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JIBLLICK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROWLAND UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1400 S. Jellick Ave., Rowland Heig hts, C A 91748 • Phone 626-964-1275• FAX 626-964-8345 www .jellickschoo l.org John Staumont, Princ ipal September 15, 20 14 Dear Je ll ick Elementary Famil ies, Welcome to the 20 14-2015 schoo l year to a ll our new a nd returning Jellick Elementary families. T he first month of school started we ll , and I look forward to all the amazing learning that students w ill experience this year. I want to assure each and every parent that at Jellick Eleme ntary, we are comm itted to ens uring that a ll of our stude nts make academic progress, feel ca red for, and are safe at school. Je ll ick Eleme ntary teac hers collaborate w ith o ne anothe r regularly w ith the goals of stimulating the minds of students through rigorous, standa rds based instruction, a nd touching students' hearts by creating a positive and nurturing learning e nvironment. We be lieve that educati ng children is a team effort that is realized by pa rents/guardians, students, teachers, a nd support staff working together to meet the needs of students. We are pri vileged to have yo ur child enrolled in our school a nd we pledge to work w ith yo u to ensure that yo ur child is a successfu l stude nt. We w ill continue to focus our work on student learn ing w ith the goal of improving student achievement. I invite you to v isit our schoo l, spend time on campus a nd in classroo ms, and ask questions. I a m confident that yo u w ill d iscover that Je llick Elementary is the right school for your c hild . If yo u have any questio ns, please fee l free to contact me. Tha nk you for yo ur cont inued s upport and cooperation. Sincerely, Jotu-vS~ John Staumont, Princ ipa l Jellick Eleme ntary Staff Commibnent to a C ulture of Universal Achievement We are committed to be an exceptional school where all students are successful. We believe a ll s tudents have worth, unique abilities, and a bright future. We believe collaboration, continuous learning and a focus on results are fundamental professional traits. O ur parents and community are partners as we develop our students' character, skills and academic proficiency. jellick students are the fulu re of our great nation. Board of Education: I lcidi L. Gallegos • Judy Nich • Angelina Pride · Cary C. Chen • Lynne Ebcnkamp John Roach, lnter~11 Superintendent of Schools
}fJELLliCCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROWLAND UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1400 S. Jellick Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748 • Phone 626-964-1275• FAX 626-964-8345 www .jellickschool.org John Staumont. Principal 15 de septiembre de l 2014 Esti madas Famili as de Je llick Elementa ry, Bie nve nidos a l af\o escolar 2014-20 15 a todas nuestras famil ias nuevas y familias que regresan. El primer mes de c lases ha tenido un gran comienzo y espero ver todo e l aprendizaje increfble q ue los estudiantes experimentaran durante este af\o . Qu iero asegurar a cada uno de nuestros padres de Je llick Ele mentary que estamos comprometidos a que todos los estudiantes muestre n progreso academico, y que se sientan cuidados y seguros en la e scuela. Los maestros de Je ll ic k Elementary co laboran unas co n otras regularmente con las metas de estim ular las mentes de los estud iantes a traves de instrucci6n rigurosa y basada en estanda res, llegar al coraz6n de los estudiantes y asf crear un ambiente positivo y fomentar e l aprendizaje. Creemos que la educac i6 n de los ninos es un esfuerzo de equi po que se rea liza cua ndo padres y tutores, e studiantes, maestros, y persona l de apoyo trabajan juntos para alcanza r las metas academicas y socia les de los estudiantes . Te nemos el privilegio de que su hijo este matriculado en nuestra esc uela y nos comprometemos a trabaja r con usted para asegurar que su hijo sea un estudiante exitoso. Seguiremos centrando nuestro trabajo en e l apre nd izaje del estud iante con el objetivo de mejorar el rendim iento e studiantil. Los invito a visitar nuestra escuela, pasar tiempo en la escuela y en las c lases, y hacer preguntas. Estoy seguro de que usted descubrira que Jellick Elementary es la mej or escue la para su hij o. Si usted tiene a lguna pregunta, no dude e n pone rse en contacto conmigo. Gracias por su apoyo continua y cooperac i6n. Since ramente, J~S~ John Staumont, Director Jellick Elementary Staff Comrnibnent to a Culture of Universal Achievemen t We are committed to be an exce ptional school where a ll s tudents are successful. We believe all students have worth, unique abilities, and a bright fu ture. We believe collaboration, con tinuous learning and a focus on results are fundamental professional traits. Our parents a nd comm unity are partners as we develop our s tudents' character, skills and academic proficiency. Jellick students are the fu ture of our great nation. Board of Education : I leidi L. Gallegos •Judy Nich • A ngelina Pride • Cary C. Chen• Lynne Ebcnkamp John Roach, Interim Superintendent of Schools
