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AÑO 24 | NÚM. 1151 < WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM > 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 FREE! ¡GRATIS! EXPERIENCE THE THRILL. Sunday, August 25 12 – 5 PM The North American Tour Company of CATS. Photo by Matthew Murphy 2019
2 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM In loving memory of Mr. José G. Esparza APRENDE MÁS. HAZ MÁS. COMPARTE MÁS. FOUNDED BY: José G. Esparza And Lilia S. Esparza /1993/ PO BOX 1805 INTERNET ESSENTIALS DE COMCAST SM CYPRESS TEXAS 77410 INTERNET DE ALTA VELOCIDAD ECONÓMICO Phone: (713)880-1133 Internet Essentials te da acceso a Internet de alta velocidad económico. Podrías calificar Fax: (713)880-2322 si tienes al menos un niño elegible para el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares, recibes asistencia para viviendas públicas o HUD, o eres un veterano con bajos recursos económicos que recibe asistencia federal y/o estatal. PUBLISHERS 9 GABRIEL ESPARZA $ 95 SIN CONTRATO gabriele@queondamagazine.com SIN REVISIÓN DE CRÉDITO SIN CARGO POR INSTALACIÓN PUBLIC RELATIONS WiFi PARA EL HOGAR INCLUIDO AMANDA G. ESPARZA al mes + impuestos ACCESO A HOTSPOTS DE mandye@queondamagazine.com XFINITY WiFi FUERA DEL HOGAR, EN 40 SESIONES DE 1 HORA CADA 30 DÍAS SPORTS EDITOR MICHAEL A. ESPARZA michaele@queondamagazine .com SOLICÍTALO AHORA FOTOGRAPH es.InternetEssentials.com 1-855-SOLO-995 VICTOR LOPEZ Se aplican restricciones. No está disponible en todas las áreas. Limitado al servicio de Internet Essentials para Los contenidos periodísticos que se incluyen en este nuevos clientes residenciales que cumplan con ciertos requisitos de elegibilidad. El precio anunciado se aplica a una sola conexión. Las velocidades reales pueden variar y no están garantizadas. Tras la participación inicial resumen informativo son propiedad intelectual y en el programa de Internet Essentials, si se determina que un cliente ya no es elegible para el programa y elige responsabilidad exclusiva de los medios emisores y un servicio de Xfinity Internet diferente, se aplicarán las tarifas regulares al servicio de Internet seleccionado. Sujeto a los términos y condiciones del programa de Internet Essentials. Hotspots de WiFi: Los hotspots solo de sus autores y no representan de manera alguna la están disponibles en áreas selectas. Se requiere una laptop o cualquier otro equipo móvil con capacidad para WiFi. Se limita a cuarenta sesiones de 60 minutos por período de 30 días por persona/cuenta. Si la sesión se opinion de la revista ¡Que Onda! termina antes de 60 minutos, el tiempo restante vencerá. El tiempo no usado no se transfiere a sesiones o períodos de 30 días siguientes. No responsable de los datos perdidos por terminarse la sesión de Internet o cualquier otra razón. Se pueden registrar un máximo de hasta 10 equipos a una sola cuenta de Xfinity WiFi On DISTRIBUTION Demand. No se puede combinar con otras ofertas. Llame al 1-855-765-6995 para obtener las restricciones y NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION detalles completos o visite es.InternetEssentials.com. © 2018 Comcast. Derechos Reservados. COMPANY QUE ONDA MAGAZINE Prides itself in keep- ing a high standard and devotingly opposes any type of misleading advertising. CLOSE EDITION CONTENIDO TEXAS GOV 3 Friday 5:00pm OFFICE HOURS 9:00 am - 6:00pm DEPORTES 6 Monday - Friday DEADLINES ENTRETENIMIENTO 8 Friday 12:00 am HALO: OUTPUST DISCOVERY 12 VOTE FOR METRO Ads containing special art, photos or proof will be required a week in advance. Cancellations 13 MOTIVACION 14 should be made in writing and receiven five (5) day in advance of publication date. Una Publicación Semanal Derechos Reservados Copyright 2007 TRAVEL 17 FORD RANGER FX2 18 TXOGA 19
22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 3 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM Public Safety Office for law en- for youths with higher acuity focal point for community ser- forcement agencies and the com- behavioral health and psy- vices including mental health munity of El Paso. chological needs will also be needs, legal services, faith- available. based assistance, and public $550,000 in financial grant information. assistance will be administered • Family Resiliency Center to law enforcement agencies that (FRC): To support the long- • Post Critical Incident Sem- bravely responded to the shooting term needs of the community, inars (PCIS): PCIS is an in- on August 3rd, 2019 to aid in re- CJD will provide funding to tensively focused therapeutic imbursement for overtime costs. establish an FRC in El Paso. seminar with an emphasis on GOVERNOR As implemented in Santa Fe, peer support to assist first re- ABBOTT MEETS $5 million in financial Las Vegas, and other commu- sponders suffering from trau- grant assistance will be adminis- nities that experienced a mass matic stress. These seminars WITH tered through the following ser- shooting, the FRC will be a are eligible for CJD funding. LAWMAKERS vices and initiatives throughout the El Paso community: FOLLOWING EL PASO • Psychological First Through the Local Mental Aid: SHOOTING Health Authority Emergence Health Network, psycholog- G overnor Greg Abbott to- ical first aid and crisis coun- day hosted a meeting with seling is available immediate- statewide officials and ly and will be offered free of members of the El Paso state charge and long-term to sur- delegation following the tragic vivors and those in the com- shooting in El Paso on Saturday, munity experiencing vicarious August 3rd. The elected officials trauma. collaborated on potential strat- egies to improve the safety and • State Behavioral Health Ser- security of Texas communities. vices: At the request of Gov- Governor Abbott also announced ernor Abbott, Texas Health a series of upcoming roundtable and Human Services Com- discussions with elected leaders mission (HHSC) has deployed and experts to develop meaning- CJD-funded staff from HH- $1,000 ful solutions. SC’s Disaster Behavioral ¿Quieres Ganarte hasta Health Services section to The Governor was joined coordinate behavioral health by Lieutenant Governor Dan Pat- assistance to the local commu- rick, Speaker of the House Dennis nity, conduct behavioral needs Bonnen, Senator Jose Rodriguez, assessments, and provide and Representatives Cesar Blan- strategic planning and care co, Art Fierro, Mary Gonzales, coordination with local service Joe Moody, and Lina Ortega for providers. the meeting. • County Reimbursements: The "The entire state of Texas state can aid the prosecution continues to grieve the tragedy in of the alleged suspect through El Paso," said Governor Abbott. funding streams available "While our hearts remain broken, at CJD. This includes expert it is our responsibility to show the witness fees, investigation, Diseñando un Pastel? resolve that is needed to address increased security, juror fees, this shooting and begin the pro- and more. Indigent defense or cess of working together to lay a related defense costs are not __________________________________________________________________ groundwork of how we are going eligible. Costs associated with to respond. The people of Texas overtime for El Paso County’s — including the people of El Paso Office of the Medical Examin- — deserve to be safe, and it is our er and Sheriff’s Office for in- responsibility to ensure that safe- creased correctional needs are ty." also eligible. • School-Based Mental Health Governor Abbott also an- Services: CJD is offering nounced that the state of Texas funds to ensure Independent will be providing over $5.5 million School Districts have the on- in immediate financial assistance site resources they need to through the Criminal Justice Di- support students affected di- vision (CJD) of the Governor's rectly or indirectly. Referrals
