Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021

Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
 Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
             March 14, 2021
          14 de marzo, del 2021

               Thank you Billy Preibisch
                & Christian Breden from
               Troop 61 for choosing MGC
                       to complete
                       their Eagle
Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School ~ March 14, 2021
                                       A Parish staffed by Salvatorians since our foundation in 1925 .
                                    6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Main Number: 414- 442-7600
                                                 Website: ~ School FAX 442-0644
             Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM, Misa 12PM~ Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday & Sat. 8:15 AM
                                           and Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Spanish
                         Individual Reconciliation by appointment only. Please contact Fr. Reed.

      Our Parish Mission Statement
“Mother of Good Counsel is a Catholic                                Readings for the week of
community committed to the teachings of                                  March 14, 2021
Jesus Christ through Worship, Ministry,
Stewardship, and Outreach.”                                 Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [6ab]/
                                                                     Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 or 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/
     Calendar for the week of March 14                               Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4m 5, 6 [1]/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or
                                                                     9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
 Sunday, March 14                                           Monday: Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b
 Daylight Saving Time Starts                                         [2a]/Jn 4:43-54
 10:00am Mass ~ Church                                      Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 [8]/Jn 5:1-16
 11:00am Catechism Classes for K5                           Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18 [8a]/Jn
             to pre-confirmation
                                                            Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23 [4a]/Jn 5:31-
 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia                                   47
 5:30pm      Confirmation Class                             Friday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 [37]/
 Monday, March 15                                                    Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/ Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-
 6:30pm      Addiction Prayer Group                                  51a
 7:00pm      AA/Al-Anon Meeting                             Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12 [2a]/Jn 7:40-
 Tuesday, March 16                                                   53
                                                            Next Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 [12a]/
 8:15am      Mass ~ Church                                           Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 or Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/
 6:30pm      Finance Committee                                       Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [7]/Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7,
 Wednesday, March 17                                                 17, 20-27, 33b-45
 St. Patrick’s Day
 7:00pm      Misa en español ~ Iglesia
 7:30pm      AA Meeting ~ Paulik Hall
 Thursday, March 18
                                                Sunday, March 14                   10:00AM         †      Spencer Stoner
 8:15am      Mass ~ Church
 Friday, March 19                               Domingo, 14 de marzo               12:00PM                For MGC Parish
 6:30pm      Stations of the Cross ~ Church
 7:00pm      Boy Scouts ~ Zoom Meeting          Tuesday, March 16                  8:15AM                 For MGC Parish
 Saturday, March 20                             Miércoles, 17 de marzo             7:00PM                 For MGC Parish
 8:15am      Mass ~ Church
 5:00pm      Mass of Anticipation ~ Church      Thursday, March 18                 8:15AM                 For MGC Parish
 Sunday, March 21                               Saturday, March 20                 8:15AM          †     Lee Robert Chisnell
 10:00am Mass ~ Church                          Saturday, March 20                 5:00PM          †      Joseph Zukowski
 11:00am Catechism Classes for K5
             to pre-confirmation                Sunday, March 21                   10:00AM         †     Bernice McGregor
 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia              Domingo, 21 de marzo               12:00PM                 Diego Navarro
 5:30pm      Confirmation Class
             Sponsor Night
                                                                                Lector Schedule
                                                                      March 20:
                                                                               Beth Ahne

                                                                      March 21:
                                                                               Kathy Denk & Cornelius Amuhngwa
Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela ~ 14 de marzo, 2021
                                     6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Numero de teléfono: 414- 442-7600
                                                 Pagina de web: ~ Escuela FAX 442-0644
                            Misa de fin de semana: sábado 5:00 pm, domingo 10:00 am, domingo a las 12:00 pm en español
       Misas durante la semana: martes, jueves y sábado a las 8:15 AM en ingles y Miércoles a las 7:00 pm en español
 Confesión individual por cita únicamente, favor de comunicarse con el Padre Reed. Actualmente todas las misas están siendo
                        transmitidas por Facebook Live bajo el nombre Mother of Good Counsel Parish.

