Cuarto Domingo de Pascua - April 25, 2021 Rosenberg, Texas
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Rosenberg, Texas April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter Cuarto Domingo de Pascua 9 am MASS LIVE STREAMED ON Facebook & YouTube 11 am MISA TRANSMITIDA EN VIVO POR Facebook & YouTube Por Favor VISITEN PLEASE VISIT
OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH Founded 1936 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston • 514 Carlisle, Rosenberg, Texas 77471 Parish Office/Oficina de la Parroquia 1600 Ave. D @ Carlisle Office: 281-232-5113 Fax: 281-342-4008 Email: Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:00 am—12:30 pm & 2:00—5:00 pm CLOSED ON FRIDAYS Horario de Oficina: Lunes—Jueves 8:00 am—12:30 pm & 2:00—5:00 pm CERRADA LOS VIERNES Rev. Father Lee A. Flores, Pastor PARISH STAFF Albert Yañez, Deacon Church Secretary……………..……….……..Belinda Garcia Francisco Nuñez, Deacon Dir. of Religious Ed (CCE) Enrique G. Avila, Diacono (Jubilado) Dir del Catecismo…………………….…..Father Lee Flores Mass Schedule /Misas Youth Confirmation Preparation….... Saturday/Sabado 5:00 pm English Bookkeeper…………………………………...….Lisa Proctor Office Asst./Safe Haven Coordinator……..Dominga Cuellar 7:00 pm Spanish Bulletin Editor ……………………………..….Dolores Yañez Sunday/Domingo 7:00 am Spanish Adult Preparation & RCIA 9:00 am English Preparación de Adultos y RICA…….………..……….Deacon Albert & Dolores Yañez 11:00 am Spanish Spiritual Direction ………..Secundino & Dominga Alameda Monday/Lunes NO MASS Baptisms in English: Next Class Aug. 5th & 12th, Tuesday/Martes 7:00 am Spanish 2021.Register at the Parish Office. The Birth Certificate 12:00pm English required. Bautismos en Español: Proxima Clase sera el 6 y 13 Wednesday/Miércoles 7:00 am Spanish de Julio 2021. Se registra en la oficina de la parroquia. 12:00 pm English Se requiere certificado de nacimiento. Thursday/Jueves 7:00 pm Spanish Holy Matrimony in English Couples should call Deacon Albert Yañez to make arran- 12:00 pm English gements at least six (6) months before the wedding. Friday/Viernes 7:00 am Spanish Matrimonios en Español Parejas deben llamar al Diacono Francisco Nuñez para 12:00 pm English arreglos por lo menos seis (6) meses antes de la boda. Confessions / Confesiones Parish Registration Wednesday/Miercoles 6:00 pm—8:00 pm Pickup a registeration form at Church Office. Place it in the collection basket during masses. Adoration / Adoración Registración En La Parroquia Wednesday / Miércoles 7:30 am—12:00 pm and Favor de pasar a la oficina a recoger una forma de regis- 5:00 pm— 9:00 pm tro. Se entrega en la Colección en las misas. St Joseph FOOD PANTRY & SOCIAL MINISTRY St. Joseph RE-SALE SHOP Dir. Dcn. Albert Yañez OPEN Every Tuesday CLOSED FOR SPRING CLEANING. 9:00 AM—12:00 PM WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING DONATIONS UNTIL El Centro San José FUTHER NOTICE. DESPENSA DE COMIDA ABIERTA y TIENDITA DE RE-VENTA Servicios Sociales—Dir. Diacono Alberto Yañez Cada Martes 9:00 AM—12:00 PM CERRADA PARA HACER LA ST. JOSEPH FOOD PANTRY The pantry always needs BEANS, LIMPIEZA GENERAL RICE, SUGAR, CANNED FOODS AND PEANUT BUTTER. NO ESTAMOS ACEPTANDO DESPENSA De Alimentos de SAN JOSE La despensa siem- DONACIONES HASTA EL pre necesita: FRIJOLES, ARROZ, AZUCAR, COMIDA EN LA- PROXIMO AVISO TAS Y MANTEQUILLA DE MANI.
