May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino

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May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino

May Month of Mary

                         Celebrating Mary
                                       at OLG

                  May 7th & 8th             May Crowning
                  (at all Sunday Masses)

                  May 8th                   Santa Cruzan @ 1pm

                  May 12th                  Rosario Guadalupano@7pm
                  (cada 12 de mes, en el jardin de la iglesia)

                  May 13th                  Fatima Mass @ 6:30pm
                  (every 13th of the month thru October)

                  May 30th                  Flores de Mayo
May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino
PAGE 2                               MAY 2, 2021 ♦ 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER
Dear Faith Family of Our Lady of Grace,
Praised be Jesus Christ... now and for ever!
May is here and we commemorate once again the role of Mary in the life of Church. Blessed Pope Paul VI in his encyclical on
the Month of May states, “moving tribute of faith and love which Catholics in every part of the world [pay] to the Queen of Heav-
en. During this month Chris ans, both in church and in the privacy of the home, offer up to Mary from their hearts an especially
fervent and loving homage of prayer and venera on. In this month, too, the benefits of God's mercy come down to us from her
throne in greater abundance (1).”
In our observance of the Marian month we should take into account the season of the Liturgical Year which corresponds with the
fi y days of Easter. Our pious prac ces my friends could emphasize Our Lady's par cipa on in the Paschal Mystery and in Pente-
cost with which the Church begins. Our spiritual exercises connected with the month of May can easily highlight the role played by
Mary, Queen of Heaven, here and now, in the celebra on of the Sacraments of Bap sm, Confirma on, and Holy Eucharist.
The following prac ces which are recommended by the Church are offered to us as sugges ons for honoring Our Lady during Her
month. I will be sharing a few throughout the month so we can prac ce or share it with family and friends.
The Regina Caeli
The Church addresses this an phon to Mary for the Resurrec on of her Son. It adverts to, and depends on, the invita on to joy
addressed by Gabriel to the Lord's humble servant who was called to become the Mother of the saving Messiah. Here is the pray-
er in its en rety:
Queen of Heaven, rejoice. Alleluia.
For He, whom thou wast worthy to bear. Alleluia.
Has risen as He said. Alleluia.
Pray for us to God. Alleluia.
V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Alleluia.
R. Because the Lord is truly risen, Alleluia.
Let us pray
O God, Who by the ResurrecƟon of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, hast been pleased to give joy to the whole world, grant we be-
seech Thee, that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may aƩain the joys of eternal life. Through
the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The Rosary
Also called the Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Rosary is one of the most excellent prayers to the Mother of God. Thus, "the
Roman Pon ffs have repeatedly exhorted the faithful to the frequent recita on of this biblically inspired prayer which is centered
on contempla on of the salvific events of Christ's life, and their close associa on with the Virgin Mother." Maybe we can pray the
rosary as a family or if not the whole rosary than a decade of it. The rosary as St. John Paul II said is praying to Jesus through the
eyes of Mary. We all have a par cular rosary that we are a ached to maybe one that we had growing up or one that someone
gave us on a trip to Rome or the Holy Land. Pick it up and pray it. The Servant of God Fr. Patrick Payton, CSC famous for the rosary
rallies popularized the saying, “The family that prays together; stays together.”
Here at our parish we will be having our annual Mother’s Day Novena so I invite you to check our website and social media so
that we can enroll our mothers both living and deceased. All Mothers enrolled will have their picture hung in the church by the
image of Our Lady of Grace, they will be remembered at nine Masses, and a online virtual musical tribute.
Please mark your calendars for the FaƟma Mass that will begin on May 13th. We will be beginning every 13th of the month from
May to October at 6:30pm. What is the central meaning of the message of Fa ma? Nothing different from what the Church has
always taught: it is, as Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, has put it, “the exhorta on to prayer as the path of
“salva on for souls” and, likewise, the summons to penance and conversion.” Join us for the Mass, Rosary and Candlelight Proces-
I ask your charity to pray for our children and young people who will be preparing for the Sacraments of Holy Communion and
Confirma on. These weeks are busy but they are also a grace for our parish community to be reminded of the fervor of faith, the
beau ful tradi on of accompany our youth to the sacraments, and the invita on to keeping living the faith.
Have a great week!