                                                                       Domingo, 14 de marzo, 2021
           La Oficina está abierta

     Lunes a Jueves de 8:00am-3:00pm
                                                                    Por los feligreses de
          Viernes 8:00-12:00 pm
                                                                   Madre del Buen Consejo
               Equipo Pastoral: Número de

Pastor: Padre Reed Mungovan, SDS
414 331 9687 celular o extensión 125
para mensajes únicamente                                     Las lecturas de la semana del
                                                                   14 de marzo, 2021
Director de Formación:
Mariza y Robert……………..414-899-1811                      Domingo: 2 Cr 36, 14-16. 19-23/Sal 136, 1-2. 3. 4-5. 6 [6]/
                                                               Ef 2, 4-10/ Jn 3, 14-21 o 1 Sm 16, 1. 6-7.       10-13/
Personal docente de la Escuela                                 Sal 22, 1-3. 3-4 5. 6 [1]/ Ef 5, 8-14/Jn 9, 1-41 o 9, 1.
                                                               6-9. 13-17. 34-38
Directora: Rachel Johnston……..ext.119                   Lunes: Is 65, 17-21/Sal 29, 2 y 4. 5-6. 11-12 y 13 [2]/Jn 4,
                                                        Martes: Ez 47, 1-9. 12/Sal 45, 2-3. 5-6. 8-9 [8]/Jn 5, 1-16
                                                        Miércoles: Is 49, 8-15/Sal 144, 8-9. 13-14. 17-18 [8]/Jn 5,
   Nuestra Misión como Parroquia                        Jueves: Ex 32, 7-14/Sal 105, 19-20. 21-22. 23 [4]/Jn 5, 31-
Madre del Buen Consejo es una comunidad                        47
católica comprometida a las enseñanzas de               Viernes: 2 Sm 7, 4-5. 12-14. 16/Sal 88, 2-3. 4-5. 27. 29
 Cristo Jesús a través de los ministerios de                   [37]/Rom 4, 13. 16-18. 22/ Mt 1, 16. 18-21. 24 o Lc
  eucaristía, oración, apoyo económico y                       2, 41-51
                                                        Sábado: Jr 11, 18-20/Sal 7, 2-3. 9-10. 11-12 [2]/Jn 7, 40-53
                ayuda social.
                                                        Domingo siguiente: Jr 31, 31-34/Sal 50, 3-4. 12-13. 14-15
                                                               [12]/Heb 5, 7-9/Jn 12, 20-33 o Ez 37, 12-14/Rom 8,
                                                               8-11/Sal 129, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 7-8 [7]/ Jn 11, 1-45 o 11,
                                                               3-7. 17. 20-27. 33-45
   Requisitos para la misa y fiesta de
 La quinceañera y su familia necesitan ser
 miembros de nuestra Iglesia por lo menos un               Estamos orgullosos y agradecidos con los Soldados y
 año.                                                      Veteranos de nuestra parroquia. Especialmente con
                                                           estos dos valientes, Junior León (Marine) hijo de
               La quinceañera necesita estar
                                                           Laura Rodríguez, y Nelson Xavier Nuñez (National
               involucrada en un ministerio
               en la misa por lo menos medio
                                                           Guard) hijo de Maria González Nuñez (Conchita).
               año y pertenecer a nuestro                  Tengamos a estos jóvenes y sus familias en
               programa de educación                       nuestras oraciones. ¡ Que Dios los bendiga!
Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
From the Desk of Father Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S.
  Dear Friends in Christ,

  This weekend we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Lent.

