RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso

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RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso

Vol. 30, No. 7                                        Celebrating 30 Years serving the Diocese of El Paso                                                                  July 2021

 Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration
By Matt Hadro
CNA - Jun 25, 2021

   The bishop of El Paso said
the Church must work with the
administration on issues that
overlap, after attending an immi-
gration roundtable with the vice
president on Friday.
   Bishop Mark Seitz of El
Paso was one of a number of
local leaders who met with Vice
President Kamala Harris (D) on
her first trip to the U.S.-Mexico
border on Friday, June 25.
   “We know there are many areas
in which we do not agree with
positions taken by the administra-
tion. And those issues need to be
discussed, no question about it,”
said Bishop Seitz told CNA in an
interview following the meeting.
   “But we also need to work
with the administration and our
legislators on areas where Cath-
olic teaching and practice comes
together with efforts that our
government is making,” he said.
   Participating at the roundtable
with Harris at El Paso Interna-
tional Airport were Secretary of
Homeland Security Alejandro
Mayorkas, Sen. Dick Durbin
(D-Ill.), Rep. Veronica Escobar
(D-Texas), and members of
faith-based groups that work with
   Harris mentioned policies of
family separation, “inhumane”
housing for migrants, and a
“broken” asylum system, in com-
ments during the portion of the
meeting open to the press pool.
                                      Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso was one of a number of local leaders who met with Vice President Kamala Harris (D) on her first trip to the
“Do justice, love mercy, walk
                                      U.S.-Mexico border on Friday, June 25. Photo Courtesy of Hope Border Institute
humbly with your God,” she said
to Bishop Seitz, quoting Micah
   According to Bishop Seitz, ad-
vocates at the roundtable brought
up “root causes” of migration to
the U.S. in their meeting with
                                      El Obispo Seitz Y Otros Se Reúnen Con El Vicepresidente Sobre La Inmigración
Harris, as well as the adminis-
tration’s Title 42 policy which       Por Matt Hadro                       Seitz a CNA en una entrevista        asilo “roto”, en los comentarios       desesperada que sea su situación,
prevents asylum-seekers from en-      CNA - 25 Junio 2021                  tras la reunión.                     realizados durante la parte de la      tiene derecho siquiera a presentar
tering the United States due to the                                           “Pero también necesitamos         reunión abierta a la prensa. “Haz      una solicitud de asilo en nuestra
pandemic. The U.S. Conference            El obispo de El Paso dijo que     trabajar con la administración       justicia, ama la misericordia,         frontera”, dijo el obispo Seitz a la
of Catholic Bishops on Thursday       la Iglesia debe trabajar con la      y nuestros legisladores en las       camina humildemente con tu             CNA sobre la continuación de la
criticized “the misuse of Title 42    administración en temas que se       áreas en las que la enseñanza y      Dios”, dijo al obispo Seitz, citan-    política del Título 42 vigente por
to turn away vulnerable asylum        superponen, después de asistir a     la práctica católica coinciden con   do Miqueas 6:8.                        parte de la administración Biden.
seekers.”                             una mesa redonda sobre inmi-         los esfuerzos que está haciendo        Según el obispo Seitz, los              “Eso tiene que terminar”, dijo
   “Right now, no one, no matter      gración con la vicepresidenta el     nuestro gobierno”, añadió.           defensores de la mesa redonda          sobre la política.
how desperate their situation, has    viernes.                                En la mesa redonda con Harris     sacaron a relucir las “causas             La migración, para muchos
a right even to make a claim for         El obispo de El Paso, Mark        en el Aeropuerto Internacional de    fundamentales” de la migración         -especialmente de los países del
asylum at our border,” Bishop         Seitz, fue uno de los líderes        El Paso participaron el secretario   a Estados Unidos en su reunión         “Triángulo del Norte”, Hondu-
Seitz told CNA of the Biden           locales que se reunió con la         de Seguridad Nacional, Alejan-       con Harris, así como la política       ras, El Salvador y Guatemala- es
administration’s continuation of      vicepresidenta Kamala Harris         dro Mayorkas, el senador Dick        del Título 42 de la administración     una cuestión de vida o muerte,
existing Title 42 policy.             (demócrata) en su primer viaje a     Durbin (demócrata de Illinois), la   que impide la entrada de solici-       subrayó. Se sabe que estos tres
   “That has to end,” he said of      la frontera entre México y Esta-     representante Verónica Escobar       tantes de asilo en Estados Unidos      países tienen una de las tasas de
the policy.                           dos Unidos el viernes 25 de junio.   (demócrata de Texas) y miembros      debido a la pandemia. La Con-          homicidio más altas del mundo.
   Migration, for many – especial-       “Sabemos que hay muchas           de grupos religiosos que trabajan    ferencia de Obispos Católicos de          El vicepresidente Harris, en un
ly from the “Northern Triangle”       áreas en las que no estamos          con inmigrantes.                     Estados Unidos criticó el jueves       viaje a Guatemala a principios de
countries of Honduras, El Salva-      de acuerdo con las posiciones           Harris mencionó las políti-       “el mal uso del Título 42 para         este mes para abordar las causas
                                      adoptadas por la administración.     cas de separación de familias,       rechazar a los solicitantes de asilo   fundamentales de la migración,
Continued on Pg. 4                    Y esos temas deben ser discuti-      el alojamiento “inhumano” de         vulnerables”.
                                      dos, no hay duda”, dijo el obispo    los inmigrantes y un sistema de        “Ahora mismo, nadie, por muy         Continuado en la Pg. 4
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso
2 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                     Editor’s Column                                                                    July 2021

                                                               Thank You All!
     want to take this opportunity                                         cal year for 2021, Bishop Seitz,    to take this opportunity to ask     parishes through the TV Masses.
     in my column to absolutely                                            the Chancery office, and I have     that all of you pray for Norma in   However I pray that many more
     thank everyone for asking                                             come to the difficult conclusion    her new ventures.                   of you that are able, can join us
about my wife and daughters.                                               that we can no longer sustain a        Please continue to pray for      in person for mass at all of our
I received many calls, emails,                                             24/7 online radio station. As a     the ministry of communications      parishes.
or some of you stopping me                                                 result, we have had to part ways    as we begin to sort out our next      Please take the time to follow
and asking how my youngest                                                 with the Radio Program Direc-       steps to serve you better while     us on all of our social media
daughter is and whether or not I                                           tor, Norma Muñoz. Many of           remaining faithful stewards to      platforms for all the latest news
am getting any sleep. To answer                                            you have come to know Norma         the gifts that you give us. Also,   and events that we bring to
your questions, My daughter                                                as Norma Ayala, a long-stand-       keep all of your diocesan minis-    you to keep you updated and
Evie is now 10lbs 5oz. and is          Fernie Ceniceros                    ing radio personality in local      tries in prayer as we begin a new   informed on this work that God
thriving! My wife and I have                                               Spanish radio, before coming        fiscal year.                        has tasked us with.
worked tirelessly to ensure both       That said, I’d like to update all   to the Diocese as The Bridge           We will continue to bring          Lastly, please have patience
of our daughters get all the love    of you about changes coming to        Radio Program Director. I would     you our Sunday liturgies for the    with us as we figure out how to
and care they need. Thank you        the ministry of communications        be remiss if I did not take this    homebound and infirm on both        bring you the highest quality
all for all the prayers and after    that I have had the honor and         opportunity to thank Norma for      our local television stations and   programming and content for all
the whole ordeal. My family and      pleasure of serving as its director   all of her work and dedication to   our social media accounts in        of you. I pray that the Lord and
I are eternally grateful to all of   for the last year.                    The Bridge Catholic Radio and       the coming months. Thanks to        the spirit will lead us to serve
you!                                   As we have reached a new fis-       this humble publication. I want     all of you for supporting your      you best.

