APRIL 18, 2021 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Fra Angelico, Resurrec on of Christ and Women at the Tomb - Our Lady of ...
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PAGE 2 APRIL 18, 2021 ♦ 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER Dear Faith Family of Our Lady of Grace, Christ is risen…He is indeed risen! Happy Easter! Isn’t it interes ng that, right in the middle of this season of Easter joy, the church focuses our a en on on the suffering of the messiah? The prophets announced long ago that God’s messiah would suffer; “it is wri en that the messiah must suffer; Christ had to suffer.” Jesus’ followers never have been able to come to terms fully with the idea of redemp on through suffering. Surely suffering cannot be good, cannot be God’s desire for us! Jesus, however, turned suffering into a posi ve force, buying redemp on with the single coin that has suffer- ing and death on one side and resurrec on on the other. The amount of suffering in our world is staggering. Apart from the suffering that comes naturally with life, there is the suffering we inflict on ourselves through injus ce, violence and war. The suffering of Jesus con nues in our day, and we s ll have difficulty seeing its vic ms as our redeemers. The U.S. Bishops in their document en tled Economic Jus ce for All states, “Jesus takes the side of those most in need, physically and spiritually. The example of Jesus poses a number of challenges to the contemporary Church. ... Most radically, it calls for an emptying of self, both individually and corporately, that allows the Church to experience the power of God in the midst of poverty and powerlessness” (52). What can we do to heed the invita on of Jesus to alleviate the suffering in our world? From the Gospel of to- day we are also faced with a reality and a challenge “But they were startled and terrified.” Why did the disci- ples go from being terrified to experiencing unconceivable joy? Would you be terrified if you saw a ghost? Would you be ecsta c if you could see for the first me that there was life a er death? Jesus realizes that the Apostles are unse led in seeing him, that they are bewildered because the reality of the Resurrec on is inconceivable to them. They believe they are seeing a spirit— he shows them his wounds. “And since this did not seem enough to overcome the disciples’ disbelief—the Gospel says something interes ng: there was so much joy they had within that this joy prevented them from believing it: “No, it cannot be! It can- not be so! So much joy is not possible!” And Jesus, in order to convince them, asks, “have you anything here to eat?” (Luke 24:41). They offer him some broiled fish; Jesus takes and eats it in front of them, in order to con- vince them. (Pope Francis, Regina Caeli, April 15, 2018, paragraph 2) What was the disciples’ task, having recognized the risen Lord, and having seen that he “opened their minds to understand the scripture,”? Is our task now to preach the good news of God’s forgiveness to all na ons? How can we do that globally? What about locally or in our neighborhoods? Have a great week! Fr. Marinello Saguin
PAGE 3 APRIL 18, 2021 ♦ 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER Querida Familia Fe de Nuestra Señora de Gracia, Cristo ha Resucitado... ¡Resucito! ¡Felices Pascuas! ¿No es interesante que, justo en medio de esta época de alegría pascual, la iglesia centre nuestra atención en el sufrimiento del mesías? Los profetas anunciaron hace mucho empo que el mesías de Dios sufriría; "está escrito que el mesías debe sufrir; Cristo tuvo que sufrir." Los seguidores de Jesús nunca han sido capaces de llegar a un acuerdo plenamente con la idea de redención a través del sufrimiento. ¡Ciertamente el sufrimiento no puede ser bueno, no puede ser el deseo de Dios por nosotros! Jesús, sin embargo, convir ó el sufrimiento en una fuerza posi va, comprando la redención con la única moneda que ene sufrimiento y muerte por un lado y resurrec- ción por el otro. La can dad de sufrimiento en nuestro mundo es asombrosa. Aparte del sufrimiento que viene naturalmente con la vida, está el sufrimiento que nos infligimos a nosotros mismos a través de la injus cia, la violencia y la guerra. El sufrimiento de Jesús con núa en nuestros días, y todavía tenemos dificultades para ver a sus víc mas como nuestros redentores. Los obispos estadounidenses en su documento tulado Jus cia económica para todos los estados, "Jesús toma el lado de los más necesitados, sica y espiritualmente. El ejemplo de Jesús plantea una serie de desa os a la Iglesia contemporánea. ... [M]ost radicalmente, pide un vaciado de sí mismo, tanto indivi- dual como corpora vamente, que permita a la Iglesia experimentar el poder de Dios en medio de la pobreza y la impotencia" (52). ¿Qué podemos hacer para hacer caso a la invitación de Jesús de aliviar el sufrimiento en nuestro mundo? Desde el Evangelio de hoy también nos enfrentamos a una realidad