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Humboldt State University Digital Commons @ Humboldt State University El Leñador Newspaper University Archives 11-2021 El Leñador, November 2021 El Leñador Staff Follow this and additional works at:
FREE | GRATIS Humboldt State’s Student Run Bilingual Newspaper BIPOC Surfers Ride Humboldt Waters Latinx Couple Opens His Actualización de vacunas y refuerzos and Hers Studio Salon |p. 14 para adultos y niños|p. 06 HSU Offers Students Pareja Latinx abre él y ella estudio Emergency Food Options |p. 04 salon de uñas y barbería |p. 15 noviembre 2021 Vol. 17 Edición 3
13 Editors-in-Chief Alexandra Gonzalez Karina Ramos Villalobos 05 Staff Leslie Arjon-Rodriguez Ahmiyah Crowder 10 Alexandra Gonzalez Danielle Hendrickson 17 Ricardo Lara Nava Angelina Ramirez Peirano Karina Ramos Villalobos Frank Rocha Steffi Puerto Alexis Valtenbergs Layout/Design 14 Karina Ramos Villalobos Frank Rocha Alexis Valtenbergs News Life & Arts Español Translators Fernanda Delgado Nancy Garcia 03 Two Blue Lake Homicides are 09 Movie Review: ‘Shang Chi and 03 Dos homicidios de Blue Lake se Desiree Osnornio Deemed Unconnected the Legend of the Ten Rings’ consideran no relacionados Photographers 04 HSU Offers Students 10 BIPOC Surfers 06 Actualización de Covid Ricardo Lara Nava Emergency Food Swipes at the J Karina Ramos Villalobos 13 Local Latina Opens an Organic 09 Reseña de la película: ‘Shang-Chi Cash Rion 05 HSU Disburses COVID-19 Skincare Business and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ Relief Grants to Students Copyediting 14 Latinx Couple Opens His and 13 Latina crea productos orgánicos Cash Rion 06 COVID Update Hers Studio in Arcata para la piel Social Media/Public Relations 07 CSU Denies Proposals for 16 The Term ‘Latinx’ and 15 Estudio para él y para ella Steffi Puerto Better Working Conditions Inclusivity 17 El término ‘Latinx’ y su Volunteer Opinion Inclusividad Josie de la Torre 19 Programa de HSU para niños Faculty Advisor 19 Latinx volunteer puentes latinx Andrea Juarez M ission S tatement program with Y.E.S. El Leñador is an English and Spanish newspaper produced by Humboldt State University students. Our staff cover and provide news to Latinx and other diverse communities on campus and in Humboldt County. We are committed to providing relevant news and expanding the representations and stories told about people of color and other marginalized groups. Our work helps create more social, political and cultural diversity in local media. Front Cover/Primera Página: Photos by Ricardo Lara Nava El Leñador es un periodico en español y inglés producido por estudiantes de la Universidad Estatal de Humboldt. Nuestro personal cubre y provee noticias a la comunidad Latinx y otras comunidades diversas en el campus y en el condado de Humboldt. Estamos comprometidos a brindar noticias actuales y ampliar la representación y las historias que son contados sobre la gente de color y otros grupos marginados. Nuestros esfuerzos ayudan a crear una diversa presencia social, politica y cultural en los medios locales. Follow To advertise with us, email ellenador. us on Social El Leñador staff can be reached at Media @ellenadornews @ellenadornews @ellenadornews 2 | El Leñador |noviembre 2021|
News Noticias Humboldt County Sheriff Department says Blue Lake murders not connected by Alexandra Gonalez Humboldt County Sheriff ’s Department “We do not suspect there to be a serial coming up behind you. released a press release on Monday, Oct. killer in the area,” Karges said by phone. • Stay on an established trail. 25 concerning two homicides that oc- According to the press release, the • Do not hitchhike or accept rides from curred on Sept. 11 and Oct. 1 in the Blue sheriff ’s department has been receiving in- strangers. Lake Area. Community members have put from the public about safety concerns • Inform a friend of where you are going been on high alert after these two cases of the trail system near the Mad River and when you plan to return. Stick to that occurred in close proximity to each other. Levee. This is the same area where the schedule and if extending your stay, be HCSD stated in the press release that Oct. 1 homicide occurred. sure to update that friend. despite the close proximity of these cases As a precaution, the HCSD also • Put your phone away and don’t carry in location and date of discovery, inves- shared some general safety tips for people large sums of cash. tigators have not officially determined recreating anywhere in Humboldt County. • Consider taking a basic self-defense a connection between the two incidents These included: class. at this time. However, the cases are still • If possible, recreate during daylight • If you are experiencing an emergency, under active investigation. hours and don’t go alone. call 9-1-1. “We don’t believe there to be a signifi- • Choose a route well-traveled by other Anyone who may have information cant threat to the public,” said Samantha recreators. about either of these cases should contact Karges, Public Information Specialist for • If you see anyone or anything suspi- the Humboldt County Sheriff ’s Office Ma- HCSD, by telephone on Wednesday, Oct. cious, change course and go into a store or jor Crimes Division at (707) 445-7251 or 27. public building to avoid danger. the Sheriff ’s Office Crime Tip line at (707) El Leñador asked Krages about an • Stay alert at all times. If you’re listen- 268-2539. image that is circulating on social media ing to music as you walk, turn down the The full press release can be read stating that there is a serial killer in the volume so you can still hear bike bells and online at area. warnings from other walkers and runners cAlerts.aspx?AID=4305. El Departamento del Sheriff del condado de Humboldt dice que los asesinatos de Blue Lake no están conectados por Alexandra Gonalez traducido por Alexandra Gonzalez El Departamento del Sheriff del condado miércoles 27 de octubre. • Si es posible, recree durante las horas del defensa personal. de Humboldt emitió un comunicado de El Leñador le preguntó a Krages sobre día y no vaya solo. • Si tiene una emergencia, llame al 9-1-1. prensa el lunes 25 de octubre sobre dos una imagen que circula en las redes socia- • Elija una ruta muy transitada por otros. Cualquier persona que pueda tener homicidios que ocurrieron el 11 de septi- les donde dice que hay un asesino en serie • Si ve a alguien o algo sospechoso, información sobre cualquiera de estos embre y el 1 de octubre en el área de Blue en la zona. cambie de rumbo y entre en una tienda o casos debe comunicarse con la División de Lake. Los miembros de la comunidad han “No sospechamos que haya un asesino edificio público para evitar el peligro. Delitos Mayores de la Oficina del Sheriff estado en alerta después de que estos dos en serie en el área,” dijo Krages por telé- • Manténgase alerta en todo momento. Si del Condado de Humboldt al (707) 445- casos ocurrieron muy cerca uno del otro. fono. está escuchando música mientras cami- 7251 o con la línea de información sobre La Oficina del Sheriff del Condado