                                                            Gracias a Todos!
          uiero aprovechar esta                                                                                                                    oración a todos los ministerios
          oportunidad en mi                                                                                                                        diocesanos al comenzar un nuevo
          columna para agrade-                                                                                                                     año fiscal.
cer absolutamente a todos por                                                                                                                         En los próximos meses se-
preguntar por mi esposa e hijas.                                                                                                                   guiremos presentando nuestras
He recibido muchas llamadas,                                                                                                                       liturgias dominicales para los
correos electrónicos, o algunos                                                                                                                    confinados en casa y los enfer-
de ustedes me paran y pregun-                                                                                                                      mos en nuestras estaciones de
tan cómo está mi hija menor y                                                                                                                      televisión locales y en nuestras
si estoy durmiendo o no. Para                                                                                                                      cuentas de medios sociales. Gra-
responder a vuestras preguntas,                                                                                                                    cias a todos ustedes por apoyar
mi hija Evie pesa ahora 10 libras                                                                                                                  a sus parroquias a través de las
y 5 onzas y está prosperando. Mi                                                                                                                   misas por televisión. Sin embar-
esposa y yo hemos trabajado in-                                                                                                                    go, rezo para que muchos más
cansablemente para asegurarnos                                                                                                                     de ustedes que puedan, puedan
de que nuestras dos hijas reciban                                                                                                                  unirse a nosotros en persona
todo el amor y los cuidados que                                                                                                                    para la misa en todas nuestras
necesitan. Gracias a todos por                                                                                                                     parroquias.
todas las oraciones y después de                                                                                                                      Por favor, tómense el tiempo
todo el calvario. ¡Mi familia y yo                                                                                                                 para seguirnos en todas nuestras
estamos eternamente agradecidos                                                                                                                    plataformas de medios sociales
a todos vosotros!                                                                                                                                  para todas las últimas noticias
   Dicho esto, me gustaría actu-                                                                                                                   y eventos que les traemos para
alizar a todos ustedes acerca de                                                                                                                   mantenerlos actualizados e in-
los cambios que se avecinan en                                                                                                                     formados sobre este trabajo que
el ministerio de comunicaciones                                                                                                                    Dios nos ha encomendado.
que he tenido el honor y el placer   estación de radio en línea 24/7.      Directora del Programa de Radio     Norma en sus nuevas empresas.          Por último, por favor, tened
de servir como su director duran-    Como resultado, hemos tenido          El Puente. Sería negligente si no      Por favor, continúen rezando     paciencia con nosotros mientras
te el último año.                    que separarnos de la Directora        aprovechara esta oportunidad        por el ministerio de comunica-      descubrimos cómo traeros la
   Como hemos llegado a un           del Programa de Radio, Norma          para agradecer a Norma todo         ciones mientras comenzamos a        programación y el contenido
nuevo año fiscal para 2021, el       Muñoz. Muchos de ustedes han          su trabajo y dedicación a The       ordenar nuestros próximos pasos     de mayor calidad para todos
Obispo Seitz, la oficina de la       llegado a conocer a Norma como        Bridge Catholic Radio y a esta      para servirles mejor mientras       vosotros. Rezo para que el Señor
Cancillería, y yo hemos llegado      Norma Ayala, una personalidad         humilde publicación. Quiero         seguimos siendo fieles adminis-     y el espíritu nos guíen para ser-
a la difícil conclusión de que       de la radio local española, antes     aprovechar esta oportunidad para    tradores de los dones que ustedes   virles mejor.
ya no podemos mantener una           de venir a la Diócesis como           pedir que todos ustedes recen por   nos dan. También, mantengan en


         RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC                                                               Celebrating 30 Years serving the Diocese of El Paso
                       499 St. Matthews St.                              THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC (ISSN#1079-9621) is published monthly for $12.00 per year
                        El Paso, TX 79907                                by the Office of Communications, Diocese of El Paso, 499 St. Matthews St., El Paso, TX
                      Phone: (915) 872-8414
                       Fax: (915) 872-8435                               79907, Phone: (915) 872-8414, Fax: (915) 872-8435. “PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT
                                                                         EL PASO TX.” POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to: THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC,
             Publisher: Most Rev. Mark J. Seitz, D.D.
                     Twitter: @BishopSeitz
                                                                         499 St. Matthews St., El Paso TX, 79907

                     Editor: Fernie Ceniceros                            THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC is a monthly newspaper assisting the Bishop of the Diocese
                    Twitter: @FCenicerosphoto                            of El Paso by communicating the events and themes of the faith life of the local and univer-
                                                                         sal church through news reports, features, columns and photographs. Articles and photo-
             Spanish Translation: Fernie Ceniceros                       graphs become the property of THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC. If photos are on loan to the
                                                                         newspaper, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope for their return.
                  Contributors: Janet M. Crowe,                          Printer - PDX Printing.
                        Fr. Wilson Cuevas,

                              © 2021 by
                    THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC
                         All rights reserved

                                                                           @DioceseofElPaso                    @ElPasoDiocese                       @ElPasoDiocese
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                           Bishop’s Column                                                                     July 2021 - 3

                                   The Only Antidote For An Angry World
         ave you noticed how           snipers who take well aimed shots      People often say, “I’m leaving
         angry people are today?       and then disappear into the virtual    the Church because she is made
         Some people are so angry      ether.                                 up of people who appear to me to
they could just kill someone! And         Anyone who is a public figure       be hypocrites and sinners.” They
they do! In 2020 alone, there were     can expect to be targeted. And         should be saying, “The Church
614 mass shootings resulting in        institutions come in as a special      is a place in which I can belong
446 deaths and 2,515 injuries, for     focus of the hatred that boils         because it is made up of sinners
a total of 3,061 victims in the U.S.   within the souls of so many. Be        who are longing to be saints, just
People are so mad they are taking      they of the so-called right, left or   like me.”
out their anger, sometimes on peo-     center, the forces of destruction         Would you like to see the world
ple they know or they may choose       rally to the cause. It is a race to    become a place less dominated by
a certain race or ethnic group, and    mutual assured destruction!            those who are angry and venge-                         Bishop Mark J. Seitz
other times just random people            The Church, although it is          ful? Recognizing our own frailty
will do. We in El Paso are first       the Body of Christ on earth, is        and sinfulness would be a good        measure with which you measure       to replace judgment and anger?
hand witnesses of the terrible cost    no exception to this destructive       start! Seeing our own personal        will be measured out to you. Why     Jesus has made clear that such a
of their boundless anger.              onslaught. It never has been           failings and understanding how        do you notice the splinter in your   world is made possible when we
   But mass shooters are not the       exempted! The Church becomes           the mercy of God has shown itself     brother’s eye, but do not perceive   open ourselves to God’s grace.
only angry people. They are just       a welcome target because it is         in our lives can convict us of the    the wooden beam in your own          This challenging work is some-
the tip of a societal iceberg. Mass    made up of sinful human beings         hypocrisy involved in attempting      eye? How can you say to your         thing God wants to do beginning
shooters resorted to physical vi-      who during this life on earth could    to direct self-righteous fury at      brother, ‘Let me remove that         with you and me. There is no
olence. but the greater part of the    never live up to the exalted calling   others.                               splinter from your eye,’ while the   time like the present! As G.K.
iceberg is under the surface and       she has received. Jesus intended          Jesus, of course, taught very      wooden beam is in your eye? You      Chesterton once said, “The Chris-
the anger they carry and express       this so that there would never be      clearly about these issues. I offer   hypocrite, remove the wooden         tian ideal has not been tried and
is not without its victims. Their      any doubt that the Church is a         this passage as one example           beam from your eye first; then       found wanting; it has been found
weapons of choice are found            hospital welcoming sinners into        among many: Jesus said to his         you will see clearly to remove the   difficult and left untried.”
primarily in the stealthy power of     the healing embrace of Jesus. She      disciples:                            splinter from your brother’s eye.”
the internet in social media and       was never intended to be simply           “Stop judging, that you may        (Matt. 7:1-5)
these are indeed weapons of mass       a hotel for saints with no spot or     not be judged. For as you judge,         How might this world change
destruction. They are hidden           wrinkle. That day is yet to come.      so will you be judged, and the        if mercy and forgiveness were