4 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM COMISIÓN DE CALIDAD AMBIENTAL DEL ESTADO DE TEXAS STAGE LIGHTING FIXTURES AND CABLE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE AND DELIVERY (PHASE II) Houston First Corporation requests proposals from experienced, theatrical lighting equipment companies to provide and deliver AVISO DE RECIBO DE LA SOLICITUD Y EL INTENTO DE OBTENER PERMISO PARA LA CALIDAD DEL AGUA the stage lighting fixtures and cable. PERMISO PROPUESTO NO. WQ0015798001 Please visit SOLICITUD. The Signorelli Company, 1400 Woodloch Forest Drive, Suite 200, The Wood- https://www.houstonfirst.com/do-business lands, Texas 77380, ha solicitado a la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental del Estado de Texas (TCEQ) para el propuesto Permiso No. WQ0015798001 (EPA I.D. No. TX0139319) del Siste- for complete details. ma de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes de Texas (TPDES) para autorizar la des- carga de aguas residuales tratadas en un volumen que no sobrepasa un flujo promedio diario de 900,000 galones por día. La planta está ubicada aproximadamente a 0.75 millas al noreste de la intersección de Boothline Road y Psencik Road, en el Condado de Fort Bend, Texas. La ruta de descarga es del sitio de la planta a Big Creek; de ahí al Rio Brazos. La TCEQ recibió esta solicitud el 9 de mayo del 2019. La solicitud para el permiso está disponible para leerla y copiarla en Fort Bend County Engineer’s Office, 301 Jackson Street, Richmond, Texas. Este enlace a un mapa electrónico de la ubicación general del sitio o de la instalación es propor- cionado como una cortesía y no es parte de la solicitud o del aviso. Para la ubicación exacta, consulte la solicitud. h t t p : / / w w w . t c e q . t e x a s . g o v / a s s e t s / p u b l i c / h b 6 1 0 / i n d e x . h t m l ? l a t = 2 9 . 4 5 3 6 1 1 & l- ng=-95.725555&zoom=13&type=r AVISO ADICIONAL. El Director Ejecutivo de la TCEQ ha determinado que la solicitud es administrativamente completa y conducirá una revisión técnica de la solicitud. Después de completar la revisión técnica, el Director Ejecutivo puede preparar un borrador del permiso y emitirá una Decisión Preliminar sobre la solicitud. El aviso de la solicitud y la decisión preliminar serán publicados y enviado a los que están en la lista de correo de las personas a lo largo del condado que desean recibir los avisos y los que están en la lista de correo que desean recibir avisos de esta solicitud. El aviso dará la fecha límite para someter comentarios públicos. COMENTARIO PUBLICO / REUNION PUBLICA. Usted puede presentar comentarios pú- blicos o pedir una reunión pública sobre esta solicitud. El propósito de una reunión pública es dar la oportunidad de presentar comentarios o hacer preguntas acerca de la solicitud. La TCEQ realiza una reunión pública si el Director Ejecutivo determina que hay un grado de interés público suficiente en la solicitud o si un legislador local lo pide. Una reunión pública no es una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso. OPORTUNIDAD DE UNA AUDIENCIA ADMINISTRATIVA DE LO CONTENCIOSO. Después del plazo para presentar comentarios públicos, el Director Ejecutivo considerará todos los comentarios apropiados y preparará una respuesta a todo los comentarios públicos esenciales, pertinentes, o significativos. A menos que la solicitud haya sido referida direct- amente a una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso, la respuesta a los comentarios y la decisión del Director Ejecutivo sobre la solicitud serán enviados por correo a todos los que presentaron un comentario público y a las personas que están en la lista para recibir avisos sobre esta solicitud. Si se reciben comentarios, el aviso también proveerá instrucciones para pedir una reconsideración de la decisión del Director Ejecutivo y para pedir una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso. Una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso es un pro- cedimiento legal similar a un procedimiento legal civil en un tribunal de distrito del estado. PARA SOLICITAR UNA AUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO, USTED DEBE INCLUIR EN SU SOLICITUD LOS SIGUIENTES DATOS: su nombre, dirección, y número de teléfo- no; el nombre del solicitante y número del permiso; la ubicación y distancia de su propiedad/ actividad con respecto a la instalación; una descripción específica de la forma cómo usted sería afectado adversamente por el sitio de una manera no común al público en general; una lista de todas las cuestiones de hecho en disputa que usted presente durante el período de comentarios; y la declaración "[Yo/nosotros] solicito/solicitamos una audiencia de caso impugnado". Si presenta la petición para una audiencia de caso impugnado de parte de un grupo o asociación, debe identificar una persona que representa al grupo para recibir corre- spondencia en el futuro; identificar el nombre y la dirección de un miembro del grupo que sería afectado adversamente por la planta o la actividad propuesta; proveer la información indicada anteriormente con respecto a la ubicación del miembro afectado y su distancia de la planta o actividad propuesta; explicar cómo y porqué el miembro sería afectado; y explicar cómo los intereses que el grupo desea proteger son pertinentes al propósito del grupo. Después del cierre de todos los períodos de comentarios y de petición que aplican, el Director Ejecutivo enviará la solicitud y cualquier petición para reconsideración o para una audien- cia de caso impugnado a los Comisionados de la TCEQ para su consideración durante una reunión programada de la Comisión. La Comisión sólo puede conceder una solicitud de una OFFICE ASSISTANT - ENTRY LEVEL audiencia de caso impugnado sobre los temas que el solicitante haya presentado en sus co- mentarios oportunos que no fueron retirados posteriormente. Si se concede una audiencia, el tema de la audiencia estará limitado a cuestiones de hecho en disputa o cuestiones mixtas de hecho y de derecho relacionadas a intereses pertinentes y materiales de calidad del agua que ACTION LIMO - HOUSTON, TX se hayan presentado durante el período de comentarios. This position will require general office help, great phone etiquette, and internet savvy; with the ability to communicate professionally with customers and staff. LISTA DE CORREO. Si somete comentarios públicos, un pedido para una audiencia ad- ministrativa de lo contencioso o una reconsideración de la decisión del Director Ejecutivo, la Oficina del Secretario Principal enviará por correo los avisos públicos en relación con la solic- Customer Service Includes: itud. Ademas, puede pedir que la TCEQ ponga su nombre en una or mas de las listas correos siguientes (1) la lista de correo permanente para recibir los avisos de el solicitante indicado • Answering multi-phone line system. por nombre y número del permiso específico y/o (2) la lista de correo de todas las solicitudes • Taking customer reservations, providing quotes and confirmations by phone en un condado especifico. Si desea que se agrega su nombre en una de las listas designe cual and email.a lista(s) y envia por correo su pedido a la Oficina del