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Holy Eucharist Rite II

                       14 de noviembre de 2021 |              1:00 pm
                               ZOOM ID : 483-170-780         393 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137   630-858-1020
Bienvenidos/as a San Marcos
                        Diócesis Episcopal de Chicago
La Parroquia Episcopal de San Marcos. Aprecia muy sinceramente su visita. Si
busca ser parte de la familia parroquial. Sean bienvenidos. Les invitamos a ser de
nuestra familia y ser parte de San Marcos.

Sagrada comunión. Si usted es intolerante al trigo, ofrecemos libre de gluten y un
cáliz, por favor indíquele al ministro en la baranda del altar. Todos están invitados. Si
usted cruza sus brazos es señal de solo una bendición.

¿Es católica la Iglesia Episcopal de San Marcos?
Nuestra fe está basada en la Biblia, el Credo, los Sacramentos y la tradición primitiva
de la Iglesia Católica. (La palabra «católica» significa «universal».) Creemos en
Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios, y Cabeza de la Iglesia; creemos en María, la Virgen, y en todos
los Santos. Nos llamamos Episcopales porque los obispos («episkopos» en griego) son
nuestros pastores. Nuestro culto y nuestras costumbres son muy parecidas a las de la
Iglesia Católica Romana, pero nuestra herencia anglicana (de Inglaterra) da mucho
énfasis en las escrituras, la tradición, y la razón. Nuestros pastores (sacerdotes y
obispos) pueden casarse, y ordenamos igualmente a las mujeres como a los hombres.
¿Católica? Sí, pero no somos Católica Romana, sino que conservamos la fe católica
tradicional con tradiciones adicionales que tienen sus raíces en la reforma protestante.

Sobre la ofrenda. Si desea hacer una ofrenda, San Marcos ofrece una opción de texto
para dar su ofrenda para apoyar a los ministerios de la iglesia. Con una tarjeta de crédito,
una tarjeta de débito o una cuenta corriente o de ahorros, envíe un mensaje de texto a:
73256 y en el campo de texto escriba stmchurch. Recibirá un mensaje de texto con un
enlace. Complete el monto, haga clic en el menú desplegable para seleccionar el fondo
al que desea contribuir. Recibirá un texto de confirmación y un recibo del donante.

                Rooted in Baptism, Growing in Faith, Branching Out into the World
This bulletin contains all the information you need to worship with us today. Learn more about
   St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, our ministry and mission, the Diocese of Chicago, and the
Episcopal Church in the United States by visiting our website at

The parish prayer list is updated weekly, and      CONTACTS
names are always welcome to be added. If you or    • Rev. Jo Ann Lagman
someone you know has a pastoral care need, St. (630) 484-6932
Mark’s has trained chaplains who can help. All     • Joyce Fletcher
prayers are confidential.                            (630) 204-3175

                          ABOUT THE OFFERING
                          The generous financial support of St. Mark’s is gratefully appreciated!
                          You may make a donation online using a credit card, debit card, or a
                          checking/savings account at and by
                          clicking the “Donate Online” button. Follow the instructions on
                          screen, including the option to specify to which fund you would like
                          to donate.
                          -or- by scanning the QR code, be taken directly to the webpage.
                          -or- you can TEXT-TO-GIVE by sending “stmchurch” to 73256. You
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RITO DE ENTRADA                                     THE ENTRANCE RITE
Oficiante   Bendito sea Dios: Padre, Hijo y         Officiant   Blessed be God: Father, Son,
            Espíritu Santo.                                     and Holy Spirit.
Pueblo      Y bendito sea su reino, ahore y         People      And blessed be God’s
            por siempre. Amén.                                  kingdom, now and forever.
CANTO DE ENTRADA                                                                Vienen con Alegría

Oficiante y Pueblo
Vienen con alegría, Señor,                          2. Vienen trayendo entre sus manos
cantando vienen con alegria, Señor,                 esfuerzos de hermanos por la paz,
los que caminan por la vida, Señor,                 deseos de un mundo más humano
sembrando tu paz y amor. /bis/                      que nacen del bien y la verdad. Estribillo

1. Vienen trayendo la esperanza                     3. Cuando el odio y la violencia
a un mundo cargado de ansiedad,                     aniden en nuestro corazón,
A un mundo que busca y que no alcanza               el mundo sabrá que por herencia
caminos de amor y de amistad. Estribillo            le aguardan tristezas y dolor. Estribillo

El Oficiante dice                                   The Officiant says
Dios omnipotente, para quien todos los              Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all
corazones están manifiestos, todos los deseos       desires known, and from you no secrets are
son conocidos y ningún secreto se halla             hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the
encubierto: Purifica los pensamientos de            inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may
nuestros corazones por la inspiración de tu         perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your
Santo Espíritu, para que perfectamente te           holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
amemos y dignamente proclamemos la
grandeza de tu santo Nombre; por Cristo
nuestro Señor. Amén.

GLORIA                                                                        Gloria, Gloria, Aleluya

Oficiante y Pueblo
Gloria, gloria, aleluya,
Gloria, gloria, aleluya,
gloria, gloria, aleluya
en nombre del Señor.

Cuando sientas que tu hermano necesita de tu amor,
no le cierres las entrañas ni el calor del corazón.
Busca pronto en tu recuerdo la Palabra del Señor:
“Mi Ley es el Amor.”

LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA                               LITURGY OF THE WORD

Colecta del Día                                      Collect for the Day
Oficiante     El Señor esté con ustedes.             Officiant    The Lord be with you.
Pueblo        Y con tu espíritu.                     People       And also with you.
Oficiante     Oremos.                                Officiant    Let us pray.

Bendito Señor, tú que inspiraste las Sagradas        Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures
Escrituras para nuestra enseñanza: Concede           to be written for our learning: Grant us so to
que de tal manera las oigamos, las leamos, las       hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly
consider¬emos,         las   aprendamos      e       digest them, that we may embrace and ever
interiormente las asimilemos, que podamos            hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life,
abrazar y siempre mantener la esperanza              which you have given us in our Savior Jesus
bendita de la vida eterna, que nos has dado en       Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the
nuestro Salvador Jesucristo; que vive y reina        Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por       Amen.
los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

LAS LECTURAS                                             THE LESSONS
Primera Lectura                                          First Reading
1 SAMUEL 1:4–20                                          1 SAMUEL 1:4–20
Lectura del Primer Libro de Samuel.                      A reading from the First Book of Samuel.