Governing Board 1830 Nogales Street Rowland Heights Heidi L. Gallegos, President CA 91748 Judy Nieh, Vice President (626) 965-2541 Angelina Pride, Clerk Cary C. Chen, Member (Fax) (626) 854-8302 Lynne Ebenkamp, Member www.rowlandschools.org John Roach, Ed.D. Interim Superintendent ROWLArtD OltlflEO StHOOl DISTRICT September 15, 2014 Dear Parents/Guardians: Jellick Elementary students receive an academically rigorous, standards-based education in a caring, supportive environment that promotes personal growth and develops future leaders. Jellick Elementary school will continue to be identified as a Year 2 Program Improvement (Pl) school because it did not meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in 2012-13 under the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 . Background: On March 7, 2014, the U.S. Department of Education approved California's testing waiver for certain statutory and regulatory requirements of Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. A one-year waiver was granted that allows flexibility in making AYP determinations for schools and local educational agencies participating in the Smarter Balanced assessment field test. The California Department of Education will not produce a 2014 AYP report for elementary and middle schools and elementary and unified school districts. Therefore, the Pl status for elementary and middle schools and unified school districts will not change. Elementary and middle schools and unified school districts will not enter or exit Pl. However, these schools and districts will continue to implement the Pl requirements associated with their current Pl status. Public school choice: All parents/guardians of students attending a Pl school have the right to request a transfer of their child (ren) to a non-Pl district school with district-paid transportation. For parents who select this option, the district will provide transportation to the non-Pl school for as long as the home school continues to be identified as a Pl school. If the home school exits Pl by making AYP for two consecutive years, the student can remain at the school; however, transportation will no longer be district-paid. If the demand for choice exceeds funds available, priority will be given to lowest achieving, low-income students. If you are interested in transferring your child (ren) to a non-Pl school in the district for the 2014-2015 school year, please select from the following schools. Your preference of a non-Pl school will be taken into consideration . The non-Pl schools for transfer are: Blandford Elementary, Killian Elementary, Oswalt and Ybarra Academy's. To apply for a public school choice transfer from a Pl school, contact Pupil Services by October 31, 2014. You may also go to the district's Web site at www.rowlandschools.org Supplemental educational services (SES): Students from low-income families at continuing Pl schools, whose parents did not select a public school choice option, are eligible for free SES. These services are classes or tutoring which occur outside the regular school day with educational providers approved by the State Board of Education. If the number of eligible students who apply for the SES program exceeds the financial resources available, the lowest achieving students from low-income families will receive SES first. If your child is eligible for this service, you will be receiving notification in the mail. What will the school do to address the problem of low achievement? We are working closely with the district staff to revise our school plan to include: • Strategies, policies, and practices that utilize scientifically-based research and have the greatest likelihood of ensuring that all groups of students will meet the state's achievement targets • High quality professional development for school staff that will lead to removing the school from Pl status • Strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the school
What are the district and state doing to support schools in Pl Year 2? Our district is working closely with the COE to improve curriculum, instruction, and student performance. In addition to choice and SES, the school must revise its school plan to include at least one of the following options: • Replace school staff (may include principal) who are relevant to the school's failure to make AYP • Institute and fully implement a new curriculum • Decrease management authority at the school level • Appoint an outside expert to advise the school on its progress toward making AYP • Extend the school day or year for the school • Restructure the internal organizational structure of the school How can parents become involved? Research shows that strong parental involvement leads to student success at school. Parents interested in partnering with the school are encouraged to contact the school for additional information regarding: • Parental involvement policies • School-parent compact • Ongoing parent/community meetings • Advisory committee/school site council meetings • Parent volunteer opportunities We will keep you updated and informed about opportunities to discuss plans for our school. If you have questions, need additional information on how you can get involved in our school improvement efforts, or would like to discuss the school's instructional program and Pl status, please feel free to call your school principal or visit the school. Sincerely, rt::~~~ Interim Superintendent Board Vision: The Rowland Unified School District promotes, expects, and accepts nothing short of excellence. We have a collective commitment to be the best school district in California. Mission: The mission of the Rowland Unified School District, the progressive international community united in learning, is to empower students so that each actualizes his or her unique potential and responsibly contributes to a global society, through a system distinguished by rigorous academics, innovative use of technology, creative exploration, and nurturing learning experiences.