                                 El Único Antídoto Para Un Mundo Enfadado

        e has dado cuenta de           iceberg está bajo la superficie        estado exenta. La Iglesia se          dominado por aquellos que            hay en tu propio ojo? ¿Cómo
        lo enfadada que está           y la ira que llevan y expresan         convierte en un objetivo bien-        están enfadados y son vengati-       puedes decir a tu hermano:
        la gente hoy en día?           no está exenta de víctimas. Sus        venido porque está formada por        vos? Reconocer nuestra propia        “Déjame sacar esa paja de tu
Algunas personas están tan             armas de elección se encuen-           seres humanos pecadores que           fragilidad y pecaminosidad           ojo”, mientras la viga de made-
enfadadas que podrían matar a          tran principalmente en el poder        durante esta vida en la tierra        sería un buen comienzo. Ver          ra está en el tuyo? Hipócrita,
alguien. ¡Y lo hacen! Sólo en          sigiloso de Internet en las redes      nunca podrían estar a la altura       nuestros propios fallos per-         saca primero la viga de madera
el año 2020, hubo 614 tiroteos         sociales y éstas son realmente         de la exaltada vocación que ha        sonales y comprender cómo            de tu ojo; entonces verás clara-
masivos que resultaron en 446          armas de destrucción masiva.           recibido. Jesús quiso que nunca       la misericordia de Dios se ha        mente para sacar la paja del
muertes y 2.515 heridos, para          Son francotiradores ocultos que        hubiera duda de que la Iglesia        manifestado en nuestras vidas        ojo de tu hermano”. (Mateo
un total de 3.061 víctimas en          disparan bien y luego desapare-        es un hospital que acoge a los        puede convencernos de la             7:1-5)
los EE.UU. La gente está tan           cen en el éter virtual.                pecadores en el abrazo sanador        hipocresía que supone intentar          ¿Cómo podría cambiar este
enojada que está sacando su               Cualquier persona que sea           de Jesús. Nunca se pretendió          dirigir la furia farisaica hacia     mundo si la misericordia y el
ira, a veces en las personas que       una figura pública puede espe-         que fuera simplemente un              los demás.                           perdón sustituyeran al juicio y
conocen o pueden elegir una            rar ser un objetivo. Y las insti-      hotel para santos sin mancha             Jesús, por supuesto, enseñó       la ira? Jesús ha dejado claro
determinada raza o grupo étni-         tuciones son un foco especial          ni arruga. Ese día aún está por       muy claramente sobre estos te-       que un mundo así es posible
co, y otras veces sólo la gente        del odio que hierve en las almas       llegar. La gente suele decir:         mas. Ofrezco este pasaje como        cuando nos abrimos a la gracia
al azar va a hacer. Nosotros,          de tantos. Sean de la llamada          “Me voy de la Iglesia porque          un ejemplo entre muchos otros:       de Dios. Este trabajo desafiante
en El Paso, somos testigos de          derecha, izquierda o centro,           está formada por personas que         Jesús dijo a sus discípulos:         es algo que Dios quiere hacer
primera mano del terrible coste        las fuerzas de la destrucción se       me parecen hipócritas y peca-            “Dejad de juzgar, para que no     empezando por ti y por mí. No
de su ira sin límites.                 unen a la causa. Es una carrera        doras”. Deberían decir: “La           seáis juzgados. Porque según         hay tiempo como el presente.
   Pero los tiradores en masa no       hacia la destrucción mutua             Iglesia es un lugar al que puedo      juzguéis, así seréis juzgados,       Como dijo una vez G.K. Ches-
son las únicas personas enfad-         asegurada.                             pertenecer porque está formada        y la medida con la que midáis        terton: “El ideal cristiano no se
adas. Son sólo la punta de un             La Iglesia, aunque es el            por pecadores que anhelan ser         os será aplicada”. ¿Por qué          ha probado y se ha encontrado
iceberg social. Los tiradores          Cuerpo de Cristo en la tierra,         santos, como yo”.                     te fijas en la paja que hay en       en falta; se ha encontrado difí-
en masa recurren a la violencia        no es una excepción a este                ¿Te gustaría que el mundo se       el ojo de tu hermano, pero no        cil y se ha dejado sin probar”.
física. pero la mayor parte del        ataque destructivo. Nunca ha           convirtiera en un lugar menos         percibes la viga de madera que
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso
4 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                         Diocesan News                                                                             July 2021

Continued from Pg. 1                  ticipated in parish mission trips to
dor, and Guatemala – is a life-       Mexico and Central America as
or-death issue, he emphasized.        a priest.
Those three countries have been          He noted that on the mission
known to have among the world’s       trips, “we went in with a very
highest homicide rates.               American notion that we were
   Vice President Harris, in a trip   going to go fix things.”
to Guatemala earlier this month          “I came to understand that they
to address root causes of migra-      [residents] know what they need
tion, warned those considering        better than we do,” he said.
migrating to the United States           The United States as a nation
against making the “dangerous”        needs to think the same way, he
trip, saying “Do not come. Do         said.
not come. The United States will         “And of course, if we truly
continue to enforce our laws and      believe that these are people just
secure our border.”                   like you and I who have not only
   Bishop Seitz said that the ad-     intelligence but human dignity,”
ministration and political leaders    he added, “we shouldn’t go in as
need to understand that “this         a nation and just say ‘this is what
broken system of immigration is       we’re going to do to fix you,’ but
not going to be fixed overnight,      rather to talk to people on the
and a focus on improving the root     ground, where they live, listen
causes of immigration is going to     to what their experience is, and
take years.”                          what they believe is needed for
   “Our nation is big enough to       things to get better.”
handle the effects of that. But          The Church must be delivering
the moment that we start to get       a prophetic witness on immigra-
uncomfortable with the numbers        tion, he said.
[of immigrants], we can’t just           “We’ve heard rhetoric that
fall back on the easy ‘answer’ of     leads people into a great deal of
various kinds of enforcement,”        fear. And that fear shuts off the
he added. The bishop emphasized       desire to really understand what
that the United States should         is happening, or to respond to the
welcome migrants while also           need,” he said.
working “perseveringly” to im-           “So it’s really important for the
prove the situation in their home     Church to be involved in this, as
countries.                            she needs to be involved when-
                                      ever there’s a situation where         Bishop Seitz and the Director of the Hope Border Institute, Dylan Corbett await the arrival of Vice President
   Bishop Seitz said that at Fri-
                                      human beings are suffering, poor,      Kamala Harris in El Paso on June 25. Photo Courtesy of Dylan Corbett.
day’s roundtable, he mentioned
his personal experience on the        vulnerable – that’s where Jesus
issue of immigration, having par-     would be.”

