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OCTOBER 24, 2021/ 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm (English) Sunday: 6:30am (Español) 8:30am (English) 10:00am (English) 11:30am (Español) 5:30pm (Español) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday, Wednesday - Saturday 8:15 am MISAS ENTRE SEMANA Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes 5:00pm CONFESSIONS Thursday & Friday 6:00pm – 7:00pm Confessions are also available by appointment with our priests EUCHARISTIC ADORATION IN THE CHURCH Wednesday 9:00 am– 6:00pm 475 SE Third Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Website: www.stmatthewhillsboro.org 503-648-1998 | Fax 503-648-4489 | YouTube @smcc_hillsboro | Facebook @stmatthewhillsboro
GOSPEL MEDITATION October 24, 2021 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time When we see God with true sincerity of heart and God passes us along our way, it is only then that we will be able to cry out, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me!” We have to truly want to be healed by, and in union with, God in order for us to reach out to him. If God is only an abstract idea, theory, or someone found in the pages of a book, there is no motiva- tion for a relationship and no desire to seek him. God needs to be real in order for faith to be real. It’s all about the journey. St. Augustine reminds us that “to fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek Him the greatest adventure; to find Him the greatest human achievement.” We strive after many things and mercy is not always one of them. We think that we can find fulfillment and healing in other things only to discover that we are still short and empty. From the moment human beings were created, God has been calling us and seeking us. He has been walking right beside the human story from the minute He first breathed life into the first human soul. Are we able to recognize God as He walks with us? At some point we have to realize that there is only one way to satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart and that is in relationship with our Creator. We are called to this. However, we make the huge error of thinking that what we are hearing is coming from somewhere else. We be- come confused. Every human being would certainly profit with wisdom if they realized Who calls them and to Whom they belong. Then and only then will we realize that it is only our Divine Master who can give us true vision and heal us. Once we recognize and reach out for the merciful presence of our loving Maker, we will be able to see with our soul, understanding the true nature and depth of all things. God’s mercy is al- ways available. It doesn’t matter how far we have strayed or how blind we become, God patiently waits to console us, guide us and heal us. All we need to do is desire Him. Once we reach out, we also realize that there is no greater love to be found than God’s, no human adventure that comes even close to the thrill of a spiritual search, and no human achievement even remotely as satisfying as union with Him. This is where we belong. This is salvation. ©LPi
MEDITACION DEL EVANGELIO 24 de octubre de 2021 30º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario El mundo ha llorado mucho en estos dos años de pandemia. Después de tanto sufrimiento, Dios nos sigue invitando al cambio en nuestro corazón. La hemos pasado mal, muchas familias lloran aún a sus familiares que perdieron la batalla, otros miles siguen buscando trabajo. La lucha no termina y la esperanza en medio de todo es que volvamos a Dios, tal como el pueblo de Israel en la primera Lectura: “Partieron en medio de lágrimas, pero los hago regresar conten- tos” (Jeremías 31:9). Ya es tiempo de gozar del amor y la misericordia eterna de Dios. Fijémonos, en todo lo bueno y noble que hemos aprendido en este tiempo y trabajemos por una sociedad más justa. El Evangelio también nos presenta el amor y la compasión de Dios por medio del ciego de Jericó que grita a la orilla del camino. “¡Hijo de David ten compasión de mí!” El ciego es símbolo de todas las personas que sufren en el mundo. Jesús, le pregunta: ¿Qué quieres que haga por ti? La respuesta del ciego: “Maestro, que pueda ver”. Eso es lo que seguimos pidiendo: que podamos ver todas las injusticias de la sociedad, que podamos dialogar y buscar soluciones juntos, para poder vivir con paz y tranquilidad y así simbólicamente tirar el manto y escuchar su invitación: ánimo, ten fe, levántate. Jesús sigue llamando a cada uno, porque a todos nos toca ahora ver qué podemos hacer por los que nos rodean. El papa Francisco lo resume así: “Fijarnos en Bartimeo y su grito de búsqueda de Jesús. Hacerse prójimos en el camino de fe para acompañar. Testimoniar, fijándonos en los discípu- los que le dirigen a Bartimeo solo tres palabras, ánimo, levántate, que te llama” (10/28/2018). ©LPi
