Página creada Isabel Garibay
First Sunday Of Lent                                                             March 10, 2019

                       CATHOLIC CHURCH

                       116 N. Lake St. Mundelein, IL 60060 Phone: 847-949-8300
                              Fax: 847-949-2339 Website:
2 We are his Eucharistic people                                                   Parish Directory/Directorio Parroquial
Parish Staff
Rev. Miguel Martinez, Pastor
Phone: 847-949-8300
Rev. Gerald O’Reilly Associate Pastor
Phone: 847-990-6858
Dave Auld, Deacon
Felipe Vazquez, Deacon

Parish Phone Number: 847-949-8300
Parish office Hours:
Mon.-Fri. 8:30am –5:30pm
(closed from 1:00 to 2:00pm for lunch)
Sat. 8:30am-12:30pm (closed Sun.)

Donna Rothmann, Business Manager
Phone Number: 847-990-6853

Aida Muñoz, RE Director
Phone 847-990-6865 or 847-990-6857
                                                          Mass Schedule                                               Horario de Misas
Debbie Titus, Music Director                              Weekend                                                     Sábado— Iglesia 7:00pm
Phone 847-949-8300                                        Saturday—Church 5:00 pm                                     Domingo—Iglesia 8:45am & Medio día
                                                          Sunday—Church 10:30 am
                                                          Chapel: 7:30am & Noon                                       Bilingual Mass/Misa Bilingüe
Catholic Consortium of Lake County                        Weekday                                                     Sunday—Church /Iglesia 7:00pm
Tammy Kleckner– Principal                                 Monday-Friday 8:15 am in the chapel,
Frassati Catholic Academy—847-487-5600                    Saturday 8:15 am in the chapel                              Emergency Number (for anointing)
Transfiguration –847-526-6311                             Holy Days                                                   1 847-990-6870 (para unción de enfermos)
St. Mary of the Annunciation—847-223-4021                 Schedule will be in bulletin with times.

Devotions                                                                            Devociones
   Guadalupe Devotions -Thursdays 7:30pm in the church (Spa)                         Nuestra Sra. De Guadalupe - jueves 7:30 PM en la iglesia principal

  Adoration 9:00am followed by Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy                Exposición del Santísimo 9am—Hora Santa, Rosario y Novena a La Divina
  Chaplet Wednesdays at 3PM and mass at 4PM in the chapel.                           Misericordia Miércoles a las 3PM y Misa a las 4pm en la capilla
Sacraments                                                                           Sacramentos
Sacrament of Marriage                                                                Matrimonios
  Arrangements should be made at the Rectory with a priest at least                     Los arreglos deben hacerse al menos 4 meses antes del matrimonio con el
  four months in advance.                                                               Sacerdote.
Sacrament of the Sick
                                                                                        Sábados de 4:00PM a 4:45PM en la iglesia
  Arrangements should be made at your convenience with one of the
                                                                                        Primeros sábados del mes 9:00am en la capilla (después de misa de 8:15am)
  priests. In case of emergency, please call the Rectory at once.                    Bautizos
Sacrament of Reconciliation                                                             Requisitos: Una copia del acta de nacimiento de su hijo/a, si alguno de los
  Sat. 4:00-4:45pm—church                                                               padrinos tiene su pareja, se requiere una copia del acta de matrimonio de la
  First Saturdays 9:00am—chapel (after the 8:15am mass)                                 iglesia. Horario de oficina es de lunes a viernes de 8:30 am, a 5:30pm. Los
Sacrament of Baptism                                                                    bautizos son los 2ndo y 4o sábados a las 11:00am, y los 4o domingos a las
  Bring a copy of your baby’s birth certificate, a copy of the sponsors marriage        2:00pm. Si tiene alguna pregunta puede comunicarse al 847-949-8300.
  certificate from the Catholic Church to the rectory office during office           Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones
  hours. Baptisms are the first Sundays of the month at 2PM in the                      Las inscripciones son en Julio y Agosto de cada año. Las clases son de
  chapel.                                                                               Septiembre hasta Mayo.
Sick Visits                                                                          Quinceañeras (no es un sacramento)
  If you know of some one that is sick at home or in the hospital and                   Inscripciones son durante los meses de enero y julio, en horas de oficina.
  would like to receive the Eucharist, please contact the parish office                 Para mas información por favor comuníquese al (847) 949-8300.
  one of our Eucharistic Ministers of Care or Priests will visit you.                Visitas a los Enfermos
Anointing Mass                                                                       Si tiene algún ser querido que no puede asistir a misa y quiere recibir la Comunión,
                                                                                     comuníquese a la rectoría al 847-949-8300.
Second Saturdays of the month at 8:15am in the chapel.
To Open Hearts to God                                                                                    3
GOSPEL MEDITATION                                      MEDITACIÓN EVANGELIO
March 10, 2019                                         10 de marzo de 2019
1st Sunday of Lent                                     1er Domingo de la Cuaresma