Secretario Principal de la TCEQ. • Credit card processing and providing clients with receipts and invoices. CONTACTOS E INFORMACIÓN A LA AGENCIA. Todos los comentarios públicos y solic- Assist with accounting and filing itudes deben ser presentadas electrónicamente vía http://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eCom- ment/ o por escrito dirigidos a la Comisión de Texas de Calidad Ambiental, Oficial de la • Microsoft Office Secretaría (Office of Chief Clerk), MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Tenga • Social media updates en cuenta que cualquier información personal que usted proporcione, incluyendo su nombre, • Weekends availability número de teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico y dirección física pasarán a formar parte del registro público de la Agencia. Para obtener más información acerca de esta solicitud de • Reliable and with good references, EOE permiso o el proceso de permisos, llame al programa de educación pública de la TCEQ, gratis, al 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. Job Types: Full-time, Part-time También se puede obtener información adicional del The Signorelli Company a la dirección indicada arriba o llamando a la Sra. Yvonne Rivera, P.E., Costello, Inc., al 713-783-7788. Salary: $8.00 to $12.00 /hour Fecha de emisión: 12 de agosto del 2019 For more info limo.com | 281-932-9942
22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 5 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM COMCAST’S DAVID L. COHEN AND MAYOR SYLVESTER TURNER UNVEIL $175,000 COMPLETE COMMUNITIES INVESTMENT AT EIGHT MILLION STORIES C omcast NBCUniversal and ing, robotics, fashion design and the City of Houston May- an introduction to laser cutting or Sylvester Turner an- programs. nounced a grant for the City of • David L. Cohen, Comcast, Se- Houston’s Complete Communities nior Executive Vice President initiative at Eight Million Stories, & Chief Diversity Offi- along with several surprises for cer, Comcast NBCUniversal the teens in attendance. During the event, Comcast’s Senior Ex- • Ralph Martinez, Comcast, ecutive Vice President & Chief Houston Regional Senior Vice Diversity Officer, David L. Cohen, President surprised students who use the • Rico Roman, Two-time 8 Million Stories Computer Lab Paralympic Gold Medalist with a free laptop and six months and Purple Heart Recipient of complimentary services. • Marvin Pierre, Eight Million As part of this project, Stories, Founder Comcast announced that it will provide funding for technology • Jeremy Ford, Vice President, centers. These technology centers Giving & Social Innovation, will offer digital skills training Dell Technologies opportunities, including STEM programing, NCCER Core train- COMMERCIAL LOAN BROKER Houston First Holdings LLC requests proposals from commercial loan NOV 13-17 brokers capable of assisting the company in obtaining a loan to refinance existing indebtedness secured by the Hilton Americas-Houston Hotel. An experienced finance team is needed to prepare and conduct a market- ing process, identify funding options and assist in all aspects of negotia- tion of loan applications, commitments, and the satisfaction of lender-re- quired due diligence. Please visit https://www.houstonfirst.com/do-business for complete details.
6 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM ASTROS HOST DAVY ANGELS TO ARNAUD OPEN 2020 ON FOCUSED ON MARCH 26 “WINNING NL in 2012. Houston will travel to EVERY DAY” TO TURN face the Mets (June 2-3), Nation- als (July 3-5) and Braves (Sept. HOUSTON T T 25-27) in Interleague Play. The he Astros, who have won here’s a lot going on around Marlins visit Houston Sept. 1-3. DYNAMO seven consecutive games on Davy Arnaud right now, Opening Day, will look to but the newly-minted inter- AROUND The Astros will resume the keep that streak alive next year im head coach of the Houston Dy- Lone Star Series against the Tex- against the Angels, who will be in namo is focused on only one thing: as Rangers with a three-game se- Houston on March 26 to kick-start the present. The midfielder/forward ries April 10-12 in Houston’s first the 2020 season. Major League moved to the sidelines in 2016 game at new Globe Life Field, Baseball released the schedules After his appointment to as an assistant at D.C. United, which is set to open next year. for all teams on Monday. the job following the release of then moved back home to join the Wilmer Cabrera, Arnaud didn’t Dynamo’s staff in 2017. Gener- Additional highlights of After playing host to the have time to think through the al manager/senior vice president the 2020 schedule include week- Angels for four games to start personal and professional ramifi- Matt Jordan said Wednesday end series visits from the Yankees their 59th season, the Astros will cations of taking the reigns as an morning that Arnaud “has the re- (May 15-17) and Red Sox (May hit the road and play 12 of their MLS head coach for the first time. spect of all the players and staff” 29-31). The Astros will finish the next 14 games away from home. and will bring a “fresh perspec- season with a seven-game road The only two home games during “My focus has solely been tive” for the final nine games of trip against the Yankees (Sept. that stretch will be an Interleague on what can I do right now, what the regular season. 21-24) and Braves. matchup against the Mets, April can we do right now to affect this 7-8. organization in a positive way,” It’s unlikely that Arnaud Season-ticket packages the 39-year-old said in a press will implement wholesale chang- for 2020 that can guarantee 2019 The Astros play the Na- conference following his first es to the team in his interim po- postseason priority access are on tional League East in Interleague training session in charge. “Our sition. While acknowledging that sale now and can be purchased by Play next year, which means visits goal as a club is what we can do to he – like any coach – has his own calling the Astros ticket depart- from the Mets and Phillies (July affect this group in a positive way ideas and beliefs, with only a few ment at 1-877-9ASTROS or by 7-9), who haven’t been to Houston to turn this thing around.” days to prepare for his first game visiting astros.com/seasontickets. since the Astros’ last year in the instead of a six-week preseason The Dynamo have struggled to camp his job at the moment is to pick up points after starting the make tweaks and solidify what MLS regular season with a club- the team is already doing instead best 7-2-2 record. They have gone of introducing something com- 2-11-1 since and fallen precipi- pletely new. tously in the Western Conference standings as a result. That mentality starts with Arnaud and the energy that he “To prepare for that, we and the rest of the coaching staff need to win every single day,” Ar- bring to the training field each naud said. “The small goal for us day, trickling down to the players is to go out to be great in train- to carry into the weekend for the ing tomorrow and prepare well final stretch of the season. the next day, with the ideal thing being to get a positive result on Saturday against Colorado. If we can continue to do that daily, we can ultimately be back in a play- off spot.” Arnaud was born and raised in Nederland, Texas – an hour and a half east of Houston in the “Golden Triangle” near the Texas-Louisiana border – and starred at West Texas A&M Uni- versity for three years before be- ginning an accomplished 14-year career in MLS.
