Página creada Rodrigo Monjo


2                                                                                                         29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019
           In loving memory of
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29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019                                                                                                      3
                                                                          GOVERNOR ABBOTT
                                                                          ANNOUNCES GRANT FUNDING
                                                                          TO SUPPORT BORDER SECURITY
                                                                          OPERATIONS IN TEXAS

                                                                                 overnor Greg Abbott to-        prior year. Eligible local units of
                                                                                 day announced $15 mil-         government and federally recog-
                                                                                 lion in federal Operation      nized tribal governments work
GOVERNOR ABBOTT HOLDS                                                     Stonegarden Grant Program             in coordination with Customs

                                                                          (OPSG) funding to increase op-        and Border Protection (CBP) and
                                                                          erational capabilities of feder-      the United States Border Patrol
COMMISSION MEETING ON                                                     al, state, local, and tribal law
                                                                          enforcement agencies along the
                                                                                                                (USBP) to develop Operations Or-
                                                                                                                ders that support border security
COMBATING HATE AND                                                        border. The grants are part of        needs identified by each USBP
EXTREMISM IN TEXAS                                                        the $30 million in Operations
                                                                          Orders approved by the U.S. De-
                                                                                                                Sector. Once all federal reviews of
                                                                                                                planned Operations are complete,

       overnor Greg Abbott today            "It is imperative that Tex-   partment of Homeland Security         Texas is able to obligate the funds
       hosted the first meeting of   as develop solutions that not only   (DHS), Federal Emergency Man-         to participating law enforcement
       the Texas Safety Commis-      make our state a better place, but   agement Agency (FEMA) under           agencies. Local jurisdictions re-
sion in Austin. The Governor met     most importantly a safer place,"     the current year’s grant program.     ceiving funding through these
with lawmakers, educators, ad-       said Governor Abbott. "Our start-    These funds ensure that law en-       latest OPSG awards include 50
vocates, community leaders, and      ing point began today, with the      forcement partners are equipped       law enforcement agencies located
experts to generate strategies to    process of exploring all avenues     with the resources they need to       in the following 18 counties: Bee,
provide community healing, com-      and reviewing all facts to deter-    confront the complex and dynam-       Calhoun, Cameron, Dimmit, Du-
bat the rise of extremist groups     mine how we can prevent anoth-       ic challenges that exist along the    val, El Paso, Hidalgo, Jim Wells,
and hateful ideologies, keep guns    er tragedy like the shooting in El   Texas border.                         Kinney, Kleberg, Nueces, Presi-
out of the hands of deranged in-     Paso from occurring again. I am                                            dio, Refugio, Val Verde, Victoria,
dividuals, and combat domestic       grateful for the insight and ex-             "The state of Texas is com-   Webb, Willacy, and Zapata.
terrorism in Texas. The ideas dis-   pertise of those who participated    mitted to utilizing these resourc-
cussed in the commission meet-       in the Texas Safety Commission       es to continue to help secure our             The Homeland Security
ings will aid in the development     meeting today, and I look forward    southern border,” said Governor       Grants Division (HSGD), a sub-
of an immediate action plan for      to our continued work as we pur-     Abbott. "I am grateful for our con-   set of the Governor’s Public Safe-
the State of Texas.                  sue ideas that will keep Texas       tinued partnership with the U.S.      ty Office (PSO), is responsible for
                                     safe."                               Department of Homeland Securi-        administering OPSG funding as
                                                                          ty and the additional funding the     part of the larger Homeland Se-
                                                                          agency is providing to help carry     curity Grant Program from DHS/
                                                                          out this mission. These grants        FEMA. Local units of govern-
                                                                          will provide much-needed support      ment along the southern border
                                                                          for the men and women of law          that are interested in learning
                                                                          enforcement who are working to        more about this program should
                                                                          combat the crisis at our southern     contact one of the five (5) USBP
                                                                          border."                              Sectors      (
                                                                                 DHS/FEMA          allocated    border-patrol-sectors) consisting
                                                                          more than $30 million in OPSG         of Big Bend, Del Rio, El Paso,
                                                                          funding to the State of Texas last    Laredo and Rio Grande Valley, or
                                                                          year, which was an increase of        the PSO at 512-463-1919.
                                                                          more than $10 million from the
4                                                                                      29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019

                                                                                STAGE LIGHTING FIXTURES AND CABLE
                                                                            EQUIPMENT PURCHASE AND DELIVERY (PHASE II)
CHALLENGE OFICIAL DE SU                                                      Houston First Corporation requests proposals from experienced,
SENCILLO "LOS EUROS, LOS                                                     theatrical lighting equipment companies to provide and deliver
                                                                                           the stage lighting fixtures and cable.