Según el comunicado de prensa, el na, baje el volumen para que aún pueda delitos de la Oficina del Sheriff al (707) de Humboldt declaró en el comunicado departamento del alguacil ha estado reci- escuchar las campanas de las bicicletas 268-2539. de prensa que a pesar de la proximidad biendo comentarios del público sobre las y las advertencias de otros caminantes y Puede leer el comunicado de prensa de estos casos en el lugar y la fecha del preocupaciones de seguridad del sistema corredores que se acercan detrás de usted. completo aquí descubrimiento, los investigadores no han de senderos cerca del Mad River Levee. • Manténgase en un sendero establecido. CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=4305. determinado oficialmente una conexión Esta es la misma área donde ocurrió el • No haga autostop ni acepte paseos de entre los dos incidentes en este momento. homicidio del 1 de octubre. extraños. Sin embargo, los casos aún se encuentran Como medida de precaución, la Ofici- • Informe a un amigo a dónde va y bajo investigación activa. na del Sheriff del Condado de Humboldt cuándo planea regresar. Cumpla con ese “No creemos que haya una amenaza también compartió algunos consejos ge- horario y si extiende su estadía, asegúrese significativa para el público,” dijo Saman- nerales de seguridad para las personas que de actualizar a ese amigo. tha Karges, especialista en información recrean en cualquier lugar del condado de • Guarde su teléfono y no lleve grandes pública de la Oficina del Sheriff del Humboldt. sumas de dinero en efectivo. Condado de Humboldt, por teléfono el Estos precauciones incluyen: • Considere tomar una clase básica de |noviembre 2021 | El Leñador| 3
News Noticias Free meal swipes available for HSU students by Karina Ramos Villalobos As a college student do you find yourself being on campus for hours during the week and you’re hungry but don’t have a meal plan, or do you find paying for food on cam- pus to be expensive? The Swipe Assistance Program is an evolution of the previous Emergency J-point program. Before, students would need to pay per item. Now, it’s a swipe-in system with your student ID and after you swipe-in, it’s all you can eat meals. When the dining facilities made changes to its program, Ravin Craig, Oh SNAP coordinator, aligned it with new systems to support students that may be food insecure. “The idea is we’re giving swipes to students to help them get through the week when they are on campus,” Craig said. “So they can meet their nutritional needs, eat a You can use your emergency swipes at the J dining services and have all you can eat meals. | Photo meal every day on campus is the idea. And by Karina Ramos Villalobos it’s free.” Students are given a number of swipes The other portion of the program allows After students have used up all their free based on how many days they plan on being students who have meal plans to donate swipes they can reach out to Craig by email on campus weekly. If students have a meal swipes to the Swipe Assistance Program to at and she will follow plan they would be less likely to be consid- help other students in need. According to up with students to give more swipes to ered for free swipe. Swipes go directly into Craig, they are still working out the details those who need them. your student ID in two business days. on how to do that. Will the Swipe Assistance Program be Max Flores, a fourth-year Wildlife major, How does the Swipe Assistance Program available for future semesters? wasn’t aware of emergency swipes. Accord- work? “Definitely next semester,” Craig said. ing to Craig, only 23 students have signed up Students need to email rdc23@hum- “As long as I can keep it going, there will be for the Swipe Assistance program for the fall and ask for the Swipe Assistance a version of this for as long as I have control. 2021 semester. program. Craig follows up with those emails And you know even past me leaving, people “I like catch myself spending a lot of and sends a series of questions for students are invested in this happening. The thing I money at the Depot because I haven’t been to answer. The questionnaire helps Craig un- can’t guarantee — that it will work the exact at the J since a freshman,” Flores said. “I try derstand what students may need and helps same way.” and take advantage of most free programs her connect students to other food resources How Can Students Stay Updated or Learn HSU has.” on and off-campus. More? According to Kaitlynn Gerton, a dining Where Can Students Use Swipes? You can find more information about the service employee, without the swipe system, The swipes can only be used at the J Swipe Assistance Program on Oh SNAP’s meals costs: dining services for any meal of the day. website You can follow Breakfast - $7.25 Swipes can not be used at the Depot or at Oh SNAP’s Instagram @hsuohsnap to stay Lunch/Brunch - $9.75 the College Market Place. updated on different food resources and Dinner - $10.25 Can students get more free swipes? other on-campus activities. 4 |El Leñador |noviembre 2021|
News Noticias Hardship money still available for students after HSU distributes $13 million in October by Alexis Valtenbergs In mid-October, almost $13 million in On Oct. 12, the Financial Aid Office COVID relief grants were divided and notified HSU students that the Emergency automatically disbursed to Humboldt State COVID grants were being directly paid out University students’ accounts. to them later in the week to help them with Peggy Metzger, director for the Office financial aid. Many students were surprised of Financial Aid at HSU, said that students and relieved that more money was coming who filed a FAFSA or California Dream Act to them. Application automatically received grants Journalism senior Skylar Gaven received between $500 and $3000, depending on the COVID relief money in October. The emer- student’s Expected Family Contribution. gency grant helped Gaven make ends meet. There is still money available for students “It is helpful, I mean, I really do appreciate who did not apply for a FAFSA or California it,” Gaven said. “It has helped me a lot, as far Dream Act Application. as savings and just getting groceries and stuff “Students who did not file a FAFSA or like that.” CADAA can request a grant up to $750 Jorge Amaya Mijango, a sophomore by submitting a Hardship Request Form,” majoring in Zoology, is a first generation Metzger said. college student. He received COVID relief HSU still has hardship funds left over to disburse to students | Design by Alexis Valtenbergs There is about $600,000 in COVID relief money as well. funds left that can be used for hardship “The grant helps me cover some costs The October COVID funding was the second round was passed in fall 2021. relief. HSU has until March 2022 to spend it that I wouldn’t be able to cover and purchase third round of funding from the Higher Now is the perfect time to fill out the all. Hardship Request Forms can be filled out necessary things that will help me through- Education Emergency Relief Fund. The first FAFSA. Go to to renew an online at out my time at HSU,” Amaya Mijango said. round was authorized in spring 2020 and the old application or start a new one. |noviembre 2021 | El Leñador| 5
