31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...

Página creada Ismael Alvar
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
October 31, 2021
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 2                         From the Pastors Desk + October 31, 2021

Dear Faith Family of Our Lady of Grace,
Praised be Jesus Christ…now and forever!

Last weekend in our parish pa o we had a good turnout for our Respect Life Celebra on. I want to thank Tessa Michaels and
her team for organizing the event. The celebra on consisted of the following ministries that care for the whole person form
concep on to natural death: Adop on & Foster care, Health / Mental Health, Men’s Ministry, Oasis – Elderly, English Charis-
ma c Prayer Group, Prison-Restora ve Jus ce , Respect Life, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of
Los Angeles. Thank you to all those who have par cipated in the 40Days for Life by praying and being a silent witness outside the abor on
provider in Mission Hills. Knowing that “with God, all things are possible,” people of faith and conscience unite in 40 days of prayer and
fas ng. Christ told us some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fas ng. The two go hand in hand. Prayer keeps us rooted in the
fact that it is our desire to carry out God’s will. Fas ng is a sacrifice that helps us reach beyond our own limita ons with God’s help. Let us
recommit ourselves to building a culture of life beyond the month of October everyday is a gi from God to bring life into the world.

November is around the corner! The month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. The Church commemorates all her
faithful who have departed from this life, but have not yet a ained the joys of heaven. St. Paul warns us that we must not be ignorant
concerning the dead, nor sorrowful, "even as others who have no hope ... For the Lord Himself shall come down from heaven ... and the
dead who are in Christ shall rise.” The Church has always taught us to pray for those who have gone into eternity. Even in the Old Testa-
ment prayers and alms were offered for the souls of the dead by those who thought "well and religiously concerning the resurrec on." It
was believed that "they who had fallen asleep with godliness had great grace laid up for them" and that "it is therefore a holy and wholeso-
me thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.”

This year as a part of celebra ng our faithful departed we will be pos ng banners with their names to be remembered at all the Masses
and a candle lit in their honor beginning on November 2nd. Let us also avail ourselves of indulgences that can be gained for the Holy Souls
and upon ourselves.
A par al indulgence can be obtained by devoutly visi ng a cemetery and praying for the departed, even if the prayer is only mental. One
can gain a plenary indulgence visi ng a cemetery each day between November 1 and November 8. These indulgences are applicable only
to the Souls in Purgatory.

A plenary indulgence, again applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory, is also granted when the faithful piously visit a church or a public
oratory on November 2. In visi ng the church or oratory, it is required, that one Our Father and the Creed be recited.

A par al indulgence, applicable only to the souls in purgatory, can be obtained when the Eternal Rest (Requiem aeternam) is prayed. This is
a good prayer to recite especially during the month of November: Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon
them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

As of right now we have over 200+ names inscribed in our All Souls Enrollment. Join us in praying for the faithful departed this month. We
will also be exploring ways on the next few weeks about how we remember the Holy Souls and deepen out understanding of death and

By the prac ce of Indulgences, the Church places at the charitable disposal of the faithful the inexhaus ble treasure accumulated, from age
to age, by the superabundant sa sfac ons of the saints, added to those of the martyrs, and united to those of our Blessed Lady and the
infinite residue of our Lord's sufferings. These remissions of punishment she grants to the living by her own direct power; but she nearly
always approves of and permits their applica on to the dead by way of suffrage, that is to say, in the manner in which, as we have seen,
each of the faithful may offer to God who accepts it, for another, the suffrage or succour of his own sa sfac ons. — The Liturgical Year,
Abbot Gueranger O.S.B.

In the Merciful Love of God,

    -Fr. Marinello Saguin
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 3                             Mensaje del Párroco + 31 de octubre, 2021