Mesa Directiva 1830 Nogales Street Heidi L. Gallegos, Presidente Rowland Heights Judy Nieh, Vicepresidente CA 91748 Angelina Pride, Oficinisla (626) 965-2541 Cary C. Chen, Miembro (Fax) (626) 854-8302 Lynne Ebenkamp, Miembro John Roach, Ed.D. Superintendente lnterino www.rowlandschools.org ROWlfltlD otnlUtT fJHlflED SCHOOL 15 de septiembre de 2014 Estimados padres/tutores: Los estudiantes de la primaria Jellick recibe n una educaci6n academicamente rigurosa, basada en los esrandares, e n un ambiente de cuidado y apoyo que promueve e l crecimie nto pe rsonal y desarrolla lfderes futuros. La escuela primaria Jellick continuara siendo identificada como una escuela bajo el Programa de Mejoramiento (PI) Afio 2 porque no cumpli6 con el Progreso Anual Adecuado (AYP) en 201 2-13 bajo la ley federal Que N ingun N ino Se Quede Atras (NCLB) de 2001. Antecedentes: El 7 de marzo de 2014, e l Departamento de Educaci6n de los Estados Unidos aprob6 una exenci6n a las pruebas de Califo rnia sobre cie rtos req uisitos lega les y reglamentarios de Titulo I, Parte A de la Ley de Educaci6n Primaria y Secundaria. Se conced i6 la exenci6n de un afio lo cual permitira flexibilidad en la toma de determinac iones del A YP para las escue las y las agencias educativas locales que participan en la prueba de campo de la evaluaci6 n Smarter Balanced. El Departamento de Ed ucaci6n de Cal ifornia nova a producir un informe A YP de 20 14 para las escuelas primarias y secundarias, y los di stritos escolares unificados. Por lo tanto, el nivel del programa de mejoramiento academ ico para las escuelas primarias y secundarias, y los distritos escolares unificados nova a cambiar. Las escuelas primarias y secundarias, y los distritos escolares unificados no entrara n o sa ldran del programa de mejoramiento (P l). S in e mbargo, estas escuelas y distritos seguiran implementando los requisitos Pl asoc iados con su nive l actual de mejoramiento academico. E leccion de escuela publica: Todos los padres/tutores de estudiantes que asisten a una escuela Pl tienen el derecho de solicitar la transferencia de su nifio(a) a una escuela del distrito que no este en Pl con transportaci6n pagada por el distrito. Para los padres que seleccio nen esta opci6n, e l distrito proporcionara transportaci6n a la escuela que no este en Pl durante el tiempo que la escuela local continue siendo identificada como una escue la Pl. Si la escuela local sale del programa de mejoramiento (Pl) al lograr e l A YP durante dos afios consecutivos, el estudiante puede permanecer e n la escuela seleccionada; Sin e mbargo, e l transporte ya no sera pagado por el distrito. Si la demanda de e lecci6n excede los fondos disponibles, se dara prioridad a los estudiantes de bajo re ndimiento y de mas bajos ingresos S i usted esra interesado(a) en transferir a su nifio(a) a una escuela que no este en Pl en el d istrito para e l afio escolar 2014- 2015, por favor seleccione una de las siguie ntes escue las. Su preferenc ia de una escuela que no este en PI sera tomada en cuenta. Las escuelas que no estan en Pl para la transferencia son: Primaria Blandford, Primaria Killian, Oswalt y la Academia Ybarra. Para solicitar una transferencia a una escuela publica de e lecci6n desde una escuela en PI, p6ngase en contacto con Servicios Estudiantiles antes del 3 1 de octubre de 2014. Tambie n puede ir al sitio Web del distrito en www.rowlandschools.org Servicios educativos suplementarios (SES): Los estudiantes de fami lias de bajos ingresos en las escuelas que conti nuan bajo Pl, c uyos padres no seleccionen una opci6n de escuela publica, son elegibles para los servicios educativos supleme ntarios (SES) gratuitos. Estos serv icios son clases o tutoria que ocurren despues del dia escolar regula r con proveedores educativos aprobados por la Junta Estatal de Ed ucaci6n. Si el m'.1mero de estudiantes e legibles que soliciten e l programa SES excede los recursos financieros disponibles, los estudiantes de mas bajo rendimiento academ ico de familias de bajos ingresos recibiran SES primero. Si su nifio(a) es elegible para este serv ic io, usted recibira una notificaci6n por correo.