News Noticias COVID-19 Vaccine and Booster Actualización de vacunas y Update for adults and kids refuerzos para adultos y niños by Alexandra Gonzalez by Alexandra Gonzalez traducido por Desiree Osornio Vaccines for Youth 5 - 11 years old received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vacunas para los jóvenes de 5 a 11 años serie de dos dosis de la vacuna Pfizer-BioN- The Humboldt County Joint Information vaccine at least two months ago should En un correo electrónico enviado a El Tech o Moderna COVID-19 hace al menos Center has stated in an email to El Leñador receive a booster dose of Pfizer or Moderna. Leñador, El Centro de Información Conjun- seis meses son ahora elegibles para una dosis that the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages COVID-19 and flu vaccines may be ta del Condado de Humboldt ha declarado de refuerzo, según el Centro de Información 5 to 11 is expected to be available soon in pe- administered at the same appointment if que se espera que la vacuna COVID-19 para Conjunta del Condado de Humboldt. diatricians offices, pharmacies and at Public both are available, according to the Joint In- niños de 5 a 11 años esté disponible pronto Tanto el CDC como el Departamento Health clinics. formation Center. Side effects from booster en los consultorios de los pediatras, las de Salud Pública de California recomiendan Humboldt County residents are encour- shots are similar to those reported following farmacias y en las clínicas de Salud Pública. las vacunas de refuerzo para las siguientes aged to contact their child’s primary care personas: provider with questions about the vaccines. • Personas de 65 años o más On Oct. 29, the FDA approved the Pfizer • Residentes en centros de atención a largo vaccine for emergency use in children ages plazo 5-11 years old. An advisory panel to the • Personas de 50 a 64 años con ciertas condi- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ciones médicas subyacentes has also unanimously recommended its use • Las personas de 18 a 49 años con ciertas on Nov. 2. condiciones médicas subyacentes pueden According to the FDA, The Pfizer-Bi- recibir un refuerzo, según sus beneficios y oNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for children 5 riesgos through 11 years of age is administered as • Las personas de 18 a 64 años que tienen a two-dose series, three weeks apart. It is a un mayor riesgo de exposición y transmis- lower dose than that used for individuals 12 ión de COVID-19 por motivos laborales o years of age and older. institucionales, en función de sus beneficios The CDC Director is expected to make y riesgos individuales. a formal recommendation for the 5 -11 age ¿Qué vacuna de refuerzo? group in the coming days, said the Joint El Centro de Información Conjunta Information Center . del Condado de Humboldt recomienda Vaccines for children ages 12 and older que los residentes que recibieron la vacuna are already available. For more information COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson hace about vaccine mandates at schools, parents Image: Center for Disease Control & Prevention Se anima a los residentes del condado de al menos dos meses reciban una dosis de should contact the Humboldt County Office Humboldt a que se pongan en contacto con refuerzo de Pfizer o Moderna. of Education. first and second doses, primarily soreness, el proveedor de atención primaria de sus La vacuna COVID-19 y la de la gripe Booster Vaccines redness and swelling at the injection site, and hijos si tienen preguntas sobre las vacunas. pueden administrarse en la misma cita si am- Booster vaccines are now available for some may also experience a fever, headache, El 29 de octubre, la FDA aprobó la bas están disponibles, según el Centro de In- community members. Residents who com- nausea or fatigue. vacuna Pfizer para su uso de emergencia en formación Conjunta. Los efectos secundar- pleted a two-dose series of the Pfizer-BioN- Where and How to Get a Vaccine niños de 5 a 11 años. Un panel asesor de los ios de las vacunas de refuerzo son similares Tech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least Booster vaccines are available at all Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfer- a los registrados tras la primera y segunda six months ago are now eligible for a booster Public Health vaccination clinics and medades también ha recomendado unánime- dosis, principalmente dolor, enrojecimiento dose, according to the Humboldt County pharmacies in Humboldt. Most pharmacies mente su uso el 2 de noviembre. e hinchazón en el lugar de la inyección, y Joint Information Center. allow walk-ins, but it is recommended to call Según la FDA, la vacuna COVID-19 de algunos pueden experimentar también fiebre, Both the CDC and California Depart- ahead to confirm. Pfizer-BioNTech para niños de 5 a 11 años dolor de cabeza, náusea o fatiga. ment of Public Health recommend booster Once the vaccine is authorized for se administra en una serie de dos dosis, con Dónde y cómo vacunarse shots for the following people: children ages 5 -11, appointments will be un intervalo de tres semanas. Es una dosis Las vacunas de refuerzo están dis- • People 65 years and older available at más baja que la utilizada para individuos de ponibles en todas las clínicas de vacunación residents in long-term care settings Appointments for people ages 12 and up 12 años de edad y mayores. de Salud Pública y en las farmacias de Hum- • People aged 50–64 years with certain un- are available at Se espera que el director de los CDC boldt. La mayoría de las farmacias admiten derlying medical conditions The CDC offers a program where people haga una recomendación formal para el visitas sin cita previa, pero se recomienda • People aged 18–49 years with certain can text their ZIP code to 438829 to check grupo de edad de 5 a 11 años en los próx- llamar antes para confirmar. underlying medical conditions may receive availability at participating pharmacies. For imos días, dice ese Centro de Información Una vez que se autorice la vacuna para a booster, based on their individual benefits more information about vaccines visit www. Conjunta. los niños de 5 a 11 años, las citas estarán and risks Las vacunas para los niños de 12 años disponibles en my • People aged 18-64 years who are at o más ya están disponibles. Para obtener Las personas de 12 años en adelante increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and más información sobre los mandatos de pueden pedir cita en transmission because of occupational or in- vacunación en las escuelas, los padres deben El CDC ofrece un programa en el que stitutional, based on their individual benefits ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de Edu- las personas pueden enviar un mensaje de and risks. cación del Condado de Humboldt. texto con su código postal al 438829 para Which Booster Vaccine? Vacunas de refuerzo comprobar la disponibilidad en las farmacias The Humboldt County Joint Informa- Las vacunas de refuerzo ya están dis- participantes. Para más información sobre tion Center recommends that residents who ponibles para los miembros de la comuni- las vacunas visite dad. Los residentes que completaron una 6 |El Leñador |noviembre 2021|
