Página creada Nicolàs Gutiérrez
Cesc Gay. Photo by David Ruano

    spring/summer 2019
                                 SPA NIS H L A NGU A GE & C U L T URE
working                                                                   WHO WE ARE
                                                  211 east 49th street
                                                  new york, ny 10017

                                                  tel. 212.308.7720           Instituto Cervantes is an international non-profit organization founded by Spain in
                                                                              1991 to promote the Spanish language and Spanish and Hispanic-American culture
                                                                              through language classes, public programming and access to our extensive library.
                                                                              We are present on five continents with more than 75 centers spread out across
                                                                              many different countries.

    Ignacio Olmos, Executive Director
                                         ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT
                                         María Noguerol Martín, Director
                                                                              SPONSORSHIP: BE A PART, PLAY A PART
                                         Enrique García Fernández             Support Instituto Cervantes New York and consider making a tax-deductible donation.
                                         Gemma Baltasar                       As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Instituto Cervantes depends on the generosity
    CULTURAL AFFAIRS & COMMUNICATION     Javier Fernández Saavedra            of valued individuals like you. Don’t wait! You can make your donation today by check
    Ana Vázquez Barrado, Director                                             (payable to Instituto Cervantes: 211 East 49th St, New York, NY 10017) or via credit
    Carlos Contreras Elvira              TEACHERS/INSTRUCTORS                 card by calling 212 308 7720.
    Helio San Miguel                     Adriana Eiroa (Spain)                Corporate Memberships Available.
    Irene Mohedano                       Alejandra Parra (Mexico)
    María Honrubia Gastiain              Alexander Pérez (Cuba)
    Soledad López                        Alicia Violán (Spain)
                                         Ana Esteban (Spain)
    LIBRARY                              Carlos González Mexico)
    Paz V. de Troya, Director            Claudia Loring (Spain)
    W. Richard Heyer                     Diana Bravo (Venezuela)
                                         Fabián González (Argentina)
    MEMBERSHIPS                          Irene Lozano (Spain)
    María J. Núñez                       Irma Cedeño (Dominican Republic)
                                         Javier Labrador (Cuba)
    ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT            Leyma López (Cuba)
    Bertha Rocafort Lasheras, Director   Noemí Morriberón (Peru)
    Juan M. Hernández                    Mariel Acosta (Argentina)          $35 Student | Senior       Tax deductible $35
    M. Dolores Calvo Salinero            Marlenys Villamar (Cuba)           $75 Individual | Educator Tax deductible $75
    Olga Huerta                          Marta Fernández (Spain)            $90 Family               Tax deductible $90
    Sofía Luján Sifuentes                Mónica Flores (Argentina)
                                                                            $250 Friend               Tax deductible $220
                                         Paola Martínez (Colombia)
                                                                            $500 Contributor          Tax deductible $455
    RECEPTION                            Pablo Melendi (Spain)
    María J. Núñez                       Pilar Caballero (Spain)            $1,000 Supporter          Tax deductible $905
    Pedro Arango                         Rocío Rodríguez (Spain)            $2,500 Patron           Tax deductible $2405
                                         Rosario Bernabeu Fdez. (Spain)     $5,000 Benefactor       Tax deductible $4905
    BROCHURE COORDINATOR                 Sofía Cerdá (México)
    Ana Vázquez Barrado                  Úrsula Mocoso ( Peru)
                                                                              For more info about our memberships you can email us at:
                                         Vanesa Albertos (Spain)
                                         Verónica Gálvez (Spain)
                                         Yurién Ribot (Cuba)
                                                                              your donation is very important to the success of our mission
                                                                              and we thank you for your generosity.

2                                                                                                                                                                     3
This summer, Instituto Cervantes offers an ambitious and varied program, full of activities and cultural
proposals from Spain and Latin America.

Among our exhibitions, we invite you to follow the trail left in New York by one of the most emblematic
poetic voices of the 20th century in Spain, León Felipe; we remember group El Paso, which defined
and shaped the post-war avant-garde art of such renowned artists as Rafael Canogar, Juana Francés or
Pablo Serrano, and we sneak into the dressing room of the renowned conductor Pablo Heras Casado
through the photographic gaze of Fernando Sancho.

These proposals are joined by round tables such as “The Future of Europe”, in which professors such as
Jan Willem Duyvendak and Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca will discuss alongside diplomat Agustín Santos-
Maraver on the rise of populism; series of conferences such as “80 Years of Spanish Exile in the US”,
with which we want to recover the memory of the republican diaspora and make its cultural and
human contribution to New York City known; and talks such as the one that Canadian journalist Naomi
Klein will hold with activist Jamia Wilson on the role of the media in social justice movements.

The cinematographic proposals will come from Festivals such as “Panorama Europe Film Festival”,
“Galician Film and Food Festival”, “The Americas Film Festival”, “Mamalluca Chilean Film Festival”,
together with the staging of Upstairs Neighbors -theatrical debut opera by Catalan film director Cesc
Gay- and musical experiences ranging from cantaora Clara Montes to the flamenco-fusion group

These are all joined by our familiar wine tastings, book clubs and tango workshops, all under the goal
of sharing the cultural wealth of the global Hispanic world.

Un verano más, el Instituto Cervantes les ofrece una programación ambiciosa y variada, cargada de
actividades y propuestas culturales llegadas desde España y Latinoamérica.

Entre nuestras exposiciones, les invitamos a seguir el rastro que dejó en Nueva York una de las voces
poéticas más emblemáticas del siglo XX español, León Felipe; recordamos al grupo El Paso, que
definió y configuró el arte vanguardista de posguerra de la mano de artistas tan reconocidos como
Rafael Canogar, Juana Francés o Pablo Serrano, y nos colamos en el camerino del reputado director
de orquesta Pablo Heras Casado a través de la mirada fotográfica de Fernando Sancho.

A estas propuestas se unen mesas redondas tan necesarias como “The Future of Europe”, en la que
profesores como Jan Willem Duyvendak e Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca reflexionarán junto al diplomático
Agustín Santos-Maraver sobre el auge del populismo; ciclos de conferencias como “80 Years of
Spanish Exile in the US”, con el que queremos recuperar la memoria de la diáspora republicana; y
charlas como la que la periodista canadiense Naomi Klein mantendrá con la activista Jamie Wilson
en torno al papel que juegan los medios de comunicación en los movimientos de justicia social.

Las propuestas cinematográficas vendrán de la mano de Festivales como “Panorama Europe Film
Festival”, “Galician Film and Food Festival”, “The Américas Film Festival”, “Mamalluca Chilean Film
Festival”, a los que se une la puesta en escena de Upstairs Neighbours -ópera prima teatral del
director de cine catalán Cesc Gay- y experiencias musicales que van desde la cantaora Clara Montes
hasta el flamenco-fusión de Ketama.

A ello se unen nuestras ya habituales catas de vinos, los clubs de lectura y los talleres de tango, todo
con el objetivo de compartir la riqueza cultural del mundo global hispano

>> Spring/Summer
     Fall 2017     2019
                          Table of
                                                 8    ARTE

                                                 20   LITERATURA

                            CRITICAL THINKING
                                                 44   PENSAMIENTO

                                                56    ARTES ESCÉNICAS
                                                      Y MÚSICA

                                      CINEMA    80    CINE

                                     THE ART
                                    OF FOOD     110   EL ARTE DE
                                                      LA COCINA
                                             114 B I B L I OT E C A
                                             118 E S PA C I O S
                                    COURSES   120     CURSOS

                                              124     CALENDARIO

      Hierros encontrados y soldados, 1957. Pablo Serrano
Dd ialogue
        e s i g n of the arts
                  P hotography & music
                                                                               Pablo Heras Casado:
                                                                               At Home in the Whole W orld
                                                                                                                                      by fernando sancho

                                                                                                   Although frozen in time, a picture can provoke the same feeling as music does. Not for
                                                                                                   nothing, both arts share a common interest: time and space. The exhibition Pablo Heras
                                                                                                   Casado: at home in the whole world is a series of images that display the work of the
                                                                                                   conductor Pablo Heras Casado. In this body of work, photographer Fernando Sancho
                                                                                                   combines light with sound to bring the musical language closer to the visual. Fourteen
                                                                                                   black and white photographs will be shown helping us observe the universe of one of the
                                                                                                   most internationally consolidated Spanish musicians.

