Neighborhood News July/August 2020 - Jefferson Manor!
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Neighborhood News July/August 2020 Friendly Reminders Recordatorios cordiales Firecrackers, cherry bombs, and skyrockets are just a Los cohetes aéreos y los petardos son solo algunos de los few examples of fireworks that may be purchased in fuegos arGficiales que se pueden comprar en esta región other areas but are illegal here in Fairfax County. Any pero que son ilegales aquí en el Condado de Fairfax. El firework, which explodes, emits a flame, or sparks Código de Prevención de Incendios del Condado de Fairfax higher than 12 feet or performs as a projecGle is prohíbe los fuegos arGficiales que explotan, emiten una llama prohibited by the Fairfax County Fire PrevenGon Code. o producen chispas de más de 12 pies o funcionan como un Please pracGce fire safety and be mindful of your proyecGl. ¡PracGque la seguridad contra incendios y tenga un neighbors and pets while celebraGng summer! cuenta a sus vecinos y mascotas mientras celebra el verano! Servicio de reciclaje a domicilio no acepta vidrio No Glass in Curbside Recycling El Condado de Fairfax ya no acepta botellas y frascos de Fairfax County no longer accepts glass bo#les and jars vidrio en su contenedor de reciclaje que se recolecta en in curbside recycling bins. ( You have frente de la casa. ( Hay dos opciones para two opGons for disposal of glass containers: desechar los envases de vidrio: 1. Deliver used glass containers to purple, glass- only recycling containers; there are now 6 1. Entregar el vidrio usado en los contenedores morados purple containers available near Jefferson de reciclaje de vidrio que se encuentran por el Manor. Condado de Fairfax. Actualmente hay 6 de estos 2. Place used glass in the trash. contenedores morados disponibles cerca de Jefferson Manor. Road, Sidewalk, and Road Sign Maintenance 2. Colocar el vidrio en el contenedor de basura. If you see a spot in the road that needs repair, or an Mantenimiento de calles, banquetas, y señalización vial issue on a sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path, or Si usted ve una calle que necesita reparación, o algún something that needs to be removed from a road or problema con una banqueta, camino peatonal o para need new road signs you can send the request directly bicicleta, o una señal de trafico que necesita ser to the Virginia Department of TransportaGon (VDOT) at reemplazada, usted puede mandar una solicitud directamente al Departamento de Transporte de Virginia (VDOT por sus siglas en inglés) al Highlights in this issue Le#er from the President 2 Li#er Pick-up Campaign 5 Carta de la Presidenta 3 Captain Cookie 6 New VA Traffic Laws 4 Vintage Jefferson Manor 7 Nuevas leyes de tráfico en Virginia 4 Tips from Neighborhood Watch 8 Baking for Racial JusGce 5 Consejos del Neighborhood Watch 9 Page 1
Jefferson Manor Neighborhood News From the President By Alexis Glenn, JMCA President Dear Neighbors, I hope you are doing as well as we all can. Each month this year seems to bring a new challenge or unexpected hurdle. Some of us have lost jobs and, more sadly, lost loved ones. Even as our community moves toward opening up businesses and public spaces, we face many uncertainGes ahead. Will schools fully reopen this fall? Will we be able to travel to see family and friends? Will we be able to gather and support each other in-person safely? We don’t know, but we need to conGnue to be vigilant, wear masks in public places, and stay home as much as possible. In the category of silver-linings, we have experienced an awakening in the past two months. In the wake of horrific and unjust killings of Black people in police custody, and as people of color suffer the worst consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the world are demanding change and jusGce. I see our community standing for change in our front yards, in our neighborhood streets, downtown at the White House, and in pictures and videos from around the country. We are long overdue for change. I am here to be an ally and stand in solidarity for those who demand equity now. On June 23rd, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a moGon for the Fairfax County History Commission to prepare a report lisGng a full inventory of