;,Que hara la escuela para abordar el problema de bajo rendimiento? Estamos trabajando estrechamente con e l personal del distrito para revisar nuestro plan escolar para incluir: • Estrategias, polfticas y practicas que util icen investigaciones fundamentadas cientificamente y que tengan la mayor probabilidad de asegurar que todos las grupos de estud iantes cumplan con las objetivos de las logros estatales • Capacitaci6n profesional de alta calidad para e l personal escolar que conducira a la e liminaci6n del estatus PI de la escuela • Estrategias para promover la pa rtic ipaci6 n eficaz de los padres en la escue la ;,Que estan haciendo el distrito y el estado para apoyar a las escuelas bajo PI Afio 2? N uestro distrito esta trabajando estrechamente con el Departamento de Ed ucaci6n de California (COE) para mejorar el curricula, la instrucci6n y e l desempefio estud ia ntil. Ademas de la elecci6n y del SES, la escue la debe revi sar su plan escolar para inc luir a l menos una de las siguientes opciones: • Reemplazar e l personal escolar (puede incluir a l d irecto r( a)) quienes sean relevantes para que la escuela no logre e l AYP • Establecer e imple mentar por completo un nuevo plan de estudios • Disminuir la autoridad de la adm inistraci6n a nivel escolar • Nombrar a un experto externo para que aconseje a la escuela sabre su progreso para lograr A VP • Extender e l dia o e l afio escolar para la escue la • Reestructurar la estructura organ izaciona l interna de la escuela ;,Como pueden participar los padres? Las investigaciones muestran que la participaci6n de los padres lleva a l exito estudiantil e n las escuelas. A las padres interesados en asociarse con la escue la se les an ima a ponerse en contacto con la escuela para obtener informaci6n adicional sabre: • Las politicas de participaci6n de las padres • Convenio entre la escue la-padres • Reuniones continuas para padres/comunidad • Reuniones del Comite Asesor/Consejo Escolar del Plante! • Oportunidades para las padres voluntarios Los mantendremos actualizados e informados sabre las oportunidades para discutir las planes para nuestra escue la. Si usted tiene preguntas, necesita informaci6n ad ic ional sabre c6mo puede participar en nuestros esfuerzos para mejorar la escue la o quisie ra discutir e l programa de instrucci6n de la escue la y e l estatus del Pl, por favor no dude en llamar a su director(a) escolar o v isite la escuela. Atentamente, J::::.~~~ Superintendente lnteri no Visi6n de la Mesa Directiva: El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Rowland fomenta. espera, y acepta nada menos que la excelencia. Tenemos una obligaci6n colectiva de ser el mejor distrito escolar en California. Misi6n: La misi6n de/ Distrito Escolar Unificado de Rowland, la comunidad inlemacional progresista unida en el aprendizaje, es facultar a los estudiantes para que cada uno actua/ice su potencial imico y conlribuya responsablemente a una sociedad global, a !raves de un sistema distinguido por las academicas rigurosas, uso innovador de la tecnologfa, exp/oraci6n creativa y al fomentar las experiencias de aprendizaje.
