Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord - The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
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Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord April 2, 2021 3:00 PM Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez Celebrant and Homilist Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and the Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Reverend Gerald Dennis Gill, Rector
INVOCATION TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and you, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast down to hell Satan and the other evil spirits, who prowl through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Entrance Please stand as the procession enters in silence. Please kneel when the celebrant lies prostrate before the altar. Collect Liturgy of the Word First Reading Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Primera Lectura Isaías 52, 13-53, 12 He aquí que mi siervo prosperará,será engrandecido y exaltado, será puesto en alto. Muchos se horrorizaron al verlo, porque estaba desfigurado su semblante,que no tenía ya aspecto de hombre; pero muchos pueblos se llenaron de asombro. Ante él los reyes cerrarán la boca, porque verán lo que nunca se les había contado y comprenderán lo que nunca se habían imaginado. ¿Quién habrá de creer lo que hemos anunciado? ¿A quién se le revelará el poder del Señor? Creció en su presencia como planta débil, como una raíz en el desierto. No tenía gracia ni belle- za. No vimos en él ningún aspecto atrayente; despreciado y rechazado por los hombres, varón de dolores, habituado al sufrimiento; como uno del cual se aparta la mirada, despreciado y desestimado. Él soportó nuestros sufrimientos y aguantó nuestros dolores; nosotros lo tuvimos por leproso, herido por Dios y humillado, traspasado por nuestras rebeliones, triturado por nuestros crímenes. Él soportó el castigo que nos trae la paz. Por sus llagas hemos sido curados. Todos andábamos errantes como ovejas, cada uno siguiendo su camino, y el Señor cargó sobre él todos nuestros crímenes. Cuando lo maltrataban, se humillaba y no abría la boca, como un cordero llevado a degollar; como oveja ante el esquilador,enmudecía y no abría la boca. Inicuamente y contra toda justicia se lo llevaron. ¿Quién se preocupó de su suerte? Lo arran- caron de la tierra de los vivos, lo hirieron de muerte por los pecados de mi pueblo, le dieron sepultura con los malhechores a la hora de su muerte, aunque no había cometido crímenes, ni hubo engaño en su boca. El Señor quiso triturarlo con el sufrimiento. Cuando entregue su vida como expiación, verá a sus descendientes, prolongará sus años y por medio de él prosperarán los designios del Señor. Por las fatigas de su alma, verá la luz y se saciará; con sus sufrimientos justificará mi siervo a muchos, cargando con los crímenes de ellos. 2
Por eso le daré una parte entre los grandes, y con los fuertes repartirá despojos, ya que indefen- so se entregó a la muerte y fue contado entre los malhechores, cuando tomó sobre sí las culpas de todos e intercedió por los pecadores. Lector: The word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 31 Lynn Trapp Salmo Responsorial Salmo 30 St. Louis Cathedral Choral Series © 1996 Published by MorningStar. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. En tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu. A ti, Señor, me acojo: no quede yo nunca defraudado; tú que eres justo, ponme a salvo. En tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu: tú, el Dios leal, me librarás. Estribillo Soy la burla de todos mis enemigos, la irrisión de mis vecinos, el espanto de mis conocidos; me ven por la calle y escapan de mí. Me han olvidado como a un muerto, me han desechado como a un cacharro inútil. Estribillo Pero yo confió en ti, Señor, te digo: “Tú eres mi Dios”. En tu mano están mis azares; líbrame de (los enemigos,) los enemigos que me persiguen. Estribillo Haz brillar tu rostro sobre tu siervo, sálvame por tu misericordia. Sean fuertes y valientes de corazón, los que esperan en el Señor. Estribillo Segunda Lectura Hebreos 4, 14-16. 5, 7-9 Second Reading Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9 Brothers and sisters: Since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin. So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help. In the days when Christ was in the flesh, he offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered; and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. Lector: Palabra de Dios. All: Te alabamos, Señor. 3