               Fr. Marinello Saguin
May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino
PAGE 3                             MAY 2, 2021            ♦ 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER
 Querida Familia Fe de Nuestra Señora de Gracia,
 Alabado sea Jesucristo... ahora y para siempre!
 Ahora conmemoramos una vez más el papel de María en la vida de la Iglesia. El beato Papa Pablo VI en su encíclica del Mes de
 Mayo afirma: "Emo vo homenaje de fe y amor que los católicos de todas las partes del mundo [rinden] a la Reina de los Cie-
 los. Durante este mes, los cris anos, tanto en la iglesia como en la in midad del hogar, ofrecen a María desde sus corazones
 un homenaje especialmente ferviente y amoroso de oración y veneración. En este mes, también reconocemos, las bendiciones
 de la divina misericordia de Dios que nos llega de su trono en mayor abundancia (1)."

 En nuestra observación del mes Mariano debemos tomar en cuenta la época del Año Litúrgico que corresponde a los cincuen-
 ta días de Pascua. Nuestras costumbres piadosas podrían enfa zar la par cipación de la Virgen en el Misterio Pascual y en el
 Pentecostés con el inicio de la Iglesia. Nuestros ejercicios espirituales relacionados con el mes de mayo pueden destacar fácil-
 mente el papel desempeñado por María, Reina de los Cielos, aquí y ahora, en la celebración de los Sacramentos del Bau smo,
 la Confirmación y la Santa Eucaris a.
 Las siguientes costumbres recomendadas por la Iglesia nos ofrecen maneras como sugerencias para honrar a la Virgen durante
 su mes. Compar ré algunos durante todo el mes para que podamos prac carlo o compar rlo con familiares y amigos.

 El Regina Caeli
 La Iglesia dirige esta an fona a María por la Resurrección de su Hijo. Anuncia, y depende de, la invitación a la alegría dirigida
 por Gabriel a la humilde sierva del Señor que fue llamada a conver rse la Madre del Mesías. Aquí está la oración en su totali-

 R: Reina del cielo, alégrate, aleluya.
 T: Porque el Señor, a quien has llevado en tu vientre, aleluya.
 G: Ha resucitado según su palabra, aleluya.
 T: Ruega al Señor por nosotros, aleluya.
 G: Goza y alégrate, Virgen María, aleluya.
 T: Porque en verdad ha resucitado el Señor, aleluya.
 Oh Dios, que, por la resurrección de Tu Hijo, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, has llenado el mundo de alegría, concédenos, por inter-
 cesión de su Madre, la Virgen María, llegar a los gozos eternos. Por Jesucristo Nuestro Señor. Amen.
 Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo, como era en el principio ahora y siempre por los siglos de los siglos. Amen. (tres

 El Rosario
 También llamado el Salterio de la San sima Virgen María, el Rosario es una de las oraciones más excelentes a la Madre de
 Dios. Así, "los Romanos Pon fices han exhortado repe damente a los fieles a la recitación frecuente de esta oración de inspi-
 ración bíblica que se centra en la contemplación de los acontecimientos salvíficos de la vida de Cristo y su estrecha asociación
 con la Virgen Madre de Dios". Tal vez podamos rezar el rosario en familia o si no todo el rosario que una década de él. El rosa-
 rio como dijo San Juan Pablo II está orando a Jesús a través de los ojos de María. Todos tenemos un rosario par cular al que
 estamos apegados tal vez uno que teníamos creciendo o uno que alguien nos dio en un viaje a Roma o Tierra Santa, recójalo y
 récelo. El Siervo de Dios P. Patrick Payton, CSC famoso por los mí nes de rosario popularizó el dicho: "La familia que reza jun-
 tos; permanece juntos."

 Aquí en nuestra parroquia tendremos nuestra Novena anual del Día de la Madre, así que los invito a ver en nuestro si o web y
 redes sociales para que podamos inscribir a nuestras madres tanto vivas como fallecidas. Todas las madres inscritas tendrán su
 imagen colocada en la iglesia al rededor la imagen de la Virgen, serán recordadas en nueve misas, y tendrán un homenaje mu-
 sical virtual en línea.

 Por favor, marque sus calendarios para la Misa de Fá ma que comenzará el 13 de mayo. Y cada 13 del mes de mayo hasta el
 13 de octubre a las 6:30 pm. ¿Cuál es el significado central del mensaje de Fá ma? Nada diferente de lo que la Iglesia siempre
 ha enseñado: es, como ha dicho el cardenal Ratzinger, ahora Papa emérito Benedicto XVI,"la exhortación a la oración como el
 camino de la "salvación para las almas" y, del mismo modo, la convocatoria a la penitencia y la conversión". Acompáñenos a la
 misa, rosario y procesión a la luz de las velas.

 Pido su caridad en orar por nuestros hijos y jóvenes que se prepararán para los sacramentos de la Santa Comunión y confirma-
 ción. Estas próximas semanas tenemos la bendición de tener muchas ac vidades en la parroquia en con las cuales recordamos
 que nuestra comunidad parroquial prac ca el fervor de la fe, la hermosa tradición de acompañar a nuestros jóvenes a los sa-
 cramentos y la invitación a seguir viviendo la fe.