ROWLAND UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR DISTRICT/SCHOOL USE ONLY NCLB/TITLE I PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE APPLICATION DATE REC'D_ _ _ Instructions: (Elementary) D APPROVED D DENIED 1. Complete the application " - - - - --- --- - . - --· 2. Each child must have a separate application 3. Parents are responsible for submitting this application to : Rowland Unified School District, Pupil Services, 1928 S. Nogales Street, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 by October 31, 2014 Mailed applications received after the due date will not be accepted. Current School: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Student's Name: (Please Print) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grade: _ __ Name of Parent/Guardian: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Home Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cell Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Work/other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Under the Title I Public School Choice Program, I wish to apply for my child to transfer to another public school in Rowland, not identified for Program Improvement. 1. Students transferred to another school may remain in that school through its highest grade; however, the district is required to provide transportation to the new school only as long as the student's original school remains in Program Improvement. The parent would then have the option of remaining at the new school or returning to the school of residence. 2. Priority will be given to the lowest-achieving children from low-income families if demand exceeds funds available. Siblings may or may not qualify for the option to transfer. 3. Requests for inter-district and intra-district attendance permits and open enrollment opportunities are handled through a different application process. If interested, ask the principal for information about these policies. 4. Special Education students should make sure that a desired school has an appropriate program. Transportation: New bus stops or routes will be established to accommodate students attending NCLB (Title 1) Choice. Students enrolled in a school under this program shall be provided transportation, at no cost, for as long as the student's original school is in Program Improvement. Students are expected to board the bus at specific bus stops designated for a particular school. Notification of Acceptance: The applications are to be received by Pupil Services by October 31 , 2014 The applications will be processed and parents will be notified in writing. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The schools listed are possible options for parents to consider. Please prioritize your choice of schools (1-3) _ _ Blandford Elementary 2601 S. Blandford Drive, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (626) 965-3410 _ _ Killian Elementary 19100 E. Killian Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (626) 964-6409 _ _ Oswalt Academy 19501 Shadow Oak Drive, Walnut, CA 91789 (626) 810-4109 _ _ Ybarra Academy 1300 Brea Canyon Cut-Off Road, Walnut, CA 91789 (909) 598-3744 Signature of Parent or Guardian Date
