St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation Confirmation 2020-2021 - "Become the person that God has created you to be And you will set the world on FIRE!"

Página creada Isabel Garibay
St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation Confirmation 2020-2021 - "Become the person that God has created you to be And you will set the world on FIRE!"
St. Andrew the Apostle
      Faith Formation
 Confirmation 2020-2021

                            Pope Francis

“Become the person that God has created you to be
      And you will set the world on FIRE!”
              — St. Catherine of Sienna
St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation Confirmation 2020-2021 - "Become the person that God has created you to be And you will set the world on FIRE!"
Parents are the primary catechist, St. Andrew is here to
support you on this journey!

It is particularly important for us to teach our children
that Sacraments are        so much more than a
                      they are God’s way of
ceremony to prepare for;
reaching down to us and offering us a
lifelong gift—a gift of grace that gives us a glimpse
of heaven and a taste of eternity right here on Earth.

Los padres son el catequista principal, San Andrés está
aquí para apoyarlo en este viaje!

Es particularmente importante para nosotros enseñar a
los niños que los sacramentos              son mucho más
                            son la forma
que una ceremonia para prepararse;
en que Dios nos alcanza y nos ofrece un
regalo de toda la vida, un regalo de gracia que
nos permite vislumbrar el cielo y probar la eternidad.*
            *translation via Google Translate, please forgive any error in the translation
Check List
              _____             Saint Report (your Confirmation Name) January 9 or 14, 2021
                                       (Submit the Saint Report at your assigned January 2021 Confirmation Mini-Retreat)

              _____             Letter to the Pastor                                          February 2021
                     (Submit your letter to your Confirmation 2 Catechist at your February In Person Class meeting on one
                of these dates - February 8th, 9th, 15th or 16th depending upon your grouping.) Virtual will submit via email.

              _____             Affidavit (Sponsor)                                           March 2021
                    (Submit your Affidavit to your Confirmation 2 Catechist at your March In Person Class meeting on one
                 of these dates - March 8th, 9th, 15th or 16th depending upon your grouping.) Virtual will submit via email.

              _____             Service Hours Form                                            April 24, 2021
                 (Submit Service Hour Record Sheet/REFLECTION Document when you check in at the Confirmation Retreat)

   All information submitted MUST BE typed and Affidavit MUST BE neatly written.
   If information requested is not in by April 24, 2021 Candidate RISKS NOT being permitted to
   make their Confirmation.

SAVE THE DATE (In these uncertain times ALL of these dates could change)

       Confirmation Mini-Retreat*                                        Saturday, January 9, 2021 or
       (Parent, Sponsor (if possible), Candidate)                        Saturday, January 14, 2021

       Retreat (10a-5p)                                       Saturday – April 24, 2021
       Reconciliation Night                                   August or Sept. 2021
       Practice                                               August or Sept. 2021
       Confirmation                                           September 2021
Fechas Importantes

  Se tiene que entregar :
          _____    Reporte de Santo                                     9 o 14 de Enero de 2021
                                 (Envíe el Informe Santo en el Mini-Retiro de Confirmación de Enero de 2021 asignado)

               _____             Carta al Sacerdote                     Febrero de 2021
                                 (Envíe su carta a su catequista de Confirmación 2 en su reunión de clase presencial de
                                 Febrero el de estas fechas: 8, 9, 15 o 16 de Febrero, dependiendo de su agrupación).
                                 Virtual enviará por correo electrónico.

               _____             Afidavit                               Marzo de 2021
                                 (Envíe su Afidavit a su catequista de Confirmación 2 en su reunión de clase en persona
                                 de Marzo en de estas fechas: 8, 9, 15 o 16 de Marzo, dependiendo de su agrupación).
                                 Virtual enviará por correo electrónico.