FROM THE BUSINESS OFFICE DEDUCCIÓN FISCAL "POR ENCIMA DE LA LÍNEA" ”ABOVE THE LINE” TAX DEDUCTION Para aquellos contribuyentes que toman la deducción For those taxpayers who take the standard deduction estándar (en lugar de detallar), puede recibir una de- (instead of itemizing), you can receive a $300 tax ducción de impuestos de $300 ($600 para casados que deduction ($600 for married filing jointly) for cash presentan una declaración conjunta) por donaciones de donations made to eligible non-profit organizations. fondos hechas a organizaciones elegibles sin fines de This “above the line” tax deduction continues to be lucro . Esta deducción fiscal "por encima de la línea" available through 2021. (Prior to 2020, there was no sigue estando disponible hasta el 2021. (Antes de 2020, donation tax break available for those who took the no había ninguna exención fiscal de donación dis- standard deduction). ponible para aquellos que tomaron la deducción estándar). STOCK DONATIONS DONACIONES DE ACCIONES Stock and mutual funds that have increased in value and been held for more than one year are one of the Las acciones y los fondos mutuos que han aumentado most popular assets to use when making a gift of an de valor y se han mantenido durante más de un año appreciated asset to St. Matthew. Making a gift of son uno de los activos más populares para usar cuando stock or mutual funds offers you the chance to se hace una donación de un activo apreciado a St. Mat- thew. Hacer una donación de acciones o fondos mutuos support our work while realizing important benefits le ofrece la oportunidad de apoyar nuestro trabajo for yourself. mientras obtiene importantes beneficios para usted. When you donate appreciated stock or mutual funds Cuando dona acciones apreciadas o fondos mutuos que you have held more than one year to St. Matthew, ha tenido más de un año a St. Matthew, puede reducir you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains o incluso eliminar los impuestos federales sobre ganan- taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a cias de capital sobre la transferencia. También puede federal income tax charitable deduction based on the tener derecho a una deducción caritativa del impuesto fair market value of the stock at the time of the sobre la renta federal basada en el valor justo de mer- transfer. cado de las acciones en el momento de la transferen- cia. When you donate securities to St. Matthew, you receive the same income tax savings that you would Cuando dona valores a St. Matthew, recibe los mismos if you wrote us a check, but with the added benefit of ahorros en impuestos sobre la renta que recibiría si nos eliminating capital gains taxes on the transfer, which escribiera un cheque, pero con el beneficio adicional de eliminar los impuestos sobre las ganancias de capital en can be as high as 20% percent. la transferencia, que pueden llegar al 20% por ciento. If you would like to make a donation of stock to St. Si desea hacer una donación de acciones a St. Mat- Matthew, please contact Becky Smith at thew, comuníquese con Becky Smith al bsmith@stmatthewhillsboro.org. bsmith@stmatthewhillsboro.org. Until next time, please know that your parish & ¡Hasta la próxima, sepa que el personal de su parroquia school staff are very thankful for all that you give & y escuela está muy agradecido por todo lo que da y do for St. Matthew! hace por San Mateo! -Becky Smith, CPA, Business Manager -Becky Smith, CPA, Business Manager