As we enter into this Lenten season of penance         El pasado Miércoles de Ceniza iniciamos nuestro
and self-denial, we're reminded that the God we        camino de preparación del 2019. Serán cuarenta
follow is no stranger to these things. In this         días para llegar a la Pascua del Señor. Esa es
Sunday's Gospel, we see the temptations of Jesus       nuestra meta, quiera Dios que la sepamos
which have parallels throughout Scripture and in       cumplir. "Convertirse y creer en el Evangelio"; es
our own lives. The apostle John warns against          la invitación que Jesús nos sigue haciendo cada
temptations to sensual lust, enticement of the         día de la existencia. Aparte de las lecturas de este
eyes, and a pretentious life (cf. 1 John 2:16).        domingo, el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica nos
Before Eve plucks the fruit from the tree, she hears   enseña: "El movimiento de retorno a Dios,
it is good for food, pleasing to the eyes, and         llamado a la conversión y arrepentimiento,
desirable for gaining wisdom (cf. Genesis 3:6). The    implica un dolor y una aversión respecto a los
temptations of Jesus are our own.                      pecados cometidos, y el propósito firme de no
                                                                     volver a pecar. La conversión, por
"Turn these stones to bread." Here is                                tanto, mira al pasado y al futuro; se
the lure of bodily comfort, like good                                nutre de la esperanza en la
food or sensual lust. It's the simplest                              misericordia divina." (CIC 1490). Esto,
of temptations because it's                                          por supuesto, nos ha de llevar a la
instinctual. We want good for our                                    reconciliación o confesión
bodies! But there may be times these                                 sacramental.
bodily goods don't serve the higher
good for our souls. The leap "from the temple          Jesús fue tentado tres veces y las tres le responde
parapet" would entice the eye of the person            al demonio basándose en la Escritura. "Si eres el
watching. A feat like this would prove Jesus'          Hijo de Dios, manda a esta piedra que se
Messianic ability. His popularity could be a           convierta en pan." Jesús responde: "Quería
shortcut to the cross. We might not be daredevils,     enseñarte que no solo de pan vive el hombre,
but we want people to like us and be impressed         sino que todo lo que sale de la boca de Dios es
by us. Do we sacrifice our values along the way?       vida para el hombre." (Deuteronomio 8:3). "Si te
To "bow and worship" the devil - and so claim          arrodillas y me adoras, todo será tuyo." Jesús le
power and a pretentious life - seems like a            replicó: "La Escritura dice: Adorarás al Señor tu
dramatic temptation. Not everyone may feel             Dios y a él solo servirás." (Deuteronomio 6:13). A
enticed by power in the professional sense, but all    la tercera tentación: "Si tú eres el Hijo de Dios,
of us want control. A volunteer team can feel just     tírate de aquí abajo, pues dice la Escritura: 'Dios
as intense as the boardroom! How often do we           ordenara a sus ángeles que te protejan.'" Jesús le
prefer to be in control of our lives (and perhaps      replicó: "También dice la Escritura: 'No tentarás al
even the lives of others), rather than allow God to    Señor tu Dios.'" Palabras del salmo (91:11-12).
be God?                                                Inicia la Cuaresma meditando estos pasajes de la
When we consider areas of temptation and sin, it's     Sagrada Escritura---serán de gran ayuda para
not to feel ashamed. The temptation in the desert      volver el corazón a Dios.
reminds us that we are not alone and that the
strength of Jesus can be our strength, too.
4                                                                                                                        To Open Hearts to God