               _____             Horas de Servicio                      24 de Abril de 2021
                                 (Envíe la hoja de registro de horas de servicio / documento de REFLEXIÓN cuando se
                                 registre en el retiro de confirmación)

   Toda la información DEBE SER escrita por computadora y el Afidavit
     DEBE SER escrita claramente
   Si la información solicitada no se entrega antes del 24 de Abril de 2021,
      NO se permitirá que el Candidato haga la Confirmación

RESERVA (En estos tiempos inciertos TODAS estas fechas podrían cambiar)

      Mini-Retiro de Confirmación*                              Sábado 9 de enero de 2021 o
      (Padres, Sponsor (si es posible), Candidate)              Sábado 14 de enero de 2021
      Retiro                                                    Sábado - 24 de Abril de 2021
      Noche de Reconciliación                                   Agosto or Sept. 2021
      Practique                                                 Agosto or Septiembre de 2021
      Confirmación                                              Septiembre 2021
All candidates must select a Saint name, this name serves as your Confirmation name. It is
completely acceptable to use your given name if it is the name of a Saint of our Church.
REMEMBER too – this Saint is someone that you aspire to emulate in the way that you live
out your own life. You then must write a report, at least one page long, on your chosen

Designate the specific person (ex., Male: St. John Paul II, Female: St. Monica).

The name chosen must be a Blessed or canonized a Roman Catholic saint. A canonized Catholic Saint is a man or a
woman who has displayed heroic virtue and has been recognized by the Church. During Confirmation preparation
time, candidates should research their baptismal name or a new Saint's name they have chosen. After you have
selected the Saint you would like to be named after (and who will continue to pray for you), type a one-page
report about the Saint's life!

Saint Report:
As we go through our sacramental preparation for Confirmation, we want to remember that the
saints chosen are picked because they are a person that we want to be like, as well as someone who
can pray for us from heaven. Through the process of canonization, when someone is declared by
the Church to be a saint, the Church is proclaiming that this member of the faithful practiced heroic
virtue during their life on earth, 'the Church recognizes the power of the Spirit of holiness within
her and sustains the hope of believers by proposing the saints to them as models and
intercessors' (CCC 828).
It is important to remember that as members of the Church, we are never alone, as St. Paul said,
'We are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses' ( Hebrews 12:1). These witnesses are the saints
who continually intercede for us (CCC 956); in choosing a Confirmation saint, we are choosing a
special friend to intercede for us in heaven and after whom we can model our lives while here on
earth. (Taken from Life Teen, “Why do Catholics choose Confirmation Saints? ”)

Include the following topics in your report – !!!REPORT MUST BE TYPED!!!
   Who is the saint? (When and where did he or she live, family life, job, etc.)
   What have you learned about this Saint through your research?
   Why did you select this Saint to represent your faith journey?
   How is this person a good role model for you to follow as a confirmed Catholic?
   Include the resources from which you obtained your information (web site, book, etc.)
       – Check your Hero of the Week in your Confirmation book first as a starting point.
  Todos los candidatos deben seleccionar un santo y escribir un informe, al
                 menos una página, sobre el Santo elegido.
      Designe a la persona específica (e, g., Hombre: San Juan Pablo II, Mujer: Santa Mónica).
 El nombre elegido debe ser bendecido o canonizado por un santo católico. Un santo cristiano canonizado es un
hombre o una mujer que ha mostrado una virtud heroica y ha sido reconocido por la Iglesia. Durante el tiempo de
 preparación de la Confirmación, los candidatos deben investigar su nombre bautismal o el nombre de un nuevo
    Santo que hayan elegido. Después de haber seleccionado al Santo del que le gustaría ser nombrado (y que
            continuará orando por usted), escriba un informe de una página sobre la vida del Santo.