CANASTAS DE ACCION DE GRACIAS 2021 Queridos feligreses, Artículo de Comida Es la época del año en la que recolectaremos ali- Pavos 26 mentos para apoyar a 40 familias para el Día de Acción de Gracias. En colaboración con el SVDP Jamones 6 Hertel Center y nuestra Escuela Católica, selec- cionaremos familias en extrema necesidad para Pollos 12 bendecirlas con nuestra generosidad. Latas de sopa 40 Ayúdenos a bendecir a estas familias trayendo los siguientes artículos: Jarras de jugo 40 Traiga sus alimentos a la oficina principal de la igle- Bolsas de verduras y frijoles 40 sia (de lunes a viernes de 8 am a 12 pm; 1:00 pm a 4:30 pm); la oficina de la escuela, o déjelos en el Sal y Piminenta 40 SVDP Hertel Center (de lunes a viernes de 7:30 am Tarros de mermelada 40 a 11:30 am) indicando que son para el evento de caridad CESTAS DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS. Relleno de pavo en caja 26 Paquetes o latas de “gravy” 50 Salsa de arándanos 40 Bolsas de papas 40 Latas de fruta 40 Bolsas de arroz 40 Bolsas de 5 libras de azúcar 40 Bolsas de 5 libras de harina 40 MINISTERIO JUVENIL: BOTTLE DROP ¡Vuelven las bolsas azules para apoyar el Ministerio Juve- nil! Por favor venga a la oficina para llevarse su bolsa azúl, llénela con botellas, tráigala a la oficina y apoye a los jóvenes de nuestra parroquia. “A través de la santidad de los jóvenes, la Iglesia puede ren- ovar su ardor espiritual y su vigor apostólico. El bálsamo de santidad generado por la buena vida de tantos jóvenes puede curar las heridas de la Iglesia y del mundo, de- volviéndonos a esa plenitud de amor a la que siempre hemos sido llamados: los jóvenes santos nos inspiran a volver a nuestra primer amor (cf. Ap 2, 4)" Chritus vivit, #50, Papa Francisco
THANKSGIVING BASKETS 2021 Dear parishioners, Food Item Turkey 26 It is that time of the year in which we will collect Hams 6 food items to support 40 families for Thanksgiving. In collaboration with the SVDP Hertel Center and Chickens 12 our Catholic School, we will select families in dire Can Soup 40 need to bless them with our generosity. Bring Jugs of juice 40 your food items to the church front office (weekdays 8am-12pm; 1:00pm-4:30pm); the Vegetable bags & Beans 40 school office, or drop them off at the SVDP Hertel Salt & Pepper 40 Center (weekdays from 7:30am-11:30am) indicat- ing they are for the THANKSGIVING BASKETS Jars of jam 40 charity event. Boxed Stuffing 26 Gravy Packets/Cans 50 Cranberry Sauce 40 Bags Potatoes 40 Cans of Fruit 40 Rice bags 40 5lb bags of sugar 40 5lb bags of flour 40 YOUTH MINISTRY: BOTTLE DROP Blue bags to support Youth Ministry are back! Please come to the front office to take your blue bag, fill it with bottles, bring it back to the front office and sup- port the youth of our parish. “Through the holiness of the young, the Church can renew her spiritual ardour and her apostolic vigour. The balm of ho- liness generated by the good lives of so many young people can heal the wounds of the Church and of the world, bringing us back to that fullness of love to which we have always been called: young saints inspire us to return to our first love (cf. Rev 2:4)” Chritus vivit, #50, Pope Francis
COMMUNION AND MORTAL SIN Question: I have a friend w ho receives com m union, but w ho I know for a fact is in a state of mortal sin. Should I tell our priest? Is it my responsibility to say something? Answer: W hile w e m ay alw ays w ant to do w hat is best for our friends and fam ily m em - bers, we have a responsibility to respect their privacy and their conscience. In its reflections on the Eighth Commandment (“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”), the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word li- kely to cause them unjust injury. [One] becomes guilt: -of rash judgment who, even tacitly, assumes as true, without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbor; -of detraction who, without objec- tively valid reason, discloses another’s faults and failings to persons who do not know them; of ca- lumny who, by remarks contrary to the truth, harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them” (no. 2477). We will never truly know what is in a person’s mind, heart, and soul; only God knows those things. We should, of course, take our concerns to God and entrust the person about whom we are concer- ned to God’s grace and mercy. If we have concerns about the spiritual wellbeing of someone with whom we are close, we should go to the person themselves and talk about our fears and concerns. Unless it is a case of abuse or