                                                                                                        Please visit
       na Carolina es una de las      este sencillo tanto en las calles,
       influencers Dominicanas        establecimientos nocturnos, como
                                                                                                   for complete details.
       en medios sociales mas         también conectando con el publico
popular del momento con mas           que consumen el contenido Digi-
de 2.8 millones de seguidores en      tal diariamente.
Instagram, y para sumar es Pre-
sentadora, Modelo, Animadora X
Cantante Urbana. Bajo el sello de            Ana Carolina X Chosen
Chosen Few Emerald Entertain-         Few Emerald Entertainment in-
ment, Ana Carolina lanza su mas       vita al publico a participar en
reciente sencillo "Los Euros, Los     el Challenge de "Los Euros, Los
Verdes, Y Los Pesos", junto a un      Verdes, Y Los Pesos". El Chal-
video musical dirigido por Freddy     lenge se trata de colgar un video
Graph y co-dirigido por Salvador      en los medios sociales bailando
Morales "Salva". El sencillo cuen-    el tema con el hashtag #loseuro-
ta con un estilo Urbano Dembow        slosverdesylospesos y cuando el
Dominicano el cual habla de la        video musical oficial del tema lle-
seguridad y el control de la inter-   gue a 1 millón de visitas en You-
prete donde puede disfrutar de los    Tube, Ana Carolina escoge el vid-
tres tipos de monedas en donde        eo challenge que mas le gusto, le
quiera que va, e invitando a sus      regala $1,000 al ganador y pone el
amistades a olvidarse de los prob-    video en sus medios sociales.
lemas, disfrutar del momento y
no darle mente a nada.                       Para finalizar, Ana Caroli-
                                      na participo el fin de semana pas-
        Este nuevo sencillo de        ado en la parada Dominicana de
Ana Carolina cuenta con la repre-     NYC. Con mas de 40 carrozas que
sentación absoluta del reconocido     van por la Avenida de las Améri-
productor Multi-Platino Manuel        cas, Ana Carolina sobresalió con
Alejandro Ruiz Boy Wonder CF          su musica, presencia, y muchos
del sello Chosen Few Emerald el       fanáticos presente.
cual apuesta al éxito y alcance de

                                                                                     OFFICE ASSISTANT - ENTRY LEVEL
                                                                                       ACTION LIMO - HOUSTON, TX
                                                                            This position will require general office help, great phone etiquette, and internet
                                                                            savvy; with the ability to communicate professionally with customers and staff.

                                                                            Customer Service Includes:
                                                                            • Answering multi-phone line system.
                                                                            • Taking customer reservations, providing quotes and confirmations by phone
                                                                                and email.a
                                                                            • Credit card processing and providing clients with receipts and invoices.
                                                                                Assist with accounting and filing
                                                                            • Microsoft Office
                                                                            • Social media updates
                                                                            • Weekends availability
                                                                            • Reliable and with good references, EOE

                                                                                                Job Types: Full-time, Part-time
                                                                                                 Salary: $8.00 to $12.00 /hour
                                                                                                        For more info
                                                                                          | 281-932-9942
29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019                                                      5


      he METRO Board of Direc-          Intercontinental Airport, 16 addi-
      tors voted unanimously to         tional miles of light rail including
      approve the METRONext             a connection to Hobby Airport, ex-
Moving Forward plan. Today’s ac-        panded two-way HOV/HOT lanes,
tion calls for a referendum to be       290 miles of BOOST or optimized
placed on the Nov. 5, 2019 ballot       bus service along heavily trav-
for voters to consider $3.5 billion     eled routes and signature bus ser-
in bonding authority for METRO.         vice on Westheimer with limited
The balance of the $7.5 billion         stops. The plan also calls for in-
plan would be funded through            vestments in 21 new or improved
local dollars and federal funding       Park & Rides and transit centers,
grants. There would be no new           as well as accessibility and us-
tax increases for implementing          ability improvements for seniors
the plan.                               and the disabled.

       The      METRONext plan                 In all, METRONext in-
includes 75   miles of METRORa-         cludes about 40 transit projects.
pid service   (Bus Rapid Transit)       Learn more about the plan in this
includng a     connection to Bush       video and at

  Houston First Holdings LLC requests proposals from commercial loan

                                                                                NOV 13-17
  brokers capable of assisting the company in obtaining a loan to refinance
   existing indebtedness secured by the Hilton Americas-Houston Hotel.

  An experienced finance team is needed to prepare and conduct a market-
  ing process, identify funding options and assist in all aspects of negotia-
  tion of loan applications, commitments, and the satisfaction of lender-re-
                              quired due diligence.

                             Please visit for complete details.
6                                                                          29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019


      a administración del pres-      tribunales de inmigración tras su
      idente, Donald Trump,           creación por parte de la adminis-
      prosigue con su plan de         tración en 2017, agrega The Asso-
cambiar las reglas por las que        ciated Press, el primer medio que
se establece quién, entre los mi-     habló de este cambio.
grantes, tiene derecho a insta-
larse en el país. Este viernes dio            La nueva norma provi-
                                                                            ¿BUSCAS AHORRAR DINERO EN

                                                                            AVISOS LEGALES?
a conocer un nuevo cambio que         sional se hará efectiva tras ser
afecta los procesos de concesión      publicada este lunes. La persona
de asilo. Jueces y abogados de in-    que actualmente cubre el cargo de
migración creen que el Gobierno       director de EOIR, James McHen-
así intenta tener más influencia      ry, fue asignado a ese puesto por
sobre los casos de inmigración.       Trump. Anteriormente, desar-
                                      rolló gran parte de su carrera        Publique sus avisos legales
        La nueva norma puesta         en el Servicio de Inmigración y

                                                                            POR MENOS
puesta en marcha concede más          Control de Aduanas (ICE, por sus
poder a la Oficina Ejecutiva para     siglas en inglés).
la Revisión de la Inmigración
(EOIR, en inglés), la agencia del             Hasta ahora, la autoridad
Departamento de Justicia que su-      que tenía facultad para revertir
pervisa las cortes de inmigración,    las decisiones de la Junta de Apel-
en decisiones sobre peticiones de     aciones de Inmigración era el fis-                Llámenos
asilo no resueltas antes de un pla-   cal general de EEUU. De hecho,
zo establecido. De esta manera, el    el actual, William Barr, aplicó
                                                                              antes de llamar al otro periódico.
director de este organismo podrá      este poder hace menos de un mes            Que Onda Magazine
elegir si acepta o rechaza apela-     para limitar la concesión de asilos
ciones a las decisiones sobre esas    a migrantes cuyas familias estén
solicitudes.                          amenazadas por pandillas.