A medida que avanzamos en nuestra preparación sacramental para la Confirmación, los santos de Confirmación
son elegidos para ser la persona que queremos ser, así como alguien que puede orar por nosotros desde el cielo.
A través del proceso de canonización, cuando la Iglesia declara a alguien como un santo, la Iglesia proclama que
este miembro de los fieles practicó la virtud heroica durante su vida en la tierra, "la Iglesia reconoce el poder del
  Espíritu de santidad dentro de ella y sostiene la esperanza de los creyentes al proponerles a los santos como
                                        modelos e intercesores '(CCC 828).
  Es importante recordar que como miembros de la Iglesia, nunca estamos solos, como dijo san Pablo: "Estamos
    rodeados de una gran nube de testigos" (Hebreos 12: 1). Estos testigos son los santos que continuamente
interceden por nosotros (CCC 956); al elegir un santo de confirmación, estamos eligiendo un amigo especial para
 interceder por nosotros en el cielo y después de quién podemos modelar nuestras vidas mientras estamos aquí
            en la tierra. (Tomado de Life Teen, "¿Por qué los católicos eligen a Confirmation Saints?").

       Incluya los siguientes temas en su informe: ¡DEBE SER ESCRITO POR COMPUTADORA!
     • ¿Quién es el santo? (Cuándo y dónde vivió, vida familiar, trabajo, etc.)
     • ¿Qué has aprendido sobre este santo a través de tu investigación?
     • ¿Por qué seleccionaste a este Santo para representar tu viaje de fe?
     • ¿Cómo es esta persona un buen modelo para seguir como un católico confirmado?
     •Incluya   los recursos de los cuales obtuvo su información (sitio web, libro, etc.)

                                 - Primero, marque su Héroe de la semana en su libro de
                                    Confirmación como punto de partida.
This letter is an opportunity to express, in your own words, what the Sacrament of Confirmation
represents to you. This letter is to be seen by Fr. Maciej, therefore, it is necessary to type this
letter professionally and apply all writing techniques learned in school. Call upon the Holy Spirit
to guide your words in order to express all that is in your heart for this new beginning in your
journey of faith. Remember, Confirmation is meant to set you ’on fire’ to go out and live a
courageous life of faith and to continue your growth in faith - IT IS NOT AN END!!!
Some points to help guide your thoughts:
   What does the Sacrament of Confirmation mean to you? Why do you wish to receive it?
   In what way can you continue your faith after confirmation? How will you share your faith
       with others?
   What was your favorite service project and what did you learn from the experience of
       serving? How does this service project relate to Confirmation?
   Think about how your faith has been impacted through your preparation process. Express in
       which way God has been present in your life, community, and family and how you plan to
       continue this relationship with God after Confirmation.
   Share something you have learned about God and how you plan to implement it into your
       daily life.
   Fr. Maciej will present you to the Bishop as prepared to receive Confirmation, these letters
       help him to confidently do just that. Be sure to convince him of your mature and
       prepared disposition to receive this Sacrament.

Letter Format:
   Greet our Pastor (Dear Fr. Maciej).
   Introduce yourself by giving a brief description of yourself.
   State the reason of your letter.
   Explain all of the preparation and study you have completed.
   Use some of the points listed above for the body of the letter.
   Close the letter, informing our Pastor of how you plan to remain connected to your faith and
       the Church after Confirmation.
   Conclude your letter with your complete signature.

Esta carta es una oportunidad para expresar con sus propias palabras el Sacramento de la
Confirmación. Esta carta debe ser vista por el P. Maciej, por lo tanto, es necesario escribir esta
carta profesionalmente y aplicar todas las técnicas de escritura aprendidas en la escuela.
Invoca al Espíritu Santo que guíe tus palabras para expresar todo lo que hay en tu corazón para
este nuevo comienzo en tu camino de fe. Recuerde, la Confirmación está destinada a
"prenderle fuego" para salir y vivir una vida de fe valiente y continuar su crecimiento en la fe -
¡¡¡NO ES UN FIN !!!

Algunos puntos para ayudar a guiar sus pensamientos:
• ¿Qué significa para ti el sacramento de la Confirmación? ¿Por qué desea recibirlo?
• ¿De qué manera puede continuar su fe después de la confirmación? ¿Cómo compartirás tu
fe con los demás?
• ¿Cuál fue su proyecto de servicio favorito y qué aprendió de la experiencia de servicio?
¿Cómo se relaciona este proyecto de servicio con la Confirmación?
• Piense acerca de cómo su fe se ha visto afectada a través de su proceso de preparación.
Expresa de qué manera Dios ha estado presente en tu vida, comunidad y familia y cómo
planeas continuar esta relación con Dios después de la confirmación.
• Comparta algo que ha aprendido sobre Dios y cómo planea implementarlo en su vida diaria.