Continuado de la Pg. 1                tales de la inmigración va a tomar        Monseñor Seitz dijo que en         debe pensar de la misma manera,      gración, dijo.
advirtió a los que estaban pensan-    años.”                                 la mesa redonda del viernes           dijo.                                   “Hemos escuchado una retóri-
do en emigrar a Estados Unidos           “Nuestra nación es lo sufici-       mencionó su experiencia personal         “Y, por supuesto, si realmente    ca que lleva a la gente a tener
que no hicieran el “peligroso”        entemente grande como para             sobre el tema de la inmigración,      creemos que se trata de personas     mucho miedo. Y ese miedo apaga
viaje, diciendo: “No vengan. No       manejar sus efectos. Pero en el        al haber participado en viajes        como tú y yo, que no sólo tienen     el deseo de entender realmente lo
vengan. Estados Unidos seguirá        momento en que empecemos a             misioneros parroquiales a México      inteligencia sino dignidad huma-     que está pasando, o de responder
aplicando nuestras leyes y asegu-     sentirnos incómodos con las ci-        y Centroamérica como sacerdote.       na”, añadió, “no deberíamos ir       a la necesidad”, dijo.
rando nuestra frontera”.              fras [de inmigrantes], no podem-          Señaló que en los viajes de        como nación y decir simplemente         “Así que es realmente impor-
   Monseñor Seitz dijo que la         os recurrir a la “respuesta” fácil     misión, “íbamos con una noción        ‘esto es lo que vamos a hacer        tante que la Iglesia se involucre
administración y los líderes          de diversos tipos de aplicación        muy americana de que íbamos a         para arreglaros’, sino hablar con    en esto, como tiene que involu-
políticos tienen que entender que     de la ley”, añadió. El obispo hizo     arreglar las cosas”.                  la gente sobre el terreno, donde     crarse siempre que haya una situ-
“este sistema roto de inmigración     hincapié en que Estados Unidos            “Llegué a comprender que           viven, escuchar cuál es su experi-   ación en la que los seres humanos
no se va a arreglar de la noche       debe acoger a los inmigrantes y        ellos [los residentes] saben lo que   encia y qué creen que se necesita    estén sufriendo, sean pobres, sean
a la mañana, y un enfoque en la       al mismo tiempo trabajar “con          necesitan mejor que nosotros”,        para que las cosas mejoren”.         vulnerables: ahí es donde estaría
mejora de las causas fundamen-        perseverancia” para mejorar la         dijo.                                    La Iglesia debe dar un testi-     Jesús”.
                                      situación en sus países de origen.        Estados Unidos, como nación,       monio profético sobre la inmi-

                                                                                                         Diocese offers assistance for victims of sexual abuse
                                                                                Bishop Mark J. Seitz invites anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse by a priest, deacon,
                                                                                religious, or any minister of the church, to contact the Victim’s Assitance Coordinator, Mrs. Susan
                                                                                Martinez LCSW, at (915) 872-8465 or the Office of the Chancery, (915) 872-8407. The Church desires
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FATHER!                                                         the healing of anyone that has been harmed.
Fr. Jose Eulalio Gomez Martinez OFM                                  7/07                           La diócesis ofrece asistencia a las víctimas de abusos sexuales
Fr. Edilberto “Beto” Lopez                                           7/10       El Obispo Mark J. Seitz invita a cualquier persona que haya sido víctima de abuso sexual por parte de
Fr. Kennon Y. Ducre                                                  7/14       un sacerdote, diácono, religioso o cualquier ministro de la iglesia, a contactar a la Coordinadora de
Fr. Juan Francisco Figueroa Moran, OFM                               7/18       Asistencia a las Víctimas, la Sra. Susan Martínez LCSW, al (915) 872-8465 o a la Oficina de la Can-
Fr. James W. Kofski MM                                               7/19       cillería, (915) 872-8407. La Iglesia desea la curación de cualquiera que haya sido dañado.
Fr. Antonio Lasheras, OAR                                            7/20
Fr. Manuel R. Martinez (Extern)                                      7/30
Fr. Fabian A.Marquez                                                  7/3                                                  PDX Printing proud printer
ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY                                                                                                     of the Rio Grande Catholic
Fr. Angel M. Maldonado                                          7/1/1979                                                              PDX Printing is a full service
Fr. Kennon Y. Ducre                                             7/6/1983                                                                  commercial print shop.
Fr. Jose Mesa, SJ                                              7/16/1977                                                         In addition to newspapers, we print and bind
Fr. Rafael Garcia, SJ                                          7/17/1993                                                                  books, programs, brochures,
Fr. Antonio Lasheras, OAR                                      7/25/1962                                                                carbonless forms, flyers, posters,
                                                                                                                                     letterhead, envelopes, business cards
RETIRED PRIESTS BIRTHDAY (CORRECTION)                                                                                                           and much more.
Fr. James W. Hall                                                    5/11
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ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY (RETIRED)                                                                                                       your printing needs.
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RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                          Diocesan News                                                                        July 2021 - 5

           Priests of the Diocese Retire after Decades of Service
By Sofia Larkin
Major Gifts Officer

   Among the clergy appoint-
ments announced in May by
Bishop Mark J. Seitz, D.D., was
the retirement of two diocesan
priests, while one religious order
priest, Rev. William Donnelly,
MM, is returning to the mother-
house of the Maryknolls in New
   The priests set to retire are
Rev. Raúl Trigueros and Rev.
Msgr. David Fierro.
   Fr. Raúl Trigueros began his
religious vocation as a Francis-
can. He was ordained on June 13,
1969 and spent the first ten years
of his priesthood in Michoacán,
Mexico, working at missions and
   A transfer to El Paso to assist
at St. Anthony Seminary helped
him see that he was more suited
for a diocesan ministry than liv-
ing in community as a religious
order priest. He asked Bishop
Patrick Flores, D.D. (1978-1979)
for permission to remain, and
was eventually incardinated to
the Diocese of El Paso by Bishop
Raymundo J. Pena, D.D.
   Fr. Raúl’s 52 years of priest-     The priests that have retired after decades of service are Rev. Raúl Trigueros and Rev. Msgr. David Fierro. Photos by Fernie Ceniceros
ly service includes diocesan
director of communication for 14
years, vicar, and parishes across
the diocese, including Cristo Rey
                                      pine, began his formation at St.    Cathedral, rector of St. Charles        He shared that he was privi-        retire, and wishes both men hap-
for 15 years.
                                      Charles Seminary in El Paso with    Seminary, and pastor of parishes      leged to be there for parishioners    piness and good health.
   He asks that the faithful in the
                                      Rev. Trini Fuentez† and Msgr.       across the Diocese of El Paso,        in their joyful moments—wed-            “We are grateful to Fr. Raúl
Diocese of El Paso support their
                                      Arturo Bañuelas (St. Mark), and     including Mother Cabrini and St.      dings and baptisms—and in their       and Msgr. David for close to a
new pastors and help them as
                                      completed major seminary at         Matthew. He’s also experienced        sad moments as well.                  century of combined years of
they make their transitions.
                                      Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio.       his share of challenges. During         Msgr. David said, “Please           serving and mentoring priests
   “I want to give thanks to
                                      He was ordained to the priest-      his time at the Cathedral, a light-   pray for me and help me pray          and seminarians in the Diocese
everyone because they helped
                                      hood by Bishop Sidney Matthew       ning bolt struck the steeple and      for more vocations so others will     of El Paso.”
form me as a priest. Be faithful
                                      Metzger, STD, JCD (1942-1978)       set it on fire during a thunder-      come after me.”                         The appointments became
to your parish and help the pastor
                                      on June 19, 1976.                   storm on May 17, 1988.                  Very Rev. Ben Flores, Vicar         effective on Thursday, July 1,
who has been assigned to you,”
                                        In his 45 years of priesthood,      “It’s been a long journey and       General for the Diocese of El         2021.
he said.
                                      Msgr. Fierro served as vicar,       I’m happy to retire”, and adds,       Paso, expressed that he is happy
   Msgr. Fierro, a native of Al-
                                      chancellor, rector of St. Patrick   “I’m not gone, I’ll be around!”       for his brother priests who will