Acclamation before the Gospel Kyrie Orbis Factor Spanish translation, sung in English Cristo, por nosotros, se hizo obediente hasta la muerte—y muerte en una cruz. Por eso Dios lo engrandeció y le concedió el “Nombre – sobre – todo – nombre”. The Passion of our Lord John 18:1–19:42 Homily The Solemn Intercessions All are asked to kneel in silent prayer before each intercession. I. For Holy Church II. For the Pope III. For all orders and degrees of the Faithful IV. For catechumens V. For the unity of Christians VI. For the Jewish people VII. For all those who do not believe in Christ VIII. For those who do not believe in God IX. For all in public office X. For those in tribulation XI. For an end to the pandemic Collection The Pontifical Good Friday Collection helps Christians in the Holy Land. It assists Catholics in parishes and schools, in maintaining Christian shrines, and in caring for refugees in the Holy Land. Christus factus est Felice Anerio (1567-1630) Cathedral Basilica Schola English translation, sung in Latin Christ was made obedient for us even unto death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also exalted him, and gave him a name which is above every name. 4
The Adoration of the Holy Cross The Showing of the Cross All stand as the cross is carried forward. &œ œ œ W œ W œ œ œ Be - hold the wood of the Cross on which hung the salvation of the world. &œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ All: Come, let us a - dore. After each response, all kneel and venerate the cross in silence. Adoration of the Holy Cross All are invited to venerate the cross individually. Please approach by way of the center aisle in two lines, pew by pew. You may venerate the cross with a genuflection or a bow, and then return to your place by way of the side aisles. Crucem tuam adoramus Chant Cathedral Basilica Schola English translation, sung in Spanish We adore you, Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. The Reproaches: Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) Antiphon I: My people, my people, what have I done to you? Or how have I grieved you? Answer me! Verse: Because I led you out of the land of Egypt, you have prepared a Cross for your Savior. Antiphon II (sung by choir) Hagios o Theos, Holy is God, Hagios Ischyros, Holy and Mighty, Hagios Athanatos, eleison himas. Holy and Immortal One, have mercy on us. Verse: Because I led you out through the desert forty years, and fed you with manna and brought you into a land of plenty, you have prepared a Cross for your Savior. 5
Antiphon II (sung by choir) Hagios o Theos, Holy is God, Hagios Ischyros, Holy and Mighty, Hagios Athanatos, eleison himas. Holy and Immortal One, have mercy on us. Verse: What more should I have done for you and have not done? Indeed, I planted you as my most beautiful chosen vine and you have turned very bitter for me, for in my thirst you gave me vinegar to drink and with a lance you pierced your Savior’s side. Antiphon II (sung by choir) Hagios o Theos, Holy is God, Hagios Ischyros, Holy and Mighty, Hagios Athanatos, eleison himas. Holy and Immortal One, have mercy on us. Verse: I scourged Egypt for your sake with its firstborn sons, and you scourged me and handed me over. Antiphon I Verse: I led you out from Egypt, as Pharaoh lay sunk in the Red Sea, and you handed me over to the chief priests. Antiphon I Verse: I opened up the sea before you, and you opened my side with a lance. Antiphon I Verse: I went before you in a pillar of cloud, and you led me into Pilate’s palace. Antiphon I Verse: I fed you with manna in the desert, and on me you rained blows and lashes. Antiphon I Verse: I gave you saving water from the rock, and for drink you gave me gall and vinegar. Antiphon I Verse: I struck down for you the kings of the Canaanites, and you struck my head with a reed. Antiphon I Verse: I put in your hand a royal scepter, and you put on my head a crown of thorns. Antiphon I Verse: I exalted you with great power, and you hung me on the scaffold of the Cross. Antiphon I 6