FOR DISTRICT/SCHOOL USE ONLY DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE ROWLAND DATE REC'D_ _ _ __ SOLICITUD ELECCl6N DE ESCUELA PUBLICA NCLB/TITLE I ,..., I\. r-t ........... ,,,... ...... lnstrucciones: 1. Complete esta solicitud 2. Cada niiio/a debe tener una solicitud por separado 3. Los padres son responsables de entregar esta solicitud a: Rowland Unified School District, Oficina de Servicios Estudiantiles 1928 S. Nogales Street, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 antes del 31 de octubre de 2014. Las solicitudes enviadas por correo recibidas despues de la fecha limite no seran aceptadas. Escuela Actual,_:- - - - - - - - - - Nombre del Estudiante: (letra impresa) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grado: _ _ __ NombredePadre/Tutor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Telefono (casa): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tel. Celular: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Trabajo/otro: - - - - - - - - - - - Domicilio: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bajo el Programa Tftulo I Elecci6n Escuela Publica, yo deseo solicitar que mi hijo/a sea trasladado a otra escuela publica en Rowland, no identificada como Mejoras al Programa. 1. Los estudiantes trasladados a otra escuela pueden permanecer en esa escuela hasta su grado mas alto; sin embargo, se requiere que el distrito proporcione transportaci6n a la nueva escuela solamente por el tiempo que la escuela original del estudiante permanezca bajo Mejoras al Programa. El padre/madre tendrfa entonces la opci6n de permanecer en la nueva escuela o regresar a la escuela d e residencia. 2. Prioridad sera dada a los niiios de mas bajo rendimiento de familias de bajos ingresos si la demanda excede los fondos disponibles. Herma nos pudieran o no pudieran ca lificar para la opci6n de traslado. 3. Solicitudes para permisos de asistencia inter-distrito e intra-distrito, y oportunidades de registro abierto son manejadas por media de un proceso de solicitud diferente. Si esta interesado, pfdale al Director informaci6n acerca de estas polfticas. 4. Estudiantes de Educaci6n Especial deberfan asegurarse que la escuela deseada tenga un programa apropiado Transportaci6n: Nuevas paradas de autobus o rutas seran establecidas para acomodar estudiantes asistiendo a Elecci6n NCLB (Tftulo 1). Estudiantes registrados en una escuela bajo este programa les sera proporcionada transportaci6n, sin costo, por el tiempo que la escuela original del estudiante este en Mejoras al Programa. Se espera que los estudiantes aborden el autobus en las paradas espedficas designadas a una escuela particular. Notificaci6n de Aceptaci6n: Las solicitudes deberan ser recibidas por la Oficina de Servicios Estudiantiles antes del 31 de octubre de 2014. Las solicitudes seran procesadas y los padres seran notifica dos por escrito. SOLICITUDES RECIBIDAS TARDE NO SERAN ACEPTADAS. Por favor, de prioridad a su elecci6n de escuelas (1-3) Las escuelas enlistadas son posibles opciones a considerar por los padres Por favor, de prioridad a su elecci6n de escuelas Blandford Elementary 2601 S. Blandford Drive, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (626} 965-3410 Killian Elementary 19100 E. Killian Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748 {626) 964-6409 Oswalt Academy 19501 Shadow Oak Drive, Walnut, CA 91789 (626) 810-4109 Ybarra Academy 1300 Brea Canyon Cut-Off Road, Walnut, CA 91789 (909) 598-3744 Firma de Padre o Tutor Fecha
Governing Board 1830 Nogales Street Heidi L. Gallegos, President Rowland Heights Judy Nieh, Vice President CA 91748 Angelina Pride, Clerk (626) 965-2541 Cary C. Chen, Member (Fax) (626) 854-8302 Lynne Ebenkamp, Member John Roach, Ed.D. Interim Superintendent www.rowlandschools.org ROWLAHD 0HIFl£P SCttOOl PISTRICT 20 14 $ 9 Fl 15 8 ~J'l~i'.119*-&!'lfilWA. : Jel lick 1J,~B'g~~1i1~-@1f:~(;ltj_t/Hg*, t)~~~~~S'g~1'J. ~7J*1±-@JE)f'i4m~·lfi.§.