Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46

Página creada Marco Naranjo
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
Frederick News – October 15, 2021

Breakfast at Frederick
We are announcing a new procedure for breakfast in the upper grades.
Starting on Nov. 1 breakfast will be served at school in the cafeteria.

Upon arrival, students will come to the Multi-Purpose Room serving
area to choose the items from the serving line that they want for breakfast (just
like they do at lunch) and eat in the cafeteria or designated areas as decided by
the school. When finished eating, the students will throw their garbage away and
report to their homeroom. The cost of breakfast remains free for the 21-22 school

End of First Quarter
Next Friday, October 22nd marks the end of the first quarter. On Monday, October
25th, students in the encore rotation will start their new encore class. Student
schedules can be checked on-line through Infinite Campus.

Important Dates
OCT 22 – End of Q1
OCT 22 – Vision & Hearing Screening
OCT 25-29 – Red Ribbon Week
NOV 3 – Late Start 10:05 AM
NOV 12 – No School – Teacher Institute
NOV 19 – First Trimester Report Cards Released
NOV 22-23 – Parent Teacher Conferences (Remote) No Student Attendance
NOV 24-26 – Thanksgiving Break
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
Desayuno en Frederick
A continuación anunciamos un nuevo procedimiento para el desayuno en los
grados superiores.
A partir del 1 de noviembre el desayuno se servirá en la escuela, en la

Los estudiantes irán al Salón Multiuso para escoger los alimentos deseados de
la línea de servicio del desayuno (similar al almuerzo) y comerán en la cafetería
o en las áreas designadas según lo decida la escuela. Cuando terminen de
comer, los alumnos echarán la basura en los basureros y se presentarán en su
salón de homeroom. El desayuno sigue siendo gratuito durante el año escolar

 Fin del primer trimestre
El próximo viernes 22 de octubre finaliza el primer trimestre. El lunes, 25 de
octubre, los estudiantes en la rotación de Encore comenzarán su nueva clase de
Encore. Los horarios de los alumnos se pueden consultar en línea a través de
Infinite Campus.

Fechas importantes
OCT 22 - Fin del primer trimestre
OCT 22 - Examen de visión y audición
OCT 25-29 - Semana de la Cinta Roja (Red Ribbon)
NOV 3 - Clases empiezan tarde- 10:05 AM
NOV 12 - No hay clases - Día de capacitación de Maestros
NOV 19 - Se entregan las libretas de calificaciones del primer trimestre
NOV 22-23 - Conferencias de Padres y Maestros (virtual)--Los estudiantes
no asisten a clases
NOV 24-26 - Feriado de Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving)
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
Frederick School
Community Consolidated School District 46
595 Frederick Road                                                 (847)543-5300 FAX (847)548-7768
Grayslake, IL 60030                                                 CCSD 46 Website:

Eric K. Detweiler, Principal                                   James Goschy, Assistant Principal

October 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,

At Frederick School, we strive to create an environment in which all students feel safe, supported, and
valued. In order to facilitate this, we need to have consistent expectations for learning and behavior
across all settings within our school environment.

It is our school wide expectation that all students do their best each day to SOAR at Frederick. SOAR
stands for be Safe, take Ownership, and Always be Respectful. Each area of our school has specific
expectations that relate directly to SOAR, and we started the year by reviewing each of these
expectations in detail. We hope all Frederick students SOAR in order to develop responsibility, habits
for success, and to contribute to a positive learning environment for everyone. If you would like to
view all our SOAR expectations, they are linked here.

To start this school year, there have been some concerns related to student conduct across a few school
settings, especially where supervision is limited in settings like the bus and restroom. Frequently
reported bus issues have included eating or drinking, leaving trash, removal of masks, moving from
assigned seating, and excessive noise. In the restrooms, we have had to address acts ranging from
excessive trash on the floors to writing on the bathroom stalls.

We will be reviewing our SOAR expectations for all students again in the coming weeks, but we
wanted all families to be aware that this is becoming an issue in our building. We are asking for your
support by engaging in discussions with your child about doing their part to keep our school
community clean and inviting, and also to encourage them to report any incidents that they feel are
unsafe or may cause damage to the school immediately.


