1st Sunday of Advent - e-churchbulletins.com
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1st Sunday of Advent 1er domingo de adviento November 28, 2021 | 28 de noviembre, 2021 SATURDAY VIGIL | SÁBADO DE VIGILIA: 4pm (English) SUNDAY MASS | MISA DE DOMINGO: English: 7am | 9am | 11am :: Español: 1pm | 3pm
PARISH INFORMATION / INFORMACIÓN PARROQUIAL DAILY READINGS FOR THE WEEK LITURGY SCHEDULES LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA HORARIOS DE LITURGIA Monday/Lunes Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 11/29/21 SATURDAY VIGIL SÁBADO DE VIGILIA Tuesday/Martes Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22 4pm (English) 11/30/21 SUNDAY MASS / MISA DE DOMINGO Wed/Miércoles Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 English: 7am | 9am | 11am 12/1/21 Español: 1pm | 3pm Thursday/Jueves Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; 12/2/21 Mt 7:21, 24-27 DAILY MASS / MISA DIARIA MONDAY - SATURDAY Friday/Viernes Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27- LUNES a SÁBADO 8:00am (English) 12/3/21 31 CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES: 12/4/21 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 5:30pm - 6:20pm Sunday/Domingo Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11; SATURDAY / SÁBADO: 12/5/21 Lk 3:1-6 2:30pm - 3:45pm MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA TITHING REPORT/ MONDAY/LUNES: 11/29/21 REPORTE DE OFRENDA 8:00 AM Charles Mertz—Sp. Int. DATE TUESDAY/MARTES: 11/30/21 8:00 AM Natividad Campos—Sp, Int. Second collections upcoming: WEDNESDAY/MIÉRCOLES: 12/1/21 Collection Name 8:00 AM +Angelina Ferreira Plate Collection $4,553.25 THURSDAY/JUEVES: 12/2/21 Children’s Offering 8:00 AM +Daniel Soltis FRIDAY/VIERNES: 12/3/21 Figures not$314.34 Ofrenda de niños 8:00 AM Elena Cota—Sp. Int. available Online Giving at time ACH, Credit Cards of $9,036.50 SATURDAY/SÁBADO: 12/4/21 printing. $13,904.09 Total 8:00 AM +Ana Luisa Federico 4:00 PM +Anthony & Mary Romano Budgeted Weekly $22,138.46 SUNDAY/DOMINGO: 12/5/21 Will be included(37%) % OVER/(%UNDER) FOR in WEEK A a futureY bulletin. 7:00 AM +LeRoy Boudreau 9:00 AM +Higgins Family F CTUAL FOR $843,124.42 ISCAL EAR 11:00 AM +Cipriano M. Mendoza, Jr. BUDGETED YTD $1,018,369.16 1:00 PM +Bryan Rodriguez %Over/(%Under) - Fiscal (17)% Year 3:00 PM +Alejandro Gurrola Ramos
A NNOUNCEMENTS / A NUNCIOS Thank you to all who have contributed to the Endowment Fund and to those who plan to. You can place your envelopes in the collection basket throughout the month or give online! Gracias a todos los que han contribuido al Fondo de Donación y a los que planean hacerlo. ¡Puede colocar sus sobres en la cesta de la colección durante todo el mes o donar en línea! PG. 3
A MESSAGE FOR YOU The Gift of Advent Today, November 28, marks the First Sunday of Advent! If you’ve never heard of Advent, it is the four-week period of preparation where the Church prepares for the birth of Jesus on Christmas day. We see the color purple in many different parts of the church during Advent, because purple is the color that represents an attitude of preparation and attentiveness to God. In the Religious Education Department, we are celebrating Advent as well, as the children continue to learn their lessons both in class and at home with this year’s hybrid program. Our goal in the Religious Education Department at Christ the King is to not only teach the child, but to form the family. One highlight from this year so far is that we have been seeing a larger number of parents attending our monthly Parent Nights, where parents receive formation that will help them in their own faith journeys. While all families are required to only send one parent to the Parent Meeting, more parents have been bringing their spouses, particularly, the fathers of the children. This is exciting for us, because the more that both parents are formed and encouraged in their faith, the more the children will be motivated in their faith. Look to see photos from last year’s Advent preparations and classes from home! This week we’ll be having an Advent family event for the Religious Education families, where they will gather to celebrate the beginning of Advent and decide together what they will do as a family to prepare for Jesus’ coming. We’re going to encourage them to look at their family life and think about how they can prepare their hearts for baby Jesus the same way families make room for a new baby who will arrive soon. What old habits do we need to throw out in order to have room to receive the new baby? What new attitudes do we need to acquire so that we can really be ready? May the Holy Family bless our parish and our families as we prepare our hearts and make room in our lives for the coming of Baby Jesus!