News Noticias Image Courtsey of California Faculty Association CSU chancellor’s bargaining team denies better workplace proposals made by the California Faculty Association by Alexandra Gonzalez The California Faculty Association has been as a lecturer, that he will have a job next year working for the last 18 months to update because of the current contract structures. their contract with California State Univer- Yet, he is expected to plan for budgets and sity management. The CFA is the union for recruitments a year in advance for the foren- all unit 3 faculty which includes all faculty, sics team with no compensation. including tenure-track faculty, lecturers, Donaldson is not alone in this uncertain- librarians, counselors, and coaches on all 23 ty, as many lecturers at HSU have no path to CSU campuses. As of Sept. 30, CFA efforts permanency. According to Cannon, lecturers to work with the chancellor’s office have - even those who have worked for decades at officially reached an impasse. HSU - have a small chance at securing a per- According to the Higher Education Em- manent position under the current contract. ployer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA) of This continuously puts lecturers in danger 1979, impasse means that “the parties have of losing housing and medical insurance if reached a point in meeting and conferring at their classes get cut. which their differences in positions are such “When faculty members are being that further meetings would be futile.” respected, treated well, treated fairly, that’s “You know it’s just a recognition that really good for students,” said Cannon. “So we’re not getting anywhere, we’ve got... our fates are always linked in this really really revolutionary, really fantastic propos- important, significant way.” als and the chancellor’s office is just saying Now that CFA has declared an impasse, no to everything,” said Loren Cannon, CFA the bargaining process will move onto what Humboldt Chapter President and lecturer at is called mediation. If the CFA finds the HSU. proposals are not honoring the needs of the There are 19 articles that CFA is looking faculty in the CSU, a strike will be legally to improve on. Key issues include anti-rac- allowed after a final best offer is made by the ism and social justice proposals, more job se- chancellor’s bargaining team. curity, improved parental and family support The organization Students for Quality for all faculty, improved salaries, better safety Education is one way for students to stand protocols that decrease police presence on in solidarity with faculty and staff at HSU. campus , and to fully recognize and com- SEQ works alongside the CFA to be a direct pensate for the cultural taxation placed on pipeline between the students and faculty. faculty. Almost all of the proposals made on More information on joining SEQ can be behalf of the CFA union have been denied found at by the chancellor’s office bargaining team. The CFA also asks that students and Director of Forensics at HSU, Aaron community members sign the petition urging Donaldson, shared that although he has a President Jackson to act on supporting the doctorate, a masters and has coached nation- faculty at HSU. The petition can be found at al debate champions, he has no guarantee, |noviembre 2021 | El Leñador| 7
Life & Arts La Vida y Los Artes “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” broke numerous records at the box office and will be streaming on Disney+ on Nov. 12. Above left photo, left-right: Main characters, Xialing (Meng’er Zhang), Shang-Chi (Simu Liu), and Katy (Awkwafina) prepare to fight the Dweller-in-Darkness. Right photo, Xialing runs an underground fight club in China. | Photos courtesy Walt Disney Studios Movie Review: ‘Shang-Chi and Reseña de la película: ‘Shang-Chi the Legend of the Ten Rings’ and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ by Josie de la Torre por Josie de la Torre, traducido por Fernanda Delgado The awaited “Shang-Chi and the Legend What sets this movie apart from the rest La esperada película “Shang-Chi and parte de dos mundos. of the Ten Rings” premiered Sept. 3, of the MCU is the authenticity of it as a the Legend of the Ten Rings” dirigida Lo que distingue a esta película del resto directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, and whole. Some scenes were spoken in Man- por Destin Daniel Crettonse se estrenó del MCU es la autenticidad de la misma en broke numerous records during Labor Day darin instead of being entirely in English. el 3 de septiembre, y rompió numerosos su conjunto. En algunas escenas se habló en weekend. Starring Simu Liu as Shang-Chi, Also, having an Asian superhero lead on récords durante el fin de semana del Día mandarín en lugar de estar completamente and Awkwafina as Katy, this film pays re- screen as part of the MCU is refreshing del Trabajo. Protagonizada por Simu Liu en inglés. Además, tener un superhéroe spect to martial arts films and as it paves the way for more como Shang-Chi y Awkwafina como Katy, asiático protagonista en la pantalla como Chinese and Asian heritage. diversity. esta película rinde homenaje a las películas parte del MCU es refrescante, ya que alisa The movie will be available to “... This film I was enamored with the de artes marciales y a la herencia china el camino para una mayor diversidad. watch on Disney+ on Nov. 12 gives younger fight sequences. They reminded y asiática. El filme estará disponible en Me enamoré de las secuencias de lucha. for everyone to see. me of fight scenes from movies Disney+ el 12 de noviembre para que todos Me recordaron a las escenas de lucha de “I thought I could change generations a like “Ip Man” because of their lo vean. películas como “Ip Man” debido a los ele- my name, start a new life... but superhero they martial art elements. Fight “Pensé que podía cambiar mi nombre, mentos de artes marciales. Las escenas de I could never escape his shad- lucha con kung fu y tai chi están bellamente ow,” Shang-Chi said. can look up to.” scenes with kung fu and tai chi are portrayed beautifully, comenzar una nueva vida ... pero nunca po- dría escapar de su sombra,” dijo Shang-Chi. representadas, pero creo que hacia el final The film follows Shang-Chi, but I think they used too much La película sigue a Shang-Chi, también de la película usaron demasiadas imágenes otherwise known as Shaun, computer-generated imagery conocido como Shaun, que vive en San generadas por computadora. who lives in San Francisco - Josie De la Torre towards the end of the movie. Francisco y trabaja como valet con su Me hizo feliz ver a alguien similar a mí en working as a valet driver with It made me happy to see amiga Katy. Sin que Katy lo supiera, la gran pantalla de cine y no representado his friend Katy. Unknown to Katy, Shang- someone