 ¡Les deseo una buena semana!

      Padre Marinello Saguin
May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino

            Upcoming Events
May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino
                                                           MAY 2021
                                                           Did you know in 1965, Mother
                                                           Teresa’s order was recognized as
              The Sacred Heart Sisters are of              a papal congregaƟon under the
              a variety of interna onal back-              protecƟon of the VaƟcan?
              grounds and joyfully serve the
              universal Church through their               This woman who had taken on
              community apostolate of reli-                the name ‘Teresa’ in honor of the French Car-
              gious educa on in the Archdio-               melite ‘St. Therese of Lisieux’ and who lived
              ceses of Los Angeles and St. Louis, in the
              dioceses of Orange and San Bernardino,       her life following her “LiƩle way of Love” had
              and in the Archdiocese of Taipei, Tai-       created the Missionaries of Charity which by
              wan, where the evangeliza on aposto-         then had aƩracted Indian, as well as foreign
              late is complemented with significant        men & women whose work embraced slum
              medical work. A er the collapse of           schools, homes for orphaned children, mobile
              communism, Sister Ida and the commu-         clinics, leprosy centers, hostels for the dying,
              nity returned to Hungary and opened a        food kitchens, vocaƟonal training, and so
              convent in the Archdiocese of Budapest-
              Esztergom in Hungary, where the Sisters      much more! They are now in over 20 new
              conduct catechist forma on and extend        countries, and to date several million people
              our cateche cal works throughout Hun-        have benefited from the social welfare and
              gary and to neighboring countries.           rescue work of this one Order which she creat-
              The Sisters of the Society Devoted to        ed, inspired by & firmly rooted in her ChrisƟan
              the Sacred Heart con nue to grow in          faith.
              the charism of their Foundress, Sister
              Ida, joyfully serving the universal Church
              through their community apostolate of IN HER WORDS:
              evangeliza on and catechesis.
                                                           When “rich people” came to donate to Moth-
              For more informa on go to:
                                                           er Teresa, she oŌen told them this,
              -form/                                       “I do not need your surplus. I do not want you
                                                           to give me your leŌovers. Our poor do not
                                                           need your condescending aƫtude, nor your
                                                           pity. The poor need your love and your kind-
                                                           “Without a spirit of sacrifice, without a life of
                                                           prayer, without an inƟmate aƫtude of pen-
                                                           ance, we would not be capable of carrying out
                                                           our work."
                                                           CHALLENGE QUESTION

                                                           •    How can you orient your mind & heart to
                                                           be recepƟve to this Saint and her words of
                                                           wisdom? OR
                                                           How can you look at a Saint who inspires you
                                                           (or is your ConfirmaƟon Saint) and find a No-
                                                           vena to pray this month?
                                                           ACTION CHALLENGE

                                                           •   Watch the film "Mully". Pray & discern
                                                           what is the holy Spirit of God calling YOU to
                                                           do? OR

                                                           •    Find new people in your faith community
                                                           to pray together with OR even take up the
                                                           opportunity to share God's love with some-
                                                           body else through your kind words & paƟent

                                                               Produce Something Beautiful for God
                                                            “Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me.”
May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino
PAGE 6                                   MAY 2, 2021 ♦ 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER
                              PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR BELOVED SICK
 If you know someone who is homebound or sick please call the parish office to arrange for one of our ministers to come out to them for Holy Communion

Veronica Pomposa              Allison Arahkn                 Rita Gen le                    Stephanie Rivas               Chrystal Pritchard
Pablo Godinez                 Franklin Moya                  Julie Sianzon                  Angela Berry                  Raymond Fabre
Claire Mansour                Mariano Velazquez              Yolanda Aburto                 Debbie Lane                   Brianna Mantallana
Mercedes Echegoyen            Susan Morales                  Nelson Aburto                  Tony Mammo                    Jolli Sisante
Jeff Kinzli                                                   Karo Dylanian                  Tonya Fuentes                 Liz Knight
                              Paula Aguilar
Aidan Bradley                                                Shereen Peer                   Fuentes Family                Lidia Jimenez
                              Ed Ricard
Dawn Hopkins                                                 Michael Peer                   Mejia Family                  Samantha Ramirez
                              Gary Thomas
Imelda Clark                                                 Grace Cihanowiz                Fr. Tom Feltz                 Corzo Family
                              Patricia Branagan
Phillip Ribas                                                Renee Harbour                  Jasmin Reyes                  Bobby S llman
                              Phyllis Richardson
Dolores Casper                                               Ma. Josefa Lopez               Jose Reyes Jr.                Rubén Salagubang
                              Harolyn Ma soff
Jose & Helen (YB)                                            Angela Rostani                 Anne Nicholson                Jeannie Arigei
                              Pat Borland