¡O cruz fiel! Leo Nestor (1948-2019) Cathedral Basilica Schola English translation, sung in Spanish Faithful Cross! Tree of solitary spendor! Never before has forest yielded such a tribute: in blossom in fruit, in branches. Sweet the nails! Sweet the wood! Here then, where all life commences, commences with a weight of such sweetness: its bark bears the sweetest burden. 7
&&3.2.3.b Through 44¿Qué œOœ how En œpe œ -heart, her su - sad œ his sar pre - and œœ i - sor se mo sore gua œ - -row sa - dis la - shar cri - tressed, œrí -- ing, - fi - cio œa Was œA his All Par -that œlaœ bit œpe ti -Moth œciSTABAT -- ter -- er œna œ MATER pa 1. 4 At b œ - and œ -K---row œ -- shar œ/ ---A-ing,Laœ PIE Con œ LA 1. 1.1. At Jun Sta -- the tobatal cross pie Ma - her de ter sta do - -tionlo - keep san ró - -ing, sta - tion keep - ing, Stood the mourn - fulel la Cruz ta sa Stood Que Ju - the del xta mourn Hi cru - -- ful jo cem &3.2.3. Through 4 En œ heart, œ sore œC-RUZ the cross her A Hymn 3. 2. 2. 3. 2.T THE ¿Qué Cu OO œO quam Through C - ROSS her pe ius her how - su - sad how H sar At áER heart, - tri the pre sad S his se TATION ni his i -- stisCross mo and sor gua mam sor et Her sa sore EEPING la ge row dis cri dis rí mén shar af --Station tressed, - fi flí -- cio tressed, tem, ing, cta DE All A All Keeping Was - his Fu -that Par Was la tri his bit pe œilSTABAT stá -S bit tiit -Moth that ci Moth -- ANTA ter na tam œMATERMater ter ----Stabat er pala er 1. 1. b 1. Jun b 4 At --- to Sta &&3.3.3. 4 EnœOO œquam batal œ sad the œ pie Ma pie - her al cross de ter œ la do œ saœet - cri la --Cruz sta œ lo - keep tion œ san ró --- ing, œ ta sa ta Stood œ Que Ju - delxta œ œ- Moth the del mourn Hi Hi --- jo cru -cem fulel œ Was Jun to de Cruz san Que jo el 2. 2. 2. ¿Qué œ Cu - her Through pe ius -- heart, sar su -- œpre á - se niii --- mam his gua sor --- row la ge œ - tressed, --- mén œfi --- cio rí shar --- tem, aa ing, Fuœ -- that A Con All la - his tri œciil -˙-- - pa - pe stá bit -- tam œer na ter œ ¿Qué pe sar se gua la rí A la pe na En su how tri -- mo pre stis and mo sore sa - dis af cri -- flífi cta cio Par Par tiit ti - ci la pa 1. Sta - bat Ma - ter do - lo - ró - sa Ju - xta cru - cem 2.bMoth aœ 1. Jun 1. At -- to Sta bat the al cross pie - her Ma de ter la - - tion do sta Cruz lo - keep san ró --ing, ta Stood sa Que Ju - the del xta mourn Hi -- -jo cru fulel cem & an O œquam œetsa œflífi -- cta œat - tressed, œ ittiithas œ-Moth il ˙--- er 1.2. - erius Cu Cu -- her peweep áá - -ing,ni Close ni i --- mam geto - - mén Jerí --- ing,sus tem, Ato -- his Con lathe tri pelast. -- stá --- tam œ En -œsad tri ---œand 2. ¿Qué Through ius -heart, sar se - his gua - -row mam sor la ge - sharmén tem, Con All tri stá bit na tam ter O - guish su bear tri - ing,mo Now stis af ---length flí the sword Fu passed. O quam how pre stis soreet - dis cri af cio cta Was Fu --that Par ilci la pa la 3. high - ly blest Of the sole be - got - ten One! & bb œœ œœ 1. Jun 1. Sta -- tobat al pie Ma - de ter do la -Cruz lo - san ró - ta sa Ju - del Que xta cru Hi -- jo cem el & œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ ˙˙ 1. 1. Moth cuer -- po er a -weep guan - -ing,ta, Close Con to - Je do lor - sus su to - dre Ma the -last. tri -espe státá. œœ œœ 2. ¿Qué 2. Cu - pe ius - sar á - senii -- mam gua - la ge - mén rí -- tem, a Con A - la - tam na 2. 2.3. ande O - guishMa -bear rí tri- ing, Now at -length the le a -sword has passed. 3. En quam su - pre - amo stis Al et - cri sa mi af - rar flí --- cio fi cta Fugo- -tiit ni Par - zar? la - ciil -- pa 3. 