similar to me on the big movie Shang-Chi ha escapado de su vida anterior bajo el estereotipo asiático-americano. Chi has escaped his prior life as a killer screen and not portrayed as the stereotypes como asesino entrenado en artes marciales Si bien disfruté la película, desearía que trained in martial arts to get revenge on his Asian Americans are thought to be. While para vengarse de los asesinos de su madre. pudieran haberle dado a la hermana de mother’s killers. After a decade of escaping I did enjoy the movie, I wish they could Después de una década de escapar de su Shang-Chi, Xialing, más tiempo frente a la his past, he is soon attacked for the green have given Shang-Chi’s sister, Xialing, pasado, pronto es atacado por un colgante pantalla porque ella es increíble y merecía pendant his mother gave him. The attack more screen time because she is just that verde que le dio su madre. Finalmente el un personaje más desarrollado. eventually leads him to being reunited with awesome and deserved more character ataque lo lleva a reunirse con su familia y a Al igual que las películas asiáti- his family and much more. development. mucho más. co-americanas anteriores como “Crazy This movie is great for being a stand- Like previous Asian American films Esta película es excelente por ser de cine Rich Asians” y “Farewell,” es de esperar alone film if you are new to the Marvel like “Crazy Rich Asians” and “Farewell,” independiente si eres nuevo en Marvel que este sea otro paso para que los asiáti- Cinematic Universe. Shang-Chi goes in- hopefully this is another step for Asian Cinematic Universe (MCU, por sus siglas co-americanos sean representados con depth with the struggles of younger Asian Americans to be portrayed more accurately en inglés). Shang-Chi profundiza la lucha mayor precisión en Hollywood. En última Americans and touches on the importance in Hollywood. Ultimately, this film gives de los jóvenes estadounidenses de origen instancia, esta película les da a las gener- of family, individualism, and the struggle of younger generations a superhero they can asiático y aborda la importancia de la aciones más jóvenes un superhéroe al que being a part of two worlds. look up to. familia, el individualismo y el desafío de ser también pueden admirar. | noviembre 2021 | El Leñador| 9
Life & Arts La Vida y Los Artes Humboldt County BIPOC surfers find p 1 2 3 by Ricardo Lara Nava 5 During this time of year in Humboldt County, surfers eagerly wake up early in Alejandro Escudero Ochoa Kory Lamberts the morning and get ready to head into the Years surfing: 41 Years surfing: 2 tides of the Pacific ocean. Fall and winter Favorite surfing spot in Humboldt: Big Lagoon Favorite surfing spot in Humboldt: Camel Rock are prime surfing times. Veteran body surfer Alejandro Escudero Escudero Ochoa, now 53, was 12 years body surf. Lamberts, 26, a HSU student majoring Ochoa, and surfers like Kory Lamberts and old when he was introduced to bodyboard- “Only the Yurok or the Wiyot can in environmental studies and minoring in Kunal Mehta, put on their wetsuits, wax ing by his friend while out on the beach one tell me to get out of the water,” Escudero scientific diving, started surfing after he had their boards, fasten the surfboards’ leash- day. A body board is about half the size Ochoa said. This doesn’t happen anymore returned home to the Bay Area in 2019, es to their ankles and jump into the cold of a surfboard and instead of standing on since he has established his presence in the from a full-ride scholarship playing football morning waters. it, the surfer lays on it and glides with the water. at Middle Tennessee State University. He What makes these surfers stand out waves. After having tried the bodyboard he While bodysurfing, Escudero Ochoa was introduced to surfing by a friend of his from anybody else is that they are men of really liked it and stuck to it. He has been has faced fierce waters and dangerous en- who is a professional surfer from Japan and color. In a county that is majority white, body surfing for 41 years now. counters, such as rescuing a friend who was took him out for the first time near Ocean- it is no surprise that BIPOC surfers aren’t Escudero Ochoa was born in Mexico bitten by a shark. He has saved multiple view, San Francisco. commonly seen in this area of California. City but grew up in Acapulco and Los people and a dog from the rough waters. “I just got out there and got thrashed but The event Paddle out for Justice began it felt good,” he said. “There was this duality Angeles. He identifies as Mestizo, which “You have to be proficient in under- in 2020 after the death of George Floyd of calmness and raw energy from the ocean is someone who’s mixed with Indigenous standing how the ocean works to be there,” and took place again in the summer of that was calming but also humbling and and European ancestry. While living close Escudero Ochoa said. 2021. It was created by local surfer, Melissa motivating in a way.” to the beach, his appreciation of the ocean When Escudero Ochoa isn’t surfing, Meiris. Once Lamberts left the Bay Area to grew the more he surfed. he’s making art. He discovered his artistic come to Humboldt for school, he bought a “This event aims to make visible the in- “It’s really a spiritual practice and peo- side when he was studying at Humboldt used board online and began cruising with justices faced by Black & Brown people in ple who are really soul surfers understand State University. He graduated with an art the waves. our communities and nation,” Meiris said. that,” Escudero Ochoa said. “But people degree in 1991, but didn’t want to leave “I was living in Eureka at the time, and I “To honor the memories of Black & Brown who just want to make a name for them- Humboldt County, so he became a carpen- was driving up every morning, going to surf. people killed at the hands of police, and to selves, who just want to show off and have ter. I didn’t even check the waves or anything raise money for six amazing local organiza- fun with it, don’t actually see the real depth Escudero Ochoa was recently surfing really. I was just going and I was getting tions led by and for People of Color.” of what it is.” in Hawaii, a place he often visits because it absolutely thrashed,” Lamberts said. “I just Having said that, these surfers aren’t When Escudero Ochoa began surfing in reminds him of Acapulco. really fell in love with the ocean, and learn- aware of any club or organization that is Humboldt County, he was criticized by oth- “I go back to Hawaii because it is un- ing to respect it.” specific to BIPOC surfers in Humboldt. er surfers who would say “Why don’t you touched in the sense that there is still fish, While surfing can be relaxing there’s an Escudero Ochoa, Lamberts and Mehta ride a surfboard like a real surfer would.” clean waters and jungle,” Escudero Ochoa awareness of being Black in these spaces agreed to speak to El Leñador and express Escudero Ochoa didn’t pay attention to the said. “It really reminds me of where I grew that he keeps having every time he’s in the the enjoyment of the sport called surfing. discouraging surfers and would continue to up.” 10 |El Leñador | noviembre 2021|