endangerment (which we have a moral and even legal responsibility to report to the appropriate authorities), we ultimately do not have the freedom to share another’s per- sons faults or sins, however good we think our intentions might be. ©LPi CONSECRATION TO SAINT JOSEPH We would like to close registration by Monday, November 1st. We can supply the book, which costs $13. The 33-day preparation that follows Father Calloway's book would begin on Friday, November 5 and conclude on December 7th. The daily readings are done at each participant's pace and in the comfort of their home. There will be four optional one-hour virtual gatherings every Wednesday, during the preparation period. These virtual gatherings are to offer support, review the readings, answer questions, and create fellowship among the group. Attendance is not required. The day of Consecration would be December 8 in Mass, which concludes the Year of St. Joseph. Contact the front office for more information
THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED/ FIELES DIFUNTOS All Souls Day is approaching...please submit the names of your loved ones who passed away from Nov 2, 2020 to our current days. Send the names to Fr. Rito Guzman, MSpS at rguzman@stmatthewhillsboro.org We will display their names in our church to pray for them during the month of November. Se acerca el Día de los Fieles Difuntos ... envíe los nombres de sus seres queridos que fallecieron desde el 2 de noviembre de 2020 hasta la fecha. Envíe los nombres al P. Rito Guzman, MSpS rguzman@stmatthewhillsboro.org Mostraremos sus nombres en la iglesia para orar por ellos durante el mes de noviembre. VIGILIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS El Grupo de Oración Vida en Cristo y los Padres Misioneros del Espíritu Santo los invitamos a la Vigilia de Todos los Santos el próximo sábado 30 de Octubre 2021 en el Salón Parroquial de 7:00pm a 12:00am. Tendremos predica de la Palabra de Dios, Alabanza y Oración. Arrancaremos la vigilia con un Misionero del Es- píritu Santo quien nos guiará en una reflexión so- bre la Comunión de los Santos. TE ESPERAMOS, NO FALTES
OUR VISION, MISSION, & SPIRITUALITY OUR VISION: One Community Growing in Christ. OUR MISSION: We are a Catholic Community and Christ is the center of our life. Moved by the Holy Spirit, as Christ’s disciples, we are sent to bring the Good News of faith and love to all people. OUR SPIRITUALITY: Through the life of our community we proclaim Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King. In Holy Scripture, the Sacraments, Prayer, and Service we find our spiritual nourishment. We help each other to deepen our personal relationship with Christ, and we foster the spiritual growth of all our community members. With open hearts we embrace the blessing of our Blessed multicultural community as we share our many gifts and spiritual herita- ges. We cultivate the social justice tradition of our Church, especially Concepcion defending the dignity of every human being, from conception to natural Cabrera, death. We are called to discover Christ in all our sisters and brothers, especially in those who suffer in body, mind or spirit. pray for us. NUESTRA VISION: Una Comunidad Creciendo en Cristo. NUESTRA MISION: Somos una Comunidad Católica y Cristo es el centro de nuestra vida. Movidos por el Espíritu Santo, como discípulos de Cristo, somos envia- dos para llevar la buena nueva de la fe y amor a todas las personas. NUESTRA ESPIRITUALIDAD: A través de la vida de nuestra comunidad, proclamamos a Cristo como Profeta, Padre, y Rey. En la Sagrada Escritura, los Sacramentos, Ora- ción, y Servicio encontramos nuestro alimento espiritual. Nos ayudamos unos a otros a profundizar nuestra relación con Cristo, y fomentamos el crecimiento espiritual de nuestros miembros de la comunidad. Con co- razones abiertos acogemos la bendición de nuestra comunidad multi- cultural al compartir muchos de nuestros regalos y herencias espiritua- Saint Matthew, les. Cultivamos la tradición de la justicia social de nuestra parroquia, pray for us especialmente defendiendo la dignidad de cada ser humano, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Hemos sido llamados a descubrir a Cristo en nuestras hermanas y hermanos, especialmente en los que sufren en cuerpo, mente y espíritu.