Cuando Elcaná ofrecía el sacrificio, daba su             On the day when Elkanah sacrificed, he
ración correspondiente a Peniná y a todos los            would give portions to his wife Peninnah and
hijos e hijas de ella, pero a Ana le daba una            to all her sons and daughters; but to Hannah
ración especial, porque la amaba mucho, a                he gave a double portion, because he loved
pesar de que el Señor le había impedido tener            her, though the LORD had closed her womb.
hijos. Por esto Peniná, que era su rival, la             Her rival used to provoke her severely, to
molestaba y se burlaba de ella, humillándola             irritate her, because the LORD had closed her
porque el Señor la había hecho estéril. Cada             womb. So it went on year by year; as often as
año, cuando iban al templo del Señor, Peniná             she went up to the house of the LORD, she
la molestaba de este modo; por eso Ana lloraba           used to provoke her. Therefore Hannah
y no comía. Entonces le decía Elcaná, su                 wept and would not eat. Her husband
marido: «Ana, ¿por qué lloras? ¿Por qué estás            Elkanah said to her, “Hannah, why do you
triste y no comes? ¿Acaso no soy para ti mejor           weep? Why do you not eat? Why is your heart
que diez hijos?»                                         sad? Am I not more to you than ten sons?”

En cierta ocasión, estando en Siló, Ana se               After they had eaten and drunk at Shiloh,
levantó después de la comida. El sacerdote Elí           Hannah rose and presented herself before
estaba sentado en un sillón, cerca de la puerta          the LORD. Now Eli the priest was sitting on
de entrada del templo del Señor. Y Ana,                  the seat beside the doorpost of the temple of
llorando y con el alma llena de amargura, se             the LORD. She was deeply distressed and
puso a orar al Señor y le hizo esta promesa:             prayed to the LORD, and wept bitterly. She
«Señor todopoderoso: Si te dignas contemplar             made this vow: “O LORD of hosts, if only
la aflicción de esta sierva tuya, y te acuerdas de       you will look on the misery of your servant,
mí y me concedes un hijo, yo lo dedicaré toda            and remember me, and not forget your
su vida a tu servicio, y en señal de esa                 servant, but will give to your servant a male
dedicación no se le cortará el pelo.»                    child, then I will set him before you as a
                                                         nazirite until the day of his death. He shall
                                                         drink neither wine nor intoxicants, and no
                                                         razor shall touch his head.”

Como Ana estuvo orando largo rato ante el                As she continued praying before the LORD,
Señor, Elí se fijó en su boca; pero ella oraba           Eli observed her mouth. Hannah was praying
mentalmente. No se escuchaba su voz; sólo se             silently; only her lips moved, but her voice
movían sus labios. Elí creyó entonces que                was not heard; therefore Eli thought she was
estaba borracha, y le dijo: —¿Hasta cuándo vas           drunk. So Eli said to her, “How long will you
a estar borracha? ¡Deja ya el vino! —No es eso,       make a drunken spectacle of yourself? Put
señor —contestó Ana—. No es que haya                  away your wine.” But Hannah answered,
bebido vino ni ninguna bebida fuerte, sino que        “No, my lord, I am a woman deeply troubled;
me siento angustiada y estoy desahogando mi           I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink,
pena delante del Señor. No piense usted que           but I have been pouring out my soul before
soy una mala mujer, sino que he estado orando         the LORD. Do not regard your servant as a
todo este tiempo porque estoy preocupada y            worthless woman, for I have been speaking
afligida. —Vete en paz —le contestó Elí—, y           out of my great anxiety and vexation all this
que el Dios de Israel te conceda lo que le has        time.” Then Eli answered, “Go in peace; the
pedido. —Muchísimas gracias —contestó ella.           God of Israel grant the petition you have
Luego Ana regresó por donde había venido, y           made to him.” And she said, “Let your
fue a comer, y nunca más volvió a estar triste.       servant find favor in your sight.” Then the
                                                      woman went to her quarters, ate and drank
                                                      with her husband, and her countenance was
                                                      sad no longer.

A la mañana siguiente madrugaron y, después           They rose early in the morning and
de adorar al Señor, regresaron a su casa en           worshiped before the LORD; then they went
Ramá. Después Elcaná se unió con su esposa            back to their house at Ramah. Elkanah knew
Ana, y el Señor tuvo presente la petición que         his wife Hannah, and the LORD remembered
ella le había hecho. Así Ana quedó                    her. In due time Hannah conceived and bore
embarazada, y cuando se cumplió el tiempo             a son. She named him Samuel, for she said,
dio a luz un hijo y le puso por nombre Samuel,        “I have asked him of the LORD.”
porque se lo había pedido al Señor.

Lector   Palabra del Señor.                           Reader   The Word of the Lord.
Pueblo   Demos gracias a Dios.                        People   Thanks be to God.

Salmo                                                                            1 Samuel 2:1–10

Y Ana oró de esta manera:
«Señor, yo me alegro en ti de corazón porque tú me das nuevas fuerzas. *
     Puedo hablar contra mis enemigos porque tú me has ayudado.
     ¡Estoy alegre!
¡Nadie es santo como tú, Señor! ¡Nadie protege como tú, Dios nuestro! *
     ¡Nadie hay fuera de ti!
Que nadie hable con orgullo, que nadie se jacte demasiado, *
     porque el Señor es el Dios que todo lo sabe,
     y él pesa y juzga lo que hace el hombre.
Él destruye los arcos de los poderosos, *
     y reviste de poder a los débiles;
Los que antes tenían de sobra, ahora se alquilan por un pedazo de pan; *
     pero los que tenían hambre, ahora ya no la tienen.
La mujer que no podía tener hijos, ha dado a luz siete veces; *
     pero la que tenía muchos hijos, ahora está completamente marchita.
El Señor quita la vida y la da; *
     nos hace bajar al sepulcro y de él nos hace subir.
El Señor nos hace pobres o ricos; *
     nos hace caer y nos levanta.
Dios levanta del suelo al pobre y saca del basurero al mendigo, *
     para sentarlo entre grandes hombres
     y hacerle ocupar un lugar de honor;
Porque el Señor es el dueño de las bases de la tierra, *
     y sobre ellas colocó el mundo.
Él cuida los pasos de sus fieles, *
     pero los malvados mueren en la oscuridad,
     porque nadie triunfa por la fuerza.
El Señor hará pedazos a sus enemigos, *
     y desde el cielo enviará truenos contra ellos.
El Señor juzgará al mundo entero; *
     dará poder al rey que ha escogido y hará crecer su poder.»
La Epístola                                           The Epistle
HEBREOS 10:11–14, (15–18), 19–25                      HEBREWS 10:11–14, (15–18), 19–25

Lectura de la Carta a los Hebreos.                    A reading from the letter to the Hebrews.