Life & Arts La Vida y Los Artes peace, beauty and wisdom on the water Photos 1-3: Alejandro Escudero Ochoa steers through the rough waves with his bodyboard How to get at College Cove near Trinidad on Oct. 26. Photos 4-6: Kory Lamberts surfs early in the started surfing: morning and scrapes his palm while wrestling out of the water at Camel Rock on Oct. 29. Photos 7-9: Kunal Mehta and his board battle Equipment: the rough, cold waters at College Cove on Oct. 26. | Photos by Ricardo Lara Nava HSU’s Center Activities rents surfing equipment such as boards and wetsuits to students and community members. People can rent a surfboard with a leash for $10 a day or $20 for the weekend. HSU students can also take advantage of the “surf package,” 4 which includes a surfboard, wetsuit, booties and a leash for $20 a day or $32 for the weekend; non-students will need to pay $26 a day and $45 for the weekend. 7 8 Lessons: For people who want to get an in- structor to go with them in the water, Pacific Outfitters offer a surfing class that includes a surfboard, wet suit, hood and booties ($179.99+). 6 Tips regarding equipment: water. A thought only a person of color can Benji Conrad, owner of Seven Seas understand, as Lamberts said, “I can be in Surf & Cycle in Sunnybrae, shares a the most beautiful expanses of nature. I can few things people should keep in mind be in the ocean. I can be in the canyon some- when out surfing in the waters of where. But due to living in this system and Humboldt county: being traumatized by the system, and having 9 to deal with this system, it’s like those things can’t escape.” During the summer of 2021, Lamberts Kunal Mehta • Invest in a 5mm wetsuit with a hood was invited to join the Santa Cruz Black Years surfing: 1 - the waters in Humboldt county are Surf Club for their Juneteenth paddle out. Favorite surfing spot in Humboldt: Moonstone Beach really cold. There were 50 people in attendance who • Get a high volume board - they are paddled out into the ocean, many of them A beginner in the waters of Humboldt Mehta was part of The Seas backcoun- easier to paddle and to catch waves for their first time. County, Kunal Mehta, 27, from the East try program, where they took him into the • Always carry surf wax - this will “We went out and held a healing space Bay, began surfing local beaches about a forest for six months to build trails. That’s keep the surfer from slipping off there in the water, reclaimed the space to find year ago. The outdoors became this mystery when he found Arcata and fell in love with board some healing in these spaces that are really for him. the area. • Check the conditions of the beach Indigenous and African people,” he says, “I don’t know how people get attached He got a used surfboard from a friend you want to surf at - use websites such “Colonization has displaced us, and these to doing things like skiing or snowboarding, of a friend and got his wetsuit in exchange as to plan ahead places hold that trauma.” I was attached to the water and the beach for a six-pack of beer. Now, Mehta works • Don’t be afraid to ask other surfers For Lamberts, surfing is just one of the because it looked super fun,” Mehta said. on his surfing skills whenever he gets the - strongly recommended if your new few things that he does in the ocean. He has to the area because you might learn Mehta goes to College of the Redwoods chance. been invited to the 30th annual National something you didn’t know where he is working on getting his con- “I’m still exploring the area and I don’t Association of Black Scuba Divers confer- struction and drafting certification. Prior to want to go by myself because it’s danger- • Be aware of your surroundings - ence in Saint Lusa which he hopes to make coming to Humboldt, he went to school in ous,” he said. there are sharks in the waters and if contact with Diving with a Purpose, an or- Pomona in Los Angeles County. Despite this, Mehta describes his experi- you see one get out of the water or if ganization that dives for sunken slave ships “In LA, the music and the culture really ence surfing saying, “You get transported to the waves are looking rough stay out. in the transatlantic slave trade route, to apply helped my music taste but my outdoor taste another world — it’s otherworldly — I feel his scientific diving skills there. grew later in life,” he said. spiritual and connected to the world.” | noviembre 2021 | El Leñador| 11
Life & Arts La Vida y Los Artes 12 |El Leñador | noviembre 2021|
Life & Arts La Vida y Los Artes Local Latina creates Latina crea productos organic skincare products orgánicos para la piel by Danielle Hendrickson por Danielle Hendrickson traducido por Fernanda Delgado Veronica Montez fulfilled her dreams in especializa en la elaboración de productos March of 2020 when she became the proud orgánicos para ayudar a curar y calmar la owner of Heart of V, an all natural beauty piel sensible. and skincare business in Eureka. From a “Es un proceso que intenta crecer young age Veronica Montez has been des- orgánicamente,” dijo Montez. “Lleva mucho tined to do big things, and everyone around tiempo, pero no puedo acelerar el proceso. her knew it. Lo que está destinado a suceder, sucederá.” She was born and raised in West Covina Según Montez, la gente está comenzan- into a Mexican-American family full of do a estar más informada acerca de los singers and artists. Montez, mother of químicos en los productos que se colocan two, moved to Humboldt County for her dentro y fuera de su cuerpo. Los químicos husband’s job in 2014. After nearly two fabricados en laboratorio se encuentran decades of putting her heart and soul into en casi todos los productos imaginables y motherhood, she decided to dive into her muchos son perjudiciales para nuestra salud. other passions. “Si está comiendo algo, si está bebiendo “I wanted to give myself a gift,” Mon- algo, si se lo pone en la piel, debe haber un tez said. “As mothers we put our children propósito por el que está en ese producto,” first, so I felt I needed to do something for dijo Montez. “Cuando analizas los ingre- myself.” dientes de lo que estás comprando en la Montez always had a passion for beauty mayoría de los comercios, hay muchos ingre- Veronica Montez makes organic face oil and body butter. | Photos by Ricardo Lara Nava and helping people so she decided to enroll dientes innecesarios. Todos los ingredientes in esthetician school. After graduating and que utilizo provienen de plantas.” passing the state board in 2019, she decided La madre de Montez, Alicia Castorena, to take her passion to the next level. Veronica Montez cumplió sus sueños en logró cumplir sus sueños durante años sien- Opening a natural skincare business marzo de 2020 cuando se convirtió en la or- do diseñadora floral y no podría estar más After teaching herself everything about gullosa dueña de Heart of V, un negocio de feliz de que su hija esté haciendo lo mismo. skincare online, Montez decided to start belleza y cuidado