Formato de la carta:
• Salude al sacerdote (Querido Padre Maciej).
• Preséntese dando una breve descripción de usted mismo.
• Indique el motivo de su carta.
• Explique toda la preparación y el estudio que haya completado.
• Usa algunos de los puntos mencionados anteriormente para el cuerpo de la carta.
• Cierre la carta, informando nuestro pastor sobre cómo planea permanecer conectado con su
fe y con la Iglesia después de la Confirmación.
• Concluya su carta con su firma completa.
                                         What is a Sponsor?

 A sponsor is a person who encourages and assists a candidate to embrace and actively practice the
  Catholic faith both before and after Confirmation. The sponsor also presents the candidate to the
                      Bishop (or his delegate) at the celebration of Confirmation.

                                      Who Can be a Sponsor?
Being a sponsor is not just an honor. The sponsor must be an active, practicing Catholic who can be a
   role model for the candidate. Ideally, you should choose one of your godparents from Baptism,
  provided he or she meets the guidelines below. If it is not possible to choose a godparent as your
 sponsor (e.g. they are deceased, live too far away, or are no longer a practicing Catholic), then you
might ask someone else whom you see as an example of a committed, practicing Catholic. This could
be a grandparent, aunt or uncle, other relative, family friend, parent of one of your friends, a teacher.

   What qualifies someone to be a Confirmation Sponsor?
       Select only ONE person.
       MUST be a Catholic who is at least sixteen years old.
       Have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
       Be a person who leads “a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on.”
       NOT one of the parents of the candidate.
       A fully initiated Catholic who is faithful to Christ and his Church.

                        A Prayer to Help You Choose Your Sponsor
   Holy Spirit, helper and guide, give me wisdom as I choose my Confirmation sponsor.
  Help me to choose a person of prayer who will teach me also to be a person of prayer
     who will support me in difficult times, who will guide me to make good choices,
                         and who will challenge me when I do not.
  Help me to choose someone who will love me and teach me to love Jesus. Thank you
   for giving me a community of people around me to support and guide me as I take
          this important step in becoming more fully a member of your Church.
                               ¿Qué es una Madrina o Padrino?
   Un patrocinador es una persona que alienta y asiste a un candidato a abrazar y practicar
  activamente la fe católica tanto antes como después de la Confirmación. El patrocinador
también presenta el candidato al Obispo (o su delegado) en la celebración de la Confirmación.

                           ¿Quién puede ser una Madrina o Padrino?
Ser patrocinador no es solo un honor. El patrocinador debe ser un católico activo y practicante
  que puede ser un modelo que seguir para el candidato. Idealmente, debe elegir uno de sus
padrinos del bautismo, siempre que cumpla con las pautas anteriores. Si no es posible elegir un
  padrino como su padrino (por ejemplo, han fallecido, viven demasiado lejos o ya no son un
 católico practicante), entonces puede pedirle a otra persona que vea como un ejemplo de un
católico comprometido y practicante. Esto podría ser un abuelo, tía o tío, otro pariente, familia
                         amigo, padre de uno de tus amigos, un maestro.

    ¿Qué califica a alguien para ser mi Madrina/Padrino?
    1. Seleccione solo UNA persona.
    2. Ser Católico que tenga al menos dieciséis años.
    3. Han recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación.
    4. Ser una persona que lidere "una vida de fe en consonancia con la función a asumir".
    5. No ser el padre del candidato.
    6. Un padrino debe ser Católico plenamente iniciado y fiel a Cristo y a su Iglesia.