                                                                                                   Aunque fijada en el tiempo, una fotografía evoca tanto sentimiento como aquel que
                                                                                                   viene de la música. No en vano, ambas artes comparten un interés común: el tiempo y el
                                                                                                   espacio. La exposición Pablo Heras Casado: at home in the whole world es una serie de
                                                                                                   imágenes que dan muestra del trabajo del director de orquesta Pablo Heras Casado. En
                                                                                                   ella, Fernando Sancho emparenta la luz con el sonido para acercar el lenguaje musical
                                                                                                   al visual a través de catorce fotografías cuya apuesta por el blanco y negro nos ayudará a
                                                                                                   observar el ejercicio de abstracción de uno de los músicos españoles más consolidados

                                                  Photo by Fernando Sancho
                             Pablo Heras Casado: at home in the whole world.

                                                                               what    Opening: Thursday, April 4th 7 pm                                                                 Apr.
                                                                               when    April 4th to May 21th                                                                              4th
                                                                               where   Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission RSVP
                         >> exhibition                                                 gallery hours M-F: 10 am-7 pm. Sat: 10 am-2 pm                                                           11
d ialogue
       e s i g n of the arts
                 H istory, C inema & A rt
                                                                                    Spanish transition
                                                                                                                            to democracy
                                                                                    M o v ies ´ poster telling S tories W ithin T he H istory

                                                                                                                                          Curated by Laura Gómez Vaquero

                                                                                                        During the years of the Transition in Spain (1974-1982), cinema played an active role in
                                                                                                        the succession of changes taking place in the country. It was uniquely able to capture the
                                                                                                        different manifestations of a society confronting an iron-clad past, an unstable present,
                                                                                                        and an uncertain future. Numerous films undertook, from novel perspectives, a revision
                                                                                                        of the recent past, mainly, of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and the dictatorship.
                                                                                                        Others, on the other hand, addressed current issues such as, for example, questions
                                                                                                        of gender, and of course, the newfound freedom of expression, whose most direct (and
                                                                                                        superficial) materialization were the films that, for a short period of time, circulated under
                                                                                                        the classification S (soft-core porn).

                                                                                                        Durante los años de la Transición española (1974-1982), el cine participó de manera
                                                                                                        activa en los cambios que se sucedían en el país. Supo, de manera especial, captar los
                                                                                                        diversos estados de una sociedad enfrentada a un férreo pasado, un inestable presente
                                                                                                        y un futuro incierto. En este sentido, fueron numerosas las películas que emprendieron,
                                                                                                        desde perspectivas novedosas, una revisión del pasado reciente, principalmente de la
                                                                                                        Guerra Civil (1936-1939) y de la dictadura; otras, por el contrario, abordaron asuntos de
                                                                                                        actualidad como la política, cuestiones de género y, por supuesto, la recién estrenada
                                                                                                        libertad de expresión, cuya materialización más directa y superficial fueron las películas
                                                                                                        que, durante un breve periodo, circularán clasificadas como «S» (soft-core porn).

                              Poster of Cría Cuervos, directed by Elías Querejeta
                                                                                    what    Opening: Thursday, May 16th 7pm                                                                      May
                                                                                    when    May 16th to June 20th                                                                                16th
                                                                                    where   Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission RSVP
                           >> exhibition                                                    gallery hours M-F: 10 am-7 pm. Sat: 10 am-2 pm                                                               13
Nd eew
          s i gcultural
                n       realities & heritage
                        photography & history
                                                                   WAY TO SANTIAGO
                                                                   A Contemporary Experience to Pilgrimage
                                                                                                                     B y M anuel Valc á rcel C abo

                                                                                                                              Curated by Francisco Singul

                                                                                       Since the Middle Ages, the Road to Santiago has spread like a web throughout Europe.
                                                                                       This phenomenon has fostered and promoted bilateral relationships between European
                                                                                       countries in a fruitful exchange that led to a configuration of a common stock. Under the
                                                                                       Jacobean field: arts, architecture, literature and music share common characteristics.
                                                                                       Declared the first Cultural European Itinerary by the European Council in 1987 and a
                                                                                       World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993, today the Road to Santiago has become a
                                                                                       symbol of European unity, the umbilical cord of the old continent, thanks to which, a new
                                                                                       creativity continues to develop.

                                                                                       Desde la Edad Media, el camino de Santiago se extendió como una red por toda Europa,
                                                                                       favoreciendo e impulsando relaciones en un fructífero intercambio que dio lugar a
                                                                                       la configuración paulatina de un acervo común. El arte, la arquitectura, la literatura
                                                                                       o la música compartieron características comunes en el ámbito Xacobeo. Declarado
                                                                                       Primer Itinerario Cultural Europeo por el Consejo de Europa en 1987 y Patrimonio de
                                                                                       la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1993, la condición del Camino de Santiago es un
                                                                                       símbolo de la unidad europea, el cordón umbilical del viejo continente por el que se
                                                                                       sigue desarrollando una nueva creatividad.

                                                                                                   El Camino


                                             Plaza del Obradoiro
                                  Photo by Manuel Valcárcel Cabo
                                                                   what    Opening: Tuesday, June 25th 7pm                                                                 June
                                                                   when    June 25th to July 20th                                                                           25th
                                                                   where   Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission RSVP
                          >> exhibition                                    gallery hours M-F: 10 am-7 pm. Sat: 10 am-2 pm                                                          15
            painting , sculpture & drawing
                                                                          the poetics between
                                                                          abstraction and figuration
                                                                                                                 spanish art from the 5 0 ’ s
                                                                                                   Realistic of Madrid Group: Amalia Avia, Antonio López, Francisco López,
                                                                                                     Julio López, María Moreno, Esperanza Parada & Isabel Quintanilla.
                                                                                               El Paso Group: Rafael Canogar, Martín Chirino, Luis Feito, Juana Francés,
                                                                                                    Manuel Millares, Lucio Muñoz, Manuel Rivera, Antonio Saura, Pablo
                                                                                                                              Serrano, Antonio Suárez and Manuel Viola,

                                                                                                                                                        Curated by Maria Toral

                                                                                              This exhibition includes works by various artists who, according to the history of
                                                                                              traditional art, have been labeled under the canon of the categories of abstract and
                                                                                              figurative art or under the label of groups los Realistas de Madrid and El Paso. Nowadays,
                                                                                              they are all part of the history of Spanish art, in which they shared a particular social and
                                                                                              political context, that of the post-war period and Spain’s isolation from the international
                                                                                              environment. In this exhibition, as rarely seen before, these artists and their works are
                                                                                              shown in dialogue, with proposals dance between the most experimental and avant-
                                                                                              garde and what is considered as traditional art. Despite the apparent distance between
                                                                                              them, there are common points and influences that go beyond technique and concept.