Confederate street names, monuments, and public places in Fairfax County and on Fairfax County-owned property. Our representaGve, Supervisor Rodney Lusk, arer the vote, emphasized that he intends to begin exploring how the County could change the name of our district, Lee District. Lusk acknowledged that there is some ambiguity over whether or not Lee District was named for the Confederate General Robert E. Lee or his nephew, Fitzhugh Lee, who was also a Confederate leader and was born in the Clermont area of Lee District. Regardless, the fact is that there are many public ameniGes in our district named for Robert E. Lee. The use of his name for our district evokes the atrociGes of American history that pervade our country and culture today. As a representaGve of this community and of our ciGzens associaGon, I fully support and will conGnue to publicly encourage our County government to inventory and remove street names, monuments, and other public ameniGes named for brutal and racist public figures. These figures idolized in our public space sought to overthrow American democracy and values in the name of enslaving people. The work to remove these hateful symbols is long overdue and will take longer sGll to complete, but it is the right thing to do. Most monuments and naming of public ameniGes came long arer the civil war when Jim Crow laws were being implemented and the KKK was gaining power in America. The people who sought to memorialize Confederate traitors did so intenGonally to reframe the history not as a fight to conGnue enslavement, but as a “states-rights” fight. This revisionist history has aggressively permeated American culture in the last 100+ years. We should not and will no longer be so naive as to how and why the names and monuments to American traitors sGll stand today. They make oppression defensible and obscure the truth about our history. They normalize one group’s sense of superiority over another. They honor people who conspired against our values. I don’t doubt there will be tough conversaGons and challenges to my point of view from neighbors or other residents in Fairfax County. I share this le#er so you know where I stand and how I intend to advocate as a representaGve of Jefferson Manor. I hope you will take the opportunity to support these changes in whatever way you can. Be well and be safe, Alexis Page 2
July/August 2020 De la Presidenta By Alexis Glenn, Presidenta de la JMCA EsGmados vecinos: Espero que estén bien, dentro de lo que queda. Cada mes este año parece traernos retos o obstáculos nuevos. Algunos de nosotros hemos perdido nuestro empleo y, lo que es más triste, otros han perdido seres queridos. Mientras que nuestra comunidad empieza a re-abrir negocios y espacios públicos, nos enfrentamos a mucha incerGdumbre. ¿Abrarán escuelas completamente este otoño? ¿Se va a poder viajar a visitar parientes y amigos? ¿Será posible juntarnos cara a cara y apoyarnos seguramente? Aún no se sabe, pero hay que mantenernos atentos, usar cobrebocas en espacios públicos, y quedarnos en casa lo tanto posible. A pesar de los desayos que hemos enfrentado, durante estos úlGmos dos meses hemos visto una gran concienciación social. Tras el horrible e injusto asesinato de afroamericanos bajo custodia policial, y mientras que gente de color sufre las peores consecuencias de la pandemia, gente por todo el mundo está exigiendo cambio y jusGcia. He visto a nuestra comunidad de pie, exigiendo estos cambios desde nuestros paGos de enfrente, desde la calle, alrededor de la Casa Blanca, y en las fotos y videos por todo el país. Hace ya mucho que debíamos haber visto estos cambios. Estoy aquí para ser una aliada y solidarizarme con aquellos que exigen equidad ahora. El 23 de junio, la Junta direcGva de supervisores del Condado de Fairfax aprobó por unanimidad una resolución para que la Comisión de la Historia del Condado de Fairfax prepare un informe incluyendo un inventario de calles, monumentos, y espacios públicos en el condado de Fairfax que sean relacionados con La Confederación. Nuestro representante, Supervisor Rodney Lusk, después del voto, destacó que pretende explorar cómo el condado pueda cambiar el nombre de nuestro distrito, Lee District. Lusk reconoció que existe ambigüedad sobre si Lee District fue nombrado como