       Ello conlleva que, a partir           Lo mismo hizo un año an-
de ahora, se vayan a establecer       tes Jeff Session, anterior fiscal       ÁREAS DE CIRCULACIÓN:
antecedentes legales que pueden       general, para el caso de víctimas
redefinir la ley de asilo, según      de grupos criminales y de violen-
explica The Washington Post.          cia doméstica. Ahora, también el
Y así se consolida la posición de     director de EOIR podrá tomar de-
EOIR en la coordinación de los        cisiones de este tipo.
                                                                              Brazoria               Harris

                                                                             Chambers               Liberty

                                                                             Fort Bend          Montgomery

                                                                             Galveston               Waller

                                                                                Gabriel Esparza
29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019   7
8                                                                                       29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019
                                  ALTUVE                                                                           RECAP:
                                  HOMERS IN BIG                                                                    DYNAMO FALL
                                  INNING, ASTROS                                                                   TO FC DALLAS
                                  BEAT ANGELS                                                                      IN RETURN
                                  11-2                                                                             LEG OF TEXAS

T                                                                            T
                                               Michael Brantley led off
       he Astros finally began to                                                   he Houston Dynamo fell 5-1     Ondrasek added a brace of his
                                       the eighth with a single, extend-
       barrel up baseballs in the                                                   to their intra-state rivals    own with two goals in eight min-
                                       ing his hitting streak to 18 games.
       eighth inning, and it seemed                                                 FC Dallas tonight at Toy-      utes early in the second half. De-
                                       Reddick's two-run double gave
like they might never stop.                                                  ota Stadium. The Dynamo start-        fender Ryan Hollingshead found
                                       him three RBI. It was Reddick's
                                                                             ed hot, creating multiple scoring     Ondrasek inside the box in the
                                       first RBI since Aug. 10 and first
       Jose Altuve's career-high                                             opportunities in the first 20 min-    56th minute for his first goal of
                                       multihit game since July 14.
tying 24th home run capped a                                                 utes, nearly finding the net inside   the evening. Badji’s low cross
seven-run eighth after Framber                                               the first minute after midfielders    found the forward at the far post
                                              "It was good to get in there
Valdez grinded through six grit-                                             Tommy McNamara and Tomás              in the 64th minute for his fourth
                                       and contribute today and it actu-
ty innings, and Houston beat the                                             Martínez combined inside the          goal of the season.
                                       ally mean something," Reddick
Los Angeles Angels 11-2 Sunday.        said. "A lot of my at-bats haven't    penalty area. Despite dominating
                                                                             possession and keeping the ball       Dynamo forward Memo Rodri
                                       meant anything lately because
       Alex Bregman, Abraham                                                 inside Dallas’ defensive third for    guez put Houston on the board in
                                       we're usually up 3-0 by the time
Toro and Josh Reddick also drove                                             most of the first quarter-hour, the   the 80th minute when he tapped
                                       I get up. That's a good problem to
in runs in the eighth as the Astros                                          Dynamo were unable to find the        in a centering pass from forward
sent 11 batters to the plate.                                                back of the net.                      Mauro Manotas. The goal was Ro-
                                                                                                                   driguez’s sixth of the season, ex-
                                               Valdez was called up from
       "We did a good job of doing                                                   FC Dallas took the lead       tending his career high.
                                       Triple-A Round Rock and earned
everything right," Astros manag-       his first win since June 15, ending   in the 24th minute when captain
er AJ Hinch said. "We took ad-                                               Reto Ziegler converted a penalty              Dallas forward Michael
                                       a streak of four-straight losses.
vantage of a few mistakes, we hit                                            kick. FC Dallas was awarded the       Barrios capped the scoring in the
the ball in a couple of good spots                                           spot kick after Dynamo defender       sixth minute of stoppage time
                                               "I just wanted to throw my
to capitalize on a couple of hits, a                                         Jose Bizama was whistled for a        when he put away a rebound from
                                       best pitches and focus and make
couple of big swings. Just every-                                            foul on forward Dominique Badji       close range.
                                       sure that I executed my best
body kind of dialed in and we had      pitches so that I could get them      at the edge of the six-yard box.
an explosive inning and separat-                                                                                          The Dynamo will now
                                       out," he said through a translator.
ed ourselves and had a comfort-                                                      The north Texas side dou-     travel to the Midwest next week-
able win."                                                                   bled their lead five minutes later    end for a showdown with Sporting
                                              Martin Maldonado hit a
                                                                             when forward Zdenek Ondrasek          Kansas City at 7:30 p.m. on Sat-
                                       two-run homer in the seventh to
       Houston has won seven of                                              intercepted a pass near midfield      urday, Aug. 31 at Children’s Mer-
                                       extend the lead to 4-1.
eight. The club entered the day                                              and quickly found midfielder          cy Park. The first match between
tied with the Yankees for the best                                           Jesús Ferreira in space. Ferreira     both clubs ended in a 1-1 draw
                                               Jaime Barria (4-7) only
record in the AL at 84-47.                                                   dribbled to the top of the box and    after Elis equalized for Houston
                                       gave up two runs but still was
                                                                             cut inside to create an opening       minutes after Kansas City took
                                       stuck with his fourth-straight
       "Play our game, we can't                                              for a shot that beat Dynamo goal-     the lead in the second half.
                                       loss. Barria allowed three hits,
really get stuck scoreboard            struck out four and walked three      keeper Joe Willis at the far post.
watching," Reddick said. "Hap-         in 5 1/3 innings.
pens every year, team's get so
caught up in looking at the out of            "I know I have to bring my
town scoreboard. That's all fine       A-game especially with a lineup
and dandy once we've gotten our        like that," Barria said through a
wins. When that happens, we can        translator.
watch all we want to."
29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019                                                                                                                                            9

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                                                                                                                      Horario: Lunes – Sábado, 10am-9pm.