                                            Santa Maria del Popolo
                                               Parish Mission
                                                    Presented by: Dr. Pauline Viviano
                       Sunday, March 24, 2019 – Tuesday, March 26, 2019
                                      7:00pm - chapel
                                                   116 N. Lake St. Mundelein | (847) 949- 8300

                                                                “Falling in Love with God”
                          “Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way.
                            (Pedro Arrupe, S.J.)

Pauline A. Viviano, Ph.D. is an
Associate Professor Emerita of
Theology at Loyola University
of Chicago where she taught
for thirty-five years. She holds      Day 1 - “Longing for God,” will focus on how our longing for God is expressed and directs us to
a doctorate in Biblical                 God.
Languages and Literature from         Day 2 - “God Longs for Us” will consider how God shows his longing for us in creation,
St. Louis University. Though
she has recently retired from           deliverance, and covenant. It will also address how God’s longing for us is most fully and
Loyola        University Chicago,       completely realized in the gift of his Son.
she continues to lecture at           Day 3 - “Living the Longing” will suggest how we are to live our acceptance of God’s gift of
parishes and synagogues in
and around Chicago. We are              salvation in relationship to God and to one another.
blessed to welcome her to our

                            Misión de Cuaresma
                                 18 al 22 de marzo (lunes a viernes)
                                        7:00PM a 8:30PM
                                          Iglesia grande
             Lunes                                 Padre Xamie Reyes—Parábola del Hijo Prodigo
             Martes                                Padre Robinson Ortiz—Las 7 Palabras
             Miércoles                             Padre Eduardo García—Los Novicimos
             Jueves                                Padre Miguel Martínez—Los 7 Dolores de María
             Viernes                               Padre Emmanuel Torres—Homilía cuaresmal
                                                               ¡Los esperamos!
To Open Hearts to God
                                    Stations of the Cross                                   VIACRUCIS

                             6:30 pm every Friday of Lent in the                         Con exposición del
                                                                                   Santísimo Sacramento 6:30 pm
                           Church—March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, April
                                                                                  en la capilla los siguientes viernes:
                                        5th, & 12th
                                       _________________________                       Marzo 8, 15, 22,29,
                                                                                          abril 5, & 12
                                 Chapel 12:15 pm all Fridays of Lent
                                    with exposition of the
                             Blessed Sacrament and Benediction

         CONFESSIONS DURING LENT                                          CONFESIONES EN CUARESMA

     Every Saturday in the Church from                              Todos los sábados en la Iglesia de 4:00 pm
            4:00 pm to 4:45 pm.                                                      a 4:45 pm.
  Chapel Confessional: 1st Saturdays after                         En el confesionario de la capilla: Los primeros
              8:15 am mass                                            sábados después de la misa de 8: 15 am
          CONFESSIONS DURING                                       CONFESIONES DURANTE LA SEMANA SANTA
        HOLY WEEK AT THE CHURCH                                          IGLESIA: Jueves, Abril 11 - 6:00pm
         Thursday, April 11 6:00pm

                              Be Included in our directory
                            Forme parte de nuestro directorio
                                  Family Directory Photography Dates and Times
                                      Fechas y horarios para sacar su foto