Todo sacerdote judío oficia cada día y sigue          Every priest stands day after day at his
ofreciendo muchas veces los mismos                    service, offering again and again the same
sacrificios, aunque éstos nunca pueden quitar         sacrifices that can never take away sins. But
los pecados. Pero Jesucristo ofreció por los          when Christ had offered for all time a single
pecados un solo sacrificio para siempre, y            sacrifice for sins, “he sat down at the right
luego se sentó a la derecha de Dios. Allí está        hand of God,” and since then has been
esperando hasta que Dios haga de sus                  waiting “until his enemies would be made a
enemigos el estrado de sus pies, porque por           footstool for his feet.” For by a single
medio de una sola ofrenda hizo perfectos para         offering he has perfected for all time those
siempre a los que han sido consagrados a Dios.        who are sanctified. And the Holy Spirit also
Y el Espíritu Santo nos lo confirma, al decir:        testifies to us, for after saying,
«La alianza que haré con ellos después de             “This is the covenant that I will make with
aquellos días, será ésta, dice el Señor: Pondré       them after those days, says the Lord: I will
mis leyes en su corazón y las escribiré en su         put my laws in their hearts, and I will write
mente.                                                them on their minds,” he also adds,
Y no me acordaré más de sus pecados y                    “I will remember their sins and their lawless
maldades.»                                               deeds no more.”

Así pues, cuando los pecados han sido                    Where there is forgiveness of these, there is
perdonados, ya no hay necesidad de más                   no longer any offering for sin.
ofrendas por el pecado.

Hermanos, ahora podemos entrar con toda                  Therefore, my friends, since we have
libertad en el santuario gracias a la sangre de          confidence to enter the sanctuary by the
Jesús, siguiendo el nuevo camino de vida que             blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that
él nos abrió a través del velo, es decir, a través       he opened for us through the curtain (that is,
de su propio cuerpo. Tenemos un gran                     through his flesh), and since we have a great
sacerdote al frente de la casa de Dios. Por eso,         priest over the house of God, let us approach
acerquémonos a Dios con corazón sincero y                with a true heart in full assurance of faith,
con una fe completamente segura, limpios                 with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil
nuestros corazones de mala conciencia y                  conscience and our bodies washed with pure
lavados nuestros cuerpos con agua pura.                  water. Let us hold fast to the confession of
Mantengámonos firmes, sin dudar, en la                   our hope without wavering, for he who has
esperanza de la fe que profesamos, porque                promised is faithful. And let us consider how
Dios cumplirá la promesa que nos ha hecho.               to provoke one another to love and good
Busquemos la manera de ayudarnos unos a                  deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is
otros a tener más amor y a hacer el bien. No             the habit of some, but encouraging one
dejemos de asistir a nuestras reuniones, como            another, and all the more as you see the Day
hacen algunos, sino animémonos unos a otros;             approaching.
y tanto más cuanto que vemos que el día del
Señor se acerca.

Lector   Palabra del Señor.                              Reader   The Word of the Lord.
Pueblo   Demos gracias a Dios.                           People   Thanks be to God.


El Evangelio                                             The Holy Gospel
SAN MARCOS 13:1–8                                        MARK 13:1–8
Diácono          Santo Evangelio de Nuestro              Deacon       The Holy Gospel of our Lord
                 Señor Jesucristo, según San                          Jesus Christ according to John.
Pueblo           ¡Gloria a ti, Cristo Señor!             People       Glory to you, Lord Christ!

Al salir Jesús del templo, uno de sus discípulos         As Jesus came out of the temple, one of his
le dijo: —¡Maestro, mira qué piedras y qué               disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what
edificios! Jesús le contestó: —¿Ves estos                large stones and what large buildings!” Then
grandes edificios? Pues no va a quedar de ellos          Jesus asked him, “Do you see these great
ni una piedra sobre otra. Todo será destruido.           buildings? Not one stone will be left here
                                                         upon another; all will be thrown down.”

Luego se fueron al Monte de los Olivos, que              When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives
está frente al templo. Jesús se sentó, y Pedro,          opposite the temple, Peter, James, John, and
Santiago, Juan y Andrés le preguntaron aparte            Andrew asked him privately, “Tell us, when
cuándo iba a ocurrir esto y cuál sería la señal          will this be, and what will be the sign that all
de que todo esto estaría para llegar a su                these things are about to be accomplished?”
término. Jesús les contestó: «Tengan cuidado             Then Jesus began to say to them, “Beware
de que nadie los engañe. Porque vendrán                  that no one leads you astray. Many will come
muchos haciéndose pasar por mí. Dirán: “Yo               in my name and say, ‘I am he!’ and they will
soy”, y engañarán a mucha gente. »Cuando                 lead many astray. When you hear of wars and
ustedes tengan noticias de que hay guerras aquí          rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must
y allá, no se asusten. Así tiene que ocurrir; sin        take place, but the end is still to come. For
embargo, aún no será el fin. Porque una nación           nation will rise against nation, and kingdom
peleará contra otra y un país hará guerra contra         against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in
otro; y habrá terremotos en muchos lugares, y            various places; there will be famines. This is
habrá hambres. Eso apenas será el comienzo               but the beginning of the birthpangs.”
de los dolores.»

Diácono El Evangelio del Señor.                          Deacon   The Gospel of the Lord.
Pueblo Te alabamos, Cristo Señor.                        People   Praise to you, Lord Christ.

GODLY PLAY                       “Jesus and the Fall of the Temple”                        Gina Wood
SERMÓN                                                      The Rev. José C. Arroyo, Priest Associate

EL CREDO NICENO leer todos
THE NICENE CREED read together                        BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER pg. 358
Creemos en un solo Dios, Padre                  We believe in one God, the Father, the
todopoderoso, Creador de cielo y tierra, de     Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of
todo lo visible e invisible.                    all that is, seen and unseen.
Creemos en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo      We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the
único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de        only Son of God, eternally begotten of the
todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz,     Father, God from God, Light from Light,
Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero,               true God from true God, begotten, not
engendrado, no creado, de la misma              made, of one Being with the Father.
naturaleza que el Padre, por quien todo fue     Through him all things were made. For
hecho; que por nosotros y por nuestra           us and for our salvation he came down
salvación bajó del cielo: por obra del          from heaven: by the power of the Holy
Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la          Spirit he became incarnate from the
Virgen, y se hizo hombre.                       Virgin Mary, and was made man.