y a un desa o: "Pero estaban sorprendidos y ate- rrorizados". ¿Por qué pasaron los discípulos de estar aterrorizados a experimentar gozo inconcebible? ¿Estarías aterrorizado si vieras un fantasma? ¿Estarías extasiado si pudieras ver por primera vez que había vida después de la muerte? Jesús se da cuenta de que los Apóstoles están inquietos al verlo, que están desconcertados porque la realidad de la Resurrección es inconcebible para ellos. Creen que están viendo un espíritu, él les muestra sus heridas. "Y co- mo esto no parecía suficiente para superar la incredulidad de los discípulos, el Evangelio dice algo interesante: había tanta alegría que tenían dentro que ese gozo les impedía creerlo: "¡No, no puede ser! ¡No puede ser así! ¡Tanta alegría no es posible!" Y Jesús, para convencerlos, pregunta: "¿Tienes algo aquí para comer?" (Lucas 24:41). Le ofrecen algunos peces asados; Jesús lo toma y se lo come delante de ellos, con el fin deconvencerlos. (Papa Francisco, Regina Caeli, 15 de abril de 2018, apartado 2) ¿Cuál era la tarea de los discípulos, haber reconocido al Señor resucitado y haber visto que él "abrió sus mentes para entender las Escrituras"? ¿Es nuestra tarea ahora predicar la buena no cia del perdón de Dios a todas las naciones? ¿Cómo podemos hacerlo a nivel mundial? ¿Qué hay de local o en nuestros vecindarios? ¡Que tenga una semana llena de bendiciones de Pascua! Padre Marinello Saguin
PAGE 4 APRIL 18, 2021 ♦ 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER PRAY FOR OUR RCIA PARTICIPANTS THAT HAVE JUST BEEN RECEIVED Catechumens: Candalyn Janolo MaƩhew OrƟz Candidates: Wendy Caskey Tania Perez Cofirmandi: Jaime Rodriguez We at Our Lady of Grace, the parish, as the Church, have a part in this Rite. We are asked to warmly welcome these catechumens and candidates into our faith family and to support them with our prayers
PAGE 5 APRIL 18, 2021 ♦ 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER DID YOU KNOW? APRIL 17-18 2021 The Archdiocese continues to help survivors of sexual abuse and their families During National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and on behalf of Archbishop José H. Gomez, we affirm our continued commitment to report allegations of sexual misconduct to law enforcement, support victim-survivors in their healing journey, and protect children and the vulnerable. The Archdiocese created a website, https://protect.la-archdiocese.org/ that serves as a comprehensive tool containing resources, programs and services for protecting children and Please make note that our reporting abuse. If you, or someone you know, is a victim of sexual misconduct by someone affiliated with our Church, please contact law enforcement and the Archdiocese’s Victims Assistance Coordinator at (213) 637-7650 or visit https:// indoor Masses during Holy lacatholics.org/reporting-child-abuse/ for help and support. In addition, Arch- bishop Gomez invites you to join him and many across the Archdiocese to the Week will be subject to Novena for Protecting and Healing from Abuse, April 22-30. To join please vis- it https://lacatholics.org/united-together/. space capacity. For those La Arquidiócesis continúa ayudando a sobrevivientes de abuso that choose to watch us sexual y a sus familias online, please tune to our Durante el Mes Nacional de Prevención del Abuso Infantil, y en nombre del Ar- zobispo José H. Gomez, afirmamos nuestro compromiso continuo de reportar las denuncias de conducta sexual inapropiada a las autoridades policiales, de Facebook page or Youtube apoyar a las víctimas sobrevivientes en su jornada de sanación y de proteger a los niños y a los vulnerables. La Arquidiócesis creó un sitio web, https:// @OurLadyofGraceEncino. protect.la-archdiocese.org/, que sirve como una herramienta integral que con- tiene recursos, programas y servicios para proteger a los niños y denunciar abusos. Si usted, o alguien que usted conoce, es víctima de conducta sexual Or you may also tune in from inapropiada por parte de alguien afiliado a nuestra Iglesia, comuníquese con las autoridades policiales y con la Coordinadora de Asistencia a las Víctimas de your car to the la Arquidiócesis al (213) 637-7650 o visite https://lacatholics.org/reporting-child- abuse/ para ayuda y apoyo. Además, el Arzobispo Gomez les invita a unirse a él y a muchos en toda la Arquidiócesis a la Novena para la Protección y la 88.7FM Sanación del Abuso, del 22 al 30 de abril. Para unirse, visite https:// lacatholics.org/united-together/. parish radio. ♦ FOR UPDATES ON OUR PARISH EVENTS PLEASE FOLLOW ANY OF THESE LINKS LISTED BELOW: ♦ PARA INFORMACIÓN DE LOS EVENTOS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA SÍGANOS EN CUALQUIERA DE ESTOS ENLACES A CONTINUACIÓN: Facebook @OurLadyOfGraceEncino Flocknotes: Text OLGRACE to 84576 Instagram @olgencino Youtube @OurLadyofGraceEncino For Faith Direct dona ons please go to hƩps://membership.faithdirect.net/CA771 or text an amount to the number listed below.