                                                                                              Esta exposición incluye obras de varios artistas que según la historia del arte tradicional,
                                                                                              se han etiquetado bajo el canon de las categorías del arte abstracto y figurativo, o bajo
                                                                                              la etiqueta del grupo de los Realistas de Madrid y el grupo El Paso. Todos ellos forman
                                                                                              parte de la historia del arte español, en la que compartieron un contexto social y político
                                                                                              determinado, el de la posguerra y el aislamiento de España en relación al ambiente
                                                                                              internacional. En esta exposición se muestran, como en pocas ocasiones anteriormente,
                                                                                              a estos artistas y sus obras en diálogo, y con propuestas que ocupan una graduación
                                                                                              entre lo más experimental y vanguardista y el considerado arte tradicional. A pesar de la
                                                                                              aparente distancia entre ellos, se constatan puntos comunes e influencias, que van más
                                                                                              allá de la técnica y el concepto.

                           Metamorfósis Máscara, by Manuel Rivera. 1961
                                                                          what    Opening: Thursday, July 25th 7pm                                                                    July
                                                                          when    July 25th 7pm to Sept 3rd                                                                           25th
                                                                          where   Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission RSVP
                        >> exhibition                                             gallery hours M-F: 10 am-7 pm. Sat: 10 am-2 pm                                                              17
8d 0e sYi ears
      design   g n of S panish E xile
                                                                            León Felipe: Who am i?
                                                                                                            A poetic journey
                                                                                                                                       Curated by Alberto Martín Márquez

                                                                                                León Felipe. Who am I? exhibition is a journey across the poet’s life and poetic universe
                                                                                                through almost a hundred objects, including photographs, paintings, drawings, books and
                                                                                                manuscripts. Unclassifiable poet, pharmacist, librarian, actor and translator, Leon Felipe
                                                                                                became, after the Civil War, ambassador and patriarch of the Spanish exile in Mexico.
                                                                                                Leading a nomad lifestyle, he ended up in the city of New York where he went along with
                                                                                                great figures like Fernando de Los Ríos, José Camprubí, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Ángel del
                                                                                                Río, Federico Onís, García Maroto and Federico García Lorca. This selection of pieces and
                                                                                                materials are directly related not only to the figure of León Felipe and its impact in the
                                                                                                literary field, but also to the historical context in which he had to live in.

                                                                                                Commemorative event for the 50th Anniversary of the author’s death and the 80 Years
                                                                                                of Spanish Exile.

                                                                                                La muestra León Felipe. ¿Quién soy yo? es un viaje por el universo vital y poético del
                                                                                                autor a través de alrededor de un centenar de objetos, entre fotografías, pinturas,
                                                                                                dibujos, libros y manuscritos. Poeta inclasificable, farmacéutico, bibliotecario, actor y
                                                                                                traductor, León Felipe se convirtió tras la Guerra Civil en embajador y patriarca del exilio
                                                                                                español en México. En su errancia recaló después en Nueva York, donde coincidió con
                                                                                                grandes figuras como Fernando de los Ríos, José Camprubí, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Ángel
                                                                                                del Río, Federico Onís, García Maroto o Federico García Lorca. Las piezas y materiales
                                                                                                seleccionados ayudan a reconstruir la figura de León Felipe y su impacto en el ámbito
                                                                                                literario, pero también en el contexto histórico que le tocó vivir.

                                                                                                Actividad en el marco de la conmemoración del 50 Aniversario del fallecimiento del autor
                                                                                                y de los 80 años del exilio español

                            León Felipe: Photo from Fundación León Felipe
                                                                            what    Opening: Thursday, Sept. 12th 7pm                                                                  Sep.
                                                                            when    September 12th 7pm to October 9th                                                                  12th
                                                                            where   Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission RSVP
                         >> exhibition                                              gallery hours M-F: 10 am-7 pm. Sat: 10 am-2 pm                                                             19

            Antonio Orejudo. Photo: la Voz de Almería
Ldievsei gton write                                                                                   orejudo vs. orejudo
                                                                                                                   a life for literature
                                                                                                                              I N con v ersation with pilar celma

                                                                                                                              Hispanist Pilar Celma will talk with the Spanish writer Antonio Orejudo about his career
                                                                                                                              after devoting a lifetime to literature. For that purpose, and based on the texts of his latest
                                                                                                                              book, Grandes éxitos she will establish a common thread between some of the most
                                                                                                                              important literary pieces that Orejudo has produced for more than 30 years of career. A
                                                                                                                              singular production, lacking indulgence, with abundant self-criticism and full of his refined
                                                                                                                              sense of humor. Antonio Orejudo’s work stands out for a narrative structure with inner
                                                                                                                              sense which has become one of his personal stamps.

                                                                                                                              La hispanista Pilar Celma charlará con el escritor español Antonio Orejudo sobre su
                                                                                                                              trayectoria tras toda una vida dedicada a literatura. Para ello y partiendo de los textos
                                                                                                                              de su último libro, Grandes éxitos, se establecerá un hilo conductor entre algunas de las
                                                                                                                              piezas literarias más importantes que Orejudo ha producido a lo largo de más de 30 años
                                                                                                                              de carrera. Una producción singular, carente de complacencia, con abundante autocrítica
                                                                                                                              y regada de su refinado y particular sentido del humor. Una obra, la de Antonio Orejudo,
                                                                                                                              con una estructura narrativa llena de sentido interno como seña de identidad

                                                           Antonio Orejudo. Photo Tusquets Editores S.A.

                                                                                                           what    Talk in Spanish with simultaneous translation in English
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for                    when    Thursday, May 9th, 7pm                                                                                9th
     your generosity.                                                                                      where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >> talk
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                                                                   23
Ldievsei gton write                                                                                    me llamo nueva yorK
                                                                                                               walking the big apple
                                                                                                                    F rancesc P eir ó n in con v ersation with A na N ieto

                                                                                                                               The NY Press Correspondent for La Vanguardia Francesc Peirón’s new book, My name is
                                                                                                                               New York, is a walk through some of the most picturesque neighborhoods of the Big Apple.
                                                                                                                               The publication follows the footsteps of E.B. White’s classic Here is New York (2003) as
                                                                                                                               well as The New York Times journalist Charlie LeDuff’s Work and Other Sins. Life in New
                                                                                                                               York City and Thereabouts (2004). The characters that inhabit those neighborhoods draw
                                                                                                                               us an energetic city, full of life that form an incredible mosaic of realities that not only
                                                                                                                               explain the city, but also show us the most heartfelt part of the human condition.

                                                                                                                               Me llamo Nueva York es un paseo por algunos de los barrios más pintorescos de la
                                                                                                                               Gran Manzana. La publicación que nos propone Francesc Peirón, corresponsal de La
                                                                                                                               Vanguardia, sigue la estela del clásico Here is New York (2003) de E.B. White, y de las
                                                                                                                               narraciones del periodista de The New York Times Charlie LeDuff en su Work and other
                                                                                                                               sins. Life in New York City and Thereabouts (2004). Los personajes que la pueblan nos
                                                                                                                               dibuja una ciudad energética, llena de vida, y juntos conforman un mosaico de realidades
                                                                                                                               tan increíbles que no solo explican una ciudad, sino que nos permiten llegar hasta lo
                                                                                                                               más conmovedor de la condición humana.

