Resurrection-Ascension -
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Resurrection-Ascension Our Lady of the Angelus Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 12:00 pm Monday-Saturday: 9:00 am Jueves: 7:30 pm Spanish Saturday: 9:00 am Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm Sunday: 9:00 am Sunday: 9:00 am 11:00 am 10:00 am Spanish 12:30 pm Spanish 11:15 am Spanish 12:30 pm Two locations, one Rego Park Catholic family
Letter from our Pastor—Carta de nuestro párroco Dear Friends, This weekend’s Feast of the Epiphany fills in a special part of the Christmas story—one that includes each one of us! Are you surprised? We may not consider ourselves “wise men from the East”—but we do have something in common with those early sages—we are from many different nations and yet we adore Jesus as our savior and King, the son of the living God. The sages from the east symbolize the recognition of Jesus by the whole world. He is presented with rich gifts which would befit a great King in his day. As followers of Jesus we are called to recognize the gifts of others and welcome them in our Christian family—just as we have been welcomed. Each culture, each people has its own gifts and they need to be valued. So often we can question the stranger, with an attitude which fosters prejudice and unjust discrimination. Can we promote attitudes of welcome and acceptance! If not, how can we make room for Him? We need to remember that we are “together on the journey.” Let us rejoice in the fact that all of us, gathered from different parts of the world, share a common faith in Jesus. May we share the gifts that we have with one another and with our neighbors. Peace and blessings, Father Tom ++++ Queridos amigos, La Festividad de la Epifanía, el Día de Reyes, de este fin de semana es una parte muy especial en la historia de Navidad, ¡Y nos incluye a cada uno de nosotros! ¿Les sorprende oír esto? Puede que nosotros no nos consideremos “hombres sabios de Oriente”, pero aún así, tenemos algo en común con esos sabios reyes magos; nosotros también venimos de muchas distintas naciones y, aunque seamos de culturas diferentes, todos adoramos a Jesús como nuestro Señor y Salvador, el Hijo del Dios viviente. Los sabios de oriente simbolizan el reconocimiento de Jesús de parte del mundo entero. Los Reyes le presentan ricos obsequios, regalos que serían dignos de un gran Rey en su época. Nosotros, como seguidores de Jesús, estamos llamados a reconocer los dones de los demás y a darles la bienvenida en nuestra familia cristiana, tal como se nos ha dado esa bienvenida a nosotros. Cada cultura, cada pueblo tiene sus propios dones y hay que valorarlos. Muy a menudo podemos cuestionar al extranjero y al extraño, con una actitud que fomenta el prejuicio y la discri- minación injusta. ¿Podemos, al contrario, empezar a promover actitudes de bienvenida, acepta- ción y acogida? Si no lo hacemos así, ¿cómo podemos hacer lugar para Jesús? Necesitamos recordar que “vamos juntos, recorriendo esta jornada". Regocijémonos entonces en el hecho de que todos nosotros, reunidos desde muchas partes del mundo, compartimos una fe común en Cristo Jesús. Pidamos a Dios para que podamos compartir los dones que tenemos los unos con los otros y para que nos aceptemos aunque vengamos de culturas diferentes. Paz y bendiciones, Padre Tom
Deanery # 6 Synod Listening Session Friday, January 7th Mass at 7:30 pm Followed by the Synod Listening Session at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Ascan Avenue and Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills. Two parish representatives have been selected to participate. All parishioners are welcome to attend Mass and observe the listening session. If you would like to request an electronic survey, please visit: Blessing of the home Lord Jesus, the three kings presented their ________________________________________ gifts to you in praise and adoration: grant that those living in this house may use their talents and abilities to your greater glory. Decanato de Queens # 6 Heavenly Father, you revealed your only- Sesión de Escucha del Sínodo begotten Son to every nation by the guidance con el Reverendísimo Robert Brennan, of a star. Bless this house and all who inhabit Obispo de Brooklyn y Queens it. Fill us with the light of Christ, that our concern for others may reflect your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Viernes, 7 de enero de 2022 ___________________________________________ Misa a las 7:30 pm Seguido por la sesión de escucha Bendición del Hogar Señor Jesús, los tres reyes te presentaron sus del Sínodo en dones en alabanza y adoración: haz que los Nuestra Señora Reina de los Mártires que vivimos en esta casa usemos nuestros Ascan Avenue y Queens Boulevard, dones y talentos para tu gloria y alabanza. Forest Hills. Padre Celestial, revelaste a tu Hijo unigénito a todas las naciones con la guía de una estrella. Se han seleccionado dos representantes Bendice esta casa y a todos los que la habitan. Llénanos de la luz de Cristo, para que nuestra parroquiales para participar. preocupación por los demás refleje tu amor. Todos los feligreses están invitados a la Te lo pedimos por Cristo nuestro Señor. Misa y a observar la sesión de escucha. Amén. Adapted from the USCCB