   Dates:               hours:                               Fechas:                       horas:
   Tuesday - friday                                          Martes - viernes
   March 12 – 15        2:00 pm a 8:30 pm                    Marzo 12 – 15                 2:00 pm a 8:30 pm
   March 19 – 22        2:00 pm a 8:30 pm                    Marzo 19 – 22                 2:00 pm a 8:30 pm
   March 26 – 29        2:00 pm a 8:30 pm                    Marzo 26 – 29                 2:00 pm a 8:30 pm

   Sundays                                                   Marzo 16                      9:00 am a 4:00 pm
   March 16             9:00 am a 4:00 pm                    Marzo 23                      9:00 am a 4:00 pm
   March 23             9:00 am a 4:00 pm                    Marzo 30                      9:00 am a 4:00 pm
   March 30             9:00 am a 4:00 pm

   To make an appointment you can stop by the                Para hacer una cita puede pasar por las mesas
   tables after Mass or call Ron at                          localizadas en la parte de atrás de la iglesia después
   847-964-3975.                                             de la misa o llamar a Ron al 847-964-3975.

   If you have changed your address or phone                 Si cambio su dirección, número de teléfono o si no
   number, or if you don’t want to be published              quiere que su información se publique en el
   in the directory please let the rectory know.             directorio, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial.
6    We Open Our Door To Everyone                                                           To Open Hearts to God

                                                    SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL NOTICE

                                                     Starting APRIL 1st the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
                                                     at Santa Maria will not be accepting clothing
                                                     donations. We will not be having a clothing room here
         Today’s Readings                            at the rectory. We will continue having our food
Responsorial Psalm: (Ps 91)
Be with me, Lord, when I am in          After April 1st the Society will be giving a SVDP voucher for our
trouble.                                clients for clothing when needed to the SVDP Thrift Store in
                                        Libertyville, IL.
Gospel: (Lk 4:1-2)
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus      Kindly bring your clothing donations to the SVDP Thrift Store in
returned from the Jordan                Libertyville at 168 Peterson Road, Libertyville, IL. It is located
and was led by the Spirit into the      across from the ACE Hardware Store.
desert for forty days,
to be tempted by the devil.             The SVDP Store will be very grateful for your donations of
He ate nothing during those days,       clothing, shoes, knick knacks, etc. It is a great location to shop
and when they were over he was
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass   The Society is very grateful for your continued support. Bless you
©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD                   for all you do for those in need.

Catholic quote                                              Liturgical Roles
"You are a pilgrim in this life on a    SATURDAY, 3/16/2019 - 5:00 pm         SABADO, 3/16/2019 - 7:00pm
                                        (ENGLISH) - CHURCH                    (ESPAÑOL) - IGLESIA
  journey home." -St. Teresa of                                               Presider/ Padre
             Calcutta                   Presider/ Padre
                                          Fr. Gerald O’Reilly                   Fr. John Calgaro

       Lecturas Dominicales                                                   DOMINGO, 3/17/2019 - 8:45am
                                        SUNDAY, 3/17/2019 - 7:30 am           (ESPAÑOL) - IGLESIA
                                        (ENGLISH) - CHAPEL                    Presider/ Padre
Salmo responsorial: (91)                Presider/ Padre                         Fr. German Alzate
Esta conmigo Señor en la                  Fr. Gerald O’Reilly
tribulacion .                             Deacon David Auld                   DOMINGO, 3/17/2019 - 12:00pm
                                                                              (ESPAÑOL) - IGLESIA
                                        SUNDAY, 3/17/2019 –10:30 am           Presider/ Padre
Evangelio: - (Lk 4:1-2)                 (ENGLISH) - CHURCH                      Fr. German Alzate
                                        Presider/ Padre
Lleno del Espíritu Santo, regresó         Fr. Gerald O’Reilly                 DOMINGO, 3/17/2019 - 7:00 pm
del Jordán y conducido por el                                                 (BILINGUAL) - CHURCH/IGLESIA
                                        SUNDAY, 3/17/2019 - 12:00pm           Presider/ Padre
mismo Espíritu, se terno en el          (ENGLISH) - CHAPEL                      Fr. Gerald O’Reilly
desierto, donde permaneció              Presider/ Padre
                                          Fr. Gerald O’Reilly
durante cuarenta días, y fue
tentado por el demonio.
                                        We as a parish continually pray for our parishioners who are sick
Lecccionario I © 1976 Comisión          Don Kroening, Fr. Dan Siwek, Anne Ring, Dario Eusee, Agnes
Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la   Radakovitz, Robert Green, Antonia Mena, Michelle Bodo,
Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.    Leticia Hernandez, , Adela Gracia Castañeda, Ofelia Gracia
                                        Murillos, Cristina Mancilla Jaime Rodriguez, Catarina Reyes
      Knights of                                          Caballeros
      Columbus                                            de Colon
   George Cardinal Mundelein                           George Cardinal Mundelein
        Council 13267                                       Council 13267