Por nuestra causa fue crucificado en            For our sake he was crucified under
tiempos de Poncio Pilato: padeció y fue         Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was
sepultado. Resucitó al tercer día, según las    buried. On the third day he rose again in
Escrituras, subió al cielo y está sentado a     accordance with the Scriptures; he
la derecha del Padre. De nuevo vendrá con       ascended into heaven and is seated at the
gloria para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su      right hand of the Father. He will come
reino no tendrá fin.                            again in glory to judge the living and the
                                                dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

Creemos en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y           We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord,
dador de vida, que procede del Padre y del      the giver of life, who proceeds from the
Hijo, que con el Padre y el Hijo recibe una     Father and the Son. With the Father and
misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por       the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He
los profetas. Creemos en la Iglesia, que es     has spoken through the Prophets. We
una, santa, católica y apostólica.              believe in one holy catholic and apostolic
Reconocemos un solo Bautismo para el            Church. We acknowledge one baptism
perdón de los pecados. Esperamos la             for the forgiveness of sins. We look for
resurrección de los muertos y la vida del       the resurrection of the dead, and the life
mundo futuro.                                   of the world to come. Amen.

THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE                   adapted from the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER pg. 387

El lector y el pueblo rezan en respuesta             The Leader and People pray responsively
Padre, te suplicamos por tu santa Iglesia            Father, we pray for your holy Catholic
Católica.                                            Church;
Que todos seamos uno.                                That we all may be one.
Concede que todos los miembros de la Iglesia         Grant that every member of the Church
te sirvan en verdad y humildad.                      may truly and humbly serve you;
Que tu Nombre sea glorificado por todo               That your Name may be glorified by all
el género humano.                                    people.
Te pedimos por todos los obispos,                    We pray for all bishops, priests, and
presbíteros y diáconos.                              deacons.
Que sean ministros fieles de tu Palabra y            That they may be faithful ministers of
Sacramentos.                                         your Word and Sacraments.
Te pedimos por cuantos gobiernan y ejercen           We pray for all who govern and hold
autoridad en todas las naciones del mundo.           authority in the nations of the world;
Que haya justicia y paz en la tierra.                That there may be justice and peace on
                                                     the earth.
Danos gracia para hacer tu voluntad en todo          Give us grace to do your will in all that we
cuanto emprendamos.                                  undertake;
Que nuestras obras sean agradables a tus             That our works may find favor in your
ojos.                                                sight.
Ten compasión de los que sufren de dolor o           Have compassion on those who suffer from
angustia.                                            any grief or trouble.
Que sean librados de sus aflicciones.                That they may be delivered from their
Oramos por los que han muerto,                       We pray for those who have died, especially
especialmente Catharine Phillips; and Ray            Catharine Phillips; and Ray Kreutz, brother
Kreutz, hermano de Gary Kreutz. Otorga               of Gary Kreutz. Give to the departed
descanso eterno a los difuntos;                      eternal rest;
Que sobre ellos resplandezca la luz                  Let light perpetual shine upon them.

Te alabamos por tus santos que han entrado                     We praise you for your saints who have
en el gozo del Señor.                                          entered into joy;
Que también nosotros tengamos parte en                         May we also come to share in your
tu reino celestial.                                            heavenly kingdom.

Oremos por nuestras necesidades y las                          Let us pray for our own needs and those of
necesidades de los demás.                                      others.

Silencio                                                       Silence

Seleccione uno o dos de los nombres de la siguiente lista de oración parroquial para orar en voz alta:
Please select one or two of the names from the following parish prayer list to pray aloud:
Mary Youngberg, Rose Pulsinelli, Karen Nicholson, Kay Ververka, Martha Brittell, Lou
Pointon, Keith Brickey, Matt, Azza and Yara, Dave Baier, Patrick Dunphy, Kathleen Leid,
Clayre Danchok, April Sedall, Joyce Hetzel, Charles Snider, JD Hessinger, Ann Cardwell,
Chad Alcorn, Myrna Grant, Autumn, Mike Eorgoff, Jim Hetzel, David Fletcher, Jeff Hill,
Gloria Patinos, Martha Sexuaer, Barbara and Howard Grimberg, Brenda Laws, Jay Mueller,
Terry Heschke, Richard Harder, Bob Wyatt, Dan Stratton, Gretchen Kenower, Robert, Janet
Sutherland Madden, Jerry Bertrand, The Russell Family, Mark Cardwell, Elizabeth Mueller,
Tracy Thompson, Peg Schoen, Lucia Solorzano, Ron Sienkiewicz, DorisAnn Garcia, Joyce,
Susan D., Hunter Moravek, Eli Mordini, Silvia and Deodoro Valdivia, Jerry Becker, Sam
Davia, John Dickey, Colin Valdivia, David Martz, Jaden, Pam Benning, Julissa Ruiz, Jeanne
Kreymer, Roberta Butler, Frank Furst and Family, Bella Cuttone, Laurie Vanderlei, Mary
Shapely, Mary Saba, Barry and Brigid Walsh, Julie Cardwell, Coray DeBlois, Nola Gross, John
Mueller, Bill Constien, Dave Baier, Kevin Arrison, Family of Josh Bulthuis, Craig Farrow, and
Diane Hessinger.

El Oficiante añade una Colecta final.                          The Officiant adds a concluding Collect.

CONFESIÓN Y ABSOLUCIÓN                                         CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION
Oficiante        Confesemos nuestros pecados                   Officiant         Let us confess our sins againt
                 contra Dios y contra nuestro                                    God and our neighbor.

Oficiante y Pueblo                                          Officiant and People
Dios de misericordia, confesamos que                        Most merciful God, we confess that we
hemos pecado contra ti por pensamiento,                     have sinned against you in thought, word,
palabra y obra, por lo que hemos hecho y lo                 and deed, by what we have done, and by
que hemos dejado de hacer. No te hemos                      what we have left undone. We have not
amado con todo el corazón; no hemos                         loved you with our whole heart; we have
amado a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros                     not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We
mismos. Sincera y humildemente nos                          are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For
arrepentimos. Por amor de tu Hijo                           the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have
Jesucristo, ten piedad de nosotros y                        mercy on us and forgive us; that we may
perdónanos; así tu voluntad será nuestra                    delight in your will, and walk in your ways,
alegría y andaremos por tus caminos, para                   to the glory of your Name.
gloria de tu Nombre. AMÉN.                                  AMEN.
El Oficiante dice                                           The Officiant says
Dios omnipotente tenga misericordia de                      Almighty God have mercy on you, forgive
ustedes, perdone todos sus pecados por                      you all your sins through our Lord Jesus
Jesucristo nuestro Señor, les fortalezca en toda            Christ, strengthen you in all goodness, and
bondad y, por el poder del Espíritu Santo, les              by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in
conserve en la vida eterna. Amén.                           eternal life. Amen.