                                                     Me llamo Nueva York (book cover), by Francesc Peirón

                                                                                                            what    Talk in Spanish with simultaneous translation in English
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for                     when    Monday, June 3rd, 7pm                                                                               3rd
     your generosity.                                                                                       where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >> talk
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                                                                 25
Ldievsei gton write
                   M emory & L iterature
                                                                                             the age of
                                                                                                                                                   an eccentric legacy

                                                                                                                                                Aaron Schulman in conversation
                                                                                                                                                  with Stephania Sferra Taladrid

                                                                                                                Though little-known outside of Spain, Leopoldo Panero was regarded during the Francisco
                                                                                                                Franco years as the country’s poet laureate. Half a century after his death in 1962,
                                                                                                                Panero’s legacy lived on through his three tormented, eccentric and equally talented
                                                                                                                sons. Out of this one family’s many travails, Aaron Shulman has fashioned The Age of
                                                                                                                Disenchantments, in which he juxtaposes the Panero clan’s literary successes to their
                                                                                                                biography and to the political history of Spain itself.

                                                                                                                Aunque poco conocido fuera de España, Leopoldo Panero fue considerado durante los
                                                                                                                años de la dictadura como el poeta del franquismo. Medio siglo después de su muerte
                                                                                                                en 1962, el legado de Leopoldo siguió vivo a través de sus tres atormentados, excéntricos
                                                                                                                y talentosos hijos. Aaron Shulman rescata las difíciles circunstancias de esta familia en
                                                                                                                The Age of Disenchantment, en la que yuxtapone los éxitos literarios del clan Panero a su
                                                                                                                biografía y a la historia política de la España en que vivieron.

                                                                            Aaron Schulman
                                                                                             what    Book launch in English
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for      when    Tuesday, April 16th, 7pm                                                                        16th
     your generosity.                                                                        where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >> talk
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                                               27
#d poets
        e s i g n in n Y                                                                         ALEXIS DÍAZ PIMENTA
                                                                                                 repentismo and poetry
                                                                                                                                                              the v erse ’ s freedom

                                                                                                                                                      Introduced by Carlos Aguasaco
                                                                                                                                                     Q&A moderated by Pedro Poitevin
                                                                                                                    His dedications to oral tradition, the agility of his rhyme and his passion for the ten-line
                                                                                                                    stanza have made the writer, poet, and teacher, Alexis Díaz Pimienta, one of the greatest
                                                                                                                    improvisers in Hispanic America. The ten-line stanza that arrived in Cuba from Spain found
                                                                                                                    in the countryside fertile ground for creation and renewal. A genre that has recently spread
                                                                                                                    among young people as hip hop. A peak that once again manifests the saturation of non-
                                                                                                                    verbal communication and the need, without realizing it, to meet again with the living
                                                                                                                    voice, returning to the origins of the lyric genre.

                                                                                                                    Su dedicación a la tradición oral, la agilidad de su rima y su pasión por la décima han
                                                                                                                    convertido al escritor, poeta y docente, Alexis Díaz Pimienta, en uno de los mayores
                                                                                                                    repentistas de Hispanoamérica. La décima que llego a Cuba desde España encontró en
                                                                                                                    el campo un terreno fértil para la creación y su renovación. Un género que últimamente
                                                                                                                    se ha extendido entre los jóvenes a ritmo de hip hop. Un apogeo que vuelve a manifestar
                                                                                                                    la saturación de la comunicación no verbal y la necesidad, sin saberlo, de reencontrarse
                                                                                                                    con la voz viva, volviendo a los orígenes del género lírico.

                                                                                                                    In collaboration with La Guagua Community Poetry Festival

                                                                          Alexis Diaz Pimienta

                                                                                                 what    Improvise verse and poetry
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for          when    Monday, April 1st, 7pm                                                                                1st
     your generosity.                                                                            where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >>talk/performance                                                                                                                                                 29
#d poets
        e s i g n in n Y                                                                  kerouac festival NY
                                                                                                      MUSIC & SPOKEN WORD
                                                                                                             E xperimental P erformance & R eading

                                                                                                             With Wöyza, Rocío Cerón, Abraham Chavelas, Marina
                                                                                                             Oroza, Alberto Avendaño, Katryn Strobel, Vanesa
                                                                                                             Álvarez, José Lameiras, Celia Parra, Courtney Surmanek,
                                                                                                             Mariana Sofía Lima, RK Pérez and Salomé Egas.

                                                                                                             Inspired by the Beat Generation, artists from all over America, Spain and the U.S. gather
                                                                                                             in the Big Apple for three days of concerts, recitals and poetic actions, in a dynamic and
                                                                                                             contemporary show of the different forms that poetry can take today: slam, spoken word,
                                                                                                             hip hop, stand up poetry or performance.

                                                                                                             Inspirados por la Generación Beat, artistas de toda América, España y EE.UU. se reúnen en
                                                                                                             la Gran Manzana para ofrecernos tres días de conciertos, recitales y acciones poéticas,
                                                                                                             en una muestra dinámica y contemporánea de las distintas formas que puede adoptar
                                                                                                             la poesía en nuestros días: slam, spoken word, hip hop, stand up poetry o performance.


                                                                                          what    Poetry and Performance in English/Spanish
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for   when    Wednesday, April 3rd, 7pm                                                                            3rd
     your generosity.                                                                     where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >>poetry/performance                              + info:                                                                         31
#d poets
        e s i g n in n Y                                                                              Luna y panorama
                                                                                                                 sobre los rascacielos

                                                                                                                                                                  With José Francisco Álvarez-Koki,
                                                                                                                                                               Nuria Morgado & Alejandro Varderi.

                                                                                                                         Luna y panorama en los rascacielosgathers the plural voices of Spanish poetry in New
                                                                                                                         York. We are invited to wander the intimate paths circulated by emotions through the
                                                                                                                         plural voices of these poets, far from their origin while riding among cultures. From this
                                                                                                                         uncertain point, they tell us their impressions of a city that awakens astonishment and
                                                                                                                         contradiction, strangeness and familiarity, seduction and disenchantment, and which
                                                                                                                         inevitably filters through the skin to be part of the vital dynamic of those who inhabit,
                                                                                                                         live, guess and sense it. In addition to his own poetic work, in this edition F. Álvarez Kokir
                                                                                                                         brings us closer to other authors such as Inmaculada Lara Bonilla, Ana Vidal Egea, Juan
                                                                                                                         Navidad, Saida Santana, Almudena Vidorreta, Marcos de la Fuente, Tina Escaja and
                                                                                                                         Gonzalo Sobejano.

                                                                                                                         Luna y panorama en los rascacielos, reúne las voces pluarales de la poesía española
                                                                                                                         en Nueva York. Se nos invita a recorrer los senderos íntimos por los que circulan las
                                                                                                                         emociones a través de las voces plurales de estos poetas, lejos de su origen y que
                                                                                                                         cabalgan entre culturas. Desde ese punto incierto nos cuentan sus impresiones sobre
                                                                                                                         una ciudad que despierta asombro y contradicción, extrañeza y familiaridad, seducción
                                                                                                                         y desencanto, y que inevitables se filtra por la piel para ser parte de la dinámica vital de
                                                                                                                         quien la habita, la vive, la adivina y la presiente.

                                                                                                                         Entre los autores: F. Álvarez Koki, I. Lara Bonilla, Saida Santana, Almudena Vidorreta, Tina
                                                                                                                         Escaja, Gonzalo Sobejano.

