La Minute Sciences - Washington

Página creada Sancho Arregui
La Minute Sciences - Washington
La Minute Sciences
                                                 Lycée Touchard-Washington
                                                                                  Année 2018, n°9

                                Spécial ciné-sciences

                                                                                        Dans ce numéro :
                                                                                        Ciné-Sciences en espa-    p2
                                                                                        Ciné-Sciences en An-      p4
                                                                                        Ciné-Sciences Trilingue   p6

                                                                                        Appel à textes            p8

                                 Jurassic park p4
                                                                      Matrix p3

                                                     Ciné-sciences en espagnol

                                                     Ciné-sciences en Anglais

                           Ready player one p4

International Klein Blue
La Minute Sciences - Washington
Ciné-science espagnol

Possible ou impossible ?
Dans le numéro précédent, les élè-       sur des scènes de films lors de l’en-         résumé, et un modèle est proposé.
ves de 505 vous avaient présenté         seignement de DNL. Voici les répon-
des questions qu’ils s’étaient posés     ses. Pour chaque scène, le film est

Spiderman confia en la fuerza de
sus pies y brazos para aferrarse a
las paredes. Para permanecer bien
enganchado, todas las fuerzas del
cuerpo deben concentrarse en el
centro del cuerpo. Si todas la fuer-
zas dibujadas aquí se compensan
(F4+F2+F5=F8 y F1+F6=F9+F7)
Spiderman no se cae !
Louanne y Clarisse
                                                                                  Bilan des actions exercées sur spiderman

Kung Fu Panda
                                                                                      el tigre està en una piedra que se
                                                                                      mueve, su velocidad va a cambiar.
                                                                                        Energía necesaria para alcanzar

                                                                                         Energía que da el tigre saltando :

                                                                                                   Si                  el
                                                Le film Kung Fu panda                 salto es posible

  En esta película, un tigre salta de                                                                        Yann y Matéo
                                                                   : m es la
piedra en piedra mientras que las
                                          masa del tigre y g la acceleración
piedras están cayendo. Queremos
                                          de la gravedad que vale 9,81m/s2.
saber si es posible que el tigre tenga
suficiente energía para alcanzar la       Así cuando la piedra está cayendo
piedra a pesar que esta sea más           h2 disminuye y le necesita menos
rapida que el tigre.                      energía al tigre para alcanzarla.
Para demostrar si eso es posible          Pero, el problema es que es la
vamos a calcular la energía poten-        fuerza de su salto que le da al tigre
cial : para pasar de una altitud h1 a     su energía.
una altitud h2 la energía potencial
que debe ganar el tigre es                La energía es                 : F es
                                          la fuerza del salto, v la velocidad
                                          del tigre y t el tiempo del salto. Si                                     modèle

 Page 2                                                                                                     La Minute Sciences
La Minute Sciences - Washington
                                                                                  Se puede calcular la fuerza de Ar-
                                                                                  químedes, F, que se opone a estas
                                                                                  fuerzas. F=1000*Vi*g dónde Vi es el
                                                                                  volumen de madera que esta dentro
                                                                                  del agua (consideramos que hay
                                                                                  18centimetros del tablero dentro del
                                                                                  agua) : F=1000*(0,19*0,5*0,2)
                                                                                  *10=1620 Newton
                                                                                  Para concluir hay una fuerza de
                                                                                  700+500+1098 Newton que va den-
                                                                                  tro del agua y una fuerza de 1620
En el escenario, al                                             Le film Titanic
                                                                                  Newton que se opone… no es sufi-
fin de la historia,                                                               ciente para flotar ! Sin embargo,
                                         50*10=500 Newton                         Rose lleva un chaleco salvavido : si
había dos personajes, Rose, en un
tablero y Jack que se queda en el        - el de Jack debe ser de 70*10=700       pone el chaleco por debajo de la
agua. Haría sido posible para los        Newton.                                  puerta podría recuperar la flotación
dos personajes subir en el tablero ?                                              adicional para salvar la vida de
                                         - El tablero de madera tiene un volu-
El peso de un objeto es su masa                                                   Jack.
                                         men de V=1,80*0,2*0,5 m3
multiplicada por la acceleración de la   (utilizamos las dimensiones de la
gravedad (que vale alrededor de 10)      puerta) y la masa volumica de la
así :                                                                             Ina Binta y Romane
                                         madera es de ρ=610kg/m3. Así el
- el peso de Rosa debe ser de            peso de la puerta es de ρ*V*g=1098

