Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...

Página creada Guillermo Gasía
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 23, 2022
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
    because he has anointed me
    to bring glad tidings to the poor.
— Luke 4:18a
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...
A Message from Father Ethan
                                                                                                                                       I need you!!!

                     In the Second Reading for today, St. Paul writes to the Corinthians about the Body of Christ. He is reminding them that a
                     body is one, even though it has many parts, and similarly, although the Body of Christ may have many members, it is one,
                     because it shares the same Spirit (1 Cor 12:12). Paul con nues to share, saying that each part of the body has a role to play, a
                     role that none of the other body parts can ful ll; “the eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you”, nor again the head to
                     the feet, “I do not need you”. Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary.”

                     As the pastor of St. John Eudes parish, I need you!!! I would not be who I am without you. This parish would not func on
                     without our wonderful leadership team, sta , councils, volunteers, benefactors, and parishioners!! Each of us is invaluable
                     and each of us has a role to play! St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the great mys c of the late 19th century, commonly known as “The
                     Li le Flower”, struggled to nd her place in the church. A er much searching and prayer, she eventually came to realize that
                     her role or voca on in the heart of the church was love! Our parish is less than it is meant to be when you are not here.
                     When your voice is not heard and your love is not shared, we are diminished.

                     Pope Francis has ini ated a two-year process in the global church known as the Synod on Synodality. His desire for this
                     process is for the church to once again bring forth the “style” of the church as a listening church. The “style” of Jesus and the
                     “style” that he shared with his disciples and the early church was to listen to the people as he walked and journeyed with
                     them. Jesus and his disciples did not present themselves as having all of the answers – they wanted to hear from the people
                     and wanted them to par cipate in the Kingdom. Rather than give a simple answer, Jesus would o en respond, “Come and
                     See” or “Come, Follow Me”. This me of the synod then, is an invita on to communion, par cipa on, and mission.

                     As part of the synod process and the con nued par cipa on in the life of Christ, our parish is forming a parish pastoral
                     council to inves gate, re ect, and recommend di erent aspects of our parish reality. The current Archdiocese of Los Angeles
                     Guidelines for Parish Pastoral Councils states that, “the “synodality” of the Church called for by Pope Francis, in which mutual
                     listening takes place and co-responsibility is a rmed, is demonstrated in the existence of pastoral councils. Bishops
                     throughout the United States strongly support pastoral councils. Most dioceses encourage their establishment and support
                     them through chancery o cials. The Archbishop of Los Angeles endorses councils as an e ec ve means for sharing
                     responsibility among the People of God, and likewise asks pastors to establish councils in every parish.”

                     This council is an advisory body whose wisdom, insight, and consulta on will help to build up the church and strengthen the
                     people of God as we re ect upon the major issues concerning our parish. These areas could include but certainly are not
                     limited to homelessness, outreach to the poor, outreach to the sick and homebound, outreach to the young, upgrades and
                     maintenance to aging facili es, as well as fundraising and nancial stability. Please let me know of your thoughts and areas of
                     concern for our parish!

                     Currently, we are accep ng nomina ons for membership to the council. Over the coming weeks, we will be gathering these
                     nomina ons (you can email me directly or call the o ce with your own personal interest or sugges on for someone else who
                     you feel may be a good candidate) into a candidate pool which the parish leadership team will pray and re ect upon in
                     pu ng together the eventual membership list for the council. In the near future, we will also have an informa on mee ng
                     for the en re parish – this will be an opportunity for the parish community to ask ques ons and hear more about the nature
                     of parish pastoral councils from an expert on the subject ma er.

                     I need you!! Our parish needs you!! We are not fully who we are created and meant to be unless we are together!! St. Paul
                     says, “if one part su ers, all the parts su er with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy” (1 Cor 12:26).