                                                              New York by Ana Vázquez Barrado, 2018

                                                                                                      what    Book launch in English and Spanish
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for               when    Tuesday, April 9th, 7pm                                                                               9th
     your generosity.                                                                                 where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >> reading
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                                                             33
d e s i g n in motion
     español                                                                                 DOCTA Y SABIA ATENEA
                                                                                             STUDIA IN HONOREM LÍA SCHWARTZ
                                                                                                                                    sharing v alues for future

                                                                                                                    With Susan Byrne, Isabel Pérez Cuenca, Dr. Mariano de la
                                                                                                                                                      Campa & Eduardo Lago

                                                                                                                 Docta y sabia Atenea. Studia in honorem Lía Schwartz, co-edited by the University
                                                                                                                 Institute “The Court in Europe”, has been published as a tribute to Professor Lía Schwartz,
                                                                                                                 Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York, The Graduate Center. It contains
                                                                                                                 thirty-nine works by colleagues from European universities, from North and South
                                                                                                                 America, a portrait of Professor Schwartz and a bibliographical list of her publications.
                                                                                                                 The volume, in addition to being a sign of affection and admiration from her colleagues, is
                                                                                                                 an acknowledgment of the importance of Professor Schwartz’s contributions to Hispanic
                                                                                                                 studies, and in particular the motivation and progress she has committed to the scientific
                                                                                                                 interpretation of the Spanish literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

                                                                                                                 Docta y sabia Atenea es un homenaje a Lía Schwartz, Distinguished Professor en The
                                                                                                                 Graduate Center, City University of New York. Contiene treinta y nueve trabajos de colegas
                                                                                                                 de universidades europeas y americanas, una semblanza de la profesora Schwartz y
                                                                                                                 una relación bibliográfica de sus publicaciones. El volumen es un reconocimiento a la
                                                                                                                 importancia de sus contribuciones a los estudios hispánicos y, en particular, al impulso
                                                                                                                 y progreso que ha aportado a la interpretación científica de la literatura española de los
                                                                                                                 siglos XVI y XVII.

                                                                              Lía Schwartz

                                                                                              what    Book launch in English and Spanish
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for       when    Tuesday, April 30th, 7pm                                                                           30th
     your generosity.                                                                         where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >> hommage
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                                                   35
d e s i g n in motion

     ESCLAVOS, CAUTIVOS                                                                                                          quixote kids!
     Y SUBYUGADOS                                                                                    World book and Copyright Day
     PROTAGONISTAS DE LA TRANSFORMACIÓN DE LAS AMÉRICAS                                                                                         celebrating literature
     by Fernado Operé                                                                                                                                       The World Book and Copyright Day
     The poet, critic, historian and professor                                                                                                              commemorates the death in 1616
     at Virginia University, Fernando Opere is                                                                                                              of William Shakespeare, Miguel de
     an expert in Latin American, Colonial and                                                                                                              Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
     19th Century Literature. He has published                                                                                                              The celebration was created for several
     15 poetry books; several dedicated to                                                                                                                  reasons: to combat illiteracy, to promote
     criticism, essays and history and has                                                                                                                  culture, to pay an universal homage to
     directed about fifty plays.                                                                                                                            books and their authors and to encourage
     Event within the framework of the                                                                                                                      everyone to enjoy the pleasure of reading.
     celebration of the act of admission as a                                                                                                               Instituto Cervantes New York celebrates
     number academic to the North American                                                                                                                  this day with the Spanish students of
     Academy of the Spanish Language of                                                                                                                     UNIS, who will recite the poems they have
     Professor Fernando Opere. Presented by                                                                                                                 composed for this celebration under the
     Nuria Morgado and answered by Gerardo                                                                                                                  main theme “book and reading”.
     Piña-Rosales, honorary director of the
                                                                                                                                                            El Día del Libro se celebra el mismo día
     El poeta, crítico, historiador y profesor en la                                                                                                        en el que fallecieron en 1616 de William
     Universidad de Virginia, Fernando Operé es                                                                                                             Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes y el
     un experto en Literatura Latinoamericana,                                                                                                              Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. La celebración
     Colonial y del Siglo XIX. Ha publicado                                                                                                                 fue creada con varios motivos: combatir el
     quince libros de poesía, cuenta con varios                                                                                                             analfabetismo, fomentar la cultura, rendir
     dedicados a la crítica, ensayo e historia y                                                                                                            un homenaje universal a los libros y a sus
     ha dirigido medio centenar de obras de                                                                                                                 autores y alentar a todas las personas
     teatro.                                                                                                                                                a disfrutar del placer de la lectura. El
     Esta actividad se enmarca dentro de la                                                                                                                 Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York celebra
     celebración del acto de ingreso como                                                                                                                   este día junto a los alumnos de español
     académico de número a la Academia                                                                                                                      de UNIS, quienes recitarán los poemas
     Norteamericana de la Lengua Española                                                                                                                   que han compuesto para esta celebración
     del profesor Fernando Operé. Presenta                                                                                                                  bajo el tema principal del libro y la lectura.
     Nuria Morgado y contesta al discurso                                                                                                                   Además presentarán un manual contra el
     Gerardo Piña-Rosales, director honorario                                                                                                               acoso escolar.
     de la ANLE.

                                                                                 Fernando Operé      Sculpture of Quixote

Apr.             what ook launch in English and Spanish                                               what       Reading                                                                              Apr.
30th             whendonation
               your     Tuesday,   May
                              is very   28th, 7pm
                                      important to the success of our mission and we thank you for    when       Tuesday, April 23rd, 10am                                                            23rd
                where   Instituto Cervantes.  Free . RSVP:                   where      Instituto Cervantes. Free RSVP:

                                                                                                                                                  >> reading
               your generosity.
                                                       >> lecture                                                                                                                                            37
d e s i g n in motion
     español                                                                                 Quixote
                                                                                                               reading marathon
                                                                                                                                             celebrating literature

                                                                                                                The Instituto Cervantes of New York will participate in the traditional Marathon Reading of
                                                                                                                the Quijote, organized by the Círculo de Bellas Artes of Madrid. The reading will last forty
                                                                                                                eight hours and will include readers from all around the world. It will begin at 6pm on
                                                                                                                Tuesday 23rd and will end around 2pm on Thursday 25th.

                                                                                                                The opening ceremony will be given by Ida Vitale, Cervantes Award 2018.

                                                                                                                El Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York participará en la tradicional Lectura Continuada
                                                                                                                del Quijote que, organizada por el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, se desarrollará a lo
                                                                                                                largo de cuarenta y ocho horas ininterrumpidas con participantes de todo el planeta. La
                                                                                                                Lectura se iniciará a las 18:00 h del martes 23 y finalizará en torno a las 14:00 h del
                                                                                                                jueves 25.

                                                                                                                La inauguración del acto correrá a cargo de Ida Vitale, Premio Cervantes 2018.

                                                                                Ida Vitale

                                                                                             what    Reading
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for      when    Tuesday, Abril 23rd, 10am (Central European Time)                                                  23rd
     your generosity.                                                                        where   Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid (Spain)
                                                >> reading
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                                                  39
Cd hildren
        e s i g n & Y outh L iterature                                                              XXVIII SYMPOSIUM ON
                                                                                                    CHI L DR E N ’ S & YOUth L ITE R ATUR E

                                                                                                                       Instituto Cervantes New York Celebrates the 28th Symposium on Children´s and Youth
                                                                                                                       Literature with Juan Kruz Igerabide, National Prize for Children’s and Young Adult Literature
                                                                                                                       2018 for his book Abecedario titiridario, in which he masterfully manages a poetic
                                                                                                                       language that is nourished both by the alliteration of symbolist echoes and by absurd
                                                                                                                       humour, Rodarian fantasy and oral tradition.

                                                                                                                       El Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York celebra el XXVIII Simposio de Literatura Infantil
                                                                                                                       y Juvenil con Juan Kruz Igerabide, ganador del Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil
                                                                                                                       y Juvenil 2018 con el libro Abecedario titiridario, en el que maneja con maestría un
                                                                                                                       lenguaje poético que se nutre tanto de la aliteración de ecos simbolistas como del humor
                                                                                                                       absurdo, la fantasía rodariana y la tradición oral.