     Sacerdotes De La Diócesis Se Jubilan Tras Décadas De Servicio
Por Sofia Larkin                      en misiones y escuelas.             Diócesis de El Paso apoyen a sus      monseñor Fierro ha sido vicario,         Monseñor David dijo: “Por
Oficial de Donativos Mayores             Un traslado a El Paso para       nuevos pastores y los ayuden en       canciller, rector de la catedral de   favor, recen por mí y ayúdenme
                                      asistir al Seminario de San         su transición.                        San Patricio, rector del seminar-     a rezar por más vocaciones para
   Entre los nombramientos del        Antonio le ayudó a ver que era        “Quiero dar las gracias a todos     io de San Carlos y párroco de         que otros vengan después de mí”.
clero anunciados en mayo por el       más adecuado para un minis-         porque han ayudado a formarme         parroquias en toda la diócesis de        El Rev. Ben Flores, Vicario
obispo Mark J. Seitz, D.D., está      terio diocesano que para vivir      como sacerdote. Sean fieles a su      El Paso, incluidas las de Madre       General de la Diócesis de El
la jubilación de dos sacerdotes       en comunidad como sacerdote         parroquia y ayuden al párroco         Cabrini y San Mateo. También          Paso, expresó que se alegra por
diocesanos, mientras que un           de una orden religiosa. Pidió       que les ha sido asignado”, dijo.      ha experimentado su cuota de          sus hermanos sacerdotes que se
sacerdote de una orden religiosa,     permiso al Obispo Patrick Flores,     Monseñor Fierro, natural de         desafíos. Durante su estancia en      jubilarán, y les desea a ambos
el reverendo William Donnelly,        D.D. (1978-1979) para quedarse,     Alpine, comenzó su formación          la Catedral, un rayo cayó sobre el    felicidad y buena salud.
MM, regresa a la casa madre de        y finalmente fue incardinado a la   en el Seminario de San Carlos de      campanario y lo incendió durante         “Estamos agradecidos con el
los Maryknolls en Nueva York.         Diócesis de El Paso por el Obis-    El Paso con el reverendo Trini        una tormenta eléctrica el 17 de       Padre Raúl y Monseñor David
   Los sacerdotes que se jubilan      po Raymundo J. Pena, D.D.           Fuentez† y monseñor Arturo            mayo de 1988.                         por cerca de un siglo de años
son el Rev. Raúl Trigueros y el          Los 52 años de servicio          Bañuelas (San Marcos), y com-            “Ha sido un largo viaje y estoy    combinados de servir y ser men-
Rev. Monseñor David Fierro.           sacerdotal del P. Raúl incluyen     pletó el seminario mayor en el        feliz de retirarme”, y añade: “No     tores de sacerdotes y seminaris-
   El P. Raúl Trigueros comenzó       director diocesano de comuni-       Josephinum de Columbus, Ohio.         me he ido, ¡estaré por aquí!”.        tas en la Diócesis de El Paso”.
su vocación religiosa como fran-      cación durante 14 años, vicario     Fue ordenado sacerdote por el            Compartió que tuvo el privile-        Los nombramientos se hic-
ciscano. Fue ordenado el 13 de        y parroquias en toda la diócesis,   obispo Sidney Matthew Metzger,        gio de estar ahí para los feligre-    ieron efectivos el jueves 1 de
junio de 1969 y pasó los primer-      incluyendo Cristo Rey durante       STD, JCD (1942-1978) el 19 de         ses en sus momentos de alegría        julio de 2021.
os diez años de su sacerdocio en      15 años.                            junio de 1976.                        -bodas y bautizos- y también en
Michoacán, México, trabajando            Pide que los fieles de la          En sus 45 años de sacerdocio,       sus momentos de tristeza.
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso
6 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                   Diocesan News                                                                      July 2021

                          New Pastoral Assignments for 2021

  The Most Rev. Mark Seitz, D.D., Bishop of El Paso, is pleased to announce new              Christ the Savior - Fr. Glenn Carpe, Parish Administrator
pastoral assignments for various clergy serving the Catholic Diocese of El Paso, assign-     Little Flower - Fr. Alfonso Bonilla, Parish Administrator
ments became effective July 1, 2021.                                                         San Lorenzo, Clint - Fr. Juan Victor Gamino, Parish Administrator - Pastor of San
                                                                                           Elizario *
Retirements                                                                                  San Pedro de Jesus Maldonado - Fr. German Alzate, Parish Administrator - Vocations
  We take this opportunity to announce several Priestly Retirements:                       Director*
Fr. Raul Trigueros (Pastor at St. Peter & Paul),                                             St. John (Monahans) - Fr. Mount Joseph Durai Raj, SJ., Administrator
Msgr. David Fierro (Pastor at Mother Cabrini)                                                St. Joseph/St. Thomas (Kermit) - Fr. Charles Rajan Michael, OCD, Administrator
Fr. Bill Donnelly, MM (Parish Administrator at St. Patrick’s Canutillo & Immaculate          St. Mary (Marfa) - Fr. Paul Matta, Parish Administrator - Pastor of Our Lady of
Heart of Mary in Westway).                                                                 Peace, Alpine*
Thank you, good and faithful servants of God and the Church, for your many years of          					* Current and Continuing Assignment
Service, Joy & Sacrifice.
                                                                                             Parochial Assignments
Leaves/Other                                                                                 Our Lady of the Light and Santo Niño de Atocha - Fr. Roberto Alvarado
  Fr. Saul Pacheco, Parish Admin. of San Pedro de Jesus Maldonado Parish has request-        Our Lady of Peace, Alpine and St. Mary’s, Marfa - Fr. Victorino Lorezca
ed a Leave of Absence. Fr. Ed Roden, Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas will transfer to his       St. Pius X. - Fr. Wilbert Colas
home Archdiocese of Santa Fe.                                                                ​
                                                                                             Diaconate Assignments
Pastoral Assignements​                                                                       ​Corpus Christi - Deacon Carlos Rubio
  Cathedral Parish of St. Patrick - Fr. James Marcus McFadin, Rector                          Blessed Sacrament - Deacon Sergio Legarreta•
  St. Francis Xavier Mother Cabrini - Fr. Benjamin Flores-Ruiz, Pastor - Vicar General        Holy Trinity - Deacon Cesar Garcia•
and Moderator of the Curia*                                                                   Our Lady of Peace (Alpine, Texas) - Deacon Alfonso Coronado
  Queen of Peace - Fr. Allan Alaka, Pastor                                                    La Purisima - Deacon Ignacio Torres
  St. Joseph- Fr. Fabian Marquez, Pastor                                                      St. Jude - Deacon Jose William Arevalo
  La Purísima - Fr. Emanuel Alcazar, Pastor                                                   St. Matthew - Deacon Astry Deraly
  St. Luke - Fr. Ed Carpenter, Pastor                                                         St. Mark - Deacon Edroud Jean
  Sts. Peter and Paul - Fr. Angel Maldonado, Pastor                                           St. Peter & Paul - Loyd Divinagracia, Seminarian
  St. Thomas Aquinas - Fr. Ken Ducre, Pastor                                                  						• Denotes Summer Assignement
  Blessed Sacrament - Fr. John Paul Manadu, Parish Administrator
  Buen Pastor - Deacon Robert Guerra, Parish Administrator - Fr. Carl Quebedeaux,
CMF, - Sacramental Minister