                                                                               debut on the opening series and             Quarterback         Jordan

                                       TEXANS NEWS
                                        brought to you by
                                                                               finished with two tackles, one
                                                                               solo and one tackle for loss. The
                                                                               Texans starting defense forced
                                                                               a three-and-out on the opening
                                                                                                                    Ta’amu started the second half for
                                                                                                                    the Texans, but Webb returned in
                                                                                                                    the fourth quarter. Webb finished
                                                                                                                    with 8-of-21 for 62 yards passing,
                                              drive, but struggled afterwards.     two interceptions and rushed for
                                                                                                                    25 yards on four carries.
                                                                                      Watson and the offensive
                                                                               starters played just one series.            In the second half, the sur-
                                                                               On the second play of the game,      prising news of Andrew Luck’s
                                                                               Lamar Miller took a hit to the       retirement broke on Twitter.
RAPID REACTION: TEXANS                                                         knee by defensive lineman Maliek     The Texans AFC South oppo-

                                                                               Collins. After being evaluated by    nent earned the respect of many
                                                                               trainers on the field, Miller was    throughout the NFL, including

                                                                               carted off to the locker room.       Watt.
     he Houston Texans fell 34-0         opportunity.”
     to the Dallas Cowboys on
                                                                                     The Cowboys converted                 The Texans will host the
     Saturday night at AT&T                      “Obviously, it was a pretty
                                                                               the takeaway into points when        Los Angeles Rams on Thursday
Stadium.                                 big disaster,” J.J. Watt said. “You
                                                                               Dak Prescott threw a 12-yard         night to close out the 2019 presea-
                                         don’t want to lose 34-0, especial-
                                                                               touchdown pass six plays later.      son.
       “We’re on our way,” De-           ly to your in-state team. You also
shaun Watson said. " Each and            have to look at it with perspec-
                                                                                       Joe      Webb
every day, it’s a process. We’ve         tive as well. It is the preseason.
                                                                               was under center for
got two weeks until Monday night         As difficult as it was we are going
                                                                               the remainder of the
in the Superdome. We could have          to learn from it, grow from it. We
                                                                               first half. The Texans
gone out and played a half and           all know the ultimate goal is Sep-
                                                                               were forced to punt
scored 34 points, but I still don’t      tember 9, so we need to do what
                                                                               after Webb’s first se-
believe that we’re ready. It’s still     we need to do to get ready for that
                                                                               ries of the game, but
a learning process. There’s always       game. But, we definitely need to
                                                                               Trevor Daniel’s kick
ways to get better all the way           take a good, hard look at the film
                                                                               was blocked and re-
up until kickoff. We just need to        from today and get better from it.”
                                                                               turned for a touch-
correct our mistakes, learn from
                                                                               down for an early
them and get ready for our next                     Watt made his preseason
                                                                               14-0 lead.
10                                                                                       29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019

         e had the pleasure of sit-
         ting with Ms. Marilyn
         Burgess, Harris County
District Clerk, where we got to
                                        we have given back in raises to
                                        the hard working front line em-
                                        ployees.                                                                               MARILYN
discuss her deep roots in politics
and future plans while in office.
                                                 Gabriel: Can you explain
                                        the role of 'dis-
                                                                                                                     HARRIS COUNTY
                                        trict clerk'?
       Gabriel: Tell us a little bit
about yourself.                         Marilyn: Our
                                        official function
         Marilyn: I grew up in Lou-     comes from the
isiana in a small rural community       Texas constitu-
by the name of Spearsville, where       tion where we
I had a graduating class of 36!         are named as
Both of my parents held elected         the official re-
offices in their lifetimes, so I grew   cord keepers of
up in a civic minded family that        the court sys-
believed in giving back to the com-     tems. We are
munity. My dad held a role that         responsible for
was very similar to County Com-         staffing each of
missioner in Louisiana, called Po-      our 90 court-
lice Jury. Growing up, I attended       rooms with a
Democratic State Conventions            court       clerk,
with my parents, and later after I      which includes
was an adult; my mom was elect-         criminal, civil,
ed mayor of our little town, so I       family, juvenile
guess you can say public service        and      specialty
is in my DNA. I moved to Texas          courts.     While
after graduating from LSU and           we have noth-
have been a Texan ever since.           ing to do with
                                        who's charged
       Gabriel: So you come             or any outcomes
from a political family?                – our clerks re-
                                        cord everything
        Marilyn: Absolutely, I          that goes on in
definitely come from a political        the courtroom.
family. Before my mom died, her         When an at-
only regret was that she waited         torney files a
so long in life to get started in the   case, we accept
political arena, as she would have      that filing and
loved to do more. She would have        assign it to a
made an awesome state represen-         courtroom. We
tative! After she passed, it pushed     are also respon-
me to want to run, and; it wasn’t       sible for collect-                “Marilyn Burgess is pictured here alongside her two Chief Deputies Wes McCoy and
too late for me. So that's when         ing all civil and
I decided to run for public office      criminal fees,                      a survey of all of our supervisors in multiple languages?
and get involved in Harris County       all monies paid as deposits on and asked them to identify the
public service.                         civil cases awaiting disposition, people in their area who were bi-                Marilyn: Our jury sum-
                                        all funds awarded to minors paid lingual in any language, not just mons is the only piece of informa-
      Gabriel: Have you made            into the court registry and all Spanish. All departments in our tion that we put out to the public,
any changes during these 8              criminal fines. And perhaps the structure had at least one Span- and it's not in Spanish because
months on the job?                      duty most of the public knows us ish-speaking employee. Our call one of the qualifications for jury
                                        for, is our responsibility for the center has 2 Spanish-speaking duty is that you must be able to
Marilyn: I think we have done a         jury summoning process.             clerks, and we are adding a third fluently read and write in En-
lot in 8 short months! One of the                                             one.                                glish. We are looking at convert-
major initiatives I ran on was,                Gabriel: Is this a 24/7 job?         Gabriel: Is that the #1       ing some of our standard forms in
wanting to pay the “line-level”                                               language you get the most?          our intake areas into Spanish.
employees in the district clerk's              Marilyn: Yes, It constant-
office better. In order to do that,     ly keeps me very busy, but I love             Marilyn: Yes, Spanish, by           Gabriel: Anything you'd
we eliminated a level of manage-        the variety and the pace.             far is our most frequent need. We   like to add or have people know
ment as I thought the office was                                              also identified through our pro-    about your administration?
“top-heavy”. By eliminating this                Gabriel: Do you have oth-     cess that we have someone who is
level, we were able to free up          er staff? Bilingual staff?            fluent in Vietnamese and one in     Marilyn: During the transition I
funds for raises for the “line-lev-                                           Hindu as well.                      learned this office had not billed
el” employees and elevate super-                Marilyn: Yes, I have 2                                            for uncollected civil fees since
visors and managers. We freed up        chief deputies and over 500 mem-             Gabriel: Is the paperwork    October 2011. As a CPA, I was
about $800,000 in salaries which        bers of the DCO staff. We just did
29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019                                                                                                           11