                                                                                                                       Friday, May 31st 8:30 am - 3 pm
                                                                                                                       9am-10:30am: Abecedario titiridario, by Juan Kruz Igerabide
                                                                                                                       11am-12pm: “El cuerpo y la palabra: la emoción literaria”, by Juan Kruz Igerabide.
                                                                                                                       1pm-1:45pm: “El álbum infantil: Ver y mirar, leer y comprender”, by Raquel Garrido (ESDA).
                                                                                                                       1:45pm-2:30pm: “La poética de lo visual, el cuerpo y la mente”, by Eva Jiménez Tubau
                                                                                                                       2:30pm-3pm: Abecedario titiridario, workshop by Pablo Melendi.

                                                                       Illustration by Edu Flores

                                                                                                    what    Children’s Book Fair
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for             when    Friday, May 31st, 8:30 – 3pm                                                                        31St
     your generosity.                                                                               where   Instituto Cervantes. Free.
                                                >> symposium
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                                                          41
d e s i g n in motion
     español                                                                              Ny International
                                                                                                          spanish book fair

                                                                                                              We celebrate the first International Book Fair of the City of New York (FILNYC) with writers,
                                                                                                              academics and researchers who together with a large group of publishers will present
                                                                                                              the novelties of the book in Spanish in the USA. Aimed at children, youth and adults, the
                                                                                                              fair aims to promote the reading of the book in Spanish and strengthen the Hispanic
                                                                                                              community of New York. The fair is a meeting place to debate, do workshops or enjoy
                                                                                                              different artistic expressions.

                                                                                                              Inauguramos la primera Feria Internacional del Libro de la Ciudad de Nueva York
                                                                                                              (FILNYC) con escritores, académicos e investigadores que junto a un nutrido grupo de
                                                                                                              editoriales presentará las novedades del libro en español en EE.UU. Dirigida a niños,
                                                                                                              jóvenes y adultos, la feria pretende fomentar la lectura del libro en español y fortalecer
                                                                                                              la comunidad hispana de Nueva York y constituirse como un lugar de encuentro donde
                                                                                                              debatir, hacer talleres o disfrutar de distintas expresiones artísticas.

                                                                                          what    Book Fair
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for   when                                                                                                         31St
     your generosity.                                                                     where
                                                >> book
                                                         fair                                                                                                                                                 43

              Naomi Klein. Photo: Kalpesh Lathigra
#d women
        e s i g n out of the box                                                                  naomi klein
                                                                                                                   the role of media
                                                                                                                                  in social justice mo v ements

                                                                                                                               Naomi Klein in Conversation with JAMIA WILSON

                                                                                                                     In this conversation, bestselling journalist and author Naomi Klein will explore with the
                                                                                                                     feminism activist and writer Jamia Wilson (The New York Times, The Today Show, CNN, Elle,
                                                                                                                     BBC or The Washington Post) the role of the media in social justice movements, as well as
                                                                                                                     Naomi’s first year as the Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Communication, Culture and
                                                                                                                     Gender Studies at Rutgers University.

                                                                                                                     En esta conversación, la periodista y autora de bestsellers Naomi Klein explorará junto
                                                                                                                     a la activista feminista y escritora Jamia Wilson (The New York Times, The Today Show,
                                                                                                                     CNN, Elle, BBC o The Washington Post) el papel de los medios de comunicación en los
                                                                                                                     movimientos de justicia social, así como el primer año de Naomi como presidenta de la
                                                                                                                     Cátedra Gloria Steinem Endowed en Comunicación, Cultura y Estudios de Género por la
                                                                                                                     Universidad de Rutgers.

                                                                   Naomi Klein and Jamia Wilson

                                                                                                  what    Talk in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for           when    Tuesday, May 21st, 7pm                                                                          21St
     your generosity.                                                                             where   Instituto Cervantes. Members Only.
                                                >> talk
                                                   exhibition                                             RSVP MANDATORY:                                                                47
#d 2e 1s istg nC entury A natomy                                                          the future
                                                                                                                                                           of europe
                                                                                                  nationalism & populism : a threat to democracy

                                                                                                                  Jan Willem Duyvendak, Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca & Agustín Santos-Maraver.
                                                                                                                                                                           Moderated by Nancy Foner

                                                                                                                  Particularly since the financial crisis of 2008, the middle class - traditionally considered a
                                                                                                                  stronghold for democracies - has suffered a clear setback from which it is only recovering
                                                                                                                  slowly. This is one of the explanations for the rise of populism on both sides of the Atlantic,
                                                                                                                  next to (perceptions of) immigration. Nationalism, racism and Islamophobia spread in
                                                                                                                  many Western countries, representing a threat to liberal democracies not seen since the
                                                                                                                  Second World War. Is this an irreversible process? What are the alternatives to regenerate
                                                                                                                  the democratic system and to revalidate its political legitimacy in the eyes of those who
                                                                                                                  feel left behind?

                                                                                                                  Particularmente desde la crisis financiera de 2008, la clase media tradicionalmente
                                                                                                                  considerada un baluarte de las democracias, ha sufrido un claro retroceso del que se
                                                                                                                  está recuperando lentamente. Esta es una de las explicaciones del auge del populismo a
                                                                                                                  ambos lados del Atlántico junto a (las percepciones de) la inmigración. El nacionalismo,
                                                                                                                  el racismo y la islamofobia se están extendiendo por muchos países occidentales y
                                                                                                                  representan una amenaza para las democracias liberales no vista desde la Segunda
                                                                                                                  Guerra Mundial. ¿Estamos ante un proceso irreversible? ¿Cuáles son las alternativas
                                                                                                                  para regenerar el sistema democrático y revalidar su legitimidad política a ojos de
                                                                                                                  quienes se sienten abandonados?

                                                                           Artwork by Banksy

                                                                                               what    Talk in English and simultaneous translation into Spanish
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for        when    Thursday, April 11th 7pm                                                                              11th
     your generosity.                                                                          where   Instituto Cervantes. Members Only. RSVP
                                                >> talk
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                                                       49
#d 2e 1s istg nC entury A natomy                                                                       SOVEREIGNTIES
                                                                                                                                                 IN CONTENTION
                                                                                                                    NATIONS, REGIONS AND CITIZENS IN EUROPE

                                                                                                                               Sovereignty is at the crux of current developments in Europe and at the center of political
                                                                                                                               debate. Fights for new forms of sovereignty – or the restoration of old ones – are surprising,
                                                                                                                               even bewildering, to those who imagined that the process of European integration would
                                                                                                                               render the concept of sovereignty obsolete. Recent developments and the material
                                                                                                                               challenges that complicate them – globalization, the digital revolution, mobility – call
                                                                                                                               upon us to reflect on the motives, polities, concepts, and rhetorics of sovereignty more
                                                                                                                               profoundly and to seek fresh approaches that transcend disciplinary boundaries.

                                                                                                                               La soberanía está en el centro del desarrollo europeo actual y ocupa gran parte del debate
                                                                                                                               político. Las luchas por nuevas formas de soberanía o la restauración de las antiguas son
                                                                                                                               desconcertantes para quienes imaginaron que el proceso de integración europea haría
                                                                                                                               que este concepto quedara obsoleto. Los desarrollos recientes y los desafíos materiales
                                                                                                                               que los complican −globalización, revolución digital, movilidad− nos invitan a reflexionar
                                                                                                                               más profundamente sobre los motivos, políticas, conceptos y retóricas de la soberanía y
                                                                                                                               a buscar nuevos enfoques que trasciendan sus límites históricos.