04/25/21 4th Sunday of Easter /4to Domingo de Pascua Page 3 READINGS FOR HOLY WEEK I AM the Good Shepherd LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA SANTA Mon: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, Lun: Hch 11, 1-18; Sal 41, 2-3; 42, 4; Jn 10:1-10. Yo SOY el Buen Pastor 3.4; Jn 10:1-10. Tue: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, Mar: Hch 11, 19-26; Sal 86, 1-3. 4-5. 6-7; Jn 10:22-30. 6-7; Jn 10, 22-30. Wed: Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, Mie: Hch 12, 24–13, 5; Sal 66, 2-3. 5. 5, 6 and 8; Jn 12:44-50. 6 y 8; Jn 12, 44-50. Thu: Memorial of Saint Catherine of Jue: Memoria de Santa Catalina de Siena, Virgin & Doctor of the Siena, Virgen y Doctora de la Igle Church Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, sia. Hch 13, 13-25 Sal 88, 2-3. 21- 21-22, 25 and 27; Jn 13:16-20. 22. 25 y 27; Jn 13, 16-20 . Fri: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab; Jn 14:1-6. Vie: Hch 13, 26-33; Sal 2, 6-7. 8-9. 10-11; Jn 14, 1-6. Sat: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sab: Hch 13, 44-52 ; Sal 97, 1. 2-3ab. 3cd-4; Jn 14, 7-14. Sun: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32; 1 Jn 3:18- Dom: Hch 9, 26-31; Salmo 21, 26b-27. 28 y 30. 31-32; 1 Jn 24; Jn 15, 1-8. 3, 18-24; Jn 15, 1-8. Weekly Mass Intentions / Intenciones de las Misas Sat / Sáb Apr 24 5 pm +Maria Cavazos; +Gabriel Marin; +Mr & Mrs. Andrew Mata; +Juan & Fidelia Mata 7 pm +Francisca Rodriguez; +Jose de la Luz Torres; + Jose Pedro Torres; Sun /dom Apr 25 7 am +Kameryn N. Lopez; +Jesus Vazquez; +Ca lina Perez; 9 am Parish 11am +Yolanda B. Campos; +Pasqual Meza; +Petra Becerra; +Jesus Marquez & +Jesus Ramirez Daily Mass/ Mon/Lun, Tue/Mar, Wed/Mie, Thu/Juv Fri/Vie Misa Diaria Apr .26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 Times & No Mass 7am Parish 7am Thomas Becerra Birthday 12:00 pm Parish 7am Parroquia Inten ons/ No Misa 12pm Parish + Las Almas en Purgatorio 12 pm Parish Horario & 12pm Parish 7 pm Parroquia Intensiones Pray for Our Troops Oremos por Nuestros Soldados Oren por ... Pray for Maria Mar nez , Esquiel Cavazos Jr, Linda &Travis Lemos, Linda García Judge, María Velásquez, Sergio Hernández, Margarita Florián, Rodolfo Velás- Carlos García, Robert B. Gracia, quez, Melinda Ruiz, Frances Treviño, José Rangel, Eva Carrillo, Higinia Cardoza, Sera n Refugio Hernández, Jr., “Güero” Núñez, María On veros, Chris Arellano, Leonard Treviño, Juan Cruz Sr., Alberto Georgina Guerrero, Manuel Leal, Ávila, Eligio Garza, Maribel Méndez, Felicita Arriaga, Gilbert De León, Homer García, Sr., Eli Arebalo II., David Cantú, Lorena Lerma, George Gamino, Ángel Silvestre, Alex Aguilar, Roció Castañeda, David Leal, Jr., Nibardo Reyes, Elva Carrillo, Ashley Marie González, Margarita Soto, Erasmo Arriaga, María de Lourdes González, Samuel Cantú, Mora Rangel, Thomas Estrada, Miguel Juárez, Consuelo Lara, Paul De La Rosa, Bob Klutz, Lupe Rodríguez, Erica Arias, Janice Mendoza, Ari Rauda, Agustín Rico Jr., Dolores Cabrera, Joseph Rodríguez, José Adrián Galeana, Bessie Rodríguez, Jerry López, Daisy Gray, Eric Gray, Gloria Sánchez, Bertha, Nancy & Debbie Ozuna, Michael Cruz, Alicia