 BURGESS                                                                          back upon request.

                                                                                          We also offer on our web-
                                                                                  site free background checks that
                                                                                                                          sibility and exceptional organiza-
                                                                                                                          tional skills to public and private
                                                                                                                          organizations. She ran on a plat-
                                                                                                                          form dedicated to modernizing
 DISTRICT CLERK                                                                   anyone can access.                      the jury system by going all elec-
                                                                                                                          tronic, increasing juror diversity,
                                                                                         Gabriel: Passports?              reforming the bail system and de-
                                                                                                                          creasing waste and inefficiencies
                                                                                         Marilyn: Yes, we accept          in the District Clerk’s Office to
                                                                                  and process passport applications       ensure a living wage for the hard-
                                                                                  here at the Civil Courthouse at         working professionals that staff
                                                                                  201 Caroline on the first floor. It's   it.
                                                                                  a very quick and easy full service              Marilyn graduated from
                                                                                  process, where you can also get         Louisiana       State    University
                                                                                  your photo taken for the passport.      with an accounting degree that
                                                                                                                          launched a successful career in
                                                                                  Gabriel: How do you get     t h e       business, which has included serv-
                                                                                  public to know that you guys offer      ing as the president of the North
                                                                                  all of this?                            Houston-Greenspoint Chamber
                                                                                                                          of Commerce and the Chief Fi-
                                                                                          Sarah Dugas, Commu-             nancial Officer at a family-owned
                                                                                  nications Manager for the               local company. It was during her
                                                                                  DCO: We have a communications           work as the Executive Director of
                                                                                  department that manages the             the Texas Parent Teachers Asso-
                                                                                  marketing and communications            ciation (PTA) that she found her
                                                                                  efforts, and we are working to re-      true calling: fighting and advocat-
                                                                                  vamp the website to make it easi-       ing for causes that better the lives
                                                                                  er to find options the public cares     of teachers, working- and mid-
                                                                                  about and to access.                    dle-class families, single mothers,
                                                                                  Ms. Burgess also attends many           and children.
                                                                                  community events. And we have
                                                                                  our Facebook page at Harris                     Marilyn developed her be-
                                                                                  County District Clerk where the         lief in hard work and public ser-
                                                                                  public can keep up with the latest      vice from her parents who both
                                                                                  happenings at the DCO.                  held elected office in Spearsville,
                                                                                                                          a northern Louisiana town of
                                                                                        Gabriel: Is there any             approximately 350 people. Her
                                                                                  message you'd like to give to the       father represented the region
                                                                                  Spanish community?                      in a role similar to county com-
                                                                                                                          missioner for twelve years. After
                                                                                          Marilyn: We are definite-       Marilyn’s mother retired from
                                                                                  ly here to serve. We are making         her position as chair of the local
                                                                                  every effort to reach out to the        hospital board, she too served the
Judith Snively and other members of her management team.”                         public and make folks aware of          community as mayor of Spears-
                                                                                  the services we offer and how you       ville during the final years of her
      shocked to hear that and said         these notifications via email with-   can access our services. We have        life. In Marilyn’s adult life, she
      that will not be the case in my ad-   in the next 60 days.                  a Community Outreach Liaison            worked hard to build a career
      ministration. We bill currently on                                          that recently attended a LU-            while raising a child as a single
      a monthly basis, and will collect            Another example is our on-     LAC meeting. Anyone who has a           mother. These days, she enjoys
      as much of those past-due uncol-      line calendaring system. We had       community organization we can           spending time with her daughter,
      lected fees as possible. Just last    a lot of complaints about attor-      speak to, we'd love to do that. We      Lindsey, and her two wonderful
      month, we passed the $1 million       neys calling the courts to get on     are always out in the community         grandchildren, Reagan and Geof-
      mark in collections, and we are       the judges’ docket calendars and      attending events letting everyone       frey.
      very proud of that milestone.         not being able to reach anyone.       know who we are and what we
                                            This system makes it possible to      do. If you’d like for one of us to             As District Clerk, Marilyn
      We've introduced a lot of tech-       schedule their times anytime, in-     come and speak at your commu-           oversees a budget of $36 million
      nology, mostly for services for       cluding after hours, on weekends      nity events reach out to my office      and a staff of over 500 individuals,
      the legal community in order to       or on holidays without the need to    via phone (832-927-5770) or email       a responsibility to her constitu-
      improve efficiencies and save tax     speak to a staffer.                   (            ents she takes seriously. Marilyn
      dollars. For example, there is a                                                                                    now brings her seasoned, mea-
      state requirement for us to each              We have started issuing       About Marilyn Burgess                   sured, smart leadership to the
      week notify every attorney who's      citations electronically. When                                                District Clerk’s office, where she
      had an order signed by any judge      service papers are requested, they           Marilyn Burgess is the           will work to fulfill her campaign
      that week. Right now, we mail         no longer have to send someone        Harris County District Clerk. She       promises to improve efficiencies,
      a postcard to meet that require-      downtown to pick them up. We          is a Certified Public Accountant        reduce costs, increase community
      ment. We expect to start sending      can now email the documentation       (CPA) with over thirty years of         participation, and fairly compen-
                                                                                  experience bringing fiscal respon-      sate the employees.
12                                                                                    29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019
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En Lone Star College-University Park,         “Me gusta que las clases sean prácticas
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calidad y pasar a una carrera exitosa en     me familiarizo más con el material, para
las industrias en crecimiento de Texas.      poder completar una licenciatura en
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Como la universidad de la comunidad,         inteligente que me ha puesto por delante.”
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nos destacamos por ayudar a nuestros         colegio o universidad de cuatro años.
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en la Academia de Niños YMCA. Y              asistencia financiera a los estudiantes.
estamos orgullosos de nuestra asociación
con iSchool High y la Universidad de         La Oficina de Ayuda Financiera de LSC-
Houston-Downtown.                            UP trabajará con usted para explorar
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Ya sea para obtener un GED o un              necesita para lograr una educación
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certificación de la industria, LSC-UP        universitarios y mantener sus objetivos
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objetivos profesionales a largo plazo.
Los asesores y especialistas de la Oficina   Nunca es demasiado temprano para
de Servicios Profesionales de LSC-UP         comenzar a pensar en tu futuro. Las
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recursos que lo prepararán para el éxito.    Para obtener más información sobre
                                             LSC-UP, visite o llame
Explore diferentes especializaciones         al 281.290.2600.
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críticas de currículos y búsqueda de
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organizaciones para emplear a nuestros
estudiantes durante ferias profesionales
y reclutamiento en el campus. Como
estudiante o graduado, tendrá el poder de
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con empleadores para encontrar
la industria adecuada para usted.