LA PRESENTACIÓN                                             THE PRESENTATION
LA PAZ                                                      THE PEACE
Oficiante       La paz del Señor sea                        Officiant     The peace of the Lord be
                siempre con ustedes.                                      always with you.
Pueblo          Y con tu espíritu.                          People        And also with you.
Si desea hacer una ofrenda, San Marcos ofrece una opción de texto para apoyar los ministerios de la iglesia.
Tarjeta de crédito, tarjeta de débito o cuenta corriente o de ahorros, envíe un mensaje de texto a: 73256 y en el
campo de texto escriba stmchurch. Recibirá un mensaje de texto con un enlace. Complete el monto, haga clic
en el menú desplegable para seleccionar el fondo al que desea contribuir. Recibirá un texto de confirmación y un
recibo del donante.

LITURGIA EUCARISTICA                                        LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST
Durante el ofertorio, no se pasarán los platos. Por favor   During the offertory, the plates will not be passed.
venga al pasillo central con su ofrenda y / o su sobre de   Please come to the center aisle with your offering
compromiso durante la colecta.                              and/or your pledge envelope during the ingathering.

CANTO DE OFERTORIO                                                                             Te Presentamos
Oficiante y Pueblo
Te presentamos el vino y el pan Bendito seas por siempre Señor.
      1. Bendito seas Señor por este pan que nos diste
      Fruto de la tierra y del trabajo de los hombres. Estribillo
      2. Bendito seas Señor El vino tú nos lo diste
      Fruto de la tierra y del trabajo de los hombres. Estribillo
Oficiante        Todas las cosas vienen de ti,              Officiant     All things come of Thee,
                 oh Señor.                                                O Lord.
Pueblo           Y de tu propia mano te las                 People        And of Thine own have we
                 presentamos.                                             given Thee.

Oficiante        El Señor este con ustedes.                 Officiant     The Lord be with you.
Pueblo           Y con tu espíritu.                         People        And also with you.
Oficiante        Elevemos los corazones.                    Officiant     Lift up your hearts.
Pueblo           Los elevamos al Señor.                     People        We lift them to the Lord
Oficiante        Demos gracias a Dios nuestro               Officiant     Let us give thanks to the Lord
                 Señor.                                                   our God.
Pueblo           Es justo darle gracias y                   People        It is right to give him thanks
                 alabanza.                                                and praise.
En verdad es digno, justo y saludable, darte                It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always
gracias, en todo tiempo y lugar, Padre                      and everywhere to give thanks to you Father
omnipotente, Creador de cielo y tierra. Porque              Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. For
tú eres la fuente de luz y vida; nos hiciste a tu           you are the source of light and life; you made
imagen y nos llamaste a una nueva vida en                   us in your image, and called us to new life in
Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Por tanto, te                     Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore we praise
alabamos, uniendo nuestras voces con los                    you, joining our voices with Angels and
Ángeles y Arcángeles, y con todos los coros                 Archangels and with all the company of
celestiales que, proclamando la gloria de tu                heaven, who for ever sing this hymn to
Nombre, por siempre cantan este himno:                      proclaim the glory of your Name:
SANTO                                                                                Flor y Canto #32
                        Santo, santo, santo, santo es el Señor, Dios del universo.
                               Llenos están el cielo y la tierra de tu gloria.
                                   Hosanna en el cielo. Hosanna en el cielo.
                             Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor.
                                   Hosanna en el cielo. Hosanna en el cielo.
El oficiante continúa                                  The Officiant continues
Padre Santo y bondadoso: En tu amor infinito           Holy and gracious Father: In your infinite
nos hiciste para ti, y cuando caímos en pecado         love you made us for yourself, and, when we
y quedamos esclavos del mal y de la muerte, tú,        had fallen into sin and become subject to evil
en tu misericordia, enviaste a Jesucristo, tu          and death, you, in your mercy, sent Jesus
Hijo único y eterno, para compartir nuestra            Christ, your only and eternal Son, to share
naturaleza humana, para vivir y morir como             our human nature, to live and die as one of
uno de nosotros, y así reconciliarnos contigo,         us, to reconcile us to you, the God and
el Dios y Padre de todos. Extendió sus brazos          Father of all. He stretched out his arms upon
sobre la cruz y se ofreció en obediencia a tu          the cross, and offered himself, in obedience
voluntad, un sacrificio perfecto por todo el           to your will, a perfect sacrifice for the whole
mundo.                                                 world.
En la noche en que fue entregado al                    On the night he was handed over to suffering
sufrimiento y a la muerte, nuestro Señor               and death, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread;
Jesucristo tomó pan; y dándote gracias, lo             and when he had given thanks to you, he
partió y lo dio a sus discípulos, y dijo: "Tomen       broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said,
y coman. Este es mi Cuerpo, entregado por              "Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given
ustedes. Hagan esto como memorial mío."                for you. Do this for the remembrance of
Después de la cena tomó el cáliz; y dándote            After supper he took the cup of wine; and
gracias, lo entregó, y dijo: "Beban todos de él.       when he had given thanks, he gave it to them,
Esta es mi Sangre del nuevo Pacto, sangre              and said, "Drink this, all of you: This is my
derramada por ustedes y por muchos para el             Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed
perdón de los pecados. Siempre que lo beban,           for you and for many for the forgiveness of
háganlo como memorial mío."                            sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the
                                                       remembrance of me.”
Por tanto, proclamamos el misterio de fe:              Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith:
Oficiante y Pueblo                                     Officiant and People
Cristo ha muerto.                                      Christ has died.
Cristo ha resucitado.                                  Christ is risen.
Cristo volverá.                                        Christ will come again.
El Oficiante continúa                                     Then the Officiant continues
Padre, en este sacrificio de alabanza y acción            We celebrate the memorial of our
de gracias, celebramos el memorial de nuestra             redemption, O Father, in this sacrifice of
redención.      Recordando        su      muerte,         praise and thanksgiving. Recalling his death,
resurrección y ascensión, te ofrecemos estos              resurrection, and ascension we offer you
dones. Santifícalos con tu Espíritu Santo, y así          these gifts. Sanctify them by your Holy Spirit
serán para tu pueblo el Cuerpo y la Sangre de             to be for your people the Body and Blood of
tu Hijo, la santa comida y la santa bebida de la          your Son, the holy food and drink of new and
vida nueva en él que no tiene fin. Santifícanos           unending life in him. Sanctify us also that we
también, para que recibamos fielmente este                may faithfully receive this holy Sacrament,
Santo Sacramento y seamos perseverantes en                and serve you in unity, constancy, and peace;
tu servicio en paz y unidad. Y en el día                  and at the last day bring us with all your saints
postrero, llévanos con todos tus santos al gozo           into the joy of your eternal kingdom. All this
de tu reino eterno. Todo esto te pedimos por              we ask through your Son Jesus Christ: By
tu Hijo Jesucristo. Por él, y con él y en él, en la       him, and with him, and in him, in the unity
unidad del Espíritu Santo, tuyos son el honor             of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory is
y la gloria, Padre omnipotente, ahora y por               yours, Almighty Father, now and for ever.
siempre. AMEN.                                            AMEN.
Oremos como nuestro Salvador Cristo nos                   And now, as our Savior Christ has taught
enseñó,                                                   us, we are bold to say,
Oficiante y Pueblo                                        Officiant and People
Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo,                      Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed
santificado sea tu Nombre, venga a                        be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will
nosotros tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, en la              be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give
tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro                us this day our daily bread. And forgive
pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas,                us our trespasses, as we forgive those
como también nosotros perdonamos a los                    who trespass against us. And lead us not
que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en                     into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
tentación y líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo                 For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
es el reino, tuyo es el poder, y tuya es la               and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
gloria, ahora y por siempre. Amén.
Fracción del Pan                                          The Breaking of the Bread
El Oficiante parte el Pan consagrado. Se guarda un        The Officiant breaks the consecrated Bread. A
período de silencio.                                      period of silence is kept.
Oficiante       ¡Aleluya! Cristo, nuestra Pascua,         Officiant     Alleluia! Christ our Passover
                se ha sacrificado por nosotros.                         has been sacrificed for us;
Pueblo          ¡Celebremos la fiesta!                    People        Therefore let us keep the
                ¡Aleluya!                                               feast. Alleluia!
Oficiante       Los Dones de Dios para el                 Officiant      The Gifts of God for the
                pueblo de Dios. Tómalos en                               People of God. Take them in
                memoria de que Cristo murió                              remembrance that Christ died
                por ti, y aliméntalos en tu                              for you, and feed on him in
                corazón por fe, con acción de                            your hearts, by faith, with
                gracias.                                                 thanksgiving.
TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS para recibir                        ALL ARE WELCOME to receive the Holy
la sagrada Comunión.                                      Communion.
Por favor tome asiento.                                   Please be seated.
Únase en la fila única para recibir la comunión. El       Join in the single file line to receive communion. The
Oficiante colocará el anfitrión en sus manos abiertas.    Officiant will place the host in your open hands.
Reciba el vino en una pequeña copa que le entregará el    Receive the wine in a small cup handed to you by the
ministro de la comunión. Camine varios pasos hacia el     communion minister. Walk several steps toward the
pasillo lateral y baje su máscara para consumir los       side aisle and lower your mask to consume the
elementos. Coloque la taza vacía en la bandeja en una     elements. Place the empty cup on the tray on one of
de las mesas contra la pared y regrese a su banco.        the tables against the wall and return to your pew.