García, Lázaro Herre- Eric Manrique, ra, Gregorio Sosa, Erlinda Hinojosa, Domingo Cruz, Jr. Steve Yañez, Pedro D. Cantú, Abraham Treviño, Johnny Yanez, Jr., John Yanez, Sr., Ramon Barrón, Jr., Ofelia Sosa, Luz E. Ordoñez, Aaron Joseph Barela, Joel Barela, Pena Jr., José Escobedo, Anadelia Moreno, Monika Cantu, María Blanco, Anadelia Me- Edward Hernandez, reno, Tina Davila, Aarab Singh, Pa y Hedt and Grace Ivey, Nina Salazar, Hilda Salazar, Deb- Michael Anthony Contreras, Madeline Rodriguez, bie Garcia, Virginia Lopez, Joe Harris, Nicholas Harris, John J. Rodriguez, Janie Muniz, Ashley Rodriguez Robyn Munguia, Rosa Cantu, Elva & Frank Rebeles, Petra Carrizales, Rafaela Galvan, Juan Adrian Martinez, Dyron Rojas Delgado, Cirila “Cici” Camache, Leilani F. Duran, Lucas Joe Flores, Consuelo Ramirez, Car- Jose Arron, Leo Amaro mela Vasquez, Padre Diego Ward, Roy and Rosie Cavazos, Margarito Carrizales, Jr, Domin- Eli Christian Juarez, go Pina, Jr., Eric Padilla. Stacey Rodriguez
04/25/21 First Communion Calendar /Calendario de Primeras Comuniones Page 4 Weekly Collections UPCOMING SECOND Collections Ofrendas Semanales April 17/18 PROXIMAS SEGUNDA Colecciones Regular Collec ons $ 3,214.00 May 16 Catholic Communica ons Collec on Colecciones regulares June 6 St. Mary Seminary Collec on Maint Fund/Fondo de Mantenmto. 56.00 June 27 Peter’s Pence (Holy Father) Food Pantry/Despensa de Comida 337.00 July 11 St. Vincent de Paul Society /Debt Reduc on/Reducir la Deuda 1,626.00 Aug 08 Infirm Priests Collec on TOTAL COLLECTIONS $ 5,223.00 Sep 05 Catholic University of America / University of St. Thomas, Houston Oct 24 World Mission Propaga on of the faith/ Misión Mundial Propagación de la Fe Clases Primera Comunión First Communion CALENDAR CALENDARIO 2nd Yr. First Communion Classes Clases de 2ndo Año Primera Comunión Apr 24—Class 12:00-2:00 pm Abr 24— Clase 12:00 pm—2:00 pm Apr 26—First Confessions in the church 7pm Abr 26— Primeras Confesiones en la iglesia 7 pm May 1—Review & Test May 1 — Repaso & Examen May 5 - Parent/Student Meeting Family Life Ctr 7pm May 5— Mie. Junta Padres y Estudiantes 7pm Salón May 8—Class May 8 — Clase May 12—Wednesday, Rehearsal 7:00 pm church May 12—Mie. Ensayo 7pm en la Iglesia May 15—Sat. First Communions 10 AM & 5pm May 15— Sab. Primeras Comuniones 10am & 5pm 2nd Yr. Confirmation Confirmación 2ndo Año Classes on alterna ng Sundays from 10:30 am Clases cada otro domingo de las 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, a retreat and a rehearsal. hasta 12:00 pm, un retiro y un ensayo. Classes meet in the Family Life Center Las se presentan en el Salón Familiar. Usen Please wear a mask and respect social distancing. sus mascaras y respecta la distancia social. DATES FOR 2ND YR CLASSES ARE: Fechas para el 2ndo Año de Confirmación: 6. May 1— Retreat w/ parents & Sponsors 6. May 1— Re ro con los padres y padrinos 7. May 7— Rehearsal in Church with sponsors 7pm 7. May 7— Ensayo en la Iglesia con padrinos 7pm 8. May 8—Cemetery Cleanup Community Service 8. May 8—Limpieza del Cementerio Serv. Comm 9am-12pm OLG Cemetery 9am—12pm Cementerio de Guadalupe 9. May 14—Confirma on 7:00 pm. 9. May 14—Confirmación 7:00 pm.
