Croatians, are really stronger.

                            4. Cyprus – Technical Chamber of Cyprus, ETEK

The Technical Chamber of Cyprus did not close. It is operating and it is providing essential and regulated
services like registrations, certificates, appointment of experts and arbitrators and payments / receipts.
Measures are taken to minimize face to face contacts, i.e. email and telephone requests, etc. are encouraged.
The majority of its personnel is working from home (its correspondence registry is paperless since a few
years now). ETEK offices are open but they operate with minimum/safety staff. The Chamber had its first
Steering Committee (regulated by law) teleconference meeting. Currently, all conventional seminars,
workshops, physical meetings, etc. organized by the Chamber are postponed. The Chamber is working on
introducing a series of online vocational training seminars.
With regards to the industry, the work on construction sites were suspended on 15 March 2020, with the
exception of work sites related to public interest after a permission of the Minister of Transport,
Communications and Works, and small construction sites with less than three persons working on them.

Many engineering consulting offices are still operating. The majority of them adopted remote working /
working from home techniques. There are problems with the paper-based submission of planning and
building permits and with the fact that planning and building authorities apply also social distancing
measures with an impact on their productivity. A number of engineering consulting offices and engineers
have partially suspended their operations.

The Cyprus Government announced a package of support measures to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 in
the Cyprus economy which include:

    -   the Special Leave Benefit granted to working parents responsible for the care of children up to 15;
    -   the Special Sickness Benefit granted to employees of the private sector and self-employed falling
        under special categories and not being able to attend their place of work for health-related reasons;
    -   the Special Benefit for the Self-Employed provided to self-employed persons who have suspended
        their operations or who have partially suspended their operations, i.e. present a reduction of more
        than 25% in their turnover; etc.

5. Czech Republic – Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies

The Organisation has partly adapted to the home working. Representatives of the Association attend the
office twice a week.

We think that engineers and scientists can help during the pandemic. For instance, Czech engineers at
technical universities invented special technologies for 3D printing of respirators of the highest efficiency
for hospitals. Engineers at technical universities produce now about hundreds of respirators daily and also
offer the developed technology for other countries. FEANI could help in the mediation of such offers.

Future life after Covid-19 will need to improve sophisticated systems in industry, medical treatment,
education and research in order to restore a big loss in the economy and to assure a sustainable development,
implying a role to play for the engineers.

We have problems in the communication with our members, the only way is either the intranet, where the
messages are placed, or emails. Now we start to communicate with our members via webex.

In the Czech Republic the engineering activities are only interrupted.
Free-lance people who have stopped their businesses all receive a financial support from the government
which is about 1000 EUR monthly.

There is an important financial help for SMEs and the industry of about 10 billion of euros.

                              6. Denmark – IDA, Danish Society of Engineers

Home-working works well for us, however cooperation and IT are challenging under these circumstances.

We don’t see a role for FEAN in the pandemic. We are all busy doing our best for our members who are in
very difficult situations. That is what we prioritise these days.

Engineers have a role to play in response to the challenges of the pandemic and post-pandemic by creating
solutions, getting the wheels to spin again in industry, construction, research and science, at universities and

IDA has issued information to its members, available on the English website:, and the Danish website has more info. Also, we use newsletters and some

The situation of engineering activities is different from sector to sector.

Engineering companies have some payment problems, especially small companies.

Financial measures have been put in place by the authorities in the country to support SMEs. Several
packages have been introduced to compensate businesses, employees, self-employed and freelancers.

7. Estonia – Estonian Association of Engineers

There is an emergency situation in Estonia until 30 April:

• In Estonia there is a 2 + 2 rule: no more than two people can be together in public places and their distance
(distance between them) is at least 2 meters;
• Schools and universities are closed, digital learning is taking place. Sports and cultural institutions are
closed, as well as large shopping centers;
• Our islands Saaremaa and Hiiumaa are closed;
• People are working in home offices.