SAINT MATTHEW PRAYER LIST Zenaida Abarca Gail Moore MILITARY Bruce Aberth Scott Moore Michelle Amos Ana Moreno Verna Bassett Patricia Moreno MAJ Justin Aberth Louise Bernards Tom & Barbara Nelson Angelica Aguilar George Bernert The Pacheco Family MAJ Mark Brodie Pamela Boon Yu Xiao Palafox Trevor Buck Lt. Nancy Boyer Maria Pascual Mark Boyer Bob Puncochar David Clitheroe, Lt. USN Theodore Henry Bruns Bailey Reeves PV2 Sean Dugan Josue, Luis, & Vivian Jose Calderon Jorge Scott Hernandez-Davila Amanda Campbell Wayne Smith Armando Garfias, USAF Cpt. Marilyn Carter Rafaela Sanchez Patrick Hunt Jose Castañeda Charles Schmucker Ron King Chad Chisolm Jayson Strayer Jan Costas Antonia Sterling MAJ Thomas Lanigan Gilbert Couttouw Fran Teeter Patric Margiotta Araceli Cuenca Jerry and JoAnn Utter Brenda Martinez Myron Dennis Jack Valvo Lt. Zach Marsh Rebecca Diaz Genevieve Vanier Maria De Guzman Rosemarie Ward MAJ Richard Park Leonila Ebuen Kathleen White Joshua Shaw Josie Elmers George & Catherine Vanderzanden Steven Walliman Delora Evans Philip Zmolek, USN Louise Gang Juanita Garcia Mario Garcia Alcala Grant Gard Marie Gordy Cassandra Grigsby Gwen Hampsten Jim Hart Hernandez Family Ruth Holland Jon Huettl Stephen Huettl To all the world Marco Jaime David Jurhs John & Jean Krautscheid Jorgenson Family Josephine Linville Ellen Meeuwsen Shane McCord Declan McNulty PRAYER LIST / PRAYER CHAIN Please call to let us know if you would like to add your loved one's name to the prayer list. Also, we have a prayer chain for specific prayer requests. Please let us know if you would prefer to be included in the prayers of the St. Matthew prayer chain. Call Maxine McFeron at 503-926-3282 or email stmatthewprayers@yahoo.com Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese con la secretaria, 503-684-1998 ext. 245
MASS INTENTIONS CONTACT INFORMATION Mon, October 25 8:15 am Thomas Albertine PARISH OFFICE: 503-648-1998 FAX: 503-648-4489 Wed, October 27 8:15 am Marjorie Lohr Mullaly + PRIESTS Fr. Juan Gonzalez, Interim Parish Administrator x249 5:00 pm Felipa Perez + jgonzalez@stmatthewhillsboro.org Fr. Rito Guzman, Associate x260 Thu, October 28 8:15 am Katie Albertine rguzman@stmatthewhillsboro.org 5:00pm Eugenio Ortiz + STAFF Fri, October 29 8:15 am Lorna Moree Mullaly + Becky Smith, Business Manager x248 bsmith@stmatthewhillsboro.org 5:00 pm Cosmen Arreaga + Wayne Carter, Payroll Clerk x252 wcarter@stmatthewhillsboro.org Sat, October 30 8:15 am Jean Ann Joyce Mullally + Efren De Loa, Maintenance x254 edeloa@stmatthewhillsboro.org 5:30 pm Our Parishioners Esme Herrera, Youth Ministry Coordinator x258 eherrera@stmatthewhillsboro.org Sun, October 31 6:30 am Amelia Arreaga+ Maria Wanner, Faith Formation Coordinator x230 mwanner@stmatthewhillsboro.org 8:30 am Katie Albertine Cecilia Conroy, Parish Secretary x245 cconroy@stmathhewhillsboro.org 10:00 am Bob & Henery Stadelman (50th Wedd. Anniv) ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC SCHOOL 11:30 am Cristian Aguirre (Birthday) Diane Ramsperger, Interim School Principal principal@smcshillsboro.org 5:30 pm Andrea Ayar (Birthday) Phone 503-648-2512, Fax 503-648-4518 Website: www.stmatthewschoolhillsboro.org STAY CONNECTED @smcc_hillsboro @stmatthewhillsboro smcc_hillsboro BULLETIN DEADLINE Parish groups, direct requests to your staff rep. Two weeks prior to Sunday desired. THANKS FOR SPONSORING OUR BULLETIN! We would like to thank the businesses that advertise in our weekly bulletin. It is with their support that we are able to receive our bulletin at no cost from LPi. Should you wish to advertise, please contact Kjirsten Finnegan, at (402) 312-9955 or KFinnegan@4LPi.com and George at (630) 319-3672 or GVelasquez@4LPi.com.
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