                     Sharing the honor and the joy of Christ in you,

                     Father Ethan
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...
Un Mensaje del Padre Ethan

                                                                                                         ¡¡¡Te necesito!!!
                    En la Segunda Lectura de hoy, San Pablo escribe a los Corin os sobre el Cuerpo de Cristo. Les está recordando que un cuerpo es
                    uno, aunque tenga muchas partes, y así mismo, aunque el Cuerpo de Cristo tenga muchos miembros, es uno, porque comparte
                    el mismo Espíritu (1 Cor 12,12). Paul con núa compar endo, diciendo que cada parte del cuerpo ene un papel que
                    desempeñar, un papel que ninguna de las otras partes del cuerpo puede cumplir; “El ojo no puede decirle a la mano: “No te
                    necesito”, ni la cabeza a los pies: “No te necesito”. De hecho, las partes del cuerpo que parecen más débiles son las más

                    ¡¡¡Como párroco de la parroquia de San Juan Eudes, te necesito!!! No sería quien soy sin . ¡Esta parroquia no funcionaría sin
                    nuestro maravilloso equipo de liderazgo, personal, consejos, voluntarios, benefactores y feligreses! ¡Cada uno de nosotros es
                    invaluable y cada uno de nosotros ene un papel que desempeñar! Santa Teresa de Lisieux, la gran mís ca de nales del siglo
                    XIX, comúnmente conocida como “La Pequeña Flor”, luchó por encontrar su lugar en la iglesia. ¡Después de mucha búsqueda y
                    oración, nalmente se dio cuenta de que su papel o vocación en el corazón de la iglesia era el amor! Nuestra parroquia es
                    menos de lo que debe ser cuando no estás aquí. Cuando no se escucha tu voz y no se comparte tu amor, somos disminuidos.

                    El Papa Francisco ha iniciado un proceso de dos años en la iglesia global conocido como el Sínodo sobre la Sinodalidad. Su deseo
                    para este proceso es que la iglesia presente una vez más el “es lo” de la iglesia como una iglesia que escucha. El “es lo” de
                    Jesús y el “es lo” que compar ó con sus discípulos y la iglesia primi va fue escuchar a la gente mientras caminaba y viajaba con
                    ellos. Jesús y sus discípulos no se presentaron como teniendo todas las respuestas: querían escuchar a la gente y que
                    par ciparan en el Reino. En lugar de dar una simple respuesta, Jesús a menudo respondía: "Ven y Mira" o "Ven, Sígueme". Este
                     empo del sínodo, pues, es una invitación a la comunión, a la par cipación y a la misión.

                    Como parte del proceso del sínodo y la par cipación con nua en la Vida de Cristo, nuestra parroquia está formando un consejo
                    pastoral parroquial para inves gar, re exionar y recomendar diferentes aspectos de nuestra realidad parroquial. Las Directrices
                    para los Consejos Pastorales Parroquiales de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles vigentes señalan que “la “sinodalidad” de la Iglesia
                    convocada por el Papa Francisco, en la cual la escucha mutua toma lugar y se a rma la corresponsabilidad, se demuestra en la
                    existencia de los consejos pastorales. Los obispos de los Estados Unidos apoyan rmemente los consejos pastorales. La mayoría
                    de las diócesis alientan su establecimiento y los apoyan a través de funcionarios de la cancillería. El Arzobispo de Los Ángeles
                    respalda los consejos como un medio e caz para compar r la responsabilidad entre el Pueblo de Dios, y también pide a los
                    párrocos que establezcan consejos en cada parroquia”.

                    Este consejo es un cuerpo de asesoría cuya sabiduría, visión y consulta ayudarán a edi car la iglesia y fortalecer al pueblo de
                    Dios mientras re exionamos sobre los principales problemas relacionados con nuestra parroquia. Estas áreas podrían incluir,
                    pero ciertamente no limitadas a, personas sin hogar, ayuda a los pobres, ayuda a los enfermos y con nados en casa, ayuda a los
                    jóvenes, mejoras y mantenimiento de instalaciones an guas, así como recaudación de fondos y estabilidad nanciera. ¡Por
                    favor hágame saber sus pensamientos y áreas de preocupación de nuestra parroquia!