reconocimiento del general confederado Robert E. Lee o su sobrino, Fitzhugh Lee, quién también fue un líder de La Confederación y nació el el área de Lee District conocido como Clermont. De todas formas, es innegable que hay muchos bienes públicos en nuestro distrito que llevan el nombre de Robert E. Lee. El uso de su nombre en nuestro distrito evoca las atrocidades de la historia estadounidense que impregnan nuestro país y nuestra cultura hoy en día. Como representante de esta comunidad y de nuestra asociación, yo apoyo plenamente y conGnuaré exigiendo al gobierno del condado que realice el labor de catalogar y quitar los nombres de las calles, monumentos, y otros bienes públicos nombrados por figuras públicas brutales y racistas. Se idolizan en nuestros espacios públicos estos personajes que intentaron derribar la democracia norteamericana y sus valores para que permaneciera la esclavitud. El labor para quitar estos símbolos de odio ha tomado mucho Gempo en realizarse y tomará mucho Gempo para terminar, pero es lo correcto. La mayoría de estos monumentos y bienes públicos fueron nombrados mucho Gempo después de la Guerra Civil cuando las leyes racistas de Jim Crow fueron puestas en vigor y la KKK estaba aumentando su poder en el país. La gente que quiso conmemorar a los traidores de La Confederación lo hicieron con la intención de alterar la historia de la guerra no como un conflicto para preservar la esclavitud, sino como una lucha para defender los “derechos de los estados”. Esta historia revisionista ha permeado agresivamente la cultura estadounidense por más de un siglo. No deberíamos y yo no seremos tan ingenuos en cuanto a cómo y por qué los nombres y monumentos a los traidores estadounidenses siguen en pie hoy. Hacen que la opresión sea defensible y oscurecen la verdad sobre nuestra historia. Normalizan el senGdo de superioridad de un grupo sobre otro. Honran a las personas que conspiraron contra nuestros valores. No dudo que habrá conversaciones diyciles y desayos a mi punto de vista por parte de vecinos u otros residentes del Condado de Fairfax. Comparto esta carta para que se sepa cuál es mi opinión y cómo pretendo representar a Jefferson Manor. Espero que toman esta oportunidad para apoyar estos cambios de la forma que puedan. Que estén bien y se mantengan seguros, Alexis Page 3
Jefferson Manor Neighborhood News Nuevas leyes de New Virginia Traffic Laws tráfico en Virginia Neighbors, please drive kindly and note the following new EsGmados vecinos, favor de manejar de forma cortez y prestar Virginia traffic laws effecGve July 1, 2020: atención a las siguientes nuevas leyes de tráfico en Virginia que entran en vigor a parGr del primero de julio 2020: HB1705 - Stop for Pedestrians HB1705 – Pare para peatones Clarifies that the word "yield" means that when a pedestrian is legally crossing the road the driver of any Aclara que la palabra “yield” (ceder) significa que cuando un vehicle should stop and remain stopped unGl the peatón está cruzando legalmente la calle, el conductor de pedestrian has passed their lane. It also prohibits a driver cualquier vehículo debe detenerse y permanecer detenido hasta from passing a vehicle stopped at a pedestrian crossing. que le peatón haya pasado por enfrente de su carril. También prohíbe que un conductor pase un vehículo detenido en un cruce HB1442 - Photo Enforcement peatonal. Enables Automated Photo Speed Enforcement in school HB1442 – Hacer aplicar la ley con fotos and work zones. Permite el uso de cámaras fotograficas automaGcas para aplicar SB 437 - Vulnerable Road User leyes de velocidad en zonas escolares y de obras. Makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to operate a motor vehicle SB 437 – Usuario de carretera vulnerable in a careless or distracted manner such that the careless or distracted operaGon is the proximate cause of serious Hace que sea un delito menor de Clase 1 operar un vehículo de bodily injury as defined in § 18.2-51.4 to a vulnerable road manera descuidada o distraída, de modo que la operación user who is lawfully present on the highway at the Gme of descuidada o distraída sea la causa inmediata de lesiones injury. This bill also prohibits a driver from using a bike lane corporales graves según se define en el § 18.2-51.4 a un usuario to pass. vulnerable