  Father Francisco Fernandez, in his book In Conversation with God, writes,
         “This Sunday is traditionally called Laetare Sunday from the opening words of the Entrance
         Antiphon. The strictness of the Lenten liturgy is interrupted on this Sunday with words that
         speak to us of joy. Today, rose-colored vestments, if they are available, are permitted in the
         place of purple, and the altar can be decked with flowers as on no other day in Lent.
         In this way the Church wishes to remind us that joy is perfectly compatible with mortification
         and pain. It is sadness and not penance which is opposed to happiness. Taking part to the
         utmost in this liturgical season which reaches its climax in the Passion, and hence in the
         suffering, we realize that approaching the Cross also means that the moment of our
         Redemption is coming even closer. In this way, the Church and each of her children are filled
         with joy: Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her.”
  O my Jesus, thank you for being the source of our joy. Amen.

  We continue to live-stream all our masses on They are then placed on our
  website: by Ms. Schwartz.

  We have raised about $170,000 for our Keep it Cool Campaign. Please help us to find a way to raise

  I appreciate you very much,
  Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
  Holy Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us.

             FOR THE WEEK
God’s messengers always seem to get mocked.
They speak a truth that some folks do not want
to hear. While on the one hand we admire them,
we also are quite happy keeping them at a
distance. After all, they are not referring to me
but someone else, aren’t they? We often wrongly
conclude that because we may be more
avant-garde, contemporary, politically sensitive,
and untraditional, we are somehow more in the
light than others. People tend to prefer darkness
more than light, even the most spiritually
sensitive among us. The light always carries with
it the richness of God’s mercy and compassion
which see beyond ideologies and concepts to
relationships that cultivate life, earthly and
eternal. Every hand of compassion and mercy
extended to a human being must always point
back to God. The call always involves ordering
our lives in accord with our truth and essence of
being. As God never forgets us, we must never
forget God. Now is the time to take stock of our
infidelity and return to the light, even though it is
difficult to look at.
Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
Desde el escritorio del Padre Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S.

 Queridos Amigos en Cristo,

 Hoy celebramos el Cuarto Domingo de la Cuaresma.

 El Padre Francisco Fernández escribe en su libro Hablar con Dios,
       “Este domingo es tradicionalmente conocido con el nombre de Domingo "Laetare", por la primera
       palabra de la Antífona de entrada. La severidad de la liturgia cuaresmal se ve interrumpida en
       este domingo que nos habla de alegría. Hoy está permitido que -si se dispone de ellos- los
       ornamentos del sacerdote sean color rosa en vez de morados, y que pueda adornar el altar con
       flores, cosa que no se hace los demás días de Cuaresma.
       La Iglesia quiere recordarnos así que la alegría es perfectamente compatible con la mortificación
       y el dolor. Lo que se opone a la alegría es la tristeza, no la penitencia. Viviendo con hondura este
       tiempo litúrgico que lleva hacia la Pasión -y por tanto hacia el dolor-, comprendemos que
       acercarnos a la Cruz significa también que el momento de nuestra Redención se acerca, está
       cada vez más próximo, y por eso la Iglesia y cada uno de sus hijos se llenan de alegría: Laetare,
       alégrate, Jerusalén, y alegraos con ella todos los que la amáis.”
 O mi buen Jesús, gracias por ser la fuente de nuestro gozo. Amen.

 Estamos transmitiendo las Misas por y están en nuestra pagina del web: por la Señora Schwartz de nuestra escuela.

 Tenemos $170.000 para nuestro sistema del aire-condicionado. Por favor, ayúdanos a cumplir nuestra meta,
 necesitamos $5.000.

 Les aprecio mucho,
 Padre Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
 Santa María, Madre del Buen Consejo, ruega por nosotros.