22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 7 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM ROCKETS ANNOUNCE TEXANS NEWS 2019-20 REGULAR brought to you by SEASON fb.me/TexansLatinosFans SCHEDULE T he Houston Rockets today Post All-Star break, Hous- announced their schedule for the 2019-20 regular ton will play 12 of its first 20 games on the road, including a PLAYERS SHARE HISTORIC season. The Rockets posted the season-long five-game trip from MOMENT WITH JANICE MCNAIR highest win total of any team over March 23-31. The Rockets close the past two seasons. out the regular season by playing H six of their final eight games at ouston Texans Co-Found- humans.” AT&T SportsNet will home with the finale vs. Memphis er and Senior Chair Janice broadcast 70 of the Rockets 82 on April 15. S. McNair made history on Johnathan Joseph called regular season games. The Rock- Tuesday when she gifted $5 mil- it a great day for Houston. ets are scheduled to appear on na- Houston has 11 back-to- lion to Pro-Vision Inc., a non-prof- tional TV a total of 38 times this backs this season, eight of which it located in the Sunnyside Com- “It was really special be- season (ABC: 5; ESPN: 11; TNT: come prior to All-Star break. The munity in Houston. The donation, cause I know what the city of 10; NBA TV: 12). final two back-to-backs occur in made through The Robert and Houston means to her (McNair) April when the Rockets finish the Janice McNair Foundation, is not and her family and how much All games will once again season by playing seven games in only the largest gift received by Mr. (Robert) McNair put into this be available on the radio broad- 11 days. Pro-Vision, but also among the also,” Joseph said. “His passing cast home of the Houston Rock- largest donations to support edu- I’m sure it was pretty emotional ets, SportsTalk 790 KBME and The Rockets will play cation, community relations and for her because obviously we’d NewsRadio 740 KTRH. In addi- 13 games on Monday (7 home), economic development in the Na- love to have Bob here today, but tion, the Rockets Spanish radio nine on Tuesday (5 home), 15 on tional Football League. his legacy lives on today through broadcast returns to La Ranchera Wednesday (8 home), 10 in Thurs- this also.” KEYH 850 AM/KNTE 101.7 FM. day (4 home), 10 on Friday (4 "Everybody knows about home), 14 on Saturday (8 home), the Houston Texans but, a lot of In addition to the $5 mil- The Rockets will play their and 11 on Sunday (5 home). times, people don’t know about lion donation, the McNairs also first three games at home, includ- the things that they do behind the gifted $450,000 to support Pro-Vi- ing the season opener vs. Mil- Over the course of the sea- scenes, money that they have do- sion’s Urban Farm and Aquapon- waukee on Oct. 24. The last time son, the Rockets will face each nated to this community," Special ics Initiative. Pro-Vision Inc. is an the team opened a season with NBA team at least once at home Advisor to the Head Coach Andre organization that uses a four-com- three straight home games was and once on the road, including Johnson said. "So it’s great, not ponent approach in their efforts in 2005-06. From Oct. 30 through Western Conference opponents only being the owner of a football to dismantle poverty through ed- Nov. 11, Houston will play six of twice both home and away, ex- team but being able to affect your ucation, nutrition, character de- seven on the road, with the one cept for the following: L.A. Lakers community. To see them do this is velopment and housing. home game coming against Gold- (1 home, 2 road), Oklahoma City a great thing.” en State on Nov. 6. (2 home, 1 road), Sacramento (2 Established in 1988, The home, 1 road), and Utah (1 home, The donation will enhance Robert and Janice McNair Foun- On Nov. 13, the Rockets 2 road). the underserved Sunnyside com- dation is focused on a different host the Los Angeles Clippers, munity, by building housing for tomorrow. Janice McNair and her marking the first of 10 home AT&T SportsNet™ is the low-income community members, late husband Bob have long be- games over a 17-game span end- television home of the Houston an on-site football field and track lieved the greatest impact one can ing on Dec. 16. Following that Rockets. The network delivers facility. A multi-purpose building leave on the world is a dedicated stretch, Houston will play eight more than 250 live events each was also unveiled on Tuesday. focus on helping others through of 12 on the road, including a year across five states. AT&T their mission, vision and values. Christmas Day game at Golden SportsNet is owned and operated “Watching State and Russell Westbrook’s re- by AT&T Sports Networks, which those kids quote turn to Oklahoma City on Jan. 9. operates regional sports networks ‘The Four Agree- in the Pittsburgh, Rocky Moun- ments,’ that’s The Rockets have a sea- tain and Southwest regions. The one of my favor- son-high four-game homestand three networks combined reach ite books,” Hal from Jan. 15 through Jan. 22, across 19 states and own exclu- said. “Seeing that including their only home game sive rights to produce and distrib- made me realize against the Los Angeles Lakers ute live events from more than 15 that this is a per- on Jan. 18. Houston then plays teams and conferences. fect opportunity four straight on the road before for these kids to hosting five of seven at Toyo- grow and learn ta Center heading into All-Star and become better break.
8 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM BUZBEE CAMPAIGN SIGN SET ¿BUSCAS AHORRAR DINERO EN ON FIRE, BUZBEE RENEWS CALL FOR INFORMATION AVISOS LEGALES? LEADING TO THE ARREST OF PERPETRATOR Publique sus avisos legales A nother Tony Buzbee non-criminal, use of their time POR MENOS campaign sign was found and resources would be going to defaced on Wednesday the polls and voting on November in Southeast Houston 5th. This conduct on Almeda Genoa at Lockcrest. is more a reflection on those com- The sign had been burned by an mitting these acts than on our unknown assailant. This follows campaign. We won’t be deterred months of Buzbee signs being de- or discouraged. We will replace faced with swastikas. The Buzbee the signs and move forward to Llámenos team has received several leads, positively change this great city.” but no arrests have been made. antes de llamar al otro periódico. Our campaign is offering Que Onda Magazine In response to this latest a $10,000 reward for informa- act of vandalism, Buzbee said tion leading to the charging and/ that “the defacement of our or arrest of the person or persons campaign signs, in any form, is responsible for defacing our cam- completely unacceptable. It is un- paign signs. fathomable to me that someone ÁREAS DE CIRCULACIÓN: feels the need to commit a crime, Information may report- repeatedly, and to do so by using ed by calling (281) 888-7684 or symbols of hate. If this person had emailing info@tonybuzbeefor- any sense, they would realize that mayor.com a much more constructive, and Brazoria Harris Chambers Liberty Fort Bend Montgomery Galveston Waller Contacto: Gabriel Esparza 713-880-1133
10 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM EXPERIENCE THE THRILL. ONE FREE DAY Sunday, August 25, 12 – 5 PM Family-friendly performances & more Special ticket offers Behind-the-scenes tours Theatre Under The Stars; A Chorus Line. Photo by Erick Velazquez.