{1Eii@A.P.X-&W~J&* *~~~~:5Z::r~·~B'g~!J! . Je llick 1J,~H~~~s'Hfii~~~-.Pffmfl&"~=$~~~c&~ ( Pl)" B'g~tt. IZSl~:fl:tl1~ 2001 $~W 1W' ~~#tli~ (NCLB)" $~ . ~1± 2012-2013 ~$1Jr;;KijgjG"}001&$f.l}i~ (A YP}" . *'il": 1± 20 14 $ 3 Fl 7 8, ~~~1SfiBF~f-J"1J,~WfJJfci:J cp~1'J$~"8'g Title I, Part A B'g;'f!;;®)~WW$m,B'g~>J( , 11t>i1.JD Y'l'l5JIU~B'g1W!E . ~M-$8'g~!E:fliZ~T, ;ttft~;(±{$ AYP *U ~~ttW:f:it}J~1'Jt~IMM~~"~fJijZ~giJZ{3"8'gff:!:it5JIU ~8~~~~5f5·~ . J.Jo fr'r~:~nt~P~~:f..@rt-J1J ,~wwi:pt.JR_1J,~w~w~~~1t&te-oo 2014 $8'g Avr ¥&~.. IZS!llt, t-Jm-11,~, wi:pw~w ~~Q18'g P l ~~~Ff"Wrc&~ . Jj \~, f.JJcp W~W~~l&H~:f""@riiA:@GllJftlffl Pl. frtUffi, }§®~ttW~~H~t.~iHStfAf:Y~;tt § ffiJ Pl ~f!Ml=m~~W B'g Pl ~>J( . 0Jt~~ttgmm: .Pff~j;t~ P1~ttttg~~. ;tt*ft''lfilgJ&A.~ttHU~*Wr:tt:~~~i&P'J~F~ P1B'g~tt.fixwJ!rffl El3~~:5[f;j. ~-&~fi'&lltfilm . .R~~{±fiffB'g~tttMS'l:fliZ~~~-.Pff Pl ~tt. ~I&Wm!~~~F Pl~ttB'gxifilfi}tS. ~*{±pffB'g~ tt~nuw1:f:iiPX: AYP rm:f"M* Pl, ~~{l) CJif;(f:~filf'-B'g~f)(; ~ffi]~i&~P:f"M ~~xifilB'g~ jfJ. ~D*filmB'gm>J( ~~CJ ~m s'Ji~~ . PX:~Ji~'l~B'g. 1~i&A~J}!B'g~~~.!ffe.~fi'.$'Cf?l. ~0*1m~Jl!~m- 2014-201s ~$!.lH~~.:r.5f5~~~~17'J~F P1 ~tt. ~m-T5UB'g~ttcpfi'iJl}gm. 1mt-J~F P1~ttttgf~ff flt1P~H~f$~/i:. CJ~*B'g~F Pl ~;ft~: B landford 1J'*· K illian 1J,~, Oswa lt W Ybarra ~lliC . ~$~fjt-pff Pl ~;ft 'w -~ .rr !51T 0 ~ tt 8'g film. g~ m- 2014 1:f: 10 F.J 31 a 1.iti ~mi~~ .. ~~ mu'9HtBP~ ". 1m 1.f\ CJ )WJ ~ ~ i& z ~ rri!J www.rowlandschools.org MJE~~nfl~ (sEs): {~4)(A.~JHB'g~~1f:~~jl8'g Pl~f)(j;tgty , .§.;tt~ -~jfL*ilm~-pff0 :tz:~ttfi'&~fil~ . ~~f~1~¥1J!EJ(B'g SES. lli ® mH%B!1'3ti:J:Em~tt..t~J~rsi Z7~ . rn"fl'IJfJ~~~ ~ f1°"fi
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ff llJ~-a~~ NCLB/TITLE I 0J1:¥~ CHOICE ®Ef!~ FOR DISTRICT/SCHOOL USE ONLY (!J\¥) DATE REC'D_ _ __ 0 APPROVED 0 DENIED m!Yj: : ·. ---.--- .... ~"-'- - - ~~-- 1. :f:J{~Ef!~~:m 2. ~-~~~~:f:J{-fil-~®Ef!~~:m 3. ~H~:~:rtm- 2014 ~ 10 F.l 31 BiWIWJlltEf!~~:mM.!3(~: 1111~~¥~. ¥~JfHfitmr,, 1928 s. Nogales Street, Rowland Heights, CA 91748. iX.r.l::BW:H!t®:f!J®~~Ef!~~:mMB]il~~- EliW®¥~: - - - - - - - - - ¥~tt::g : ( ~fflEfJ.iilU!I!) __________________ ~iji: _ __ *~/'M;:fll)d~l:::g: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ti:*~: _ _ _ _ _ _ .:ft!: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IfF/~'811~: - - - - - - - - - ~hl: ____________ ~ ~m: _________ f&tf Title 10:lz:¥~"}g~ttl!I (Choice Program)", ~~~1.i~®~T-Ef!~flJ¥¥~-PJT::(fffl!¥~J?g~F~)E,1.\vm®: "~~~~(PI)"®0J1:¥~. 1. ·~~·¥~-.PJT~t:tPJ~::(fl.J~.P!T~tt-1[:¥U~•ttOJmf;JtB"JJUii'5'J4°-~,&.; ~mi. *~.R ~ti:•~imMJ•ttf]j~ "g!Mic& ~"B"J~;j'Xfey, ;:;I-&:\3JU1Hit¥ifJT*:fXB"13(w*l!· * -~JWOJ illm~1:EifJTS19*~11\?j~@);!tf1:.PJTS19*:tX- 2. ~D51Hl~>.K~~?JT0Jffl8'9~~1tll, f~451:A*@;P.X~~~8'9ffi~Iffe:~{f)t;tt{ . J(.5fjf$fr*0Jtr6~0Jtr6/ftt.g.~,mfi&f.W*a19illm. 3. ~>.K• ~ rai(inter-distiict)W~~ ~pg (i ntra-distJict)8'9~;.tfiali'fOJW lfflfl9:tt 008'9~~l'J~~ El3-®l/f l5J 8'9 Ef! gJJfiF¥*~~ . ~D~ Ji!~. g?f ~~-T5fj*~B"1~-&~>.Kmf;Jt~!%~~lf9jij:m:B"J~gf\. 3(jjtfejZ: IWJ~®8±l'rti~~~ti.re~¥~gt- NCLB (Title 1) }g~(Choice) ®*~· .R~*~B"JlmMl*:fXf]j~~ fl&"gJfHEc& ~"8'9•tt. tt11',~mf;Jt ~~B".13Zw*l!~~fl~~~ f~ttmuttw ~gJ'iffJT*:tXB".1*~· tt11'iMf~~!~ 1:Eni )E~~m ;E• tt8'9m;E8±flti~.1.E± . *~®$~: "¥~3'fitmr, .. 3f!Jn 2014 4'- 10 Fl 31 BmJ451::¥UlitEf!~YS. tt11'~~~~.PJT~8'9Ef!g1f J3.~tJwiIDw9;0*-& ~~ll'gEf!~ff~Fffil~~. m~lliB"1•tt~~*-&~•8'9o:rtrE»!m. g?f J'U lli 1~.PJTillm*:tXB"Jff)t;Jl~F¥< 1-3) _ _Blandford /_/\¥ 2601 S. Blandford Drive, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (626)965-3410 _ _ Killian /.f\¥ 19100 E. Killian Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (626) 964-6409 _ _ Oswalt ¥/ffff 19501 Shadow Oak Drive, Walnut, CA 91789 (626) 810-4109 _ _ Ybarra ¥/ffff 1300 Brea Canyon Cut-off Road, Walnut, CA 91789 (909) 598-3744 BM
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