Engineers have contributed to a mobile application to detect population movements.

The Government's aid package for business will be implemented.

Parliament is processing a legislation to alleviate the crisis.

The rise of unemployment among engineers is not significant because manufacturing and construction are

Entertainment facilities, tourism and part of the services are in a pre-bankruptcy situation.

                           8. France – Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de Francc, IESF

Our permanent team works part time at home one day per week (on Thursday) and a new assistant-trainee
who worked mainly in the management of our extra rooms we rent to other associations is presently in
technical unemployment.
Our general manager works from home with computers and databases available and organises
videoconferences with Zoom.
All the others who are volunteers work also from home but at a much slower pace.

FEANI should continue as it already does, sending us information from the EC and on the way other
associations manage, and broadcasting good ideas (or news) to all the member associations.

Engineers take part to the effort of producing medical equipment or masks with machines that were not
ordered for that and help as all the other actors of the economy to go through the crisis.
After the end of the pandemic and in order to develop the new world that will emerge, engineers will have
a crucial role in adapting the economic tool to the new challenges, seeing how to be better prepared for the
next crisis or imagining other forms of crisis. They will also have to determine what is strategic and must
be conceived and produced in France or at least in Europe, or not.
Several groups of reflexion are already beeing launched on that topic .

IESF has issued some information to its members, available in annex.

The great majority of engineering activities is interrupted; executive managers still work from home?

All the companies have serious account problems.

The government has decided a huge plan to help companies (postponement or cancellation of charges due
to the state and payment of wages for people in technical unemployment, loans, ...).

9. Germany – VDI The Association of German Engineers

VDI accelerated the roll-out of a new web conferencing tool in parallel with training sessions for users. The
number of VPNs had to be increased to 750 to enable all employees of VDI to work remotely. All in all,
VDI experienced no difficulties.

During the pandemic, FEANI should focus on providing its NMOs with information from the European
level. In addition, it should use its channels to promote the role of engineers during the crisis, e.g. in assuring
a working communications infrastructure. It should also be a platform of exchange for the NMOs, as they
will thus be able to exchange best practices on how to cope with the crisis.

In responding to the current and future challenges, as mentioned above, some engineers may be active in
system-relevant positions, but many will be idle due to production stops. Following the crisis, engineering
companies will be essential to the economic restart in Germany, so engineers will play an essential role.

VDI is providing information to its members on a daily basis on a number of relevant issues. They can be
found via VDI's website.

Most engineering activities have come to a standstill, as factories are closed. Essential maintenance and
system-relevant operations are continuing, of course.

Due to the social partnership in Germany (Kurzarbeit) and the government program to provide financial
assistance in this crisis, engineering companies will not experience imminent financial problems. It is too
early to make any mid- to long-term assessments.

The government is providing 156 billion EUR to help companies, especially SMEs, to come through the

                                  10. Greece – Technical Chamber of Greece

The Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG) has established the option of completing most of the services it
provides to its members, to public and private sector, electronically long before the COVID-19 pandemic.
In fact, some of these services are provided exclusively electronically.
During the first days of the pandemic, the TCG made sure that the vast majority of its employees were able
to work away from the offices using the electronic protocol and other technological tools, so that the
operation of the Organization is not interrupted.

On the other hand the members of the TCG are already familiar with the use of electronic applications,
because most of their basic professional activities have been carried out electronically for years, such as the
submission of the supporting documents for the approval of the building license, the issuance of the energy
certificate, etc.

The main challenge for the Greek engineers is to use more extensively the electronic platforms for the
construction processes, in order to coordinate their work with remote access functions (through BIM
processes, or using digital twins). The full digital transition of the construction sector is the next step for

With this initiative, FEANI takes on an important role, a coordinating role that corresponds to its founding

The collection of the data that is attempted with this questionnaire and the supply of the General Directorate
of Growth of the European Commission with the material and the proposals submitted by the National
Members, so that they can be immediately designed and implemented:

    A) Protocols created for the protection of workers' health in design areas (design offices, administration
       offices) as well as in the places of implementation of engineering projects (construction sites,
       factories, outdoor space) and their immediate implementation either under the supervision of a
       working doctor when the protection protocol requires it, or under the control of the State.