12 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM HALO: OUTPOST DISCOVERY Explore The Ring Experi- ence, get up close and personal with a real-life Warthog, battle fellow UNSC recruits in an epic laser tag arena, experience thrilling in-uni- verse encounters with the latest sim- ulation and VR technologies. Take advantage of hundreds of game sta- tions to play, compete and explore the storied Halo game series. Attend one of our many themed panels, meet the creators, special guests and learn how the Halo universe is made, or take part in one of the many avail- able community events to learn how to livestream, gameplay, or build an epic cosplay costume. W ith so many ways to expe- releases and so much more. rience the Halo franchise – “Halo is known for its epic from the multitude of games Whether you’re a Halo vet- adventures and galactic mysteries, to the dozens of novels, live-action eran or completely new to the fran- and we have long viewed the Halo and animated films, comics and chise, Halo: Outpost Discovery offers universe itself as a series’ central to creating innovative, immersive more, Herschend Live announced numerous experiences designed with character,” said 343 Industries Stu- entertainment experiences that cre- that it partnered with 343 Industries everyone in mind. Featuring more dio Head of Halo Transmedia Kiki ate memories worth repeating,” said to give fans a brand-new way to ex- than 300,000 square feet of activities Wolfkill. “We are humbled by our Herschend Live President Howard perience and immerse themselves designed to celebrate all things Halo, fans’ continued embrace of what the Smith. “For the first time ever, gen- in this beloved universe with Halo: this 3-day long adventure will begin Halo franchise represents: Hero- erations of Halo fans will be able to Outpost Discovery. touring summer 2019, appearing at ism, Hope, Wonder and Community. come together and experience the five major metropolitan areas across We’re excited to partner with Her- Halo universe like never before.” Halo: Outpost Discovery is an the United States in its first year. schend Live to bring our universe to innovative, new touring fan experi- life in a spectacular fashion to create Visit HaloOutpostDiscov- ence for all ages, that brings the Halo • August 16-18 – HOUSTON – a thrilling Halo fan experience wor- ery.com for the latest news, and video game universe to life like nev- George R. Brown Convention thy of the series – and take them, more on the Halo: Outpost Discovery er before. This weekend-long event Center their friends and their families on a summer experience. lets you step into Halo’s science fic- • August 30-September 1 – ANA- journey they’ll never forget.” tion setting, with immersive themed HEIM – Anaheim Convention For all things Halo, follow @ attractions, interactive in-universe Center “We’re extremely excited to halooutpost on Twitter and Insta- encounters, the latest playable game further continue our commitment gram. © Copyright 2019. Pagado por el Instituto Norteamericano de Petróleo. Todos los derechos reservados. GAS NATURAL OTORGA PODER A LAS COMUNIDADES EL GAS NATURAL DISMINUCIÓN DEL INCREMENTO DE MÁS DEL 14% GAS NATURAL: APORTA FUERZA #1 57% ECONÓMICA $ FUENTE EN GENERACIÓN DE ENERGÍA A NUESTRAS ELÉCTRICA EN COMUNIDADES EN EMISIONES DE DIÓXIDO EN LA PRODUCCIÓN DE BENEFICIANDO EL NORTEAMÉRICA DE CARBONO (2007–2017) GAS NATURAL (1990–2017) PROGRESO MÁS ENERGÍA, MENOS IMPACTO AMBIENTAL
22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 13 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED TO PASS METRO BOND INITIATIVE H OUSTON – Moving to the • Improving service on 260 Future, a political action miles of bus routes committee formed to pass • Creating new Metro Rapid the METRO Proposition on the high-speed bus lines which November 2019 ballot, launched have many of the same advan- its campaign today. tages as rail Carrin Patman, chair of • The funds would be provided the Metropolitan Transit Author- by the sale of up to $3.5 billion ity of Harris County (METRO), in bonds over 20 years with said: no new taxes. METRO would also apply for federal match- “The METRO Proposition ing funds – up to an additional is a bold new plan for sustainable $3.5 billion – to increase MET- transit solutions that will provide RO’s investment to a potential more transportation choices for $7 billion for transit improve- more people, connecting them to ments. jobs, education and healthcare – all while improving our economy, Houston Mayor Sylvester environment, quality of life, and Turner, a proponent of the plan, competitiveness with other urban said: areas.” “There are so many rea- The METRO Proposition sons to vote FOR the METRO provides funding to implement Proposition. It helps seniors and the METRONext Moving Forward people with disabilities, provides Plan, which increases high-capac- sustainable transportation op- ity rapid transit services, includ- tions and keeps Houston compet- ing: itive with other major American cities. And it’s the best plan to • Providing more than $4 bil- manage traffic congestion as our lion over 20 years to fix region continues to grow.” our streets and sidewalks • Extending existing light rail Voters can learn more lines and adding a light rail about the campaign at TICKETS ON SALE NOW! line to Hobby Airport www.VoteForMetro.org and about the METRONext • Expanding park & rides and Moving Forward Plan at commuter service on most ma- www.METRONext.org. jor freeways OCT 19
14 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM MOTIVACIÓN María Marín ¡LO MALO SE PEGA MÁS RÁPIDO QUE LO BUENO! R ecibí un mensaje privado se reflejan en ellos. “Cuando mi en mi página de Facebook hijo mayor era bebé, me seguía de Felipe Lucero de Ari- cuando yo arreglaba cosas en zona en respuesta a la columna la casa, pero yo no quería que “Ten paciencia con tu siembra” . estuviera a mi lado por temor En esa columna narro la historia a que fuera a romper algo. Hoy de una amiga quien pensaba que veo que fue un gran error. El todos los buenos consejos que le niño hace lo mismo con su her- daba a su hija rebelde “entraban manito, no lo deja que se le acer- por un oído y salían por el otro”, que, es muy egoísta, tal como yo pero cuando la chica se graduó lo fui con él”, me contó Felipe con honores de universidad le dije quien me acordó que si pensa- a mi amiga: “¡Ya ves!, tus ser- mos que las cosas buenas que ciones y palabras, para que estén mones, tus esfuerzos y ejemplo no queremos inculcar germinarán Mira a tus hijos como una “versión en contacto con sus sentimientos; fueron en vano, porque lo bueno en nuestros hijos, tenemos que mejorada” de ti. Controla esas demuéstrales honestidad en cada se pega” tener presente que también las cualidades tuyas que no te enor- uno de tus tratos, para que sean malas lo harán. gullecen e incúlcales conductas transparentes. Sé ejemplo de lo Mi seguidor Felipe expresó que lograrán que sea amado y ad- que deseas ver en tus hijos. Así algo muy importante que no pue- Así que si eres rápido mirado por los demás. Exprésales como lo malo se pega, ¡lo bueno do pasar por alto y quiero compar- para enfurecerte, notarás que tu amor sin vergüenza con ac- también se pega! tir contigo: “Maria olvidaste decir tus hijos resuelven los prob- que los hijos no solamente apren- lemas a gritos y portazos. Si María Marín motivadora internacional. den de los aspectos positivos de eres irresponsable con tus fi- sus padres sino que tambien nanzas verás que tus hijos no Visita el canal de Youtube:“El Empujoncito de Maria Marin” aprenden los negativo”. El padre serán buenos administrando Siguela en Facebook mariamarin de tres me confesó que suele ser su dinero, y si eres impuntual, Twitter @maria_marin muy impaciente con sus varones ellos serán desconsiderados con IG mariamarinmotivation y que ciertas de sus actitudes ya los demás. Visita: www.MariaMarin.com