de la piel totalmente nat- “Ella tiene esa actitud de ir a por ello,” making beauty products using only organ- ural en Eureka. Desde muy joven, Veronica dijo Castorena. “Cuando quiere algo, y lo ic ingredients. Just two weeks before the Montez ha estado destinada a hacer grandes ha querido durante mucho tiempo, va y lo COVID-19 lockdown, Montez opened up cosas, y todos a su alrededor lo sabían. consigue. Creo en mi hija y realmente veo her own small business, The Heart of V. She Ella nació y se crió en West Covina en toda la ambición que tiene por esto. Su specializes in making organic products to una familia mexicana-americana llena de corazón está en el lugar correcto y creo que help heal and soothe sensitive skin. goes and gets it. I believe in my daughter and cantantes y artistas. Montez, madre de dos eso es muy útil.” “It’s a process trying to grow organical- I really see all the ambition she has for this. hijos, se mudó al condado de Humboldt por A través de muchas pruebas y errores, ly,” Montez said. “It’s time consuming but I Her heart is in the right place and I think el trabajo de su esposo en 2014. Después de Montez ha podido seleccionar las mezclas can’t rush the process. What’s meant to be, that goes a long way.” casi dos décadas de poner su corazón y su perfectas para su negocio. Al realizar innu- will happen.” Through lots of trial and error, Montez alma en la maternidad, decidió sumergirse merables horas de investigación y desarrol- According to Montez, people are has been able to curate the perfect concoc- en sus otras pasiones. lo, se ha convertido en una entusiasta del beginning to become more informed about tions for her business. By doing countless “Quería hacerme un regalo,” dijo cuidado de la piel. the chemicals in the products they put into hours of research and development, she has Montez. “Como madres, damos prioridad Ella comparte que la parte más gratifi- and on their body. Lab made chemicals are become a skincare enthusiast. a nuestros hijos, así que sentí que tenía que cante de su trabajo es ayudar a las personas found in nearly every product imaginable She shares that the most rewarding part hacer algo por mí misma.” a sentirse bien consigo mismas. Montez cree and many are detrimental to our health. of her job is helping people feel good about Montez siempre tuvo una pasión por la que ponerse primero y cuidarse así mismo es “If you’re eating something, if you’re themselves. Montez believes that putting belleza y ayudar a las personas, por lo que importante. drinking something, if you’re putting it on yourself first and taking care of yourself is decidió inscribirse en la escuela de esteticis- “Puse mi corazón en el cuidado de mi your skin, there should be a purpose for why important. ta. Después de graduarse y aprobar la junta piel,” dijo Montez, cuando se le preguntó it’s in that product,” Montez said. “When “I put my heart into my skincare,” Mon- estatal en 2019, decidió llevar su pasión al sobre el razonamiento detrás del nombre you look into the ingredients of what you’re tez said, when asked about the reasoning siguiente nivel. de su empresa. “Pongo mi corazón en mis buying at most retailers, it’s a lot of unnec- behind her company name. “I put my heart Abriendo un negocio de cuidado de la piel productos. Pongo mi corazón en hacer un essary ingredients. All the ingredients I use into my products. I put my heart into doing natural servicio. Quería un nombre que reflejara come from plants.” a service. I wanted a name that would reflect Después de enseñarse a sí misma todo todo eso.” Montez’s mother, Alicia Castorena, got all of that.” sobre el cuidado de la piel en línea, Montez Montez tiene una tienda en línea que to live out her dreams for years by being a Montez has an online storefront that can decidió comenzar a fabricar productos de se puede encontrar en www.theheartofv. floral designer and she couldn’t be happier be found at She often belleza utilizando solo ingredientes orgáni- com. A menudo participa en eventos de that her daughter is doing the same. takes part in vending events where she is cos. Solo dos semanas antes del confin- venta ambulante en los que puede conocer a “She has that go get it attitude,” Castore- able to meet many people in the county. Cur- amiento por la COVID-19, Montez abrió su muchas personas del condado. Actualmente na said. “When she wants something, and rently her products are in Evolve boutique in propia pequeña empresa, The Heart of V. Se sus productos están en la boutique Evolve en she has wanted this for a very long time, she Eureka and soon to be in many more. Eureka y pronto estarán en muchas más. | noviembre 2021 | El Leñador| 13
Life & Arts La Vida y Los Artes Latinx couple open a barbershop and nail salon by Karina Ramos Villalobos Top left, Jennifer Murillo works on Emma Rentiera, a regular customer’s nail set. The other nails are past customers. A la izquierda, Jennifer Murillo trabaja en las unas de Emma Renteria, una cliente regular. Estas imagenes son algunos de los trabajos pasados de Murillo que ella misma diseñó dibujando con un pequeño pincel. | Top left photo by Karina Ramos Villalobos, other photos submitted by Jennifer Murillo Carlos Bautista and Jennifer Murillo will be in this studio for the next five years. Carlos Bautista y Jennifer Muri Latinx-couple Jennifer Murillo and Carlos always wanted to be an artist and that’s what literally sitting up straight, their voices are “It’s like the saying goes you look good, you Bautista opened a new barbershop and nail I wanted to do. But eventually, I figured out way louder than it was in the beginning.” feel good and that’s pretty much what I get salon called, His and Hers Studio in Arcata it was hard to sell art because you can have Opening the studio together and main- when I go to the shop.” in March 2021. such a small amount of an audience.” taining separate businesses, both Murillo and You can learn more information about Murillo, 22, who is originally from River- Murillo is a self-taught nail technician. Bautista have received positive support from His and Hers Studio on their website www. side, came to Humboldt county to play soc- At a young age, she watched hours of tutori- community members, while creating a space You can follow Murillo on cer at College of the Redwoods and pursue al videos about makeup and nail application for themselves to thrive and feel comfortable. Instagram @jennnailedit. You can follow a degree in kinesiology. Bautista, 22, grew to incorporate art like gemstones, rhine- “Here I’m a lot more comfortable, I’m in Bautista on Instagram @barber_cloz. The up in Humboldt county and went to CR to stones and drawings into a nail set. my own space,” Bautista said. “It’s me and studio is open from Tuesday - Saturday from pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. Emma Renteria, a regular client of Mu- Jenn so it’s a lot more comforting. I can do 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at 1175 11th St, Arcata, CA Now, Murillo and Bautista are successfully rillo who drives all the way from Fortuna, whatever I want in