CANTO DE COMUNIÓN                                                     Jesús, Recuérdame/Jesus, Remember Me

Oficiante y Pueblo
Oh Dios, nuestros días están en tus manos: Mira con favor, te suplicamos, a tu (tus)
siervo (siervos) N. al comenzar un nuevo año. Concede que siga creciendo en sabiduría
y gracia; y fortalece su confianza en tu bondad todos los días de su vida; por Jesucristo
nuestro Señor. Amén.

Oficiante y Pueblo
Oh Dios, que en la unión de parejas nos muestras la unidad espiritual entre Cristo y su
Iglesia: Otorga tu bendición a estos tus siervos, para que se amen, se honren y se cuiden,
con fidelidad y paciencia, con sabiduría y verdadera santidad, de tal manera que su
hogar sea un puerto de bendición y de paz; por Jesucristo nuestro Señor, que vive y reina
contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, ahora y por siempre. Amén.
Oficiante y Pueblo
Omnipotente Dios, recordamos hoy en tu presencia a todos los difuntos [especialmente
N.,] y te rogamos que, habiendo abierto para ellos las puertas de una vida más amplia,
le recibas más y más en tu grato servicio, para que, con todos los que te han servido
fielmente en el pasado, participe del triunfo eterno de Jesucristo nuestro Señor; que vive
y reina contigo, en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos.

Después de la comunión, el Oficiante dice         After Communion, the Officiant says
Oremos.                                           Let us pray.

Oficiante y Pueblo                                Officiant and People
Eterno Dios, Padre celestial, en tu bondad        Eternal God, heavenly Father, you have
nos has aceptado como miembros vivos de           graciously accepted us as living
tu Hijo, nuestro Salvador Jesucristo; nos         members of your Son our Savior Jesus
has nutrido con alimento espiritual en el         Christ, and you have fed us with spiritual
Sacramento de su Cuerpo y de su Sangre.           food in the Sacrament of his Body and
Envíanos ahora en paz al mundo;                   Blood. Send us now into the world in
revístenos de fuerza y de valor para amarte       peace, and grant us strength and courage
y servirte con alegría y sencillez de             to love and serve you with gladness and
corazón; por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén.          singleness of heart; through Christ our
                                                  Lord. Amen.

LA BENDICIÓN                                         THE BLESSING

La bendición de Dios omnipotente, el Padre,          The blessing of God Almighty, the Father,
el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo, descienda sobre         the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you
ustedes y permanezca con ustedes para                and remain with you for ever. Amen.
siempre. Amén.

CANTO DE SALIDA                                                            Demos Gracias al Señor

Demos gracias al Señor, demos gracias, Demos gracias por su amor. /bis/

Por la mañana las aves cantan las alabanzas de Cristo el Salvador;
Y tú, hermano, ¿por qué no cantas las alabanzas de Cristo el Salvador?

EL DESPIDO                                           THE DISMISSAL

Diácono       Vayan en paz para amar y servir        Deacon     Go in peace to love and serve
              al Señor.                                         the Lord.
Pueblo        Demos gracias a Dios.                  People     Thanks be to God.

Sunday Worship

        Sunday Worship                8:00 am (English)                In Person Only
                                     10:30 am (English)
        Sunday Worship                                         In Person and Zoom 483-170-780
                                     1:00 pm (Español)

Online Worship
         Morning Prayer          Monday - Friday at 8:30 am          Zoom 247-149-797

           Compline                  Tuesday at 8:15 pm             Zoom 835-4705-7172

      30-Minute Meditation          Wednesday at 7:00 pm             Zoom 619-860-292

Formation Classes
        Adult Formation              Sunday at 9:00 am         In Person and Zoom 483-170-780

       Tuesday Bible Study           Tuesday at 9:00 am              Zoom 535-428-803

         Estudio Biblico            Thursday at 7:00 pm       In Person and Zoom 795-9302-1740

Support, Fellowship, and Small Groups

      Daughters of the King       Third Monday at 7:00 pm            Zoom 281-888-076
        Tuesday Morning
                                     Tuesday at 8:00 am              Zoom 945-076-7777
         Men’s Group
    Women’s Group Meeting        First Wednesday at 7:30 pm   In Person or Zoom 841-5845-5263
        Saturday Morning                                        In Person at St. Mark’s Library
                                     Saturday at 8:00 am
          Men’s Group                                              and Zoom 548-285-510
                                                                    Contact May Anstee
          Book Group              Fourth Sunday at 3:00 pm
                                                                    for more information.
         Zoom option available for worship on Sundays at 10:30 am and 1:00 pm!
Go to or open the Zoom app on your phone or tablet and join meeting
number 483-170-780 to participate in either the 10:30 am or the 1:00 pm worship
You can also watch on our YouTube Channel. Recordings of the services are available on
Facebook and YouTube.