MENSAJE PARA USTED El Don del Adviento ¡Hoy, 28 de noviembre, se celebra el primer domingo de Adviento! Si nunca ha oído hablar del Adviento, es el período de preparación de cuatro semanas en el que la Iglesia se prepara para el nacimiento de Jesús el día de Navidad. Vemos el color púrpura en muchas partes diferentes de la iglesia durante el Adviento, porque el púrpura es el color que representa una actitud de preparación y atención a Dios. En el Departamento de Educación Religiosa, también estamos celebrando el Adviento, ya que los niños continúan aprendiendo sus lecciones tanto en clase como en casa con el programa híbrido de este año. Nuestro objetivo en el Departamento de Educación Religiosa de Cristo Rey es no solo enseñar al niño, sino también formar la familia. Un punto destacado de este año hasta ahora es que hemos visto un mayor número de padres que asisten a nuestras noches mensuales, donde los padres reciben formación que los ayudará en sus propios viajes de fe. Si bien todas las familias deben enviar solo a uno de los padres a la reunión de padres, más padres han estado trayendo a sus cónyuges, en particular, a los padres de los niños. Esto es emocionante para nosotros, porque cuanto más ambos padres estén formados y animados en su fe, más motivados estarán los hijos en su fe. ¡Mire a continuación las fotos de los preparativos y clases de Adviento del año pasado desde casa! Esta semana tendremos un evento familiar de Adviento para las familias de Educación Religiosa, donde se reunirán para celebrar el comienzo del Adviento y decidir juntos qué harán como familia para prepararse para la venida de Jesús. Vamos a animarlos a que miren su vida familiar y piensen en cómo pueden preparar sus corazones para el niño Jesús de la misma manera que las familias hacen espacio para un nuevo bebé que llegará pronto. ¿Qué viejos hábitos debemos desechar para tener espacio para recibir al nuevo bebé? ¿Qué nuevas actitudes necesitamos adquirir para estar realmente preparados? ¡Que la Sagrada Familia bendiga a nuestra parroquia y a nuestras familias mientras preparamos nuestros corazones y hacemos espacio en nuestras vidas para la venida del Niño Jesús! PG. 5
Infant Baptism | Bautismo infantil For newborn through 6 years of age | Para recién nacidos hasta los 6 años de edad We currently offer an online process to prepare parents for the Actualmente ofrecemos un proceso en línea para preparar a baptism of their child. los padres para el bautismo de su hijo. Parents/Godparents must be a registered and active Los padres / padrinos deben ser feligreses registrados y parishioner for at least 3 months at Christ the King before activos durante al menos 3 meses en Christ the King antes de beginning the baptism process. If you are not registered but comenzar el proceso de bautismo. Si no está registrado pero live within our boundaries, proof of address will be required. vive dentro de nuestros límites, se requerirá un comprobante de domicilio. Please contact the parish office at (480) 964-1719 to request an Infant Baptism Packet which explains the preparation Comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al (480) 964-1719 para process. Parents, there are specific requirements for someone solicitar un paquete de bautismo infantil que explica el to be a godparent. Please read the Baptism Packet carefully proceso de preparación. Padres, existen requisitos específicos before choosing your godparents. The Baptism Packet is para que alguien sea padrino. Lea atentamente el paquete de available in both English and Spanish. bautismo antes de elegir a sus padrinos. El paquete de bautismo está disponible en inglés y español. HAND CARVED in BETHLEHEM Ayman Khair is representing about 180 Christian families from Bethlehem. These families have been dependent upon sales of their hand carved religious articles to tourists of the Holy Land. Due to the conflict in the Middle East and the Pandemic, tourism has been stopped completely since March 2, 2020. It is very important to support them at this critical time, since they have no income and there is no government to take care of them and help them. In order to survive, they have turned to Christian communities in the United State to purchase their articles. These hand carved religious articles are beyond description. Carved from wood of the sacred Olive tree, this workmanship has been traditional for these families for hundreds of years. I t is hoped that through the efforts of Mr. Khair, these families who have little income and are able to stay living and survive in the Holy Land. Sadly enough, the Christian population dropped from 22 % to less than 2% in the last 20 years. Thank you in advance for your support.