Por ejemplo, los estudiantes que desean
aprender las habilidades esenciales
necesarias para los puestos de fabricación
de nivel de entrada pueden aprovechar el
programa de 12 semanas de pre-aprendiz
del Certificado Mecatrónica Personal.

Norman White es un graduado de LSC-
UP que planea ser técnico de servicio
mecánico / eléctrico en la industria
petrolera. Se inscribió en LSC-UP para
tomar cursos que podría usar en su
carrera y aplicar a un título superior en
el futuro.
29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019                                                              13


       he Tony Buzbee for May-           that the MWBE program is being
       or campaign has commis-           used by Turner to take care of his
       sioned a months-long, thor-       friends and campaign donors. One
ough investigation of the Office         example: Tony Chase is a profes-
of Business Opportunity (OBO).           sor at the University of Houston
Many of the findings from this in-       Law Center. He works downtown
vestigation have been the subject        in the Chase Tower. His business
of past press releases and have          repeatedly takes advantage of the
revealed that corruption and de-         MWBE program, but by no credi-
ficiencies run deep at the OBO,          ble definition is it disadvantaged.
especially with respect to the           Instead, Chase’s business enjoys
MWBE program. Despite the fact           millions in revenues yearly. Why
that she is still listed on the City’s   is his business still in the MWBE
OBO website as the director, re-         program? Because he is close
ports have revealed that Carle-          friends with the mayor and threw
cia Wright resigned in late July         the mayor a fundraiser at his Riv-
amidst increasing questions about        er Oaks home. The MWBE pro-
her behavior as director. The City       gram, like most of the processes
has refused to release Wright’s ex-      in the city, doesn’t work. The pro-
pense and travel reports, a move         gram is not being used to provide
that is typical of this administra-      real jobs and opportunities to the
tion’s complete lack of transpar-        many MWBE firms in Houston.
ency. Documents also show that           I applaud Controller Brown for
a number of companies appealed           adding OBO to his list of planned
to Wright regarding their “grad-         audits for next year and have no
uation” from the MWBE program            doubt that the results will prove
and she sided with those compa-          catastrophic for Turner. I will
nies, overturning their gradua-          continue to point out Turner’s cor-
tions. Interestingly enough, the         ruption, taking down the pay-to-
companies that had their appeals         play system that runs our city peg
granted were all friends and do-         by peg until this city works for ev-
nors of Mayor Sylvester Turner,          eryone. I’m not taking a salary. I
including Miles Insurance Agency         won’t take campaign donations.
(Boris Miles), McConnell & Jones         And I will not be stopped,” Buzbee
(Thomas Jones), and ChaseSource
(Anthony “Tony” Chase). All three
                                                                                 TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
are allies of the mayor and have                 Buzbee will present more
made millions on contracts with          revelations at a live press confer-
the city. These individuals do not       ence on Friday, August 23rd (me-
run “disadvantaged” businesses.          dia advisory to follow). He will also
They receive contract after con-         present his plan to ensure that
tract with the city, while small,        OBO operates transparently and
women and minority owned busi-           in a manner such that tax dollars

                                                                                       OCT 19
nesses are shut out, because they        spent are being re-invested back
didn’t give campaign donations or        into the community. He will also
host fundraisers for the mayor.          provide extensive documentation
                                         regarding business received from
       “The deeper we get into           the city given to various individu-
our investigation, the more proof        als and entities with close ties to
we uncover that makes it clear           the mayor.
14                                                                                 29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019



      oy dedico esta columna a       una vida muy ocupada piensa:
      todas esas personas que        “si me enamoro, ¡no podré con
      les da terror enamorarse.      todas mis responsabilidades!”.
Hay tres situaciones en el amor      Su temor es que una relación le
que provocan el miedo y no les       desenfoque y no pueda desem-
permite a muchos abrir su cora-      peñar su trabajo o cumplir con
zón.                                 sus compromisos personales.