Matrix, Harry Potter, 2001 l’odyssée de l’espace
Matrix                                                                             En esta película hay un hombre que
Un hombre dispara 6 balas de 9mm                                                   corre alrededor de un anillo en un
a otro hombre que evita todas las                                                  nave spacial mientras que en el es-
balas. No se mueve durante 3 se-                                                   pacio, no hay gravedad : la persona
gundos. La velocidad de la bala pue-                                               debería flotar. La solución que pare-
de ser de 1000km/h lo que es
                                                                                   ce posible es poner un imán alrede-
278m/s. La bala recorre una distan-
cia de 10m, así que se mueve du-                                                   dor de la nave espacial para crear
rante un tiempo de 0,04s lo que es                                                 un campo magnético. Eso produciría
                                         Edwige porte le balai d’Harry potter      una fuerza para mantener a la per-
mucho menos que 3 segundos. No
es posible para un hombre evitar         6kg y que la escoba pesa 3kg. Pare-       sona de pie, pero podría ser un pro-
balas como en esta película.             ce posible para un animal transpor-       blema para los aparatos electrónicos
Harry potter                             tar la mitad de su peso. Por ejemplo,     tener tantos imanes en la nave.
                                         una hormiga puede transportar alre-
En la escena de Harry Potter, un
                                         dedor de 3 veces su peso…                 Wasim, Théo, Jade, Killian et Ru-
búho, Edwige transporta en una es-
coba a Harry potter. ¿Cómo es posi-      2001 l’odyssée de l’espace                dy
ble? Imaginamos que el búho pesa

 Page 3                                                                                                La Minute Sciences
La Minute Sciences - Washington
Memory in pictures : Black Mirror episode 3 season 1
If you dream like us, to have an ei-        episode, when Liam started to doubt        eiditic memory helps us to learn much
detic memory, which means a ca-             in the fidelity of his wife, he aimed at   more easier. Thanks to the new tech-
pacity to take high quality pictures of     finding the truth by utilizing his grain   nologies, scientific geniuses are able
everthing that you see, to record           to recall all the videos with all the      to invent a similar chip. But will this
sounds, and to recall images from           details. At the end he discovered the      chip influence on our brain on the long
your memory at anytime, so you              truth. If you want to discover it, you     term ?
should watch this episode of Black                                                     An important thing which we mustn’t
Mirror.                                                                                froget it is that a normal life and a nor-
A young lawyer Liam FOXWELL                                                            mal memory, are a dream for this per-
has, a grain implanted behind the                                                      sons, as at the beginning of the epi-
ear, like everyone else in the epi-                                                    sode, we can see a debate between a
sode. This chip allows him to store                                                    woman without this chip, and another
everything that he sees and to play                                                    woman with it, through this debate, we
them when he wants, thanks to small        Série Black Mirror
                                                                                       can compare the two, then we may
remote control. But at the end, we                                                     choose if we want to invent this chip
will see an event which improves            have to see the end of this episode.       or not.
that we would suffer cause of this                                                     Thanks to this story which is an excel-
capacity.                                   The eidetic memory is concedered
                                            like an illness which follows the per-     lent exapmle for us to know, that not
A terrible event, which a normal            son with this illness from birth to        all that we like to have, is always help-
mind could drop it, contrary to the         death, sadly sometimes it helps to         ful. So do you really still want to have
other’s minds (who have an eidetic                                                     this chip ?
                                            progress a lot of mental and neu-
memory) preserve it, which will be          rologicals illness, for instance alz-       by ATALLA Fadia and DAHDAL Maria.
hard for them. For example in the           heimer. But on the other hand, an