                     Una oración para ayudarlo a elegir su patrocinador
      Espíritu Santo, ayudante y guía, dame sabiduría mientras elijo mi patrocinador de
 Confirmación. Ayúdame a elegir una persona de oración que también me enseñe a ser una
   persona de oración que me apoyará en tiempos difíciles, que me guiará a tomar buenas
                       decisiones y que me desafiará cuando no lo haga.
 Ayúdame a elegir a alguien que me ame y me enseñe a amar a Jesús. Gracias por brindarme
 una comunidad de personas a mi alrededor para que me apoye y me guíe mientras doy este
              importante paso para ser más plenamente miembro de tu Iglesia.
SPONSOR FOR: ____________________________________________________________________________
                               (Name of person being Confirmed)

FROM THE CODE OF CHURCH LAW: Sponsors for the Sacraments of Baptism and/or Confirmation must be Catholics at
least 16 years of age who have been Baptized and Confirmed and have already received the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Sponsors practice a life of Faith in conformity to the teachings of the Catholic Church (Cans. 874 and 893).

Whereas, I, ________________________________________________________________
                (Sponsor’s first and last name- please print)

I HEREBY AFFIRM my faith in Jesus Christ and His teachings and my fidelity to the teachings
             of the Catholic Church.                                                        INITIALS: _________

I HEREBY AFFIRM that I practice my Catholic Faith by regularly joining in the celebration of
   Sunday Mass and Holy days and receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.     INITIALS: ________

IF MARRIED, I affirm that my marriage has been celebrated in the Catholic Church.                       INITIALS: __________

IF I HAVE CHILDREN, I affirm that my children are being or have been educated in the Catholic Faith.
                                                                                            INITIALS: __________

I AFFIRM that I am a registered member of ____________________________________ Parish
         and fulfill my obligation to my Church to the best of my ability.            INITIALS: ________

I AFFIRM       that I have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. INITIALS: __________

                           Section below to be signed in the presence of a priest / deacon at Sponsor’s Parish:

I DO,     therefore, by my signature, attest to the truth of these statements and affirm that I meet all the necessary requirements to act as
         a sponsor:

        Sponsor’s Signature_____________________________________________________                      Date: ____________________

Contact information: Address: ___________________________________City: _________________ State: __________ Zip: _____

Email: ___________________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________________

                                                                                                            Parish Seal REQUIRED

Priest or Deacon Signature __________________________________ Date: ________________

Church Name: ________________________________________________________________

Address_______________________________ City _________________________

State___________ Zip_________

     *Please return to the Faith Formation Office by March 8th, 9th, 15th, or 16th, 2021
Padrino/Madrina de: ____________________________________________________________________________
                              (Nombre de la persona que va recibir el Sacramento de Confirmación)

El Código de la Ley Canónica (Ley de la Iglesia): especifica los requerimientos para fungir como Padrino (Ley
874): Usted no puede ser el padre de la persona que será bautizada; usted debe tener al menos 16 años de edad y estar
completamente iniciado en la Iglesia Católica (Bautizo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión). Sí está casado, debe haber
contraído matrimonio en la Iglesia Católica y haber vivido activamente su fe en la Iglesia Católica.
Yo, ____________________________________________________________________________________________
                                       (Nombre completo de Padrino/Madrina)

AFIRMO      mi fe en Jesús Cristo y sus enseñanzas y mi fidelidad a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica.
                                                                                                  INICIALES: ________

AFIRMO      que yo practico mi Fe Católica y con regularidad participo en las celebraciones de la Misa
             los Domingos y días festivos y recibo la Eucaristía y Reconciliación.                 INICIALES: ________

SI SOY CASA@, afirmo que mi matrimonio fue celebrado en la Iglesia Católica.                    INICIALES: ________

SI TENGO HIJOS, afirmo que mis hijos han estado o están recibiendo formación Católica.          INICIALES: ________

AFIRMO que estoy registrad@ y formo para de la Iglesia de ___________________________
        y cumplo mi obligación a mi Parroquia.                                        INICIALES: ________

AFIRMO      que eh recibido el Sacáramos de Bautismo, la Santa Eucaristía, y Confirmación.      INICIALES: ________

                     La parte de abajo debe de ser firmada en presencia de el
                                   Sacerdote de mi Parroquia:

YO ACEPTO,    Por mi firma, reafirmo la verdad de estas declaración, que afirma que yo eh cumplo todos los
requisitos necesarios para actuar como Padrino/Madrina:
            Firma_____________________________________________________                Fecha: ____________________

Información para contactar:

Dirección: ___________________________________Ciudad: _________________ Estado: __________ Código Postal: _____

Coreo Electronico: _____________________________________________ Teléfono: ________________________________

Firma de Sacerdote __________________________________ Fecha: ________________

Nombre de la Parroquia: ________________________________________________________

Dirección_______________________________ Ciudad _________________________

Estado___________ Código Postal ___________ Teléfono: _______________________________
                                                                                                    - Sello Parroquial -
   *Regrese a la Oficina de Formación de Fe antes del 8, 9, 15 o 16 de Marzo de 2021
SERVICE PROJECT LOG for: ___________________________________
                                                   (Name of Confirmation Candidate)
        Being of service to others is a core component of the Gospel message for all Catholics. Preparation for Confirmation
requires service to others so that candidates can be introduced to, and immersed into, Christian service as a normal way of
a Catholic life.
        St. Andrew the Apostle requires all students preparing for Confirmation to participate in a minimum of 4 service
projects during your Confirmation formation year (approx. 20 hours of service in total). Your service will need to be record-
ed and your statement of hours signed off by the person for whom you performed the service. Students are required to
maintain a log of what they did, who they did it for, and the number of hours of each service opportunity. A reflection (see
reverse side of this form) on this service will be completed by each Candidate – due at the April 24, 2021 Retreat! (More
service efforts may be necessary in order to meet the 20 total hour expectation. Attach additional sheet, if necessary.)
        Service projects are to be done without being paid/compensated in any way and generally for non-family members.
Service projects must be chosen in consultation with parents and sponsors and then supervised (directly or indirectly) in
such a way that the safety of the child is always assured.

4 Service Projects
Church Event                        -      List with options to choose from will be provided at a later date.
Personal Choice                     -      Must seek out community event/agency for service
Church Event                        -      List with options to choose from will be provided at a later date.
Personal Choice                     -      Must seek out community event/agency for service

           TYPE OF SERVICE                      DATE                           SIGNATURE OF               Number of
        (Describe what you did to help.)        of service
                                                                                SUPERVISOR                  Hours
             Church Event
  *Options for a church event will be
   made available at a later date*

  Personal Choice (DESCRIBE what you did)

             Church Event
  *Options for a church event will be
   made available at a later date*

  Personal Choice (DESCRIBE what you did)

A reflection (see reverse side of this form) on this service MUST also be completed by each Candidate before submitting!

NAME: ____________________________
                  Please turn this in by the April 24, 2021 Retreat

 1. There are MANY needs in this world!
 2. God blessed each of us with specific gifts and talents , reflect on yours.
 3. God calls YOU to use your gifts and talents to serve those in need!!

   Which service effort did you enjoy the most
                                                                          List out the GIFTS you shared:
   and why??
                                                                         (time, listening, strength, talent, etc…)






                                                                How did you make an impact on those you served??

   - Loving God

Expand on at least one thing your service experiences taught you about
yourself, others, and/or God!!

                                                                         Teen Signature:


                                                                         Parent Signature:

Each Confirmation Candidate will be required to pass both a written test and oral interview
before being recognized as prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation! The information
listed below provides the basic faith knowledge that each Candidate should know in order to
pass these tests. The written test will be distributed during a regularly scheduled class period
with ample warning to prepare. The interviews will be conducted by our priests or deacons
during regular class periods near the end of the season with notice.

NOTE: You may be asked some or all of these questions. Not everyone will necessarily be asked the same things. It’s
important that you take some time between now and the interview to think about how you will respond. There are
no right or wrong answers, but you should be able to give a thoughtful response to each question.