    B) Tools for strengthening the financial liquidity of companies either through the European Investment
       Bank or through the European Central Bank.

During the Pandemic the Engineers will be in charge of:

    •   Supporting, constructing, controlling and certifying the -even or most in crisis periods- necessary
        health infrastructures, such as: hospital units, hospital waste management, maintenance of buildings
        and facilities, etc. ;
    •   Constructing, controlling and certifying the emergency constructions required in cases of crisis ;
    •   Caring, manufacturing, controlling, maintaining, expanding and certifying critical infrastructure and
        means for energy and water transportation ;
    •   Caring, manufacturing, controlling, maintaining, expanding and certifying critical
        telecommunication infrastructure.

   •    In matters of pharmaceuticals, they collaborate in laboratories to find medicines and take
        responsibility for their production and quality control ;
    •   In digital transition issues, they collaborate to create and operate digital platforms and networks that
        will facilitate remote access working ;
    •   They are employed in critical positions of responsibility throughout the supply chain and
        production, ensuring the provision of quality and safe products, projects and services.

After the Pandemic, they will have to manage the deadlines that have been lost, the lack of their own money
liquidity and the one of their customers, the financial obligations - despite the measures already taken by the
Greek government to support and alleviate the mandatory contributions to the insurance funds and the tax
office - may be proved insufficient if the duration of the Pandemic exceeds the expected time limits when
these measures were announced.

Through public announcements, the TCG President, Mr. George Stasinos, asked:

• the Engineers, TCG Members and the Technical Companies:
     - to faithfully follow the instructions of the National Public Health Organization ;
     - to use exclusively the electronic tools provided by the TCG and other bodies ;
     - to work remotely when possible.

• the Government for:
     - the suspension of financial obligations and extension of deadlines for insurance and tax liabilities
        to the state;
     - the suspension of financial obligations and extension of deadlines for liabilities towards the Banks;
     - the suspension of the obligation of physical presence of engineers in the competent services for the
        issuance of any kind of documents and replacement of the whole process by the use of electronic
     - the postponement of meetings and conferences ;
     - the mandatory use of teleworking and teleconferencing tools;
     - the postponement of the completion of the construction projects and modification of schedules for
        the purpose of granting extensions;
     - the full implementation of electronic procedures in the tender process of public and private projects;
     - the payments to be made exclusively through the electronic banking services;
-   the partial deliveries and payments in all engineering projects without delays;
    -   25% discount on insurance and tax liabilities of those who can pay on time, as an incentive;
    -   the immediate financial support without bureaucratic procedures, to all engineer enterprises,
        personal and small – medium, as a liquidity tool.
    -   designing NSRF Programs for the financial support of Engineers and Technical Companies.

• TCG initiated an Electronic Observatory to record the problems of engineers and technical companies
caused by the COVID-19 crisis, through which TCG collects data in order to inform and consult the

Relevant links on the TCG website:

Until today, the official governmental announcements have not given specific guidelines on whether the
construction and building activities should be suspended, consequently leading to an on - off situation.

The engineering companies have payment problems.

However, the Greek government has taken measures in order to support the economy and the cash-flow
shortage. Such measures are the suspension of insurance levy payments until autumn, suspension of the
debts to the government until summer, 25% discount to those that pay their insurance levies and taxes
without taking advantage of the facilitation measures mentioned above, offset of obligations – returns by
the Tax Office.

It is important to highlight that in case the Pandemic lasts longer than expected at the time the grace period
of the economic measures was set, the government will have to extend it.

Financial measures have been put in place by the authorities in the country to support SMEs through the
suspension of tax and insurance levy payments and postponement of debts and obligations to the state for
three months.