What excites us about dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are always a success in           ship between the main character,             the Baryonyx. Thanks to the editor's
theaters. We all know Jurassic Park,        Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), and the            work, we can watch beautifully
but this article will deal with the se-     dinosaurs, especially the raptors,           made dinosaurs, which seem so
quel of this iconic saga: Jurassic          which should have had feathers, as           real due to great visual effects.
World. There are some scientific            the scientists say. Moreover, in this        We can also expect to huge battles
mistakes that we cannot notice              movie we discover the gears of the           between dinosaurs : as the Indomi-
thanks to our innocent and unculti-         system: how they created dinosaurs           nus-Rex, the T-Rex and the Ve-
vated eyes. That way, we can enjoy          and as well as the park's organization.      lociraptors fight at the end of the
the movie without being focused on          Despite the movie includes some sci-         film. It is just breathtaking !
the details that can bother us.             entific mistakes, it’s a pleasure to no-     In a dinosaur movie, we travel in a
First of all, Jurassic World is an          tice them thanks to our uncultivated         different world that feeds our imagi-
American science fiction movie. The         eyes. Those mistakes are about the           nation and makes us believe that
story takes place in a park on the          size and the physiology of some dino-        we can recreate them.
island Isla Nublar, an fictitious island    saurs, per example : the raptors             Dinosaurs are still a mystery be-
situated on the Pacific coast of            (mentioned previously) and the Dimor-        cause they lived very long ago and,
Costa Rica. In this park, there are         phodon (it’s too big as a dinosaur).         curious as we are, we want to learn
tourist attractions with cloned dino-       But, we are still attracted to action        more about them. We loved watch-
saurs. The most frightening and dan-        movies, and especially in Jurassic           ing Jurassic World and we hope you
gerous dinosaur being is The Indo-          World, the epic scenes. We also see          will see it and make your own opin-
minous-Rex !                                new kinds of dinosaurs, like the Micro-      ion.
The movie is based on the relation-         ceratus and the Dimorphodon or even                             By : Inès TAÏEB and
                                                                                                                   Ilias BOLARD
 Année 2018, n°9                                                                                                        Page 4
La Minute Sciences - Washington
Ciné-Sciences Anglais
Could the VR in Ready Player One be realized in our world ?
These days, virtual reality (VR) is       virtual world is a utopia. It’s also very   our world because our technology is
very far from the VR represented in       hard to make it because of many             not ready yet. The Oasis is unfeasi-
the film. In fact, the VR                 impossible points. Can we make a            ble because there is no game to
headset have difficulties to democra-     realistic world like our planet ? We        which all the world can connect and
tize, whereas in the film, everybody      can’t make realistic graphics. And          everybody can play together nowa-
have them and they meet in a com-         what about of the haptic suit (tactil       days.
mon virtual world: The Oasis. This        suit) ? It’s unrealistic to recreate in     By Martin GAUMÉ and Gaspard WEIBEL

Back to the future : dream or reality
For a half-century, there have been       consequences of the relativity the-         on the "passage of time".
more scientific discoveries than ever.    ory, exemplified by the famous "twin
                                                                                      The theory of time travel is very
Nowadays, time is at the center of        paradox": let's take two twins, one
                                                                                      complex. Even if the possibility to
our research, and many movies deal        that remains on Earth and the other
                                                                                      make a leap into the future is likely,
with time travel like Back to the fu-     that leaves for a journey at a speed
                                                                                      the necessary ressources are diffi-
ture, which was released in 1985.         close to that of light. If he returns to
                                                                                      cult to create and exploit. In any
                                          Earth after two years of journey in
We will try to find out where we                                                      case, there is no evidence to indi-
                                          space, the "traveling twin" will find a
stand regarding the question of time                                                  cate that travel to the past would be
                                          brother on Earth who will have aged
travel for and particles, which are                                                   possible for humans… but there is
                                          30 years. Of course, no way has
possible within certain conditions.                                                   no proof to suggest otherwise either.
                                          been found to approach the speed of
Fasten your seat belts!
                                          light yet, but it has already been          By Baptiste Douaud, Nicolas Cap-
Traveling to the future should not be     proved by accurately measuring time         devielle, Noemie Legeay
too problematic, as long as it is done    with clocks aboard an aircraft that
quickly enough. This is one of the        speed difference does have an effect

Star Trek and teleportation
Have you already thought of tele-        In Gene Roddenberry’s series, con-           much information: our body is com-
porting yourself like the Star Trek      cerns humans and the characters              posed of several hundreds of billions
                                         are teleported from the spaceship to         of atoms! During the reconstruction
heros ?
                                                                                      there could be a mistake in the body
                                         the planets.
                                                                                      structure. Even if we found the solu-
                                         But, today, are we able of doing             tion there remains a big problem: our
                                         that ? Could we teleport ourselves           soul can’t survive to teleportation!
                                         from one place to an other in the
                                         future? In Star Trek, teleportation          To conclude, teleportation seems
                                         implies the use of a teleporter, which       like an utopy for our generation.
                                         is the most popular technological                  Guerin Kilian, Caiveau Flavie
                                         device. The operation consists in
                                         scanning a human and saving his or
                                         her molecular atomic structure. After
                                         that, the particles are carried along
                                         an energy ray onto a defined place.
                                         The body reconstruction is possible
Le transporteur de Star Trek
                                         thanks to the teleporter’s memory.
                                         In our reality, teleportation seems
                                         impossible because it requires too

 Année 2018, n°9                                                                                                    Page 5
La Minute Sciences - Washington
Ciné-science trilingue

Le laser : Science ou fiction ?