             Nuevas Asignaciones Pastorales Para 2021
  El Obispo de El Paso, Mons. Mark Seitz, D.D., se complace en anunciar nuevas asig-       deaux, CMF, Ministerio Sacramental
naciones pastorales para varios clérigos que sirven a la Diócesis Católica de El Paso, a     Christ the Savior - P. Glenn Carpe, Administrador Parroquial
partir del 1 de julio de 2021.                                                               Little Flower - P. Alfonso Bonilla, Administrador Parroquial
                                                                                             San Lorenzo, Clint - P. Juan Victor Gamino, Administrador Parroquial - Pastor of
Retiros                                                                                    San Elizario *
  Aprovechamos esta oportunidad para anunciar varias jubilaciones sacerdotales:              San Pedro de Jesus Maldonado - P. German Alzate, Administrador Parroquial - Pro-
  P. Raúl Trigueros (Párroco en San Pedro y Pablo),                                        motor Vocacional*
  Monseñor David Fierro (Párroco en Madre Cabrini)                                           St. John (Monahans, Texas) - P. Mount Joseph Durai Raj, SJ., Administrador Parro-
  P. Bill Donnelly, MM (Administrador Parroquial en San Patricio Canutillo y el In-        quial
maculado Corazón de María en Westway, Texas).                                                St. Joseph/St. Thomas (Kermit, Texas) - P. Charles Rajan Michael, OCD, Administra-
  Gracias, buenos y fieles servidores de Dios y de la Iglesia, por sus muchos años de      dor Parroquial
servicio, alegría y sacrificio.                                                              St. Mary (Marfa, Texas) - P. Paul Matta, Administrador Parroquial - Parroco de Our
                                                                                           Lady of Peace, Alpine*
Aucencia y Misc.                                                                           						* Asignación actual y continua
  El Padre Saúl Pacheco, Administrador Parroquial de la Parroquia de San Pedro de
Jesús Maldonado ha solicitado una ausencia.                                                Vicarios Parroquiales
  El P. Ed Roden-Lucero, Párroco de Santo Tomás de Aquino se trasladará a su Ar-             Our Lady of the Light and Santo Niño de Atocha - P. Roberto Alvarado
quidiócesis de Santa Fe.                                                                     Our Lady of Peace, (Alpine,TX) and St. Mary’s, (Marfa,TX) - P. Victorino Lorezca
                                                                                             St. Pius X - P. Wilbert Colas
  Catedral de St. Patrick - P. James Marcus McFadin, Rector                                  Diáconos
  St. Francis Xavier Mother Cabrini - P. Benjamin Flores-Ruiz, Parroco - Vicar General       Corpus Christi - Diácono Carlos Rubio
and Moderator of the Curia*                                                                  Blessed Sacrament - Diácono Sergio Legarreta*
  Queen of Peace - P. Allan Alaka, Parroco                                                   Holy Trinity - Diácono Cesar Garcia*
  St. Joseph - P. Fabian Marquez, Parroco                                                    Our Lady of Peace (Alpine, Texas) - Diácono Alfonso Coronado
  La Purísima - P. Emanuel Alcazar, Parroco                                                  La Purisima - Diácono Ignacio Torres
  St. Luke - P. Ed Carpenter, Parroco                                                        St. Jude - Diácono Jose William Arevalo
  Sts. Peter and Paul - P. Angel Maldonado, Parroco                                          St. Matthew - Diácono Astry Deraly
  St. Thomas Aquinas - P. Ken Ducre, Parroco                                                 St. Mark - Diácono Edroud Jean
  Blessed Sacrament - P. John Paul Manadu, Administrador Parroquial                          Sts. Peter and Paul - Loyd Divinagracia, Seminarista
  Buen Pastor - Diácono Robert Guerra, Administrador Parroquial - P. Carl Quebe-             						* Denota asignación de verano
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                            Capital Campaign                                                                         July 2021 - 7

             Supporting Our Catholic Schools and Faith Formation
By Tina Edwards-Milam
Pledge Fulfilment Specialist

   The “We Are the Body of
Christ” campaign is designed to
raise the necessary funds to sup-
port our seminarians, strengthen
our Catholic schools and reli-
gious education programs and
nourish our parish communities.
The campaign raises funds for
seminary education and diaconate
formation, Catholic education
and religious formation, and
financial assistance for parish
emergency needs and expansion.
   As a community, we have
much to celebrate and be grateful
for. Our Catholic teachers are
second-to-none. Committed
and highly qualified, and they
are great role models for all of
us—servant leaders with true
hearts for our youth. We have an
obligation to look to the future       The Capital Campaign raises funds for seminary education and diaconate formation, Catholic education and religious formation, and financial
as beneficiaries of a successful       assistance for parish emergency needs and expansion. Photo Courtesy of the Catholic Foundation
school system to ensure our
future generations experience the
same successes.
   This starts with attracting and     will not be able to compete in            Catholic schools with dedica-         tered lives of service and faith,         Bishop Mark Seitz encour-
retaining the most talented and        the world the way that they will          tion, diligence, care, prudence,      and preparedness for service to        ages us, “Now is the time, we
qualified educators. These edu-        need to. When we take the time            faith, and academic excellence.       our Church and country. We sin-        must fully respond to the call of
cators are sacrificing themselves      to invest in our students, it is          Except for a few weeks and            cerely and with faith ask for your     discipleship. Please open your
and have made a choice to work         essential that we provide them            an abundance of care for our          support. Catholic Schools hold         hearts to receive God‘s, Bound-
in our Catholic schools, connect-      with solid life skills. Technology        community’s health, our Catholic      a place of special importance          less Love. Joyfully share your
ing our children to the highest        is a critical part of all of our lives,   schools stayed open for students      in the teaching mission of the         time, talent, and treasure to help
quality of Catholic education. We      and the more that we are able to          to attend in person or to telecom-    Church. St. John Paul II stated        welcome His Kingdom for our
need to be sure we support our         equip our students with reliable          mute online. We have maintained       that, “educational ministry is one     future generations. Consider
educators to feel they can grow        resources, the more we are setting        our spiritual, communal, and          of humanity’s most excellent           making a sacrificial commitment
both professionally and spiritu-       them up for a successful future.          academic life in the face of this     and creative activities, for it does   to the Capital Campaign, “We
ally by attending workshops and           Dr. Lanny Hollis, Superinten-          great health threat. Now, we—as       not write on inanimate material        Are The Body of Christ.” With
training.                              dent of Catholic Schools, said,           “We are the Body of Christ:           but on the very spirits of human       God‘s Blessings and Guidance,
   We must also ensure our             “The students and staff of the            Sharing our Gifts for the Church      beings.” Your generosity and           the We Are The Body of Christ
children have the most up-to-date      Catholic schools of the Diocese           of Tomorrow—look ahead to             collaboration are important to us      campaign will succeed.”
technology and computers. This         of El Paso are faithfully emerg-          the future. This current diocesan     so we can achieve that purpose.           To make a donation, or for
is the way we navigate our cur-        ing out of the worldwide Covid            capital campaign will help ensure     May God bless you abundantly           more information, go to www.
rent world, and if our students are    pandemic. We have weathered               the future of our instructional and   for your support and prayers for or
not equipped and prepared with         the worse challenge ever to U.S.          teaching excellence, Christ-cen-      our mission.”                          call (915) 872-8412.
those resources, then our students