   Presents the Santa Maria                              Les extiende una cordial
     Del Popolo Fish Fry                             invitación a su Pescado Frito de
                                                          Santa Maria del Popolo
 Please join the Knights of Columbus, your                 Viernes 22 de marzo, 2019
  fellow Parishioners, and Members of the                2 horarios 5:00 pm & 6:30 pm
     Community Friday March 22, 2019
       2 Seating’s 5:00 pm & 6:30 pm                         Bacalao frito ($7.50),
 Choice of Fried Cod ($7.50), Broiled Cod                  Bacalao asado ($9.00), o
 ($9.00), or Kid’s Mac and Cheese ($5.00)            Niños macarrones con queso ($5.00)
     Water and Soft Drinks Included                            Bebidas incluidas
(Beer and Wine available at additional cost*)         (Cerveza y Wine costo adicional*)
                                                     Cada cena se servirá con papas fritas y
 Each Dinner Served with French Fries and                       ensalada de col
               Cole Slaw
                                                     Boletos disponibles después de misa o
  Tickets available after Masses and at the                      en la rectoría
Also, there will be a raffle at each sitting for a        También, se rifara una cena de
Lobster Dinner, Tickets are $1.00 each or 6          langosta, los boletos cuestan $1.00 cada
                   for $5.00                                     uno o 6 por $5.00
(winner must be present before the end of the            (el ganador debe estar presente)
   seating for which the Lobster Dinner is
To Open Hearts to God

8     Parish Notes
SATURDAY, March 9th,
St. Frances of Rome, Religious
8:15am: †Sally Gray
7:00pm Sp.: †Animas del Purgatorio,
†Natividad Guzman
SUNDAY, March 10th,
First Sunday of Lent
7:30am:†Deceased members of the Knight
of Columbus council 13267, †Marguerite
Markham, †Michelle Gilles West
8:45am Spa.: †Sto. Toribio Romo,
†Emilio Torres Avila, †Micaela Morales
10:30am: †Deceased members of the
Knight of Columbus council 13267
Special Intention: George Palmeri
12:00pm:†Alexander Soriano, †John
Werning, †Lucy Pensoli,†Deceased
members of the Knight of Columbus
council 13267
7:00pm Bil.: †Animas del Purgatorio
MONDAY, March 11th,
Lenten Weekday
8:15am:†Jose Bernardo
TUESDAY, March 12th,
Lenten Weekday
WEDNESDAY, March 13th,
Lenten Wednesday
8:15am: †Joseph Proctor
THURSDAY, March 14th,
Lenten Weekday
FRIDAY, March 15th,
Lenten Weekday
SATURDAY, March 16th,
Lenten Weekday
8:15am: †Harold Godwin
7:00pm Sp.: †Animas del Purgatorio
SUNDAY, March 17th,
Second Sunday of Lent
7:30am:†Deceased members of the Knight
of Columbus council 13267
8:45am Spa.: †Sto. Toribio Romo,
†Emilio Torres Avila
10:30am: †Deceased members of the
Knight of Columbus council 13267,
†Dorothy Palmeri
12:00pm:†Alexander Soriano, †John
Werning, †Angela Fiore, †Deceased
members of the Knight of Columbus
council 13267
9 We Serve   To Open Hearts to God
10                                                                                                                      To Open Hearts to God