 Querida Familia de Fe de Nuestra Señora de Gracia,
 Alabado sea Jesucristo... ¡ahora y para siempre!
 El fin de semana pasado en nuestro pa o parroquial tuvimos una buena par cipación con nuestra Celebración
 de Respeto a la Vida. Quiero agradecer a Tessa Michaels y su equipo por organizar el evento. La celebración
 consis ó de los siguientes ministerios que cuidan a toda la persona desde la concepción hasta la muerte natu-
 ral: Adopción y Cuidado de Crianza, Salud / Salud Mental, Ministerio de Hombres, Oasis – Ancianos, Grupo de
 Oración Carismá ca (Ingles), Jus cia Restaura va, Respeto a la Vida, Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl y Ce-
 menterios Católicos de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Gracias a todos aquellos que han par cipado en los 40 Días por la Vida
 orando y siendo un tes go silencioso fuera del proveedor de abortos en Mission Hills. Sabiendo que "con Dios, todas las cosas
 son posibles", las personas de fe y conciencia se unen en 40 días de oración y ayuno. Cristo nos dijo que algunos demonios
 sólo pueden ser expulsados por la oración y el ayuno. Los dos van de la mano. La oración nos man ene arraigados en el hecho
 de que es nuestro deseo llevar a cabo la voluntad de Dios. El ayuno es un sacrificio que nos ayuda a ir más allá de nuestras
 propias limitaciones con la ayuda de Dios. Volvamos a comprometernos a construir una cultura de la vida más allá del mes de
 octubre, cada día es un regalo de Dios para traer vida al mundo.

 ¡Noviembre está a la vuelta de la esquina! El mes de noviembre está dedicado a las Santas Almas del Purgatorio. La Iglesia
 conmemora a todos sus fieles que han par do de esta vida, pero que aún no han alcanzado las alegrías del cielo. San Pablo
 nos advierte que no debemos ser ignorantes con respecto a los muertos, ni tristes, "así como otros que no enen esperanza...
 Porque el Señor mismo bajará del cielo... y los muertos que están en Cristo resucitarán". La Iglesia siempre nos ha enseñado a
 orar por aquellos que han ido a la eternidad. Incluso en el An guo Testamento se ofrecían oraciones y limostas por las almas
 de los muertos por aquellos que pensaban "bien y religiosamente con respecto a la resurrección". Se creía que "los que se
 habían quedado dormidos con piedad tenían una gran gracia puesta por ellos" y que "por lo tanto, es un pensamiento santo y
 sano orar por los muertos, para que puedan ser liberados de los pecados".

 Este año, como parte de la celebración de nuestros fieles difuntos, publicaremos pancartas con sus nombres para ser recorda-
 dos en todas las misas y una vela encendida en su honor a par r del 2 de noviembre. Aprovechemos también las indulgencias
 que se pueden obtener para las Almas Santas y sobre nosotros mismos. Se puede obtener una indulgencia parcial visitando
 devotamente un cementerio y orando por los difuntos, incluso si la oración es solo mental. Uno puede obtener una indulgen-
 cia plenaria visitando un cementerio cada día entre el 1 y el 8 de noviembre. Estas indulgencias son aplicables sólo a las Almas
 en el Purgatorio.

 Una indulgencia plenaria, de nuevo aplicable sólo a las Almas en el Purgatorio, también se concede cuando los fieles visitan
 piadosamente una iglesia o un oratorio público el 2 de noviembre. Al visitar la iglesia u oratoria, se requiere que se recite un
 Padre Nuestro y el Credo.

 Una indulgencia parcial, aplicable sólo a las almas en el purgatorio, se puede obtener cuando se reza el Descanso Eterno
 (Requiem aeternam). Esta es una buena oración para recitar especialmente durante el mes de noviembre: Concédeles descan-
 so eterno, oh Señor, y deja que la luz perpetua brille sobre ellos. Que las almas de los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de
 Dios, descansen en paz. Amén.

 A par r de ahora tenemos más de 200 nombres inscritos en nuestra Inscripción de All Souls. Únase a nosotros en la oración
 por los fieles que par eron este mes. También exploraremos formas en las próximas semanas sobre cómo recordamos las
 Almas Santas y profundizamos la comprensión de la muerte y el purgatorio.

 Mediante la prác ca de las indulgencias, la Iglesia pone a disposición carita va de los fieles el tesoro inagotable acumulado,
 de edad en época, por las sa sfacciones superabundantes de los santos, añadidas a las de los már res, y unidas a las de nues-
 tra San sima Señora y al residuo infinito de los sufrimientos de nuestro Señor. Estas remisiones de cas go las concede a los
 vivos por su propio poder directo; pero casi siempre aprueba y permite su aplicación a los muertos por medio del sufragio, es
 decir, de la manera en que, como hemos visto, cada uno de los fieles puede ofrecer a Dios que lo acepta, por otro, el sufragio
 o socorro de sus propias sa sfacciones. — El Año Litúrgico, Abad Gueranger O.S.B.