                                                                    Document utilisé par un élève
                                                                    de BTS CPI dans un exposé

What excites us about dinosaurs                      

                                                         Ci-dessus un sabre laser de la saga Star
                                                         Wars et ci-contre un vrai laser. Ci-dessous
                                                         le même laser présenté en français.

Issu du travail d’élèves de première euro espagnol
Xavier et Léo.

                                                              Document utilisé par un élève
 Année 2018, n°9                                              de BTS CPI dans un exposéPage 6
La Minute Sciences - Washington
Peut-on détruire une planète avec un laser ?

Dans Star Wars il semble possible de
détruire une planète avec un sabre
laser… Pour évaluer l’énergie néces-
saire à la destruction du planète en
ordre de grandeur on peut utiliser la
formule ci-contre, sachant que
A vous de calculer…

Travail effectué par Dylan et Théo

Les utilisations du laser
podemos utilizar un láser para cortar         Un laser permet de couper, graver
materias, para hacer juegos de luz            souder, faire des mesures ou de la
en un festival o en una fiesta para           microélectronique. Ils sont également
jugar con nuestros gatos, para ope-           utilisés dans le médical mais aussi
rar los ojos, escanear códigos de             dans la vie quotidienne pour la lecture
barras en comercios, para medir               de CD ou de de DVD. On peut égale-
velocidades de vehículos, para ha-            ment les employer pour mesurer des
cer electrónica del hogar o realizar          distances de vitesse ou encore photo-             Découpe laser
procedimientos quirúrgicos.                   graphier des réactions chimiques.

Anne-Sophie y Andréa première                 Exemples étudiés en détail par les
euro espagnol                                 élèves de BTS CPI

Les propriétés du laser
                                                                                           ser des laser de différentes couleurs,
                                                                                           comme dans Satr Wars.

                                                                                           Certaines personnes ont imaginé com-
                                                                                           ment fabriquer un sabre laser. Il fau-
                                                                                           drait plutôt utiliser du plasma.
  Dans Star Wars, les Laser ont une             Le laser en se déplaçant dans l’air ne
  limite, ils ne sont pas infini alors          fait pas de bruit, c’est de la lumière !
  qu’un vrai laser n’est arrêté que par                                                    A partir de l’exposé de Mikaël en
                                                Un laser est effectivement très énergé-
  un obstacle.                                                                             BTS CPI
                                                tique mais de là à couper une porte
  Un laser n’est pas visible à l’œil car il     blindée, c’est tout de même un peu fort
  est très directif : la lumière du laser       !
  ne vient pas dans notre œil donc on ne
                                                Enfin les laser sont caractérisés par
  la voit pas.
                                                leur monochromaticité : on peut réali-

 Année 2018, n°9                                                                                                           Page 7
La Minute Sciences - Washington
Appel à textes
Le journal scientifique du lycée évo-    •     histoire des sciences            M. Jamin : Guillaume-
lue. Nous cherchons des élèves qui       •     Science et sport       
souhaiteraient participer à sa rédac-
                                         •     Livres et sciences
tion en proposant des articles.
                                         •     Science et cinéma                Mme Iceta : Nelly-Denise.Iceta@ac-
L’objectif est de laisser les élèves
écrire librement tout en les ren-
contrant de temps en temps pour les      Si tu es intéressé par ce projet
aider si nécessaire.                     contacte M. Jamin ou Mme Iceta ou
                                         parles-en à ton professeur de physi-
Nous avons pour l’instant plusieurs      que.
rubriques en tête (mais si tu as d’au-                              Mme Iceta
tres idées, elles sont bienvenues) :

                                                                                    Comité de rédaction :
                                                                                    Directeur de la publication :
                                                                                    Jean-François Bourdon

                                                                                    Rédacteurs en chef : Nelly
                                                                                    Iceta, Guillaume Jamin

                                                                                    Secrétaires de rédaction :
                                                                                    Nelly Iceta, Guillaume Jamin
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