              DE LA SEMANA (Live the Liturgy)
Los mensajeros de Dios siempre parecen ser objeto
de burla. Dicen una verdad que algunas personas no
quieren escuchar. Si bien por un lado los admiramos,
también nos alegra mucho mantenerlos a distancia.
Después de todo, no se refieren a mí, sino a otra
persona, ¿no es así? A menudo llegamos a la
conclusión errónea de que debido a que podemos
ser más vanguardistas, contemporáneos, política-
mente sensibles y no tradicionales, de alguna
manera estamos más en la luz que otros. La gente
tiende a preferir la oscuridad más que la luz, incluso
los más sensibles espiritualmente entre nosotros. La
luz siempre lleva consigo la riqueza de la misericor-
dia y la compasión de Dios que ven más allá de las
ideologías y conceptos hacia las relaciones que
cultivan la vida, terrena y eterna. Cada mano de
compasión y misericordia que se extienda a un ser
humano siempre debe apuntar hacia Dios.
La llamada implica siempre ordenar nuestra vida de
acuerdo con nuestra verdad y esencia de ser. Como
Dios nunca nos olvida, nunca debemos olvidarnos de
Dios. Ha llegado el momento de hacer un balance de
nuestra infidelidad y volver a la luz, aunque sea difícil
de mirar.
Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Mass Schedule
                                                        Palm Sunday, March 28th

         Happy Birthday                                       5pm (Saturday)
                                                              10am in English
                                                              12pm in Spanish
                                15th—21st               Holy Thursday, April 1st
                                                              (No Morning Mass)
                                                              7pm Bilingual Mass
     Isaiah L Hair             Theresa Pawlak           Good Friday Service, April 2nd
  Emily Marie Laack         Jason Ponce Rodriguez             1pm in English
  Leah Pugh-Gaillard          Melvin Anderson Jr.             3pm in Spanish
     Donna Bieser              Nicholas Barnes          Holy Saturday, April 3rd
   Andrea E Kohut            Christopher J Brandt             (No Morning Mass)
  Eduardo Gonzalez                Juan Cortez                  8pm Bilingual Easter Vigil
    Misael Herrera               Ruby Herrera           Easter Sunday, April 4th
 John Scharfenberger            Patricia Lazaro               10am in English
   Patricia Alvarado            Israel Palacios               12pm in Spanish
     Erin Donohoe                Josefina Solis
 Bridget P Harrington           Patricia Sovey                Horario de misas para: Domingo de Ramos,
    Michael Lazaro               Owen Turner                           Semana Santa y Pascua
   June C Poeppel                                       Domingo de Ramos, 28 de marzo
     Irma Gomez                                                 5pm (sábado) en ingles
  Nicholas J Hauman                                             10am en ingles
     Patrick Morse                                              12pm en español
    Spencer Bangs                                       Jueves Santo
     Gail Dompke                                                Misa bilingüe a las 7pm
  Catherine Dziedzic                                    Viernes Santo
    Wallace Ehardt                                              1pm en ingles
      Kyle Kleist                                               3pm en español
                                                        Sabado de Gloria
SENIOR MINISTRY                                                 8pm Vigilia Pascual Bilingue
The Importance of Purpose in Later Life.                Domingo de Pascua
                                                                10am en ingles
“The best way to lengthen out our days is to                    12pm en español
walk steadily and with a purpose.” ―Charles
Dickens                                                 St. Margaret Mary Parish is asking for
                                                        volunteers to help with the
“Sometimes, we think that purpose must be some          Archdiocesan 12 hour Lenten Day
lofty undertaking, like Mother Theresa or Nelson        Reconciliation on Wed. March 24, 2021
Mandela. But, purpose is individual and can be          from 8 am to 8pm.
simple. Richard Leider, author of The Power of          They are in need of greeters and cleaners.
Purpose, says that if you get up every day with the     You don’t have to be there the 12 hrs. You can sign
intention to somehow grow and to somehow give,          up for as many or as few time slots as you would like.
you are living life with a purpose.                     Please call Mary at 414-461-6073 if you can help.
                                                        Thank you!
Remember the story of the bricklayers. When
asked: ‘What are you doing?’ The first bricklayer
said: ‘I am laying bricks.’ The second replied: ‘I am                    Living Well Campaign
building a cathedral.’ This response implies an         Donations can be placed on the Collection Baskets
ability to see the end result and how your work, no     using the Living Waters Fund envelope or mail it to the
matter how simple, contributes to that end”             Parish Office (6924 W Lisbon Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53210.