3. highdel - ly su - blest pli - cio Of Y lathe an - sole gus - be tia - got de - ten Je - One! sús. 1. Sta - bat Ma - ter do - to lo - Je ró -- sus sa Juto - xta cru - cem &b œ œ œ œ œ 1. 1. 1. Moth cuer la -- poer cri a - weep guan mó -- ing,ta, sa, Close Con Dum do pen - - lor dé - su bat Ma Fí - dre - the es li - -last. tá. us. œ œ ˙ 1.2.Moth - -eriusweep á -- ing, -ing, ni - Close to - mén Je -- tem, sus Con to - trithe last. œ Cu mam ge - stá - tam œ œ 2. 2. 2. de 2. anet - guish Ma do - bear bear rí - tem, lén a NowAl - tran Per at mi length at --length - rarsí -- le the vita - swordsword go glá -- has has ni passed. di -passed. - zar?us. 3. an O- guish quam tri- -ing, stis Now et af flí - cta the Fu - - itten il - la 3.3. high 3. 3. be -- ly del high ly --blest su ne pli dí - cio blest cta OfY -la Ma Of the an - sole ter the gusU - be sole ni --- got tia be de gé -- ten got ni --One! Je sús. One!ti! &b œ œ 1. œ œ œ 1. cuer la - po cri a - guan mó - ta, sa, Con Dum do pen - - lor dé - su bat MaFí - dre - lies - - tá. us. œ œ ˙ 1. Moth cuer -- po er a - weepguan -- ing, ta, Close Con to - lor do Je - sus su Mato - dre the es - last. tá. 4. Christ 2. She 2. de 2. English 3. 3. 4. 3.Christ et an de del above be above beneath high del Ma - guish œ Ma - - sune lybeholds su œ doin--tormentlén bear pli dí --the in---torment blest pli œ rírí -- ing, aahangs, tem, cio cta ciopangsMa hangs, Al Per Al - tran Now YY - la Of mi at 10. mi ter lathean --length - rar an --10.gus U Make sí rar Make sole gus --- le Make vit the le -- tia ni be me aa --feel myfeel me tia goas---thou go glá sword de -- soulgé as dethou got ni di has Je to-- glowni hast ten Je hast ni ---passed. us. felt; zar? zar? --- felt; sús. andti! melt One! sús. 1. She la beneath - cri beholds - mó the - pangs sa, Dum pen - dé Make - batmy soul to Fí glow - liand - melt us. Of 1. 1. 2. her OfMothladying, cuer her - dying,po -- er cri glorious a - guan mó -Son. weep glorious - Son. - ing,ta, sa, Close Con Dum pen do to - Je- lor déWith -- sus With su bat thelove the love Ma ofFíof to - dre -Christ, Christ, the es limy- Lord.- tá. us. last. my Lord. English 2. an 2. et de et - guish do do ---bear Ma lén rí --- ing, lén tem,a tem, Per Al -- tran Per Now -- rar mi -length tran at sísí -- the vit levita -sword glá go -- has glá di ni -passed. di us. -- zar?us. 3. 5. 4. be Is there 3.Christ --one be above - ne in --torment suwho dí dí -so would cta cta weep,Ma not - hangs, Y -- la ter U 11. -10. --- be Holy Make ni Mother, --- each me feel gé pierce as géthou --- ten meni ---felt; nithrough, hast ti! 5. Velo 3. ahora del high Whelmed She beneath cómo ne ly in miseries beholds pli expira blest cio the deep,pangs Ma Of the an11. ter gus soleU ¡Oh, tia ni In myJésus, Make heart my soul de got consuelowound to glow Je and yrenew sús. One!ti! guía, melt 1. 1. YEnglishcuerla leOfescucha - po her dying,cual Christ’s dear cri a -- Mother mó guansuspira: to - sa, ta, behold? Dum Con pen do - - dé lor Of -my bat su Savior MaFí - - dre crucified. lies - - us. tá. 2.Cande et glorious do - heart lén Son. Ilumina, With the love conof María, Christ, my Lord. 2. English Ma -- tem, rí refrain a Per Al - tran mi - -12. rarsíLet-- melevitashare glá thee - with go -- ni dihis -- pain,us. zar? “¡Padre, 6. 5. 4. Is there Christ 3.Christbe thetodo above - human one ne inse who cumplió!” would torment - dí - not weep, hangs, cta Ma - ter 11.Nuestra 10. U Holy Mother, Make me ni senda feel - pierce as gé terrenal! thou - mehast ni through, felt; 4.3. del above From partaking Whelmed su in - in miseries pli torment in herso - cio hangs, pain,deep, Y la an - gus 10. Make Who In - myfortia me feel all each heart de as my sins thou wound Je hast slain,ti! was renew- - sús. felt; She She 1.Of beneath In that la Christ’sbeneath Mother’s -dear cri beholds beholds - Mother pain mó the the untold? to - pangs Dum pen - déMake pangs sa, behold? Make Who Of - my my batmy for soul soul me Savior toto Fí glow glow incrucified. torment - and liand died. melt melt - 6. Quis 2. Of est her her homo dying, dying, qui glorious glorious non Son. Son. fleret, 12. With TuiWith the Nati the love of vulneráti, love of Christ, Christ, my my Lord. English 7. 