RESURRECTION ASCENSION OUR LADY OF THE ANGELUS R.A. YOUTH MINISTRY O.L.A. YOUTH MINISTRY 8th to 12th Grade 7th to 12th Grade Sundays 10:45–12:15 in Fr. Feely Hall Fridays at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall CHOIR PRACTICE – in the church CHOIR PRACTICE – in the church Spanish: Miércoles 6—6:45 pm Spanish: Lunes 6:30—7:30 pm English: Wednesdays 7:30—9 pm English: Mondays 7:30—8:30 pm GRUPO DE ORACION GRUPO DE ORACION “SIERVOS DE DIOS VIVIENTE” “NUEVA EVANGELIZACION” Martes - 7 pm en Fr. Feely Hall. Jueves después de la Misa de las 7:30 pm DIVINE MERCY – in the church DIVINE MERCY MASS & NOVENA Thursdays after the 9 am Mass First Fridays at 7 pm SOLANUS GUILD GRUPO DE ORACION MATRIMONIOS Fridays -7 pm Chapel at Fr. Feely Hall UNIDOS EN EL AMOR Primer domingo - 6 pm en la iglesia EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays after the 9 am Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION y Primer Sábado Oct– Jun a las 11 am 3er jueves después de la Misa de 7:30 pm Saturdays after the 9 am Mass GRUPO DE ESTUDIO BIBLICO Viernes a las 7 pm en Fr. Feely Garden Room DEVOCION AL DIVINO NIÑO JESUS Misa y Novena segundo viernes - 7 pm KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Second Thursdays at 8 pm -Fr. Feely Hall SENIORS GROUP Wednesdays, 12:30 pm in the Parish Hall. DEVOCION AL DIVINO NIÑO JESUS Misa y Novena el primer domingo del mes FILIPINO MASS de Octubre a Junio -12:30pm Third Sunday of the month at 3 pm INDONESIAN MASS CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD Second Sunday of the month at 2 pm Ultreya jueves - 5 pm en el Parish Hall CYO SPORTS CENACULOS DE ORACION For children—grades K - 8th Sábados de 7 a 8:30 pm en la Iglesia FOOD PANTRY FOOD PANTRY Wednesdays 10 am – noon 2 Saturdays a month 8 am – noon Please call the rectory to confirm schedule. Please join us! Los invitamos a participar! - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - We welcome the following children to our faith community: Katha Isabella Caraballo Blanco Valerie Olivia Garcia Scarlet Yui Guzman Michael Alexander Michaljo They received the Sacrament of Baptism at R.A. during the month of December May God bless them and their families Officer/ Religious Education Secretary/Receptionist Salesforce Coordinator/Receptionist ——————————————————————————- - R.A Goal: $72,301 Pledged: $75,986 Paid: $73,724 Thank you to all who have made a pledge. Your R.A contributions for 12/18 - 19: Any funds raised above that goal will return Sunday Collections $5,396 to our parish. Any contribution, no matter Online contributions: $2,025 how big or small helps! Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your generosity!
R. A. Mass Intentions Vahide Atlas Florence Oliveri Basil Briguglio Mary Ellen Lustberg for the Week Virginia Briguglio Nora Lydon Richard DeNardo Paula Narva — Jorge Fahardo Zoila Oleas Ida Fernandes Grace Radonicic Msgr. Vincent Fullam Barbara Ravert — - - - - Ursula Impelli Mary Sammon Narinder Kumar Madeline Silecchia James Leung William Vogts ——————————————————————–——— BREAD & WINE AND MEMORIALS - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - -
Feliz Dia - - - de Reyes - — - — — - — – — - - — O.L.A Goal: $45,947 Pledged: $35,475 Paid: $33,004 Thank you to all who have made a pledge. Your O.L.A contributions for 12/18 - 19: Almost there! We are $10,472 away from our goal. Any funds raised above that goal will re- Sunday Collection: $3,810 turn to our parish. Please help us get there. Online Contributions: $265 Any contribution, no matter how big or small helps! Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your generosity!
Please remember in your prayers O. L. A. those who are sick: Mass Intentions Margarita Giron Luis Hurtado for the Week Teresa Mendizabal Segundo Pérez César Rivera Deceased: Lucila Sarmiento MEMORIALS Bread & Wine In thanksgiving for family during the holidays & New Year 2022 req by Yolanda Horvath Flowers at the Statue of the Blessed Mother For the health and intentions of Margarita Giron Memorials available, call the rectory for information. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God—Jan 1st. We take a moment, to honor our Blessed Mother, who in her “YES” to God brought our Savior into the world to redeem us. As we start our new year, let us call upon her to give us the strength we need to draw closer to her Son every day this year. Solemnidad de María, Madre de Dios-Ene 1 Tomamos un momento para honrar a nuestra Madre Santísima, quien en su "SI" a Dios trajo al mundo a nuestro Salvador para redimirnos. Al comenzar un nuevo año, le pedimos a Dios que nos dé la fuerza necesaria para acercarnos más a su Hijo todos los días de este año.
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