Alternately :

    -   25% discount on debts of enterprises and physical persons when paid on time;
    -   Self-employed and freelancer engineers are given the opportunity to earn 25% discount on their
        insurance levy and the collection of belayed tax payments is suspended, on the condition that they
        pay on time their insurance levy for the period of February to March 2020.
    -   Compensation of 800 euros for a period of 45 days and full coverage of the insurance levy, according
        to their real salary amount, for those employees whose employment contract has been temporarily
    -   “Special Cause” compensation of 800 euros for a 45 days period, for freelancers, self-employed and
        company owners (any legal entity besides S.A) that employ up to 5 persons, with the restriction that
        they have not submitted zero tax statements. In case of companies, a sole compensation to the
        business bank account of the legal entity is made;
    -   Freelance University Graduates are granted with subsidized e-training programs, for a period of 30
        days with a reward of 600 euros for April 2020 and a “special cause” compensation of 800 euros
        for May 2020;
-   Postponement, suspension, extension of deadlines of procurement procedures (announcements of
        public tenders for technical projects), for the period of 31.03.2020 until 11.05.2020, in order to
        comply with the dispersion restriction of COVID-19;
Extension of the deadlines for the completion of technical projects.
In addition to the above measures, requested by the TCG President and already approved by the Greek
Government, there are some more that have been requested but the President but they are not yet approved,
such as :
    - Granting interest-free cash-flow loans, on flexible terms by the banks in April;
    - Explicit government decision and announcement if it is necessary and safe for the technical world
        of the country to work and under what security measures. Today, when construction sites, industries
        and laboratories are operating normally, as far as possible and with unprecedented security
        measures, we see state servants imposing fines on the self-employed engineers and employees - in
        violation of the announcements;

Explicit government decision on whether to ban or allow the movement of technical staff and professionals
in all kinds of projects, which are on islands or in remote regions, in the context of the travel ban due to the
risk of spreading the virus.

                         11. Iceland – VFÍ, The Association of Chartered Engineers

We follow the instructions of the authorities altogether. One employee out of eight went into quarantine for
two weeks and worked from home. With social distancing, canceling meetings and all events, the office has
managed to keep things going without using teleworking except to a minimal extent. Members are
encouraged to use the phone and e-mails to contact the office.

In this period, FEANI should share knowledge and distribute information from the EU to the member

Engineers play an essential role in developing the potential of telework with technological solutions and
business support. Scientists in the University's engineering department developed metrics that were used to
monitor the epidemic and in decision-making. Engineers will be involved in innovation projects and
development of new opportunities created by the COVID. Engineers will be at the forefront in the
development of infrastructure in connection with the government's economic actions.

VFÍ published information on the website and social media about governmental actions and workers´ rights
and obligations due to redundancies and many employees working part-time.

There is a decline in the general labor market of engineers, especially in consulting and design. The
downturn has had an effect with many workers who have been laid off or are working part-time with
assistance from the government. It also has an inhibiting effect as many must work from home.

The situation of the companies is variable. Some have had to resort to redundancies, and in many cases, a
large proportion of companies’ staff is now working part-time. Revenue decreases, but costs do not. There
are delays in getting bills paid, difficulties and considerable economic uncertainties ahead.

The state pays up to 75% of people's wages over the next few months. State guarantees loans to help
companies operate. There are also a suspension and abolition of public charges. Tourism is funded. There
is a refund of VAT on construction. Construction work accelerated and invested in technology infrastructure.

Authorities responded quickly and followed the advice of experts. Decisions are not based on politics. With
cooperation between the government and experts, good results have been achieved in inhibiting the
transmission of the Coronavirus.