        El primero y el más común           El tercer miedo es: el re-
es el temor de volver a sufrir, si   chazo por ejemplo, de dos com-
anteriormente alguien te trató       pañeros de trabajo que luego de
mal o no te valoró seguramente       pasar mucho tiempo juntos, uno
hoy desconfías de todo el mundo      de ellos se enamora, pero no se
y tienes miedo de que te vuelvan     atreve a declarar su amor. Es
a herir, así que, para protegerte,   ahí cuando enfrentas dos op-        situaciones nuevas, incluyendo    tar miedo, pero en moderación,
evitas enamorarte. Reconoce que      ciones; confesar lo que sientes     relaciones amorosas, y muy poco   !nunca dejes que te limite!. Te ad-
negarte a amar te asegura protec-    y arriesgarte al rechazo o es-      miedo también es malo porque      vierto: “Es mejor conocer el amor
ción emocional pero muchos años      conder tus sentimientos y con-      te lanza rápidamente al amor      y perderlo, que nunca haber ama-
de soledad.                          tinuar como amigos. Lamenta-        sin pensarlo y te pueden partir   do”.
                                     blemente la segunda opción te       el corazón. Es bueno experimen-
       El segundo miedo a amar       podría robar la oportunidad de
es la intensidad del mismo sen-      encontrar al amor de tu vida.       María Marín motivadora internacional.
timiento; ¡puede ser abrumante!
el amor consume mucho tiempo                ¿Te identificaste con al-    Visita el canal de Youtube:“El Empujoncito de Maria Marin”
y energía, y quien no sabe poner     guno de estos temores? el miedo     Siguela en Facebook mariamarin
sus prioridades en orden puede       usado apropiadamente es una         Twitter @maria_marin
perturbarle su vida personal y       valiosa herramienta, pero en        IG mariamarinmotivation
profesional. Alguien que tiene       exceso te detiene a entrar en       Visita:
29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019                                                                                             15

                                          ONIONS                     •   ½–1 TSP GROUND CAY-                 skillet on medium, heat oil.
                                      •   1 CUP ROUGHLY                  ENNE PEPPER                         Add mushrooms and brocco-
                                          CHOPPED FRESH CILAN-                                               li and stir-fry until tender,
                                                                                                             10 minutes. Drain shrimp
COCONUT                                   TRO
                                                                     1. Cook rice according to pack-
                                                                                                             and discard marinade. Add
                                                                                                             shrimp and bell pepper to skil-
SHRIMP                                                                  age directions.
                                                                                                             let and stir-fry until shrimp is
                                                                     2. Meanwhile, in a container or
STIR-FRY                              MARINADE & SHRIMP
                                                                        resealable bag, combine all
                                                                                                             opaque, 3 to 5 minutes. Add
                                                                                                             chard, onions and sauce; stir-
                                      •   1 TSP LIME ZEST + 6 TBSP      marinade ingredients. Add

                                                                                                             fry until chard is wilted, 3 to 5
      his stir-fry boasts ener-           FRESH LIME JUICE              shrimp and toss to coat. Seal        minutes.
      gy-boosting B vitamins from     •   3 CLOVES GARLIC, MINCED       and refrigerate for at least 15
      broccoli, red bell pepper and                                                                       5. Divide rice among 4 plates
                                                                        minutes, or up to 1 hour.
Swiss chard. Get even more zeal       •   1 TSP CHILE POWDER                                                 and top with stir-fry and ci-
                                                                     3. Meanwhile, in a blender,             lantro.
from the iron-containing shiitake     •   ½ TSP EACH SEA SALT AND
                                                                        blend all sauce ingredients
mushrooms and shrimp.                     GROUND BLACK PEPPER
                                                                        until combined and smooth.
                                      •   1 LB LARGE SHRIMP,                                              Source:
                                                                     4. Prepare stir-fry: In a large
INGREDIENTES:                             PEELED AND DEVEINED

                                      •   1 CUP BPA-FREE CANNED
                                          FULL-FAT COCONUT MILK
                                      •   3 TBSP FRESH LIME JUICE
                                      •   2 TBSP PEELED AND GRAT-
                                          ED FRESH GINGER
                                      •   1 TBSP REDUCED-SODIUM
                                      •   1 TBSP ARROWROOT
     CHARD                            •   2 TSP FISH SAUCE
•    1 CUP SLICED GREEN               •   1 CLOVE GARLIC, MINCED
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019

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29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019                                                                                                          17

                                       In addition to the tyrannosaurus
                                       rex, velociraptor, and other famil-
                                       iar creatures, the park also has
                                       life-size dinosaur bones and other
BARILOCHE,                             artifacts on hand to both educate

                                       and entertain.