                    Actualmente, estamos aceptando nominaciones para ser miembro del consejo. Durante las próximas semanas, reuniremos
                    estas nominaciones (puede enviarme un correo electrónico directamente o llamar a la o cina con su propio interés personal o
                    sugerencia de otra persona que crea que puede ser un buen candidato) en un grupo de candidatos en el que el equipo de
                    liderazgo parroquial orará y re exionará al armar la eventual lista de miembros para el consejo. En un futuro cercano, también
                    tendremos una reunión informa va para toda la parroquia; esta será una oportunidad para que la comunidad parroquial haga
                    preguntas y escuche más sobre la naturaleza de los consejos pastorales parroquiales de un experto en el tema.

                    ¡¡Te necesito!! ¡¡Nuestra parroquia te necesita!! ¡No somos completamente quienes fuimos creados y des nados a ser a menos
                    que estemos juntos! San Pablo dice, “¿Un miembro sufre? Todos los demás sufren con él. ¿Un miembro es enaltecido? Todos
                    los demás par cipan de su alegría.” (1 Cor 12,26).

                    Compar endo el honor y la alegría de Cristo en ,

                    Padre Ethan
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...
Praying for You                              Readings for the Week
Mass Intentions for the Week                         TODAY’S READINGS
January 22 & 23, 2022                                First Reading — Ezra read from the book of the law of
5pm Vigil -    Lazaro Ricafort, Jr. +                God to the assembled people. They understood and
               Gary Haskett +                        accepted the law (Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10).
               George Reich +                        Psalm — Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life (Psalm
7:00 am -      Victor Yap +
                                                     Second Reading — As the body with its many parts is
               Dr. Robert & Lauren Chiang
                                                     still one body, so it is with Christ
               Kim T. Sarmiento +                    (1 Corinthians 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]).
9:00 am -      Tolentino Familly                     Gospel — While attending worship in the Nazarean
               Carmen & Nerius Roperos +             synagogue, Jesus reads from the prophet Isaiah and
               Monserat Armedilla +                  declares himself to be the fulfillment of the prophecy
11:00 am -     People of the Parish                  (Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21).
1:00 pm -      Los Fieles de San Juan Eudes
5:00 pm -      Honorio Punsalang +
               Vivian Jackson +                      READINGS FOR THE WEEK
               Ryan Guintu +                         Monday:    2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20-22, 25-26;
                                                                Mk 3:22-30
                                                     Tuesday:   Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2;
January 24     8:15am Maria Gomez
                                                                Mk 16:15-18
                      Monserat Armedilla +
                                                     Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-18 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30;
                      Juanita Chavez +                          Mk 4:1-20
               6:30 pm Carlos Loffredot +            Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14;
                      Celia Diaz                                Mk 4:21-25
                                                     Friday:    2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17;
January 25     8:15am Monserat Armedilla +                      Ps 51:3-7, 10-11; Mk 4:26-34
                      Margarita Loffredot +          Saturday:  2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17;
               6:30pm Ivette Mora Diaz                          Mk 4:35-41
                                                     Sunday:    Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17;
                                                                1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30
January 26     8:15am Alfonso Caballero +
                      Monserat Armedilla +
                      Mariezie Collins +
               6:30pm Valentin Castillo Carrillo +
                                                     PRAYER OF THE WEEK
                                                     Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 27     8:15 am Monserat Armedilla +          Almighty ever-living God,
                      Fr. Dave Ayotte +              direct our actions according to your
               6:30pm Jesus Ochoa Martinez +         good pleasure,
                                                     that in the name of your beloved Son
January 28     8:15am Vicente Aranas +               we may abound in good works.
                       Godofredo Roperos +           Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your
                       Lucila San Martin +           Son, who lives and reigns with you
               6:30 p.m. All Souls in Purgatory      in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                                                     God, for ever and ever.
January 29     8:15am Ana Martinez                   Reflection question:
                      Judy Chiang Family             How can I allow God to direct my
                      Servillano Abad +              actions this week?
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...
St. John Eudes School