6. Is et Bruised, Can theone do derided, human - lén cursed, heart - tem, refrain defiled, Per - tran - sí 13. 12. Holy - Let Let me mevit mingle share pierceglátears with thee - di with his -thee, us. pain, Matren 5. 4. there 5.3.From Is Shethere Christi bebeheld Christ -one above partakingneherin-si who who vidéret would would tender dí torment in herso not not Child, -pain,hangs, weep, cta weep,Ma - ter 10. 11. 11.UTam Holy Make Who Mother, - dignáti MourningMother, nimeall for -him feel my gé aspor pierce who thou sins me - me me through, mourned wasni hast pati, through, - felt; slain, ti!for me, Whelmed in miseries deep, In my heart each wound renew In tanto Whelmed Allthat She In withsupplício? beneathin miseries bloody beholds Mother’s paintoso deep, scourges the rent. pangs untold? In Allmy Poenas Make Who Of the heart my for days mecum me souleach that in to tormentwound Iglow may and dívide. renew live. died. melt Christ’s Christ’s Of her dear Mother dear Mother dying, behold? glorious toSon. behold? Of my Withmythe Savior Savior love crucified. crucified. of Christ, my Lord. 8. Bruised, 7. For the sins English of hiscursed, derided, own nation defiled, 14. Let 13. By theme cross mingle with tears thee withto thee, stay; 6. Can the human heart refrain 12. Let me share with thee his pain, 7. Bruised, 6. 5. Can Saw Is From the therehim She beheld 4. Christ From derided, human hang one partaking above who her in in cursed, heart would tender in her in torment refrain desolation pain,not Child, hangs, defiled, weep, 12. 13. 10.Let 11. Let There Holy me me Mourning Who Make Who for for share with memingle Mother, all thee him feel all my my with pierce aswho to sins thou sins thee weep tears me his mourned washast was and withpain, through,pray, thee, felt;for slain, slain, me, hispartaking Tillwith Whelmed All spirit forth in miseries bloody hersent. he scourges pain, so deep, rent. Allmy In All I ask the heartof days thee each that to give. wound Iglow may live.renew SheChrist’s Inbeheld In She that that Mother’sher Mother’s beneath tender pain beholds dear Mother pain untold? the Child, untold? to pangs behold? Who Make Mourning Who Of my for my for mesoul me Savior in him in torment totorment crucified. who died. and melt mourned died. for me, 9.Of 8. O thou For her Mother! thedying, sins Font ofglorious his own of Son. love, nation 15.With 14. Virgin By the theof crossall Virgins love of with Christ, theebest! tomy Lord. stay; All 7. 6. with Bruised, 7. Saw Bruised, Touch Can the himbloody my derided, derided, human hang scourges cursed, cursed, spiritinheart from above, refrain desolation rent. defiled, defiled, 13. 12. Let 13.All Let me the Listen Let There mewith me mingle todays mingle my share thee tears that fondtears with with Iwith to request: thee weepmayhis thee, and live. thee, pain, pray, 5. She Is beheld there one her whotender would Child, not weep, 11. Mourning Holy MourningMother, him who pierce mourned me through, for me, She Make From Till All hisbeheld with Whelmed my spirit her heart partaking bloody in forth tender withherthine in he scourges miseries Child, pain, sent. so accord. rent. deep, LetI me Who All All In the my for ask allhim share of days heart my thee that each thywho sins toI mourned grief was give. may wound live.slain,for me, divine. renew 8. Las Oangustias All with bloody In that Mother’s Christ’s 9. For thou dearof Mother! que Mother pain Font sufría scourges tountold? rent. behold? ofnation love, 14. All 15.Juxta Who Of the myfor Virgin of days crucem that me incrucified. Saviorall Virgins I tecum torment may best! live. stare, died. 8. the sins his own 14. 