                                       The Thunder Up There
      loser to Chile than it is to
                                               Choosing just one of Bari-
      Buenos Aires, Bariloche
                                       loche’s outdoor destinations is no
      — officially San Carlos
                                       easy feat, but Cerro Tronador ris-
de Bariloche — is like a world
                                       es above the rest — literally. At
unto itself. Not for nothing has
                                       11,660 feet, the volcanic moun-
it emerged as one of Argentina’s
                                       tain (whose name means thun-
most sought-after destinations,
                                       derer) dwarfs the nearby peaks
with skiing, chocolate, and Swiss
                                       of Nahuel Huapi Park and offers
architecture being just a few of
                                       awe-inspiring views in every di-
the attractions drawing visitors
                                       rection. Its eight glaciers are
year-round. There’s truly some-
                                       melting due to climate change,
thing for everyone in Bariloche,
                                       so make haste — like many nat-
which is why so few who visit ever
                                       ural wonders, Tronador won’t last
want to leave.                                                                 A Slice of Switzerland                ward Refugio Roca Negra, a cozy
                                       forever in its current form. (That
                                                                                       There’s quaint, and then      spot to indulge in pizza and wine
                                       said, don’t limit yourself if you’re
WHEN TO GO                                                                     there’s Colonia Suiza. The area's     after braving the outdoors.
                                       outdoorsy: Circuito Chico, Cer-
                                                                               first European settlement, it still
                                       ro Otto, and Isla Victoria are all
July - August                                                                  looks much the same as when it        STAY HERE
                                       must-sees as well.)
        Bariloche is especially gor-                                           was founded in the late 18th cen-
geous in its winter, when snow                                                 tury and today offers curanto —       Llao Llao Living
                                       Cabinet of Curiosities
covers the mountains and skiers                                                a traditional food whose prepa-               Bariloche isn’t the cheap-
                                               You may not think that a
gather in droves to leave their                                                ration is a ritual unto itself that   est destination in the world, but
                                       museum featuring taxidermied
mark on the fresh powder. Even if                                              visitors can observe. Among the       those who splurge on Llao Llao
                                       animals, dioramas, and stratig-
you aren’t particularly outdoorsy,                                             other charming reasons to visit:      Hotel are glad they did so. A
                                       raphy displays is your thing, but
the views are so striking that bun-                                            views of Lake Morano, an artisan      five-star resort and spa with ev-
                                       how can you know if you don’t
dling up and braving the crowds                                                market, and fresh empanadas.          ery amenity you can think of and
                                       give it a try? Centro Cívico’s Mu-
is well worth it — especially if                                                                                     even some you can’t — an 18-hole
                                       seo de la Patagonia is as odd as
you’ve never experienced winter                                                WHAT TO EAT                           golf course, solarium, vanish-
                                       some of its exhibits, to be sure, but
in the southern hemisphere.                                                                                          ing-edge swimming pools — it’s
                                       it’s also hugely fascinating. With
                                                                               Raise the Steaks                      nestled between Cerro Lopez and
                                       collections on everything from ab-
DISCOVERIES                                                                            Unless you’re a vegetari-     Cerro Tronador, but the view of
                                       original history and the Conquest
                                                                               an, you’ve no excuse not to eat at    Nuahel Huapi lake is even more
                                       of the Desert to prehistory and
Life, Uh, Finds a Way                                                          a parrilla (steakhouse) at least      breathtaking. For something
                                       the museum's namesake, it’s a vi-
        Jurassic Park may not be                                               once during your time in Argen-       more economical, consider Ho-
                                       tal thread in Bariloche’s cultural
real, but at least Parque Nahueli-                                             tina. Alto el Fuego is the region’s   tel Tres Reyes. It's more conve-
                                       fabric. And for another museum
to is. You don’t have to be a kid to                                           crème de la crème, a small space      niently located (15 minutes from
                                       experience that’ll show you why
enjoy this prehistoric adventure,                                              with big flavors: ribeyes so large    the airport, a few hundred feet
                                       Bariloche lives up to its nickname
especially as the 30-plus dino-                                                you’ll have trouble finishing with-   from the city mall) and offers its
                                       as the chocolate capital of Argen-
saur replicas on display are noted                                             out help, thick fries, and chorizo    own lakeside views, not to men-
                                       tina, mosey over to the Museo del
for their realism — many are as                                                all abound. Those in search of        tion complimentary drinks upon
large as their ancient counter-                                                something as adventurous as           check-in and regional pastries at
parts, while the rest are to scale.                                            Bariloche itself will gravitate to-   the breakfast buffet.
18                                                                      29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019

ACADIA 2020                                  Travel confidently with
                                      available safety technologies that
REFINED EXTERIOR                      help you and your passengers
       The imposing exterior fea-     while out on the road.
tures bold design that’s highlight-
ed by a new front end and new         SLE
LED headlamps and taillamps.          • 2.5L 4-cylinder 193 hp engine
                                      •   Seating options for 6 or 7 peo-
INTERIOR STYLING                          ple
       The spacious cabin fea-
                                      •   18” Machined Aluminum
tures premium craftsmanship
                                          Wheels with dark accents
with versatile seating and storage
DRIVER-CENTRIC                        • 2.0L Turbo engine with GM
TECHNOLOGY                              estimated 230 hp (late avail-
       Stay informed with ad-           ability)
vanced technologies that provide      •   Leather-appointed first- and
added convenience such as the             second-row seating
available 6" diagonal color Head-
                                      •   Hands-free     programmable
Up Display (late availability).
                                          power liftgate with GMC logo
29 DE AGOSTO - 4 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2019                                                                                          19

                                                                                                                                    © Copyright 2019. Pagado por el Instituto Norteamericano
                                                                                                                                    de Petróleo. Todos los derechos reservados.
                                                                                                             EL GAS NATURAL
                              DISMINUCIÓN DEL                 INCREMENTO DE MÁS DEL

     GAS NATURAL:                                                                                            APORTA FUERZA

      #1                                                               57%                                   ECONÓMICA

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