                Adult Formation at 9:00 am
                “Where Is the Love: Stress and Relationship Dynamics in Our
                Dr. Chad Alcorn is a clinical psychologist in Glen Ellyn. Please join us as he talks
                about his view on the stressors of young people, especially those with depression,
                and young people in crisis in your neighborhood. Please join us in the library and
                on Zoom at Meeting ID 483-170-780.

                              UPCOMING GUEST SPEAKERS
                                     November 21
 Jay Wittmeyer, Lombard Mennonite Peace Center - Peace Among Neighbors, Working with Division
                                     November 28
                         Sophie Lopez - Being Young in Glen Ellyn
                                      December 5
                        Rabbi Steven Bob - Being Jewish in Glen Ellyn
Questions? Contact the Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Lagman at
                                      UPCOMING EVENTS
                Daughters of the King
                The St. Anne Chapter of The Daughters of the King will meet Monday,
                November 15, at 7:30 pm via Zoom. Gather early (7:10 pm) for a little social
                time. All women are invited to attend and learn about our ministry at St. Mark's.
We are not meeting in December, so this will be our last meeting of 2021. If you would like to
attend or have any questions, please contact Beth Quoss at or 630-319-

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at St. Mark’s
St. Mark’s will host a Covid Vaccination Clinic in Mahon Hall, Sunday,
November 28, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
     •Pfizer Vaccines for children 5 to 11 years old
     •Pfizer Vaccines for children 12 to 15 years old
     •Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson boosters for anyone 16 and older and
     6 months after their last shot
     •Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson first or second dose vaccines
If you are getting your booster, remember to bring your vaccination card!
No ID or reservation necessary. For more information, email the parish office at
St. Mark’s Book Group will not meet during the month of November.
Instead, we will be meeting at 3:00 pm on December 5, the first Sunday of
December, to discuss “The Warmth of Other Suns” by Isabel Wilkerson, the story
of the decades-long migration of black citizens who left the South for northern
and western cities in search of a better life. If you are interested in meeting with
the group, please contact May Anstee, 630-247-0933, or
for more information.

                                      WOMEN’S MINISTRY

                            It's that time of year again. Join the St. Mark's Women's Group for
                            a cherished holiday tradition. The annual Ornament Exchange will
                            take place from 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm on Wednesday, December 8,
                            in Mahon Hall. Please bring a wrapped ornament valued at $10 or
                            less and an appetizer, dessert, or beverage to share. For details,
                            email Nancy Gier at

                                        DIOCESAN NEWS

                Pre-Convention Evening Prayer and Memorials
                Friday, November 19, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
On Friday, November 19, at 7:00 pm, the people of the diocese are invited to join in a simple
online worship service to end the week and prepare for the next day’s business. The service will
be available on the diocesan Facebook page and YouTube channel. Pre-recorded and edited, the
evening worship service will feature the convention memorials.
184th Annual Diocesan Convention - Saturday, November 20, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
The 184th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago will be held on Saturday,
November 20, as a virtual gathering on Zoom between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Convention is the
annual business meeting of the diocese, during which we elect leaders, consider resolutions, and
hear reports from across the diocese and the wider church.
Voting participants at convention include the clergy of the diocese and lay delegates elected from
each congregation. All voting will be conducted electronically. General attendees and visitors are
invited to observe the proceedings online or to listen by phone.
To register and for more information on these events, visit

                                       Dear members and friends of St. Mark's - the St. Mark's
                                       Giving Campaign for 2022 looks to our church's future
                                       with hope, generosity, and great plans!

                                       The Giving Campaign seeks to receive a financial pledge
                                       (estimate of giving) from every St. Mark's household.
                                       Pledges may be made now, with the official in-gathering
                                       date of TODAY, Sunday, November 14.

Our theme is: With all your heart: Connecting to hope. Giving with gratitude. Moving
forward with faith.

    -   A Constant Contact email with a message from Mauro Hernandez was sent to all
        households with emails last Friday.
    -   A USPS mailing should have arrived this past week.
    -   The date of the pledge in-gathering is TODAY, Sunday, November 14.

Other highlights:

For 2022 – The Giving Campaign seeks to....
- Make a significant investment in reinvigorating our youth program with dedicated clergy and
resources. ($40,000)
- Increase outreach support to local outreach partners (the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry, Walk-in
Ministry, etc.) and the Diocese of Chicago. ($25,000)
- Increase compensation for our staff that is in alignment with just wages in Illinois – minimum
$15/hour – and in alignment with other peer churches and institutions. ($28,000)
- Make investments in computer equipment for Zoom worship and meetings, the music program
and more. ($18,000)
- Make needed improvements to Mahon Hall carpeting and lighting. ($25,000)
The average pledge from St. Mark's households for 2021 was $2515. The average pledge for all
Episcopal churches in our diocese is $3,425.
Thank you for your generosity which is a faithful investment in your church and its future!
Giving Committee Co-Chairs: Andrew Wassef ( and Jeanne Tschampa


                                       ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN 2022
                                       CAMPAÑA DE GENEROSIDAD ANUAL 2022
                                       With All Your Heart: Connecting To Hope.
                                       Giving With Gratitude. Moving Forward With Faith.
    Making your pledge is easy! You can choose any of the following methods:
    1.  Email and simply state your name, annual
        pledge, and how you will make your donation (online, check, automatic deduction
    from checking account or credit/debit card).
     2. Pledge via the St. Mark’s website and click
     the box 2022 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN or use this QR code                  to
take you to the online form.
    3.   Complete the Pledge Card below and place it in the offering plate or bring it to
         church for the ingathering on Sunday, November 14, 2021.
                                                           Detach Here