14. By By the cross with thee to to stay; Cristo 8.Text: 7. For88 Bruised, Touch Saw 6. Can Sawthe en the him him cruz, sins Stabat 7;my derided, spirit hang human hang ¿quién ofMater his in from heart in own dolorosa; cursed, above, desolation osaría nation refrain desolation 12.Ac Jacopone de Todi, 1230-1306; defiled, 13. Let the me English Listen There Let There me mewith cross totibi mingle my share with thee with sociáre tr. byfond thee Edward withtears toto thee Caswall, with request: weep thee weep his stay; thee, and 1814-1878, alt; pray, pain, and pray, Spanish tr.Child, by Ramón Llubrí Cano. Music: LetMaintzisch Mourning Gesangbuch, him who 1661. Con She Make Tillsu Till From hisbeheld my madre spirit hispartaking her heart tender with compartir? forth in he thine he sent. her pain, accord. All Who me II ask share for ofof thee all thy my sins to was slain, for me, griefmourned give. divine. All In with that spirit bloody Mother’s forth scourges pain sent. untold? rent. InAllplanctu All Who theask for days me desídero. thee that in to torment give. I may live. died. 9. 9. OO thou thou Mother! Mother! Font Font ofof love, love, 15. 15. Virgin Virgin of of all all Virgins Virgins best! best! 8. For88the Text: 7;mysins Stabat ofMater his own dolorosa;nation 14. Listen Jacopone de Todi, 1230-1306; ByEnglish the crosstr. by with Edward thee to thee, Caswall, stay;1814-1878, alt; 9. EiaSaw 7. Mater, Touch Bruised, Touch him fons spirit derided, myhang spirit inamóris, from from Spanish above, cursed,above, desolation tr. defiled, by Ramón 13. Llubrí Cano. Music: Let 15. Virgin me to Listen with There Maintzisch my mingle toofmy allfond fond thee Gesangbuch, tears Virgins to request: with request: weep1661. best! and pray, Make She my beheld heart her with tender thineChild,accord. Let me Mourning share him thywho grief divine. mourned for me, MeAll sentíre Make Till my his spirit with vim heart bloody forthdolóris with thine he scourges accord. Let Listen me All the All I ask share to of my days thy thatfond thee to grief I may divine. request: Fac, 9. 8. O ut For Text: Text: thou 88the 88 tecum 7; 7;my Mother! sins Stabat Stabat lúgeam. ofMater his Mater Font own ofnation dolorosa; dolorosa; love, Jacopone Jacopone dede Todi, 15. By 14. Virgin Let Todi, 1230-1306; 1230-1306; English English of tr. mecross the allby share Virgins tr. bywith thy Edward Edward theebest! grief to stay; Caswall, Caswall, divine. 1814-1878, 1814-1878, alt; alt; Touch Saw him spirit hang in from Spanish above, desolation tr. by Ramón Llubrí Cano. Music: Listen There Maintzisch to my with theefond Gesangbuch, to request: weep 1661. and pray, Make my heart Spanish with tr. thineby Ramón accord. Llubrí Cano. Music: Maintzisch Let me Gesangbuch, share thy grief 1661. divine. Till his spirit forth he sent. All I ask of thee to give. 9. O thou Mother! Font of love, 15. Virgin of all Virgins best! Text: Touch Stabat 88 7;my Mater spirit dolorosa; from above,Jacopone de Todi, 1230-1306; English Listen to mytr. by Edward fond Caswall, 1814-1878, alt; request: Spanish tr. by Make my heart with thine accord.Ramón Llubrí Cano. Music: Maintzisch Let Gesangbuch, me share thy grief 1661. divine. Text: 88 7; Stabat Mater dolorosa; Jacopone de Todi, 1230-1306; English tr. by Edward Caswall, 1814-1878, alt; Spanish tr. by Ramón Llubrí Cano. Music: Maintzisch Gesangbuch, 1661. 8
Holy Communion Please stand as the Blessed Sacrament is brought to the altar. Lord’s Prayer Communion Andrew R. Motyka A Prayer for Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, Come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen. Hymn of Praise Salvator mundi Thomas Lavoy (b. 1990) Cathedral Basilica Schola English translation, sung in Latin Saviour of the world, save us, Who by your cross and blood has redeemed us: Help us, we implore you, our God. Prayer after Communion Prayer over the People Stripping of the Altar Psalm 22 9
Triduum Musicians Cathedral Basilica Schola Jordan Barrett Frances Collins Jon Cronin Jackie Dunleavy Sierra Fox Cortlandt Matthews Marcelle McGuirk Instrumentalists Ed Jakuboski, Trumpet William Kerrigan, Percussion Mark Loria, Organ Ms. Charlene Angelini, Director Cover art: Giotto, Scenes from the Life of Christ, Lamentation (The Mourning of Christ), 1304-1306, Capella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel) Padua.
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