Eric Detweiler                                       James Goschy
Principal                                            Assistant Principal

             CCSD 46 Mission: Empowering learners, creating equity, cultivating community.
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
Frederick School
Community Consolidated School District 46
595 Frederick Road                                                (847)543-5300 FAX (847)548-7768
Grayslake, IL 60030                                                CCSD 46 Website:

Eric K. Detweiler, Principal                                  James Goschy, Assistant Principal

Octubre 2021

Estimados padres y tutores,

En la Escuela Frederick, nos esforzamos por crear un entorno en el que todos los estudiantes se sientan
seguros, apoyados y valorados. Para facilitar esto, necesitamos tener expectativas consistentes para el
aprendizaje y el comportamiento en todos las áreas de nuestro entorno escolar.

Es nuestra expectativa a nivel escolar que todos los estudiantes hagan lo mejor posible cada día para
practicar los comportamientos “SOAR” en Frederick. “SOAR” significa ser prudente, asumir la
responsabilidad y siempre ser respetuoso. Cada área de nuestra escuela tiene expectativas específicas
que se relacionan directamente con las expectativas “SOAR”, y comenzamos el año revisando cada
una de estas expectativas en detalle. Esperamos que todos los estudiantes de Frederick practiquen las
expectativas “SOAR” para desarrollar responsabilidad, hábitos para el éxito, y para contribuir a un
entorno de aprendizaje positivo para todos. Si desean conocer todas nuestras expectativas “SOAR”,
visiten este enlace.

Al comienzo de este año escolar, hubo algunas preocupaciones relacionadas con la conducta de los
estudiantes en algunos entornos escolares, especialmente cuando la supervisión es limitada en lugares
como el autobús y el baño. Los problemas más frecuentes en el autobús han sido comer o beber, botar
basura, quitarse las máscaras, moverse de los asientos asignados y hacer demasiado ruido. En los
baños, hemos tenido que lidiar con actos que van desde el exceso de basura en el suelo hasta la
escritura en las puertas de los baños.

Volveremos a repasar las expectativas “SOAR” con todos los estudiantes en las próximas semanas,
pero queríamos que todas las familias fueran conscientes de que esto se está convirtiendo en un
problema en nuestra escuela. Les pedimos que nos apoyen conversando con sus hijos para que pongan
de su parte para mantener nuestra comunidad escolar limpia y acogedora, y también para que los
motiven a informar inmediatamente de cualquier incidente que consideren inseguro o que pueda causar
daños a la escuela.


Eric Detweiler                                      James Goschy
Director                                            Director Adjunto

           CCSD 46 Mission: Empowering learners, creating equity, cultivating community.
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
Hearing & Vision
Screening will be held
  At your school on
                          OCTOBER 22, 2021

                      (Date of your school’s screening)

  Children in Preschool, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third and Special
               Education will receive a Hearing Screening

Children in Preschool, Second, Eighth and Special Education will receive a
                            Vision Screening

Vision Screening is not a substitute for a complete eye
and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not
required to undergo a vision screening if an optometrist
or ophthalmologist completed and signed a report form
indicating that an examination has been administered
within the previous 12 months. If applicable, please
provide your school with a copy of your child’s eye
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
Evaluaciones de
       Audición y Visión
       Se llevarán a cabo
       En tu escuela el día
                            22 DE OCTUBRE, 2021
                      (Fecha de la examen de su escuela)

   Niños en preescolar, kinder, primero, segundo, tercero y educación
               especial recibirán un examen de audición

 Niños en preescolar, segundo, octavo y educación especial recibirán un
                          examen de la vista

El examen de la vista no sustituye la evaluación completa de
los ojos y la visión realizada por un oftalmólogo. No se
requiere que su hijo se someta a un examen de la vista si un
optometrista u oftalmólogo completó y firmó un formulario de
informe que indica que se ha administrado un examen dentro
de los 12 meses previos. Si corresponde, proporcione a su
escuela una copia del examen ocular de su hijo.
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
It’s not too early to order your copy of the


                   Frederick Yearbook!

        For the best price, order NOW!
             $18 each through Nov 1, 2021 .
            To order your yearbook, please click

 Email Mrs. Greissinger ( if you have any questions.
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
Kick off red   From head to     Put drugs to   Team up for a     WEAR   SPIRIT   WEAR   TO
ribbon week!    toe, I’m drug      sleep!      Healthy Life!      SHOW YOUR SMART
                   free!                                                DECISIONS!