 En el amor misericordioso de Dios,

  -Padre Marinello Saguin
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 4                    31st Sunday in Ordinary Time † OCTOBER , 2021

                                     Upcoming Events
                                                                          OLG Pilgrim Image of Mary
                                                             Sign up to have the Pilgrim Image of Our Lady at your home.
                                                             Virgin Mary, the Mother and Icon of the Church. In her love
                                                            and compassion, she became the ideal disciple of the Church.
                                                            Thus, if you want to become a true disciple have devo on to
                                                            the virgin Mary by praying the Rosary.Please contact the par-
                                                             ish office if you would like to register get more details to be
                                                                    part of a prayer group with Marian Devo on.
                                                                          Pick up image aŌer 9:30am Mass

    OLG Men's Fellowship is back, this year with 3                  Imagen peregrina de María
     components: Spirituality, Service and Social.    Inscribase para tener la imagen de la Virgen peregrina en su
 Join us Saturdays at 6:40 am for the Rosary or 7am  casa. Virgen María, madre e icono de la Iglesia. En su amor y
  (promptly) for the main program unƟl 8am, in the   compasión, se convir ó en la discípula ideal de la Iglesia. Por
        Parish Center. For more details email       lo tanto, si quiere ser un verdadero discípulo tenga devoción a
   OLGFellowship@gmail.com or call 323.510.2631     la virgen María orando el Santo Rosario. Por favor, póngase en
Our social acƟviƟes are on various Monday evenings        contacto con la oficina parroquial si desea inscribirse
                throughout the year.
                                                               para obtener más detalles de esta devocion mariana.

                                   For more information please contact / para más información favor de contactar -
                                   Office of New Evangelization and Parish Life
                                   Oficina para la Nueva Evangelización y Vida Parroquial
                                   Alicia Hernandez - Administrative Assistant
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 5                       31st Sunday in Ordinary Time † OCTOBER 31, 2021


     OLG gives a warm welcome to Karla, as our new
 parish receptionist. She was born and raised in the small
  country of El Salvador and moved to the USA when she
           was 13 years old. She holds a B.A. in
Communication and a Masters in Public Relations, Strate-
gic Marketing and Account Direction. In her free time, she
  enjoys reading books, writing and hitting the outdoors.

                             †                                                October Reflection
                                                               Mother Teresa promoted peace by her confirmation of the
                                                                inviolability of human life and dignity. In 1972 the Indian
                                                                President said, “Mother Teresa is one of those liberated
                                                              souls who have transcended all barriers presented by race,
                   THE FIRESIDE                               religion & nationality. In a troubled world plagued by conflict
                   FELLOWSHIP                                  & hatred, the life that is lived & the work that is carried out
        Finding a Better, More Meaningful Life                  by people like Mother Teresa brings new hope for the fu-
                                                                                      ture of mankind.”
    “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts
become your words, your words become your actions,               An old, very sick woman was dying in the street; angry &
your actions become your habits, your habits become             resentful at her son abandoning her; praying only a Brah-
your values, your values become your destiny.” —                  min (Hindu priest) would come help her, otherwise she
Mahatma Gandhi, activist for non-violence.                      would be rendered impure. The old woman asked Mother
                         Values                                   Teresa, “Are you a Brahmin?” Mother Teresa thought,
                                                                “Brahmins are people of God who serve God & serve the
                WEDNESDAY NIGHT                                 people.” So, she replied, “Yes, I am Brahmin. Now let me
             November 3 — 7:00-8:00 p.m.                      take you to a place you can get some medical help & a safe
                                                               place to rest.” With Sister Gertrude, she took the woman to
JOIN PARISHIONERS FROM YOUR HOME COMPUT-                         a home for the dying, where she was cared for. With her
                    ER!                                        final breath the old woman exclaimed, “Son, I forgive you!”
                                                                             She died dignified, now at peace.
The focus of these discussion meetings is on discover-            In her words: Saint Mother Teresa said, "In the twenty
ing useful, valuable insights in everyday life that seem to   years working among the people, I realized being unwanted
float past the observations of most people. Wednesday         is the worst disease that any human being can ever experi-
night’s topic is Values— Who are you? Who you are is                                     ence!"
not necessarily who you’ve become.
                                                                    CHALLENGE QUESTION FOR THIS MONTH:
  VIEW PREVIOUS DISCUSSION MEETING VIDEOS                     How can you make your activities a unifying presence
    and find further info on The Fireside Fellowship          within our parish?
                        by visiting:
                                                              How can you promote a respectful tone when
     Robert-Hanley.com/TheFiresideFellowship.php              communicating with people in the secular world?
           You can call us at (818) 366-7263
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 6                                         31st Sunday in Ordinary Time † OCTOBER 31, 2021