de la carretera que esté legalmente presente en la carretera en el momento de la lesión. Este proyecto de ley también prohíbe que un conductor use un carril para bicicleta para pasar. Amanda’s Cleaning I am Amanda Florian and my business is your neighborhood maid service. We continue to support your cleaning needs during the shutdown for COVID-19. My team and I wear masks and gloves in your home and my cleaning service includes disinfection. As always, I don’t charge more for pets. We offer recurring cleanings, as well as one-time deep cleaning and cleanings for move-ins and move-outs. I have been cleaning homes for 16 years and have references in Jefferson Manor. I have the best prices in the area. We work hard to make your home look clean and bright! Call or text me for a free estimate. 571-217-3142 Page 4
July/August 2020 Baking for Racial Justice Support racial jusGce chariGes and get delicious home-baked goodies! Iris, a 13-year-old Jefferson Manor resident, is spending her summer baking for Litter Pick-up Campaign racial jusGce. Jefferson Manor residents, Tim Kenyon and Emily To support this iniGaGve (and order her delicious Gruenwald, have created an ongoing neighborhood baked goods), visit her website here: li#er pick-up campaign using the Li#eraG app. The campaign, Gtled “JM Earth Day Every Day 2020,” home. makes picking up trash a game and creates friendly Provide your contact informaGon and choose a compeGGon between neighbors. delivery date. (Free delivery to Jefferson Manor To join the fun, download the app here: residents, curbside pickup available for anyone h#ps:// outside of the neighborhood.) the-earth/id982782776 . Pick an item from the menu and a racial jusGce Enter this code when you create your account: organizaGon to support with your purchase. Visit the 876796 website of the organizaGon you choose to make your donaGon. Then, sit back and wait for your goodies to arrive! Page 5
Jefferson Manor Neighborhood News Captain Cookie Visits the Neighborhood On Friday, June 12, 2020 Jefferson Manor celebrated the last day of school with a visit from the Captain Cookie and the Milkman food truck. The event, organized by the JMCA, was a welcome ouGng for neighbors arer spending several months at home during the pandemic. Good-hearted neighbors donated funds so that each person who came out could have one treat for free. Neighbors lined up on Fort Dr. wearing face masks and maintaining safe social distance. Even under masks smiles abounded, as neighbors came outside to congregate for the first Gme since March. The event was so popular that the cookie truck quickly sold out. If your home is currently on the market this is not an attempt to solicit. Page 6
July/August 2020 United States Vintage Jefferson Manor Census 2020 An adverGsement for Jefferson A 1988 arGcle in the Washington Post about Manor, which appeared in local the painGng of one-way papers during construcGon of streets in Jefferson Be Counted the neighborhood. Manor. Now! Complete Your Census Online. By phone. On paper. census To request this material in an alternaNve format, call 703-324-7329, TTY 711. Hazte Contar Ahora! Complete su encuesta del Censo En línea. Por telefono. Por correo. census Para solicitar esta información en forma alternaNvo, llame al 703-324-7329, TTY 711. Page 7
Jefferson Manor Neighborhood News Tips from Neighborhood Watch Jefferson Manor has remained relaGvely free of crime over the past 6 months, I’d like to think in part because of the strength of the community and limiGng our vicGm potenGal. Our homes are looking less inviGng for crime, with many COVID-related improvement projects underfoot. Law enforcement pracGces, reform, and community engagement conGnue to be an area of interest for many residents in our community. This interest has brought with it, some great discussion. COVID-19 has sidelined in person events like NaGonal Night Out (a fun outdoor event designed to bring communiGes and law enforcement together), Neighborhood Watch trainings, and other community/government gatherings. Neighborhood Watch has shired largely to the social media pla•orm as well, allowing more residents to contribute. While crime remains low in our immediate area, here are some helpful reminders: • Lock your home and VEHICLE doors! Don’t invite a