04/25/21 Saacraments Page 5 Confirmation Candidates / Candidatos para la Confirmación Pray for our High School Confirmation Candidates who will be confirmed on May 14, 2021 by his Excellency, Daniel, Cardinal DiNardo here at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Their retreat will be on May 1, 2021. Oren por nuestros Candidatos para la Confirmación de High School que serán confirmados el dia 14 de mayo, 2021 por su Excelencia, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo aquí en la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Sus retiro serán 1 de mayo, 2021. Grupo A Noe Alexander Aguilar Efrain Garcia Joshua Cruz Guadalupe Aldaco Kaylie Garza Gizel A. Escobar Aida Alvarado Jocelyn Gonzalez Katia S. Escobar Nadia Alvarado Litzy Guevara Anahi Flores Fernando Ascencion Victor Gutierrez Mariana Flores Miguel Angel Balseca, Jr. Fabian Hernandez Daniel Martinez Luis Barrientos Jesus Hernandez Nalleli Martinez Isabella Cabrera Maritza Hernandez Ana Laura Mendez Victoria Camacho Eryn Castro, Jr. Maythe Mendez Camila Carrizales Anderson J. Conner Yancy L. Menjivar Oscar Galeana Julio Cortez Ramiro Montalvo Citia Garcia Ian Morales Group B Julissa Navarro Eric Daniel Rubalcaba Andres Resendiz, Jr. Galilea Negrete Valeria Ruiz Cristobal Rivas Isaiah Nunez Erika M. Sanchez Hector Robledo Uriel Ortiz Yahir Santiago Ivan Rodriguez Esmeralda M. Paz Alexis Santiago Fernando Tinajero Jose Perez Aimee Serrano Maria Fernanda Valtierra Ambar C. Pineda Damien Solorzano Damien White Jose P. Piñones, Jr. Gabriela M. Talamantes Memphis Zavala Ana Liseth Quijada Marjorie Judith Tejada Jazmin Zuniga
04/25/21 Sacraments Page 6 IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE FOR FIRST COMMUNIONS Candidates are still scheduled to make their First Confession on April 26, 2021 at 7:00 pm however First Holy Communions will be celebrated on Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. You will be con- tacted by Angelica Talamantes as to time your child has been assigned. IMPORTANTE CAMBIO DE FECHA PARA LAS PRIMERA COMUNIONES Todos los candidatos para la Primera Comunión están programados para hacer la Primera Confesión el 26 de Abril a las 7:00 pm pero las Primeras comuniones se celebran el Sábado, 15 de Mayo 2021 a las 10: am y la 5:00 pm. Angelica Talamantes se comunicara con ustedes para avisarles que hora le pertenece a su hijo(a). We are not accepting donations at No estamos aceptando donaciones the Resale Shop at this en la Tiendita de Re- time because it is Venta al momento por- CLOSED for Spring que esta CERRADA por Cleaning until further la limpieza general notice. hasta el próximo aviso. Regina Caeli REGINA CAELI For Easter Time V. Queen of heaven, Rejoice alleluia. V. Re-gi-na Cae-li, lae-ta-re: alle-lu-ia R. For He, whom thou did merit to bear, Alleluia. R. Qui a quem me-ru-isti porta-re, alleluia V. Has risen, as he said, alleluia. V. Resurre-xit sic-ut di-xit, R. Pray for us to God, alleluia. alle-lu-ia, V. Rejoice and be glad, O virgin R. Or-a pro no-bis, alle-lu-ia Mary, Alleluia. R. For the Lord has truly risen. V. Gaudate e laeta-re, Virgo Alleluia. Maria, alle-lu-ia Let us pray. R. Quia resurre-sit, Dominus O God, who gave joy to the world vere, alle-lu-ia. Through the resurrection of Thy son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant we be- seech Thee, That through the intercession of the virgin Mary, His mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
04/25/21 Our Lady of Guadalupe Page 7 `tç‰ theMonth dedicated to `tÜç `tçÉ —el Mes dedicado a `tÜ•t Daily Bilingual Rosary Monday—Friday 6:30 pm In the the Church Rosario Bilingüe diario Lunes—Viernes 6:30 pm En la Iglesia May Crowning Coronación de María 2 de Mayo, 2021 May 2, 2021 Misa de 9:00 am y 9:00 am Mass & Misa de 11:00 am 11:00 am Mass
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