Sound Board Operators Lyrics Slide Live Stream Operators Operators AV Adoración Nocturna (Ministerio en Español) Sábado 4 de Diciembre Lugar: Salón de Presentación Mujeres de 8pm-10pm Hombres de 9pm- 5am Hombres Traer lo necesario para pasar la noche aqui Los esperamos no falten PG. 7
Cf. Ps 25 (24): 1-3 To you, I lift up my soul, O my God. In you, I have trusted; let me not be put to shame. Nor let my enemies exult over me; and let none who hope in you be put to shame. Translated by J.M. Neale. Music: VENI EMMANUEL, adapted by Thomas Helmore, arranged by Jarrod Townsend O come, O come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to Thee, O Israel! O come, Thou Wisdom, from on high, who ord'rest all things mightily. To us the path of knowledge show, and teach us in her ways to go. O come, Thou Dayspring from on high, and cheer us by Thy drawing nigh. Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death's dark shadow put to flight. O come, Desire of nations bind in one the hearts of humankind; O bid our sad divisions cease, and be for us our King of Peace. Our Lady of The New Advent, Fr. William Hart McNichols, Archdiocese of Denver Text: Lectionary for Mass © 1997,1981, 1968, ICEL. Music: Jarrod Townsend © 2014, 2015 Tom Booth © 1993 OCP Find us ready, Lord, not standing still. Find us working and loving and doing Your will. Find us ready, Lord, faithful in love. Building the kingdom, that's here and above. Building the kingdom of mercy and love. We must wait for the Lord, for we know not the time. So here and today, we gather and pray, Discovering love in our midst. We must make straight the path. God's love revealed. With sin cast aside, God's mercy alive, Fear not for here is your God. Lifting up those bowed down, we prepare for our God. Rejoice in the Lord, for hope has been born, In hearts where our God finds a home. Saying "yes" to the Lord, God's will shall be done. With hearts free from fear, salvation is near, For all things have hope with our God! Kyrie and Lamb of God—English Translation of the Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL. Gospel Acclamation and Amen-Music adapted by Tim and Julie Smith from Carol of the Bells by Wilhousky/Leontovich © 1998 Troubadour Productions Holy, Holy and Memorial Acclamation— Music: from Mass of St. Joseph, Jake Ineck © 2011 All texts from the English Translation of the Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL All rights reserved.
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. Ps 85 (84): 13 The Lord will bestow his bounty, and our earth shall yield its increase. Conditor Alme Siderum - Latin 9th Cent. Chant Mode IV Refrain Text - Adapted By Jake Ineck and Jarrod Townsend from Advent Antiphon IV Refrain Music and Arr. by Jarrod Townsend Creator of the stars of night, your people's everlasting light, O Christ, Redeemer of us all, we pray you hear us when we call. In sorrow that the ancient curse, should doom to death a universe, You came, O Savior, to set free ,your own in glorious liberty. Let the skies shine forth and show your love; let Your Spirit descend like dew from above. The heavens glow, as they declare the glory of Your light, Creator of the stars of night. Creator of the stars of night. When this old world drew on t'ward night, You came; but not in splendor bright, Not as a monarch, but the child, of Mary, blameless mother mild. At your great Name, O Jesus, now, all knees must bend, all hearts must bow: All things on earth with one accord, like those in heav'n, shall call you Lord. Come in your holy might, we pray, redeem us for eternal day; Defend us while we dwell below, from all assaults of our dread foe. To God Creator, God the Son, and God the Spirit Three in One, Praise, honor, might, and glory be, from age to age eternally. HYFRYDOL; Charles Wesley and Rowland H. Pritchard, Public Domain Come, O long expected Jesus, born to set your people free; From our fears and sins release us, Free us from captivity. Israel’s strength and consolation, You, the