crime of opportunity. All of us might forget this criGcal step, checking that doors are locked before bedGme is a helpful approach. This is the number one reported crime in our area • Know your neighbors, and how to reach them when they are not home. You can alert them to suspicious acGvity. • Be mindful when you go out of town. Knowing your neighbors can also assist with newspaper collecGon and monitoring for suspicious acGvity. Some suggest avoiding posGng travel plans on social media sites. • Keep your yard and home well maintained and encourage your neighbors to do the same. Neighborhoods in disrepair invite addiGonal crime. • Close your windows and blinds at night, to limit display of personal items that might be a#racGve to a criminal. • Pay a#enGon to lighGng on your street. Keep porch lights on, uGlize landscape and moGon sensor lighGng when possible. Report street lights that are out. • Get to know your neighborhood through outdoor acGvity. Walking through the neighborhood may encourage more social behavior where people can become more comfortable spending Gme with one another while out in the Manor! • When voicing crime concerns on social media, please use facts only. Avoid opinion and commentary that detract from the root cause/objecGve of the post. • Many local faciliGes offer secure package pickup, if you are concerned about package ther. Please also remember delivery personnel oren make mistakes that could be misconstrued as crime. • Install a camera or security system. There are many inexpensive opGons available and they have proven to be instrumental in lowering certain crimes. Many systems offer remote monitoring on a variety of devices, and don’t require monthly fees. If you are the vic=m of a crime or see suspicious ac=vity, you are encouraged to call the Fairfax County Police Non-Emergency Line at (703) 691-2131. If you are witnessing a crime or emergency in progress, please call 911! If you have quesGons or concerns for the Jefferson Manor neighborhood, email Remember that we live in a great neighborhood, with a strong sense of community, yet we are situated in a major metropolitan area that is subject to transient crime. Let’s lower our vicGm potenGal and keep our neighborhood clean and safe by following some or all the steps above. Stay safe folks! Page 8
July/August 2020 Consejos del Neighborhood Watch (Vigilancia Comunitaria) Jefferson Manor se ha mantenido relaGvamente libre de delitos durante los úlGmos seis meses, considero que esto se debe en parte a la fortaleza de nuestra comunidad y el nivel bajo de vulnerabilidad de la comunidad. Los muchos proyectos de mejora relacionado al COVID-19 han hecho que nuestras cases se ven menos atracGvas para los delincuencia. Las prácGcas de aplicación de la ley, la reforma y la parGcipación comunitaria conGnúan siendo un área de interés para muchos vecinos. Este interés ha generado una gran discusión. El COVID-19 ha causado la cancelación de varios eventos en persona como el NaGonal Night Out (un diverGdo evento al aire libre diseñado para unir a las comunidades con la policía), capacitaciones del Neighborhood Watch y otras reuniones de la comunidad con oficiales del gobierno local. Neighborhood Watch también se ha ajustado en gran medida a la plataforma de redes sociales, permiGendo que más vecinos contribuyan a la organización. Si bien el índice de crimen sigue siendo bajo en nuestro área inmediata, aquí hay algunos consejos úGles: • ¡Cierra las puertas de tu casa y tu vehículo! No invites al crimen oportunísGco. Es un paso críGco verificar que las puestas estan cerradas antes de acostarse en la noche. Estos Gpos de delitos son los más comunes en nuestro área. • Conozca a tus vecinos y cómo comunicarte con ellos si no están en casa. Puedes ponerte en contacto con ellos en caso de que veas algo sospechoso. • Toma precauciones cuando vayas de viaje. Tus vecinos pueden recolectar periódicos y monitorear acGvidades sospechosas. Es una buena prácGca no publicar sus planes de viaje o iGnerario en redes sociales. • Mantén el jardín y el hogar en buena condición y pide a tus vecinos a que hagan lo mismo. Los vecindarios en mal estado invitan a la delincuencia. • Cierra tus ventanas y persianas en la noche para limitar la exhibición de ar‚culos personales que puedan ser