16 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY ACTION LIMO - HOUSTON, TX Denied Benefits? Unable To Work? 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Brown Convention Center and Wortham Theater Center. Call for a Free Consultation Please visit https://www.houstonfirst.com/do-business (855) 430-6643 for complete details. Bill Gordon & Associates, a nationwide practice, represents clients before the Social Security Administration. Member of the TX & NM Bar Associations. Mail: 1420 NW St Washington D.C. Office: Broward County, FL. Services may be provided by associated attorneys licensed in other states. * The process for determining each applicant’s disability benefits varies greatly, and can take upwards of two years. Call for dental coverage today to help save money on big dental bills. Smallfoot This is real dental insurance from Physicians on DIRECTV CINEMA® Mutual Insurance Company that helps pay for over 350 procedures – cleanings, fillings, crowns, even dentures. 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22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 17 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM LAS VEGAS WELCOMES TOP AIRLINE EXECUTIVES DURING 2019 BOYD GROUP INTERNATIONAL AVIATION FORECAST SUMMIT Summit, please click here. • Aer Lingus Vice President, Global Sales, Bill Byrne cess to the destination is one of Domestic Airline Speakers: • Turkish Airlines Vice Presi- M ore than 300 airline, the most critical keys to keeping • United Airlines EVP Technol- dent, Americas, Mustafa Do- airport and aviation in- our visitation and our economy ogy & Chief Digital Officer, gan dustry executives from strong,” said Steve Hill, president Linda Jojo • Aeromar Executive Director, around the world will return to and CEO of the LVCVA. “In the • Spirit Airlines President & Network Strategy & Allianc- Las Vegas for the 24th Annual next couple of years, we’ll see the CEO, Ted Christie es, Fabricio Cojuc International Aviation Forecast opening of a variety of exciting, • Sun Country Airlines Presi- Summit, Aug. 25 – 27, 2019, at high-profile projects, from new dent & CEO, Jude Bricker Airport Speakers: Wynn Las Vegas. mega-resorts to Allegiant Sta- • American Airlines Senior Vice • McCarran International Air- dium, future home of the NFL’s President Customer Experi- port Director of Aviation, Boyd Group International, a lead Raiders, to more than 3 million ence, Kerry Philipovitch Rosemary Vassiliadis ing aviation research, forecast square feet of new convention and • Southwest Airlines Executive • Rhode Island Airports Cor- and consulting firm, is bringing meetings space. Hosting an avia- Vice President and Chief Rev- poration President, Iftikhar the conference back to Las Ve- tion event of this caliber presents enue Officer, Andrew Watter- Ahmed gas after successful Summits in a vital opportunity to showcase son the destination in 2014, 2015 and the destination to the airline de- • Delta Air Lines Senior Vice Industry Company Speakers: 2017. This year, more than 30 top cision-makers who will help us President & Chief Marketing • Airlines for America Vice aviation executives are slated to reach important future mile- and Communications Officer, President & Chief Economist, present their insights on the in- stones in visitation.” Tim Mapes John Heimlich dustry. • Hawaiian Airlines President • Airbus Americas Vice Presi- The 2019 Summit will & CEO, Peter Ingram dent, Sales, Daniel Lazzari “The International Aviation Fore also feature a unique Pre-Sum- • Allegiant Air Chairman & • Boeing Managing Director, cast Summit will again be the No. mit Workshop program offering CEO, Maury Gallagher Jim Freitas 1 event to explore the future, with presentations from key industry • Frontier Airlines President & • Embraer Head of Market presentations from the CEOs and leaders on specific hot-button is- CEO, Barry Biffle Strategy, Victor Vieira senior executives of the aviation sues. The Pre-Summit Workshop • SkyWest Airlines President & • Boom Supersonic CEO & companies that will shape our will deliver insight, data and cut- CEO, Chip Childs Founder, Blake Scholl industry,” stated Michael Boyd, ting-edge information on a num- • Rolls Royce Senior Vice Pres- president of Boyd Group Interna- ber of topics including: Airports International Airline Speak- ident, Marketing, Richard tional. “We are delighted to again 2025 – Outline of the Future; Cir- ers: Goodhead hold the event in Las Vegas, ium: What a Difference a Data • Air China Vice President and • Hermeus Hypersonic CEO & which clearly is one of the world’s Makes: From QSI to Consumer General Manager, Dr. Zhi- Founder, AJ Piplica most future-focused cities.” Analytics and Back; UAS: Drones hang Chi • Bye Aerospace CEO, George the Next Communications Sys- • Korean Air Vice President, Bye This year’s Boyd Group Interna tem; Tencent & IM2China: Air- John Jackson • Oil Price Information Services tional Aviation Forecast Summit port Opportunity: Capturing Chi- • Volaris EVP Airline & Com- Director, Ben Brockwell will highlight current issues and nese Business, and more. mercial Operations, Holger • IATA Deputy Chief Econo- trends facing the aviation indus- Blankenstein mist, Andrew Matters try, including traffic forecasts "McCarran International that will impact the future of avi- Airport is one of the most import- ation, global airline fleet demand, ant economic assets in Southern international cross-alliances, Nevada and, as such, it is im- and airline industry strategies. portant that we stay on top of The Summit will welcome pre- the latest developments in the sentations and exploratory chat aviation industry and strategies sessions by more than 30 airline for expanding our reach around industry CEOs and high-level the world," said Clark County executives, and its unique dis- Aviation Director Rosemary A. cussion format allows attendees Vassiliadis. "For years, the Boyd to interact with those presenting Group has brought together some executives. The event is co-hosted of the world’s most influential and by the Las Vegas Convention and respected airline and airport pro- Visitors Authority (LVCVA) and fessionals, and I look forward to McCarran International Airport once again discussing the oppor- (LAS). tunities and challenges currently facing our industry.” “Las Vegas is a constantly evolving city where new experi- For more information or to ences are always on the horizon, register for the 24th Annual Boyd and as we grow, we know ac- International Aviation Forecast