                                  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY
                                         PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR MILITARY MEN & WOMEN

 U.S. Navy                    Fernando Aguilera              Andrew Barragan               Brian Pomerantz               Helen Ballestas
 Andres L. Aguilera           Marco Flores                   Monica Pagan                  Corey Raby                    U.S. Coast Guard
 Jamila Habibullah            Jorje Godina                   Isaac Pezqueda                Vincent Sanwo                 David Scates
 Jake Schneider               Steve Hyath                    George Moreno Jr.             Ron Clemente                  (LAFD) Brian Page
 Emily Pomposo                U.S. Marine Corps              Joshua Walton                 Anthony Villwock
 Jordan Arteaga               Manuel Arteaga                 U.S. Army                     George Moreno
 Jeffrey Quintero              David Arnold                   Nicholas Lombard              Phillip Ribas
 U.S. Air Force               Christopher Castillo           Heather Pomerantz             Marc A. Monreal

                                    Mass Intentions for this week
Monday:       Ellen Gorog (D); Jose Espejo (D)                              Thursday:            Carlos Romeo Mejia (D)
Tuesday: Maurice Cronin (D); Ella Laporta (D)                               Friday:              Fred Samaha (D)
Wednesday: Lola Velasquez (D)                                               Saturday:            Steven Moshy (D)


     Facebook @OurLadyOfGraceEncino                                              Flocknotes: Text OLGRACE to 84576
     Instagram @olgencino                                                        Youtube @OurLadyofGraceEncino
For Faith Direct dona ons please go to hƩps:// or text an
                            amount to the number listed below.
May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino
PAGE 7                               MAY 2, 2021 ♦ 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER
             5th Sunday of Easter
First Reading: Acts 9:26-31
Responsorial Psalm: 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32
Second Reading: 1 Jn 3:18-24
Gospel: Jn 15:1-8

                                                                          Mass Schedule /
             Daily Mass Readings
                                                                          Horario de Misas
   Monday, May 3, 2021
   First: 1 Cor 15:1-8
                                                                              Sunday / Domingo:
   Psalm: 19:2-3, 4-5                                              8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00 am (Spanish)
   Gospel: Jn 14:6-14                                                      Saturday / Sabado:
   Tuesday, May 4, 2021:
                                                                     8:00 am and 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass)
   First: Acts 11:19-26
   Psalm:87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7                                             Weekdays: / Misa Matutina:
   Gospel: Jn 10:22-30                                                    8:00 am (Parish Center)
   Wednesday, May 5, 2021:
                                                                       Eucharistic Adoration /
   First: Acts 12:24—13:5a
   Psalm: 67:2-3, 5, 6 and 8                                            Adoracion Eucaristica
   Gospel: Jn 12:44-50
   Thursday, May 6, 2021
                                                                             Everyday 8am—6pm
   First: Acts 13:13-25                                               Parish Center Prayer Chapel
   Psalm: 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 and 27
   Gospel: Jn 13:16-20
                                                                         Sacrament of Penance /
   Friday, May 7, 2021                                                            Confesiones
   First: Acts 13:26-33
                                                                            (Christmas & Lent times may change)
   Psalm: 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab
   Gospel: Jn 14: 1-6
                                                                          Friday:      5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
   Saturday, May 8, 2021                                               Saturday: 9:00 am to 10:00 am
   First: Acts 13:44-52
                                                                  Contact the Parish Center to arrange for:
   Psalm: 116:12-13, 1 4-15, 16-17
                                                                  Baptism ♦ Marriages ♦ Visits to the Sick ♦ Re-
   Gospel: Jn 14:7-14
                                                                              ligious Education
                                                                       ♦ New Parishioner Registrations
                                                                              Parish Office Hours /
                                                                               Horario de Oficina
 Please make note that all our indoor Masses will be subject to
    space capacity. For those that choose to watch us online,        Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
         please tune to our Facebook page or YouTube                (Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
                                                                      Saturdays & Sundays: Closed
        Or you may also tune in from your car to 88.7FM
                           parish radio.                               Sabado y Domingo: Cerrado
 Tenga en cuenta que todas nuestras misas estarán sujetas a la
 capacidad de espacio. Para aquellos que eligen vernos en via
    digital, sintonice nuestra página de Facebook o Youtube
May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino May Month of Mary MAY 2, 2021 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER - Our Lady of Grace, Encino
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