here and decorate how I 95521. pursuing careers in the beauty industry. says that the conversations while getting like.” Downstairs of His and Hers Studio you her nails done are fun because of Murillo’s Bautista began cutting hair in 2019 when Nail Pricing can smell a fresh cut from Bautista’s barber- funny personality. At the end of her session, his brother randomly came home with a pair • Two colored acrylics full set - $60 - $100 shop and upstairs you can find Murillo’s nail Renteria leaves feeling empowered with her of clippers and asked Bautista to cut his hair. • Freestyle Full Set - $65-95 salon filled with colorful nail polish on the new set of acrylic nails. Bautista is a self-taught barber; he would • Manicure - $45 walls. “Powerful. It makes you feel more beau- practice with his friends’ hair and watched • Nail Fix - $7 When the COVID-19 pandemic first tiful,” said Renteria. “You know because you many Youtube videos. • Acrylic Nail Removal - $25 began Murillo’s full-time job as an office have a piece of art on you.” According to Bautista, one of his favorite worker cut her hours and during that extra Murillo says that she enjoys doing nails and most popular styles to cut are skin fades. Barbershop Pricing free time, she picked up an old nail kit she because she sees the clients’ behavior before A regular client, Cristian Ramirez usually • Skin fade or skin taper - $30 had since she was a sophomore in high and after they get their nails done. Seeing gets a skin fade and keeps coming back to • Freestyle Full Set - $75 school. Her mother gifted it to her because that transformation uplifts Murillo’s spirit. Bautista because of his cool vibe and friend- • Zero Fade - $27 of Murillo’s personal interest in creating art “It’s so crazy how in between those two ly personality. Ramirez gets a haircut every • Basic Haircut - $25 while doing a nail set. hours that I’m doing their nails and they two weeks by Bautista and leaves the shop • Buzzcut - $20 “I have always been kinda of very have nails at the end, they’re literally talking feeling fresh. artistic,” said Murillo. “Since I was a kid I with their hands,” Murillo said. “They’re “It makes me feel good,” Ramirez said. 14 |El Leñador | noviembre 2021|
Life & Arts La Vida y Los Artes Pareja latinx abre barbería y salón de uñas por Karina Ramos Villalobos traducido por Desiree Osornio Carlos Bautista styles up Irvin Pasacasio (top right) during his lunch break. Other images are past clients model their haircuts. Bautista estiliza Irvin Pasacasio (parte derecha) durante su hora de almuerzo. Los otros imagenes son de los clientes anteriores de Bautista modelando sus cortes de pelo. | Photos por Karina Ramos Villalobos, photos enviados por Carlos Bautista illo estarán en este estudio durante los próximos cinco años. | Photo by Karina Ramos Villalobos La pareja latinx Jennifer Murillo y Carlos Murillo. “Desde que era una niña siempre sentadas con la espalda recta, sus voces son “Me hace sentir bien,” dijo Ramírez. “Es Bautista abrieron una nueva barbería y salón quise ser artista y eso es lo que quería hacer. mucho más fuertes que al principio.” como el dicho que dice que si te ves bien, de uñas llamado, “His and Hers Studio” en Pero con el tiempo, me di cuenta de que era Al abrir el estudio juntas y mantener te sientes bien y eso es más o menos lo que Arcata en marzo de 2021. difícil vender arte porque puedes tener muy negocios separados, tanto Murillo como obtengo cuando voy a la tienda.” Murillo, de 22 años, que es originaria poco público.” Bautista han recibido el apoyo positivo de Puede obtener más información sobre de Riverside, llegó al condado de Hum- Murillo es una técnica de uñas autodi- los miembros de la comunidad, a la vez que el estudio His and Hers en su página web boldt para jugar fútbol en College of the dacta. Desde muy joven, vió horas de vídeos han creado un espacio para ellos mismos Puede seguir a Muril- Redwoods y obtener una licenciatura en sobre maquillaje y aplicación de uñas para para prosperar y sentirse cómodos. lo en Instagram @jennnailedit. Puede seguir kinesiología. Bautista, de 22 años, creció en incorporar arte como piedras preciosas, “Aquí estoy mucho más cómodo, estoy a Bautista en Instagram @barber_cloz. El el condado de Humboldt y se fue a CR para pedrería y dibujos en un juego de uñas. en mi propio espacio,” dijo Bautista. “Somos estudio está abierto de martes a sábado de obtener un título en ingeniería mecánica. Emma Renteria, una clienta habitual de Jenn y yo, así que es mucho más recon- 10 a.m. a 5 p.m. en 1175 11th St, Arcata, Ahora, Murillo y Bautista siguen con éxito Murillo que viene en coche desde Fortuna, fortante. Puedo hacer lo que quiera aquí y CA 95521. en sus carreras en la industria de la belleza. dice que las conversaciones mientras le decorar como quiera”. En el piso de abajo de His and Hers hacen las uñas son divertidas por la diverti- Bautista empezó a cortar pelo en 2019 Precios de las uñas Studio se puede oler un corte fresco de la da personalidad de Murillo. Al final de su cuando su hermano llegó a casa por casu- • Set completo de acrílicos de dos colores - barbería de Bautista y en el de arriba se sesión, Renteria sale sintiéndose fortalecida alidad con un par de maquinillas y le pidió $60-$100 encuentra el salón de uñas de Murillo lleno con su nuevo juego de uñas acrílicas. a Bautista que le cortara el pelo. Bautista es • Set completo de estilo libre - $65-95 de barniz en las paredes. “Es poderoso. Te hace sentir más bella,” un barbero autodidacta; practicaba con el • Manicura - $45 Cuando comenzó la pandemia del dijo Renteria. “¿Lo sabes? porque llevas una pelo de sus amigos y veía muchos vídeos de • Arreglo de uñas - $7 COVID-19, el trabajo a tiempo completo de obra de arte encima.” YouTube. • Eliminación de uñas acrílicas - $25 Murillo como oficinista le recortó las horas Murillo dice que disfruta haciendo uñas Según Bautista, uno de sus estilos favor- y durante ese tiempo libre extra, recogió un porque ve el comportamiento de las clientas itos y más populares para cortar es un skin Precios de barbería viejo juego de uñas que tenía desde que esta- antes y después de hacerse las uñas. Ver esa fade. Un cliente habitual, Cristian Ramírez, • Desvanecimiento de la piel o reducción de ba en segundo de la preparatoria. Algo que transformación eleva el espíritu de Murillo. suele hacerse un skin fade y sigue acudiendo la piel - $30 su madre le regaló por el interés personal de “Es una locura cómo entre esas dos a Bautista por su buen rollo y su personali- • Juego completo de estilo libre - $75 Murillo en crear arte mientras se hacía un horas que les estoy haciendo las uñas y que dad amable. Ramírez se corta el pelo cada • Descoloramiento cero - $27 juego de uñas. las tienen al final, están literalmente hablan- dos semanas con Bautista y sale de la tienda • Corte de pelo básico - $25 “Siempre ha sido muy artística,” dijo do con las manos”, dijo Murillo. “Están sintiéndose fresco. • Corte de pelo con zumbido - $20 | noviembre 2021 | El Leñador| 15
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