 Amount Pledged               To Teach Who Christ is Campaign Update—Enseñar Quien Es Cristo
 Amount collected         The next proposed project is to install air                  El próximo proyecto propuesto es instalar aire
    $280,598              conditioning in the Church. The two                          acondicionado en la Iglesia. Las dos fuentes
  Parish Share of         sources of income for this project are the                   de ingresos para este proyecto son las
  Collected               pledges from To Teach Who Christ Is                          promesas de la Campaña Enseñar Quien Es
    $168,359              Campaign and the profit from Football                        Cristo y los beneficios de Football Mania.
                          Mania.      Thanks to your continued                         Gracias a su apoyo continuo, ya estamos
Thank you for your        support the air conditioning project is in                   trabajando en el proyecto del aire
    support               the works. The parish still needs those of                   acondicionado. La parroquia aún necesita que
If you have any
questions please call
                          you who made pledges to To Teach Who                         aquellos de ustedes que hicieron promesas de
the campaign office at    Christ Is, to continue making your                           Enseñar Quién es Cristo, que continúen
312-534-8189              payments. If your pledge is paid that is                     haciendo sus pagos. Si su promesa ya está
                          wonderful. The Michael Kors raffle                           pagada, eso es maravilloso. La rifa de Michael
                          brought in $2,245.                                           Kors recolecto $ 2,245.
                          Thank you to all who purchased tickets                       Gracias a todos los que compraron boletos y
                          and to all who won the items.                                felicidades a los ganadores.

                        STEWARDSHIP - Corresponsabilidad
                                                   A monthly electronic fund transfer is available for your stewardship contributions. It’s called Give
                                                   Central and can be found at:, you can find a link on the parish website. If
                                                   you need help please call Donna Rothmann at 847-949-8300.
 Transferencias mensuales son disponibles para su contribución a la Iglesia. Se llama Give Central y se encuentra en www., puede
 encontrar el vínculo en le págican de internet de la parroquia. Si tiene prenguntas llamar a Donna Rothmann al 847 949 8300
                                                                                                                  This Weekend            Year to Date
                                       March 3, 2019                                                            Este fin de Semana       Durante este año
 Sunday Collections / Colecta en la Iglesia:                                                 $                         11,271        $        420,224
 Electronic Fund Transfers & Credit cards / Transferencias electronica & tarjetas de crédito $                          1,908        $          41,281
 Total weekend collections / Total colectado en el fin de semana                                                $      13,179 $               461,505
 Budget / Presupuesto                                                                                           $      13,525 $               486,900
 Difference / diferencia                                                                                        $        -346 $               -25,395
 Kids' Envelope / sobres de los ninos. Kids’ offerings are invested in a yearly
 purchase for any church’s item that is related to children. Los Sobres de los niños son                        $            62 $                2,127
 para comprar elementos de la iglesia en relación con lo niños.
 Debt Reduction - Green Envelope & Credit Card/ Reduccion de la deuda - Sobre
 Verde                                                                                $        165 $         7,591
The total outstanding loans for the parish including interest is $ 3,205,258. We are using the debt reduction
envelopes to reduce one loan at a time.
El tota! de todas las deduas de la Iglesia con interees es de $3,205,258. Estamos tratando de reducer una de
estas deudas con el sobre verde con cualquier ayuda que los felibreses puedan dar para reducer una de las
deudas operacionales.
 Number of Sunday Envelopes used on this weekend / Número de sobres del domingo este fin de
 semana                                                                                                   345
 THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED WITH THE APPEAL—Campaña Anual Catolicica (lo recaudado)                                                 $           37,296
                                    THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED GENEROSITY
                                            Gracias por su Continua Generosidad
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