12. Ireland – Engineers Ireland

Irish government started closing down schools and gatherings over 100 people on March 12 with more
stringent restrictions two weeks later. Engineers Ireland staff (40) have worked remotely since 16/3. Many
staff had time to bring home equipment from work (additional monitors, chairs with back supports etc) as
well as laptops. Work is progressing as normal but slower. Some staff (
13. Italy – Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri

Our Organisation has soon managed to practice home-working, and at the moment we don't see any
particular new challenges.

In this context, FEANI could for example support the basic role of safety engineering and specialised
engineers as a fundamental strategy to try to find a solution in containing the contagion while waiting for a
valid vaccine.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Italian engineers have been made available for support and advice to
the government and it will be so also after the pandemic.

We have provided: first indications on the management of the hvac systems to limit the contagion;
some indications on risk analysis and a study of a combined set of strategic measures to contain the

In general engineering activities have not stopped, some essential engineering activities also continue their
work on-site, while some others were forced to stop.

We expect a deep economic crisis in all sectors in Italy.

Financial measures will be taken by the authorities to support SMEs, but they are still being finalized.

We would like to stress the importance that the figure of the engineer can have in this pandemic.

                                     14. Malta – Chamber of Engineers

We have adapted to the situation by corresponding more via virtual meetings and more emails. We meet
through ZOOM video conferences.

In this crisis, FEANI should allow to keep contact, as much as it possible of course, and set up virtual
meetings instead of live ones (even for larger events such as the General Meeting).

Some are working from home more, some may suffer from economic implications, especially those who are
on a self-employed basis. However, in our country (Malta) we are also seeing Engineers helping in the
pandemic, including offering voluntary help and diverging their focus on current issues (such as hospital

We have forwarded a statement to our Members about the measures the Government issued that may be of
help to Engineers (in annex). We have also offered to answer queries our members may have on these

Some manufacturing firms are reducing their activity (for example by 20%). However, some engineering
activities are still ongoing, including construction industry.

We have not yet been made aware of payment problems for engineering companies.

Financial measures have been put in place by the authorities in the country to support SMEs. Information
can be found here:

15. Netherlands – KIVI, Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers

In accordance with guidelines of the government, KIVI does not organize and facilitate any events and
meetings until 1 June 2020. KIVI employees are asked to work from home as much as possible (remote
connection) and have their meetings by telephone or Skype. If they need to come to the KIVI office, they
are asked to avoid traveling by public transport as much as possible and, if this is not possible, to travel not
in the rush hour. In any case, employees, members, suppliers, participants and organizers of KIVI activities
who have signs of illness and / or have recently been in one of the risk areas are urged not to visit the KIVI

Possibly (if the situation continues) FEANI could provide a community/platform to exchange information
for example the way FEANI members are dealing with the restrictions, share actions and plans that are being
made both for the short term as for the near future and to learn from the strategies, ideas, tools and
experiences of other member organisations.

KIVI started an initiative by calling the engineers to help (for the moment especially the medical sector)
with their expertise. KIVI therefore opened a platform to bring together demands and needs with solutions,
technical advice, deployment of engineers, resources and technical companies. See and (unfortunately only in

Our 11ehavior11ion issues all kind of information on our website, KIVI newsletters (for
example, our magazine De Ingenieur
(on paper and digital) and social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook). See for example

The situation of engineering activities depends on the sector. A lot of engineers even have more work, for
example the ones who are working on solutions for the problems in the medical sector.

Engineering companies may possibly have payment problems, depending on the sector. But the government
offers a lot of measures for financial support. See next question.

A lot of financial measures have been put in place by the authorities in the country to support SMEs. See

         16. North Macedonia – Association of Engineering Societies - Engineering institution of
                                            Macedonia (EIM)

The Engineering institution of Macedonia is an organisation which has experience in e-communication,
because the persons in our bodies are volunteers and have professional duties. We have already adopted the
e-communication plan, which is also used now. The Management Board of the Engineering institution of
Macedonia have e-meetings with e-tools for communication like Zoom and Skype and the voting takes place
by email. For consultations between members of the Management Board, the phone calls are used
E-communication between the president of the Engineering institution of Macedonia and its permanent staff
in     office   is    on    a    daily    basis.   Usually,    the     phone    calls    are    practiced.
Because of activities connected with EIM's projects deliverables, the main challenges are how to organise
communication with the involved stakeholders or to do banking and accounting, where the e-communication
is not always applicable.