                                                        Checks for the Living Well Project should be made out to
                       Stations Of The Cross            the Salvatorian Sisters .
                                                        *Please indicate in the memo line that the donation is for
                        Stations of the Cross            Living Waters.
                         Fridays at 6:30pm.
                                                        Thanks to your generosity, so far we had raised $5,753!

                                                                                     Translators Needed
                                                                         MGC is actively looking for volunteers to
  Sunday                                                                 help translate information from English to
 March 14th                                                              Spanish. If you are able to help us out
                                                                         please contact Gaby at 414-442-7600
                                                                         ext.102. Thank you.
Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
2021 Easter Memorials                                          Memoriales de Pascua 2021
Honor your loved ones by                                   Honre a sus seres queridos
participating in our annual Easter                         participando en nuestro Memorial
Memorial. You may honor family                             anual de Pascua . Puede honrar a
and friends, both living and deceased. Please fill         familiares y amigos, tanto vivos como
out the following form and return it in the collection     fallecidos.Favor de llenar el formula-
basket or to the Parish office before March 28, for        rio de abajo y ponerlo en la canasta o traerlo a
publishing in the Easter Bulletin.                         la oficina parroquial antes del 28 de marzo, para
                                                           poder publicarlo en el Boletín de Pascua.
Directions: Enter the names of your loved ones
you would like to remember, and note if they               Instrucciones: Escriba los nombres de las personas
are living or deceased. All memorials for those            a quienes desea recordar u honrar con una dona-
living will be “In Honor of” and all memorials             ción a la parroquia, Madre del Buen Consejo y
for those who are deceased will be ‘In Memory              mencione si han fallecido o viven. Toda donación
of”. You may also choose to make a gift “In                honrando a aquellos que viven, se colocarán en la
Thanksgiving for Blessings Received”.                      columna “En Honor a” y las donaciones para
                                                           recordar a los difuntos se colocarán en la colum-
Your donations will go towards the Easter                  na “En Memoria de”. También puedes dar una
Lilies and other Church Decorations.                       donación “por dones o bendiciones recibidas”.
                                                           Sus donaciones serán usadas para cubrir el costo
(Please print)                                             de las flores y otras decoraciones del templo.
1. Name of person/s:                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
_____________________________________________               1. Nombre de la persona
Living? _____ Deceased? _____                              _________________________________________________
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       Vive?_____            Difunto?_____
2. Name of person/s:                                       2. Nombre de la persona
                                                           Vive?_____            Difunto?_____
Living? _____ Deceased? _____
                                                           3. Nombre de la persona
3. Name of person/s:                                       __________________________________________________
                                                           Vive?_____       Difunto?_____
_____________________________________________              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Living? _____ Deceased? _____
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    Por bendiciones recibidas favor de marcar
If for blessings received please check_____
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Donación dado $______________________
      Enclosed is a gift for $___________                       Nombre_______________________________
      Name:___________________________                          Dirección:_____________________________
      Address:_________________________                         Ciudad/Estado/Código Postal_________
      City:_____________________________                        ________________________________________
      State & Zip Code:________________                         Numero de sobre:______________________