                                                          Emilio Cueto. Photo source: Wall Street Journal

                                                                                                            what    Talks in Spanish and English
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for                     when    Thursday, June 20th and Saturdau, June 22 nd                                                      20 & 22nd

     your generosity.                                                                                       where   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
                                                >> congress
                                                   exhibition                                                                                                                  51
d e s i g n & memory
     history                                                                              a relationship in
                                                                                                                              time of crisis
                                                                                          historical links between spain & north america

                                                                                                             The history of transatlantic relationships has been influenced by times of growth, as well
                                                                                                             as periods of conflict: the Crash of 1929 or the bankrupt of the Lehman Brothers in
                                                                                                             2009 are two examples. These crises crossed oceans, but their solutions did too. The
                                                                                                             International Congress on historical links between Spain and North America will be
                                                                                                             focused on discussing the causes, consequences and answers that have taken place at a
                                                                                                             transatlantic level in difficult times.

                                                                                                             Opening speech “Nueva York en un poeta”, by Luis García Montero. Through Lorca’s
                                                                                                             book ‘Poet in New York’, we will continue the discussion about other writers such as José
                                                                                                             Moreno Villa, Walt Whitman, John Dos Passos and León Felipe as a reflection on racism,
                                                                                                             cross-culturality and the future of the Spanish language.

                                                                                                             La historia de las relaciones transatlánticas está marcada por momentos de auge, pero
                                                                                                             también de caída: ahí están el Crack del 29 o el derrumbe de Lehman Brothers en 2009.
                                                                                                             Estas crisis cruzaron océanos, pero sus soluciones también. De ellas se hablará en este
                                                                                                             Congreso Internacional sobre los vínculos históricos entre España y Norteamérica, donde
                                                                                                             se debatirá sobre las causas, consecuencias y respuestas que se han producido a nivel
                                                                                                             transatlántico en momentos de dificultad.

                                                                                                             Conferencia inaugural “Nueva York en un poeta” por Luis García Montero. Partiendo de
                                                                                                             Poeta en Nueva York, de Federico García Lorca, nos acercaremos a otros escritores como
                                                                                                             José Moreno Villa, Walt Whitman, John Dos Passos o León Felipe para reflexionar sobre el
                                                                                                             racismo, la interculturalidad y el futuro de español como asuntos de hoy.

                                                                                          what    Talks in Spanish with simultaneous translation into English
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for   when    Tuesday, Apr. 24th - 26th                                                                     24 &26nd

     your generosity.                                                                     where   Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. Madrid (Spain).
                                                >> congress
                                                   exhibition                                     + Info:                                                                       53
d e s i g n & memory
     history                                                                                                        80 years of
                                                                                                                    spanish exile in the u . s .
                                                                                                                                                               C urated by M arina G arde
                                                                                                                                       2019 commemorates the 80th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War and
                                                                                                                                       the flight of almost half a million Spaniards. The Republican exile meant a diaspora
                                                                                                                                       that included people from all social, cultural and economic strata, including a large
                                                                                                                                       number of intellectuals. Recovering the memory of the Republican exile beyond icons,
                                                                                                                                       discovering the stories of its protagonists, drawing their faces, making their cultural and
                                                                                                                                       human contribution known in New York City and linking present and past are some of the
                                                                                                                                       objectives of this program.

                                                                                                                                       En 2019 se cumple el 80 aniversario del final de la Guerra Civil española y de la huida
                                                                                                                                       de casi medio millón de españoles. El exilio republicano supuso una diáspora que
                                                                                                                                       incluyó personas de todos los estratos sociales, culturales y económicos, incluido un gran
                                                                                                                                       número de intelectuales. Recuperar la memoria del exilio republicano más allá de sus
                                                                                                                                       iconos, descubrir las historias de los protagonistas, dibujar sus rostros, dar a conocer su
                                                                                                                                       aporte cultural y humano en la ciudad de Nueva York y enlazar presente y pasado son
                                                                                                                                       algunos de los objetivos de este programa.

                                                                                                                                       O ct 2 1 st : WInter is coming: HOUSES AND MEMBERS to the exile
                                                                                                                                       This talk will focus on the end of the war and the beginning of the different exiles and their
                                                                                                                                       destinies, as well as the iconic characters in the U.S. and their projection.

                                                                                                                                       N o v 1 8 th : A song for all seasons: after the exile
                                                                                                                                       The meeting will be focused on the illiterate exile surrounding the figure of Ramón Sender
                                                                                                                                       Barayón, son of the notorious writer Ramón J. Sender, and an important figure in the
                                                                                                                                       counterculture of the ‘60s and music in the US.

                                                 Spanish exiles crossing the frontier with France. Author unknown

                                                                                                                    what    Talks in Spanish/English with simultaneous translation
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for                             when    Monday, October 21st 7pm and Monday, November 18th 7pm                                                -
     your generosity.                                                                                               where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP
                                                >> commemoration                                                                                                                                                                        55
            Source: Pexels.
N Y P ride                                                                                      the WorldPride
                                                                                                                              in N ew york city
                                                                                                      honors the 50 th anniversary of the Stonewal Uprising

                                                                                                                          In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, civil society in New
                                                                                                                          York has organized numerous activities to raise awareness and demand LGTBIQ + rights,
                                                                                                                          among which the great Pride parade will take place on Sunday June 30 is highlighted.
                                                                                                                          Also, for the first time in the US territory will be held simultaneously the sixth edition of
                                                                                                                          the WorldPride, which will bring together millions of people who will honor and freely
                                                                                                                          celebrate the Pride in the same place where it began in 1969.

                                                                                                                          En conmemoración del 50 aniversario de los disturbios de Stonewall, la sociedad civil
                                                                                                                          de Nueva York ha organizado diversas actividades de concienciación y reivindicación
                                                                                                                          de los derechos LGTBIQ+, entre las cuales se destaca la gran manifestación del Orgullo
                                                                                                                          que tendrá lugar el domingo 30 de junio. Asimismo, por primera vez en el territorio
                                                                                                                          estadounidense, se celebrará simultáneamente la sexta edición del WorldPride, que dará
                                                                                                                          cita a millones de personas que homenajearán y celebrarán libremente el Orgullo en el
                                                                                                                          mismo lugar donde comenzó en 1969.

                                                                                                                          From Spain:
                                                                                                                          Wednesday, June 26th 5pm: Performative reading from Federico García Lorca’s Poeta
                                                                                                                          en Nueva York, by actor Antonio Campos and singer Clara Montes alongside guitarist José
                                                                                                                          Luis Montón

                                                                 NYC Pride Stonewall 50 WorldPride

                                                                                                      what    Parade
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for               when    Sunday, June 30th                                                                                   30th
                                                                                                      where   From 26th Street and 5th Avenue
     your generosity.
                                                >> commemoration
                                                                                                              + info:                                                   59
N Y P ride                                                                                       García Lorca
                                                                                                      the poet comes back to ny
                                                                                                                      wordl Premiere: a performative encounter

                                                                                                                            antonio campos, Clara Montes & josé luis montón

                                                                                                                         The structure of Poet in New York is an opposition to civilization that the poet dialectically
                                                                                                                         confronts to denounce the dehumanization of modern society. Lorca vindicates freedom,
                                                                                                                         a return to nature against the alienation of the industrial era while at the same time
                                                                                                                         denounces the oppression suffered by disadvantaged classes, the marginalized, the
                                                                                                                         oppressed as well as those affected by racial segregation.