  Apoyo A Nuestras Escuelas Católicas Y A La Formación En La Fe
By Tina Edwards-Milam                                                                                                  un futuro exitoso.                     cas ocupan un lugar de especial
Pledge Fulfilment Specialist                                                                                              El Dr. Lanny Hollis, Super-         importancia en la misión docente
                                                                                                                       intendente de Escuelas Católi-         de la Iglesia. San Juan Pablo II
   La campaña “Somos el Cuerpo                                                                                         cas, dijo: “Los estudiantes y el       afirmaba que “el ministerio edu-
de Cristo” está diseñada para re-                                                                                      personal de las escuelas católicas     cativo es una de las actividades
caudar los fondos necesarios para                                                                                      de la Diócesis de El Paso están        más excelentes y creativas de la
apoyar a nuestros seminaristas,                                                                                        saliendo fielmente de la pan-          humanidad, pues no escribe sobre
fortalecer nuestras escuelas católi-                                                                                   demia mundial de Covid. Hemos          un material inanimado, sino sobre
cas y programas de educación                                                                                           capeado el peor desafío que han        el espíritu mismo de los seres
religiosa y nutrir nuestras comu-                                                                                      tenido las escuelas católicas de       humanos”. Vuestra generosidad
nidades parroquiales. La campaña                                                                                       Estados Unidos con dedicación,         y colaboración son importantes
recauda fondos para la educación                                                                                       diligencia, cuidado, prudencia,        para que podamos alcanzar ese
del seminario y la formación del                                                                                       fe y excelencia académica. Salvo       propósito. Que Dios os bendiga
diaconado, la educación católica y                                                                                     por unas pocas semanas y por           abundantemente por vuestro
la formación religiosa, y la ayuda     La Campaña de Capital recauda fondos para la educación del seminario y          la abundancia de cuidados para         apoyo y vuestras oraciones por
financiera para las necesidades de     la formación del diaconado, la educación católica y la formación religiosa,     la salud de nuestra comuni-            nuestra misión”.
emergencia y la expansión de la        y la ayuda financiera para las necesidades de emergencia y la expansión de      dad, nuestras escuelas católicas          El obispo Mark Seitz nos
parroquia.                             la parroquia. Foto cortesía de la Fundación Católica                            permanecieron abiertas para que        anima: “Ahora es el momento,
   Como comunidad, tenemos                                                                                             los alumnos pudieran asistir en        debemos responder plenamente
mucho que celebrar y agradecer.                                                                                        persona o teleconectarse. Hemos        a la llamada del discipulado. Por
Nuestros profesores católicos son                                                                                      mantenido nuestra vida espiritual,     favor, abran sus corazones para
insuperables. Comprometidos y                                                                                          comunitaria y académica frente         recibir el amor ilimitado de Dios.
                                       y han tomado la decisión de               actual, y si nuestros estudiantes
altamente cualificados, son un                                                                                         a esta gran amenaza sanitaria.         Compartid con alegría vuestro
                                       trabajar en nuestras escuelas             no están equipados y prepara-
gran modelo para todos nosotros:                                                                                       Ahora, nosotros -como “Somos el        tiempo, talento y tesoro para ayu-
                                       católicas, conectando a nuestros          dos con esos recursos, entonces
líderes serviciales con un ver-                                                                                        Cuerpo de Cristo: Compartiendo         dar a dar la bienvenida a Su Reino
                                       hijos con la más alta calidad de          nuestros estudiantes no serán
dadero corazón para nuestros                                                                                           nuestros dones para la Iglesia del     a nuestras futuras generaciones.
                                       educación católica. Tenemos que           capaces de competir en el mundo
jóvenes. Tenemos la obligación                                                                                         mañana- miramos hacia el futuro.       Considere hacer un compromiso
                                       asegurarnos de apoyar a nuestros          de la manera que necesitarán.
de mirar al futuro como beneficia-                                                                                     Esta campaña de capital dioce-         de sacrificio a la Campaña de
                                       educadores para que sientan que           Cuando nos tomamos el tiempo
rios de un sistema escolar exitoso                                                                                     sana actual ayudará a asegurar el      Capital, “Somos el Cuerpo de
                                       pueden crecer tanto profesional           de invertir en nuestros alumnos,
para asegurar que nuestras futuras                                                                                     futuro de nuestra excelencia en        Cristo”. Con las bendiciones y la
                                       como espiritualmente asistiendo a         es esencial que les proporcione-
generaciones experimenten los                                                                                          la instrucción y la enseñanza, las     guía de Dios, la campaña Somos
                                       talleres y formación.                     mos unas sólidas habilidades para
mismos éxitos.                                                                                                         vidas de servicio y fe centradas       El Cuerpo de Cristo tendrá éxito”.
                                          También debemos asegurarnos            la vida. La tecnología es una parte
   Esto comienza con la atracción                                                                                      en Cristo, y la preparación para el       Para hacer una donación, o para
                                       de que nuestros niños tengan la           fundamental de nuestras vidas, y
y retención de los educadores                                                                                          servicio a nuestra Iglesia y país.     más información, vaya a www.
                                       tecnología y los ordenadores más          cuanto más podamos equipar a
más talentosos y calificados.                                                                                          Pedimos sinceramente y con fe o
                                       actualizados. Esta es la forma en         nuestros estudiantes con recursos
Estos educadores se sacrifican                                                                                         su apoyo. Las Escuelas Católi-         llame al (915) 872-8412.
                                       que navegamos en nuestro mundo            fiables, más les prepararemos para
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso
8 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                                                                                                           July 2021