hope of all the earth, Dear desire of every nation, Come, and save us by your birth. Born Your people to deliver, born a child and yet a King; Born to reign in us forever, now your gracious kingdom bring. By your own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone; By your all sufficient merit Raise us to your glorious throne. M. l'abbé (Simon-Joseph) Pellegrin, Translated by Sister Mary of St. Philip Adapted by Jarrod Townsend O come, divine Messiah! The world in silence waits the day When hope shall sing its triumph, and sadness flee away. Sweet Savior haste; come, come to earth, Dispel the night and show thy face, and bid us hail the dawn of grace. O come, divine Messiah! The world in silence waits the day When hope shall sing its triumph, and sadness flee away. You’ll come in peace and meekness, And lowly will your cradle be; All veiled in human weakness thy majesty we’ll see. O Thou, whom nations sigh for, whom seer and prophet long foretold, Wilt break the captive fetters; redeem the long-lost fold. OneLicense # A-705950, CCLI license # 1171767. Additional publishing information is on file in the parish office and available upon request.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT NUESTRA MISIÓN Our community serves the mission of Nuestra comunidad trabaja para la Jesus Christ, to make disciples of all misión de Jesucristo, para hacer nations, welcoming them into the discípulos de todas las naciones, loving family of God. United in the invitándoles a la familia amorosa de Eucharist and blessed by a diversity Dios. Unidos en la Eucaristía y of gifts, we desire to give glory to bendecidos con diferentes dones, God and to build His Kingdom "on deseamos darle gloria a Dios y earth as it is in Heaven". construir Su reino “en la tierra como en el cielo.” PARISH STAFF & PERSONNEL / EMPLEADOS Y PERSONAL DE LA PARROQUIA Pastor | Rev. Rolyn Francisco Director of Music & Audio Visual Media | Jarrod Townsend Pastoral Vicar | Rev. Jose Ballesteros (480)245-4116 | jtownsend@ctk-catholic.org If you wish to contact our priests, please call the Parish Office: (480) 964-1719 Marriage Prep & SET | Erika Jackson (480) 844-4467 | ejackson@ctk-catholic.org Pastoral Associate | Deacon Tom Bishop (480) 844-4473 | tbishop@ctk-catholic.org Director of Family Catechesis | Athena Mota (480) 844-4495 | amota@ctk-catholic.org Assistant to Administration | Natalie Smith (480) 844-4479 | nsmith@ctk-catholic.org Youth Minister | Renee Macias (480) 844-4476 | rmacias@ctk-catholic.org Administrative Secretary | Cher Reyes (480) 844-4482 | creyes@ctk-catholic.org Religious Education Assistant | Elena Cota (480) 245-4100 | ecota@ctk-catholic.org Parish Secretary | Tracy Magallon (480) 964-1719 | tmagallon@ctk-catholic.org St. Peregrine Shrine, Cancer Ministry and Pastoral Care | Anthanette Donaldson Parish Accountant | Josie Sagisi (480) 844-4478 | adonaldson@ctk-catholic.org (480) 844-4460 | jsagisi@ctk-catholic.org Liturgical Ministries and Funerals | Facilities Manager | Felipe Tomas Sr. Patricia Gehling, SSND (602) 885-1382 | ftomas@ctk-catholic.org (480) 844-4463 | srpatricia@ctk-catholic.org Christ the King School Deacon Ron Ruiz | Deacon Neil Tift | Principal | Kelsey Kasper Deacon Frank Galarza | Deacon Rob Bonura (480) 844-4480 | principal@ctk-catholic.org If you wish to contact any of our deacons mentioned above, please call the Parish Office: (480) 964-1719 Contact the Office | Comuníquese con la Oficina Christ_the_King@ctk-catholic.org | (480) 964-1719 BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Send ads ONLY by email at least 14 DAYS BEFORE the desired date for your ad to be printed. ANUNCIOS PARA EL BOLETÍN Envíe anuncios SOLAMENTE por correo electrónico por lo NEVER MISS AN ANNOUNCEMENT menos 14 DÍAS ANTES de la fecha deseada para la The parish uses Flocknote as a our impresión de su anuncio. communication tool. Sign up today at bulletin@ctk-catholic.org ctkmesa.flocknote.com. PG. 10
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