                                                     Pledge Card
    City, State, Zip

                                        2022 Pledge $                            /year
    Method of making donation (please check one):
                                                Online                 Check
                Automatic deduction from checking account/credit or debit card
    Signature                                              Date
                            Thank you for making your pledge!
                  The next St. Mark's Wednesday Youth Night is this coming Wednesday,
                  November 17, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. All youth in grades 6 through 12 are
                  invited to this fun mid-week time of activities, great conversations, a t-shirt for
                  everyone, and a snack to go. Bring a friend!
Questions? Contact Fr. George at or 630-858-1020, ext 222.
                                    CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
IN PERSON Sunday School is back, come join us! Our Nursery is
open in room 112 beginning at 9: 00 am. Pre-K with Miss Diane meets
in room 101 on the lower level at 10:15 am and K-5 with Miss Gina meets
in Mahon Hall at 10:15 am. Children will be brought to their parents in
church after Sunday School at 11:15 am.
November 14 The Sheep That Was Lost
November 21 Two Men and Their Houses
November 28 No Sunday School
November 14 Jesus and the Fall of the Temple
November 21 The Parable of the Mustard Seed
November 28 No Sunday School
We would love to see you! Can't be with us live? Watch our videos on the St. Mark's YouTube
Channel. Questions? Contact Miss Gina at

                                        MUSIC MINISTRY

                              Advent Lessons and Carols - Sunday, December 12,
                              at 7:00 pm
                               This annual service of music and readings is one of the most
                               beloved at St. Mark’s. First designed and modeled after the iconic
service of the same name from Kings College Cambridge, it is the connecting link between Advent
and Christmas full of hope, light, music, prayers, and the profound exposition of Christ’s arrival.
More information of the music and the opportunity to sign up to be a reader will be posted soon.
Join us for this service!

                         Be a Christmas Basket Elf!
                            ***Three families of 5 are waiting for sponsors***
 (Translation: sponsor a family to provide gifts and a food gift card.) Be part of the decades-long
tradition at St Mark’s to partner with ReVive Center for Housing and Healing to help families in
need. Choose a family size based on your budget: plan to spend $30-40 per person on new gifts
plus $15 per person on a Jewel gift card. We have families of 5 in need of sponsors. Our pickup
date is Tuesday morning, December 7 - you can drop off boxes at church Sunday-Monday,
December 5-6. You can sponsor on your own or partner with a friend or with a group. Family
info sheets plus all instructions are available from Ginnie Judd. Questions? Contact Ginnie Judd
at (708) 837-2815 or Thank you for your generous giving!

                     Seeking Applications
                   The Outreach Committee is seeking agency applications for St. Mark’s
                   annual outreach grant. The agency has to provide assistance to the local
community. If you know of an agency, please feel free to have them reach out to the Outreach
Committee with questions at Applications are due by
December 1, 2021 for review.

Glen Ellyn Food Pantry

                                 The Glen Ellyn Food Pantry Holiday Appeal is to help support
                                 the Pantry giving out the Holiday Turkeys, extras, and Gift Cards.
                                 As always, we are so grateful for your generosity in making the
                                 Holidays special for the families in need. There is still time to
                                 give. Extra envelopes are in the Narthex. You may also send
                                 your donation directly to the Food Pantry marked “Holiday
We invite you to drop off donations just inside the door of the Pantry, at 493 Forest Avenue, Glen
Ellyn. Call the Pantry at (630) 469-6988 if you need to arrange another drop off time. Any
questions, please contact St. Mark’s representative to the Food Pantry, Joyce Frawley, at (630) 476-

All are welcome to join a Bible study of the Gospel of Mark. Whether you are new
to the Bible or have studied it a lot, the format of this study encourages lively
participation, questions and connections to current events and life experiences.
Bible Study in English
Tuesday at 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Through the end of August, we will be meeting on Zoom at 535-428-803. After that, it may be
offered as a hybrid in-person in the St. Mark's library with simultaneous Zooming. Contact the
Rev. George Smith at 708-205-0102 or for more information.
Estudio Biblico (Bible Study in Spanish)
Thursday at 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Go to or open the Zoom app on your phone or tablet and join meeting number 795-
9302-1740. Comuníquese con el Rev. Miguel al (630) 502-0051 or
para más información.

                                           MEN’S MINISTRY
Tuesday Morning Men’s Group, Tuesday at 8:00 am
We will meet virtually for coffee and conversation. Go to or open the
Zoom app on your phone or tablet to join meeting number 945-076-7777 using
password 8581020. For more information, please contact Dick Anstee at (312) 218-
0202 or
Saturday Men’s Group, Saturday at 8:00 am – 9:30 am
The Saturday morning group meets from 8:00 am – 9:30 am in the Library, or on Zoom Meeting
ID 548-285-510. Feel free to drop in anytime during the meeting. According to group co-
coordinators Andrew Dorn and Cam Gowans: “Our emphasis is on giving the men of St. Marks an
opportunity to relax, get to know each other and talk about topics important to them. We are really focused on
relationship first.” Get your weekend off to a good start and gather for coffee, fellowship, and relaxed
conversation in the church library. This group meets every week and discusses whatever is on
anyone’s mind. We hope to see you - either in person or on screen.
Option 1: In person at the St. Mark’s Library. For those of you who are vaccinated/feel
comfortable meeting in person/are local, please join us in the Library where we will follow current
CDC guidelines: 3 feet apart, masks on when not eating or drinking, and limited capacity.
Option 2: Via Zoom. Go to or open the Zoom app on your phone or tablet and join
meeting number 548-285-510.
For more information, contact Cam Gowans at (630) 446-0450 or

                     Morning Prayer, Monday-Friday at 8:30 am
                     Morning prayer takes about twenty minutes and is followed by a “coffee
                     quarter hour” with time for sharing of prayers, concerns, and delights of all
                     varieties, mundane to glorious, local to global.
Go to or join meeting number 247-149-797 in the Zoom app on your phone or tablet
or watch on our Facebook page livestream.
Contact Sarah Adler at (847)-224-6596 or for more information.

Compline, Tuesday at 8:15 pm
Faith and prayer are strong tools to defeat the pandemic. We feel that Compline is
very fitting for these times. Every Tuesday night, we start with gathering time at
8:15 pm and the Office begins at 8:30 pm. The service is brief, about twenty
minutes long. Go to or join meeting number 835-4705-7172 in the Zoom
app on your phone or tablet.

Contact Lynn Giles, Grace Church Galena, at for more

30-Minute Meditation, Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Go to or open the Zoom app on your phone or tablet and join
meeting number 619-860-292.

Contact Carolyn Faivre at (630) 334-1053 or for more

Day by Day is available online at:
As well as the current day’s meditation, you can find the past week’s Meditations, search for
previous entries, and listen to the FORWARD Day by Day podcast from this site. Printed copies
in English and Spanish are available in the parish office and in the Narthex.

                                         PARISH LIFE
         Altar Flower Donations - Parishioners are invited to make a donation for Sunday
         flowers in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, and in memory of loved ones. The suggested
         donation is $40 per Sunday and the donation must be received the week before flowers
         are scheduled. Checks should be written to St. Mark’s and on the memo line note
         “flowers.” Thank you! Questions? Contact Gretchen Kenower at (630) 690-5362.
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