      Envelope #:______________________                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    Los memoriales y honorarios recibidos hasta el 28 de
                                                           marzo serán reconocidos en nuestro boletín de Pascua.
Memorials and Honorariums received by March 28th
will be acknowledged in our Easter bulletin. Gifts         Donaciones recibidas después de esta fecha serán
received after that time will be acknowledged in a later   publicadas en un boletín posterior.
Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
PASTORAL STAFF: MGC Main Number 414-442-7600
                                                            Pastor: Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
Please remember in your prayers: Donna Baughn, Anne                414-331-9687 cell or ext. 125 for messages only
Bauer, Valerie Bradford, Richard Bowd, Laura Brzakala,   
Emily Collins, Harold Dallapiazza, Quirt Dallapiazza, Ron   Deacon Andy Meuler................................................x104
DeHarde, Arlyne Fleissner, Ellen Fredricks, Scott        
Fredricks, Maria Godinez, Ginny Hack, Barbara Kass,         Deacon Dean Collins................................. 262-782-0535
Beth Klamerus Newton, Ed Kovochich, Art Kreitzer,
Mark Nadolski, Jose Navarro Jr, Lucy Navarro, Kris       
Nehrbass, Jack O’Dell, Marlene & Joe Oswald, Elaine         Directors of Faith Formation: Mariza Cruz Konzal
Reidy, Joel Rivera,, Jose Sanchez, Annette Swanson,, Mary   & Robert Konzal…….……….…ext. 107 or 414-899-1811
Uhlenkamp, Paul Willmering, Jeffrey Yockey, Barbara      
                                                            Director of Music: Linda July……….........................x103
If you know of someone who needs or would appreciate     
a visit from Fr. Reed please call: 414-442-7600 ext. 125.   Director of Business Office :
                                                            Sandy De La Garza…............................................... x105
                                                            Finance Assistant: Kathy Mymudes………………...x105
              Military Prayer list                       
                                                            Director of Facilities: Adolfo Delgado……............. x168
  National Guard; Nelson Xavier Nunez, son of               Administrative Assistant:
  Maria Gonzalez Nunez (Conchita)                           Gaby Rodriguez………………………………….........x102
  Marine Luis Ornelas, son of Rosa Laura Reynoso         
  Ramirez                                                   SCHOOL STAFF
                                                            Principal: Rachel Johnston ……............................. x119
  Navy Petty Officer Kyle Walcheske, nephew of
  Cathy Walcheske
                                                            School Secretary: Barb Berthold …........................ x118
  Air Force; Louis Cruz, nephew of Robert & Mariza       
  Konzal                                                    Director of ECP: Mindy Kwiatkowski…………..….. x123
  Senior Chief Petty Officer U.S. Coast Guard            
  Kenneth Seefeld, grandson of Elaine Seefeld               Cafeteria Director: Lisa Klug…………….…………...x122
  Marine Sergeant Dwain J. Burke, nephew of                 Trustees
  Brenda & Bob Beaumier                                     Karen Murphy & Dan Scholz
  Army Sergeant Major James Cook, son of Mary &             Pastoral Council Chairperson: Phil Koth..414-350-3745
  Michael Cook
                                                            St. Vincent DePaul: ……………….….414-442-7600 x155
  Air Force Sergeant Kurt Buckawiecki, grandson-
  in-law of Arthur Kreitzer                                 Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound
                                                            Mary Betzwieser………….…………….……414-313-0012
  Special Forces Army Sergeant Joshua Kohut, an
  MGC Graduate & son of Kathy Kohut                         Other Ministries:
  Army Warrant Officer Bradley Dompke, Godson               Contact the Parish Office at 414-442-7600 x102 or the
  of Tony and Gail Dompke                                   School Office x118. For a more complete listing of our
                                                            ministries check our website at
  Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant David John
  Winter, son of Joan M. Winter and John F. Winter
                                                            We are streaming masses live on
  PFC Marine Stephen Thelaner, grandson of Dan &   (at https://
  Judith Scholz
                                                   ) or
  Please keep them and all people affected by war in        on our parish and school
  your Prayers and thoughts! Contact us in the Parish       website
  Office if you have any family members or friends
  who are currently serving and we will add their
  names to our prayer list.
Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021 Thank you Billy Preibisch & Christian Breden from Troop 61 for choosing MGC to complete their Eagle Projects! - March 14, 2021
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