                                                                                                                                                             OPEN HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                           Sunday, January 30
                                                                                                                                                              10am - 1pm

                                                                                                                                                      Student applications for
                                                                                                                                                       the 2022 - 2023 School
                                                                                                                                                        year will be available

                                                                                PASTORAL COUNCIL                                                           DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                                                                               Did you know? January 22-23 || Talk to your teenagers about
                                                                      Our parish is forming a parish pastoral                                  Teens and social media have been in the news a lot over the past
                                                                        council to investigate, re lect, and                                   several months, as research shows how damaging social media
                                                                                                                                               sites can be for self-esteem, produc vity, and overall well-being.
                                                                          recommend different aspects                                          Instagram has been called out, with research ci ng harm done
                                                                               of our parish reality.                                          by lters and by bullying in private messages. How can parents
                                                                                                                                               protect their children from the nega ve impacts such a popular
                                                                                                                                               and prevalent site cause? Experts recommend keeping open
                                                      This council is an advisory body whose wisdom, insight,                                  lines of communica on with your teenagers, talking to them
                                                      and consultation will help to build up the church and                                    o en about what they see and how they feel about it. Use age
                                                      strengthen the people of God as we re lect upon the major                                and ac vity limits or monitoring to keep tabs on how your teens
                                                      issues concerning our parish. These areas could include                                  are using Instagram and other social media sites. For more
                                                      but certainly are not limited to homelessness, outreach to                               informa on, read the Associated Press’ “Instagram and teens:
                                                      the poor, outreach to the sick and homebound, outreach to                                How to keep your kids safe,” at h ps:// cle/
                                                      the young, upgrades and maintenance to aging facilities, as
                                                      well as fundraising and inancial stability. Please let me
                                                      know of your thoughts and areas of concern for our parish!                               Pla que con sus adolescentes sobre Instagram
                                                                                                                                               Los adolescentes y las redes sociales han estado en las no cias
                                                      Currently, we are accepting nominations for membership to                                durante los úl mos meses, ya que las inves gaciones muestran
                                                      the council. Over the coming weeks, we will be gathering                                 cuán dañinos pueden ser los si os de redes sociales para la
                                                      these nominations (you can email me directly or call the                                 autoes ma, la produc vidad y el bienestar general. Instagram ha
                                                      of ice with your own personal interest or suggestion for                                 sido cri cado, con inves gaciones que citan el daño causado por
                                                      someone else who you feel may be a good candidate) into a                                los ltros y el acoso en los mensajes privados. ¿Cómo pueden
                                                                                                                                               los padres de familia proteger a sus hijos de los impactos
                                                      candidate pool which the parish leadership team will pray
                                                                                                                                               nega vos que causa un si o tan popular y prevalente? Los
                                                      and re lect upon in putting together the eventual                                        expertos recomiendan mantener abiertas las líneas de
                                                      membership list for the council.                                                         comunicación con sus adolescentes, hablando con ellos a
                                                                                                                                               menudo sobre lo que ven y cómo se sienten al respecto. Use
                                                                                                                 We Need You!                  límites de edad y ac vidad o monitoreo para controlar cómo sus

                                                                                                             Our Parish Needs You!             adolescentes usan Instagram y otros si os de redes sociales.
                                                                                                                                               Para obtener más información, lea “Instagram and teens: How to
                                                                                                                                               keep your kids safe” (Instagram y adolescentes: cómo mantener

                                                                                                 Visit the website:                            seguros a sus hijos) de Associated Press en h ps://
                                                                                                                                               ar cle/technology-social-media-instagram-parents-guide-

                                                                                          To ill out a nomination form.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...
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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...
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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ... Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ... Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...
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