atracGvos para un delincuente. • Presta atención al alumbrado de tu calle. Mantén las luces del porche encendidas, uGlice luces externas con sensores de movimiento cuando sea posible. Informe a las autoridades cuando las luces de la calle están apagadas. • Conozca tu vecindario a través de acGvidades al aire libre. Caminar por el vecindario puede fomentar un mayor comportamiento social donde las personas pueden senGrse más cómodas cuando socializan con otros miembros del vecindario. • Cuando expreses inquietudes sobre delitos en las redes sociales, favor de únicamente incluir los hechos. Evita incluir opiniones y comentarios que resten valor al objeGvo de tu comentario. • Muchos negocios locales ofrecen un servicio de recogida segura de paquetes, si te preocupa el robo de paquetes. Recuerdate también que el personal de entrega a menudo comete errores que podrían interpretarse erróneamente como delitos. • Instale una cámara o Sistema de seguridad. Hay muchas opciones baratas disponibles y hay evidencia de que pueden ser importantes para reducir algunos Gpos de delitos. Muchos de estos sistemas ofrecen monitoreo remoto en una variedad de disposiGvos, y no cobran mensualidades. Si eres víc=ma de un delito o si ves algo sospechoso, llama al número de no emergencias de la Policia de Fairfax, al (703) 691-2131. Si estás viendo un delito o emergencia, ¡favor de llamar al 911! Si Genes preguntas o inquietudes para el vecindario de Jefferson Manor, manda un correo a Acuérdate que vivimos en un gran vecindario, con un senGdo fuerte de comunidad, a pesar de que estamos ubicados en un área metropolitano grande con crimen transitorio. Hagamos el intento de reducir nuestra vulnerabilidad y mantener nuestro vecindario limpio y seguro, siguiendo los pasos mencionados previamente. ¡Cuídense todos! Page 9
Jefferson Manor Neighborhood News About the Jefferson Manor Citizens Association Mission of the JMCA JMCA is a volunteer organization dedicated to the betterment of the Jefferson Manor neighborhood. JMCA advocates for the interests of the neighborhood, plans and coordinates social and charitable activities, and provides information and services for neighborhood residents. La Meta de la JMCA JMCA es una organización de voluntarios dedicados al mejoramiento de la vecindad de Jefferson Manor. JMCA propone por los intereses de la comunidad tanto como planear y coordinar actividades sociales y caritativas y proveer información y servicios para los residentes de la vecindad. Jefferson Manor 1947 Connect with Your Neighbors Advertising in the Newsletter Visit the JMCA website ( to see Ad Size Price per issue the neighborhood events calendar, answers to FAQs, neighborhood history, and our newsletter Full page $210 archive. 1/2 page $110 Facebook Group: Jefferson Manor Citizens 1/4 page $60 Association 1/8 page $35 Twitter: @JMCA22303 Contact the JMCA Treasurer, 2020-2021 JMCA Board Members The JMCA does not endorse or verify the quality of 2020-2021 Junta Directiva de la JMCA service provided by advertisers in this newsletter. Officers Alexis Glenn, President JMCA Volunteering Opportunities Kay Floyd, Chairman of the Board Email if you’re Susan Bowyer, Vice President interested in volunteering! Diana Stanley, Treasurer • Neighborhood Watch Chris Fricke, Secretary • Transportation and Land Use Committee Directors • Parents Group • Social Committee Sharon Evans • Welcome Wagon Erin Green • Newsletter contributions and distribution Katie Cox Tom Rickert Jefferson Manor Merchandise JMCA Newsletter Volunteers The JMCA sells branded merchandise to raise funds Chelly Richards, Editor and help residents show their neighborhood pride. Diana Stanley, JMCA Treasurer, Advertising Look for t-shirts and tote bags for sale at community Alejandro Gamboa, Spanish Translation events! Page 10