PAGE 6 APRIL 18, 2021 ♦ 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR BELOVED SICK Veronica Pomposa Paula Aguilar Renee Harbour Raymond Fabre Pablo Godinez Ed Ricard Ma. Josefa Lopez Brianna Mantallana Claire Mansour Gary Thomas Angela Rostani Jolli Sisante Mercedes Echegoyen Patricia Branagan Stephanie Rivas Liz Knight Jeff Kinzli Phyllis Richardson Angela Berry Lidia Jimenez Aidan Bradley Harolyn Ma soff Debbie Lane Samantha Ramirez Dawn Hopkins Pat Borland Tony Mammo Corzo Family Imelda Clark Rita Gen le Tonya Fuentes Bobby S llman Phillip Ribas Julie Sianzon Fuentes Family Rubén Salagubang Dolores Casper Yolanda Aburto Mejia Family Jeannie Arigei Jose & Helen (YB) Nelson Aburto Fr. Tom Feltz Allison Arahkn Karo Dylanian Jasmin Reyes Franklin Moya Shereen Peer Jose Reyes Jr. Mariano Velazquez Michael Peer Anne Nicholson Susan Morales Grace Cihanowiz Chrystal Pritchard PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR MILITARY MEN & WOMEN THANK YOU FOR YOUR U.S. Navy U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Army Helen Ballestas SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY Andres L. Aguilera Manuel Arteaga Nicholas Lombard U.S. Coast Guard David Scates Jamila Habibullah David Arnold Heather Scheibe Pomer- antz (LAFD) Brian Page Jake Schneider Christopher Castillo Emily Pomposo Brian Pomerantz Andrew Barragan Jordan Arteaga Monica Pagan Corey Raby Jeffrey Quintero Isaac Pezqueda Vincent Sanwo U.S. Air Force Ron Clemente George Moreno Jr. Fernando Aguilera Joshua Walton Anthony Villwock Marco Flores George Moreno Jorje Godina Steve Hyath Phillip Ribas Marc A. Monreal Daily Mass Readings Lecturas de la Semana Monday, April 19, 2021 Thursday, April 22, 2021 First: Acts 6:8-15 First: Acts 8:26-40 Psalm: 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30 Psalm: 66:8-9, 16-17, 20 Gospel: Jn 6:22-29 Gospel: Jn 6:44-51 Tuesday, April 20, 2021: Friday, April 23, 2021 First: Acts 7:51—8:1a First: Acts Acts 9:1-20 Psalm:31:3cd-4, 6 and 7b and 8a, 17 and 21ab Psalm: 117:1bc, 2 Gospel: Jn 6:30-35 Gospel:Jn 6:52-59 Wednesday, April 21, 2021: Saturday, April 24, 2021 First: Acts 8:1b-8 First: Acts 9:31-42 Psalm: 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a Psalm: 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 Gospel: Jn 6:35-40 Gospel: Jn 6:60-69
PAGE 7 APRIL 18, 2021 ♦ 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER 3rd Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Responsorial Psalm: 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9 Second Reading: 1 Jn 2:1-5a Gospel: Lk 24:35-48 Mass Schedule / Mass Intentions for this week Horario de Misas Sunday / Domingo: Monday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00 am (Spanish) Tuesday: Saturday / Sabado: Wednesday: Nell & John Wooden (D) 8:00 am and 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Thursday: Weekdays: / Misa Matutina: Friday: 8:00 am (Parish Center) Saturday: Sheeran Ernest (L) Eucharistic Adoration / Adoracion Eucaristica The University Series wishes to Every Friday: thank the Our Lady of Grace par- ish team for a faith-filled, success- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ful virtual season: after 8:00 am Mass Firstly, to Fr. Marinello Saguin (Parish Center Courtyard) whose visionary leadership and unflagging energy garnered support for this year’s series. Secondly, to Sacrament of Penance / Shoshana Cuevas, who stepped in and actually Confesiones hosted many virtual presentations. Thirdly, to Anisha Virgen, who was part of the core team, for providing (Christmas & Lent times may change) the commitment from the first planning meetings and Friday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm continuing to establish the OLG framework for future seasons; to Leslie Reyes & Jill Moore for promptly Saturday: 9:00 am to 10:00 am broadcasting updates and the rest of the supportive Contact the Parish Center to arrange for: OLG parish staff. Last but not least, thank you to all the parishioners of OLG who support our mission. Baptism ♦ Marriages ♦ Visits to the Sick ♦ Re- ligious Education The 2021 Season marked our 20th Anniversary, ♦ New Parishioner Registrations with 9,000 virtual participants. As we go forward, may God watch over us until we can meet together, Parish Office Hours / connecting our faith with daily life during this chal- Horario de Oficina lenging yet blessed time. Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Bob Jordan, President (Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm) Diana Johnson, Secretary Saturdays & Sundays: Closed Sabado y Domingo: Cerrado
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