18 22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM FORD PRESENTA EL PAQUETE SPORTY RANGER FX2, QUE AGREGA ESTILO TODOTERRENO Y CAPACIDAD PARA • A medida que más clientes pri- CAMIONES CON TRACCIÓN EN DOS RUEDAS orizan las opciones de personal- ización y capacidad del camión, Ford está permitiendo que los compradores de los Rangers llev- en su camión de tracción en dos ruedas al siguiente nivel con un nuevo paquete FX2 • El Paquete Ranger FX2 deporti- vo presenta un estilo resistente y mejoras de capacidad con un dif- erencial trasero con bloqueo elec- trónico, neumáticos todoterreno, suspensión ajustada todoterre- no, protector de delantero deba- jo de la carrocería y pantalla del clúster todoterreno de Ford • Los fanáticos de Ranger pueden pedir el paquete FX2 para sus interior, donde camiones ahora, con entregas a los conductores partir de finales de 2019 pueden ver el cabe- • ceo, el balanceo y el D bandazo en tiempo EARBORN, Michigan, agos- real. to de 2019 - Ford presenta el nuevo Paquete Ranger FX2 Aparien- como otra opción para los clientes cia resistente y no que desean un estilo y capacidad elecciones difíciles todoterreno en una oferta de tracción La demanda de en dos ruedas. opciones de per- sonalización de "FX2 amplía las opciones de Ranger continúa Ranger para los clientes que desean aumentando, un estilo todoterreno resistente con con dos de cada la funcionalidad de un diferencial de tres compradores bloqueo pero que no necesitan trac- que optan por un ción en las cuatro ruedas", dijo Brian Paquete de Apa- Bell, gerente de marketing de Ford riencia Deport- Ranger. "Esta es otra forma en que iva, un Paquete nuestros clientes pueden personal- de Apariencia pearance con detalles cromados en la comprobado EcoBoost ® de 2.3 litros izar a Ranger para que coincida con Chrome o un Paquete de Apariencia carrocería y brillantes ruedas croma- fabricado por Ford y una transmisión su estilo de vida mientras obtienen STX, mientras que uno de cada tres das. automática de 10 velocidades exclu- un gran valor". selecciona el Paquete Todoterreno siva en su clase. Excelentes carac- FX4. Más de la mitad de los compra- FX2 es la última incorpo- terísticas como un módem 4G LTE Dirigido a mercados más dores de Ranger están eligiendo el ración a la oferta de capacidades de estándar con Wi-Fi para hasta 10 urbanos, el Paquete FX2 se monta Paquete de Remolque. Ranger, que incluye el Paquete de dispositivos y una variedad de acce- en neumáticos todoterreno de 17 o Remolque con un arnés de cableado sorios disponibles instalados por el 18 pulgadas disponibles para agre- "Estamos viendo tendencias de 4 pines/7 pines y un receptor de concesionario hacen de Ranger un gar un estilo aún más resistente al de ventas que nos dicen que aumen- enganche de remolque de Clase IV y compañero perfecto para cada aven- Ranger con tracción en dos ruedas. temos aún más la capacidad y las op- el Paquete FX4 Off-Road con un dif- tura. Un protector delantero debajo de ciones de apariencia de Ranger", dijo erencial trasero de bloqueo electróni- la carrocería y la eliminación de la Chad Callander, gerente de market- co y un Sistema de Gestión del Terre- "Lo más importante para presa de aire proporcionan aún más ing de consumo de Ford Ranger. "El no con Trail Control. nuestros clientes es que cualquier distinción, al tiempo que protegen la paquete FX2 es el resultado de que oferta de personalización comienza parte inferior de la carrocería y mejo- escuchamos a nuestros clientes y lo Todo comienza con Built Ford con Built Ford Tough DNA", dijo Cal- ran los ángulos de aproximación. que exigen de sus camiones". Tough lander. "Sabes que Ranger cumplirá Ford Ranger responde a la llamada con los estándares de camiones com- Además de la capacidad de Ranger ofrece una amplia de los clientes de camiones que bus- probados de Ford, como quieras per- tracción en las dos ruedas del Rang- variedad de paquetes y opciones, in- can una camioneta mediana ase- sonalizarlo". er, el Paquete FX2 incluye un difer- cluido el nuevo Paquete de Black Ap- quible, resistente y maniobrable que encial trasero con bloqueo electrónico pearance con detalles en negro y rue- esté Fabricada Ford Tough. Probada El Paquete FX2 está dis- y una suspensión ajustada todoter- das negras de alto brillo, el Paquete en torturas junto con los camiones ponible por $595 (excluye impuestos) reno para una mayor tracción y ren- de Sport Appearance con detalles Ford F-150, la calidad del Rang- y se puede pedir a los concesionarios dimiento fuera de carretera. La pan- pintados en Gris Magnético y ruedas er comienza con una estructura de ahora, con entregas previstas a fines talla de clúster todoterreno de Ford únicas y el Paquete de Chrome Ap- acero de alta resistencia, un motor de 2019. se suma a la experiencia FX2 en el
22 DE AGOSTO - 28 DE AGOSTO | 2019 19 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM The SIU-affiliated Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education, located in Piney Point, Maryland. Free Training. Guaranteed First Job. Career Opportunities in the U.S. Merchant Marine. For more information about the apprentice program or to join the Seafarers International Union, contact the nearest SIU hall. A complete list is available online at: https://www.seafarers.org/about/members/hiring-halls/ Houston hall: (713) 659-5152 PODEMOS HACER MEJOR CON LA REFORMA DE FIANZA BAIL REFORM GETS US CLOSER TO A SYSTEM THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE. COMISIONADO ADRIAN GARCIA, PRECINTO 2 DEL CONDADO DE HARRIS COMMISSIONER ADRIAN GARCIA, HARRIS COUNTY PRECINCT 2 Una persona es culpable hasta que demuestre su inocencia o riqueza. Así es como nuestro anticuado sistema de justicia A person is guilty until proven innocent or wealthy. This is how our old outdated justice system has been ha estado trabajando en el condado de Harris por demasiado tiempo. Hemos tenido incidentes donde una persona ha working in Harris County for far too long. There have been incidents that an individual may stay in jail for permanecido en la cárcel durante meses. La mayoría son encarcelados no porque sean criminales violentos o culpables, months. Most are jailed not because they are violent criminals or guilty, but because they cannot afford to pay a sino porque no pueden pagar una fianza. Este sistema está lejos de ser justo porque penaliza a los pobres. Esta puede ser bond. This system is far from just and fair because it penalizes the poor. This may be a single mother who was una madre soltera que fue arrestada por no pagar una multa de tráfico, pierde su trabajo, pierde los pagos de su hipoteca arrested for failing to pay a traffic ticket, loses her job, misses payments for her mortgage and as a result, loses y, como resultado, pierde su casa. Ahora está sin hogar. O podría ser un joven que fue acusado injustamente, pero pasó 6 her home. She is now homeless. Or it could be a young man who was wrongfully accused but spent 6 months meses en la cárcel antes de que alguien echara un vistazo más de cerca de su caso. Tenemos que arreglar esto. Podemos in jail before someone took a closer look at his case. We have to fix this. We can do better. We must do better. hacerlo mejor. Debemos hacerlo mejor. Mi carrera en los servicios policiales me ha mostrado en dónde es que falla el gobierno y en dónde podríamos mejorar. No My career in law enforcement has shown me where government fails and where we could improve. Not every- todos los que van a la cárcel son culpables. No todos los que son arrestados son criminales. He visto el capital humano one who goes to jail is guilty. Not everyone who is arrested is a criminal. I have seen the wasted human capital desperdiciado tras las rejas cuando de otra manera podrían estar contribuyendo a nuestra economía. Sin embargo, están that sits behind bars that could otherwise be contributing to our economy. Instead, they are in jail awaiting en la cárcel en espera de juicio, siendo mantenidos y apoyados por nuestros impuestos. trial, being supported by our tax dollars. Some families are being