                                            PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR BELOVED SICK
 If you know someone who is homebound or sick please call the parish office to arrange for one of our ministers to come out to them for Holy Communion

Veronica Pomposa                           Paula Aguilar                                   Grace Cihanowyz                                 Chrystal Pritchard                              Sylvia Williams
Pablo Godinez                              Ed Ricard                                       Renee Harbour                                   Raymond Fabre                                   Fr. Jarlath Cunnane
Claire Mansour                             Gary Thomas                                     Ma. Josefa Lopez                                Brianna Mantallana                              James Pryer
Mercedes Echegoyen                         Patricia Branagan                               Angela Rostani                                  Jolli Sisante                                   Sylvia Williams
Jeff Kinzli                                 Phyllis Richardson                              Stephanie Rivas                                 Liz Knight                                      Josefina Villalobos
Aidan Bradley                              Harolyn Ma soff                                  Angela Berry                                    Karlo Cuesta                                    Terry Hughes
Dawn Hopkins                               Pat Borland                                     Tony Mammo                                      Samantha Ramirez                                Leo Quintanilla
Imelda Clark                               Rita Gen le                                     Tonya Fuentes                                   Corzo Family                                    Clara Mercedes Aguilar
Phillip Ribas                              Julie Sianzon                                   Fuentes Family                                  Stephen B. Salagubang                           Jason Garcia
Jose & Helen (YB)                          Yolanda Aburto                                  Mejia Family                                    Rubén Salagubang                                Maria Acosta de Alzamora
Allison Arahkn                             Nelson Aburto                                   Fr. Tom Feltz                                   Jeannie Arigei                                  Joanne Williams
Franklin Moya                              Karo Dylanian                                   Jasmin Reyes                                    William Hardy
Mariano Velazquez                          Shereen Peer                                    Jose Reyes Jr.                                  Tim Grimm
Susan Morales                              Michael Peer                                    Anne Nicholson                                  Hermina Ulloa

                                                  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY
                                                            PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR MILITARY MEN & WOMEN

 U.S. Navy                                  U.S. Air Force                                 Christopher Castillo                          Brian Pomerantz                                 Anthony Diaz
 Andres L. Aguilera                         Fernando Aguilera                              Andrew Barragan                               Corey Raby                                     U.S. Coast Guard
 Jamila Habibullah                          Marco Flores                                   Monica Pagan                                  Vincent Sanwo                                  David Scates
 Jake Schneider                             Jorje Godina                                   Isaac Pezqueda                                Ron Clemente                                   (LAFD) Brian Page
 Emily Pomposo                              Steve Hyath                                    George Moreno Jr.                             Anthony Villwock
 Jordan Arteaga                             U.S. Marine Corps                              U.S. Army                                     George Moreno
 Jeffrey Quintero                            Manuel Arteaga                                 Nicholas Lombard                              Phillip Ribas
                                            David Arnold                                   Heather Pomerantz                             Marc A. Monreal

                                                    Mass Intentions for this week
Sat, 10/30                            Sun, 10/31                                Mo.                            Tu.                         Wed.                   Thurs.                  Fri.                     Sat.
 @ 5pm                                                                         11/01                          11/02                        11/03                  11/04                  11/05                    11/06

             8am     Lori Hugo (L); Herbert John Bangoy (D); Maria Donato M. Garcia (D); Sr. Emilie-Ann Palladino (D), Rumon & Arjuna Dominic (L);     Jeffery Alfonso (L),       Angelina G. Beltran (L) Carlos Romeo Mejia (D)
                     Paz Gu errez Dylay (D); Isidora Selisalda (D); Teresita D. Garcia (D); Hilda Suares (D), Christopher &     Herbert John Bangoy(D) Emilia Effrain (L),
                     Felisa De la Cruz (D)                          Eugenio  Pino (D)       Noeline Ernest (D), Raj Ernest (D),                        Antonia &  Saul Elias (L)
                                                                                               Lucian Ernest (D), Patrick Corera (D).