FEANI is our umbrella organisation and should continue to play the same role as before the pandemic,
having additional duties concerning the new situation in the EU. FEANI should frequently collect the
opinion of NMOs, especially about their needs, and create a general policy. In the same time, FEANI should
try to be more involved in the EU Council, having the possibility to create EU policies, sharing NMOs’
opinion and needs. Also, it is very important to follow ad-hoc/regular calls for support from the EU Council
dedicated to the organisations, similar to FEANI and NGOs. We hope that FEANI can unite us, as usual, to
obtain additional financial support to organise events and provide expertise for engineers in our countries in
and after the pandemic.

The pandemic happens suddenly, and the society was not prepared for this way of acting privately and
professionally. From this situation, we will learn to how to change our behaviour, ways of communication
and working conditions. Engineers are analytical persons who make decisions based on measurements or
dating and systematically address the problems. Now, when we are confronted with the Covid 19 virus, we
are witnesses of the fact that, only with analytical thinking and modelling, the pandemic timeline can be
predicted. The pandemic has non-specific characteristics which the modern world does not remember.

But now, it is important to face with a huge challenge overcoming the economic crisis, which will
undoubtedly touch all economic branches. This situation requires rapid technological development and
creation of efficient production processes, while optimising the invested resources, for which the most
responsible role is played by engineers. The knowledge and capacities of engineers should be used for
production maintenance at a normal level, despite that there are human restrictions.
This is especially important for industries in small countries, like North Macedonia, which is much more
susceptible to economic deviations. In this situation, we hope that the investors and CEOs of large companies
and corporations will make equitable decisions to help their employees to survive financially, rather than to
try to preserve or increase their capital.

The president of the Engineering institution of Macedonia and the members of the Management Board have
few interviews for Macedonian е-portals.

In North Macedonia, all companies which have engineers as employees are open, especially those that are
important for the prevention of the pandemic. There is governmental recommendation by law imposing that
if applicable, employees have to work from home, or if not, companies have to reduce the number of
employees in one shift, giving them days off, regulated by law.

Companies whose production is depending on the import of raw materials, export-oriented companies and
companies that do not work because of registered cases of COVID 19 virus between employees, have
payment problems.

The government of the Republic of North Macedonia has adopted economic measures to tackle the crisis in
order to preserve as many jobs as possible for citizens and to help the economy. These are economic
measures designed after extensive consultation and substantive debate with the members of the Economic
Council, formed for this purpose, as well as through the discussions we had with the business community
through chambers of commerce, and through separate talks with our top economists from academia and with
reputable and successful real estate entrepreneurs.

    -   Measure 1 - The state saves jobs, 14,500 denars (235 euros) per month per employee for April and
        May, for companies affected by the crisis, or 50% of the cost of contributions for each employee.
    -   Measure 2 - Help for athletes - 14,500 denars (235 euros) for the months of April and May, direct
        funds for athletes and sports workers to save their jobs.
    -   Measure 3 - Help for artists.
    -   Measure 4 - Cash compensation for citizens who lost their jobs due to the crisis, according to the
        length of service through the Employment Agency.
    -   Measure 5 - All elected and appointed officials will receive a minimum salary of 14,500 denars (235
        euros) in April and May 2020.
    -   Measure 6 - Presidents and members of management and supervisory boards of public institutions
        will not receive compensation for the duration of the crisis.
    -   Measure 7 - The state takes care of people who were part of the informal economy and were left
        without income; provides financial assistance for households and energy allowance for social
        protection beneficiaries.
    -   Measure 8 - The Law on Enforcement is suspended until the end of June.
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