torn apart, parents losing custody of their children. The poorer you are, the more likely you are to miss a court date: You cannot afford childcare, you Algunas familias están siendo destrozadas por padres que pierden la custodia de sus hijos. Cuanto más pobre seas, más cannot afford to miss work, and you cannot afford a car to get to the courthouse. If we are going to keep people probabilidades tendrás de perder una cita en la corte: No puedes pagar el cuidado de niños, no puedes perder días de out of jail for being poor, we need to have a criminal justice system that works for everyone. trabajo y no puedes pagar para un auto para llegar a la corte. Si vamos a mantener a la gente fuera de la cárcel por ser pobre, necesitamos tener un sistema de justicia penal que funcione para todos. The old outdated system of holding people in jail until they can pay bail – or keeping them until trial if they can- not – does not make the public safer; in fact, studies have shown it increases crime. A 2013 study by the Laura El sistema anticuado de mantener a las personas en la cárcel hasta que puedan pagar la fianza, o mantenerlas hasta el and John Arnold Foundation found that people who were detained after arrest were more likely to commit more juicio si no pueden pagar, no hace que el público sea más seguro. De hecho, los estudios han demostrado que aumenta crimes. In fact, the longer a person was detained, the more likely they are to commit a crime after disposition la delincuencia. Un estudio del 2013 de la Fundación de Laura y John Arnold, encontró que las personas que fueron of their current offense. As the former Sheriff, I witnessed how this unconstitutional cash bail system helped detenidas después del arresto eran más propensas a cometer más crímenes. De hecho, cuanto más tiempo una persona fue detenida, más probable era de que cometiera un delito después de la disposición de su delito actual. Como el antiguo to create the most overcrowded jail in our recent history that depended on lucrative contracts with private jails Sheriff, fui testigo de cómo este sistema inconstitucional de fianza en efectivo ayudó a crear la cárcel más superpoblada to house thousands of inmates, while still requiring the taxpayers to pay millions more in overtime to keep the en nuestra historia, ya que dependía de contratos lucrativos con cárceles privadas para albergar a miles de reclusos, jail compliant with state jail standards. I had no problem holding onto the most violent and dangerous, but the mientras que todavía requería a los contribuyentes para pagar millones más en horas extras para mantener la cárcel great majority had made mistakes that posed no direct threat to anyone but themselves. When our criminal conforme con los estándares de la cárcel estatal. No tuve ningún problema en aferrarme a los más violentos y peligrosos, justice system can deal with people proportionate to their mistakes then we not only become fair and just but pero la gran mayoría había cometido errores que no representaban una amenaza directa hacia nadie, sino para ellos mis- safer because the first time/nonviolent offenders will have fewer opportunities to learn from the worst in jails. mos. Cuando nuestro sistema de justicia penal pueda tratar a las personas conforme a sus errores, entonces no sólo nos volvemos justos, sino más seguros porque los delincuentes de primera ofensa/no violentos tendrán menos oportunidades The impact goes far beyond the person who is incarcerated. Children with an incarcerated parent are more like- de poder aprender de los peores en las cárceles. ly to experience higher rates of poverty, food insecurity, homelessness, and physical health problems. They are also twice as likely as their peers without a parent in prison to develop behavioral or mental health problems, El impacto va mucho más allá de la persona que está encarcelada. Los niños con un padre encarcelado son más propensos including increased aggression, depression, anxiety and migrate toward gang involvement. They are also more a experimentar con tasas más altas de pobreza, inseguridad alimenticia, falta de vivienda y problemas de salud física. likely to associate with delinquent peers, get into fights, skip school, have trouble concentrating, and perform También tienen el doble de probabilidades, que sus compañeros sin un padre en prisión, de desarrollar problemas de comportamiento o de salud mental, incluyendo mayor agresión, depresión, ansiedad y migrar hacia la participación de poorly in school. This system is far from just, makes us less safe and negatively impacts our children. We have las pandillas. También es más probable que se asocien con compañeros delincuentes, que se metan en peleas, se salten to do better. las clases, tengan problemas para concentrarse y que tengan un desempeño deficiente en la escuela. Este sistema está lejos de ser justo, nos hace menos seguros y afecta negativamente a nuestros hijos. Tenemos que hacer cambios. The settlement announced this week is the first step Harris County takes at fixing this broken system. The de- cree applies only to individuals charged with misdemeanors except for cases of family violence, bond violations, El acuerdo anunciado esta semana es el primer paso que da el condado de Harris en arreglar este sistema roto. El decreto and repeat DWI. These are crimes where a person is more likely to re-offend and will receive a magistrate hear- se aplica sólo a las personas acusadas de delitos menores, con excepción de casos de violencia familiar, violaciones de ing within 48 hours to determine what kind of bond they may be released under. Those individuals outside of fianzas y violaciones de DWI repetida. Estos son delitos en los que una persona es más propensa de volver a ofender y these exceptions will be released on a personal recognizance bond, which means the person commits to making recibirá una audiencia de magistrado dentro de las 48 horas para determinar qué tipo de fianza puede ser liberada bajo. their court dates. Under the consent decree, they will be ensured the opportunity to be able to be represented Aquellos fuera de estas excepciones serán puestos en libertad bajo fianza de reconocimiento personal, lo cual significa by counsel at these proceedings. que la persona se compromete a cumplir con sus fechas de corte. Según el decreto acordado, son asegurados la oportuni- dad de ser capaces de ser representados por un abogado en este procedimiento. Freedom should never be for sale, and it is time we take our seat as a national leader in civil rights reform. La libertad nunca debe estar a la venta, y es hora de que tomemos asiento como líderes nacionales en la reforma de los I know the best way to keep our communities safe is having a multi-tiered approach that allows our District derechos civiles. Sé que la mejor manera de mantener nuestras comunidades seguras es de tener un enfoque de varios Attorney and law enforcement officers to focus on the most dangerous while enhancing a criminal justice sys- niveles que permita a nuestro fiscal de distrito y oficiales centrarse en los más peligrosos, mientras que mejora el sistema tem that promotes fairness for all. Let us be committed to our constitution that proclaims a person is innocent de justicia penal que promueva equidad para todos. Comprometámonos con nuestra constitución que proclama que una until proven guilty. persona es inocente hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad.
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