   •Tell me something about yourself. What gives you enjoyment in life?
   •Confession is sometimes a scary Sacrament. Do you feel comfortable going to Confession?
   •Tell me what you know about the Sacrament of Confirmation. What does it do for you?
   •How will your life be different as a full member of the Church?
   •Which Gift of the Holy Spirit do you find most interesting or appealing and why?
   •Confirmation is the end of attending Faith Formation classes, but the beginning of learning more about your
      faith. How will you continue to deepen the knowledge of your faith?
   •What are some things you like about being Catholic? Are there things about the Church that you find
      challenging or difficult?
   •How will you live out your faith as a confirmed, adult member of the Church? What talents or gifts has God
      given you that will help to build His kingdom?
   •Who has served as a Catholic role model for you? What about that person has impacted and/or inspired you?
   •Which of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit do you possess the most of? Which Gift do you need the most of?


   The written exam will cover basic information about our Catholic faith that as a person
   about to receive Confirmation you MUST know. Fr. Maciej will be presenting you to the
   Bishop at your Confirmation as prepared, if you cannot answer these basic things about
   our faith, you may not be ready to be Confirmed. Please don’t hesitate to ask your
   catechist, our priests, Mary or Annmarie if you have ANY questions about this material.
   We are here to journey along side you - there is NO such thing as a bad question!!

   Definitions of key faith terms like: Sacrament; prophet; Trinity; Revelation; Gifts of the
   Holy Spirit; Fruits of the Holy Spirit; Good Friday; Grace; salvation; Real Presence;
   Transubstantiation; Immaculate Conception; Assumption; Pentecost; mission; and prayer.
   This is NOT an exhaustive list but gives you some sense of what you should know.

   You MUST know: the Ten Commandments; the Seven Sacraments; the Gifts of the Holy
   Spirit; the Precepts of the Church; Our Diocese/Pope/Pastor; how our Church was
   founded; the Conditions necessary for one to receive the Eucharist worthily; obligation
   regarding Mass attendance; and the Holy Spirit

                                   -MORE INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE-
Learning Goals by Grade Level

 The learning objectives of each consecutive year builds upon the previous year’s
 learning. The textbooks have these materials in them. Use the Table of Content to
 assist in locating each of these requirements. If you are still having difficulty locating
 any of these prayers/concepts please speak to your catechist, Mary or Annmarie.

Grade 1: (Prayer)                                  Grade 4: (Prayer)
 • Genuflection                                     • the Rosary
 • Grace Before Meals                               • the Beatitudes
 • Sign of the Cross                                • the Angelus
 • The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)                   (Concepts)
 (Concepts)                                         • Morality
 • the Bible is God’s Word                          • Vocations
 • God is Creator
 • Jesus is the Son of God                         Grade 5: (Prayer)
 • Mary is the Mother of Jesus                      • Hail Holy Queen
                                                    • The Memorare
Grade 2: (Prayer)                                   (Concepts)
 • Glory Be                                         • The Seven Sacraments
 • Hail Mary                                        • The Communion of Saints
 • Nicene Creed
 • The Great Commandment                           Grade 6: (Prayer)
 • Act of Contrition                                • The Stations of the Cross
 (Concepts)                                         • The Divine Praises
 • The Holy (Blessed) Trinity                       (Concepts)
 • The Church is the Body of Christ,                • Forms of Prayer
   the people of God                                • Forgiveness and Mercy
 • Jesus is Savior
 • Basic Morality                                  Grades 7+: (Prayer)
                                                    • Prayer to St. Michael
Grade 3: (Prayer)                                   • Divine Mercy Chaplet
 • Come, Holy Spirit (Prayer to the Holy Spirit)    (Concepts)
 • Morning Prayer                                   • Regular Prayer Life
 • Evening Prayer                                   • Adoration
 • Apostles’ Creed                                  • Locating Scripture passages
 (Concepts)                                           with a Scriptural Reference
 • Liturgical Seasons                               • Gifts and Fruits of the Holy
 • The Ten Commandments                               Spirit
 • Service/Works of Mercy                           •   THE CONFIRMATION 2 PACKET
                                                        HAS SOME ADDITIONAL DETAILS
                                                        ABOUT WHAT YOU SHOULD
                                                        KNOW AT THIS AGE
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