                                                                                                                         In this performance, an open dialog with the audience, Federico García Lorca
                                                                                                                         characterized by Antonio Campos, will address topics such as love, his childhood, poetry,
                                                                                                                         songs, flamenco and New York through the soundtrack of his life with the voice of Clara
                                                                                                                         Montes and the guitar of José Luis Montón.

                                                                                                                         La estructura de Poeta en Nueva York es una oposición entre civilización, que el poeta
                                                                                                                         enfrenta de forma dialéctica para denunciar la deshumanización de la sociedad moderna.
                                                                                                                         Lorca reivindica la libertad, el retorno a la naturaleza frente a la alienación de la era
                                                                                                                         industrial, al tiempo que denuncia la opresión sufrida por las clases desfavorecidas, los
                                                                                                                         marginados, los oprimidos, así como la segregación racial.

                                                                                                                         En este espectáculo, con un diálogo abierto con el público, Federico García Lorca,
                                                                                                                         interpretado por Antonio Campos, nos hablará del amor, de su infancia, de la poesía, de
                                                                                                                         las canciones, del flamenco y de Nueva York a través de la banda sonora de su vida con
                                                                                                                         la voz de Clara Montes y la guitarra de José Luis Montón.

                                                                                                                         Presented by:
                                                                                                                         Juan Carlos Alonso, Madrid’s World Pride Madrid 2017 and MADO coordinator
                                                                                                                         Berta Cao, Madrid’s City Hall for World Pride Madrid 2017 and Madrid Pide Commission

                                                                Clara Montes. Photo by David Ruano.

                                                                                                      what    Performance
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for               when    Wednesday, June 26th 5pm                                                                            26th
     your generosity.                                                                                 where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >> performance                                                                                                                                                            61
N Y P ride                                                                               twinning
                                                                                              stonewall & PASAJE BEGOÑA
                                                                                                                                                                 LGTBIQ+ references

                                                                                                                 El Pasaje de Begoña, in Torremolinos (Spain) and the Stonewall Inn pub, in the New
                                                                                                                 York neighborhood of Greenwich Village (USA), are two great references for the LGTBIQ +
                                                                                                                 collective. Converted into spaces of freedom and tolerance, they served as a refuge for the
                                                                                                                 members of the collective who came looking for protection in times when repression and
                                                                                                                 violence were normalized in their surroundings. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary
                                                                                                                 of the first manifestation of the Pride, these emblematic places will sign a twinning on
                                                                                                                 June 26 at a ceremony to be held by the Cervantes Institute in New York.

                                                                                                                 El Pasaje de Begoña, en Torremolinos (España) y, el pub Stonewall Inn, en el barrio
                                                                                                                 neoyorquino de Greenwich Village (EE.UU.) son dos grandes referentes para el colectivo
                                                                                                                 LGTBIQ+. Convertidos en espacios de libertad y tolerancia, sirvieron de refugio para
                                                                                                                 los miembros del colectivo que acudían en busca de protección en tiempos donde
                                                                                                                 la represión y la violencia estaban normalizadas en sus entornos. Con motivo del 50
                                                                                                                 aniversario de la primera manifestación del Orgullo, estos emblemáticos lugares
                                                                                                                 firmarán un hermanamiento el 26 de junio en un acto que se celebrará el Instituto
                                                                                                                 Cervantes de Nueva York.

                                                                             source: Pexels

                                                                                              what    Institutional Partnership. In English/Spanish
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for       when    Wednesday, June 26th 7pm                                                                          26th
     your generosity.                                                                         where   Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
                                                >> anniversary                                                                                                                                                 63
R I O ts ’ music                                                                                 ketama tour
                                                                                                                          no estamos locos
                                                                                                                                                                      flamenco remastered

                                                                                                                             The emergence of Ketama band in the Spanish music scene in the early 80’s changed
                                                                                                                             the way people approached flamenco. In an era of openness and change in which genres
                                                                                                                             such as rock or pop took radios and sales lists by storm, Antonio, Juan and Josemi
                                                                                                                             Carmona were a breath of fresh air in the flamenco tradition, bridging the gap with the
                                                                                                                             general public. In their new tour “No Estamos Locos”, the flamenco trio presents the re-
                                                                                                                             release of their masterpiece “De Aki A Ketama” deliberately mastered in the prestigious
                                                                                                                             studios of Abbey Road.

                                                                                                                             La irrupción de la banda Ketama en el panorama musical español a principios de los
                                                                                                                             años 80 cambió la manera de acercarse al flamenco. En una época de apertura y cambio
                                                                                                                             en la que géneros como el rock o el pop copaban las radios y listas de ventas, Antonio,
                                                                                                                             Juan y Josemi Carmona resultaron un soplo de aire fresco en la tradición flamenca,
                                                                                                                             acercándola al gran público. En su nueva gira “No Estamos Locos” presentan la reedición
                                                                                                                             de su obra maestra “De Aki A Ketama” masterizada ex profeso en los prestigiosos
                                                                                                                             estudios de Abbey Road.

                                                                Ketama. Photo source: ticketmaster.

                                                                                                      what    Concert
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for               when    Friday, June 7th 8:30pm
     your generosity.                                                                                 where   The Town Hall, New York.
                                                >> concert
                                                                                                              ENTRY: 25% off for Instituto Cervantes Members Only
cer v antes funk                                                                               cimafunk live
                                                                                                                    new york premiere
                                                                                                                                  M usic by D J A sho & D J E dgaro

                                                                                                                         Cimafunk is a cimarrón*, a free being defying classification, a pilgrim in search of new
                                                                                                                         musical miscegenation and the reunion of black music. Singer, composer and producer,
                                                                                                                         Cimafunk for the first time in New York offers a subtle and bold mix of funk with Cuban
                                                                                                                         music and African rhythms, a life-affirming sound, a UFO in the island’s music scene. His
                                                                                                                         debut album “Terapia” (Independent Production, 2017) and especially his electric live
                                                                                                                         shows are inexorably conquering a multitude of audiences from Havana to Paris. He
                                                                                                                         broke attendance records in iconic venues such as the Fábrica de Arte Cubano, El Sauce,
                                                                                                                         and La Tropical.

                                                                                                                         Cimafunk es un cimarrón*, un artista libre que desafía la etiquetas y que ha hecho del
                                                                                                                         mestizaje musical su propio sello. Cantante, compositor y productor, Cimafunk ofrece
                                                                                                                         una mezcla sutil y audaz de funk con música cubana y ritmos africanos. Sus conciertos
                                                                                                                         en vivo están conquistando inexorablemente a una multitud de audiencias desde La Ha-
                                                                                                                         bana hasta París, rompiendo récords de asistencia en lugares tan emblemáticos como la
                                                                                                                         Fábrica de Arte Cubano, El Sauce y La Tropical. Por primera vez presentará para el público
                                                                                                                         neoyorquino un concierto lleno de ritmo y baile.

                                                                                                                         * Fugitive slaves who settled in the wild to lead a free life in Cuba.
                                                                                                                         Organized by HabanaN’NewYork & CET, in collaboration with Instituto Cervantes New York

                                                                  Cimafunk by La pistola de Monik

                                                                                                    what    Concert
     your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for             when    Tuesday, April 23rd Doors Open: 8pm | Performance Start 9.30pm
     your generosity.                                                                               where   DROM | 85 Avenue A | New York, NY 10009
                                                >> concert                                                  Tickets: $25 in Advance (plus fees)
                                                                                                            50 tickets at 25% off for Instituto Cervantes Members Only// $40 at the door
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