             9:30    Lee Gassin (D) Joseph Oghassabian (D); Helen
                     L. Su (D); Regina Kitcharoen (D)

             11am    Misa Pro-Populo
             12:30 Porsevio Selisalda (D); Bandina Selisalda (D);
                     Quevino Selisalda (D); Zenaida Selisalda (D);
                     Barbara Favaci (D), Mike & Ursula S

         ***Please call or come to the parish of ice 10 days in advance to ensure your "Mass Intention" request is fully processed***


       Facebook @OurLadyOfGraceEncino                                                                                         Flocknotes: Text OLGRACE to 84576
       Instagram @olgencino                                                                                                   Youtube @OurLadyofGraceEncino
For Faith Direct dona ons please go to hƩps://membership.faithdirect.net/CA771 or text an
                            amount to the number listed below.
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 7                           31st Sunday in Ordinary Time † OCTOBER 31, 2021

    Mass Schedule                            Mass Readings
   Horario de Misas                          Santas Lecturas                PARISH STAFF
                                        31st Sunday in Ordinary Time   Fr. Marinello Saguin,
    Saturday / Sabado:                  First Reading:
    5:00 pm (Vigil Mass)                                               Parish Pastor
                                        Dt 6:2-6
    Sunday / Domingo:                   Responsorial Psalm:
      8:00am, 9:30am,                   Ps18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51          Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
11:00 am (Spanish), 12:30pm             Second Reading:                Associate Pastor
                                        Heb 7:23-28
Weekdays / Misa Matutina
                                        Gospel:                        Glen Heffernan,
    8:00 am (Mon—Sat)
First Friday of the Month                                              Deacon
          6:30pm          Monday, November 1 , 2021                    dnglen@ourladyofgrace.org
                                        First: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14
Eucharistic Adoration /
                        Psalm: 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6                    Karla Gomez
Adoracion Eucaristica Second: 1 Jn 3:1-3
   Mon-Fri: 8:30am—6pm                                                 Receptionist
                                        Gospel: 1 Jn 3:1-3
     Parish Center                                                     kgomezaraya@la-archdiocese.org
    Adoration Chapel                    Tuesday, November 2, 2021
                                        First: Wis 3:1-9               Kevin Schaffels,
Sacrament of Penance /                  Psalm: 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6     Admin. & Ministerial Operations
                                        Second: Rom 6:3-9
     Confesiones                                                       kschaffels@la-archdiocese.org
                                        Gospel: Jn 6:37-40
         (in the church )
  (Christmas & Lent times may change)
                               Wednesday, November 3, 2021             Leslie Reyes,
  Friday: 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 10:00am First: Rom 13:8-10                         Secretary / bulletin editor
                               Psalm: 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9                 administrator@ourladyofgrace.org
Contact the Parish Center for: Gospel: Lk 14:25-33
 Baptism ♦ Marriages ♦ Visits to
                                                                       Jeannie Rogers,
the Sick / Anointing of the Sick ♦ Thursday, November 4, 2021
Religious Education ♦ Funerals ♦ First: Rom 14:7-12                    Director of Music
 New Parishioner Registrations                                         liturgy@ourladyofgrace.org
                                        Psalm: 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14
                                        Gospel: Lk 15:1-10
 Parish Office Hours /                                                 Anisha Virgen,
  Horario de Oficina                    Friday, November 5, 2021
                                                                       Outreach & Social Justice
                                        First: Rom 15:14-21
  Monday - Friday 9:00 am to            Psalm: 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4
           6:00 pm                      Gospel: Lk 16:1-8
      (Closed for lunch:                                               Jesse Rodriguez,
       12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)              Saturday, November 6, 2021     Religious Education
                                        First: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27   dre@ourladyofgrace.org
   Saturdays & Sundays:                 Psalm: 145:2-3, 4-5, 10-11
         Closed                         Gospel: Lk 16:9-15
                                                                       Thomas Ambriz,

     Sabado y Domingo:                                                 School Principal
         Cerrado                                                       (818) 344-4126
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
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31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ... 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 31, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
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