 Wear RED      Crazy Hair/Hat   Pajama day       Wear your         Frederick
                 And Socks                     favorite sports     Spirit day
                                                team jersey
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
¡Comienza la       De la cabeza a       Poner las       Juntarnos Para      Espiritu de
semana de la       los pies, estoy   drogas a dormir!         una         escuela para
  cinta roja!     libre de drogas!                      vida saludable!      mostrar

Vistase de rojo   Día de cabellera                      Usa tu equipo
                                      Día de piyama                       Frederick Spirit
                       Loca y                             favorito             Day
Frederick News - October 15, 2021 - CCSD 46
Frederick is hosting an eFair!
Supporting a love for reading is critical to student success. Explore
our online book fair and help your child find your next favorite book.

Now everyone can participate! Encourage your child to create their
       online wish list and share with friends and family.
                  Our eFair code: ZG63P
         Fair open: November              1-12, 2021
 The books will be delivered to school and distributed from there.

          Every purchase made will earn up to 40% back
              in rewards to help support our school

                         Any questions?
                         Contact Ms. Payleitner
¡Frederick será anfitriona de una eFeria!
   Apoyar el amor por la lectura es esencial para el éxito de los
estudiantes. Explore nuestra feria de libros en línea y ayude a sus
           hijos a encontrar su siguiente libro favorito.

¡Ahora todos pueden participar! Aliente a sus hijos a crear su lista
   de deseos en línea y compartirla con amigos y familiares.
          Nuestro código de eFeria: ZG63P
      Feria abierta: Noviembre                1-12 2021
                Los libros se enviarán a Frederick.

     ¡Por cada compra realizada, obtendremos hasta 40% en
      recompensas para ayudar a apoyar a nuestra escuela!

                 ¿Alguna pregunta?
                 Comuníquese con la Sra. Payleitner
                      9701 W. Higgins Road, Suite 310
                      Rosemont, IL 60018-4703
                      773-227-VETS (8387)

Hey Frederick Falcons!

Since 2008, Honor Flight Chicago has recognized more than 8,800 men and women who have
served in our nation's armed forces during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.
We thank our senior war veterans for their service and sacrifice with a one day, one-of-a-kind
experience to Washington D.C. The trip is often life-changing for participants.

Honor Flight Chicago provides this experience for our veterans at no cost to them. We are able
to do this through the generous support of our dedicated donors and through proceeds from
our fundraising events which are critical to support our mission.

I have been involved with Honor Flight Chicago for a few years through their educational
outreach team, Operation Education, and their high school team, Operation CLIMB. Both of
these teams work to honor veterans and connect them and their stories to the schools.
Recently, I was invited to fly as a Guardian with a World War II veteran. It was an amazing day
and I know Howard and I have memories to last both our lifetimes. I want to make certain
more veterans are able to take the flight. That is where you come in.

This fall Operation CLIMB and Operation Education will be hosting a virtual and in-person 5K to
help raise funds for Honor Flight Chicago’s mission. I know I will be participating and I hope the
Frederick Community will join me. See the attached flyer for more information and make sure
you join the Frederick School team. This is an anytime, any place, any way race so if you do not
feel up to running you can walk, bike, swim, etc.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at

                                                                                  Ms. Payleitner
                                                                    Information Media Specialist
                                                                                Frederick School

                      HONOR. THANK. INSPIRE.
Honor Flight Chicago: Operation Education 5
                              Virtual Race: Nov. 1-13
        In Person: Nov. 6 at Morton West HS in Berwyn
The 2021 Operation Education 5K is a student-led initiative to raise funds for Honor Flight
Chicago's mission: We build awareness and appreciation of the debt of gratitude America owes its
veterans for their service and sacrifice for our nation. articipants will receive a race packet with an
exclusive   race   tech   t-shirt,   Challenge    Coin,    bib   number      and    HFC     swag!     Visit for cost and more information!

                              Honor Flight Chicago EIN: 26-1978570    • 9701 w higgins road, suite 310, rosemont, il 60018 • 773.227.vets (8387)
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