           Continuing The Challenge To Be Kind
                                     to follow that young boy’s wise      the car, but a furrow creased her     ings He gives us, why don’t we       to bed, the parents sat on the pa-
                                     advice and begin helping other       forehead as she tried to figure       take these dinners to our elderly    tio. “Now that things are open-
                                     people again,” he said, sitting a    out her husband’s wink before         neighbors?” she suggested.           ing up again, what do you think
                                     bit taller in his chair.             he had rushed out the door. She          “They’ll like that!” both chil-   about having a potluck dinner
                                       “I’d like to do that,” his wife    shook her head and returned her       dren shouted.                        party for the neighborhood?”
                                     quietly responded as she sat         attention to the pot of spaghetti        A few days later, their father    the wife asked her husband.
                                     down in the chair next to her        sauce simmering on the stove.         found the two children sorting       “We have enough room so that
Janet M. Crowe                       husband and took his hands
                                     in her own. “But we haven’t
                                                                             Not too much later, three
                                                                          tired but smiling car washers
                                                                                                                through the toys in their room
                                                                                                                and putting some of them in a
                                                                                                                                                     it wouldn’t be crowded here in
                                                                                                                                                     our back yard. We’ve been so
                                     received our regular paychecks       came in the back door, and she        separate pile. He teased, “That’s    busy that we barely even know
                                     these past few months and most       helped dry off the little ones        an interesting way to clean up       the families living around us.
   “This year has been filled        of the things we did during          before they dripped puddles           your room, little ones.”             I’ll make up some fliers and the
with some really difficult           the El Paso Challenge cost us        through the house. “Would you            “Oh, Papa,” Angela reassured      children and I will take them
times,” muttered the man to his      money. We paid for a family’s        like a cookie after all your hard     him, “we’ll put them away            around to everyone.”
wife.                                dinner one night and donated         work?” she asked her children.        after we take out the baby toys         “That would be wonderful,”
   She wrapped her arms around       money to the food bank and              “No thanks, Mama,” said Car-       that we are too old to play with     agreed her husband. “I also
her husband’s shoulders and          things like that. I want to help,    los. “The lady next door gave         anymore.”                            know what else you’re think-
held him tightly. “It has been       but we don’t have extra mon-         us a cookie after we washed her          Seeing his father’s confused      ing.” He squeezed her hand
almost a year since that dev-        ey to spend right now,” she          car.”                                 look, Carlos explained, “Mama        and added, “You know there
astating attack on our city last     worried.                                “You washed our neighbor’s         talked to some people up the         are probably several families
August,” she sighed. “I didn’t         A small whirlwind of energy        car?” asked his mother.               street and found out that they       who need a helping hand during
think things could get worse         carried on two sets of little legs      “Yes,” answered Angela, “and       are going to have a new baby.”       these trying times. Working
than that, but this year has over-   burst into the room, interrupting    she seemed lonely so we talked           About that time, his wife         together with some of the other
flowed with problems.”               the couples’ discussion.             to her while Papa finished            came down the hallway. “They         neighbors, we could make sure
   “You’re right, our city was         “Papa, mama, can we run            washing her car.”                     were both laid off from their        that everyone got the help they
shattered by a terrible act of ha-   through the sprinkler?” shout-          “Papa talked to the old man        jobs during the pandemic and         need.”
tred,” he agreed. “However, do       ed little Carlos and Angela in       across the street too,” Carlos        haven’t found new ones yet,”            She smiled at him, “I knew
you remember how we recov-           unison. “Please?”                    added as he wrapped himself in        she explained. “We also went         you were a clever guy when I
ered from that tragedy?”               “I think I have a better idea,”    the towel, “and he’s going to let     through the children’s baby          married you.”
   “The wisdom of a child            their father said. He winked at      us wash his car tomorrow.”            clothes and found some that are         “Because I was clever enough
helped the entire community          his wife and grabbed a bucket           While the children changed         still good and will fit a new-       to marry you,” he answered.
to heal,” she said with a smile.     and some rags from under the         out of their wet swimsuits,           born. Plus, I called the church      “It’s a great idea. Let’s continue
“One little boy challenged ev-       kitchen sink. “Last night’s rain     Mama gave Papa a hug and a            office to ask about baby diapers,    the challenge to spread kindness
eryone to do one act of kindness     covered the car with muddy           wink. Before they sat down to         formula and other necessities,       to others so that no one feels
for each life lost. After going      speckles. How about if we wash       a delicious dinner of spaghetti       and they gave me the Reverence       like a victim and all of us can
out of their way to be kind and      the car?”                            and garlic bread, she ladled out      for Life number to call.”            heal our hearts and our lives by
find ways to brighten the lives        Mama smiled as she looked          generous helpings of noodles             He hugged his wife and told       helping one another.”
of others, everyone’s attitude       out the window to see her hus-       and sauce into two plastic con-       his children how proud he was
seemed to change from victim         band and children spraying each      tainers. “Children, before we         of their willingness to share.
to healer.”                          other as much as they sprayed        thank God for the many bless-            Later, after the children went
   “Maybe we should continue

 Challenging the Establishment on Childhood Gender Transitions
                                     and financial redress. As these      it and have the weight lifted off     children, they will often do so      with their biological sex. Those
                                     intrepid individuals challenge       your shoulders.”                      under pressure from clinicians       studies indicate at least 67 per-
                                     the status quo, they are becom-         She stopped taking the cross-      and professional societies like      cent of gender diverse children
                                     ing known as “trans-desisters”       sex hormones at age 22 and            the American Academy of Pedi-        cease wanting to transition
                                     or “detransitioners.”                says she has come to accept           atrics (AAP).                        by puberty as long as “gender
                                        When Keira was 16 and             being female now. She remains            Keira and other detransition-     affirmation” approaches are not
                                     struggling with gender dyspho-       upset, however, about what had        ers insist that extended wait-       pursued or advocated.
                                     ria, she was referred to the Ta-     happened to her over the last         ing periods, with appropriate           Keira sums up her experience
Fr. Tad Pacholczyk                   vistock Clinic and was almost        decade.                               questioning and challenging of       this way: “I look back with
                                     immediately launched down the           “I was allowed to run with         young people, need to occur          a lot of sadness. There was
                                     medical path. After three one-       this idea that I had, almost like     as part of a good psychother-        nothing wrong with my body. I
                                     hour long visits to the medical      a fantasy, as a teenager.... and it   apeutic response to claims of        was just lost and without proper
   A 23-year-old woman named         facility, she was prescribed pu-     has affected me in the long run       gender dysphoria. The AAP,           support. Transition gave me
Keira Bell recently brought a        berty blockers, powerful drugs       as an adult.”                         meanwhile, strongly discourag-       the facility to hide from myself
pivotal lawsuit against the Na-      that delay the development of           Vulnerable young people,           es such approaches, telling pe-      even more than before. It was a
tional Health Services Gender        signs of puberty. In an inter-       caught up in the pressure of          diatric primary care providers,      temporary fix.”
Identity Development Clinic          view with the British Broad-         the moment, have too easily           in an official statement, “to be        These first-hand testimonies
in London, better known as the       casting Corporation, she stated      been drawn into life-altering         a reliable source of validation,     from brave and outspoken
Tavistock Clinic. Keira expe-        that there hadn’t been adequate      pathways involving medica-            support, and reassurance,” and       detransitioners like Keira Bell
rienced significant personal         investigation or therapy prior to    tions and scalpels with their         exclusively to pursue “affirma-      should prompt us to listen
harm from puberty blockers,          that stage.                          frequently irreversible effects.      tion-based approaches” for chil-     closely to their stories and
testosterone and an operation to        “I should have been chal-         Puberty blockers, cross-sex           dren’s mental health services,       beware of “affirmation-based
remove her breasts. She claims       lenged on the proposals or the       hormones and complex surger-          including pharmacological and        approaches” that often cloak
the medical staff at the clinic      claims that I was making for         ies can all lead to permanent         surgical interventions.              the betrayal of our gender-con-
failed to challenge her seriously    myself,” she said. “I think that     damage, even the destruction of          As James Cantor, Director of      fused youth.
about her decision as a teen-        would have made a big differ-        a young person’s reproductive         the Toronto Sexuality Centre,           Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk,
ager to transition to a male. In     ence.”                               organs and fertility.                 noted in a critical review of        Ph.D. earned his doctorate in
a landmark ruling delivered in          Later she was prescribed the         Now in her early 20s, Keira        the AAP statement, “Although         neuroscience from Yale and did
December 2020, a British court       male hormone testosterone, to        soberly observes, “I’m very           almost all clinics and profes-       post-doctoral work at Harvard.
upheld her claim that she’d          help her develop male features       young. I’ve only just stepped         sional associations in the world     He is a priest of the diocese of
been rushed through gender           like a beard, moustache and a        into adulthood and I have to          use what’s called the watchful       Fall River, MA, and serves as
reassignment without proper          deep voice. A few years later        deal with this kind of burden or      waiting approach to helping          the Director of Education at
safeguards.                          she underwent a mastectomy.          radical difference.”                  gender-diverse children, the         The National Catholic Bioeth-
   Keira represents the leading         “Initially I felt very relieved      Parents have a serious obli-       AAP statement instead reject-        ics Center in Philadelphia. See
edge of a new class of young         and happy about things, but I        gation to protect their children      ed that consensus, endorsing and www.
people struggling with gender        think as the years go on, you        from the gender-reassignment          gender affirmation as the only
dysphoria who, as they become        start to feel less and less en-      industry, which profits hand-         acceptable approach.”
adults, are starting to push back    thusiastic or even happy about       somely from the lucrative, long          The available studies reveal,
against various “gender affir-       things.”                             term hormone prescriptions and        moreover, that the majority of
mation” interventions perpetrat-        “You can continue to dig          the multiple complex surgeries.       pre-adolescent children who
ed against them, even, in some       yourself deeper into this hole or    When parents give consent for         present as “trans” eventually re-
cases, seeking legal recourse        you can choose to come out of        cross-sex interventions on their      vert to the identity that accords
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop Seitz and Others Meet With VP on Immigration - Diocese of El Paso
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