July/August 2020 2020 JMCA Membership Drive Join the neighborhood association to support the activities that strengthen our community! It’s time now to purchase or renew your 2020 membership! We are over the moon to have smashed our audacious goal by reaching 206 memberships for 200 2019! Let's keep the momentum going and crack the 200s again in 2020! 119 members Who should join the JMCA? 150 so far • All residents of Jefferson Manor over the age of 18, renters and owners in 2020! • All non-resident owners of property in Jefferson Manor 100 How much are JMCA membership dues? • Yearly membership dues for each household — $20 • Join through 2021! Pay for two years at once — $35 50 • Senior discount (55+), yearly membership — $10 How are membership dues spent by the JMCA? • Organization of community events that bring all residents of Jefferson Manor together - such as, the Block Party and Home and Garden Tour • Publishing of this bi-monthly newsletter • Engagement in regional initiatives that improve the quality of life in the neighborhood - such as, National Night Out and the Park Clean-up Day How to join the JMCA Renew or join now and help the • Online — Visit and pay by credit card using PayPal JMCA reach our 2020 goal of • By mail — Fill out the form below and mail it in with a check 200 members! • In person — Attend any JMCA event and pay by cash, check, or credit card 2020 JMCA Membership Form Name(s):____________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________ The JMCA welcomes the assistance of volunteers. Please let us know which activities Choose one: new member renewing member are of interest to you: Choose one: $20—One-year household membership Neighborhood Watch $35—Two-year household membership Transportation and Land Use Committee $10—One-year Senior (55+) membership Parents Group JMCA accepts additional funds outside of dues to bolster Social Committee financial support for community activities and events. If you would like to make a donation, include the additional amount Welcome Wagon here $____________. Newsletter contributions and distribution TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $_____________________ Mail membership application along with check to: JMCA, P.O. Box 4104, Alexandria VA, 22303 Page 11
Important Phone Numbers To hang on the fridge or place near the phone Police, Fire, Ambulance 911 Public Safety Non-Emergency 703-691-2131 Fairfax County Emergency Information 703-817-7771 VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) 1-800-367-7623 Weather-National Weather Service Updates 703-652-1210 Washington Gas 1-800-752-7520 or 703-750-1400 Dominion Virginia Power 1-866-366-4357 Sewer Breaks or Back-Ups: Dept. of Public Works and Environmental Services 703-323-1211 or 703-250-2003 Rising water that threatens your safety 911 Storm flooding during business hours (Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) 703-877-2800 After-hours storm flooding emergencies that are not life threatening. (State that you are reporting a storm sewer emergency.) 703-323-1211 Sanitary sewer flooding 703-323-1211 In general, if you have questions about whom to call visit THE JEFFERSON MANOR RENTAL MARKET REPORT/SUMMER 2020 Status Address BR BA List $ Rent $ Lease Date Tom has over 25 years experience Rented 2814 Farmington 3 2 $2,600 $2,600 06/13/2020 in Jefferson Manor Sales, Rentals, & Rented 2804 Farmington 2 2 $2,600 $2,600 06/12/2020 Rental Property Rented 5832 Edgehill Dr 2 2 $2,800 $2,800 06/12/2020 Management. Rented 2607 Farmington 2 2 $2,600 $2,500 06/05/2020 Tom Rickert / Realtor Rented 2856 Fairhaven 2 1 $1,850 $1,850 06/04/2020 JM Resident “Lifetime Member” Rented 5837 Williamsburg 2 1 $1,850 $1,850 05/22/2020 of the NVAR Top Producers Club Rented 2722 Fort Drive 2 1 $1,950 $1,950 05/02/2020 Tom’s Track Record in JM: JM assisted Sellers 152 Property Management now available w/ Rickert Property Management LLC JM assisted Buyers 51 In 2007, the State Department assigned me and the family overseas, so we hired JM assisted Landlords 67 Tom to be our Property Manager. Tom has kept our property rented consistently and well maintained all these many years. Feel free to contact me at Aver- JM assisted Renters + 21 for more on Tom's excellent support of our family. Martin Aversa Successful JM Transactions 322 703-447-7901 / Facebook @ TomRickertHomes Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 310 King Street Alexandria Virginia 22314 Office 703-518-8300 If your house is currently listed, this is not an attempt to solicit the listing. Information provided by Bright MLS, deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. This report contains rentals by all the Realtors, not just this Coldwell Banker agent.
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